Most Recent Stories
As vezes eu gosto de ficar no hall do meu prédio de noite,todas as vezes não acontece nada de mais,só que nesse dia aconteceu algo muito estava no hall normal,mas aí eu escutei um barulho de uma porta abrindo,eu fui ver e a porta nem tinha se mechido,isso aconteceu umas 28 vezes e eu já estava achando tudo isso muito estranho,mas o pior ainda estava por escutei a porta abrir denovo só que desta vez a porta fica em um lugar muito escuro,quando eu fui ir lá ver senti uma sensação muito estranha de perigo e medo é vi algo correndo bem na minha frente,depois sai correndo de lá.
Submitted by: Miguel
Madrugada movimentada
fiquei com meu namorado sozinhos em casa, meus pais estavam viajando pois era feriadão naquele final de semana, depois de um tempo fomos dormir....
Como era domingo pra segunda, deitamos era umas 22:00 para trabalhar cedo no outro dia. 03:00 da manhã eu me acordo com a minha cachorra entrando correndo no quarto e indo pra baixo da cama, nisso começam a bater na porta do apartamento (OBS: cada andar é um apartamento, morávamos em 6 famílias no prédio todo, todos se conheciam, todos nós morávamos ha bastante tempo no prédio). A primeira vez que escuto a batida, finjo que não vi nada e fecho os olhos, na segunda eu acordo meu namorado, quando eu acordo ele, o 'ser' que estava la, abre e fecha a porta de emergência do nosso andar com muita força para sair da entrada do nosso apartamento... Nisso eu e meu namorado nos apavoramos, pensamos que tinha alguém humana mesmo ali no prédio, mas no dia seguinte mandamos mensagens no grupo do prédio e ninguém viu nada... Apenas a vizinha de baixo do meu apartamento que relatou ter escutado uma batida forte de porta, mas apenas isso... Fomos dormir e ficou por isso a história, estamos ate hoje sem entender o que ocorreu naquela madrugada.
(Ninguém invadiu, pois não tem como invadir aquele prédio! E infelizmente não temos câmeras.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Espírito nos sonhos
Quando fui dormir já estava meio assustado por um ocorrido quando estava tentando dormir ouvi meu gato gritando e correndo para o quarto e ouvi passos fortes no chão afinal consegui dormir estava sonhando com sonhos malucos né aí sonhei que estava andando por um bosque em busca da minha casa aí vi uma sombra de um corpo deformado congelei não conseguia andar ele se aproximava donada ele pula na minha perna e faz um arranhão minha mãe disse que eu estava implorando aí acordei olhei para minha perna e lá estava um corte enorme e preto estava doendo uma ocasião pode ter sido o gato mas não era possível.
Submitted by: Lucca
Strange, teepee-like shelter found in the woods
International Falls, MN, USA
2009 or 2010
I don't remember the exact date, but basically me and my neighborhood friends were exploring the woods behind our homes. We were walking through this evergreen section of the forest and the area looked like something out of a fantasy novel, as the ground was covered in fluffy moss.
But that's not the strange part. As we explored this evergreen forest, we came across something very bizarre. There was a small, disheveled Teepee like shelter attached to a tree. However, it wasn't something you could comfortably live out of as it looked like it was abandoned. The shelter covering was weaved with sticks and twine, but it was hanging off the tree in a way it would be difficult to comfortably sit in in. But the weirdest thing we found there was a large bucket that was about a quarter full of urine. The fact that it was so yellow and not watered down lead us to believe that the shelter may have been used more recently.
Now, there could be a rational explanation for the site. Here are some possibilities:
- A homeless person's camp. This one is reasonable, but not likely, given the fact that it was a small town with no known homeless people.
- A shelter made by kids. Although I think this is the most likely explanation, the site didn't give off any vibes that it was made by children, especially considering how well-crafted the weave looked.
- Two irrational explanations that we believed as kids was that it was made by bigfoot or an uncontacted Native American tribe. Obviously, this is absurd because of how close we were to civilization, but it was a funny idea we floated as neighborhood kids.
Regardless of what the meaning of the shelter was, it was still pretty weird none the less.
Submitted by: Reid Hanson
Changeling near the Frio?
Near Leakey Tx.
August of 1999
We have property outside Leakey Tx. Went camping had our Huskey with us. Was dozing off when my wife heard an owl on upper end of property. She told me to listen, it sounded like it came closer then again closer. It sounded like it landed in the trees about 40 feet behind our tent, started hooting. My huskey got real strange and wanted to hide in the tent. Holding it's tail between it's legs and cowering down. She never acted like this. Anyway the hooting started to change, from hooting to sounding like a dog barking then proceeded to chang to sounding like a man saying arf, arf imitating a dog bark. I started to go outside but my wife told me not to because our dog usually very protective was completely scared! This went on about 2 hours then quit. Did mot happen again for a few years later
That is another story. We called it a changling.
Submitted by: Jon Estes
Ghost with cold hands
Hard Rock Cafe Key West
My family and I were in vacation in Key West from another part of Florida for spring break, I was about 9 years old. I don't remember the whole story, but there's a ghost that haunts the women's bathroom in the Hard Rock Cafe. The three of us ate lunch there. My mother and I got up from the table to use the restroom. We were the only two people in there and we didn't talk. I came out of the stall before she did and started washing my hands. It's Florida, it's warm but air conditioned, and the water is kind of cold. Until the mirror fogs up. The room goes colder, the water is so cold it burns. The faucet is tilted to "warm" and there weren't any air vents near me. At the same time, I feel two cold hands on the sides of my neck and a masculine voice whisper my name. I turn around and yell at my mom to ask if she said anything, she was confused and asked me why I sounded scared. I told her I was going to wait outside and ran out of the room. I explained what happened to my parents, and we asked for the bill early. I was so terrified for the rest of the day that I immediately vomited after eating dinner a few hours later and couldn't sleep all night. Besides for the fact that it was supernatural, that thing knowing my name and presumably who I was scared the absolute shit out of me
Submitted by: Anonymous
Um dia não tão normal.. – A not so normal day…
Jhon luke
Era um dia tranquilo até demais para ser exato,estava passando por uma rua lá em Recife,voltava de um show,era aproximadamente 2 da manhã,estava sozinho indo em direção ao ponto de ônibus,quando chego lá tinha uma senhora,prontamente dei boa noite,ela não respondeu,fiquei lá continuando a esperar o ônibus,de repente ela fala cmg,"você sabe que é perigoso estar aq uma hr dessa vc não tem medo de alguma coisa acontecer com você?" Fiquei sem entender,de repente ela segura meu braço e quando olho ela se transforma em alguma espécie de mostro com uma aura de arrepiar até a ponta do pé,só sei que eu corri tanto que não conseguir dormi por uns dias,ainda tenho uma foto não sei como mais tenho e não me lembro de ter tirado
It was a very quiet day to be exact, I was passing through a street in Recife, I was returning from a show, it was approximately 2 in the morning, I was alone heading towards the bus stop, when I got there there was a lady, I promptly said good At night, she didn't respond, I stayed there continuing to wait for the bus, suddenly she says, "you know it's dangerous to be here at such an hour, aren't you afraid of something happening to you?" I didn't understand, suddenly she holds my arm and when I look she transforms into some kind of monster with an aura that gives me goosebumps right down to my toes, all I know is that I ran so much that I couldn't sleep for a few days, I still have a photo I don't know how else I have it and I don't remember taking it off
Submitted by: Jhon luk
atras do armario – behind the closet
scp[eu acho]
29 03 21
Eu tinha acabado de acordar eu nem tinha levantado ainda quando eu olhei para tras do armario de brinquedos da minha irmã eu vi uma figura baixa com mais ou menos 18 centimetros de altura ela tinha uma pele muito palida e uns 6 olhos verdes essa figura eu vi novamente mais umas 2 vezes e quando parou eu me aliviei bastante
I had just woken up I hadn't even gotten up yet when I looked behind my sister's toy closet I saw a short figure about 18 centimeters tall she had very pale skin and about 6 green eyes this figure I saw again about 2 more times and when it stopped I felt a lot relieved
Submitted by: Anonymous
Foi assim minha avó e a minha tia – White Light Apparition
Foi assim minha avó e a minha tia minha avó tava tomando banho e a minha tia tava lá nas escadas e aí o que que aconteceu do nada elas viram uma luz branca minha tia viu e ela correu para o banheiro onde eles viram uma luz branca onde passou a luz branca atravessando a parede e aí sumiu desapareceu. Monte de barulho estranho horrível demais eu já estava nascido naquela época não sei como da minha mãe não ter visto A Dios
It was like that, my grandmother and my aunt, my grandmother was taking a shower and my aunt was there on the stairs and then what happened out of nowhere they saw a white light my aunt saw it and she ran to the bathroom where they saw a white light where The white light passed through the wall and then it disappeared. Lots of strange noises, too horrible, I was already born at that time, I don't know how my mother didn't see A Dios
Submitted by: Anonymous
The Rake
In the woods off of the turnpike. Off of exit 7
December 2023
Back in December of 2023, My fiancée encountered what looked like the rake (creepypasta) by the turnpike. It seemed to be eating something unalived. It saw her and tried to chase her. The experience was scary, but thankfully she is safe.
This is a warning for people around that area to be careful at night.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Black Demon
I know the story may seem very cliché, but here it is. My mother and I had just moved to my stepfather's house. At first, everything was fine. I had to share the room with my brother, which was normal. But ever since our old house, we had been seeing shadows and, mainly, I heard noises, bells, and saw shadows. My mother even saw a black tail... One night, at my stepfather's house, my brother and I went to bed, and I woke up around two in the morning, distressed and screaming. When my parents came into the room, I started telling them that I had a nightmare, where I was in a church, and a demon almost with god-like powers was destroying the church, as he opened a rift and split the church in half, and we were hanging on the edge of it. But then, from a certain part of my dream, my stepbrother continued the story. So, we looked at each other, full of fear, and then our parents said it was better to go to bed and that it was just a coincidence... We listened to them and went to bed, but things only got worse from there. Tragedies happened in my family, our great-grandmother died a week before my birthday, among other things. Like the night I woke up because of my sleep apnea and heard something, or someone, rummaging through the bags in my closet... I know it wasn't the wind because the closet windows were closed, but at the moment, I could only get up, go slowly, and close the closet. Besides, several things were disappearing from my room and some haven't appeared until today... One day, my mother reached her limit and went to talk to the bishop, and he gave a prayer to be prayed by the children of the house, in this case, my stepbrother and me, and we did it for a week. During them, we heard noises, and the flames of the candles didn't stop moving. Until, on the last day, at the end of the prayer, I looked down the hallway, and there was a black shadow, with red eyes, looking around the corner, and it smiled, turned, and left. We, full of fear, started crying, but since then, things started to get better for us.
Submitted by: Rodrigo
Missing Time In Michigan
Grand Ledge-Kalamazoo, MI
I moved to Kalamazoo from Flint in August of 2002 while attending Western Michigan University. On weekends, I would drive back Sunday mornings to Flint to play organ at my church, have lunch with my family, and then I would drive back to Kalamazoo in the evenings.
One particular evening in February of 2003, I went to my mom's house after lunch and hung out for a while. My mom advised me that there was a snow storm coming, and to call her when I got home, so that she'd know I was okay. I left the house just a few minutes after 6 pm, and headed west on I-69. I decided I would get off at M-43 in the Lansing area, which runs pretty much straight to Kalamazoo (turning into 343 closer to town) - that way, I could avoid the freeway if weather became inclement. As soon as I hit the exit ramp, it began to snow - blizzard style. I thought to myself how convenient it was that I just got off the freeway, and wouldn't have to deal with the congestion that would surely await on I-94.
As I approached the stop sign at the end of the ramp, I saw what looked to me like a deer standing in the middle of the road. Except, it wasn't 'deer colored.' It was practically glowing, a subtle neon blue. I blinked a few times, but it didn't disappear. I waited for a couple seconds, and it started to wander off to the opposite side of the road, in no hurry, before disappearing into the trees. I don't know about you - but I had never seen a neon blue deer before. I chalked it up to the light from my headlights reflecting off the snow or something, and I turned towards Kalamazoo and started my way down the road.
To be succinct - the roads became terrible, quickly. The snow piled up, and the closer I got to Kalamazoo, the more had already fallen. It was maybe thirty minutes onto M-43 that I realized I wasn't seeing any traffic. I mean - ANY - traffic. No cars, no snowplows, etc. Aside from streetlights, I also wasn't noticing any lights on in people's houses. I was driving maybe 30 or 40 mph at the fastest, taking my time and trying to avoid sliding off the road. When 43 splits off to 343, I began to notice traffic again, and lights on in the houses. Eventually, I pulled up to my driveway, and went inside to hang with the roommates.
Now. I had listened to a couple cassette tapes in their entirety on the way home. "Lateralus" by Tool, and "Boingo" by Oingo Boingo. The combined running length of these two albums is a little over 150 minutes. After Boingo finished, I was close enough to K-zoo that I figured starting another album wouldn't be necessary, so I switched to 107.7 WRKR and heard probably four or five tunes on that station before reaching my house. All in all, I figured it had taken me about three hours (maybe a little more) to get home. When I walked in the house, I went to the phone immediately to call my mom. The phone call went something like this.
Mom: Hello?
Me: Hi!
Mom: Where are you?
Me: Home.
Mom: Kalamazoo?
Me: ...yyyyeeesss???
Mom: How fast were you going?
Me: I took it nice and slow. I got off at M-43 and it started snowing, so I made sure to be extra careful.
Mom: you know what time it is?
(Now, at this point, I'm already getting the heebie jeebies. I realized I hadn't really looked at the clock in the van, but glancing at the microwave, it read 7:43.)
Me: it almost 8?
Mom: Yes - you made the drive in an hour and a half.
After a bit more conversation, I ended up telling her that I actually took the freeway, and had to apologize for speeding that I never did, and a promise to slow down in the future. After the call, I went out to the van - the clock in my van read 9:20. According to my van, it took a little over three hours to get home. According to my mom (who corroborated the time I left) and my roommates (who corroborated the time I got there), it took about one and a half hours.
The only explanation that makes sense (even though it sounds crazy) is that somewhere between Lansing and Kalamazoo, I hit a time slip. It was heralded by that neon blue deer, and that's why I didn't see any cars for like an hour and a half.
Submitted by: Jon
Weird experience
Rottnest Island
I stayed at the Rottnest Lodge with my boyfriend and after going to sleep I awoke to very active shadow figures and a cacophony of sounds I couldn’t identify. It sounded like people were in the room jumping on the wicker furniture. I was petrified and turned the light on and immediately the sounds stopped. My heart was pounding but I convinced myself I had been dreaming and as I calmed down I turned the light off and instantly the sounds resumed. I shook my boyfriend awake and asked him if he was also hearing what I was. He groggily agreed but seemed unconcerned and told me to go back to sleep. I stayed awake all night and the sounds and shadows only abated as the sun came up. We checked out of the lodge and on the boat back to the mainland I discovered I was covered in bruises in strange places like my feet. A very strange experience that I can’t explain.
Submitted by: Juliet
Shadow person encounters
Humble abode
Okay, scrollers, come on in for a good, eerie read.
This happened when I was about 9-10 at my childhood home. This was the day I learned that negative people get fed on by negative, even evil, things.
So, my mom and dad were in the midst of a divorce - dad wasn't as holy as he made himself appear. Cheating, lying, and other horrible slew of things I hate to mention on here. Anyways, we as kids didn't really know what was happening at the time. These were on different days not too far apart from each other.
Encounter 1 - I was just coming home from playing with some kids on the street, it was sunset, yet it was early enough that it wasn't dark yet. As my mom opened the door, over her shoulder, I saw what I could best describe as a "3D shadow figure" of a man step out from my hallway bathroom and walk into my room. It wasn't like a shadow on the wall (like peter pan's shadow), it was like a person that was made out of shadow, opacity brought to about 30%, walking straight to my room. I told my mom if anyone else was home, she said no. I began to search the closet and under the bed to confirm this. There wasn't anyone. I slept with the lights on that night.
Encounter 2 - I woke up around 2 am. At that time, I slept with the door open and the nightlight on. My bed was facing the door and the door led to the dark hallway, looking back, this was super scary
know thinking as an adult. Right there, in the door threshold, was my sister dressed in her pajamas. She was just staring at me. I thought she was being annoying so I asked her "what?" in a cranky brother tone. She pointed towards my brother's bed on the other side of the room, in which he was at a sleepover, and she said "twin brother." Then I did that movie scene thing where you turn your head to see what they were pointing and then turn back. Gone. She was gone, not even a noise walking back to her room. Agitated, I got up and went to her room in the dark. As I opened her door, she was heavily asleep. No evidence of her waking up, the blankets were snug on her. I merely just thought I was half asleep and called it that. That night, I slept with the room lights on and the door shut tightly.
Encounter 3 - I was on my mom's bed as I was playing my Nintendo DS. It was nighttime, only me and Mario Kart. The volume was all the way up. I started to hear rustling in my mom's bathroom. The door was cracked open. So I shut the DS and stared at it for a bit, thinking it was a rat. Then I heard an eerily human whisper. The best way I can describe it is that it sounds like Parsel tongue from Harry Potter. The language Harry made when speaking to snakes. I ran out of the room with a racing heartbeat. Never have I ever gone back at night, alone, in that room.
After my dad left, the energy went as well. There are no more sightings, no more sounds. I asked my other family members if they seen things or heard noises, only my little sister has. I'll have to share her story another time, something about a shadow baby climbing up her bed. Hope you weren't reading this at night. I concluded that evil does follow negative energy. Thanks for reading! Also, thanks to the Belief Hole podcast that mentioned this website. If you like to hear about creepy tales from people, definitely give that podcast a listen.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Wild panther that escaped a travelling Zoo
Story from my fathers childhood:
"Dad and i were out shooting, as father and son do, bonding yanno. its the 90s
It was dark and we had cleared away several rabbits and foxes from the fields of the farm we were on when sunset took place. i was in charge of the spotlight as it got dark.
i watched as my father lined up a shot on what he thought was another fox, as he let the round go, we heard a mooing sound ( we accidently hit someones stray cow ) and at the same time we saw a dark long, cat like figure leap from the grass close by towards the injured cow.
there were rumours going around about a panther that had escaped from the circus that went through town years ago but no one believed it, i think i saw it that night "
Submitted by: Anonymous
Goat like creature
During the summer my father and i worked out on the farms picking cotton and other stuff or we would rebuild roads and maintain them,
during a day shift my father and i both had on the tractors, we were asked to clear away some overgrown land between an already existing paddock and the river bank.
we had made a clearing about 1km long and roughing 500m wide, myself at one end and my father on the other as we both saw what looked like a goat for a split second, standing on its back legs in the distance for us both, except we couldn't really make out any details besides that it had thick looking course, off white hair like a mountain goat would and it was FAST, Very fast across the clearing we had made in a matter of seconds and it moved completely flat, with no up or down motion at all. we never saw it again and we both never finished making that clearing
Submitted by: Anonymous
A Virgem de abreu e lima (The virgin of Santo Amaro)
Abreu e Lima
No início de 2024 eu e minha mãe fomos visitar uma amiga dela de Recife que havia sofrido um acidente de carro. chegando em Recife pedimos um Uber pra casa dessa amiga, e durante a longa viagem conversamos bastante com o motorista, que conhecia bastante a região. Em um certo momento o tema da conversa parou em lendas urbanas, e o motorista começou a me contar de uma história que tinha ouvido falar, sobre a "Virgem de Santo Amaro", que se tratava de uma mulher loira que foi violada e assassinada, e hoje em dia os moradores dizem que sua alma vive atraindo homens para o cemitério de Santo Amaro para matá-los.
Quando eu ouvi essa história, me perguntei o que leva as pessoas a desenvolverem independentemente tantas histórias sobre loiras fantasmas assassinas, como a loira do banheiro. Talvez a injustiça e a impotência perante uma tragédia traga sentimentos vingativos para os envolvidos, que acabam sendo traduzidos em desejos de punição divina, ou pelo menos paranormal, dos malfeitores.
Pelo menos acho que esse é um bom pedaço de cultura a se compartilhar, boa noite.
In the beginning of 2024, me and my mother traveled to visit a friend of her from Recife that was involved in a car accident. When we got to Recife, we called an Uber to the friend's house, and during that long trip we chatted a lot with the Uber driver that knew pretty well that region. In a certain moment the theme of the conversation was "urban legends", and the driver started telling me about a story he heard, about the "Virgin of Santo Amaro", that was about a girl who was violated and killed, and according to the locals her soul attracts men to the Santo Amaro graveyard to kill them.
When i heard this story, i asked myself what would bring people to create this stories about blonde murderer ghosts, like bloody mary (the brazilian equivalent to bloody mary is described as bathroom blondie). Maybe the injustice and impotence of a tragedy bring forth sentiments of vengeance, that manifest as desires for a divine punishment, or at least paranormal, for the criminals.
Either way i thought this was a piece of culture that was worth sharing, good night.
Submitted by: F. Mordechai
Come-Quieto (Quiet-eater)
Around the countryside of Maceió
2023 (story) but it could go back as far as 1973
Em 2023, estava de noite ,eu fui ao trabalho da minha mãe esperar acabar o turno dela pra gente sair, eu estava com fome por isso fui numa loja perto que vendia salgados. Ao chegar lá o atendente estava CAÍDO no chão, eu jurei que haviam assaltado e matado o coitado mas quando eu cheguei perto vi que ele só tava dormindo no chão.
Depois de comer e voltar para o trabalho da minha mãe eu fui falar para ela sobre o homem estranho no chão, e ela em tom brincalhão disse "vai ver era o come-quieto", isso me pegou de surpresa então eu perguntei o que era isso, e ela respondeu: "é o homem que se finge de morto pra comer o cu do coveiro".
Isso me deixou MUITO intrigado, pois de onde que ela tinha tirado aquela história? Não era do perfil dela inventar algo assim, eu me perguntei se não era algo como um caso policial de um homem que fazia isso há um tempo atrás mas procurando no google não encontrei nada, e seria muito estranho ter esse nome "come-quieto" atrelado a um caso assim... Por isso eu supus que seja alguma lenda urbana antiga pouco conhecida, algo como o papa-figo.
Se alguém tiver alguma informação por favor realize contato.
[ENGLISH TRANSLATION] In 2023, it was night, i went to my mom's workplace to wait out her shift so we can hang out after, but i was pretty hungry so i quickly went to a cafeteria close by to eat something. When i got there, through the balcony i saw the cashier laying on the floor, i thought he was robbed and shot but when i got closer i saw he was just sleeping on the ground.
After eating i went back to my mom's workplace and told her about the weird guy on the floor, and my mom said in a jokingly tone "maybe it was the quiet-eater", that caught me by surprise, i never heard of that thing before, and when i asked about it, she said: "it's a guy who plays dead to eat the gravekeepers ass".
That left me VERY intrigued, because where would she heard that story from? It was unusual of her to make up something like that, so i asked myself if it wasn't some old criminal case about a guy that did those things but searching about it on google came up with nothing, and it would've been weird to have a name like "quiet-eater" associated with a case like that... That's why i concluded that it must be some sort of obscure urban legend, like the fig-muncher (or liver muncher)
If someone has some information about it please come in contact with me.
Submitted by: Fillipe
Honeymoon Haunting
Greenwood neighborhood
I live near the Ohio river. When my husband and I got married, we had our 18 year old daughter and 19 year old niece watch the dogs and the house while we took a honeymoon weekend. I warned the girls to shut the windows and doors up as soon as it starts getting dark but I didn’t specify why. Come about 930pm the girls called and sounded a bit scared. I assured them that the shadows in the tree were not bad, they just agitate the dogs. My husband, a skeptic, will only go out back to smoke at night because it is fenced in and he doesn’t hear “hey!” Or his name being called.
Submitted by: V
Mill Pond UFO
Linden, MI
My best friend and I used to burn our school papers we didn't need, in a kind of healing/cleansing process. The house is on a long pond, called the Mill Pond. Across the pond is a pine tree forest. To the extreme left of where we were burning, is a train bridge, high high up.
One night we were finished and sitting in chairs, watching the fire. All of a sudden, we both caught lights out of the corner of our eyes. Hovering over the Mill Pond was a classic ufo. Disc shaped, with lights that changed, kind of like that game Simon. But huge and in the sky. It was silent. We both got to our feet, and I remember feeling like I couldn't move from there. The ufo hovered over the pond, before going up high above the train bridge, where it hovered for some time. Then it disappeared into the forest across the pond. We put out the fire and ran into the house!
Submitted by: Katie
Large Beam of Light
A friend and I had just gotten done going ice skating one night in Gilbert, AZ. It was roughly 10:30p - 11p when we decided to leave the rink & go grab some food. We got our food and she was bringing me home. In 2011, McQueen and Queen Creek rd was pretty bare(still kinda is minus the new circle k built.) There wasn't anything but farm land. So as we are waiting on the light, only truck on the road, we notice behind us in the rear view mirror a LARGE beam of light. We stopped the music, dropped the food in our hands and looked at each other. "What is that!?" my friend asked. I just kinda sat there and looked in the passenger side mirror as it continued shining on the road. And then it just went right over her truck, stopped for a few seconds and continued on until it just disappeared up the road in front of us. We missed the green light and everything because we were so intrigued. Absolutely nutty and I wish I had had a cellphone in that moment to capture what we saw!!
Submitted by: Lex M
Hall Pass
Delphos middle school top floor.
While in 8th grade I had to go from one side of the hallway to the other side going from science to Civics class. 2nd period already ended, I gathered my things and swapped out textbooks in my locker. Heading twords 2rd period civics nothing strange happened however when I got there it was 4th period. 45 minutes vanished that I have no recollection of.
Submitted by: Donovan Palmer
Inhuman Entity
NW Portland
I used to live in a small apartment in NW Portland (~100 years old). When I moved in, I noticed small things going missing, but nothing that worried me. One night I woke up and I couldn't move, and felt terror in my chest like it had never felt before. There was a face in front of me that was not quite human but was not something that wasn't human. It said "You're not dreaming" and then everything went black. I woke up with scratches all over my body. It never happened again. I lived on the third (top) floor of my building and lived alone. No signs of a break-in, and I knew that it was not a real person in my apartment - at least not a living one.
Submitted by: M Singer
Self-Swinging Swing
Jolley’s Ranch Playground
We went for a walk with my friends and their dog to explore more of the Jolly Ranch campgrounds, and as we strolled Into a field with a swing set, something suddenly felt off even their dog started to act strange. As I scanned the tree line looking around I saw a single swing swinging. As we sat on a nearby bench, we couldn't help but be perplexed as we observed a swing, part of the usual playground equipment, moving on its own, swaying back and forth, untouched by anyone, this went on for 45 minutes.
After a while of talking about it and filming it, we decided to go and get a closer look as we approached; it stopped swinging abruptly.
Submitted by: Jake
Estes Experiences
Rock Canyon
One time we went up onto the bridge over the dried up river to do the Estes method. It started getting more threatening, and the weather just randomly got really dark, windy and rainy. Now it is Utah but it gave us a very bad feeling seeing as we had threats with that Estes method. Another evp session we had, we got a child’s voice saying “owie” or “ouchie”. I was the only girl there, and the rest of the people have deep voices so it definitely wasn’t them and I hadn’t said anything.
Previous times we’ve hiked up to the cave and done Estes method there too, which ended poorly due to whatever was talking to is threatening my brother, and we heard a growl and what sounded like something crawling up the 7 foot drop of the cave. The cave splits off into two, the left side is a slight drop then dead ends. The right side is a slight drop then goes into a 7 foot drop with a log over it so you can try to climb out. It’s well trafficked, and there were no animal prints around, so we don’t believe it was an animal. However it very well could have been.
Yet again we did an Estes method by a popular rock climbing spot, but allegedly this spot was used by cultists and torn down. During this method, the person under says “he’s here” to which we reply “who?” and they say “master”. After this there was a small rock slide on the mountain that scared us so bad so we packed up and left.
Submitted by: Bailey
Brookdale Lodge
Brookdale lodge
This is a haunted place, my friend and I came here and we both saw a few dark shadows move across the room, we talked to employees there and they alls aid they experience paranormal stuff here too
Submitted by: Mark
V-shaped UFO
Madison Heights, MI
It was about 1am and I had just gotten home. I let out my dog and I always stay outside with her. I looked up at the sky to look at the stars as I always do and I saw a large V shaped UFO flying West to East. It had 11 red lights, 5 on either side with one at the head. Basically a geese flight pattern. It was slowly flying very low. I want to stress that it was moving very slowly. It was also so quiet that if I hadn't of looked up I wouldn't have even known it was there. I quickly ran inside to grab my phone to take a video. I was inside for no more than a few seconds as my phone was within reach of the door. By the time I got back outside it was gone. It had been right overhead and with how slow it was flying it should have still been easily visible. I called a few people who I knew were still up to ask if they could see it and they said they didn't see anything. There were also no reports on social media about others having seen it. I often feel crazy but I know what I saw and how it vanished when I went to grab my phone to get proof of it.
Submitted by: Jordan
Playing Outside
This incident happened while I was still in middle school when I was around 12 or 13 years old.
We always had the best summers. My grandma had a 56 acre property, most of which was wooded and in the middle of nowhere. My family lived in the big house with her. My mother had four kids, but my older sister lived on her own somewhere else. One of my aunts lived on the right side of my grandmas house, she had three kids. My other aunt lived on the left side of the main house and she had seven kids. My whole family would always play kickball, badminton and hide and seek during summer break.
On this particular night, my family decided to play, hide and seek. I would always partner up with either my big brother, or my cousin that was the same age as me. That was one of the rules, you had to hide with someone or you had to hide near someone. Another rule was never hide too close to the woods or in them. My mom always said it was because of coyotes. No one ever questioned this because we could hear them almost every night and we had found traces of small dead animals in the woods during our daytime adventures through the paths. There was a large overgrown field separating the woods from us, we always mowed paths down heading toward the woods.
Anyway, my cousin said she would hide with me, and my brother said he would hide near us. We decided to hide on the left side of the property. My cousins house had a tree with a big shadow that was cast from the mercury light on my grandmothers garage. It was the perfect spot because it was in the open but you wouldn’t be able to see me unless you were in the shadow with me. I told my brother and cousin about my idea and they agreed.
The three of us sprinted off my grandmothers giant back porch towards the left side of the property at the start of the game. We ran around my cousins house and I was the first to arrive at the shadow below the tree. I watched my uncle, who was the person to find everyone, walk off the back porch heading towards the right side of the property.
I saw something move out of the corner of my eye under the tree shadow with me. I glanced over, and it was my cousin. She had finally joined me. Then I felt like someone was watching me from my cousins roof, it was my brother. He had the knack for getting on the houses and accidentally breaking windows and he was told not to do it anymore. I laughed to myself because I knew he was going to get in trouble again.
Some time went by and we watched a few of my other cousins run to safety up on the porch. Then I saw my brother run up to safety yelling “Suck that losers.” I could’ve swore that he was just on the roof. I looked up and locked eyes with him. My blood ran cold. I told my cousin, while still looking at what I thought to be my brother, “It’s time to run.” When I looked over at her, she was smiling at me in a very unnerving way. Then I saw movement by my grandmas house, nearing the porch. It was my cousin. The one that was hiding with me. I gasped and I got up as fast as I could and I ran faster than I ever thought I could.
Once I made it to the porch, where some of the others had gathered, I looked over to where I had been. It was about half an acre away from where I was standing. I watched the thing that looked like my brother jump down from the roof into the shadow of the tree. Then I watch the two things run into the high weeds heading towards the woods. I started to hyperventilate. What the hell was that? What the hell were those things? I ignored everyone’s questioning words and worried stares.
Where was my mom? I needed my mom. She’s been living on this property for her whole life and I know she’s seen some unexplainable things during her time here maybe she could tell me what the hell just happened.
My mother was in the kitchen when I found her. I was sobbing mass, but I told her what I needed to say. Her face turned white as a ghost. She looked at everyone that had followed me and said, “The games over. Everyone go home.” My uncle and my mom walked everyone home even though it was a short walk, she refused to let anyone walk alone. She also ignored everyone’s questions.
By the time my mom came back I had stopped crying, but I was still shaken from what happened. There was a million questions running through my head but before I could ask them, my mom said “You are not to go outside by yourself at night anymore. If your cousins want to see you later in the day, they can come here. There are things on this property that have been here ever since I could remember. I can’t tell you what they are because I don’t know what they are. From now on we will not be playing hide and seek until I know they have lost interest.”
Playing outside was never the same after that my mom and aunts had spread the word about what happened. We always were in our homes before the sunset every night after that.
Looking back on that day still gives me chills. Now that I know what really could’ve happened that night scares me to no end. I never broke my fear of the dark now that I know what could be lurking in the shadows.
Submitted by: SA
Birdbath in Woods
Birdbath in woods
Our Randonautica coordinates took us to a small clearing off the side of Labore Rd in Vadnais Heights. In the clearing is a small birdbath. It didn’t appear to be well kept—lots of overgrowth.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Knock on the Door and More
Moon River Apartments
I lived here with my partner and two other roommates, nothing super weird ever happened here until this experience. The way our unit was set up, we were on the top level of the two level, and our door didn’t have a peep hole but it had a window on the left side so you can see when people walk down the stairs on our side. It had a kitchen window so you could see who was at the door, as well as see anyone walking across the walkway to other units. My partner was at work and one of the roommates was off doing whatever so it was me and my roommate “A”. We were just hanging out I think cleaning or cooking and we get a knock on the door. Immediately we look at each other which a nervous confused face. I had a very odd feeling. Both of us are very antisocial and didn’t really ever have people over. Neither of us were expecting anyone. I look out the kitchen window to see who it is, wondering if it was the tamale lady stopping by randomly. It wasn’t. There was a hunched over old lady doing a very weird wiggle/shimmy thing while bending over. I normally don’t get the creeps but it made me filled with anxiety.
Here’s where it gets extra weird. Because of the layout of our unit, we can see if someone is leaving from both sides. Whether they walk down the stairs to the left, or walk across to the other side of the stairs to the right. “A” was looking out on the left, I was looking on the right to see them leave and who they were. We never saw them leave. We never heard footsteps walking away. The only other way for someone to leave without being seen would be to hop over the railing down to the ground which I don’t see an old lady doing. After we determined the coast was clear to check and see if anything was left on our door, we open it and nothing was left, nothing was out of place.
To this day I still do not know what knocked on our door but I’m glad “A” was there to experience it too so I know someone believed me.
Submitted by: Bailey
Chinatown Ghost Tour
Chinese historical society (Fritz Family home)
We were on a Ghost walking tour in Chinatown for our friends birthday. Our tour guide gave us EMF readers that we got to try out and make sure he didnt have anything to set it off. The whole tour was going well until we reached The Chinese Historical Society Center, formerly The Fritz House. Our tour guide told us how the daughter of lived there after her parents died and how she was married 3 times. As soon as he mentioned the daughter, our EMF readers were going into the RED.
Each of us were in different spots in front of the house. Whenever our tour guide would mention certain things about the her story our EMF readers would go crazy and we each got a kind of chill. It was SUMMMER... in Southern California! We were a little creeped out but the we just chalked it up to the story. Then we noticed that it smelled like jasmine flowers in the area. We mentioned it to our guide and he let us know that there is know jasmine flowers planted in the area. Agian, a little creeped out. Then we noticed a lot of cats staring at us, thought nothing of it since we could see the cats were well fed strays that stay on that property. But as we were walking away, we all felt this weird pressure like it was pushing us away from the house. We thanked the house and the spirits for their cooperation as to not make them feel like we were mocking them and as were being pushed away, we looked back and noticed that a corner of the patio was in complete darkness. We were just on that patio and it was not dark like it was now. We def felt a little scared but just waved our goodbyes to the spirit in the corner and got the hell out of there to the next stop in the tour. Definitely a Ghost tour to remember.
Submitted by: D
Haunted Hotel
Ramada Hotel in Syracuse, NY
I stayed in the hotel with my mom when we were visiting my brother who was studying at Syracuse at the time. We had a weird experience in the hotel room on the first floor, by the stairwell. It's been almost ten years, so I can't remember the room number, but when we checked in and went to leave our bags in the room, there were some maintenance people in there, saying they were asked to fix the phone. We shrugged it off and assumed it was the previous guests or something who stayed in the room. They finished whatever they were doing with the phone after we left to see my brother.
Nothing eventful really happened until the day after when we were leaving. It was just a quick weekend visit. The phone rang and my mom was getting ready in the bathroom so she asked me to pick up the phone, thinking it was the front desk reminding us that it was almost time to check out. When I answered it, it sounded like there was a conversation already happening between a little girl and a dad or something. The hotel had old phones that plugged into the wall, and I figured that maybe there was faulty wiring so I hung up. Not too long after, my mom is taking some things to our car. We didn't check out yet but she didn't feel like dragging her stuff around the hotel seeing as we were near a side entrance/exit.
I waited for her in the room and my imagination started running because I like books and writing. I decided to put my theory to the test because, if I were writing this story, I'd have that phone call be a sign that there was a ghost. So I sat on the edge of the bed nearest the door and asked if anything was there. There was an immediate response where an entire empty bar of coat hangers on the wall got smacked, and the hangers were swinging together. I left the room and didn't turn back. I met my mom with my key card in the hallway and checked out.
I haven't been back since, no reason to, but I've looked up information about the hotel to see if anyone else had potentially paranormal experiences there. All I've seen over the years were poor reviews about unsanitary conditions and miserable staff. I'm inclined to think this confirms a haunting as it can drain a lot from the living with constant exposure. Would love to know if anyone else had an experience here.
Submitted by: Sofia
Triangle UFO
My friend was having a small party for her birthday. Some people were drinking, some were doing drugs and some were sober. We were all sitting around a fire pit and someone said "what is that?" & pointed up. We all looked up and saw what we think is a UFO. It was in the shape of a triangle and it had blue round lights. It sat above us for about a 20 seconds and then quickly took off and disappeared with in seconds.
Submitted by: Madi B
Bright UFO
Sandy Cape Recreation Park
A bright light at very high altitude appeared and slowly moved West to East. The object stopped. It began to change colors and increase in luminosity. It then seemingly descened or headed south verifying it was not a satellite. It then started heading West at a high rate of speed, it changed colors multiple times whilst increasing in luminousity and then disappeared.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Haunted AirBNB
Mascoutah AirBnB
In the summer of 2021, my fiance and I decided we wanted to take a little weekend trip to a spa not too far from us. It was a place she'd been to before and wanted to share with me. I travel on hotels all the time for work, so instead of booking a regular hotel, we decided to get an AirBNB. Being a tiny bit rural, there wasn't a ton of options, but we found one about a half an hour from the spa. The owner hadn't had it listed too long and had maybe 4 other guests before us. He was really nice and communicated ahead of time that while the downstairs, kitchen, and bathrooms were pretty well done, if we had any feedback from him about upstairs and bedroom area, he'd appreciate it so he could work on it.
And it was a VERY cute, older house that he had definitely spent some time and effort renovating. As he said, the completed areas were beautiful. The upstairs room, the main sleeping area, was essentially a large. Open loft room with a laundry room and full bathroom with a shower. And while the walls were definitely painted and the nightstands were new and modern, the rest of the room was bare except for 3 things. A 2 shelf bookcase that was attached to the wall, a small black stool, and a small wooden chair.
The first night went along without a hitch with one small exception. The light downstairs turned on by itself. After a little experimenting, it seemed the ceiling light in the downstairs room could be controlled by the upstairs remote if you were standing directly above the downstairs fixture. At least, that's what we settle on and I'm want to continue to choose to believe.
We went to the spa later day and have a lovely day walking around the small town it was in, visiting antique stores and local shops. We went back to the AirBNB town, had a nice dinner in town and spent the evening drinking wine in rocking chairs off the porch, enjoying a rainy evening and each other's company.
Eventually we decided to head to bed. This is when the weird started. Next to the bed close to the wall, the host had squeezed in a nightstand that had a light that we couldn't figure out how to turn on and a jar of earplugs, presumably for street noise as it was off the town's main road. I was having issues with carpal tunnel at the time and tended to sleep with my arm out to prevent my hand from going numb. I was asleep when I was awakend by the feeling of the nightstand moving and the jar of earplugs falling behind the nightstand. At first, I thought maybe I had startled myself out of sleep, shaken the nightstand with the arm thst was draped partly over it, knocking the earplugs off on my own. But, after picking them up and settling back in, a cold realization came over me. If it had been me who shook the nightstand, my arm would have shaken it side to side - from the bed to the wall. But I distinctly, and eerily, recalled the night stand moving back and forth - from the head of the bed to the foot. I didn't have the grip or strength with only the back of my hand on this night stand to have moved it that way. And, after sitting there in my now cold sweat, I realized it hadn't just been shaken - it had been moved out at least a 4 inches to give the jar room to drop behind it. There was no way I'd jolted enough when awaking to have done that. But that's what had happened. My fiance had been completely asleep next to me on the other side of the bed. It hadn't been her.
Shaken, I decided the best thing for me to do was pretend it didn't happen and go back to sleep. How I managed to shove that unease down I'll never know.
The next day, we drove the short distance to the botanical gardens and zoo, had lunch and dinner there, before driving back to the AirBNB. We were going to be leaving the next morning, so we had our stuff mostly packed and I left my suitcase partially open on the stool. Her bag was on the floor next to bed. Having somehow forced myself to forget the events of the night before, I was able to fall asleep fairly quickly once we were ready for bed.
Sometime later, I woke unexpectedly. Again. This time from what sounded like something being dropped. I had just about decided I'd imagined it when I heard it again. It was coming from the center of the room and the second time, my fiance woke up, too. She asked what the noise was amd I said I didn't know, but that I thought I'd heard it twice. She turned on her light on her night stand to find my bag was no long setting in the stool. It was on the floor. But it wasn't just on the floor, like it had fallen over. If that was the case, I'd have been on its side or face down, right next to the stool where it would have fallen.
It wasn't.
It was face up, strap lying across the top, exactly how it'd be if you'd dropped it straight down off your shoulder after carrying it inside. The way it always was when I'd dropped it in my hotel rooms. It was also now in the middle of the room, several feet away from the stool it had been on. There was no way it could have fallen and rolled. It was a large bag and only partially full. It would have just slumped in on itself. But there it was - right side up in the middle of the room.
My fiance looked at me and asked what I wanted to do. I told her pretend it did effing happen and go back to sleep. And, amazingly, we did just that.
We woke up much earlier than we had planned and, without even discussing it, immediately packed up all our stuff and left. When I got home, I opened my bag and took out my laptop, which had been on the bottom of my clothes in the bag. Several of the keys were loose when I opened it. Like it had been dropped. And dropped with enough force to pop the keys off. Which is not a tiny amount of force.
I don't know what was in that house, but it didn't want me there. I'm glad I didn't give it the opportunity to express that feeling a 3rd night.
Submitted by: Jennifer
Something in the Woods
Walking home late one night turned on a street and had a super bad feeling Unlike anything I've ever experienced. It's like I knew something was in the woods! A street lamp was blinking and when I got under it it cut out.
Something stood in the woods I could see an outline it was huge and was standing on two feet. It let out the craziest noise I've ever heard something like a roar but it was so ungodly loud. I was frozen in fear and literally thought I was going two die. I finally snapped out of the frightened trance and ran and when I ran this thing ran the opposite direction all I heard were big trees getting pushed to the ground. I made it to my house locked myself in my room and just rocked back and forth on the floor it was the scariest thing that's ever happened to me. And I've seen a lot. (I've edited this encounter cause it's kinda long) not sure what it was I've had a lot of theories but my first was werewolf my last was something evil. Idk just don't walk this road at night ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100% true
Submitted by: Cory
Forest Lights
Jackson, MI
My cousin and I were children. I'm guessing around 8, but you could probably give or take a few years. We were small enough that we slept with our heads at different ends of the bed, and we barely met in the middle. It was the mid summer, and very late at night. We both were fast asleep in bed, when suddenly I had jolted awake for whatever reason. Immediately, something felt off and the urge to look outside made me shoot up right. I looked out the window at a tree just at the edge of a forest and saw hundreds of lights. They looked like Christmas lights, but I knew they didn't have anything in a tree that big and far from the house. Then my young brain thought "fireworks!" but they never dissipated. In fact, they flicked and danced around the leaves, almost like lightning bugs, but in every color you could imagine! I was in awe. After a few moments, I woke my cousin up. She was upset with me at first, and told me to go back to sleep "you're dreaming". I refused to accept that as an answer. Until finally I pestered her enough to sit up and look. To my amazement, she saw them too! We sat there, for 15 minutes discussing what they could be and how beautiful they were. Eventually we settled on 'really cool lightning bugs or fairies' and went back to sleep. We talked about it briefly the next day and then never again. Until, in our early 20s, I looked at her and asked her if she remembered. She looked at me stunned and said "I thought I dreamed that". We both remembered ever detail the exact same, and we both had decided we imagined it, dreamed it, or remembered wrong up until that moment. I don't know what it could've been; whether it were aliens, fairies, ghosts, a cryptid, strange bugs, or even just a shared vision, it was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen and I've spent my life hoping I'd get to see it again!
Submitted by: Anon
Shouldn’t Have Been There
Cotton Gin- Climax, GA
My father is a pastor, so many many strange things have happened to him that he understands as being evil. Once my grandmother passed, the only thing my mom inherited was a “corner-doll”. the ones with no faces that look like they’re in time out. she brought it in our home and we thought nothing of it. That night, my father went to make sure my sibling and i were sleeping before he went to go to bed. he saw my mother standing over me as i was in bed on the opposite side of my room and told her “come on (mothers name) let’s go to bed”. my mother was on the other side of our double-wide trailer doing laundry. she heard my father talking so she asked “what?” from the laundry room. As soon as my father turned to my mothers voice, he said he looked back to my bed and it was gone. we had a trash can on our porch from something leaking in it, and three german shepards (this will be important later) As my father is a pentecostal preacher, he anointed and prayed over our entire house with my mother. he said when they were praying they could hear what sounded like little kids running around the house (in the aspect of how the feet hitting the ground sounded, light and not too heavy like an adult running would be. he opened our front door and demanded whatever was in the house to leave. the trash can on our porch fell down and our three german shepards chased what seemed to be nothing up our drive way. cant really explain it to this day, other than something that shouldn’t have been there being there, spiritually.
Submitted by: anonymous
This happened a couple years ago. Me and my partner was out driving around after midnight its a beautiful summer night . We where partaking in the devils lettuce. We decided to pull off on to Hickson creek road. Hickson creek road is a gravel road heading out towards farmland ect. We pull off its dark all you have is the car lights and moon light. Me and my partner get out of the car. There is no houses near where we are just a old Dealapitated barn. We put a Blanket down and spark up a Joint. We are talking, chilling. You can see if cars are coming from where we sat. The moon was very bright that night. I remember thinking it's really creepy feeling looking across the field into the tree line of the woods. As we sit we hear what seems like someone speaking into a mega phone but also souds like its off in the Distance "Get Out!" Me and my partner look at each other like did you hear that. We froze I looked around for someone flash lights but no one is near us that I can see. I know we aren't near any houses and haven't seen any cars. We hear it again "Get out!" After the second get out my heart was racing I grabbed everything and race to the car. We lock the doors and drive away towards the Opposite way Looking for somewhere to turn around and go back towards where we were. And I shine the car lights across the field towards where we have been sitting there's nothing but fields and trees. We went back during day light the next day to make sure we didn't miss a house that might have been close but there was no house near the Dilapidated barn. Until this day we can not explain what it was we heard.
Submitted by: Martha
Everything Went Bad
Submitted by: Anonymous
Enormous Raven
San Antonio
Saw a 3 foot tall raven or crow while working the box office at my job. Me and two other coworkers saw it, but no one else around seemed to notice it. It was about 100ft in front of us on the patio of our establishment. We even asked the few people walking by if they saw it but they didn't. No one believes us!
Submitted by: Stacie
“Rake” Sighting
Near Missile Launch Facilities
2018, 2020
On 2 separate occasions(2018 & again in 2020), and totally "coincidental", the 2018 incident was a cryptoid out by missile launch facilities in the middle of nowhere (where I used to work). It looked almost exactly like some of the pictures you can find on google if you search "The Rake". It might sound very cliché, but I truly didn't know about this "creepypasta" character before hand, so till this day I can't see a picture because of how eerily similar it looks like to it. It was sitting like a dog on the side of the road next to a field of sunflowers, just staring . It was lanky, naked, super pale almost white, no hair at all anywhere. Hollow eye sockets. That's all I could see with the harsh headlights. It sat in the same spot, just blinking through this whole experience. We locked eyes. It watched the vehicle leave before running into the fields. I was the sole witness. The 2020 incident was witnessed by myself and another person. Both these incidents happened at 2am, whether that matters idk. For this second one, it was near the LFs, again. We were in a humvee, heading back to our facility, when out of nowhere a huge red "ball of light" appeared next to our vehicle. It was pulsating, and keeping up perfectly with our accelerating vehicle. It could've been slightly bigger than the humvee. It kept following for a good 30 seconds, until it stopped right before a 4-way intersection(that we absolutely did not stop at) We were the only people out in the area at that time. (Mind you, this is in the middle of NOWHERE-the nearest farmer is probably 30 miles out) I observed it when it stopped before a stop sign behind us, pulsating, and then vanishing into itself- thin air. Not up, down, sideways. into itself. These experiences definitely left me shook for a long time. Obviously these are more detailed and longer, but I've given a rundown of both experiences as simplified as possible!
Submitted by: Key
Strange Field
Caselman Ranch
There’s something about the field that’s off putting. I went for a walk down the street and decided to keep going to the train tracks. I got really dizzy and my vision was blurred, it almost felt like a lucid dream. I kept walking towards the train tracks and a huge gust of wind blew directly at me, almost as if some massive entity is trying to push me away from something.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Hat Man
I was in 5th grade doing my homework at the kitchen table while my mom was in the kitchen as well making food. I got the sudden urge to look over at her and as soon as I did for a split second I saw a man in a black suit, black hat, and carrying a black suitcase standing right behind my mom. Although, he was looking at me. I have never seen anything like this before in my life to this day, something so clear yet so unexplainable and confusing to me. I looked it up years later and read that he was actually a phenomena but still haven’t seen him again to this day.
Submitted by: Alaska
Taking Care of Chickens
Benson Arizona
My mother in law and I were tasked with taking care of her cousins chickens for the night while she was out of town.We drove separately but arrived at the location with in seconds of each other.i went to her car since hers was better equipped to drive on the rough path to the chicken coop.Once I had shut my door and we were backing up ,we heard this horrible loud screaming sound and all the dogs in the surrounding homes went off as if someone was in their home.The barks were these horrible deep growing barks as of warming someone or something to stay away.As they were continuing to bark,the screaming was still continuing on and it seemed to move from the the area behind the driver’s side to the front of the home.We heard crunching sounds and saw some sort of shadow moving to behind the home but when we flashed our flashlight towards the sound we saw nothing.the hairs on the back of our necks were standing up and we were very uncomfortable so we decided to just go home and come back early in the morning since the chickens had been checked that morning.i went back to my vehicle and we went different routes to home.I went the way of the highway and she went back roads.As I turned down the first road to home i decided to go a bit slower since it was dark and deer have a tendency to jump out of nowhere.I look up to check in my rear view mirror to make sure I’m not holding up anyone and let them pass if needed ,so I knew there was no one behind me.As I’m about to turn on my road I’m an suddenly blinded by these huge headlights and cut off by a truck with these huge flood lights on them going at least 70 in a 25 zone.I quickly turn myself off to the other side of the road to avoid being hit I notice that there are no lights anywhere anymore,and nothing to indicate another vehicle.It took me a few minutes to collect myself and realize that I actually hadn’t even been on my road like I had previously believed and that quite a bit of time had passed since I had started my way back home.i called my husband and explained the situation to him and talked with him all the way back home.Once I reached home and parked my vehicle and got out,it felt like someone was watching me from the trees and I rushed into the house.There were no other incidents that night.
Submitted by: Jayz
Waverley Hills
Waverly Hills Sanatorium
Back in 2007 my dad arranged a group of people to do a tour at Waverly. I was a kid but I was still allowed to go. I grew up around spooky things so I wasn’t scared…until we reached the 4th floor. From the moment we set foot on that floor to the moment we left I had goosebumps. It felt much colder and I felt like I was being watched. The tour guide proceeded to tell us the 4th floor had shadow people. My dad volunteered to go down the hall by himself and it was so dark he disappeared before he got more than 10 ft from the group. It was the most uncomfortable I have ever been in my life, and yet all of the discomfort vanished the second I stepped off the 4th floor. Even the famed death tunnel didn’t unnerve me like the 4th floor did.
Submitted by: Epie
View Park
I was home and my older brother was outside getting ready to walk across the street to where my cousin resides. I always watch when he crosses the street due to my street being pretty busy, as a safety precaution. I notice his first step up to the curb across the street. But as soon as he got both feet on the sidewalk pavement, I noticed a huge green flare, same colors as some northern lights at specific times. The flare was huge and lit the whole sky for a brief second. Tha flare seemed as if its direction was at a slant heading towards the earth. Imagine a Kameameah by Goku from Dragon Ball Z (DBZ) shooting towards the earth. That’s the only way I can describe what I saw. I never heard a slam or crash or anything that would indicate a meteorite had landed on earth. And I live in a very congested area. I asked my brother once he got home if he witnessed it as I did. And he said he didn’t see anything. The flare was much above him and maybe a few meters behind his peripheral .. my brother believed me tho. It was Juss so strange because I can’t say it was a ufo or meteorite, but from all I saw , was a giant green flare coming from the sky for about 2seconds. And it was just so close and but happened too fast.
Submitted by: Q
Guarded by the Giant
Blue Earth
I lived here for three months while doing a healthcare internship. On some leyline maps, they show a number of crossings in SE Minnesota, right near Blue Earth- the whole place has odd vibes- a giant statue of the Jolly Green Giant guards the town from I-90, bringing to mind all the other odd roadside attractions that are built on leyline crossings. The people are strange and very hesitant to leave- most folks grew up here, will live here and work here their whole lives, and then die here. Most haven't strayed further than 50 miles from here. If you need to stop here for any reason, keep the visit short and don't give anyone your last name!
Submitted by: Anonymous
Human Figure
I was lying in bed late one night, with my bedroom door open. I saw what looked like a human figure in my doorway, except I hadn't heard anyone walking down the hall. At first I thought it might be my brother trying to scare me, until I saw it moving. It looked like a shadow, far too tall for anyone in my family. Its hand started to reach into my room, so I closed my eyes and hid underneath the blankets, until I heard a whisper in my ear. I couldn't make out what it said, but the voice sounded feminine. I haven't seen it since.
Submitted by: Logyn
Giant Iguana
Where a Shell station once stood
My husband and I were at the only pay phone we knew around us because our phone service was off and we had to call in our unemployment. We found that phoning it in on Saturdays right at midnight, it would arrive by the next (Sunday) night. So we were in my car with the window and sunroof down and my husband was driving, I was in the passenger seat. He had no one of those led lights that strap around your forehead, it was in the car and since we were pulled up to the pay phone, one could see the dial pad better. There was a Shell station there that had just recently closed but was still standing and there were port a potties behind the pay phone obviously for construction crews as they were about to demolish the building. Suddenly my husband says, “Baby! Look! It’s a dinosaur!! No it’s an alien!!! I looked and saw it and screamed “GO GO GO GO!!” But then I saw it was kind of in a glitched state. It stood several feet taller than the porta potties and looked like a giant iguana with its mouth wide open. Was extremely muscular and had yellow and black lizard looking scales. I got out my iPhone and stood out the sunroof on the middle console witch put me about a foot shorter than where this thing stood. I took multiple pics on my iPhone and every single one of them was gray mist!! Just smoke!!! So we left and were mindblown. The very next morning we went back to the pay phone and the Shell station was gone!! Nothing was there but a newly asphalted parking lot!! This isn’t possible! It was literally 9 hours after we were there!!! That very night, my husband started hearing voices and has heard them ever since
Submitted by: Sebastien Son
Active House
Eagle Point
This will be a few stories from this location.
Event 1:
My first experience at this location was very subtle. One night, during that phase of sleep where you're still aware of the world, I could hear a deep groaning sound coming from the wall between my bedroom and living room. I woke right up but I remained still and visually located the shotgun next to my nightstand. The sound was slow and constant as it traveled from the left side to the right - toward the door between the two rooms. It felt like time had slowed. I was sure that this was a home invasion. When the sound reached the door, it just stopped. No other sounds were happening in the living room so I got up, grabbed my shotgun, and slowly walked up to the door where I put my ear close to listen. Silence.
I turn on the strobe flashlight and immediately rush the room to clear it, clearing all areas possible to hide (under table, behind the chair, etc.). Nothing. Doors locked and latched still. Room is quiet. I turn around to go back into my room when I notice that TV, which was mounted on a sliding mount, and all the connected devices were slid to the side closest to the door. The sound source suddenly made sense, but the actual cause did not. The TV was mounted on a level, which took a lot of effort to actually move (2009 TVs, although flat, were heavy as hell) and the attached devices were on an entertainment center below it. Somehow, the heavy TV and every device was pushed to the side closest to the door, wires still taught where they connect to the hub/wall. It was clear it had all slid to the side because of the trails in the dust. I left it all as is to investigate in the morning and went back to bed with no problems.
The next morning, I went into the living room and noticed something else that I didn't the night before. All the items on the coffee table, just opposite of the TV, were also slid to the side closest to the door with some even pushed over the edge. Almost like a gravity well opened for a moment and pulled all my stuff toward my bedroom door. I checked the integrity of the TV mount and found that it was very stable. There was absolutely no explanation for what happened unless the whole building was tipping. I even checked for earthquake history to no avail. This event led me to buy the cheapest video camera (phone cameras sucked back then) that I could afford as a poor college student.
Event 2:
This event happened about a month after the first event (first major one at least. The place always felt haunted).
While playing games in my living room, I heard a scratching sound coming from my bedroom behind me. Thinking it might be my dog, I kind of brushed it off and continued to play my games. I kept hearing the noises so I turned around only to notice that my dog was asleep right behind me on the couch.
With the noises still happening, I decided that I should probably go check it out, this time with my High Def 720p camera capturing the moment. As I got closer, I found that the sound was coming from inside my clothes closet and getting more frequent. I reached out to slide the door open when all of a sudden there was loud thrashing coming from inside the closet, causing the doors to bellow out, nearly knocking them off their tracks. I ran outside of the apartment as fast as I could.
When I finally had the guts to go back inside, I felt a heaviness to the air - almost as if I was in water. I slid open the door and all the clothes, still on their hangers, had somehow unhooked themselves from the (intact) bar and were piled up against the back of the door, as if to keep me out. I tore all the clothes out until nothing was left and the closet was just empty and normal. Dumbfounded, I put my closet back together and then hooked the camera up to my computer to review the footage.
Corrupt. I watched the playback on the camera just minutes earlier. I even went and hit the "eject memory card" option on the camera and waited for it to power off just to be sure that the data would safely transfer to my computer. I placed the memory card back into the camera, which then prompted me to format the card. The video was gone. "No matter. I'm here for a few more weeks. I'll capture more footage then." I put the camera away in its little case and placed it on the shelf just inside my room.
Event 3:
About a week after event 2, I could not get any sleep for 4-5 days straight. Each night at 1:34 am, I would wake up and have a sudden burst of energy that usually resulted in me watching Discovery Channel for a little while. I was well-disciplined about caffeine, water, sleep schedule, and working out at the time so losing sleep was really strange.
One night, the clock struck 1:34 am and my eyes opened as if on command. I sat up in bed wondering why this was happening to me so much lately. Instead of going and watching TV in the living room, I decided to open up Zombie Survival Guide (a huge hit back then) and read till I could hopefully fall back asleep. Suddenly I hear a thump somewhere in the apartment building, but I figured it was just a neighbor also having trouble sleeping. Thirty seconds later, I hear it again but this time it felt closer.
I turned off my lamp and grabbed my flashlight and camera, leaving the gun behind in favor of the camera. I check that it was working correctly (it was, also used it multiple times the previous few days for school) and start recording. I hear another thud, this time outside my bedroom door somewhere in the kitchen. I quietly open the door and hear a whoosh sound just outside the door and turn the flashlight on to full brightness and exit the room only to find nothing. As I stood in the empty living room, all lights turned on now, I sat on the couch and checked to make sure that the video file was present and not corrupted. I was happy to see that it was there. I put the camera back on the shelf and just went back to bed when I finally calmed back down.
The next morning, the camera was gone. Missing from the spot that I always kept it. I checked everywhere for it but couldn't find it. I lived alone and my tiny apartment was secure - locks on all my windows and doors, especially the ones accessible from the balcony. Plus, it was a small apartment (like 500 sq ft) so if anything happened in there, I would know it. I tore the apartment apart trying to find the camera to no avail.
That was enough for me. I put in for a rush to my next place and was lucky that the previous tenants had actually left earlier that very week and was already move-in ready. I moved the next weekend. At my housewarming party, I met a friend of a friend who happened to live in the same building that I used to live in, but they were on the complete opposite side at ground level. They proceeded to tell me about some strange stuff that happened to them like their shower turning on at random and shoes flung all around the entry way, so I shared my experiences. After hearing my stories, they also rushed to move out.
Submitted by: Former Resident
Pure White Entity
Hillsboro, Oregon
I was 22 and living at home with my parents and younger sister while attending a college. We were living in Hillsboro, which is located in the suburbs of Portland, Oregon. One of those towns on the edge of civilization where if you drive for two minutes down the highway it's all fields or creepy dense northwestern forests.
At about 11 PM, I turned off my bedroom light and climbed into bed. Almost as soon as I laid down I saw something in-between a blink, that I will never forget. On the left side of the bed, I saw a medium-large, white, hairless creature on all fours. It had no nose, two heads, two sets of large black eyes, and at least six grotesque inverted-jointed legs, similar to a spider.
I was gripped by fear and squeezed my eyes shut and pretended to be asleep. I felt a sort of malicious presence and was convinced it was there to kill me. I decided against opening my eyes or fighting back because I decided it was better to enjoy my last moments of life rather than scream out for my mother and alert the creature. Trying to remain still and separate my mind from my body in anticipation of death, I was shaking enough to where it was hard to keep my eyes sealed shut.
I heard the rain coming down, and my cat was snoring quietly undisturbed (which I thought was unusual) but, I could also hear the rustling of its backward legs on the shag carpet, right next to my bed.
Eventually, the sounds stopped and I walked downstairs to the light of the kitchen. I said to her Dad who was in the kitchen getting a drink of water, “Dad, I think I’m going crazy. I just saw the strangest thing in my room.” It was agreed upon and dismissed as a sleep paralysis experience.
Now, here is where things really get strange.
The next day, I went to tell her younger sister what had happened. My sister was shocked as she explained that her boyfriend saw something weird that same night. According to the boyfriend, after dropping my sister off and walking back towards his home, he felt a feeling of fear mixed with something watching him, so he turned around to look back towards the house.
“I saw a pure white thing leaping (like a really long stride) go across the street towards her house. My initial thought was to run back to my girlfriend’s house because I thought it was a large dog...but when I rounded the corner, I felt a great sense of dread and what I really saw was a pale creature that looked as if it was running on all fours, but its joints were snapped backward...I sprinted back home as fast as I could.”
My little sister swears that she made no mention of my experience to her boyfriend before.
To this day, I have never experienced anything that could even compare to the fear I experienced that night. I doesn’t think this was a case of sleep-paralysis because whatever it was, affected the physical space around me by making noise on the carpet while I shook with fear and struggled to remain still. Anyone who says they like being scared, that they wouldn't say that if they knew what true fear was.
Thanks for reading guys, I don’t know what to think! Cryptid, Alien, 4th Dimensional Being?
Submitted by: Sicily
Something Above the Car
So , one night after a football game, it was meridian vs. Mountain view. The game ended late for some reason that night . On our way home mom, Lindsey, Doug and I were driving down linder about to hit black cat road and all of the sudden my mom goes ,"Doug. Pull over the car, something is flying above our car !" Doug (my stepdad) is a very skeptical person and almost didn't pull over. But my mom says " seriously Doug pull the car over something is following us above the car. So he reluctantly pulls over and we all rush out of the car to see what my mom was seeing . We look up and a black triangle craft ;or at least it looked as black as the sky ( not very much light pollution out in that region, at that time ) its only as high as the telephone wires , SUPER LOW. here's the thing though. It was completely silent . It almost felt like time stood still and canceled all the noise of the freeway ,that was not too far away. All of the sudden it raised up about 100 feet and within a matter of seconds you could see the faint blue lights(?I don't know how to explain it )zoom out to the mountains! It is still the craziest thing that has ever happened to me . Doug said it was a stealth bomber ... I don't know . But if that was the technology we had then... woah... definitely felt other worldly and ominous to me .
Submitted by: Mattie
Citra, FL
My parents and I were driving along Rabbit Ranch road around 7pm (dusk) and spotted a large, black canine figure in the fields about 100 feet from the road. Could've been a black wolf but they're very rare. Hellhound?
Submitted by: Vik
People Walking
My mom, our cat, my sister and me were sitting in the living room when we heard two people walking in my parent's room and then we heard childlike laughs, that freaked us out, sadly i cannot provide videos because i wasn't thinking of doing so, and it wasn't the only weird thing happening to us, i got choked by a shadow person for no reason when i was in sleep paralysis, i've also felt multiple times people were stalking me in our own appartment
Submitted by: Anonymous (for private purposes)
Scary Figure
I was driving near Vaiden, MS, near the 170 mile marker going north. I drove up and down the interstate between West and Vaiden exits several times due to what I saw.
The first time, I saw something standing in the median of the interstate like a scarecrow but thick, like a tall grown man. He had his arms outstretched and was wearing kind of like a nice button up white shirt that was way too big, nearly translucent & blowing in the wind, and black fabric over his face, tight on his face but almost like someone had plastered it on. Too far to make out features, but something was oooooffff about it, especially since it isn’t really near anything and no cars were broken down.
This was in the middle of the day, sunny. I turn around at Vaiden, don’t see the guy when I am heading south. I turn back around at West, don’t see him but at the same location was a body lying on the side of the road covered in blue paint, wearing all blue clothes. I went around AGAIN and saw the blue guy AGAIN so I called the police. He was on the side of the road but flat on his back.
Submitted by: Anon
Keystone College
Keystone College
Let me start by saying, I’m surprised Keystone College doesn’t get featured on ghost hunting shows. Set in the mountains of North Eastern Pennsylvania, Keystone was founded in 1868 and supposedly built on an Indigenous burial ground. Starting as Keystone Academy, a boys and girls high school, it eventually
developed into a college. A college, with a backyard cemetery (no really, a cemetery. In the woods. I can’t make this shit up) Over its 155 year history Keystone has had many energies pass through its campus and some have decided to stay. Starting with the oldest building Harrison, haunted by a professor who jumped to his death, The Art Studio, haunted by an indigenous woman and child, The Library, haunted by an old professor. There is one building on campus that my personal experiences come from, Gardner Hall. Gardner started as a hotel and after it was bought by Keystone, used as an art studio. I spent a lot of time in this studio and witnessed my name being called, the name “Susan” being called, tools falling off walls, and sinks turning on. The night that sticks out the most was in March of 2013. My friend Becca and I were in Gardner at 9pm and were the only students using the building. All of a sudden we heard loud boots walking down the hall, and finally passing the room we were in. Immediately investigating, we found no one was there. The room the boots walked into had no exit. Becca and I were stunned. Other classmates of mine have similar stories about Keystone. Voids in the woods, papers flying in the air, the spirit of a sorority mother tucking you into bed, HELLO being yelled, among other unexplainable things.
Submitted by: Mable
Enormous Winged Animal
SR 29 Immokalee
A friend and I were heading from Lee county Florida to fort Lauderdale Florida for a work-related training. We had stopped by a little gas station as we got onto State road 29 and made our way towards I-75. It was about 8:00 p.m. at night it was pitch dark and there were no other cars on the road at the time. As we are getting closer to I-75 we began to pass a long stretch of road that had high chain link fence and nothing but wilderness all around. In the distance not too far from us we saw a big bird swoop down and land in the middle of the lane we are traveling on. As we got closer we could see it was an owl that stood roughly two and a half to three feet tall. We slowed down and approached very slowly anticipating that the animal would fly away. The closer we got to the animal we could see it was definitely an owl, but it remained standing in the lane. The owls stared at us as we approached.It was definitely an hour and we felt as those if we used up towards it it would eventually get scared to fly off. Much to our surprise, we were able to get so close to the animal that we could no longer see it. We stayed parked in the road for 45 seconds to a minute as we were really surprised that the animal did not get scared and fly away. My friend and I discussed at the time if we thought that the animal was still there and if we should simply begin to drive forward again. We also thought about getting out of the car getting out of the SUV and looking to see if the animal was still there or maybe even perhaps injured. Looking back on the situation, we could have probably put the vehicle in reverse. The behavior of the animal was so unexpected I don't think either of us really quite understood what to do in that situation. It really did not make sense for an animal to see lights coming, fly towards the lights, and then land in the middle of the lane that the vehicle was approaching. As we waited those 45 seconds to a minute which seems like forever, we continue to discuss what to do next. Like I said, we were in the middle of nowhere and there were no other cars. Suddenly the animal took off flying towards the windshield. It's wingspan was almost as big as the windshield. My friend and I let out a huge scream and we were completely startled and surprised. The animal remained in the road for such a long time it's behavior seemed so bizarre. Looking back on the situation and investigating a little bit about the area, I know that area is near a reservation it makes me wonder if that wasn't really an owl that we had encountered and maybe something else.
Submitted by: T
Dome Shaped UFO
It was late, but not too late and my friend and I were driving the back roads talking and catching up on life. I always go on those back roads because they're more peaceful, and I see if there's any hit or injured animals I can help/or move them out of the road so scavengers & other cars don't run over the bodies. I often will even just sit in my car at the C&O or nearby train station parking lot. I was ending the night at around 11:30pm Sunday, my friend had dozed off so I was watching around the stars & around me for animals. That's when I noticed there was a "plane" very close and not really moving. Once I actually looked I saw it was a UFO, and woke my friend up. He saw the same thing, and from the car it appeared there was the standard 3 panel windows with lights, and a dome shaped UFO sitting over the fields and possibly some homes. We tried our best to take videos but unfortunately it just looks like a light sitting. I even stopped the car and sat there. It was night, we were alone on the road, and I wanted to make sure what I was seeing was a flying object that was actually stagnant. We watched it for a while, and I even turned on my brights to see if anything could make it look better for the videos we attempted to take, but it was too far up. Then out of nowhere, quicker than a plane, but not an extreme speed it started to head towards town, and the direction I lived. We of course followed since it was the way back to my place anyways, and we again watched it stop over possibly homes, but this time it was higher in the air and due to the city buildings, less able to be seen. We sat at the Giant Foods parking lot and watched it set over whatever it was hovering over. While we watched I called my roommate to tell him. This was scary to see in person, and what's scarier is I lived at Kings Crest which is right by it. Eventually we went home, but who knows what it was doing setting in the air. I would like to reiterate the fact my car was parked and we clearly watched it sit in the sky. It was NOT a plane. If anyone can make the Android quality better in the videos (I'll attach if this site lets me), go ahead. I tried to brighten the video but to me it looks like a sitting light. I am very serious though about this sort of stuff regarding the paranormal & aliens & whatnot. I love real actual ghost & alien stories, and as someone who really respects authenticity I swear what I saw that night was a UFO. I go on the same roads all the time and I've never seen it again or anything like it. I hope to see if anyone else has seen anything similar in the area, because who knows. Maybe some of us are being watched and recorded by whoever, or whatever was in that unidentified flying object.
Submitted by: Joyce/Amelia
Haunted Victorian
1880’s Home
I got to stay here for a few months visiting my dad who rented the property for I believe for a year in 2015/2016. When I first arrived to visit him in the summer of 2015, he would tell me that sometimes when he would get back from his night shift in super early morning he could hear footsteps on the floor above the living room when everyone he knew to be sleeping. When he sometimes would be home alone, he’d on occasion hear what sounds like disembodied voices having a conversation in a room over. He said it sounded faint but still clear enough to sound like someone inside the house.
I was a little skeptical at first for not really having any experiences before, but I tried to not worry about it and minded my own business most of the summer but I had one occurrence that really stumped me. It was late one night when I was in the upstairs bedroom that I shared with my stepbrother. We were watching a show together both in our separate beds when we suddenly heard a knock on the bedroom door. We assumed it was my stepmom probably asking us to turn the tv down or something but no one answered when we said come in. We asked who was it thinking maybe it might be my grandma who maybe needed help. But again no answer. After a few seconds I got out of bed and went to open the door only for there to be no one in front of the door on the landing or down the stairs at all. The door to my dad and stepmom’s room was closed and my stepmom was definitely asleep and snoring. I texted my dad who was at work if he was home but he was still at work on his night shift.
The house was definitely old and you could definitely hear every floorboard creak and door squeak all the time, so if it was anyone we knew, we would be hearing them up the staircase or through any of the doors. My stepmom swore she was asleep most of the night and my grandma is mostly bedridden and wouldn’t dare try to make her way up a steep, old staircase.
We don’t know the details of who lived in the house before or the original owner from back then but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some spiritual attachment to the home. Not really scary but a very, very interesting experience and would love to learn more about the house.
Submitted by: Jake Wescott
Old Lady Macken
Culver City
My childhood home was haunted. I have a long long story about this property. But the short answer is Old Lady Macken, her roommate, and her son haunt this house. I did reasearch to confirm what happened in the house and multiple people witnessed the phenomenon.
Submitted by: Nina McTaggart
Uncanny Walk
South portland
I was walking home from work the other night, and I decided to cut through a few side streets and ended up in a part of the city I had never been in, it was clearly residential but there was no street sign that I could see. The street was very long and straight, there wasn't really anything remarkable about the street itself, the houses were the bland cookie cutter suburb design a lot of south Portland has. The part that was weird to me was there weren't any sounds, despite being in the city there were no car noises, no birds chirping, no sirens in the distance. It was strange but the thing that made me believe this was a supernatural experience was when I noticed I wasn't seeing any parallax, I could feel I was moving forward and the things in my immediate foreground were moving but when I looked into the distance nothing moved, it's like I was standing in place. I walked for a good 10 minutes like this until I felt an intense shiver and I felt normal again, like a Weight was lifted off my chest, I found the main road and got home but when I tried to retrace my steps the next day I couldn't find the street. Idk I just keep thinking about this experience and wanted to share
Submitted by: Noah
Extra Large Woods
Auburn, the small patch of “woods” at my friends house
I have never forgotten this experience. My childhood friend and I were playing in her backyard. We decided to go into the small patch of “woods” that was in her backyard to look for sticks. This small patch only covers about 1000 square feet and is the only patch of woods in a residential neighborhood. However, that day as we walked through the trees mindlessly playing, my friend started to realize we have been walking for a pretty long time and haven’t reached the other side into the neighboring yard. She was confused by this but also excited so she encouraged me to keep walking with her. I myself was a little scared because I could tell something strange was happening. After a while we reached a huge empty clearing that spanned long into the distance with more woods on the other side. There was a fence with a sign telling us not to trespass. My brave friend at this point was astounded because she had never experienced this before while being in her small woods. Knowing the map of her area and its surroundings, she knew that we should not be seeing what we were seeing and there was no possible way it could exist. She tried to climb the fence into the clearing and was urging me to follow. I was so frightened and had a terrible feeling so I pleaded with her not to cross the fence and that we should get out of the woods and tell her parents! She agreed and somehow she led us back out of the trees and into her backyard once more. We frantically told her parents what we saw and they of course told us that it wasn’t possible. The trees only covered a small area of land and had houses and roads surrounding it on all sides. The next day my friend tried to go back and find it by herself, but to no avail. And she could never find what we saw again. To this day I still think of this weird encounter and wonder if we entered some sort of alternate time line. Very strange.
Submitted by: Olivia A.
Floating Figure
This story takes place pretty late at night, and I was driving over to my cousins house. There are several routes I can take to get to her house, but I chose the route that was a straight shot to her place. Keep in mind, where we live is very dark- only a few street lights on this road. There are also more land and trees than there are homes on this road, so there are a lot of empty lots next to homes. As I was passing an abandoned house that had a patch of trees next to it, I see this figure just floating there. I remember it being white, and transparent at the same time. Like I could see through it. It honestly looked like someone put a white sheet on and at first, I thought it was a person doing so since it was October and almost Halloween, but it just didn't make sense. It was late at night, I could see through it, and IT WAS FLOATING. There were no legs, and no face. I was terrified and once I got to her house, I booked it inside. I was panicking, trying to tell her the story, and once I was done telling her what I just saw, she told me she saw the same figure a few nights prior. To this day, we still have no idea what we saw, and Google doesn't provide any information but we assume it has to do with the abandoned house that was right next to the patch of trees that thing was floating in front of. We also have never seen it again.
Submitted by: Ale M.
Superstition Mountains Vortex
Superstition Mountain
When we lived near Superstition Mountain, we had multiple experiences of what we basically consider a "vortex". We had a specific debit card that would disappear and reappear CONSTANTLY. We would remove every single thing from my purse and lay it out individually... The card would not be there.
Then I would leave my purse alone in our (mine and my husbands) room for a few hours, and when we would come back in the room, the card would be in my wallet. We had no roommates, or anyone with access to our bedroom.
I also saw an exact doppelganger of my husband come out of our walk-in closet, stare at me angrily, and walk into the bathroom that was inside our room.. it shut the door and locked it... I thought it was just my husband, but when I rolled over.. my husband was in bed with me.
We also once saw a black orb on our garage.
All these things stopped happening once we moved away from the mountain.
Submitted by: Jessi
Two Spirits
Mineral Wells
As a young child growing up in this house, I used to experience two distinct spirits. One was a young boy who accidentally shot himself. I first witnessed him in the attic while I was helping my father with something. The second time I saw him was in my room. He was very friendly, just a bit horrible looking.
The second spirit was of a young woman, she was annoying. I only saw her once in the hallway that connected the two bedrooms, but she stuck around the longest. if you were in the bathroom, you could hear her running back and forth in the hallway... then she would open up the bathroom door. Ridiculous.
Submitted by: E
“Gates of Hell”
Cheney Delaney house
This house I've affectionately referred to as the "gates of hell". I lived here from 2004 to 2019 and honestly don't know why I stayed so long. It is a super cool looking & architecturally significant house built in the 1930's in the streamline design and retaining all the original features on the outside and most on the inside. However, the energy of the house and the earth beneath is something else. I had a literal shaman come and perform a ceremony and that only worked for about 6 months. There were portals in the home all over the place. My daugher who is now a teen recalls looking up at the ceiling in her bedroom and seeing monsters, or what she now believes were ghosts or bad spirits/demons. I had to create a crystal grid to enable her to sleep at night in addition to lots of sage, copal, grounding, crystals, etc. There was a corner in the living room to the left of the fireplace that I used to avoid at night because I felt very unwelcome and literally felt like a being was there and was unhappy I was present. I felt cold chills/tingles go from my neck down my back on many occasions. I would feel like someone was touching my arm or hand all the time. Visitors would tell me they heard and saw things. Sometimes I would hear my daughter's voice calling my name, and she wasn't home. Another time I was going through my daughter's toys in her room and energy testing them to see what had been infected with negative energy, and this small toy, a vinyl stuffed ball was found to be real nasty and it literally was rolling away from me!!! The floor was flat there is no way it could have rolled like that on its own. I was super creeped out. I did get it and threw it in the trash. There were many many other incidents like this. The worst one was once I was waking up in my bed, just coming to consciousness and realized I could not wake up, and something heavy was on my head and chest holding me down. I started praying and asked Archangel Michael to help me and as soon as I had that thought, the weight disappeared and I was able to get up.
Submitted by: Vanessa Jarvis
Spooky Train Station
Yakima Train Depot
My mother told me this story. Years ago, approx 2010 or so... The train depot in Yakima has always had this rumor that it was used as a crematorium or something in the basement... Today, this train station has been converted into a coffee shop on one half, and two other restaurants, but at the time this story takes place, it was one large restaurant called The Depot. My mother and her friends worked there at the time, and were no strangers to odd things happening in the main dining room, noises of footsteps and voices upstairs and in the basement, odd things here and there. My mother was a bit of a skeptic. Her friend and co-worker had an experience one night where she had went to the bathroom, and as she was in one stall, she heard the bathroom door open, the stall next to her open and close, but when she looked, there was nobody in the stall. It scared her enough to where she refused to use the bathroom on her own while at work. One night, some paranormal investigators had visited the restaurant, on a night where my mother was working. She said that while the investigators were there, she told them she "didn't really believe in this sort of stuff." Just as she ended that sentence, her phone rang, and it was a call from my father. She answered, and nothing was on the line, just silence. She redialed him, and when he had answers, my father said "I never called you, I was asleep the whole time". Apparently my dad had been asleep, and never called her in the first place. Along with that, there were more instances of people saying they had creepy experience inside the train station as well. Apparently, during the first or second world war, a woman had been at the train station waiting for her husband to return, only for her to be told he died in combat. After hearing the news, she threw herself onto the tracks and in front of the train. Now I don't know if that story is true, but I do know that the train station has something weird and paranormal going on inside of it.
Submitted by: Kenny
Poltergeists & Shadow Dog
My parents and I briefly lived in this really small house on Vermont Avenue in the Aliquippa/Hopewell area. Prior to houses being built on this land, it was a farm. Someone had also shot themselves somewhere in the area, no one knew for sure where, but I have a feeling it was where our house/yard were due to finding bullet shells while metal detecting. There were rumors that the area was also once a Native American burial site, but no one has ever confirmed this.
The activity started kind of slowly and was easy to brush off. It began as just seeing shadows out of the corner of our eyes, then things being misplaced, but it amped up pretty quickly. We would hear loud banging on the walls and not be able to figure out where it was coming from. At random, the doors would slam unless something heavy was placed in front of them. Then the electronics started being affected. The TVs would change channels on their own. The volume would go up and down when no one was touching the remote. I had a keyboard at the time in my room and every night it would turn on by itself, so I stopped sleeping in my room. My mom and aunt experienced the coffee table in the living room just suddenly start vibrating as if there was a cell phone on it, but none of us owned a cell phone back then.
Everything came to a head when my dad and I both started seeing this small, black, shadow dog. Soon after it made an appearance I then heard something speak to me. I was 7 and was talking to one of my stuffed animals and told it that I loved it. I then hear "I love you too." in this really deep raspy voice. I just like heard it all around me and couldn't find a direct source of it. We moved in the next month, but mild paranormal activity followed. It still follows me now. The black dog still appears as well, but only when something bad is about to happen to my dad. The last time I saw it, he had an extremely rare and severe stroke that permanently disabled him.
Submitted by: Ellie
Pitbull on the Radio Déjà Vu
El Paso
While on one of the main roads, I experienced the exact same déjà vu situation so many times that I don't even remember how many. Every single time, my mom and I were at a red light, like the 3rd car down so we were directly in front a certain bank or store. Each time this happened a specific Pitbull song would play in the radio. This happened countless times for 3 years straight. My mom never got déjà vu from it, but I did.
Submitted by: Ellie
Little girl on the stairs
Just a lot of heavy energy. Saw a little girl on the stairs, very dark, it felt like someone was living in my attic. The basement felt colder than what a basement should feel.
Submitted by: Holden
Silent black shadowy large triangle
Long Beach New York
My friends and I were lying on the beach at night, it was a clear night and we were all looking up at the stars. We noticed this black shadowy large triangle shape. It moved across the sky and covered the stars, it made no noise whatsoever and then disappeared instantly with no trace of it.
Submitted by: Sarah
Highway 6 in between Hastings and Harvard
When I was in college I frequently visited home (a small town in Nebraska). One particular night I was driving to Hastings, to go visit some friends there, I think we were picking up some food and just hanging out. After our hangout, I begin my drive home from Hastings to my home town. In order to get there, I have to take highway 6 which runs through and parallel to many towns there. On this night, it was dark, maybe around 10:30 pm and once you leave the limits of Adams County, where Hastings is located in, the highway is rather dark. I was afraid of hitting a deer on my way back and was driving slower with my high beams on. As I'm driving paying attention to my surroundings, I see what looks like a large bird sitting perched on a telephone post. Best description of the bird would be a very large vulture, but you could only see its outline, it was too dark to see details. This "large bird" was just sitting on the top, minding its own business. As I approach it, I realize this bird is larger than any birds of prey in the area and it actually looks more like a 6 foot person sitting, perched on top of this post. I slowed down even more and began to pull over because at this point my curiosity had gotten the best of me and I wanted to get a good look at what kind of bird this was. As my car is coming to a stop and as I'm rolling my passenger widow down, the bird lifts its large beak and head and takes off. The creepy thing was that it looked like it was a really tall person, maybe 6 feet, and its wing span was at least the length of my car. At that time I drove a 2002 mustang so it wasn't a small car but you get the idea. The thing that left me even more perplexed was that the wings weren't with feathers, but looked like huge bat wings. At least by the texture and bone structures that you could see. The creature was completely dark and as it flew away, I drove off scared out of my bones home. Never seen anything like that ever again. But I am certain it wasn't an animal.
Submitted by: Lia
Disembodied Voice at Eastern State Penitentiary
Eastern State Penitentiary
I had been begging my parents to visit Eastern State Penitentiary since we arrived in Philly for our vacation. Eventually, after taking a quick detour to see the Rocky Steps and monument we went. Immediately as soon as we entered there was just an eerie feeling that came over my dad and I and we both agreed that this place was the spookiest place we have ever been to. We started by going down the different cell blocks and exploring. Eventually, we ended up near the hospital wing where I experienced the haunting. I was the only person standing in front of the gates of the hospital wing since it was closed off to the public, my parents were in a different cell block near there but far enough away where I wouldn't hear them. No one else was around and I heard a disembodied voice coming from inside the hospital wing.
Submitted by: Sarah
Syncing Lights
Monterossa, Cinque Terre, Italy
I rented an Airbnb on the hillside in Monerosso Al Mare in late May / Early June of 2019. The home was at the very top of the hill in town with amazing views of the Mediterranean Sea. We were sitting on the patio one evening about 10:00pm, marveling at the beautiful night sky, when we saw what we thought were shooting stars, come from two different directions. One came from the south, one from the east. They slowed as they met each other just above the northern tip of the beach, but stayed about 50 yards apart. They glowed an intense silver white light, and appeared to be round. They stopped briefly in mid air, and seemed to sync up, then both bolted off together to the northwest at super fast speed then, while maintaining formation, bolted up into the night sky and were gone. The formation, the syncing, stopping mid-air, and rate of acceleration were just not possible for anything known to man. We both stood there completely stunned. I turned to my friend and said "Did we just see...?" and she said "I can't believe that just happened in front of me. I don't know what to think." We agreed that it was definitely an unknown object(s), but it absolutely blew open our understanding of the possibility of UFO's or alien craft, as we were not believers before, but in the absence of anyway to explain what we clearly saw, we have reluctantly become believers that something else is out there, and they have very advanced flight capability.
Submitted by: Damon Moss
Living Dunes
Portage Point Pier
My family has a lake house in this seasonal town. Down on the shore of Lake Michigan, there are huge dunes, fields of grass, and gulleys. My friends and I once stayed on the beach until long after dark when the moon only reflects a small sliver of water. From the shore, the tops of these dunes seem to come to life in a way that we are unable to see, but can feel. My great grandmother passed on stories of beings appearing at these places with unknown motives; though she was written off as crazy I know exactly what she's taking about. It's the feeling of being observed that is the most unsettling, and on this night we struggled to find the path going up to the road although I use it frequently in the daylight. It seemed as if there was an aura or energy coming from the peak of the dunes, that couldn't have been accounted for by the minimal light from the moon. In these situations, I sometimes notice the noises of the crickets and dune grass to be too loud or too quiet. For me, there is an inclination that something much older and imposing that inhabits the dunes after the tourists leave the beaches for the night. I've also seen strange, large organizations of lights moving abnormally fast or slow in night sky, although this doesn't bother me as much as the unknown phenomena on the ground.
Submitted by: Sophia
Sammy the Shadow Figure
Lincolnton Georgia
In my childhood home I’ve experienced so many paranormal things that I can’t fit it all here. Me and my cousin had an imaginary friend named Sammy. He was a shadow person. We could both see him and talk to him. To this day we still remember seeing him and talking to him. I’ve also dreamed Christina Grimmies death the day before it happened. I didn’t know who she was I was only 10 but I saw her get shot at a meet and greet in my dream. I could go on and on abt experiences I have practically seen every paranormal thing possible and so has everyone who’s ever lived in that house. The owners before us said they saw shadow people there too especially in my room. I wish someone would ghost hunt there it is actually insane.
Submitted by: Gabriela Guzman
A four-legged void followed us to Tennessee and back
My partner worked late nights last year. The drive home was about 45 minutes, part of which winds through huge mountains with no cell service and virtually no light pollution. He was on his way home one night and we would usually talk on the phone for most of his drive. There’s a dead zone halfway up the mountain which led to our call dropping. A sense of dread washed over him as he looked to the side of a car and saw a black, humanoid silhouette running on all fours directly beside the car. He was going at least 60 mph, way too fast for any known creature in the mountains to keep up with. This thing chased him up until right before he pulled into town. It turned and ran up the hill. After that night, this thing became attached to us. We went to the gas station one night and I saw this thing standing about 200 feet down the road, illuminated by a street lamp. 5 minutes later as we’re headed home, not only is this thing gone but the street lamp wasn’t even ON. It followed us to Tennessee and back, trailing us in the woods and behind our car the whole way home. There’s a little tunnel that you pass through on the way and of course, right before we drove through it this entity was standing on the stones that make up the top of the tunnel. At least five other people around us during this time frame of january - september also saw this entity. The last time I saw it was in Leicester NC. It was around 1am, my sister and I were sitting in a swing in the backyard and talking. I started seeing this black silhouette running back and forth across the road. I thought my eyes were just playing tricks on me so I tried to ignore it, but it continued to run back and forth for what felt like forever. Little did I know, my sister was seeing it too but she also thought she was just seeing things and didn’t mention it. This entity finally turned and ran up the hill to a neighboring house and that’s when my sister turns to me and asked if I had been seeing this thing too. We got up and BOOKED it into the house. I ended up driving her home a couple minutes later. I checked the rearview mirror and saw it one last time, standing directly beside the light post watching us drive away. I’ve had many encounters with this entity and I will never be able to describe what it was or why it attached itself to my partner and I. It genuinely looked like a humanoid shadow. No visible facial features, nothing except an appearance so dark it reminds me of a void. I haven’t seen it since. it’s been over a year at this point, yet I still find myself scanning all of the backroads we drive down anticipating the appearance of this thing.
Submitted by: Gracie
Old Man and Hat Man
Coconut Creek
The following happened during my childhood when we lived at this apartment complex. We stayed there for many years just moving from apartment to apartment but all still in the same area. We’re convinced it was the land this development is on because each apartment we stayed at, we experienced something weird. Here’s the first of many experiences at Coco Parc.
The old man:
- the first incident happened when I was very little. I was 5 my sister was 9. We lived in a first floor apt. One night the family was going out, and as we were going out, my mother told my sister to run back into the room to grab my flip flops. As she entered the room she stopped in the door way because right next to our bunk bed, sitting on top of our big plastic toy chest, was a man smoking a cigar. My sister screamed and ran back toward the front door. When she told my dad what she saw, he went to investigate. He said when he entered our room, there was no old man, but the room smelled of smoke. A few days later we had an issue with the A/C or something and my dad was talking to maintenance guy, and in just casual conversation my dad asked him how long he’d been working at the complex and if he happened to remember who loved here before us. The maintenance man without skipping a beat said, “oh yea, it was some old man who was always grouchy and would smoke his cigars inside and outside his apartment. He died a few years ago, we almost didn’t get the smell of cigar out of the apartment.Continuing my saga of events of stories from the Coco Parc apartment complex. The following is a story that telling it to anyone new still gives me chills to this day. It happened to long ago but I remember it so vividly.
The man in the hat:
My sister and I were a little older now. We moved to a new apartment, still in the same apartment complex. You see we immigrated here from Colombia, and though my parents worked and we went to school finding a brand new place to live was difficult. So instead we stayed in the place where they knew us and we just hopped from apartment to apartment.
This new apartment was again on the first floor. 2 bedrooms. It was a little bigger, our room was the same. But my parents room was definitely bigger. On one wall you had two windows, the outside of which was where the AC unit was and was surrounded by bushes and those short palm bushes. If you live in Florida you know what I’m talking about. They placed their bed between the windows and under each window a night stand.on each night stand we had small lamps, the lamps you tapped the base of to turn the light brighter or make it dimmer, it was very popular in the 90s. The wall across from the bed was for the tv. To the right of that was a sliding door that lead to the “balcony” though I guess porch since it’s the first floor. The wall with the TV is where the doorway to the living room/kitchen was. So when you walked in, you’re facing my parents bed and the two windows.
One night, my parents left to go to dinner. My sister and I stayed in. Just the two of us, again we were slightly older they felt my sister was old enough that we didn’t need a babysitter. So they leave. My sister and I are on the couch in the living room watching telenovelas. We’re laughing having a good time nothing out of the ordinary. My sister gets up to use the bathroom in my parents room but takes the remote. She wants to make sure I don’t change the channel. She drops the remote on our parents bed as she goes to the bathroom. She comes back, sits down, goes to turn up the volume but forgot the remote in the room. As big sisters do, she told me to go get it. After a little back and forth I as the younger brother submit and go retrieve the remote.
It’s here where things take a turn for the weird. As I walked up to my parents room and I stood in the doorway, the lamps sitting on my parents nightstands began to flicker. Brightening and dimming, on their own. Again remember these are the lamps you need to physically tap to do something like that. Me in my ignorance smile, and yell out to my sister to come quick the lights are doing something funny. As my sister joins me in the door way she stops hard and grabs my shoulders. I look up and see shes not looking at the lights but has her eyes fixed on the window to the right of my parents bed and next to the night stand.
As I look over to see what she’s so fixed on, I immediately get shivers and the hairs on my arms and neck stand straight up. Outside, peering into the room is what I make out to be a man. I don’t see clear features or honestly remember clear features just that he was in all black. And was wearing a hat. Not just any hat like a baseball cap, but a large rimmed hat. As we kept staring we see his shadowy arm raise up, and begin to wave at us, “come here.”
At this point we scream, run back into the living room. And desperately start paging our parents, the code 911. I don’t remember how long it took my parents to get there and what happened in between the time they did, it just felt like they got there in a blink of an eye. I just remember telling my dad what we saw. And him going to investigate and finding nothing. But needless to say we moved out of that apartment rather quickly, and it was the last time we got an apartment on the first floor.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Beast in my Home
Beast in my home
In my home, we had many experiences.
One day I was going to my room after school and I was really happy and I was singing but for an unknown reason sonething told me on my way down the hall way to point to the bahtroom while I scream, so I did it. To my surprise, there was a shadowy figure of a beast like thing. All I saw was like a shadow. It had a long nostril like a dog, long spiky hair, claws and was standing on its tip toes like a wolf. It was looking for something on top of our toilet. My mother had a few products on a basket. As soon as I startled it, it looked back at me and and it hunched his back and used its hands to look wider. Thats when I panicked and something told me to turn may back to it and count to 3. As soon as I did that, it was no longer there and I started running outside of my home.
Submitted by: Paul