Eastern Virginia

I live in the middle of the woods. My friends joke that I’m of the fae and can’t grasp the idea of modern idealism because I’m so used to stepping out into the forest and exploring. I can’t remember exactly if the story I’m about to tell you took place after my parents divorce (my mum bought house a couple minutes away from my dads.) but I don’t think it matters too much. One time, my identical twin brother, lu, went out walking in the woods by himself. Which sounds kinda stupid, but it wasn’t hunting season, he was probably wearing bright colors, he had his communication device, and he knew the woods relatively well. Some of the woods belongs to our elderly neighbor, some of it the property of the historical park we lived in. I know my woods very well now, I know where spots I like to hang out are. Back to the story, lu went walking and after a while we noticed he’d been gone for quite a while. I think at one point he called us on his weird kiddy watch thing and told us he was lost. He said he didn’t know where he was, but at one point he stumbled across a little pond. My mother and I looked at a map of where we lived and found that pond, and we went to go looking for him. After quite a while we did, I don’t remember what happened after that (keep in mind I was relatively young at the time, it’s been many years) but I remember once we were back on our property he told me that he had found a “town”. He said he found destroyed sheds made of old, old metal and wire fencing. I remember him saying something about a chicken coop or doghouse, but I think it was just a shed. Now this isn’t too odd, but the thing that still bothers me to this day is that we never found it. I’ve looked through my woods many times, charted locations in my head, and I’ve never come across that little area. When I think of the memory all I can picture are sheds and a wire cage. There is a dog and I fear it may bite me.

Submitted by: Anonymous


Around 4am we saw bright light balls that looked like they came out of the ground. They would travel at high speed any multiple directions.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Yerington Paiute Tribe Tribal
Around June-July 2024 (not sure of the actual date)

Hello! This is my story about this white car me and others close to me have been seeing. So usually me and my family visit this store often. We usually get snacks and stuff like that. And in a small town like this you don't really tend to find weird things like this so whenever you do experience phenomenons like this it can be very scary. There is this poll sticking up out of the ground near this shop kinda close to the road. We usually just walk past it but this one time, I was staring at the road and I see this white small car driving on the road coming towards us. I didn't think much of it at first until the car just disappeared once it passed the poll from what I could see. Sure this only happened once to me ever but my mom is really into matrix and stuff like that so when I saw it, it really freaked me out. No one else in my family saw it besides me. But sooner or later I asked my uncle about it and he said hes seen that more than 2 times over in that area. I feel like there's something that is causing this yet I have no idea. It's just a weird thing I thought Id share for my first post. Thank you.

Submitted by: Karma

Morumbi garden

Oi, eu tinha descido para brincar com as minhas amigas, nos brincamos e quando ficou de noite iamos subir, mas minha amiga estava indo para o predio dela ate que sentiu um empurrao e caiu no chao du nada, ela ralou um pouco o joelho, entao nao foi fake.

Submitted by: Lvia

In my house
September 2020

One night I was getting something to eat in my kitchen, going for the fridge. When you enter the kitchen it's just an open frame and to the left there is the fridge. As I turned around after retrieving something, I briefly saw what looked like an emaciated head poking into the entrance of the kitchen, which quickly pulled out of view. That is when at the time of this writing I started to connect the dots; when I was younger I was sitting on the floor watching TV when all of a sudden I heard someone or something whisper in my ear "Hi"; it sounded like a male in his 30s or 40s,, and I was all alone that time. Maybe it was that entity that poked its head into the kitchen looking at me.

Submitted by: Gabriel


White shaggy haired humanoid like animal running on four legs from the middle Fork River across the road into and the woods just before a thunderstorm at around 10pm

Submitted by: Anonymous


Um OVNI grande com formato redondo oval com fogo

Submitted by: Anonymous


Uma noite eu estava no meu quarto assistindo vídeos, (de terror) até que eu vi a minha gata miando, então eu fui lá abrir a porta para ela (a noite, ela sai de casa e vai para o quintal para fazer suas necessidades, e eu tenho que abrir a porta para ela) então eu fui lá abrir a porta para ela, mas só que eu virei e vi que ela estava dormindo, em uma cadeira, e tinha alguma coisa atrás da porta, E aí eu senti que eu tava sendo observada então eu saí correndo E voltei para o meu quarto, eu não sei o que aconteceu, desculpa qualquer erro de escrita espero que vocês tenham gostado, e até mais Detalhes: Era umas 21:00 ou 22:00 Todo mundo estava dormindo Eu estava assistindo um vídeo falando de skinwalker (eu não sei se aquilo era um skinWalker poderia ser um gato de rua)

Submitted by: Sooph

Larose, Louisiana Bayou Lafourche
July 22-28th 2024

Community reports of a bat-winged lurking form on the top of our lift bridge. The first oil spill in our Bayou happened a few weeks later. See links below https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=992308569023926&set=gm.7534268120029604&idorvanity=743980399058444&locale=fr_FR https://www.facebook.com/reel/769193288484960

Submitted by: Alexis Braud


Um animal estranho em quatro patas grande caçando no bosque do condomínio acho que era um chupa cabra

Submitted by: Camila


Na minha escola no último dia de aula eu e meu amigo estávamos conversando e eu comecei a falar das minhas primeira experiência com monstros, fantasmas até que ele disse que também já viu essas coisas até que ele olhou para árvore pela janela da sala e viu uma grande criatura negra sem cor que parecia a de um jogo chamado popy playti e qundo fui olhar tinha simplesmente sumido,ficamos alguns minutos falando disso até que donada comecei a passar male depois de 1 minutos passou achei estranho,meu amigo pediu a professora para ir ao banheiro quando chegou disse ele me disse que parecia estar sendo sigido até o banheiro depois eu também fui pra checar e aconteceu a mesma coisa falei isso pra minha amiga até que ela foi ao banheiro pra checar também e ela voutol dizendo que a luz do banheiro piscou o chão tremeu e ela disse que ouviu uma espécie de coisa cantarolando e quando olhei a mão dela tinha um machucado no dedo como se forre um aranhão e ela sempre fugia do assunto quando perguntava sobre o dedo dela quando fui embora não aconteceu nada meses depois fiquei com tanta raiva da quelas coisas que xingue elas numa rampa sozinho até que escutei um barulho na telha que estava emsima de mim era como se fosse um barulho semelhante a um gato raivoso fui checar e não tinha nada fugi pra sala, no recreio olhei pra telha novamente e vi uma pessoa negra sem olho nem boca como uma sombra correndo e sumiu no ar . Meses depois quando estava na vã indo pra escola olhei pro telhado de uma casa e vi uma mariposa pousando com tanta força no telhado que quase_o quebrou suas asas tinham pelo menos o tamanho de uma criança de 5 anos seu corpo também de largura era o tamanho de um pré adolescente até hoje não superei isso.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Lagoon river
23 July 2023

It was a rainy day when I went for a walk around and then headed into the nearby forest to go to the river. The walk was normal up until I came close to the river when all of a sudden all the frogs and birds stopped making noise. I could barely see the river through the bushes and trees and saw what I first thought was foam but then it rose and moved upstream. I realized I was looking at the fur of some sort of bipedal creature and at that point it had left my vision. I unsheathed my pocket knife and walked backwards while slightly crouching until I got out of the forest at which point I ran home

Submitted by: Anonymous

A-366 Malaga
20 July 2024

Last week I was driving back to Malaga from Ronda. It was a full moon and very chill ride with Cindy Lee music. For about 5 minutes i felt a bit creeped out it was around midnight by then. My parents were both looking at a rat on the road but i was still looking at the bushes on the side of the highway, i saw a tall all white person with glowing eyes and a small white person next to it, they were skinny and had blackish grey eyes which were the only things i could make out from their bodies, i dont know if they were glowing from the headlights or because they glow. My parents didnt see them because they saw the rat. It freaked me out a bit but it wasnt the worst ive seen, just caught me by suprise. I know the land over there was pretty haunted. I dont know if they were a spirit or cryptoid or what

Submitted by: Anonymous


Essa história é bem curta e foi meu quinto acontecimento paranormal que até hj tá acontecendo. Tudo começou quando tinha 10 ou 11 anos eu estava na minha sala a noite vendo TV, quando eu fui ver o horário já era 2 horas da manhã, mais não me importava e continuei a ver normalmente, até que a TV trava e tudo fica verde, eu olho pra janela e ouvo esse barulho:"tric trac tric trac..." sem parar parecendo que tava fazendo um buraco pra entrar pra dentro, bem eu me assustei e fui correndo avisar meus pais e eles falaram que era gato e eu acreditei, pra não ter mais medo ainda. Tinha passado uma semana do ocorrido e novamente isso acontece mais dessa vez eu fico parada e quieta, o barulho para e tudo fica quieto demais, e a TV troca de canal é eu troco e boto pro oque eu tava vendo, fiquei com mais medo ainda e fui dormir como se nada tivesse acontecido. Se passa 1 mês e minha mãe tinha lavado a cortina e tava sem lá na sala (a janela é aquelas de porta) E eu me lembro do barulho e decido que eu vou ficar até as 2 da manhã pra ver quem era aquele ser, chega de noite e como tinha dito fiquei lá, e chega o horário com mt medo só esperei e quando já estava desistindo eu olho pra trás e vejo um humano sem olho sem nariz e com a pele preta e quando eu digo preta é preto, e só com os olhos vermelhos e piscando a posição não era humana, como boa medrosa que sou corri e até deixei a TV ligada e fui dormir e no outro dia não falei uma palavra sobre aquilo e nunca mais toquei no assunto. Até hoje, só estou contando aqui pq queria testar o site, a história é real e tanto que de vez em quando a relatos dessa mesma coisa na minha vizinha

Submitted by: Annimo

i dont rememeber

i dreamed about using this site once

Submitted by: Anonymous

Fort valley

around 2016. I was in elementary school 4-5 grade or so. It was night time, after my karate class. We had to stop by CVS on the way home. I stayed in the car, I was sitting in the trunk of our jeep because we had a big family and there wasn’t enough room. I was looking out of the window when I saw these lights, I remember they were either white or grayish or gold. There were buildings blocking and it was farther away on the horizon so I didn’t see exactly where from but they were floating up into the air from the ground. There were several of them. They slowly floated up until they reached a certain point in the sky and it was as if they like hit something because when they reached that point an even bigger light flashed and the lights dissapeared, almost as if it was little ships going into a mothership? I’ve tried doing research but have never been able to find anything. If you have any leads or similar experience or answers email me! theodore.troutman@gmail.com

Submitted by: Theo


Aqui é uma cidade de 15 minutos, e tem câmeras por todos os lugares, então, já passa uma sensação de monitoramento. Tudo tem seu ônus e bônus, pois c isso a criminalidade não é alta! Mas comecei achar tudo muito estranho qdo comecei a tomar sol na varanda e minhas pernas ficarem com marcas de pequenos hexágonos, como se houssese uma cúpula sobre a cidade e a a luz fosse refratada (como aqueles hexagonos no canto superior do vidro da frente do carro). Fiquei tomando sol assim por 1 ano e fiz perguntava p as pessoas se viam isso na minha perna, e todas disseram: sim. Então, fui p praia em outro Estado e igualei o bronzeado, no início das férias os hexágonos ficaram super evidentes, depois o bronzeado igualou. Voltei, e comecei a tomar sol na piscina, achei q essas manchas poderia ser pela posição angular ao sol, da minha varanda. Nesse dia, eu estava sozinha e vi no céu 2 orbis e filmei, e chamei o porteiro, e todo mundo viu a mesma coisas. Mostrei o vídeo p meus parentes, e ficaram c aquela cara de interrogação. Eles se mexiam, eram no tom cinza para branco e não tinha como ser balão, helicóptero ou drone. Eu acho que essa cidade é monitorada e faz parte de algum projeto estranho por se fazer tudo em 15 minutos, certinho, p qq direção! Uma cúpula limitado o espaço de 15 minutos que gerou as manchas na pele e os orbis que viagiam a cidade, como um jogo City Skyline.

Submitted by: Anonymous


Aqui é uma cidade de 15 minutos, e tem câmeras por todos os lugares, então, já passa uma sensação de monitoramento. Tudo tem seu ônus e bônus, pois c isso a criminalidade não é alta! Mas comecei achar tudo muito estranho qdo comecei a tomar sol na varanda e minhas pernas ficarem com marcas de pequenos hexágonos, como se houssese uma cúpula sobre a cidade e a a luz fosse refratada (como aqueles hexagonos no canto superior do vidro da frente do carro). Fiquei tomando sol assim por 1 ano e fiz perguntava p as pessoas se viam isso na minha perna, e todas disseram: sim. Então, fui p praia em outro Estado e igualei o bronzeado, no início das férias os hexágonos ficaram super evidentes, depois o bronzeado igualou. Voltei, e comecei a tomar sol na piscina, achei q essas manchas poderia ser pela posição angular ao sol, da minha varanda. Nesse dia, eu estava sozinha e vi no céu 2 orbis e filmei, e chamei o porteiro, e todo mundo viu a mesma coisas. Mostrei o vídeo p meus parentes, e ficaram c aquela cara de interrogação. Eles se mexiam, eram no tom cinza para branco e não tinha como ser balão, helicóptero ou drone. Eu acho que essa cidade é monitorada e faz parte de algum projeto estranho por se fazer tudo em 15 minutos, certinho, p qq direção! Uma cúpula limitado o espaço de 15 minutos que gerou as manchas na pele e os orbis que viagiam a cidade, como um jogo City Skyline.

Submitted by: Anonymous


Era por volta de outubro de 2022, eu tinha começado a sair com um garoto quando tudo começou. Eu nunca tive problemas de acordar no meio da madrugada porém nessa noite foi bem diferente, na época minha cama ficava de frente para a porta do meu quarto que também era de frente para o meu banheiro, eu dormia com os pés para a porta. Nessa noite eu acordei repentinamente por volta das 03:00 da manhã, assim que olhei o relógio do meu celular tive a estranha sensação de estar sendo observado, nessa hora eu olhei para os meus pés, consegui ver uma sombra estranha no banheiro, a princípio pensei que fosse uma toalha pendurada, mas quando minha visão se adaptou pude ver a figura alta no fundo do banheiro, se parecia com um homem tão alto que ultrapassava a entrada do banheiro, seus braços e pernas eram cumpridos e ele tinha o cabelo grande também. Eu o encarei pelo que pareceu minutos e foi quando eu adormeci do nada. Hoje em dia eu não consigo mais dormir com a porta do banheiro aberta. Não foi a primeira vez que eu o vi, mas foi o episódio mais assustador, e depois que eu parei de sair com o garoto, citado no início, esses episódios pararam. TRANSLATION BY GOOGLE TRANSLATOR: It was around October 2022, I had started seeing a boy when it all started. I've never had a problem waking up in the middle of the night, but that night it was very different, at the time my bed was facing the door to my bedroom, which was also facing my bathroom, I slept with my feet facing the door. That night I woke up suddenly at around 3:00 am, as soon as I looked at the clock on my cell phone I had the strange feeling of being watched, at that time I looked at my feet, I could see a strange shadow in the bathroom, at first I thought it was a hanging towel, but when my vision adjusted I could see the tall figure at the back of the bathroom, it looked like a man so tall that he was over the entrance to the bathroom, his arms and legs were long and he had big hair too . I stared at him for what seemed like minutes and that's when I fell asleep out of nowhere. Nowadays I can no longer sleep with the bathroom door open. It wasn't the first time I saw him, but it was the scariest episode, and after I stopped going out with the boy mentioned at the beginning, these episodes stopped.

Submitted by: Gustavo

Não lenbro

Estava na catequese quando vi imagens de coisas e pedi pra deus que o mal saise da minha vida ai no futurinho nesse mês dia 10 a dia 14 eu esquetei meu pai me chamando mas ele tava trabalhando e no dia 15 eu e meu irmão estávamos sósinhos eu escutei um gato na rua mas meu gato taba dentro de casa eu me sinto seguro com Deus

Submitted by: Anonymous

London, Ontario
July 14, 2024

TW: brief Mention of self ending life. 4 friends and I came to London Ontario to host and facilitate a market specifically for folks of the pagan and witchcraft spaces. We are not ones to shy away from experiences in high strangeness. However, as soon as the via rail train came close to the London stop, we began experiencing things that just make all of us very uneasy. This could be a 2,000 word essay but I will sum up some of the more eerie bits. Firstly, the train, it felt like the ride would literally never end. When the announcer would say 10 mins to London, we swear this happened a number of times. All of us experienced this. We chalked it up to us all being very tired from our flights from B.C. We didn’t get to our Airbnb until past 10PM. With the time change and flying it all felt pretty strange, so we all just hung out in the Airbnb - had pizza and went to sleep because we had to be up very early for the market we hosted. We noticed on the ride over to centennial hall that the whole town just felt vacant, it was a Saturday and there was supposed to be a music concert in the park right in front of the hall….yet nothing was being set up. The hall was amazing- our tech was such a lovely human being and was stoked for us to be there bringing our witchcraft and wyrdness to London and centennial hall. Our tech clearly loved their job and the building itself felt that… we were in the lower level area, upstairs is the auditorium. When I walked down the stairs there is a curved foyer to get into the hall, that felt a little liminal but nothing too spooky. The market got going and then I forgot about ebbing except for having everything run smoothly. When I finally had a moment I went to the bathroom. Immediately if felt like entering a back room. To the left was the bathroom, down a long hallway that felt like it went on forever. Even though you could clearly see the end. To the right is picture #1, a stairwell going down.. this could have been an entrance to the underground parking area. I couldn’t believe how eerie it felt. I entered the space to the right instead of heading straight to the bathroom. Immediately to the right of that space was a stairwell going up.. I looked up and say picture #2. It just didn’t make sense, I was puzzled but again, nothing too weird. I went to the bathroom and when I came out, I decided to enter the hall from the opposite side so that I can see what was at the end of the hallway. About 2/3rds of the way, the sensation I usually feel when my psychic senses are piqued happened. Along with this sensation I had the feeling that indeed, the hallway would go on forever. And then like a blip I was at the very end where the entrance back to the hall was. I went further into the alcove space. It was an exact replica of what was on the opposite end of the hall only there wasn’t s little room to the left, it was the entrance to the hall, and then further you go it goes downstairs (again assuming it was for the underground). To the left, of the stairwell is the classroom entrance….why they would need 4 entrances into the classroom I will never know but we will get to the architecture later. As I stepped into the classroom immediately to my right was the darkest visual spot I’ve ever seen, I later found out it is a mop closet. I wish I had taken a picture because as our tech described, it’s the most Saw movie looking thing you’ve ever seen, and it was aptly described. My body literally propelled me past that point. I went through the large accordion door back into the main hall and picked up the market where I left off. A couple hours later, I went to the back of the market area where the kitchen was to get to the loading bay on ground level, there is also 2 doors to get to the classroom to get to this location, and another hallway picture #3. We later found out at the end of the hall is the very old boiler room, complete with hissing and clanking. Our tech was busy upstairs because we were all set downstairs. The next time I saw them, I asked about whether there was anything they noticed about the building or if they had any experiences…..and I quote “oh yeah I do! It’s like a back room! And there’s a ghost. His name is George and he lives in the mop closet and sometimes he isn’t kind”..okay cool, good to know. So at the end of the night our tech agreed to have a little mini tour with us, I voice recorded it (7:29). I told them I wanted to just walk with them and if they could tell me what they experienced I would tell them what I experienced after. They also let us know that the architect of the building ended his own life because the city kept changing his plans for the hall, which is why everything feels so disconnected, why there’s loops where there shouldn’t be, long halls where there shouldn’t be. Just nothing feels quite right. We shared our experiences and then wrapped up the rest of the evening. If I have permission to share the v recording I will come back to update. Fast forward to how bizarre this town his, my partner said it feels like everyone is s pod person, or like the beta version of a reality that didn’t get updated lol We all felt pretty uneasy about the whole town and the weather and heat index didn’t help. So we decided for our final day to go to the movie theatre. Welp, imagine cinema was in an all but condemned mall…it was EMPTY except for a few people. We walked in the mall the try to find the cinema but the escalators weren’t working picture #4. Not a big deal, but it was really eerie and we were just gobsmacked by how strange this entire experience was. There were no people either. Like there were in the cinema but on the streets and sidewalks, even on Saturday, it was just empty. No one hanging out or walking around. The architecture around Ontario is gorgeous, but London Ontario all for every house that looks like it’s well kept, there are 4 that aren’t. Like yes economically it’s not great it just feels for with everything else we noticed and felt. There are a few more things but I need to stop there. Because quite frankly, we’re still here and I just really want to get out of here.

Submitted by: Amanda


Houve um avistamento na região rural de um "homem" com olhos brilhantes de felinos. Uma noite, por volta das 22h, dirigia-se por uma estrada de chão para chegar a uma casa localizada num sitio onde estava ocorrendo um churrasco e uma confraternização entre familiares. Era um trecho curto de estrada bem sinuosa e esburacada então se fazia necessário dirigir devagar e com atenção. O trajeto dura cerca de 30 minutos. Num dos trechos retos uma figura de media estatura, que parecia vestir um terno com uma gravata borboleta roxa, foi iluminada pelos faróis. Destacavam-se os olhos brilhantes que se assemelhavam com os de gatos, de felinos em geral. Não posso dar uma descrição das feições pois foi tão marcante os olhos felinos e a gravata borboleta roxa que o entorno parece que se tornou um borrão.

Submitted by: Anonymous

North Yorkshire

I’ve grown up here but my parents took us on a lot of holidays throughout my childhood, and throughout the years each return home has felt tougher than the last. There’s something so thin and falsifying about this place, the dampened grey pathetic excuse of a sky, the thick nulling woodlands twisting into copy and paste formats of the same dreary towns. I might sound like a nihilistic whiny teenager whining over how much i hate everything, but i don’t. I’ve seen beauty in the world, and felt it. Anyone who has lived here will understand how painfully depressing it is, to the point of questioning reality. It feels like a liminal space, a back room, the place a non player character drifts around when no one is online.

Submitted by: anonymous

Uma experiência muito paia

Minha família e católica e por conta disso sempre fui bem chegado na igreja e tbm virei uma guarda da santa e por conta disso eu recebi um terço de guarda o terço era bemzido por um padre antes de chegar na minha mão, quando eu ia dormi eu e meus pais tínhamos o costume de fazer uam oração antes de dorme e nesse tempo eu dormia no quarto deles por que eu tinha medo de dormi sozinho e nessa noite nos fizemos a oração normal como sempre e todas as vezes que fazíamos uma oração eu guardava meu terço dentro do quadra roupa que ficava do lado da rede em que eu dormia e eu sempre deixa o terço de uma maneira específica e depôs de guardar o terço eu sempre fechada aporta do guarda roupa pos eu não conseguia dormi com ela aberta , e depois que fiz tudo isso fui pra minha rede dormi , e mas tarde da noite eu acordo e quando olho pro lado vejo uma mulher muito alto com uma saia rosa bem grande e suja que ia até o chão e uma xasa tbm rosa mas em outro tô que tbm estava sujo e ela estava mechedo no meu terço, no momento que vi ela me assustei e quando ela foi olhar pra mim eu gritei e pfechei os olhos e quando abri vi a porta do guarda roupa aberta e meu terco totalmente mexido do jeito que eh nao deixava ,meus pai acordaram na mesma hora e me perguntarão oque tinha acontecido e eu expliquei oque tinha visto e ele incrivelmente acreditaram em mim e me ajudaram a dormi denovo , e até hj eu não sei oque rolou na quela noite me pergunto oque foi aquilo e não sei explicar oque aconteceu, isso já aconteceu a uns 8 anos pos eu tenho 16 anos agora e quando aquilo ocorreu eu era uma criança ainda

Submitted by: Pedro

Ricardo Lucas

Era de tarde e eu estava na casa da minha mãe e mãe tinha botado a minha comida no prato, e eu fui no quarto da minha mãe pra assistir o Youtube e decidi pega o Tanborete preto pra coloca meu prato no Tanborete. Quando eu coloquei meu parto no Tanborete e virei minha cabeça pra cima e olhei pra janela, eu vi uma garota pálida com vestido branco e com cabelos cinzas com preto e eu sai do quarto eu fui pra minha prima que estava deitada no sofá e falei "foi você que passou no terraço?" ela respondeu "não" e lembrei que minha irmã tava deitada cama e minha mãe comendo e meu pai comendo também.

Submitted by: Atro

Ricardo lucas

Era de tarde e eu estava na casa da minha mãe e tava na hora do almoço e mãe botou a minha comida eu fui pro quarto dela pra comer lá e assistindo no YouTube na TV, eu decidi pega um Tanborete pra coloca meu prato e eu peguei o Tanborete e coloquei no chão. Mas quando eu coloquei o prato no Tanborete e levantei a cabeça e olhei pra janela... Eu vi uma garota pálida vestindo com um vestido cinza e com cabelos pretos e cinzas e eu vi o rosto dela, ela parecia com a minha prima eu não tinha certeza que era ela, eu abri a porta e eu vi ela deitada no sofá eu peguntei a ela se ela tinha passado no terraço e ela tinha falado que não. Eu percebi que minha irmã tava deitada na cama e minha mãe e meu pai tavam na mesa comendo...

Submitted by: Ricardo lucas

25 de outubro de 1999

Esse outro relato é do meu tio. Ele sempre andava nos matos perto da floresta e por vezes seguia as antigas trilhas ao lado do pequeno riacho. Eram suas caminhadas espirituais matinais, e por vezes noturnas. Tinham dias que ele fazia esse caminho, dando suas voltas pelos matos, até de madrugada. Ele dizia que quase toda a vez, sentia um frio na barriga e um sentimento de que estava sendo observado por algo. Foi em uma dessas madrugadas, quase topando um novo dia, que ele ouviu, ao seu lado estalos no mato, como passos pesados, e o arrastar de troncos das árvores. Eram altos e estrondosos estalos. Virou a cabeça e viu alguma coisa subindo nas árvores. Depois de ver aquilo ele só pensou em correr até chegar pálido e ofegante na casa onde estava minha família e amigos. Ele afirma que não era um animal, pois o corpo daquele ser, embora pequeno, de um metro e pouquinho, tinha corpo de um homem, pernas de bode, e uma calda. Além de ser bem magro sua pele tinha um tom avermelhado. Depois desse ocorrido, meu tio nunca mais saiu de casa.

Submitted by: RafaR

On my front porch

Something at my door Wonder who its looking for Not the Amazon guy Because clearly it can fly..

Submitted by: Susan Collins

Patrick Heath Public Library

Me and my friends like to go to the public library every Wednesday after school and every once and awhile we’ll be there after dark and you can here voices and noises that don’t sound right in the woods behind the library. One time I was with a friend when we heard something like cult chanting in the woods and very unusual animal sounds. Another time my friends were hanging out in the woods after they sunset and I left randomly because I went to wait for my parents to pick me up and they heard high pitch screaming in the woods. Usually when we hear things in the woods we assume it’s just deer but I don’t think deer can scream the way my friends described the sound. We like to make jokes that it’s Skinwalkers when we hear the voices and screams but it feels like they get closer every time we make jokes about it.

Submitted by: Owen


Para contexto minha janela e daquelas no estilo frances, grandes e abertas e extremamente luminosas. Sendo assim, numa noite quando guardei meus fones de ouvido e celular para dormir como faco quase toda noite tropecei com os olhos no telhado vizinho, aonde parecia ter uma sombra preta de algo sentado nele, a criatura parecia humanoide e conforme a luz da lua e do poste batia contra sua figura era possivel notar que tinha cabelos longos e desgrenhados. Deitado em minha cama, encarando fixamente tive a impressao de ve-la mexer seu pescoco. Nao sei ao certo o que era, mas toda noite a figura preta esta la. Isso me assusta.

Submitted by: Douglas Francisco

Estrada de Mogi das Cruzes Trail

While walking the side trail, besides a unique strange feeling and chills, I was able to hear a constant and clear beeping noise coming from near a small lookout. I tried to find the source of it, but wasn't able to.

Submitted by: Anonymous

O cavalo da morte-

Eu não lembro muito do Dia da data que ocorreu essa história mas lembro como ela aconteceu Bom era um dia muito bom o sol não tão quente e não tão gelado mas era morno quando minha mãe foi sair pra ver o céu ela viu um bicho preto voando ela me chamou para ver e o bicho parecia um cavalo ou uma pessoa até um certo momento o bicho sumiu nas nuvens ninguém sabe se é algo mitológico ou algo extraterrestre. ...

Submitted by: Anonymous


Estava retornando do sítio dos meus pais em um sábado a tarde, por volta das 17:40 e antes de chegar na estrada é necessário ir por um ramal com estrada de chão mesmo e no caminho tem algumas fazendas, o que facilita a vista do horizonte devido aos grandes pastos. E nesse dia, a tarde estava meio nublada, com muitas nuvens no céu, nesse percurso, vimos uma luz branca se movimentando no céu, mais rápida e muito mais alta que um avião, além de mim, outras pessoas que estavam no carro também avistaram e nós se quer tivemos ação de pegar o telefone e filmar pois além de rápido a luz logo adentrou às nuvens e desapareceu. O mais bizarro é que na semana seguinte alguns jornais locais noticiaram aparições estranhas nos céus em alguns municípios próximos desse local.

Submitted by: Anonymous

San Anselmo

My aunt (who has since passed) lived alone in a small house here for many years. She had a handful of people throughout the years tell her it was haunted and one (a house sitter if I remember correctly) actually spoke or communicated with him and was convinced it was the ghost of a man who saw my aunt as his girlfriend of sorts and hung around to protect her and keep her company. I’m not sure if my aunt herself ever had any direct experiences with him, but she always talked about the fact that there was indeed a male ghost that existed in her house. I wish I’d asked her more about it. I stayed there many times, and while I never saw or heard him, it definitely felt like someone else was around. She’s passed away some years ago now. I wonder sometimes if the two of them have ever met up in the ghost world now. I hope so.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Queen Anne
Mid 1990s

When I was a kid (not positive on age, I’d guess around 6 or 7), I was playing with toys by myself in our families living room. I clearly remember seeing a light grey shape on the floor near the window in the sun. Thinking it was our dog who was a large fluffy grey critter, I played contentedly for quite some time while the shape hung out nearby. Only when I heard our dog barking in the backyard did I look directly at the shape. I don’t remember it having any discernible features, it was a misty light grey cloud type shape around the size of a large dog or small person. Low to the ground like a dog or cross legged sitting person. You could see through it to the floor and wall behind it. I didn’t look too hard at it because as soon as I realized it wasn’t my dog I ran downstairs to find my mom. By the time we came back upstairs it was gone. I remember being freaked out because it surprised me and I didn’t have an explanation for it, but I also remember it not feeling ominous or at all “scary” if that makes sense. I never told anyone about it because I assumed no one would believe me. As a kid I always thought it was the ghost of our older dog who’d died a few years before, but as an adult I’m not sure. The house was built in the early 1900s, lots of beings could have existed there over that time. All I know is I’ve never seen anything remotely like it in the 30 years since. I’ll remember it for the rest of my life I’m sure.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Emory - Dickey Dr
June 2024

Most days, I walk on the forested side of Dickey Drive at Emory's Atlanta campus. On this day, the strangeness started when a finch flew down near me and screeched to get my attention before flying for about a minute closely around me. Not normal, not necessarily anything to worry about. As I went further down the street, I felt like a person was behind me. It's a narrow sidewalk, so it's not entirely unusual. When I glanced over my shoulder, I saw a person with a white T-shirt in the corner of my eye — blurry. I started to cross the street to give them room, but when I looked fully behind me, that person in the T-shirt was about fifty yards behind me, not right over my shoulder as I had seen when I glanced. I glanced a second time, again seeing this person directly behind me, only for them to be a significant distance on a second look. Not sure what this was but it was very unsettling

Submitted by: megan


Eu tava no meu quarto até que eu tropecei e literalmente parei nas beckroom, eu não me lembro de muitos detalhes, só me lembro de ter entrado

Submitted by: Tikhon


Eu tava dando um passeio até que uma espécie de nave espacial que parecia ter três pernas em baixo passou em cima de mim

Submitted by: Tikhon

Bradenton, Florida

Waking dreams, visions might be a better term as it's after I've woken up, I can see places, sometimes empty, sometimes with someone that doesn't look familiar there. As a test for lucid dreaming, I tried manipulating things, talking to the person I saw but I was ignored as if I wasn't there. Could this be remote viewing? Even though I have no idea who,where or what I'm looking at. It doesn't last long enough to try more, so far anyway.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Casa Abandonada assombrada

Eu nasci e cresci nessa cidade, e desde que me entendo por gente, havia o hospital abandonado (o qual ja publiquei anteriormente aqui) e essa casa, perto da igreja matriz. Essa casa pertencia ao médico que era dono do hospital e estava abandonada desde os anos 1995 (mais ou menos a mesma época que o hospital fechou). Conta-se a lenda na cidade que esse médico fazia parte de uma sociedade secreta e que na casa dele eram realizados vários rituais macabros. Muita gente dizia que haviam caixões que ficavam dispostos verticalmente nas paredes do interior da casa. Particularmente eu nunca vi, pois nunca entrei na casa como eu entrei no hospital, mas eu passei em frente a essa casa durante vários anos da minha vida, pois era o caminho que eu fazia para a escola todos os dias. Diversas vezes em que passei, geralmente sozinho e a pé, eu sentia uma coisa ruim. Uma sensação de estar sendo vigiado por alguém que estava dentro da casa. Duas vezes eu vi com meus próprios olhos um vulto branco que parecia se movimentar dentro da casa, que por sinal ainda tinha cortina nas janelas. Sempre tinha essa sensação ruim, como um luto, um pesar no coração, toda vez que passava por lá. Eu poderia fazer outro caminho, mas eu tinha esperança que isso talvez seria coisa da minha cabeça e no fundo queria que isso passasse, mas isso nunca aconteceu. Depois de alguns anos, por volta de 2008 ou 2009, não me lembro exatamente, a casa foi demolida e outras residências foram construídas. Eu cresci e me mudei de cidade, mas até hoje essa sensação estranha parece pairar sobre as casas que foram construídas.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Irvington, Indianapolis, Indiana

Time: 10:44pm EDT Location: 30 N Layman Ave, Indpls, IN Sitting on front porch when I observed a bright white sphere at approximately due west, approximately 40 degrees above horizon. Object was about size of a pencil eraser in size from my vantage point. Object was moving at a slow to moderate speed to the south/southwest. Height unknown but appeared to be at same height approximately as low planes fly when passing over to land at airport. No noise associated with object. Object turned abruptly but smoothly to the west / southwest. Shortly after turning, view became obstructed by clouds. I moved to the sidewalk to see if it might reappear after moving out of clouds but did not see again after that. Object was bright (full moon bright) but did not illuminate area around it. Object was moving slower than fireballs/ meteorites/ space debris that I’ve seen before. It was the object turning direction that stuck out as well. It turned in a smooth small arc about 30 degrees from original direction. Object did not appear to slow down as it turned. Total time of observation was about 5 seconds. Object did not appear to be burning (no smoke or bubbling or flame) and brightness was consistent (no dimming or flickering or flaring) until fading due to becoming obscured by cloud coverage.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Dolly Madison House/ Howard T Markey
Over the years

I only have one in the main building, so I’ll knock that one out first. While doing floor checks one night with a co-worker, we pasted a wooden cabinet. When we initially pasted it, the doors were closed. After, we came back, all of them were open. Now, you can write that off as we both missed it because we’re human; we have flaws. But the next three are just weird All three take place in the Dolly Madison House (DMH): I had to do my final floor check for the night. It was about 10-10:30. I started on the second floor because it was the fastest way to get to the DMH from where I was. As I rounded the corner, I saw a light that I never seen before. When I got to where the light should be, it was gone. No door shut. No new lights. So, I chalked it up to me seeing things. Then as I go to get on the elevator, I hear the door knob behind turn. It’s turning like someone is having trouble opening the door. Then the door flies open; it is pitch black in the room and no one behind the door, then it slammed shut. I said, “Nah.” Walked back to the break room geared down and waited to clock out. Next two happened after I switched to day work. I was walking to the bathroom. DMH’s was the closest. I heard a lady’s voice talking and laughing. I didn’t think nothing of it because they’re multiple rooms nearby. I assumed someone was in one of the rooms. If that was the case, I wouldn’t be here typing this story. As I pasted the rooms all doors were wide open and no one was there. Needless to say, I found another place to relieve myself. The last one is this one particular door. It slams shut on its own occasionally. There’s no draft, for this door leads to the basement; there’s no vents and the next closet door is basically around the corner and has been closed every time I’ve personally witnessed this. Lastly, this door is not light, you have to put force behind it for it close. I didn’t include other people stories because we’d be here all day and night, and I personally didn’t witness it. But something I left out is that it always feels as if someone is behind you in the DMH at night.

Submitted by: Me


eu vi um vulto quando estava dormindo no quarto da mnha mãe,eu não liguei,apenas ignorei-o mais depois eu acordei para me ajeitar,pois eu estava descoberto,eu olhei para a janela e vi um liquido viscoso escorrendo por ela,era como baba -saliva-eu até abri e fechei os olhos para me acreditar do que estava a ver,eu vi de novo o vulto,mas dessa vez era do lado de fora da janela,eu só estava com muito medo,eu peguei e cai no sono de volta. de manhã as 5;00 por ai,eu levantei e fui para a cozinha,mas pera chegar até ela eu precisaria passar pela sala de jantar,antes mesmo de eu botar o pe na sala. a geladeira abriu,um barulho de porta rangendo-e eu vendo lá de longe um rato gigante saindo,o bicho demoniaco comia toda a comida da geladeira,ele estava raivoso.

Submitted by: KAUAN

fobia de buneca
20 de maio de 2021

quando era crança tinha uma boneca,a boneca era daquelas que tinham um aparelho no meio da barriga e quando apertava a boneca falava,bom eu tinha uns 6,7,8,nao me lembro bem,eu tinha varias bonecas mas eu gostava mas das minhas barbies...eu nao gostava buito de brincar com essa boneca,entao dexava ela mas de lado,bom voltando au assunto,certo dia acordei tomei cafe e fui brincar, esse dia eu nao parava de brincar, briquei , brinquei, ate ficar de noite,minha mae mandou eu ir dormir,deitei,enquato isso minha mae estava escovando os dentes,e a buneca estava em cima da mequina de lavar,ate que eu escuto alguem dizendo,vem brincar comigo...vamo brincar,eu amo abraços e uma risada estranha,(hahaaááwwwww),minha mae solta um grito e eu começo a chorar e minha irmã grita e dps chora meu pai correu pra ver oq aconteceu e eu fui junto,e minha mae fala que :(a boneca falou) detalhe ja tinha acabado a pilha dela fazia tempo,fazia muito tempo que ela nao falava ,(bom tempo),meus pais tacaram fogo na boneca,e seja la oque aconteu aquele dia eu sempre vejo vulto e ecuto ruidos a noite quando vou dormir,desenvouvir fobia de boneca e des daquele dia eu nao brinco mas de boneca....

Submitted by: luiza

Cajueiro da praia

Ah, lembro-me bem desse dia! Era uma manhã cheia de mistérios e cores alaranjadas. Eu sempre fui curioso, então acordei cedo para não me atrasar para a escola, mas também porque queria ver o nascer do sol. Adorava observar os raios solares e a cor alaranjada da manhã. Enquanto eu olhava pelas portinholas, ouvi os sons dos cachorros correndo e algo estranho os perseguindo. Era uma coisa medonha e escura, que subiu na árvore de caju e ficou na ponta, como se quisesse se fundir a ela, enquanto os cachorros latiam furiosamente. Fiquei quietinho, com medo de chamar atenção para aquela criatura, e decidi voltar para a cama até que os primeiros raios de sol aparecessem. Não queria sair sem a luz do sol e sem meus pais acordarem. Mais tarde, quando todos estavam indo para a escola, percebi que no lugar daquela coisa estranha havia um cupinzeiro. E ao voltar para casa, o cupinzeiro ainda estava lá, como se nada tivesse acontecido. Foi um enigma daqueles que só a infância pode nos proporcionar, não é mesmo?

Submitted by: Anonymous

O cachorro de 6 pernas

O cachorro de 6 patas Uma vez viagem para uma hestrada mas eu ouvi um barulho aí eu fui ver oq era mas quando eu vi eu vi olhos vermelhos muito longe ent fui mas longe mas quando vi era.. Um cachorro mas fui chegando mas perto e vi que o cachorro tinha 6 patas aí eu saí correndo e só ouvia o cachorro atrás de mim eu entrei no carro e ent tranquei o carro e fechei o olho e adormeci quando vi não tinha mas nada e fim

Submitted by: Ana Clara Ferreira Jaques

Homs City

I experienced activity on the computer when I happened to have passed by it from a far at my grandmothers home. I noticed movement on the mouse as if an invisible hand has been moving it and u can see the mouse move on screen. I came closer to check on it and the movement stoped. Another day when my aunt was visiting from Damascus she woke up in the middle of the night to sounds and a figure of a person in the dark. She screamed and woke my grandma up, when my grandma came she turned the lights, and the shadow disappeared. My aunt swears she saw someone but my grandma to this day does not believe in the paranormal or anything spiritual even though she technically practices animism when she talks to plants. Background and reflections: 1-Electromagnetic activities? My grandmother lives in 3rd floor old basaltic stone building. (One theory I believe in is that certain stones like basalt can cause spectral and electromagnetic phenomena) 2-Ghost or Past projections? It’s also the place where my grandfather died as well as his parents died as the building spot passes from one generation after another. 3- Plant spirits? My Grandmother has also a green thumb and always talked to plants which made the place have a strange magical feel to it and if these plants had spirits guarding them.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Mary Foust Residence Hall

I lived in this dorm for roughly 4 years in undergrad and every year we had a night where we passed down the information about the ghosts that lived in the dorm, of which there were many. The most prominent one was Mary Foust herself. In the parlor there was this painting of Mary Foust and it was said that if you touched the painting Mary Foust would haunt you. About a year before I moved in they had to take the painting down to re-paint the room and allegedly for the week they did this, everything went wrong. People started failing classes, some kid fell down the stairs and broke a window, it was a bad time. Then when they put the painting back up, everything went back to normal. Mary was also known to just not like some people, she'd steal your stuff or bang on closet doors to scare you, that kind of thing. I knew at least one person who moved out of the dorm because Mary didn't like her and she couldn't deal with it anymore. Another friend reported hearing banging and scratching on their door in the middle of the night but when they checked it no one was there. The people on the third floor reported constant footsteps. There were thought to be from three nursing students that allegedly hung themselves in the attic or the girl who fell off the room trying to sunbathe. These are unconfirmed. I lived on the first floor which meant I was spared most of the worst haunting but I did have one experience I've never been able to explain. It was about 3am and I was in the communal bathroom brushing my teeth. I could see the whole bathroom from where I was standing and I was right next to the only entrance or exit so anyone who wanted to come into the bathroom would have had to walk right past me. I know for a fact that I was the only one in there but out of nowhere one of the showers just flips on. At first I called out to see if there had been someone behind the shower curtain that I'd just missed but when no one answered I went to check and sure enough, the stall was empty but the water was running now. I turned it off and went to bed but it was really weird and I still don't know how that could have happened.

Submitted by: Beth

Littlefield House - University of Texas

It's well-known among students and alumni of UT that this house is at least a bit haunted. People report seeing ghostly figures in its windows and walking through cold spots outside of the house even in the heat of summer. When I started college there in 2019, my mother and I walked through one of these cold spots and got an immediate feeling of unease. She said it was the same feeling she got when approaching a witchcraft shop in New Orleans. She made me promise to use the other side of the street when going to class.

Submitted by: Megan

janeiro de 2020

Sempre vou ao interior, que é palco de vários relatos sobrenaturais; tenho parentes na cidade e sempre que posso apareço para uma visita. Tenho medo, pois já ouvi histórias das mais assustadoras, das mais macabras, relatadas por vários amigos, parentes e vizinhos, sobre coisas que acontecem nessa tal cidade. Mas sempre quando toco no assunto eles disfarçam e distorcem o que antes fora dito. Aparentam ter medo de alguma coisa, mas para poupá-los dessa “coisa”, escreverei mudando seus nomes. Eu tenho essa cunhada, Marta, que morava em uma casa na década de 2010, segundo ela a residência tinha um clima muito pesado, pois além de ouvir sons estranhos, falavam que no local havia morrido um certo senhor, magro e de pele branca, conhecido como o velho do saco de lixo; o velho odiava todas as crianças que ousavam invadir seu quintal, principalmente as de pele mais escura, que sempre quando tinha oportunidade, puxava-as pelos cabelos arrancando tufos e balbuciando palavras racistas das mais repugnantes, além disso ele sempre andava com um saco de lixo preto para todo o canto. Em um dia Marta junto com seus primos, esqueceram suas bonecas na casa dela, pois estavam na casa da avó que era do lado, então tiveram que ir pegar sozinhos as bonecas esquecidas. Entraram na casa e foram pegar as bonecas, o mais rápido possível, pois estavam morrendo de medo. Foi aí que viram um vulto magricela passando da porta dos fundos em direção ao quintal, fazendo uma cadeira que estava no caminho se empinar bem devagar e depois se estatelar no chão sozinha. Eles não esperaram nenhum segundo, correram como se não houvesse amanhã. Minha cunhada conta que ela não conseguia mais dormir em casa depois desse dia. Então meses depois ela e sua mãe se mudaram para uma outra casa que ficava nas redondezas, e até hoje já adulta, aos sussurros ela sempre me conta esse caso. Marta diz que viu mais de uma vez o tal vulto do homem do saco de lixo, e já ouviu outros tantos relatos, diz que o homem escalpelava meninos e meninas que ousavam entrar em sua residência. A lenda mais falada é que ele escalpelava somente crianças pretas, que naquela época ousavam deixar seus cabelos crescer, e que dentro do saco de lixo eram guardados. Marta diz que provavelmente o velho ainda guarda a casa, pois hoje em dia, ali, já não mora mais ninguém.

Submitted by: Rafar

Cooch’s Bridge
May 24th 2024

So I decided to take this really hot girl I just started seeing to see some liminal spaces as a fun and spontaneous date idea. I had done a lot of research beforehand (had to impress her!) and I saw online that Cooch’s Bridge was supposedly haunted by soldiers from the revolution as the area was a battlefield. Well we went, and we made sure to play some fife and drum from the car stereo to get the ghosties riled up. She got out of the car and took photos, and there is a weird shadow in all her photos (she tested her camera after we left and the shadow wasn’t there anymore, so it wasn’t an issue with her camera). While she was out there, she looked away from the car and told me to turn the music off, and when I did, we could still hear fife and drum music for a couple seconds coming from the treeline nearby. So wierd!!! She got back in the car and was pretty scared. I thought it was cool, but I’m not sure if she’ll want to go on another date with me after this :(

Submitted by: James

Across from where I lived at the time
Sometime in 2013

Was outside probably feeding the dog or something, I dont remember. What I do remember is looking across the street over at a plot of land with brush and whatnot and seeing what looked like a black panther. Probably about the size of a cougar but solid black. I thought it may have been a dog at first before seeing how it carried its tail. Low with a curve at the tip. I tried to start up the 4-wheeler to go after it but the damn thing wouldnt start. It was just walking in no hurry to get anywhere and disappeared behind some brush and that was that. Many people have reported seeing large black cats in texas, but officially they do not exist according to DWR etc

Submitted by: Anonymous

Primeiro de Abril de 2024

“O lado bom de se morar em uma cidade pequena é que é fácil descobrir onde alguém mora. É só ter a expertise e o tempo de olhar carro por carro e comparar placa por placa” Era o mesmo dia primeiro de abril desse ano. Procurei durante horas a tal caminhonete que tirou “a seita do criador” da floresta e os levou para sabe lá onde. Tive que ser cuidadoso com meus passos, me disfarçando aqui e ali, fingindo aqui a li, e me escondendo em lugares ali e acolá. Foi no centro da cidade que vi, por baixo de um pano cinza esfarrapado, o tal carro. Rodas sujas de lama, galhos e folhas. Estava estacionado fora dos portões da igreja, no centro. Tive que esperar o anoitecer e torcer para que acontecesse alguma coisa. Foi de noite que um homem parrudo, pele clara, com poucos cabelos, apareceu. Ele colocou a caminhonete para dentro e eu o segui. A perseguição me levou até uma pequena salinha. Em um lugar longe o bastante dos fiéis, mais ainda dentro dos muros da igreja. Não pude entrar obviamente, mas fiquei fora olhando e ouvindo atentamente por uma pequena janela no topo de uma parede, em cima de umas caixas. Eles praticavam alguma coisa, um tipo de reza, ou ritual. Era parecido com o que vi anteriormente, na floresta. Dessa vez soava mais macabro. O interior da salinha estava iluminado por velas dispostas em círculo, criando sombras dançantes nas paredes. No centro, sobre uma mesa simples de madeira, estava um grande livro aberto, com páginas amareladas e escritas em uma língua desconhecida. Ao redor da mesa, sete pessoas estavam ajoelhadas, vestindo túnicas vermelhas e capuzes que ocultavam seus rostos. Suas vozes ecoavam baixinho, recitando passagens do livro em um tom ritualístico e sombrio. Elas colavam cartas e recortes de papel nas páginas do livro, enquanto cantavam. As palavras eram ainda mais estranhas, mas de todas elas, uma palavra eu entendi. Uma palavra estranha que para mim, tinha um significado, era algo como “agradecimento”. Tive medo que me descobrissem, por isso fugi rapidamente, sem ver muita coisa naquele dia. Voltei várias e várias vezes para lá depois, desde que descobri as várias cartas coladas no grande livro. “eram cartas-relatos, e ao lado das cartas tinham nome e rosto de quem as havia escrito” “O restante do livro tinha mais relatos, escritos em língua estranha”

Submitted by: Anonymous

House on Club Drive
Unsure, anywhere from 2007-2008

This was witnessed by several people. We were outback, clear blue sky, making burgers when I noticed this small dot in the distance. We.co tinied.talking and taking turns on the grill when this thing approaches further into view. We thought it was some lost balloons. But it was so windy that day and this thing was seemingly moving in a straight line. Once it got everyone's attention (all 4 of us) we stared on silence as it passed right by us. It was a slightly larger orb (metal?) In the center with 3 or 4 other smaller ones rotating around it, like an atom. They each had a slowly pulsating light, nothing like an airplane or helicopter. I ran and grabbed my camera but it was dead. I filmed a lot back then. We followed it into the distance never breaking it's straight flight path. As soon as it was out of view two American jets cut through the sky after it. I had strange dreams that night.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Invasor de sonhos

Um dia de 2023 eu estava me preparando para dormir eu fui dormir antes de dormir eu tinha visto um vídeo o vídeo tinha uma criatura não liguei muito quando eu fui dormir eu acordei de noite eu estava muito fraco olhei para janela de uma criatura enorme com olhos pretos cabeça pontuda e braço sem mãos ele não tinha boca eu me arrastei até minha lanterna e apontei nele eu acabei dormindo depois não me lembro mais de nada

Submitted by: Annimo

Moses Lake near cascade valley
June 1998

My parents bought some land on the point of wild goose lane in cascade valley, Moses Lake, WA. We were out there camping, planning the home builds that summer. I was 8-9 years old. I remember randomly waking up in the night, and being compelled to go look at the lake and the stars. I was looking around, and all of a sudden a huge very bright blue light shot of of the sky and went into the lake. I watched it enter, leave no ripples behind as it entered, and then sank to the bottom before I could no longer see the blue light. That’s all I ever saw of it.

Submitted by: Heather

Primeiro de Abril de 2024

“Os sons desafinados das cordas de um violão a algumas quadras de distância. Os louvores sussurrantes da “seita do criador” ecoando pelos troncos das árvores; as velhas que rangiam a antiga floresta, e ondulavam em desarmonia até meus ouvidos cansados de tanto dormir. “ Este é o relato do que vi e ouvi na madrugada do primeiro dia de abril desse ano. A garrafa estava em minha posse. Aquela que decidira me livrar. Estava convicto de que era ela que me trazia sonhos e pesadelos terríveis. Era a chance de tentar me livrar de tudo aquilo e dar ouvidos a minha avó. A senhora de oitenta e três anos, que era minha vizinha, moradora da cidade há muitas décadas e conhecedora dos seus segredos mais profundos. Ela me aconselhara a me livrar do objeto, disse-me para não voltar a procurá-lo. Ela escondia alguma coisa, e isso me incomodava bastante. Fui até a rua ao lado da floresta e fiquei por um tempo segurando o objeto. Ouvi sons estranhos das profundezas da mata, me escondi quando percebi passos distantes que iam se aproximando devagar. Uma caravana de umas sete pessoas vinha descendo a rua, cada qual usavam vestes vermelhas, tal como túnicas, capuzes que cobriam seus rostos, e luvas e botas que cobriam mãos e pés. As primeiras três pessoas segurava um grande livro, marrom feito de madeira, as outras duas segurava uma criatura de aparentemente um metro e meio, corpo humanoide da cintura pra cima e pernas de cavalo, cascos e calda da cintura pra baixo. Na parte superior o rosto morto, chifres, a pele avermelhada ensanguentada, uma criatura que jamais havia visto na vida, do que eu descreveria como sendo um demônio. As últimas seguravam uma enorme cruz e chorando silenciosas sussurravam cânticos em uma língua que eu não conhecida. As coisas estranhas poderiam ter terminado por aí, mas decidi me aventurar ainda mais na loucura. Quando percebi que os sete se afastaram floresta adentro, decidi segui-los, ainda com a garrafa em mãos. A cidade onde nada de estranho acontecia. Enquanto os seguia, por vezes torcia, desejava ou acreditava que poderia ser só uma brincadeira de uns jovens arruaceiros, não queria que isso fosse só coisa da minha cabeça. Chegaram a um campo vazio, fora da floresta, eu permaneci dentro, escondido. Se dispuseram em um círculo e puseram a criatura demônio no meio deles. Um ritual bizarro com cânticos, a leitura do livro, choro e oração começou. Por fim, com madeira e fogo queimaram o ser já morto e fizeram uma última reza, com mais cânticos, leitura e choro sussurrantes. Eles ficaram conversando por horas, silenciosamente, até que uma caminhonete chegou e os levou. A criatura demônio havia se transformado em cinzas e poeira, que se misturou com a terra e a grama, desaparecendo por completo, com o soprar do vento. A manhã despontava devagar, o sono que antes não sentia já me arrebatava. Segurei a garrafa e uma das mãos e a lancei longe, para algum lugar no meio da floresta. Tinha decidido ir pra casa e enviar mais esses relato, terminar por aqui essa sequência de maluquices, mas não, tinha uma curiosidade que me atormentava. Queria sanar os mistérios dessa cidade, e tinha uma única pista que poderia me levar até eles. Voltei correndo para casa afim de anotar os números da placa da caminhonete.

Submitted by: Rafar

row home

A ghost of a small child or animal.. seen 1st by my friend's 2 yo daughter then by me. she was asking me who is that (pointing downstairs @ something).. after I told her to come over here. the misty figure ran up the stairs into the front bedroom.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Valeriano's Fields Outside the Main Village (UFO), Houses Inside The Main Village (Noises)

My Father's Friend was playing inside The Fields and climbing Trees like the other Kids did back then when He slipped. As a result He found himself sliding down a few meters off the Grass Field that was initially played on. After standing up He started feeling unwell (He was Conscious after the Fall) and noticed strange noises coming from below: when looking in said direction He found a UFO Shaped Object spinning on the ground emitting a blinding and intense white light. It was getting faster and faster, but at this point The Witness apparently fainted. He woke up some time later surrounded by His Friends so it could have all been a Dream too... Well but the other Kids heard Weird Sounds aswell, Who Knows really. Decades Later My Father and his Buddies were playing Cards in their Home Inside The Village and everything went dark as The same unrecognizable Radio-like Noises came by. Everything and Everyone went quiet, Animals Included for a few minutes until the "Sound Waves" (They got Louder and Slower, Faster but Quieter each time) stopped completely. Very Strange Experience....sadly Most Witnesses have passed away so I cant ask for more Details.

Submitted by: Alessio

HWY 45, East of Marwayne

I was driving on Highway 45 late at night making my way to Lloydminster. As I was driving I saw this bright green ball of light suddenly appeared and raced across the night sky and suddenly disappeared. This all happened very quickly, the apperance, racing across the night sky, and disappearance all happened in less then a minute. I immediately stopped my truck on the side of the highway and got out to see if I can see the light or at least maybe a source for the light but there was nothing but the dark sky and some stars. I should also note that I was the only vehicle on the highway and had been the only one for a while and the highway is surrounded by miles and miles of farmland.

Submitted by: Kinga

May 1, 2024

Heard cabinet in kitchen open then shut. Nobody else lives here except me and my partner who is asleep next to me.

Submitted by: Anonymous


I was visiting my grandparents house when i was a little kid (About 8). I remember opening a metal door and finding a HUGE spider behind it. It was about 2 feet long. I remember it vividly to this day. Nowdays the door has yet to opened again.....

Submitted by: Francesco

Cimitero Di Valeriano, Comune di Vezzano Ligure

One Day My Dad was riding back Home from Work with his Colleagues as usual when They passed by The Cemetery. Suddenly Everyone felt a Horrid Smell coming from the Middle Back-Seat and when my Father and His Friend looked at the Central Car Mirror they saw a Stranger Sitting right where the Smell was located. The Figure was gone immediatly after ofcourse. The Other passenger sitting in the Back didnt see anything but surely felt it because a Large Black Oil Stain had formed right beside Him. According to The Witnesses my Dad's Car kept that Stain for some Time(I dont remember exactly for how long).Talk about a Highway To Hell ey? There are other Sightings of Ghost Activity near The Valeriano Cemetery, this happened to be the One I know.

Submitted by: Alessio


Tinha 8 anos quando estava sozinho em casa desenhando numa mesa na sala só com minha vó e meu tio eles tavão do outro lado da casa dentro de quartos continuando estava sozinho quando ouvi um barulho estranho na cozinha me assustei mas continuei um tempo depois ainda nas mesmas posições senti um toque e um vento muito forte no meu pescoço e uma risada meio cuchichada depois disso nunca vi mais "nada" eu acho.

Submitted by: Lucca

A fábrica
abril de 2023

“o sonho que tive parecia bem real, sentimento não profundo ou profundo, de alguma coisa com algum sentido não perceptível, eu acho que o culpado é aquela garrafa. A velha garrafa poderia conter algum tipo de alucinógeno” Meus pés nus tocavam a calçada naquela madrugada fria. As roupas ainda coladas ao corpo, touca apertava a cabeça e cobria minhas orelhas do vento gelado. Daquela brisa fria que vinha de algum lugar. Além da massa preta atrás das casas_ brancas e sem vida do outro lado da rua. Desconcertantemente ao tentar caminhar, meus dedos resvalavam em uma superfície não sólida, que por vezes tentava me aprumar e fixar os dedos gelados na superfície não rugosa. Que por vezes me fixava ao chão e permanecia no mesmo lugar. Que por vezes voltava a fitar a escuridão que me chamava, formando imagens que desapareciam, de uma escuridão cada vez mais escura. Ouvindo os sons que se formavam no misturar das cores soturnas. Sabia que era um sonho, pois não poderia ser verdade, que a lua, emitindo um brilho alaranjado forte, fosse feita de engrenagens e peças que se movimentavam como uma máquina. Estava numa rua, longe de casa. A fábrica ao lado começou a trabalhar. Uma enorme escada foi posta da rua até a lua, trabalhadores subiam e desciam os enormes degraus, que se fixavam na escuridão, carregando peças e engrenagens. Trajados de roupas pretas, capas escuras e mascaras negras; além de um monte de metal, e outros que se fixavam em seus corpos à medida que se aproximavam da luz e se perdiam na lua. As vozes da fábrica gritavam, por vezes, pedia pressa, balbuciando como um animal. Não ousei encará-la, pois sentia o cheiro da dor e temia ser obrigado a caminhar. Permaneci imóvel e percebi que não era o único a sentir a brisa gelada. Vultos além da escada descansavam seus corpos numa calçada. Tinham ao seu lado os macacões de trabalho. Uns dormiam, outros estáticos observavam o vai e vem dos que ainda não fizeram a pausa. Olhos fundos, marcas de expressão que se confundiam com escuridão. Suas mãos tremiam a cada grito do monstro de metal. A mim não poderia ser diferente, ainda temia ser descoberto. Meu ócio, mesmo num sonho, me condenava. Quase despertando, ouvi a voz do monstro gritar mais forte, e sentia que se dirigia a mim. Os trabalhadores que descansavam levantavam seus pratos de comida em minha direção e me ofereciam uma chance de confundi-lo. Seria minha pausa do trabalho. Não estaria fazendo nada de errado. O gritar da fábrica foi ficando mais intenso. Sentia colado aos meus ouvidos o ladrar constante. O medo me fez correr até a escada. Macacões jogados. Poderia vesti-los e voltar ao trabalho. Os gritos foram ficando mais altos. Sentia de perto o baforar do cão no meu pescoço. Tinha que voltar ao trabalho ou aconteceria algo pior; morrer de fome, dormir na rua, ou alienar meus pensamentos ao cão que ladrava? Estava sentindo o peso dos macacões, escolhendo qual seria melhor para mim. Decidi me virar e olhar olho no olho do monstro que me atormentava. Olhei, e os gritos pararam. Ao fundo vi a inocente fabrica estática. Em cima, em seu telhado um ser alto, magro, gordo, baixo, de aparência feminina, de aparência masculina, roupas grandes, ternos finos, um chapéu largo. Ele me fitava sorrindo, era um dos trabalhadores, ou se parecia com eles, ou fingia ser um deles. Se virou e desceu para dentro de sua fábrica. Eu despertei do sono como gostaria. Uma carga de medo tinha quase me impedido. Bocejos cansados, olhos fundos, marcas de expressão que se confundiam com escuridão do meu quarto. Minhas mãos tremiam. Ainda fixando a escada coloquei minhas roupas pretas, minha capa escura, minha mascara negra, agarrei um pedaço de metal e subi em direção a lua. “A lembrança do sonho me atormenta até os dias atuais. Felizmente me livrei da garrafa e os pesadelos terminaram”

Submitted by: Rafar


As vezes eu gosto de ficar no hall do meu prédio de noite,todas as vezes não acontece nada de mais,só que nesse dia aconteceu algo muito estranho...eu estava no hall normal,mas aí eu escutei um barulho de uma porta abrindo,eu fui ver e a porta nem tinha se mechido,isso aconteceu umas 28 vezes e eu já estava achando tudo isso muito estranho,mas o pior ainda estava por vim...eu escutei a porta abrir denovo só que desta vez a porta fica em um lugar muito escuro,quando eu fui ir lá ver senti uma sensação muito estranha de perigo e medo é vi algo correndo bem na minha frente,depois sai correndo de lá.

Submitted by: Miguel


fiquei com meu namorado sozinhos em casa, meus pais estavam viajando pois era feriadão naquele final de semana, depois de um tempo fomos dormir.... Como era domingo pra segunda, deitamos era umas 22:00 para trabalhar cedo no outro dia. 03:00 da manhã eu me acordo com a minha cachorra entrando correndo no quarto e indo pra baixo da cama, nisso começam a bater na porta do apartamento (OBS: cada andar é um apartamento, morávamos em 6 famílias no prédio todo, todos se conheciam, todos nós morávamos ha bastante tempo no prédio). A primeira vez que escuto a batida, finjo que não vi nada e fecho os olhos, na segunda eu acordo meu namorado, quando eu acordo ele, o 'ser' que estava la, abre e fecha a porta de emergência do nosso andar com muita força para sair da entrada do nosso apartamento... Nisso eu e meu namorado nos apavoramos, pensamos que tinha alguém humana mesmo ali no prédio, mas no dia seguinte mandamos mensagens no grupo do prédio e ninguém viu nada... Apenas a vizinha de baixo do meu apartamento que relatou ter escutado uma batida forte de porta, mas apenas isso... Fomos dormir e ficou por isso a história, estamos ate hoje sem entender o que ocorreu naquela madrugada. (Ninguém invadiu, pois não tem como invadir aquele prédio! E infelizmente não temos câmeras.

Submitted by: Anonymous


Quando fui dormir já estava meio assustado por um ocorrido quando estava tentando dormir ouvi meu gato gritando e correndo para o quarto e ouvi passos fortes no chão afinal consegui dormir estava sonhando com sonhos malucos né aí sonhei que estava andando por um bosque em busca da minha casa aí vi uma sombra de um corpo deformado congelei não conseguia andar ele se aproximava donada ele pula na minha perna e faz um arranhão minha mãe disse que eu estava implorando aí acordei olhei para minha perna e lá estava um corte enorme e preto estava doendo uma ocasião pode ter sido o gato mas não era possível.

Submitted by: Lucca

International Falls, MN, USA
2009 or 2010

I don't remember the exact date, but basically me and my neighborhood friends were exploring the woods behind our homes. We were walking through this evergreen section of the forest and the area looked like something out of a fantasy novel, as the ground was covered in fluffy moss. But that's not the strange part. As we explored this evergreen forest, we came across something very bizarre. There was a small, disheveled Teepee like shelter attached to a tree. However, it wasn't something you could comfortably live out of as it looked like it was abandoned. The shelter covering was weaved with sticks and twine, but it was hanging off the tree in a way it would be difficult to comfortably sit in in. But the weirdest thing we found there was a large bucket that was about a quarter full of urine. The fact that it was so yellow and not watered down lead us to believe that the shelter may have been used more recently. Now, there could be a rational explanation for the site. Here are some possibilities: - A homeless person's camp. This one is reasonable, but not likely, given the fact that it was a small town with no known homeless people. - A shelter made by kids. Although I think this is the most likely explanation, the site didn't give off any vibes that it was made by children, especially considering how well-crafted the weave looked. - Two irrational explanations that we believed as kids was that it was made by bigfoot or an uncontacted Native American tribe. Obviously, this is absurd because of how close we were to civilization, but it was a funny idea we floated as neighborhood kids. Regardless of what the meaning of the shelter was, it was still pretty weird none the less.

Submitted by: Reid Hanson

Near Leakey Tx.
August of 1999

We have property outside Leakey Tx. Went camping had our Huskey with us. Was dozing off when my wife heard an owl on upper end of property. She told me to listen, it sounded like it came closer then again closer. It sounded like it landed in the trees about 40 feet behind our tent, started hooting. My huskey got real strange and wanted to hide in the tent. Holding it's tail between it's legs and cowering down. She never acted like this. Anyway the hooting started to change, from hooting to sounding like a dog barking then proceeded to chang to sounding like a man saying arf, arf imitating a dog bark. I started to go outside but my wife told me not to because our dog usually very protective was completely scared! This went on about 2 hours then quit. Did mot happen again for a few years later That is another story. We called it a changling.

Submitted by: Jon Estes

Hard Rock Cafe Key West

My family and I were in vacation in Key West from another part of Florida for spring break, I was about 9 years old. I don't remember the whole story, but there's a ghost that haunts the women's bathroom in the Hard Rock Cafe. The three of us ate lunch there. My mother and I got up from the table to use the restroom. We were the only two people in there and we didn't talk. I came out of the stall before she did and started washing my hands. It's Florida, it's warm but air conditioned, and the water is kind of cold. Until the mirror fogs up. The room goes colder, the water is so cold it burns. The faucet is tilted to "warm" and there weren't any air vents near me. At the same time, I feel two cold hands on the sides of my neck and a masculine voice whisper my name. I turn around and yell at my mom to ask if she said anything, she was confused and asked me why I sounded scared. I told her I was going to wait outside and ran out of the room. I explained what happened to my parents, and we asked for the bill early. I was so terrified for the rest of the day that I immediately vomited after eating dinner a few hours later and couldn't sleep all night. Besides for the fact that it was supernatural, that thing knowing my name and presumably who I was scared the absolute shit out of me

Submitted by: Anonymous

Jhon luke

Era um dia tranquilo até demais para ser exato,estava passando por uma rua lá em Recife,voltava de um show,era aproximadamente 2 da manhã,estava sozinho indo em direção ao ponto de ônibus,quando chego lá tinha uma senhora,prontamente dei boa noite,ela não respondeu,fiquei lá continuando a esperar o ônibus,de repente ela fala cmg,"você sabe que é perigoso estar aq uma hr dessa vc não tem medo de alguma coisa acontecer com você?" Fiquei sem entender,de repente ela segura meu braço e quando olho ela se transforma em alguma espécie de mostro com uma aura de arrepiar até a ponta do pé,só sei que eu corri tanto que não conseguir dormi por uns dias,ainda tenho uma foto não sei como mais tenho e não me lembro de ter tirado -------------- It was a very quiet day to be exact, I was passing through a street in Recife, I was returning from a show, it was approximately 2 in the morning, I was alone heading towards the bus stop, when I got there there was a lady, I promptly said good At night, she didn't respond, I stayed there continuing to wait for the bus, suddenly she says, "you know it's dangerous to be here at such an hour, aren't you afraid of something happening to you?" I didn't understand, suddenly she holds my arm and when I look she transforms into some kind of monster with an aura that gives me goosebumps right down to my toes, all I know is that I ran so much that I couldn't sleep for a few days, I still have a photo I don't know how else I have it and I don't remember taking it off

Submitted by: Jhon luk

scp[eu acho]
29 03 21

Eu tinha acabado de acordar eu nem tinha levantado ainda quando eu olhei para tras do armario de brinquedos da minha irmã eu vi uma figura baixa com mais ou menos 18 centimetros de altura ela tinha uma pele muito palida e uns 6 olhos verdes essa figura eu vi novamente mais umas 2 vezes e quando parou eu me aliviei bastante ----------------- I had just woken up I hadn't even gotten up yet when I looked behind my sister's toy closet I saw a short figure about 18 centimeters tall she had very pale skin and about 6 green eyes this figure I saw again about 2 more times and when it stopped I felt a lot relieved

Submitted by: Anonymous


Foi assim minha avó e a minha tia minha avó tava tomando banho e a minha tia tava lá nas escadas e aí o que que aconteceu do nada elas viram uma luz branca minha tia viu e ela correu para o banheiro onde eles viram uma luz branca onde passou a luz branca atravessando a parede e aí sumiu desapareceu. Monte de barulho estranho horrível demais eu já estava nascido naquela época não sei como da minha mãe não ter visto A Dios ----------- It was like that, my grandmother and my aunt, my grandmother was taking a shower and my aunt was there on the stairs and then what happened out of nowhere they saw a white light my aunt saw it and she ran to the bathroom where they saw a white light where The white light passed through the wall and then it disappeared. Lots of strange noises, too horrible, I was already born at that time, I don't know how my mother didn't see A Dios

Submitted by: Anonymous

In the woods off of the turnpike. Off of exit 7
December 2023

Back in December of 2023, My fiancée encountered what looked like the rake (creepypasta) by the turnpike. It seemed to be eating something unalived. It saw her and tried to chase her. The experience was scary, but thankfully she is safe. This is a warning for people around that area to be careful at night.

Submitted by: Anonymous


I know the story may seem very cliché, but here it is. My mother and I had just moved to my stepfather's house. At first, everything was fine. I had to share the room with my brother, which was normal. But ever since our old house, we had been seeing shadows and, mainly, I heard noises, bells, and saw shadows. My mother even saw a black tail... One night, at my stepfather's house, my brother and I went to bed, and I woke up around two in the morning, distressed and screaming. When my parents came into the room, I started telling them that I had a nightmare, where I was in a church, and a demon almost with god-like powers was destroying the church, as he opened a rift and split the church in half, and we were hanging on the edge of it. But then, from a certain part of my dream, my stepbrother continued the story. So, we looked at each other, full of fear, and then our parents said it was better to go to bed and that it was just a coincidence... We listened to them and went to bed, but things only got worse from there. Tragedies happened in my family, our great-grandmother died a week before my birthday, among other things. Like the night I woke up because of my sleep apnea and heard something, or someone, rummaging through the bags in my closet... I know it wasn't the wind because the closet windows were closed, but at the moment, I could only get up, go slowly, and close the closet. Besides, several things were disappearing from my room and some haven't appeared until today... One day, my mother reached her limit and went to talk to the bishop, and he gave a prayer to be prayed by the children of the house, in this case, my stepbrother and me, and we did it for a week. During them, we heard noises, and the flames of the candles didn't stop moving. Until, on the last day, at the end of the prayer, I looked down the hallway, and there was a black shadow, with red eyes, looking around the corner, and it smiled, turned, and left. We, full of fear, started crying, but since then, things started to get better for us.

Submitted by: Rodrigo

Grand Ledge-Kalamazoo, MI

I moved to Kalamazoo from Flint in August of 2002 while attending Western Michigan University. On weekends, I would drive back Sunday mornings to Flint to play organ at my church, have lunch with my family, and then I would drive back to Kalamazoo in the evenings. One particular evening in February of 2003, I went to my mom's house after lunch and hung out for a while. My mom advised me that there was a snow storm coming, and to call her when I got home, so that she'd know I was okay. I left the house just a few minutes after 6 pm, and headed west on I-69. I decided I would get off at M-43 in the Lansing area, which runs pretty much straight to Kalamazoo (turning into 343 closer to town) - that way, I could avoid the freeway if weather became inclement. As soon as I hit the exit ramp, it began to snow - blizzard style. I thought to myself how convenient it was that I just got off the freeway, and wouldn't have to deal with the congestion that would surely await on I-94. As I approached the stop sign at the end of the ramp, I saw what looked to me like a deer standing in the middle of the road. Except, it wasn't 'deer colored.' It was practically glowing, a subtle neon blue. I blinked a few times, but it didn't disappear. I waited for a couple seconds, and it started to wander off to the opposite side of the road, in no hurry, before disappearing into the trees. I don't know about you - but I had never seen a neon blue deer before. I chalked it up to the light from my headlights reflecting off the snow or something, and I turned towards Kalamazoo and started my way down the road. To be succinct - the roads became terrible, quickly. The snow piled up, and the closer I got to Kalamazoo, the more had already fallen. It was maybe thirty minutes onto M-43 that I realized I wasn't seeing any traffic. I mean - ANY - traffic. No cars, no snowplows, etc. Aside from streetlights, I also wasn't noticing any lights on in people's houses. I was driving maybe 30 or 40 mph at the fastest, taking my time and trying to avoid sliding off the road. When 43 splits off to 343, I began to notice traffic again, and lights on in the houses. Eventually, I pulled up to my driveway, and went inside to hang with the roommates. Now. I had listened to a couple cassette tapes in their entirety on the way home. "Lateralus" by Tool, and "Boingo" by Oingo Boingo. The combined running length of these two albums is a little over 150 minutes. After Boingo finished, I was close enough to K-zoo that I figured starting another album wouldn't be necessary, so I switched to 107.7 WRKR and heard probably four or five tunes on that station before reaching my house. All in all, I figured it had taken me about three hours (maybe a little more) to get home. When I walked in the house, I went to the phone immediately to call my mom. The phone call went something like this. Mom: Hello? Me: Hi! Mom: Where are you? Me: Home. Mom: ...in Kalamazoo? Me: ...yyyyeeesss??? Mom: How fast were you going? Me: I took it nice and slow. I got off at M-43 and it started snowing, so I made sure to be extra careful. Mom: ...Jonathan...do you know what time it is? (Now, at this point, I'm already getting the heebie jeebies. I realized I hadn't really looked at the clock in the van, but glancing at the microwave, it read 7:43.) Me: ...is it almost 8? Mom: Yes - you made the drive in an hour and a half. After a bit more conversation, I ended up telling her that I actually took the freeway, and had to apologize for speeding that I never did, and a promise to slow down in the future. After the call, I went out to the van - the clock in my van read 9:20. According to my van, it took a little over three hours to get home. According to my mom (who corroborated the time I left) and my roommates (who corroborated the time I got there), it took about one and a half hours. The only explanation that makes sense (even though it sounds crazy) is that somewhere between Lansing and Kalamazoo, I hit a time slip. It was heralded by that neon blue deer, and that's why I didn't see any cars for like an hour and a half.

Submitted by: Jon

Rottnest Island

I stayed at the Rottnest Lodge with my boyfriend and after going to sleep I awoke to very active shadow figures and a cacophony of sounds I couldn’t identify. It sounded like people were in the room jumping on the wicker furniture. I was petrified and turned the light on and immediately the sounds stopped. My heart was pounding but I convinced myself I had been dreaming and as I calmed down I turned the light off and instantly the sounds resumed. I shook my boyfriend awake and asked him if he was also hearing what I was. He groggily agreed but seemed unconcerned and told me to go back to sleep. I stayed awake all night and the sounds and shadows only abated as the sun came up. We checked out of the lodge and on the boat back to the mainland I discovered I was covered in bruises in strange places like my feet. A very strange experience that I can’t explain.

Submitted by: Juliet

Humble abode

Okay, scrollers, come on in for a good, eerie read. This happened when I was about 9-10 at my childhood home. This was the day I learned that negative people get fed on by negative, even evil, things. So, my mom and dad were in the midst of a divorce - dad wasn't as holy as he made himself appear. Cheating, lying, and other horrible slew of things I hate to mention on here. Anyways, we as kids didn't really know what was happening at the time. These were on different days not too far apart from each other. Encounter 1 - I was just coming home from playing with some kids on the street, it was sunset, yet it was early enough that it wasn't dark yet. As my mom opened the door, over her shoulder, I saw what I could best describe as a "3D shadow figure" of a man step out from my hallway bathroom and walk into my room. It wasn't like a shadow on the wall (like peter pan's shadow), it was like a person that was made out of shadow, opacity brought to about 30%, walking straight to my room. I told my mom if anyone else was home, she said no. I began to search the closet and under the bed to confirm this. There wasn't anyone. I slept with the lights on that night. Encounter 2 - I woke up around 2 am. At that time, I slept with the door open and the nightlight on. My bed was facing the door and the door led to the dark hallway, looking back, this was super scary know thinking as an adult. Right there, in the door threshold, was my sister dressed in her pajamas. She was just staring at me. I thought she was being annoying so I asked her "what?" in a cranky brother tone. She pointed towards my brother's bed on the other side of the room, in which he was at a sleepover, and she said "twin brother." Then I did that movie scene thing where you turn your head to see what they were pointing and then turn back. Gone. She was gone, not even a noise walking back to her room. Agitated, I got up and went to her room in the dark. As I opened her door, she was heavily asleep. No evidence of her waking up, the blankets were snug on her. I merely just thought I was half asleep and called it that. That night, I slept with the room lights on and the door shut tightly. Encounter 3 - I was on my mom's bed as I was playing my Nintendo DS. It was nighttime, only me and Mario Kart. The volume was all the way up. I started to hear rustling in my mom's bathroom. The door was cracked open. So I shut the DS and stared at it for a bit, thinking it was a rat. Then I heard an eerily human whisper. The best way I can describe it is that it sounds like Parsel tongue from Harry Potter. The language Harry made when speaking to snakes. I ran out of the room with a racing heartbeat. Never have I ever gone back at night, alone, in that room. After my dad left, the energy went as well. There are no more sightings, no more sounds. I asked my other family members if they seen things or heard noises, only my little sister has. I'll have to share her story another time, something about a shadow baby climbing up her bed. Hope you weren't reading this at night. I concluded that evil does follow negative energy. Thanks for reading! Also, thanks to the Belief Hole podcast that mentioned this website. If you like to hear about creepy tales from people, definitely give that podcast a listen.

Submitted by: Anonymous


Story from my fathers childhood: "Dad and i were out shooting, as father and son do, bonding yanno. its the 90s It was dark and we had cleared away several rabbits and foxes from the fields of the farm we were on when sunset took place. i was in charge of the spotlight as it got dark. i watched as my father lined up a shot on what he thought was another fox, as he let the round go, we heard a mooing sound ( we accidently hit someones stray cow ) and at the same time we saw a dark long, cat like figure leap from the grass close by towards the injured cow. there were rumours going around about a panther that had escaped from the circus that went through town years ago but no one believed it, i think i saw it that night "

Submitted by: Anonymous