Changeling near the Frio?

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Near Leakey Tx.
August of 1999

We have property outside Leakey Tx. Went camping had our Huskey with us. Was dozing off when my wife heard an owl on upper end of property. She told me to listen, it sounded like it came closer then again closer. It sounded like it landed in the trees about 40 feet behind our tent, started hooting. My huskey got real strange and wanted to hide in the tent. Holding it's tail between it's legs and cowering down. She never acted like this. Anyway the hooting started to change, from hooting to sounding like a dog barking then proceeded to chang to sounding like a man saying arf, arf imitating a dog bark. I started to go outside but my wife told me not to because our dog usually very protective was completely scared! This went on about 2 hours then quit. Did mot happen again for a few years later That is another story. We called it a changling.

Submitted by:
Jon Estes