Most Recent Stories
El Paso
While on one of the main roads, I experienced the exact same déjà vu situation so many times that I don't even remember how many. Every single time, my mom and I were at a red light, like the 3rd car down so we were directly in front a certain bank or store. Each time this happened a specific Pitbull song would play in the radio. This happened countless times for 3 years straight. My mom never got déjà vu from it, but I did.
Submitted by: Ellie
Little girl on the stairs
Just a lot of heavy energy. Saw a little girl on the stairs, very dark, it felt like someone was living in my attic. The basement felt colder than what a basement should feel.
Submitted by: Holden
Silent black shadowy large triangle
Long Beach New York
My friends and I were lying on the beach at night, it was a clear night and we were all looking up at the stars. We noticed this black shadowy large triangle shape. It moved across the sky and covered the stars, it made no noise whatsoever and then disappeared instantly with no trace of it.
Submitted by: Sarah
Highway 6 in between Hastings and Harvard
When I was in college I frequently visited home (a small town in Nebraska). One particular night I was driving to Hastings, to go visit some friends there, I think we were picking up some food and just hanging out. After our hangout, I begin my drive home from Hastings to my home town. In order to get there, I have to take highway 6 which runs through and parallel to many towns there. On this night, it was dark, maybe around 10:30 pm and once you leave the limits of Adams County, where Hastings is located in, the highway is rather dark. I was afraid of hitting a deer on my way back and was driving slower with my high beams on. As I'm driving paying attention to my surroundings, I see what looks like a large bird sitting perched on a telephone post. Best description of the bird would be a very large vulture, but you could only see its outline, it was too dark to see details. This "large bird" was just sitting on the top, minding its own business. As I approach it, I realize this bird is larger than any birds of prey in the area and it actually looks more like a 6 foot person sitting, perched on top of this post. I slowed down even more and began to pull over because at this point my curiosity had gotten the best of me and I wanted to get a good look at what kind of bird this was. As my car is coming to a stop and as I'm rolling my passenger widow down, the bird lifts its large beak and head and takes off. The creepy thing was that it looked like it was a really tall person, maybe 6 feet, and its wing span was at least the length of my car. At that time I drove a 2002 mustang so it wasn't a small car but you get the idea. The thing that left me even more perplexed was that the wings weren't with feathers, but looked like huge bat wings. At least by the texture and bone structures that you could see. The creature was completely dark and as it flew away, I drove off scared out of my bones home. Never seen anything like that ever again. But I am certain it wasn't an animal.
Submitted by: Lia
Disembodied Voice at Eastern State Penitentiary
Eastern State Penitentiary
I had been begging my parents to visit Eastern State Penitentiary since we arrived in Philly for our vacation. Eventually, after taking a quick detour to see the Rocky Steps and monument we went. Immediately as soon as we entered there was just an eerie feeling that came over my dad and I and we both agreed that this place was the spookiest place we have ever been to. We started by going down the different cell blocks and exploring. Eventually, we ended up near the hospital wing where I experienced the haunting. I was the only person standing in front of the gates of the hospital wing since it was closed off to the public, my parents were in a different cell block near there but far enough away where I wouldn't hear them. No one else was around and I heard a disembodied voice coming from inside the hospital wing.
Submitted by: Sarah
Syncing Lights
Monterossa, Cinque Terre, Italy
I rented an Airbnb on the hillside in Monerosso Al Mare in late May / Early June of 2019. The home was at the very top of the hill in town with amazing views of the Mediterranean Sea. We were sitting on the patio one evening about 10:00pm, marveling at the beautiful night sky, when we saw what we thought were shooting stars, come from two different directions. One came from the south, one from the east. They slowed as they met each other just above the northern tip of the beach, but stayed about 50 yards apart. They glowed an intense silver white light, and appeared to be round. They stopped briefly in mid air, and seemed to sync up, then both bolted off together to the northwest at super fast speed then, while maintaining formation, bolted up into the night sky and were gone. The formation, the syncing, stopping mid-air, and rate of acceleration were just not possible for anything known to man. We both stood there completely stunned. I turned to my friend and said "Did we just see...?" and she said "I can't believe that just happened in front of me. I don't know what to think." We agreed that it was definitely an unknown object(s), but it absolutely blew open our understanding of the possibility of UFO's or alien craft, as we were not believers before, but in the absence of anyway to explain what we clearly saw, we have reluctantly become believers that something else is out there, and they have very advanced flight capability.
Submitted by: Damon Moss
Living Dunes
Portage Point Pier
My family has a lake house in this seasonal town. Down on the shore of Lake Michigan, there are huge dunes, fields of grass, and gulleys. My friends and I once stayed on the beach until long after dark when the moon only reflects a small sliver of water. From the shore, the tops of these dunes seem to come to life in a way that we are unable to see, but can feel. My great grandmother passed on stories of beings appearing at these places with unknown motives; though she was written off as crazy I know exactly what she's taking about. It's the feeling of being observed that is the most unsettling, and on this night we struggled to find the path going up to the road although I use it frequently in the daylight. It seemed as if there was an aura or energy coming from the peak of the dunes, that couldn't have been accounted for by the minimal light from the moon. In these situations, I sometimes notice the noises of the crickets and dune grass to be too loud or too quiet. For me, there is an inclination that something much older and imposing that inhabits the dunes after the tourists leave the beaches for the night. I've also seen strange, large organizations of lights moving abnormally fast or slow in night sky, although this doesn't bother me as much as the unknown phenomena on the ground.
Submitted by: Sophia
Sammy the Shadow Figure
Lincolnton Georgia
In my childhood home I’ve experienced so many paranormal things that I can’t fit it all here. Me and my cousin had an imaginary friend named Sammy. He was a shadow person. We could both see him and talk to him. To this day we still remember seeing him and talking to him. I’ve also dreamed Christina Grimmies death the day before it happened. I didn’t know who she was I was only 10 but I saw her get shot at a meet and greet in my dream. I could go on and on abt experiences I have practically seen every paranormal thing possible and so has everyone who’s ever lived in that house. The owners before us said they saw shadow people there too especially in my room. I wish someone would ghost hunt there it is actually insane.
Submitted by: Gabriela Guzman
A four-legged void followed us to Tennessee and back
My partner worked late nights last year. The drive home was about 45 minutes, part of which winds through huge mountains with no cell service and virtually no light pollution. He was on his way home one night and we would usually talk on the phone for most of his drive. There’s a dead zone halfway up the mountain which led to our call dropping. A sense of dread washed over him as he looked to the side of a car and saw a black, humanoid silhouette running on all fours directly beside the car. He was going at least 60 mph, way too fast for any known creature in the mountains to keep up with. This thing chased him up until right before he pulled into town. It turned and ran up the hill. After that night, this thing became attached to us. We went to the gas station one night and I saw this thing standing about 200 feet down the road, illuminated by a street lamp. 5 minutes later as we’re headed home, not only is this thing gone but the street lamp wasn’t even ON. It followed us to Tennessee and back, trailing us in the woods and behind our car the whole way home. There’s a little tunnel that you pass through on the way and of course, right before we drove through it this entity was standing on the stones that make up the top of the tunnel. At least five other people around us during this time frame of january - september also saw this entity. The last time I saw it was in Leicester NC. It was around 1am, my sister and I were sitting in a swing in the backyard and talking. I started seeing this black silhouette running back and forth across the road. I thought my eyes were just playing tricks on me so I tried to ignore it, but it continued to run back and forth for what felt like forever. Little did I know, my sister was seeing it too but she also thought she was just seeing things and didn’t mention it. This entity finally turned and ran up the hill to a neighboring house and that’s when my sister turns to me and asked if I had been seeing this thing too. We got up and BOOKED it into the house. I ended up driving her home a couple minutes later. I checked the rearview mirror and saw it one last time, standing directly beside the light post watching us drive away. I’ve had many encounters with this entity and I will never be able to describe what it was or why it attached itself to my partner and I. It genuinely looked like a humanoid shadow. No visible facial features, nothing except an appearance so dark it reminds me of a void. I haven’t seen it since. it’s been over a year at this point, yet I still find myself scanning all of the backroads we drive down anticipating the appearance of this thing.
Submitted by: Gracie
Old Man and Hat Man
Coconut Creek
The following happened during my childhood when we lived at this apartment complex. We stayed there for many years just moving from apartment to apartment but all still in the same area. We’re convinced it was the land this development is on because each apartment we stayed at, we experienced something weird. Here’s the first of many experiences at Coco Parc.
The old man:
- the first incident happened when I was very little. I was 5 my sister was 9. We lived in a first floor apt. One night the family was going out, and as we were going out, my mother told my sister to run back into the room to grab my flip flops. As she entered the room she stopped in the door way because right next to our bunk bed, sitting on top of our big plastic toy chest, was a man smoking a cigar. My sister screamed and ran back toward the front door. When she told my dad what she saw, he went to investigate. He said when he entered our room, there was no old man, but the room smelled of smoke. A few days later we had an issue with the A/C or something and my dad was talking to maintenance guy, and in just casual conversation my dad asked him how long he’d been working at the complex and if he happened to remember who loved here before us. The maintenance man without skipping a beat said, “oh yea, it was some old man who was always grouchy and would smoke his cigars inside and outside his apartment. He died a few years ago, we almost didn’t get the smell of cigar out of the apartment.Continuing my saga of events of stories from the Coco Parc apartment complex. The following is a story that telling it to anyone new still gives me chills to this day. It happened to long ago but I remember it so vividly.
The man in the hat:
My sister and I were a little older now. We moved to a new apartment, still in the same apartment complex. You see we immigrated here from Colombia, and though my parents worked and we went to school finding a brand new place to live was difficult. So instead we stayed in the place where they knew us and we just hopped from apartment to apartment.
This new apartment was again on the first floor. 2 bedrooms. It was a little bigger, our room was the same. But my parents room was definitely bigger. On one wall you had two windows, the outside of which was where the AC unit was and was surrounded by bushes and those short palm bushes. If you live in Florida you know what I’m talking about. They placed their bed between the windows and under each window a night stand.on each night stand we had small lamps, the lamps you tapped the base of to turn the light brighter or make it dimmer, it was very popular in the 90s. The wall across from the bed was for the tv. To the right of that was a sliding door that lead to the “balcony” though I guess porch since it’s the first floor. The wall with the TV is where the doorway to the living room/kitchen was. So when you walked in, you’re facing my parents bed and the two windows.
One night, my parents left to go to dinner. My sister and I stayed in. Just the two of us, again we were slightly older they felt my sister was old enough that we didn’t need a babysitter. So they leave. My sister and I are on the couch in the living room watching telenovelas. We’re laughing having a good time nothing out of the ordinary. My sister gets up to use the bathroom in my parents room but takes the remote. She wants to make sure I don’t change the channel. She drops the remote on our parents bed as she goes to the bathroom. She comes back, sits down, goes to turn up the volume but forgot the remote in the room. As big sisters do, she told me to go get it. After a little back and forth I as the younger brother submit and go retrieve the remote.
It’s here where things take a turn for the weird. As I walked up to my parents room and I stood in the doorway, the lamps sitting on my parents nightstands began to flicker. Brightening and dimming, on their own. Again remember these are the lamps you need to physically tap to do something like that. Me in my ignorance smile, and yell out to my sister to come quick the lights are doing something funny. As my sister joins me in the door way she stops hard and grabs my shoulders. I look up and see shes not looking at the lights but has her eyes fixed on the window to the right of my parents bed and next to the night stand.
As I look over to see what she’s so fixed on, I immediately get shivers and the hairs on my arms and neck stand straight up. Outside, peering into the room is what I make out to be a man. I don’t see clear features or honestly remember clear features just that he was in all black. And was wearing a hat. Not just any hat like a baseball cap, but a large rimmed hat. As we kept staring we see his shadowy arm raise up, and begin to wave at us, “come here.”
At this point we scream, run back into the living room. And desperately start paging our parents, the code 911. I don’t remember how long it took my parents to get there and what happened in between the time they did, it just felt like they got there in a blink of an eye. I just remember telling my dad what we saw. And him going to investigate and finding nothing. But needless to say we moved out of that apartment rather quickly, and it was the last time we got an apartment on the first floor.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Beast in my Home
Beast in my home
In my home, we had many experiences.
One day I was going to my room after school and I was really happy and I was singing but for an unknown reason sonething told me on my way down the hall way to point to the bahtroom while I scream, so I did it. To my surprise, there was a shadowy figure of a beast like thing. All I saw was like a shadow. It had a long nostril like a dog, long spiky hair, claws and was standing on its tip toes like a wolf. It was looking for something on top of our toilet. My mother had a few products on a basket. As soon as I startled it, it looked back at me and and it hunched his back and used its hands to look wider. Thats when I panicked and something told me to turn may back to it and count to 3. As soon as I did that, it was no longer there and I started running outside of my home.
Submitted by: Paul
White Animal
A Glenbrook house
One experience happened to my mom, the other happened to me.
Context: At the time we had 3 dogs and 1 dark brown cat that all sleep in my parents bed.
My mom told me how she got up in the middle of the night and went to the kitchen (she often has trouble sleeping). When she got up she said that she remembers seeing all the pets and remembered exactly where they were laying. In our kitchen it had counters around the perimeter and an island in the middle. My mom was standing by the counter and she heard a noise and turned around to see a white cat like animal jumping off the island and run to the living room. She followed and saw nothing. It was dark and the interaction lasted half a second so she didn't really get a good look other than it being white. She walked back to the bedroom thinking it was our cat but found her and the dogs laying in the same place as they were before. (and our cat is brown so it definitely wasn't her)....
Next experience: I was sitting in the kitchen, facing the dining room and I can see the stairway going up and the one going down next to each other. I was eating some food during the day and I saw my cat ( it looked like her anyway) run from my parents bedroom, past the dining room and then downstairs. I thought nothing of it as cats are quirky and finished eating, still being able to see the stairway where my cat hadn't come back up. I went upstairs to my bedroom and saw my cat laying in the hallway, not downstairs where she ran not 10 mins ago.
Submitted by: Kayla Hodor
La Tienda Ghosts
La Tienda - Downtown San Antonio
Used to work at La Tienda before they closed their doors. We all believed there were ghosts but I had a few encounters where they would tap on my shoulder and pull in my clothes.
Submitted by: Brianna V
Consciousness Jump
It was December 23rd, 2015 (or Christmas Eve Eve, as my sisters and I would call it). I was 15 years old. My mom was driving my two younger sisters and me home from our grandpa's house after we'd spent the day shopping with him and our uncle. It was snowing, and the sun had almost completely set; it was dark enough that we had our headlights on. We were going southbound on Rt 528, approaching the 4-way intersection of Rt 528 and Rt 166, where we would then turn right. We were talking about our day and listening to Felíz Navidad on the radio, and as we got closer to that intersection, I saw a car coming over the hill in the wrong lane, coming straight toward us. What happened next happened in the span of just 3-5 seconds.
We all stopped talking. None of us screamed or made a sound. My mom didn't hit the brakes. I looked around the car at my mother and sisters. Their eyes were wide and unblinking, but they were completely expressionless otherwise, staring straight forward, sitting perfectly still. Their faces gave me this awful feeling that I can't quite put into words. It was like I was looking at my family, but they weren't there; they weren't in their bodies. They seemed lifeless, or soulless or something, and I was simultaneously grieving for them and expecting to die in the next few seconds.
Then I blinked, and we were driving west on 166, just beyond the intersection. My mom and sisters were animated and talking again, as though they'd never stopped. It was so sudden and jarring, it took me a second to remember what had just been about to happen, but when I did, it felt far away, like it had been hours ago, but only seconds had passed. Felíz Navidad was still playing. I snapped my head around to look back at the intersection for the car that should've hit us. And there was no car anywhere around. I have no memory of it hitting us, but also no memory of us making that turn.
I don't think I spoke again for the rest of the drive home, but when we got there safely, I asked my mom and sisters if they'd experienced that too (though I was pretty sure I already knew the answer). None of them had, but my mom believes me 100%. It's strange, we'd just been talking about quantum immortality earlier that week... it's sort of like all of our consciousnesses "jumped," but theirs jumped a few seconds earlier, and went somewhere different than mine. That's my best guess at what happened, anyway.
Submitted by: Crista
Sandträsk sanatorium
Sandträsk sanatorium
Went for a guided ghost tour. Incredible place! Had a lot of encounters with ghosts.
Submitted by: Eva
UFO and Military Choppers
My best friend's family had a cabin on Roger's Lake, almost directly across from the military installation (the base that's not a base we joke) that's "secretly" nestled in the woods. On the weekends her large family and various friends would come up to "camp" and then go home during the week to work. Sometimes, on a whim, we would decide to stay out the week and enjoy the isolation, just the 2 of us or sometimes another friend or so from school. One night we laid out on the dock after it came to light that she wasn't aware you could see satellites and the space station with the naked eye. I would point to a steady moving object and she would try to follow my hand and find the same object and then she would try to spot her own. She then pointed out across the lake and asked, is that one? I followed her hand and at first said yes, to a light that was moving steadily even though it was bigger and brighter than the rest. Then it stopped, made several irratic changes in direction, zoomed all the way to the left of the lake and then seemingly towards us. I noticed the tops of the trees above and around us were moving as if there was a wind and suddenly 2 military helicopters that looked like Airwolf zoomed directly over us, close enough we could read the fine print on their underbelly, straight towards the erratic light which immediately took off straight upwards. The helicopters immediately split up and began flying grid formation style with intense spotlights that lit up the treetops across the lake so clearly we could see the tops of the trees swaying heavily. We immediately jumped up and ran inside and locked ourselves in. We could hear loud speaker voices now and then but it was very apparent they were searching for someone or something, they believed was on the ground, until the wee hours of the next morning.
Submitted by: Brittney W.
Two Crafts
Calhoun/Cartersville GA area
My boyfriend was driving and I had my seat laid back looking at the clouds. I usually drove so I was enjoying the ride. And the clouds were especially high up, fluffy, and honestly perfect that day. I remember even stating so. But as I was staring at the clouds directly above me, two silver/white orb shaped craft came out and both sat perfectly still next to a cloud. It took my brain a few seconds to process what I was seeing. I started to slowly lift up to look closer, never breaking eye contact! Then they both all the sudden backed up some and then both flew away so quickly and in crazy directions then gone. It was fast, yet the clearest, crazy thing ive ever seen. It was way too high to be planes, and even if they were planes... planes dont move like that at all. They moved with such ease and quickness I cant even explain! It really was awesome.
Submitted by: Jessica B.
Spheres of Light
i was sitting in my car around 8 p.m. waiting for my boyfriend to come out of his moms house when the sky got really bright and i could feel electricity in the air. my boyfriend and his family came running out the house and i could see him as if a spot light was lighting the entire area up with a very bright light. the light lasted about 20 30 seconds then we could hear the electricity around us and at the same time these balls of blue, green, red and yellow started moving in a upward line formation and some were moving across the ground also. while that was happening the sky would light up and flash very bright. this lasted for about 2 minutes and stopped. about a hour before this happend the power had gone out for no reason that we could figure out. it was about 2 towns that lost power so it wasnt a transformer blowing. transformers typically make a low booming sound when they blow and we heard nothing beside the electricity sound and where the light were coming from there is no power source at all back there, its a swamp/woods.
Submitted by: nikki
Fae Traps on Horn Hollow Trail
Carter Caves, Kentucky
I went to Carter Caves in Kentucky with friends to camp and hike the Horn Hollow Trail as well as explore the cave that is open for self guided tours with a permit. This trail and cave had to of been one of the strangest I've been to. The trail is considered moderate but there are steep drop offs and cliffs. There were numerous fae traps. If you don't know what fae traps are they can take a few different forms. On this trail they were hanging branches and vines that would form a circle to walk through. Sounds innocent enough but they are traps. On this trail they were easy to avoid but as we got deeper into the woods and closer to the cave they got more dangerous. Some went down smaller paths off the main trail and if you weren't paying attention you could have easily gone off trail and gotten lost. Others led right off cliff edges. We eventually came to one that went across the whole trail. Avoiding it went one step off the cliff plunging down a few hundred feet. My friends and I all agreed that the fae in this area were up to something more than just tricks. It felt downright malevolent. The energy here was also very strange. For being a busy campground we had the whole trail to ourselves and it was very silent, like the forest absorbed all the energy around us. The caves here are also known for goblins although we didn't encounter any.
Submitted by: Jordan
UFO sighting going southbound
March 9 2024
UFO flew past my house
Submitted by: Anonymous
Walking into a different era
Cross Road
may, 2015
I grew up in a historic area of a very old town, just on the edge of what was an old pottery district in the early 18th century. When I was 14 years old, I would walk to school every morning. One day, I had just stepped out my driveway when I looked up the block and saw an old horse and buggy moving west bound on what is usually a very busy street. The side walk was dust. As I walk towards the buggy, I noticed that the air was oddly still, and the horses & buggy were completely silent as they rode past. I also noticed the old sycamore tree on the corner was not quite as old as I remembered. Just as I reached the corner, everything snapped back to normal. Streetlights appeared, and cars popped into frame for me, sound came back. It was as if I walked up the block in a different era entirely. This happened a few times in my life and for different lengths of time in my youth. As a teen, I just thought maybe I was going crazy but looking back, I was experiencing the other side of my birth town. I have had multiple different encounters with dimensions and ghosts in different parts of the world, but this was my first time really walking through another realm.
Submitted by: Anonymous
A Maldição do Padre – The Curse of the Priest
Mogi Guaçu
Século 19
Uma lenda muito famosa aqui em Mogi Guaçu é A Maldição do Padre. Segundo a lenda, um padre que morava na cidade costumava fazer muitas maldades, desde revelar os pecados das pessoas que confessavam com ele, até roubar da própria igreja. Isso prejudicava muito a cidade, que era menor ainda do que é nos dia de hoje. Então, a população da época expulsou o padre a força, que não ficou nada satisfeito com isso. Então, antes de partir, ele jogou uma maldição na cidade. A maldição era que, uma vez por ano, pelo menos uma pessoa iria morrer afogada no rio. Depois disso, nunca mais se teve notícia dele. Desde então, até onde se tem datado, alguém é encontrado morto no rio, assim como disse o padre.
A very famous legend here in Mogi Guaçu is The Curse of the Priest. According to legend, a priest who lived in the city used to do many evil things, from revealing the sins of people who confessed to him, to stealing from the church itself. This greatly harmed the city, which was even smaller than it is today. So, the population at the time forcibly expelled the priest, who was not happy about it. So, before leaving, he placed a curse on the city. The curse was that once a year, at least one person would drown in the river. After that, we never heard from him again. Since then, as far as anyone has known, someone has been found dead in the river, just as the priest said.
A very famous legend here in Mogi Guaçu is The Curse of the Priest. According to legend, a priest who lived in the city used to do many evil things, from revealing the sins of people who confessed to him, to stealing from the church itself. This greatly harmed the city, which was even smaller than it is today. So, the population at the time forcibly expelled the priest, who was not happy about it. So, before leaving, he placed a curse on the city. The curse was that once a year, at least one person would drown in the river. After that, we never heard from him again. Since then, as far as anyone has known, someone has been found dead in the river, just as the priest said.
Three Ghosts
We lived in an apartment with three ghosts, and multiple friends had experiences with them. My roommate had her ass slapped by the male ghost, one of the woman ghosts liked to hide in our kitchen closet and push on the door to open it as a game, and the other woman was an intelligent spirit who had killed herself and my roommate and I both struggled with suicidal ideation, so she was constantly watching over us. There's also a demonic presence elsewhere in the complex that came in twice, and I personally had experiences with it on two occasions.
Submitted by: Caelan Lacquement
Seeing a Lot of Things
It all started with puberty.
I was about 12 to 13 years old, making hot chocolate in the kitchen in my parents house.
At some point, I turned around wanting to head to the refrigerator and someone was standing right in front of me. He was looking like one of those jockey riders in a red outfit. I couldn’t see his head. I don’t know why maybe I was too scared to look up but it somehow feels like a force Prevented me from looking further. The only thing I remember is that I was screaming for a very long time very loudly and I woke up kneeling on the kitchen floor. My sister told me I was screaming a very long time and since then I’ve been seeing a lot of things peeking around the doorframe.. TV is turning on and off by itself, glasses exploding and feeling like something is right behind my back . Even though I’ve moved those things kind of follow me and even non-believers have seen or experienced things around me. I might not be very religious but I sure know something happens after we leave the mortal world …I just don’t know what
Submitted by: Cece
Stonetown, Zanzibar
Growing up in Tanzania i have always known about Popobawa, one day i was in Zanzibar with my friend staying in his loft bed just hanging out talking, he had long thin cut outs in the walls as windows, i was looking outside through one when i saw a huge bat figure jump in the trees. I screamed and told my friend but when he looked it wasn't there anymore but the tree was moving. If you know anything already or do any research on Popobawa you would know that was probably it.
Submitted by: Popobawa
Millenium Falcon?
I was having a barbecue with friends, the sky was clear, it was a sunny day. We were sitting in my friends yard having a good time. I looked in the sky directly above me as I was stretching in a garden chair, and I suddenly saw an object that was really high, it was disk shape, and had many details on its surface, reminded me of Millennium Falcon from Star Wars. It travelled a short distance in the sky and disappeared, it looked like it flied up vertically very fast and the blueness of the sky engulfed it.
Submitted by: Borsuk
Drowned Towns
Drowned towns of the Ashokan Reservoir
throughout the 20th and 21st centuries
The Ashokan Reservoir in New York's Hudson Valley was created by damming and flooding the Esopus River. Several towns, villages, and railway stations were relocated, but many of the buildings were not demolished. The original towns of West Hurley, Olive, and Boiceville remain below the waters. The rumor amongst locals is that in dry years past, the spire of one of the drowned churches can be seen above the waterline. The reservoir is patrolled by the DEC and the NYPD, it being a reservoir for the city's drinking water. Boating is not allowed on the reservoir, and no one has managed to capture a picture of the church's spire.
Submitted by: anonymous
Bright White Beam
Back in 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, I decided to visit my parents on the island of Curacao. It was October-November, and what I’m about to share is something that still baffles me. I’ve scoured the internet for similar stories, but no luck. Hopefully, by sharing it here, I’ll connect with others who’ve had a similar experience.
I was in the car with my dad, on our way to grab a birthday cake for my mom. The weather was amazing—windows down, good vibes, and UB40’s “Kingston Town” on the radio. As we neared the bakery, situated on a busy street with a church on a hill to the right, something bizarre happened.
Out of nowhere, behind the church, I spotted this big, bright white beam. It’s hard to describe, like a wide laser beam, but clear. Not lightning because there was no thunder after, and it didn’t blind us. It was see-through, and just as quickly as it appeared, it vanished. The wild part? The reflection seemed to stretch from the ground all the way up into the sky with no end. I couldn’t wrap my head around it and blurted out, “Holy shit, what was that?” Unbeknownst to me, my dad saw it too and replied, “WOW, DID YOU SEE THAT TOO!”
We parked, thinking maybe there’s a simple explanation, like construction workers with a big mirror or something. But nope, nothing like that. Too big and wide to be a reflection, and the edges were way brighter than the inside. We stepped outside, expecting others to have noticed, but everyone was going about their business, heads buried in their phones.
If my dad hadn’t seen the exact same thing, I’d be questioning my sanity. Anyway, back to the cake mission, but the day felt different. That unexplained moment hung in the air, turning an ordinary day into a weird memory. It’s the kind of thing you share at family gatherings, a reminder that sometimes reality serves up mysteries that defy explanation.
Submitted by: amayahx
Terrifying Presence
Nov 1st 2021
It was around 1:30 am on November 1st, me and my best friend decided we wanted to do tarot readings outside in my back yard. The moon was kinda full, and it was only slightly cold outside. We were out there for awhile before we heard it. It was something heavy like a deer moving around behind the fence however we could not see it. At first it was slowly moving around, so we grab our stuff and started to head inside because we thought it was some animal. But then it started moving faster, and lighter on its feet but it still held weight because we could hear it crunch branches as it moved. It was terrifying hearing this thing run after us, it moved from the back yard to the side yard in seconds. So we started running too, and it seemed like it was following us, but from behind the fence. The fence it's self wasn't fully closed off, so it could have come into the yard if it wanted, however it didn't. The fence was 6 feet tall and only put there so passing cars didn't look into the yard. But it was terrifying not seeing what was following us. After we got inside we locked all the doors, and still haven't seen the thing, but sometimes we hear it time and time again. Even now you can still hear it moving at night, but when you look nothings ever there.
Submitted by: Lilith
Bonfire Night UFO
I was around 9 years old at the time and my family had some people round to celebrate bonfire night. After setting off fireworks in our garden everyone went back inside to get food but I wanted to stay for 5 more minutes to watch all the fireworks in the distance. Something caught my eye that didn’t look like any firework I’ve ever seen: a number of outlined triangular bright white lights mixed with refracting rainbow glimmers appeared that formed the shape of a star and then collapsed in on themselves, it was so beautiful and I was so excited I ran back inside to tell my family what I’d seen. I described in great detail what I’d seen to them “I think it was a shooting star!!” (I’d never seen a shooting star before so in my head I’d pictured something from a cartoon to compare it to), they all looked at me incredulously and got on with what they were doing after laughing and saying “Must have been a lovely cluster of fireworks!” I know what I saw and I’ve never forgotten it.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Nature Spirit
Nature spirits
I was doing a ritual (I'm a witch). I was calling for nature spirits because in this part of the country, these forests are very active in paranormal or supernatural way.
So, As I said I asked the spirits to show themselves. And one of them did it. It was kinda like a bright amorph fast moving thing a few meters away from me, But it took me long enough to rule out the possibility that my eyes might have been dazzled. Since then, I have visited the area several times, invoked them, and always received an answer.
Submitted by: F. L.
Lucid Dreams
I experience lucid dreams almost every night. This particular evening is no different. In my dream, I'm attending a house party with my friends, two of which are sticking close to me. Being lucid, we're having a good time and I ask these two if they want to adventure. We decide that we will take a walk around the neighborhood. We leave the house and start walking down the street. All of a sudden, it's as if my dream resets. It was very sudden & I didn't will this to happen. As I'm looking around, I notice that everything is off. I don't know the people at this party and my two friends near me aren't people I know. I start looking around and more closely at the people around me until I snag on someone. I don't recognize them, but something inside me screams at the wrongness. I approach this person. They appear to be male, in mostly nondescript clothes. Oversized hoodie and a blue ball cap covering their face. Upon closer inspection, they had no discernible features. (Like smoothed over eyes & mouth) I say out loud in my lucid state, "Who are you? You're NOT supposed to be here..." As soon as the words are out, the world starts to violently shake. Pieces of the walls and environment are starting to fall and crumble around me. I am struck with such an intense, vile revulsion. I knew I needed out and out NOW. I literally pushed with all my mental fortitude to wake up. I repeated, "WAKE UP" 3 times. I felt myself in limbo between dream and reality. I then repeated, "YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE" 3 times. At this point my mind is in the dream but I can hear my physical body croak with a scream. As I fully come into my physical body, I repeat "This is MY space, I evict you" 3 times.. My heartrate was astronomical when I came fully into myself. Whatever entity attempted to invade my space was absolutely pissed I recognized it for what it was. I haven't lucid dreamed since.
Submitted by: StrangeDreams
Hovering Triangle
My sister and I were on our way home from the store when we noticed a triangle shaped hovering object. It was around 7-8pm. We saw it right before we pulled into our driveway and it had a light in each corner. It was slowly descending. At first it seemed like it was heading straight for us. We pulled over because it looked as if we kept driving it would land on top of the car. We got out of the car and stared at the craft for a couple of seconds in disbelief as it hovered over the tree line owned by Yogibear (amusement park) across from our house. We got back in the car, drove to our house, parked the car, got out, and when we turned around to look again at the trees the craft was gone. It was very silent. And the trees didn’t move while the craft hovered over them. For reference as to what it looked like research PATENT US2006/0145019A1. Until this day I’ve never told anyone. No one will believe. I’ve never seen anything like it again.
Submitted by: Clemente
Metal Spheres
San Antonio
I work at the medical center in San Antonio, Texas and it was just a regular day, I had gone to lunch and came back. I work in front of a big glass window and I happen to look up and I see two big metal spheres just passing by. I know for a fact they were not balloons because the spheres were going sideways, never touching they stayed a few feet apart and stayed that way. I looked at my phone wanting to take a picture or video but something didn't let me it was a weird feeling. This happened around the time when people were going to invade area 151. Funny thing that the following week my brother saw the same thing but he was a bit further away.
Submitted by: Ashley
Experiencing Spirits
Miami, Fl
This all started when i was a kid. I’ve lives in the same house ever since i was born and as i was growing up i always experienced weird things happening in my house that i never understood until i was older. Anyone that lives here knows that miami dates back to the 1800’s and things have changed so much since then. It started when i was probably in kindergarten or in pre school. I grew up religious so my mom would always play prayer music when we went to bed every night. One night when i was getting ready for bed, i was laying down in bed waiting for my mom to get my bed time routine ready and she starts playing the music. All of a sudden i feel my entire body sink into the bed and i wasn't able to move a muscle but i was able to speak. What was once peaceful music sounded like it was painful to hear. I can’t describe how it was because it was so long ago… but it was not pleasant. I kept on screaming to my mom “turn it off turn it off” and she was shocked and worried and kept on asking why and little me was just in a panic because it was just so painful to hear and I didn't know what was going on. She ended up turning off in confusion and then all the pressure that i felt in my entire body was lifted off. I was breathing heavily and couldn’t wrap my mind around what just happened. She played the music again an hour later and we just went to bed like we normally would. Fast forward to about 2008. I was in middle school, my older brother had a CD collection and we had one of those radio CD players that had 3 slots for 3 CD’s. One of them inside the CD player was system of a down. I remember i was alone in my house that night and all the lights in the house were off except my moms room light. I was heading to my brothers room to see if i could find anything cool. I don’t remember if i did lol but i got out from his room and all of a sudden the 3rd track from the cd started playing ON FULL BLAST. I hurried back to see if it was anyone and it wasn't. I was still the only person in that house. I was confused but also very terrified. Fast forward to high school i would stay up really late at night because i mean, what teenager would go to bed on time. I remember sometimes i would just talk to myself or say my thoughts out loud to myself pretty often but one night, at around 1-2 am i remember i was getting tired enough to go to sleep and i said to myself “alright time to go to bed. Good night” and then in my war, i heard an disembodied voice whispering “goodnight”. I still remember feeling the sensation when someone whispers in your ear to this day. That was 10+ years ago. Theres a lot of other times where i would ask my mom in between these moments if there was anyone with a child who lived here and she would answer, no there was no one with a child who lived here. Just an older couple. This house was built in the 80’s. I would find that so strange because i would always feel this image of this girl in like a lacy nice picnic dress around. I would also heard humming sometimes coming from my moms room as a kid. I thought it was a woman sometimes and other times a girl. Fast forward to 2022. God after this was when i really understood spirits. I would spend a lot of my time at my exes house but when i was not, i would sleep in my house. Everything was normal until about around September, October time. Thats when so many things started happening. I remember it was like a switch went on or something because one night nothing happened and then other nights after that i would slowly feel a presence getting stronger. I would talk to it like, “please let me sleep” and i always had a feeling like it was saying “okay”. It was like that until a certain point. I shared with my good friend that is a psychic medium at the time that i felt like my house was haunted. We would joke about it and around this time, i also knew a lot about spirit communication and crossing them over thanks to this guy on youtube called huff paranormal. I had a lot of apps to talk to spirits and i remember one night i was like “if you let me sleep tonight i will talk to you in the morning”. I think this was a little girl because she was a bit stubborn. I had to say it a few times until it felt eerily still and quiet. The next day i did. I started up the spirit communication app and I was asking her about her name, how she died and if there was anything i can get her to make her feel okay. She didn't want to talk about how she died but most spirits don't. I kept on getting “m” until getting her full name. I kinda forgot her name so i couldn’t tell you what it was now because that was a year ago and i wanted to forget about it because how fucking traumatic it was. I remember hearing pears as a treat or offering and historically, children back in the day would love pears so one night i remember i left out a cup of water and two cut pears. That night and a few nights after that she left me alone. It started to feel safe again but then she came back. I remember one night after not being able to sleep for a few nights and feeling super delirious i asked ny mom if i could sleep with her. I haven't done that in YEARS. I was able to sleep that night and very deeply. My mom wakes up early so I remember at 8 am i tried to move to my bed and i remember seeing this black floating figure above where i sleep. I really think it was her just like.. saving my space or waiting for me or something. I started up the app again half asleep and i was like “hello” and i heard “salem!” And i was like “im really tired and i really want to go back to sleep. I have work later can you please let me sleep” and all i heard back was “sure” and then it was still again. I was able to go back to sleep. One night after trying to ignore it i finally gave in and was like okay, i need to figure out how to make her go into the light. I did some research and then i tried. It was slightly successful. Almost like I dislodged something. I tried again after work one night being extremely exhausted and then it actually worked. The air was still, it was peaceful and quiet. Sure my paranoia really shook everything up and i was so scared to sleep after that and bought holy water and salt just in case but nothing after that happened. I really felt like there was someone who died there and she couldn’t cross over. Spirits always go to people who are sensitive to energy and i always was so it was no surprise that she always pestered me.
Submitted by: Salem Saballos
Shadow Figure
Kimpton Inn Bungalows
In the middle of the night from 9/23 to 9/24, I woke up to a shuffling feet sound and saw a shadow figure at the foot of my bed. I almost immediately fell back asleep. The next morning, I considered not telling my wife but did anyways. She said she saw the same thing and thought she was going crazy. We both heard the shuffling of feet but we each saw the figure moving in different directions. We are 100% sure that there was no one in our room. The room is part of the Kimpton Inn Bungalows. We were in the house at 709 Truman Ave. The room we were in was on the first floor and opposite of the front door.
Submitted by: Jason
Museum Ghost
William A Ross Jr Historical Center
I attended summer daycare the year I was going into fifth grade, we went to many places for field trips and on this day we were going to a local museum. It was an older looking white beautiful colonial house with big white columns that was converted into a museum to preserve that screen shot in time. They had us shifting dirt to find rocks and doing small crafts, we took a quick tour of the first and second floor, and then we painted. My hands got dirty so being being the curious kid I was i decided to sneak off and find a restroom and explore on my own. I took a smaller staircase up to the second floor I found a sink right off the stairs and rinsed my hands off. I decided to take a look around and went down the hall, right in front of me the hall it took a left turn and a small child shadow was cast on the wall as I went around the corner fully. I thought maybe one of my friends was standing further down that hall in a room casting that shadow from the sun in the window. I walked and saw there was no rooms or anything at all on that side just another bare wall, the shadow figure was dark, not faint, and it waved at me I knew at that point it was something i couldnt understand and I was one hundred percent alone up there. I turned and ran, took the stair pretty much leaping down them. I found a friend and had her come back up with me so they could see it themselves. The shadow figure was gone, but that cold sick feeling remained and she could feel it to and immediately ran back down to the group. We got back in the van, I was scared that I was going to see the child shadow again on a wall and stayed anxious when looking at blank walls for weeks. I'm in my thirties now, I still remember it vividly to this day and have only stepped back into that place once for a Christmas event with my own child. It felt just as it did that day, creepy and the air electrified.
Submitted by: Rebekah
Be Like You
Osage Beach
It was on one of the nights my Dad had to go to the ER for breathing problems. My brother went with to make sure he would be okay and drive him home when they let him out. Beside from being worried everything was normal. I decided to watch the Jungle Book to take my mind off of things since I couldn't sleep. It was around 2am at this point and I was hungry so I when to get something to eat. So I got up to go to the kitchen, as I did I looked down the hallway out of habit. I saw a Miner standing at the end. Lantern and pickaxe in hand. I blinked and he was gone. I shook it off and got something to eat. Right before the song *I want to be like you* I paused the movie to get some water and hear kids singing the song and laughing from my brothers room. I turned the movie off and haven't been able to watch it since.
Submitted by: Lynn
Deer Entity
Tibble Fork Resevoir, Utah
During Covid, before all the regulations, a small handful of my friends and I decided to go up a local canyon to have a picnic. We found a field up the hill from the reservoir, brought our blankets and food, and set up. It was super aesthetic so after we ate our food, we wanted to take photos in the meadow. The sun was going down, so I went out into the field to pose lol. After my friend took a few shots, I got a HORRIBLE, sinking feeling in my stomach. I felt like we were being watched. I looked over to the treeline, (behind where we'd set up), and I saw movement. It looked somewhat like a deer, and after all, it's the mountains- there are deer and big horned sheep everywhere. However, as my eyes adjusted, I noticed that this thing looked like it was squatting, or crouching. I even took a photo so I could zoom in to see it better. Its eyes were like..smeared across its face. Like it was blurred or something, or like we'd caught it mid-shift. It literally backed away into the treeline. None of the other girls saw it, but we all noted feeling really gross and uneasy. We packed up and left right after that.
Submitted by: Maren MacKay
Night Workers
Moon Lake, Utah
Family was camping at Moon Lake. I slept in the back of our Station Wagon. Middle of the night looked out the window and saw dozens of men working in two lines. One line coming out of the side of the mountain, the other line going into the mountain carrying boxes. They worked that way for as long as I watched. I wondered what they could be so busy with, and why do this in the middle of the night? They looked like people do at night under the full moon, but there was no moon that I could see. Finally I drifted to sleep. Next morning the first thing I did was look out the window to see what had been done out there. Nothing but trees. Not a sign anybody had been there. I asked my parents if they saw them, and nobody else saw the workers.
Submitted by: Louis Lasater
Perilous Chapel
I have no way of accurately describing what happened. It was June of 2020 and we attended a small Catholic mass that had about 15 people in attendance. The church is bigger and can seat about 200 people easily. I stayed outside the doors of the chapel as they are glass and I had most of my children all seated together inside, but had my daughter who had just turned four playing in a play room that is situated off to the side.
While I was following mass, my ears started to ring and I thought, “must be too hot out,” as it was getting warm outside. At that moment, my daughter came out to me crying beyond hysterical and was almost to the point of hyperventilating. It was jarring because I had never seen her this upset in my entire life. I picked her up and placed my one year old down in a car seat as she had just dozed off in my arms and started to rock my other daughter in my arms. She kept crying and hyperventilating and I couldn’t calm her down.
As she was crying, a woman started to walk in a halting and strange fashion out of the church and she was pasty white and I thought, “Here we go!” because she looked like she was about to pass out. A moment later, another woman wobbled out of the chapel and collapsed onto a chair and immediately bent over and put her her between her legs. I noticed the first woman was gone and decided maybe sh had gone to the bathroom to run some cold water over her face. I wanted to check on her but decided I didn’t want to leave my one year old alone in the car seat so I set my now calmer four year old down and went into the chapel to get an older sibling to stay with her so I could take the baby with me down the hall. Went inside chapel, all of my kids were staring ahead intently and I thought, “this is so weird!” But my six year old son noticed me and I motioned for him to follow me, and his older girl seemed annoyed that she had to move so her brother could squeeze by her to get out of the pew. As any normal child his age he was eager to get out of church and followed behind me to join his sister. I asked her if she would be okay if her brother stayed with her while I ran to the bathroom and she reluctantly nodded her head.
I walked her by her hand and led her into the playroom with her brother walking in the doorway behind me. I turned my back to my kids who were now inside the room to shut the door so I could speak in a normal voice instead of hushed tones but the second I shut the door my daughter began to wail in a frightful manner and my son was.. just gone. For whatever reason I kept scanning the room which was a small, ordinary room with a few children’s toys, with a small closet for a vacuum and I looked in the closet for him and he wasn’t there. Grabbed daughters’ hand and went back to the cry area to see both women sitting there, the first was even more pale and the second was sweaty but sitting up and looked like she had just come to from fainting. Went back into chapel not caring that daughter was crying audibly, and she was hyperventilating again to find my kids shuffling in their seats and looking at me confused like I was crazy. My son was sitting in the pew, the same as before and I called him out to me. Again, he was very eager to leave the chapel and I brought him to the sitting area just outside the chapel and asked him why he went back to church. He had no idea what I was talking about. After mass, I asked my kids and they said I never came and retrieved him but we all noted that there had been a strange dull humming in the air that made us feel ill and worn out. My four year old refused to tell me why she was so upset and I asked her recently if she remembered and she vaguely said something bad was happening and she thought she would never see me again.
To this day, I don’t know what happened, but I didn’t lose time as I was trying to follow along Mass and it doesn’t have variations to a traditional low mass and it was the only thing that went smooth. I still feel unease thinking about it because it made no sense, I wasn’t on drugs, alcohol (never have done and never plan on using) and I absolutely know I got my son the first time because I will never forget almost feeling dread at the way my children looked like they were fixated on what was happening at the altar. They are good kids, but not overly pious, but it felt like they were actually trying to focus on mass to distract themselves from the other feeling that everything was just off. I later asked one of the women about what happened with her and she said there was a loud but low humming at church that made her head hurt and then made her feel like she was going to be sick and she left. She never even saw me and could not help me corroborate that I had, indeed, gone inside the chapel twice and taken my son out twice. Only my four year old and myself agreed it had happened.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Mark and Friends
Lincoln Nebraska Airpark
We lived in old air force housing in NW Lincoln, NE from 2002-2005. At the time it was public housing so we hadn’t walked through the unit until our paperwork was approved and the first walk through I knew something was off about the house.
We moved in August of 2002, my youngest daughter was born in November of that year. The first experience I had was a few weeks after she was born. I was sitting on the floor in the living room as my 2 older kids were playing, baby was in her bouncy seat. I heard someone rushing down the hall towards the kitchen and looked up just time to see an arm swing into the kitchen. I am sensitive and immediately got the name ‘Mark’ and that he was in the Air Force and he was running late for work. I could sense Mark usually from late August through the end of November but he was only ever actively engaged from mid Oct-to around Thanksgiving.
In July I started sensing the presence of a young girl. She was a little older than my oldest who was 6 at the time. She reminded me of Nellie Oleson from Little House on the Prairie. All she did was stand at the end of the hall and watch my girls play when they were in the bedroom. She was not very active beyond that.
The following October Mark came back. This time a little more aggressively. I was on my computer and the speaker started going staticky then I heard a man’s voice say ‘hello’. I turned it off so I don’t know if he said anything else.
After that I everything felt very eerie when he was around. I felt like he was very attached to me and protective of me and my daughters.
My husband at the time worked nights so I was often alone at nights with my girls. Things got progressively stronger and soon my daughters were having experiences.
Things started getting really weird the year my youngest turned 2. I was cleaning the kitchen while she finished a snack at the table. She was asking me for the sponge so she could wipe the table. I told her no, put the sponge on the back of the kitchen sink and walked to the living room to grab something. I walk back in – not even 10 seconds later – and she’s got the sponge and is wiping the table. The sponge was not behind the sink where I put it. It was not a different sponge. I asked where she got the sponge and she just said ‘the man’.
Around that time I saw my middle daughter’s doppelganger. I was in the kitchen making lunch, she was in the bathroom and out of the corner of my eye I see her walking down the hall and in to the living room – I know it was her because she had a very colorful dress on. I called out to her “Did you wash your hands?” and she calls from the bathroom “I’m still on the potty, mommy!”. I go in the living room where my oldest is and asked if her sister had come in and she said, “Nope”
That year we had another experience around my middle daughter. My ex is Slavic and we had a collection of Russian stack dolls that she loved playing with. It’s important to note that she was EXTREMELY afraid of the dark so what happened here is very puzzling to me. We had a night light in our bathroom that very dimly lit the hallway. I was sleeping from hearing wood clicking – I get up and find her in the bathroom playing with the Russian dolls at 2a. The dolls had been on the end table in the living room which was pitch black and it was very unlikely that she would have gotten them off the table in the dark without knocking over other things that were on the table or kicking a toy on the floor. I asked her where she got it and she just ignored me – almost like she was in a trance playing with them.
Another time I was annoyed with one of my kid’s battery operated toys. I removed the batteries and tossed it in the top of the closet. A few weeks later I heard it playing. Fished it out of the closet and it continued playing despite having no batteries.
Once my youngest got a toddler bed she had a ritual every night around 2:07a she would wake up and come get me to tuck her back in. She would shuffle into the room, stand at the end of my side of the bed, say ‘Momma’ and start walking back to bed without waiting for me and I would tuck her in and go back to sleep. We kept a night light on in the bathroom so the hallway was always dimly lit. It happened every night so it got to the point where I automatically woke up around that time.
This night I was starting to wake up and heard her shuffling into the room, saw her at the end of my bed, heard her say momma and start shuffling away. I get up and start following her but once we get to the hallway I realize her figure is a shadow which dissipates and fades away.
I run to her bedroom and she’s sleeping with the blankets tightly tucked in all around her. Tighter than I would have done. I was freaked out to say the least. I checked on her, she was sleeping soundly, and loosened up the blankets. I waited a bit but could not sense anything concerning so I went on to bed. I was awake for almost 30 minutes after that and just as I started dozing off I heard what sounded like someone pounding with all their strength on the wall other side of our bedroom wall – the wall her toddler bed was up against. It was so hard the pictures were shaking yet no one else in the house woke up. I jumped out of bed to check on her and she was still sleeping. The air seemed heavy and I stayed awake next to her bed until it lifted.
A few weeks after that I had an even more terrifying experience. My husband at the time worked nights until 11:30p and usually got home around 11:55p. I never really enforced a bedtime because my middle daughter would be up at 4a so they were often up til 10p most nights. These events had freaked me out so I started hanging out in their bedroom around 8 and let them play until they got tired.
This night there was such a heavy presence that my daughters even sensed it.
Before we went to bed I tried to put up the baby gate in the hallway. I set it up just before the split staircase that led to the basement – this is where we often sensed Mark and as he got stronger and more protective it often felt like he was standing on the landing glaring at you as you walked by.
As I was setting it up I felt like he was creeping up the stairs then, when he got to the top, was leaning over and staring as me while I fumbled with the gate. I could not get it to lock and he was irritating me so I looked up and stared back, threw the gate down and yelled something like “YOU THINK YOU COULD DO BETTER? HAVE AT IT”. I let it fall where I was which left it on the floor across the width of the hallway with the bar facing up.
I stomped back to the bedroom and slammed the door and tried to distract my kids who were asking what was wrong. After a few seconds we all heard the gate being picked up, rattled around like someone was trying to lock it then tossed down hard. I peeked out and it was lying with the bar side down and turned to be along the length of the hallway.
I yelled ‘IT’S NOT SO EASY IS IT, SMARTASS?’ I felt vindicated anyway.
A while later we were playing and the landline rang in the next room. I opened the door and rushed out into a mist – it was just hovering around the door. It was a friend asking for my husband. I told him he was at work and quickly hung up and ran back to the bedroom. When I got back to my bangs were wet as though I’d been sweating.
Finally, the girls went to bed so I lied down with my middle daughter and waited until my husband got home. I started dozing off and woke up when I heard the key in the door, the door open and close, the keys & lunch bag being tossed on the table, jacket being unzipped and hung up and shoes being kicked off. Then nothing. Complete silence.
I looked at the little clock in the room. It was 11:25p. My husband was not off yet – he always called if he was going to get off early but he never called to let me know.
I was frozen in bed and watched the clock until 11:55p when I heard the keys in the door, the door open and close, the keys and lunch bag being tossed on the table, jacked being unzipped and hung up and shoes being kicked off.
Every time I told my husband these things he dismissed it saying I was probably dreaming or misheard something. Until a few weeks before we moved out of state.
I’d taken the girls with me to the store and got home to him in his robe standing at the front door with the color drained from his face. He asked if I had just been there and said that he was taking a shower and someone started pounding on the door. He thought it was maintenance (we rented) but there was no one there when he came out of the bathroom.
My last experience was later that fall when I was in the living room with the girls. I heard someone walk up the hall and could feel eyes on me. I turned around and saw almost like the glitter effect from the transporter on the original Star Trek and then peace. I knew Mark was gone.
Thanks for reading
Submitted by: Moxie
Was driving around some roads near the college campus with some friends and one friend pointed out the lights and we pulled over got out and couldn't look away from the very clear and close saucer.
Submitted by: Penelope Squishmallow
Crying Girl
Los Angeles Pierce Community College
This happened in the performing arts side of the campus. I walked into the girl's bathroom during a Friday morning. I saw one stall is closed and the rest are open. When I hear a girl crying but immediately stop once I enter. I go on about my business as Im washing my hands to leave I glance at the mirror to see the stall that was closed. To my horror I see no feet on the ground nor anyone through the crack of the door. I would have heard this girl leave since the bathroom door is heavy and squeaks when it's opened.
Submitted by: Lizzy Gomez
Glowing Orbs
3 glowing orange orbs floating and bobbing in the sky at 2am. Couldn't tell if they were small and close or large and far away. Watched them for 10 minutes before going inside. Never seen before or since.
Submitted by: Nina
Vanishing Hag
Hoia Baciu
We saw an old hag in the forest screaming at the top of her lungs and when we ran to help her she was nowhere, it was literally a 5 second run while we were looking at her and then just vanished.
At the same time we lost 1h of time no one knows what happened
Submitted by: Timofte Ionut
Shadow Without an Object
Vimieiro, Portugal
While driving towards Vimieiro on this country side road with only two lanes, my wife and I noticed a shadow that matched our speed, overtook us and then veered right towards one of the estates. I checked the sky, thinking it was a cloud or helicopter. There were no clouds. It was a perfectly sunny day with nothing in the sky for as far as the eye can see. Based on the shadow the object that flew above us was wider than the two lanes (7-8m) and perfectly round in shape. All we saw was the vast, round shadow stay with us and then take off. My presumption is that it was cloaked or at least invisible to the human eye, because I looked everywhere in the sky and couldn't see anything.
Submitted by: Frank Williams
Ivalo Activity
Several ghost sightings and few haunted places. One ufo sighting in december 2019. Several dreams and visions. One time distortion in 2017.
Submitted by: Elli
Salt Spring Island
I was visiting my brother in Vancouver and we stayed in a cabin in Salt spring Island for about a week. One night as i was smoking outside on the terrace (front of me was a big field of grass and a fence and no houses that close by) I was watching some show when i heard a rustle in the bushes, i looked up for a second but ignored it because there are a lot of deer on the island, so continues watching my show. I then heard very clearly bare footsteps on concrete running towards me right in front of me, but there was only a big field of grass there. i paused my show and there were about two more footsteps after that. i was looking to the direction of where the footsteps came from but the terrace light was not very bright and i felt something looking back at me just beyond the reach of the light. I had a horrible feeling of danger come over me so i grabbed my things as fast as i could and ran inside and locked the door behind me.
Submitted by: i think i experienced a skinwalker
Door Slams
Stanwix, Carlisle
In the university halls here, each night we heard someone coming in and out of our flat, slamming the door on the way out. It was a flat inside a block of six flats, all full of students. We were all friends so we asked each other who was coming in to our flat at night? Around 3AM... Of course! We made sure to lock the door after no one knew who was coming in and we got a little worried, even spoke to security about a possibility of us being robbed. We kept hearing this every night, and even kept watch and came out of our room if we heard the door but we never saw anyone..
When everyone had left for the summer, I was there one extra night alone, I also experienced it then.
The flat across from ours also said they experiences the same thing though more intrusive, I can't remember all the details but slamming doors. whispering at night time and feeling a presences close to them and even pushing them.
Submitted by: Libby
Phantom Runner
Stanwix, Carlisle
One night when it was dark, warm and dry, I went and led down outside of my uni halls on the grass. As soon as I led my head down, I head someone running towards me - I can still hear it now when I think of it.. It was so real, the feet running across the grass right next to me.
I pulled my head up right away, thinking I was about to be run in it. Though of course their was no one around..
Submitted by: Libby
Temperature Drop
Burbiskiu street
Me and a couple more friends found a big abandoned building. We explored it for a few weeks and nothing much would happen except it just felt very creepy and as if someone was watching us.
Since nothing much happened we decided to use a ouija board in there. We set it up, lit some white candles and did the whole ritual, nothing happened for a couple minutes but then suddenly the temperature dropped a lot to the point where we could see our breaths (mind it was around +20C° outside at that time). Then we decided to wrap it all up because we all got a very bad gut feeling, that's when we heard heavy footsteps approaching us, there was no one there. Obviously we ran out and went straight home after that. Ever since then whenever we enter the building we can hear the same footsteps getting closer to us.
We did record very often whenever we explored there but the videos would either get very distorted, the audio would cut off or our phones would die out of nowhere.
Submitted by: Frosty
Rod-like Object
We were returning back home, to Cluj-Napoca. We were on the highway and I noticed that we were approaching a weird object. It was on the right side of the windshield. It looked almost transparent and it was floating at a height of aprox. 1.5 meters - it would be almost as tall as our car. My eyes were waiting for it to move since it looked a lot like a thin plastic bag from a distance. But it didn’t. It stood perfectly still. It looked like a semi-transparent rod, having a structure similar to a DNA string and it was about 30 cm long. It just stood there, vertically, perfectly still, as we were approaching it. It felt unreal. I wanted to warn my husband about it (since he obviously didn’t notice it) but before I was able to open my mouth we passed it. Or through it, I’m still not sure. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. For a split second I was sure it was going to hit the corner of the windshield, I was ready to hear a noise, but there was no sound. Like there was nothing there. I felt crazy, everything felt unreal. After a few seconds, I managed to tell my husband what I saw asking me if he believed me. To my amazement, he did believe me. Furthermore, he kept describing the object I saw better than myself. It turned out that he read an article about these things (which are called flying rods/skyfish). Apparently other people have seen these things too. I wasn’t crazy. However, I don’t even know what was more weird: what I saw, or the fact that my husband knew exactly what I was talking about. Did anyone else encounter any if these flying rods?
Submitted by: Anonymous
Scary Farm
Old Farm
There used to be an abandoned farm building. Use unknown. My little brother was petrified of going near it. He always said he saw an old man yelling and pointing a shot gun at us. We never saw anything ourselves but he used to turn white and scream like I've never heard before and run away.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Transposed Car
Columbia, parking lot between Andy's Custard and MOD Pizza at Trimble Rd
I'm a delivery driver by trade. Sometimes, when it's slow, my job consists of sitting around waiting for a run to be offered. On this particular day there was no school and so my teenage son and I pulled into a completely vacant parking strip between Andy's Custard and MOD pizza. I chose the farthest spot from the road, along the median curb/island with a fire hydrant in it. I know FOR CERTAIN that I was parked exactly parallel with the hydrant, as my son and I joked about it being odd that it was those colors in a parking lot, basically camouflaged and asking for someone to accidentally hit it. As I waited there I heard the sound of someone's car horn, more specifically the locking mechanism beep, but I didn't look up for it or even really register that I'd heard it in the moment. When my delivery app finally notified me I had a job a good 7-10 minutes later and I drove away from the the place I'd been parked. Before pulling all the way away I checked the mirrors, as one does, and low and behold there was a car parked in the space I'd just pulled out of. No one around it, or in it, or walking away as if they parked as I pulled away. Just an empty vehicle, in the exact physical space I'd been occupying mere seconds before. I immediately realized that the car horn I'd heard before must've been from THAT car. I stopped moving completely, half in the spot directly in front of the car and half in the aisleway. I began feeling queasy as I sat there looking at that little black car, utterly perplexed by it. I asked my son to look behind us. I gave him no other context. Just, "Son, Look behind us and tell me what you see?" Hoping he'd say, "So what, it's a car?" or "Oh, that's a cute little car." Something, anything, that would confirm to me that I'd pulled past the hydrant into the adjacent forward space, but to my trembling dismay he and said, "Hey, No, where did that car come from? We were just in that spot. I spent the last like 5 minutes staring at the hydrant." He was visibly upset as well, and in that I found the ability to shake the weird nauseating feeling I was experiencing and tell him, "No, that's not possible. We MUST be mistaken. There must have been more space behind us than we are realizing. I must've been in both spots with enough room for them to park behind us." knowing full and well that there was couldn't have been any space behind us.
He let me talk him down, and we've never spoken of it again. I haven't really told this story to anyone because I'm afraid anyone I tell will think I've lost my mind, but I'm convinced that I someone else merged into my dimension from a parallel one that day, or maybe my son and I shifted into another one ourselves. All I know is that every time I go near that parking lot I have that same weird queasy feeling that I felt that day. I can't rationally explain it, so as silly as it sounds, I just completely avoid it now.
Submitted by: Nicole Weimer
Dark Shadow
Vratislavice nad Nisou
A dark shadow in the corner of my room, was there for probably two years. Sometimes it touched my hair when I was trying to sleep, or sat next to me on the bed.
Submitted by: Martina
Cebu Island Entities
Cebu island philippines
It is very difficult to explain yet after investigation many myths are here in the mountains of the Philippines. Possibly goasts or animals always watching from the darkness it is not advisable to drive without lights at night or go out without a torch in my experience what ever is in the rainforests here likes to play with you in the city's it's not present but it is in the mountins and forests a shaddow like animal/humanoid generally in pairs or groups don't be fooled it can mimmic anything from motorbikes to my partners voice to my mothers that's how I knew it was not normal my mother is more than 7000 miles away I have been attempting to catch it on camera but you can see it with your eyes but not through a lense of a camera it toys with you but my total deep instinct is to flee and not face what ever this is its fun to begin with but when the deepest part of your soul says move now drive I'm not arguing with that if it was not for the mistake of using my mothers voice I'm not sure where I'd be now my partner is filipino and is scared to go out at night I'm sure this is the reason why the roads go quiet every night with barely any traffic.
Submitted by: Kenneth mace
Haunted Firehouse
Quartel Bombeiros Areosa Rio Tinto
In the male sleeping quarters, during a calm night the light switch turned itself on several times during the night, even though everyone was asleep and no where near it.
On separate occasions, and this was frequent, the motion activated lights of the hallway would turn on and footstep sounds would be heard, and no one would be in there or show up on cctv.
We have a name for the ghost as we believe it is from a fireman who hung himself in the male dormitories nearly a decade ago.
Submitted by: Anonymous
San Antonio Haunting
San Antonio home at Northern hills neighborhood
From 2007-2012 I my family lived in this house located northeast San Antonio. We started experiencing paranormal activity such as; my small brother and sister would be having nightmares and fevers, saying outlandish things. My mother is very clairvoyant, and she sensed it was some thing evil so she started praying and after 40 minutes to an hour, my brother and sister would start feeling better and would be back to their old selves. I when we would question what happened or what was going on with them. They would both simply not recall anything of what had just happened. This happened to both my brother and sister on several separate occasions over the years my grandfather heard a kid scream, my mother and my brother would be at home while my sister and I were at school, and they would hear voices, I heard a boy scream while I was home alone with my sister. One time my mother took a picture by our front door, and you could see a very transparent shape coming from the floor, it just seemed like a little boy was squatting down. When we had just moved into the house, there was a hole underneath the flooring in the cement we never there to look. We kind of just covered it up there. Wish I guess to say the least something odd about that house, including this one time, some family members from the previous owners that used to live there set a postcard I do not recall from what state, they were asking if the previous owners included the previous owners names, and their whereabouts, stating if we knew where they were located to please reply. Throughout the years, I was curious I’ve looked up the people that used to live in the house I did happen to see that they had moved out of the city , and luckily seem to be doing fine. I never contacted them. I do not wish to know anything further as my family and I no longer live in that house. My sister recalls seeing a lady walking around in a nightgown, that will forever be imprinted in her memories.
Submitted by: Anon
Haunted Campus
The university campus is a grade listed building, over 100 years old. Some spots just had bad feelings, like something malevolent. Also heard balls being thrown around my flat, chairs moving doors opening and closing by themselves when I was home alone
Submitted by: Ellie
St Leonards Warrior Square Ghost
I was walking along to my then boyfriends place, and walked pasted the park square near his home. From the entrance I see a man stumble out, clutching his chest. Like he's just been shot or stabbed. He's stumble onto and then along the pavement towards me and disappears when he gets about a foot in front of me.
He seemed to be wearing WW1/WW2 military clothing. He was quite well detailed, like he had human facial features and things but it wasnt like as detailed as normal. I could see he had dark brown hair, but couldn't see all the shades of brown, the unform was olive brown or green. He had facial hair and dark eyes. He was more human looking and had a Caucasian skintone. He was taller than me, maybe around 6ft tall?
Submitted by: Ellie
Triangular UFOs and Figure
Winter 2017
Saw one triangular shaped ufo fly over my friends house really high up and as soon as it went out of view, another triangular craft came from behind the house going the other way. This one was only just above the house, silent, moving slowly, and then as it goes off slightly in front of me and my friends it just disappears. Literally fizzled out of existence and then a minute later we hear a loud boom come from nowhere and then we think we see something tall and white running awkwardly and then disappearing. Stayed inside after that.
Submitted by: Anon
Picture Incident
Fort Cavazos, TX
So I was about to go through a divorce at the time (I didn’t know he was leaving) and Fort Hood/Cavazos is known for being haunted AF. I dabble in tarot readings and I had no cards for immediate use so I used a random pack of playing cards. I had no clue of the actuality behind it but I drew equivalents to the tower card, the three of hearts, and the devil. He ended up had been having an affair since February and didn’t leave until April. Approx a week after he left the house in April, I was moping around as one who is depressed does. I was cleaning the kitchen and on the phone when our wedding picture falls off of the wall in the hallway and shatters. It was only me and our newborn baby, our dogs were outside, and the picture had been hung up with a nail. It ended up ripping the space in between our faces from all the shattered glass which still baffles me three years later.
Submitted by: Abbie
Axe Man
Newtownabbey Area of Northern Ireland
It was the evening around late Autumn or early December, so it was pretty dark outside. I was young at the time and had gone into my kitchen to dry my hair. I had just started to blow dry it when I saw this massive figure holding an axe walk past my glass back door, it briefly looked in before walking away again seemingly into the back garden. Naturally, I was quite shaken up and ran to tell my parents there was a huge man with an axe in the garden and my father went out with a heavy pipe to look around. He didn’t find anything outside and came back in to my mother who was making sure that I was okay.
As he told me there was nobody outside he started asking me questions and the one question that stood out to me was, “Did the back light go on?” See, we had a light that was motion sensored and turned on when someone or something passed it. The light never went on.
Strange things had happened around then and my parents ended up getting someone to pray in the house to rid it of evil and I didn’t see anything in that house since then until we moved out.
Submitted by: Anonymous
The House on Tadpole Lane
Swindon Tadpole lane
Around here is a abandoned house. Go to redhouse to fire Engine park (addinsell road) and up the hill through the fields and cross the road to a broken gate and it should be there. (Watch out for cops they patrol the area)
Me and my friends came here at like 3am and we went inside the place tons of random shit started happening there were banging things crashing around and knocking. We were freaked out
Submitted by: Anonymous
Bigfoot Sighting
Around the age of 8, my mother and I were over at our friends house. They lived on a fairly large lot (approx. 4 acres) and most of it was woods except for a field (approx 50 yards in length) on the right side of the residence. My friend and I were upstairs in their computer room taking turns playing "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego" while our parents were sitting outside on the wrap-around porch. As my friend was embroiled in her turn on the game, I peered out the window overlooking the aforementioned field. At the edge of the clearing I saw something about half as tall as the pine trees (so maybe 10-12 feet tall) walking along the treeline. It was covered head to toe in something dark (i assume it was fur/hair), but it's hands and facial area were a lighter tanish colour and it's head was kinda pointy. I was frozen in place until it moved into the trees, then I bee-lined out to the porch screaming about having just seen bigfoot. Nobody else saw what I saw, so they all thought I was just making it up for attention. I was obsessed with those woods after that. I'm 33 now and I remember this as if it happened yesterday.
Submitted by: Sara
Miracle Mile Ghosts
Miracle Mile
My apartment had ghosts and there were times I experienced lapses in time when going places.
Submitted by: Aly
Ghostly Handprints
Southcove apartment las vegas nv
2016 - Ongoing
1st sighting were Mysterious hand prints too big or sometimes too small to be mine covered in white power. 2nd observation: Some of the hand prints have long claw like nails. I have had something or someone touch my back, play with my hair and tried to make contact with me. Yes I got curious and responded back. I think it's a white male, young maybe late 20s? But that's all I got. He likes black women and hates men and also has tried making inappropriate passes at me. 3rd encounter: i feel someone laying in bed with me (i live alone) But I don't think he walks around the other apartments. I also should add that hand prints of ghost have been found all over las vegas nv (circus circus hotel and other places) there's a lot of paranormal activities here BE CAREFUL
Submitted by: Anonymous
Dark Spirit
A strange, dark, shadowy entity, around 2.5-3.4 meters high, which we called Dark Spirit/Dark Person was appearing around the trees at night. It followed you around but kept its distance. It wasnt maliciou, it just was pretty overwhelming to be near it and to stare at it. We think it is connected to the forest, it maybe protecting the flora and fauna around or it can be linked to a graveyard guard who appears at forgotten graveyards.
Submitted by: Bomm
Bradgate Park
Bradgate Park
Bradgate Park is said to be haunted by the late Lady Jane Grey who is known as the nine day Queen. The death of Edward VI ended up in her imprisonment in the tower of London where her and her husband were executed on February 1554. It is said her ghost appears at the park on Christmas Eve, while her coach is said to trot through the park between the old church and the ruins of her former home, pulled by four headless horses.
Submitted by: Anon
Prophetic Dreams
Ever since roughly May of 2014 I keep having dreams that come true weeks or months before it happens. Everything, to the smallest detail, to the exact smells temperature and wind speed is exactly like it happens in my dream. Usually I don't have dreams at all, at least I don't remember them, but these dreams and only these dreams I remember. I had a total of 4 abstract dreams that still in a way reflected what happened in the future. In one a girl, who later I found myself dating, carved my heart out while apologising. Later that girl broke up with me and kept apologising for hurting me even once she already was in a different relationship. I can't ever change anything I see in that dream. Once I remember that I saw this play out in a dream, while still dreaming about that situation, I'm violently woken up.
Submitted by: Simon
Odd Sand Pit
Parcul Tabacarie, Constanta
late july 2022
I remember tying my shoelaces at the park one day, leaning my phone against a tree root and when I went to grab my phone it was gone. It reappeared later at home with just 2% battery, even though it was at 97% before. I chatted with my mom the whole time until i arrived at the park. Weird stuff wasn't just happening to me. A kid from the scouts disappeared but was found at home, having no recollection of going outside. People claimed their dogs vanished, only to pop up at the dog park nearby. All these strange things happened around the same tree. It made me wonder if there was something off about that spot. Maybe it had some weird power messing with reality.
Submitted by: T.D Alexandru
Two Fairies
Santa Ana
Ok, so this happened a few years ago when I lived at my parents' home.
Every night before bed I go to the restroom, that way I don't wake up in the middle of the night and disturb my slumber. I always turn off the light and close the door after I'm done (this will be relevant later). One night I was in bed falling asleep and as I was drifting off with my phone in my right hand, I sensed something in my room, so I woke up.
When I woke up, I saw two fairies? I'm honestly not sure, but they looked like fairies. They both were about 6-8 inches tall, and both looked a little different from each other. They both had gorgeous colorful luminescent wings, and I can't recall the color of their bodies, I was just so mesmerized by their wings. Their feet were very different, both were webbed, but one looked like a frog (rounder), the other like a turtle (pointy).
As soon as I saw them, I slowly and carefully reached with my right hand to grab my phone so I can turn on my flash that was to the right of me since I fell asleep with it. When I was reaching, they came at me with full force and pinned me down. I could not move at all or scream for help. I couldn't feel them touching me, it just felt like some sort of force holding me down.
Next thing I remember is waking up a few hours later. I thought to myself, was this a dream? I remember getting out of bed and looking around and going to the restroom and the light was on and the door was open. I never leave the light on or leave the door open, so to me that was very weird. I started to question myself at this point. Did I hallucinate? Did I go to the restroom and was I in a trance and just knocked out and was dreaming?
It made me feel like this actually happened and it wasn't a dream. I don't ever remember feeling like I was in danger, or they had any bad energy, but it did scare me because nothing like this ever happened to me. The spookiest thing that happened to me before this was in my room when I was sitting on my ottoman working on some crafts, I felt two fingers tap me twice on my lower back and ran down my backside and no one was there, but this was another level of spooky lol. I could not sleep in my room for the next few days, and I had to sleep in my younger brother's bed because of how shaken I was with that situation. It was definitely a weird, but cool interaction that I will never forget.
Stay spooky!
Submitted by: Elizabeth
Markusovce Pyramid
Kota Zulu 664 Pyramid
The Markusovce pyramid, also called Kota Zulu 664, has become a magnet for many mystery seekers in recent years. In addition to the shape of the hill, they are particularly fascinated by the decades-old exploration tunnel, which is located in the bowels of the hill.
This place was popularized by the Czech conspirator Jiri Matejka, when he declared a few years ago that the tunnel is charged with extremely high values of negative ions that are beneficial for the human body.
I personally visited this place. It is known that this place is special with its magical or terrifying energy. People here feel various strange things, some claim it has healing power and others are terrified by this place. I myself felt as if the hill was calling me, whispering directly to me not to go inside.
Submitted by: Barbora
Slovak Bermuda Triange
Tribec Mountain range
This is the so-called Slovak Bermuda Triangle or the most mysterious forest of our country. The Tribec Mountains have long been plagued by various mysterious disappearances of people, and it is surprising that most of them are still unsolved. Time works differently here, many get stuck in the forest for hours, others never come back. People here report changes in the speed of time, deja vu, stopping time, time loops, and various portals and bends in space. Even experienced locals who know these mountains get lost here.
Submitted by: Barbora
Presidio La Bahia, Goliad, TX
I grew up in Goliad and the presidio, as well as the bridge nearby it crossing the San Antonio river, is wildly haunted and eerie. So many stories ranging from ghosts to cryptids cover the area, but the overwhelming feeling of fear and dread that blankets the entire area is what truly sticks with me. I've personally experienced the ghost of what seems to be a teen girl at the actual presidio and am not comfortable setting foot on the property. The second I touch that land I feel physically ill.
Submitted by: J
Haunted Flat
My friend assured me the flat he lived in was haunted, specifically his apartment. I personally got to witness that with random doors slaming shut when there were no windows open and no wind. But we ignored all of that mostly. One night somewhat after 2am, my best friend that lives there, one other friend and me were leaving the apartment to go hang outside. When you exit the entrance door, there is a long hallway and at the end there is an elevator. We stood by the elevator and waited for it to come to our floor, we were laughing quietly because it was late and talking about random stuff and at the end of the hallway in front of her home's door I saw a ghostly figure that looked somewhat gray and transparent and like a woman in a dress, I thought I was seeing things and didn't say anything but immediately my friend exclaimed with fear in her voice "What the f* is that" and my heart stopped and I said "Wait you saw that too" and the third friend (my bestie) exclaimed "I thought I was crazy, both of you saw that??" It all happened very quickly and we were terrified and run out of the building screaming. While outside we commented about what we saw and we all saw the same thing, a ghostly figure. My bestie didn't want to go home alone later.
Submitted by: Dorotea
Double Toddlers
Sitting on my second floor balcony talking to my bff on the phone. I see a woman carrying her toddler walk past. I look away for a split second, look back down and see the same woman carrying her toddler begin her walk past again.
I tell my bff “wow deja vu! I just saw a glitch in the matrix”.
Submitted by: Anon
Four Orange Lights
I can't remember the exact date, but I know I was in elementary school when this happened. My family, friends, and I had a fire pit going in our driveway testing it out and cooking food over it. As the evening went to night and people left, it was just my mom, dad, my friend, and me sitting around the fire pit. When all of a sudden, we see three orange lights pass by. They appeared behind some trees that were way off in the distance. They speed up and vanished. All of us were speechless. Then another one went by. My mom was the first one to try and rationalize what we all just saw but was struggling to make sense of it. We haven't seen them since and years later I still think about it.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Handy Man
I lived in these apartments 27 first. I didn’t really believe in anything but my son started talking about a handy man walking in the house and shadow man. It wasn’t anything serious or frequent but we moved into the neighboring apartment 25 and it kicked up. Ridgebrook, is built on slave cemetery land, and in general just has alot of bad energy and deaths on the land. Apartment 25, my son still saw the handy man only now he informed me shadow man would scratch his window and stand in his bedroom. I let him sleep with me for a while until he felt comfortable and then he slept in his room. We got a dog because it made us more comfortable and he confirmed it was real. He’d growl in our bathroom or at our couch constantly and when the bangs happened he’d bark too. Things escalated one night when at 2:53 there were 3 bangs on his window and he ran in my room. The next day we red brick dusted our home (which he didn’t know about) and he told me shadow man was pissed he couldn’t come in anymore. It died down for a while and then when I started doing meditation and practicing things got more intense. I had spirits follow me in from my work or the back playground and they’d be in that weird moment before you wake up. I started not even realizing I was having visions or was asleep until these spirits would pop up. We still stayed protected though and really it was just them passing through. Fast forward to a few months before we move, the knocking on windows would pick up. On our high windows unreachable windows. Always in 3s. And generally only me or my son or both would hear it even with other people present. And then our neighbor died next door and immediately after that it was just an uncomfortable energy. The final weeks there were weird. And on one of our last nights there I was at work and my son and ex called me frantically saying there were 3 loud bangs on the door and high window at the same time. It was the first time anyone besides me or my son had heard it also. It was terrifying and if I hadn’t protected my home, idk what energy or entity I would of lived with.
Submitted by: Anon