Lodi, CA

I got up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and peaked into my little brothers room and on his nightstand. I saw a wispy looking apparition in the shape of a starfish, but more distorted, just hovering there. It didn’t scare me. I always thought it was the Sandman I was about six or seven years old. My brother was two years old, we lived in a house. My parents built out in the country that resided on top of an Indian burial ground.

Submitted by: JCC

Gray Court, hwy 101 and Fairview Rd

Laying in bed and entire house is suddenly lit up by bright white light. Our room had blackout curtains and it completely lit the room. No sound at all. No storms in the area. It was just there one minute and gone the next.

Submitted by: NaeNae

Millburn Township

About a year, I was at a cafe with my mom and looked out the window, I saw a horse and carriage, women in an outfit looked from the 1890s or 1900s, and the road was also a dirt road instead being paved, the area was on longer built up and the air was dusty. Then I blinded and everything went back to normal instead of the horse and carried and a lady in a dress. There was a woman and a guy jogging.

Submitted by: Anonymous


It was my last day In Mexico so my family took me to some thermal waters for the day. After eating Lunch me and four cousins went out to go explore because the place was small but open, but two of them went back to go use the restroom halfway and I told them that we'll continue and walk; so me and my cousin continued walking all the way straight because it was just a flat land with fruit trees. We passed the fruit trees 200meters away from the park where there was nothing and we took quick pictures for what it felt like 5 minutes and ran back to the park because there was nothing interesting to see. When me and my cousin ran back to the picnic; come to find out everyone in the park my family and were looking at us because the park keepers for about 1 hour. Me and my cousin were confused because we thought we took a quick stroll around the park not realizing we were srolling for about an hour. I'm still confused to this day because we only walked 200 meters away from the park from what I measured according to Google Maps and we were missing for about a hour.

Submitted by: Flavio Snchez


I was a grad student at the time and I had been living in this nice little old house for 4-5 years already. I really loved that house. I had the whole first floor to myself, it was spacious with large windows, hardwood floors, big porch, affordable, and with friendly and considerate upstairs neighbours. With that said there had already been instances in the past when this house would give off some weird creepy vibes. Most notably I had several episodes of sleep paralysis and the house had this weird habit of attracting squirrels who would sneak in and come die in the basement. I used that basement quite regularly since that's where the washer and dryer were, yet I always stumbled onto their corpse or skeleton and could never catch them alive in time to help and release them. They just kind of...appeared out of nowhere and at various stages of decomposition. Happened four times. Anyway, that's not the story. It's late morning around 11am with typical boring grey Illinois October weather outside. I'm working from home on my laptop, not doing anything special. At some point I notice a faint smell of burning charcoal. I think it's a weird time of the year and of the day for someone to be BBQing outside but whatever, they have their reasons. Maybe 10 minutes later I realize the smell is getting stronger and it's a little bit hazy in the living room. I freak out and start running around the house trying to find the fire. After a few seconds I wise-up, think charcoal, and make a bee line for the kitchen. The kitchen had a door that would give access to a small vestibule on the left side of the house with a thin door to the outside that would connect my floor and the basement. We used that vestibule to store rakes, snow shovels, some cleaning products, and in my case a couple BBQ items including a bag of charcoal. I open the door and see the bag visibly belching smoke, but no flame yet. I pick up the bag with my bare hands, bring it outside, and drown it with water using the garden hose. With this disaster averted and coming back to my senses, I notice someone in the corner of my eye, their back to me. Looks like a young boy. We're on the left side of the house and he's walking away, turning the corner leading the the front lawn. In that moment a thought pops in my head: "the side door to the vestibule is left unlocked, did this young boy just attempted arson?" I run inside to try and catch up with him at the front door (why not directly after him I don't know). From inside I can see through my large front windows that he's lurking along the porch behind the fence. He stops and we lock eyes. I'm standing inside and he's looking at me through the fence posts, holding two of them. He has this incredibly sad look on his face. He looks about 12. He's completely bald. I can tell he's black, but he looks very pale, actually grey like he's been dipped in ashes from head to toe. I run to the front door and onto the porch to confront him. I was angry and shaken and I don't remember exactly what I said, but it was along the lines of "what the hell are you doing, did you just try to set fire to my house?" He's looking at me, no reaction, completely silent, still with this sad look on his face. He slowly walks along the porch, passes in front of me, and turns the corner to the right side of the house. I'm a little dumbfounded, but after a second I go after him. I turn the corner, and no one is there. There are nothing on side of the house, nowhere to hide. No door, no tree, no bush. The house is on the corner of two streets that make a T, so there's just a 10-15 foot wide band of grass, a sidewalk, and a street. It's all in the open. Even if he started running after turning the corner he couldn't have made it more than half the length of the house in front of me. He just disappeared out of thin air. I've had weird stuff happen to me in my life, but never this blatant and in broad daylight. I was fully conscious, awake, fed, hydrated, well rested, healthy. I could have reached out and touched him. He was there, in the flesh, a few feet in front of me. And then he wasn't.

Submitted by: Alice

A Marsh Near the River

I was exploring in the woods near a river. I accidentally stayed out later than I meant to, and the sun began to set. As I started to walk towards home, I saw what appeared to be a human sprinting through the woods, maybe 50 feet away from me, going in the opposite direction. When it was directly in front of me, it stopped and dropped to all fours, and was clearly a very large deer. It stared at me. I was thoroughly freaked out, and started running. As I ran, I heard my name called from behind me three times. I kept running and did not look back. I do not stay in the woods once the sun starts to set anymore.

Submitted by: Amanda


It was around 5:00 in the afternoon, it was daytime, I was driving on route nine leaving Framingham towards Southborough, there was a car in front of me about 1000 feet, and suddenly the roof of the car started to disappear, in Then the trunk and cans of the car also disappeared, leaving only the tires, it caught my attention, 2 seconds later the car materialized again, so I accelerated a lot to follow it and see it up close, when I reached the car a mile ago. Up ahead I saw that it was just a normal brown colored sedan. I thought about this a lot and I know it wasn't an optical illusion, as I used to do this same stretch several times a day working as a delivery boy at a nearby pizzeria. I literally saw the car dematerialize, and it wasn't that far away.

Submitted by: D Moreira

Govoners hill, douglas. Isle of man

Thought it was ISS or a satellite started recording it and it moved in many a direction and shape (if zoom in ) before dissapearing

Submitted by: Gav

Rio Grande do Sul

Eu estava viajando e vi algo se movendo, como se fosse um tornado, estava amanhecendo e eu estava viajando com a minha mãe, me lembro de ser pequena, mais ou menos uns 8 anos de idade, vi aquela coisa rodopiando para dentro de uma floresta, até então nunca havia falado em saci, quando aprendi a ler que conheci a tal história e juro de pé junto que aquilo que eu vi era um saci "I was traveling and saw something moving, like a tornado. It was dawn, and I was traveling with my mom. I remember being young, about 8 years old. I saw that thing spinning into a forest. Until then, I had never spoken about 'saci' [a mythical Brazilian creature]. It was only when I learned to read that I came to know about that story, and I swear, what I saw was a saci."

Submitted by: Caroline Raiani Dessbesell


I was on walk in park during night and i swear i met Fairy , little one ,harmless and i was not sure what it is so i tried speak to her but she was silent , howering in a air but i would swear she said "Moon" when i asked what she is or from where she is. Then she really fast flew away really really fast and think about her almost every day since then.

Submitted by: Atropin

Econo Lodge Inn & Suites - Drumheller Alberta

THIS PLACE IS HAUNTED! While on a our way home from another province, we decided to drive 2 hours out of our way to stop in Drumheller Alberta as a surprise stop for my daughter! We checked into the motel and decided to have a mid day nap. I was woken up with the feeling of someone with their hands around my neck choking me! I waw actually choking! My daughter was watching TV and looked over at me because she could hear, and now see that I was choking! During my panic, I reached over and grabbed my fiance to wake him up and it instantly stopped! It took a minute for my to calm down and catch my breath! That was a craxy experience! Then we found out later, that there were a few deaths during a fire there at one point!

Submitted by: Theresa


Há alguns anos atrás, minha familia comprou uma casa, que ficava situada em frente a uma praça. Essa praça é denominada como praça da Liberdade, pois na época colonial, os barões e baronesas moravam proximos dali, em uma casa hoje a qual é monumento histórico da cidade chamado "Casa da Baronesa", e os barões costumavam deixar seus cavalos nessa praça situada em frente a nossa casa. Reza a lenda que, exatamente no terreno que minha casa foi construida, era considerado um cemitério de cavalos, pois era ali que eles enterravam os seus cavalos quando vinham a falecer no local. Em uma noite, me acordei assustado com um barulho de sons de cavalo relinchiando. Porém não era um barulho que vinha da rua. Parecia vir de dentro de casa mesmo. Desci para o andar de baixo da casa e fui olhar para janela que sai para o quintal de casa. E lá tinha uma figura/vulto, totalmente escuro, em formato como fosse de cavalo. Essa aparição durou segundos. E assim se perdeu na escuridão do quintal. "A few years ago, my family bought a house that was located in front of a square. This square is known as Praça da Liberdade (Liberty Square), because, during the colonial era, barons and baronesses lived nearby, in a house that is now a historical monument of the city called 'Casa da Baronesa' (The Baroness's House). The barons used to leave their horses in this square in front of our house. Legend has it that, exactly where my house was built, used to be a cemetery for horses, as this was where they buried their horses when they died on site. One night, I woke up startled by the sound of a horse neighing. However, it wasn't a noise that came from the street. It seemed to come from inside the house. I went downstairs and looked out the window that overlooks the backyard. And there, I saw a figure/shadow, completely dark, shaped like a horse. This apparition lasted only a few seconds. And then it vanished into the darkness of the backyard."

Submitted by: Luan

São Paulo

It was early in the morning around 5AM, me and my brother were somehow awake, the we went to the kitchen to make some chocolate milk. He went first while I waited next to the kitchen door, looking at the tall window. Then a tall man walked across it, from the left to the right. The man was wearing a long trench coat, a top hat and had very thin legs, like stilts. I could not see his head, as it was mostly covered by his top hat. The window was quite wide, around 2m and he managed to go in and out of frame in around 2/3 steps. My dog, that was sitting right by the window, was not startled, so my best theory is bad memory or allucination, but i do recall that I was very much awake and well rested.

Submitted by: SrJuiz

Queens Park Cemetary

I was walking along a dirt path and heard someone sprinting directly towards me from behind. Fast, hard, thumping steps. Couldn't have mistaken it for anything else. I whipped around at the last second because I thought they were going to tackle me. No one was there.

Submitted by: Macey Taylor


Um dia eu estava na casa dos meus avós,eu tinha aproximadamente entre 4 a 5 anos,as memórias não estão muito claras mais lembro-me de um dia estas brincadeira com minha prima, estava tudo normal até ela resolver sair.quando ela saiu segundos depois eu senti um peso em meus ombros, quando eu me virei para olhar vi como se fossem mãos negras e com os pulsos em uma espécie de degradê de preto para o branco.segundos depois elas sumiram,fui para o quarto da minha prima e comecei a desenha elas. Depois disso não consigo me lembra mais de nada. One day I was at my grandparents' house, I was about 4 to 5 years old, the memories aren't very clear but I remember playing with my cousin. Everything was normal until she decided to leave. Seconds after she left, I felt a weight on my shoulders. When I turned to look, I saw what appeared to be black hands with wrists fading in a gradient from black to white. Seconds later, they disappeared. I went to my cousin's room and began to draw them. After that, I can't remember anything else.

Submitted by: Cayron

Ecovianorte/Rota do mar

No dia 23/12/2023 por volta das 8:30 da noite descendo a ecovianorte de carro com meus irmãos para ir a orla ver as decorações de natal , percebemos uma luz brilhante no céu a princípio pensávamos que fosse uma estrela + a mesma sumia e aparecia em outro ponto nisso paramos o carro no acostamento para filmar , não era um drone pois o mesmo sumia e reaparecia piscava e tinha um formato redondo , o zoom da câmera pega esse objeto não identificado não é tao nítido pois o celular não tem tenta resolução como uma câmera , descemos até a orla e mesmo assim continuamos vendo esse objeto ,algumas pessoas viam tbm e até comentaram sobre alí na rua conosco muitos viram ,procuramos informações no twitter e em sites locais porém nenhuma divulgação . On December 23, 2023, around 8:30 PM, driving down Ecovianorte with my siblings to go see the Christmas decorations on the waterfront, we noticed a bright light in the sky. At first, we thought it was a star, but then it disappeared and reappeared at another point. We stopped the car on the shoulder to film it. It wasn't a drone, as it disappeared and reappeared, blinked, and had a round shape. The zoom on the camera could capture this unidentified object, but it wasn't very clear because the phone's resolution isn't as good as a camera's. We went down to the waterfront and continued to see this object. Some other people also saw it and even talked about it with us on the street; many saw it. We looked for information on Twitter and local websites, but there was no mention of it.

Submitted by: thais vila nova

Reidville, SC

Saw a mist and tapped my brakes long enough to convince myself it wasn’t what I thought I was. Then rolled through it and it set off my crash warning on my car. Saw it again a couple months later at the same spot. Went back in daytime to find a wooden cross on the road.

Submitted by: Asta

Warwick Road, Ealing

Very old 2 up 2 down cottage. Brought my 18mth/2yr old son upstairs after his bath. As I was coming upstairs a young boy about 4 yrs old, with blond hair ran out of my sons room into my room. He'd been playing with a fisher price farm set.

Submitted by: Sarah


This building has had ghosts appear and all our neighbors would always talk about it. When I was younger, I was in the apartment alone at the time because my mother had gone downstairs to take out our laundry. I get a unsettling feeling that I was not inside alone. I was getting ready for bed. My bed was facing out of my bedroom staring straight into our hallway and to the right there was a closet. I look out of my door and I see a man that has walked out of our closet wall, he takes a glance at me. In shock I looked at him and said "hello?" I wasnt scared of him, just scared because I didnt understand what was happening. He proceedes to walk into our other bedroom which happened to be my moms. I sprint downstairs into the laundry room and start crying and telling my mom I had just seen a ghost. She told me im being dramatic and im just a kid so I must be making it up. The following morning my mom wakes up and tells me that she had a dream of a man that walked into her room and she sat up on her bed, he apologized for scaring me. He told her that he only comes by to check that im on the right path. We thought that was the last time we would hear about him. But then we went on a trip, coincidentally a couple which was a family friend was coming in town so we lent them our apartment. When we came back the wife had said that they had slept in my mothers bedroom and she woke up in the middle of the night to her husband standing in the hallway, she had asked him why he wasnt in bed. But as she started speaking her husband rose from the bed next to her because the whole time he was sleeping next to her. My mom finally had enough, she she hired someone to cleanse the house. We thought we were in the clear, but the entity had just moved to our neighbors. Our upstairs neighbor was Muslim, he said he doesnt believe in ghosts because the Quran says they shouldnt believe in them. But for the past couple weeks he has seen a man walking around his apartment, stuff has been falling off his tables, he has his blanket ripped off his body, etc. and the downstairs neighbor has said she has seen a man wandering in her apartment.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Hospital em guarulhos

Eu sou formado em técnico de enfermagem, trabalhava no plantão noturno, o lugar já tem muita fama de avistamentos de espectros, névoas e vultos, meu dia já havia sido bem cansativo, mas ainda tinha que fazer o plantão. Começou bem agitado, eu trabalhava no centro cirúrgico, após o término das cirurgias, eu arrumei tudo e fui preparar o material para o dia seguinte, uma colega de plantão passou para tomar um café, era aproximadamente 23:40, ela ficou até por volta da 00:10, ela voltou pro setor dela e eu continuei com meu trabalho, uns 20 minutos depois, ouvi uma porta bater com muita força, o meu susto foi muito grande, achei que tinha caído algum equipamento, fui olhar e nada fora do lugar, olhei o setor inteiro e nada, me acalmei, e voltei aos meus afazeres, passados 35 minutos outra vez o mesmo barulho, Mas dessa vez eu já não assustei tanto, fui olhar e novamente nada fora do lugar, já faltava pouco pra eu terminar , então acelerei pra acabar o mais rápido possível, passou mais uns 30 minutos e outra vez a pancada, aí eu já estava esperando, fui olhar e nada fora do lugar, aí começou o meu erro, eu estava tão irritado que comecei a falar um monte de besteira, xingar e desafiei o que estava lá, me ferrei, o que quer Estivesse lá começou a intensificar as coisas, o local começou a ficar mais frio, e comecei a ver vultos pra todos os lados, algumas coisas tentando me alcançar aí eu rapidamente sai do centro cirúrgico e fechei a porta, fui até o final do corredor na ala de internação que dava de frente para a porta, sentei em um sofá que tinha lá e fiquei observando, uma sombra andava de um lado para o outro dentro do centro cirúrgico, uma das meninas do outro setor sentou ao meu lado e perguntou quem estava lá dentro, e eu falei que não tinha ninguém a sombra continuava andando, por volta das 3:40 da manhã já havia uma plateia observando, foi quando eu contei o que tinha acontecido, e a sombra parou no meio da porta e começou a chacoalhar a porta inteira, parecia que ia derrubar,as foi por alguns segundos e parou. Aí o vulto voltou a se movimentar, mas foi cada vez menos até desaparecer próximo as 5:00 horas da manhã, e depois disso não vi nem ouvi e nem senti nada. Ainda existe mais relatos deste dia mas conto em outro relato, até. "I am trained as a nursing technician and worked the night shift. The place already had a reputation for sightings of specters, mists, and shadows. My day had been quite tiring, but I still had to do the night shift. It started off busy; I worked in the surgical center. After the surgeries were finished, I tidied everything up and went to prepare the material for the next day. A colleague on shift came by to have some coffee, it was approximately 11:40 PM. She stayed until around 12:10 AM, then went back to her department and I continued with my work. About 20 minutes later, I heard a door slam with great force, I was very startled, thinking some equipment had fallen. I checked and nothing was out of place. I inspected the entire area and found nothing, then calmed myself and went back to my tasks. After 35 minutes, the same noise occurred again. This time I wasn't as startled. I checked again and once more, nothing was out of place. It wasn't long before I was done, so I sped up to finish as quickly as possible. About 30 minutes later, another loud bang occurred. By then, I was expecting it. I checked and still, nothing was out of place. Here's where I made a mistake: I was so irritated that I started spouting nonsense, cursing, and challenging whatever was there. I messed up. Whatever was there began to intensify things. The place started to get colder, and I began seeing shadows everywhere, some things trying to reach me. I quickly left the surgical center and closed the door, went to the end of the corridor in the hospitalization wing that faced the door, sat on a sofa there, and watched. A shadow moved back and forth inside the surgical center. One of the girls from another department sat next to me and asked who was inside, and I said there was no one. The shadow kept moving. Around 3:40 AM, there was a crowd watching. That's when I told them what had happened. The shadow stopped in the middle of the door and started to shake the whole door, it seemed like it was going to knock it down, but it lasted only a few seconds and then stopped. Then the shadow began to move again, but less and less until it disappeared around 5:00 AM. After that, I neither saw, heard, nor felt anything. There are more reports from this day, but I'll tell them in another account, until then."

Submitted by: Jean souza

Boivao, Valença, Viana do Castelo

Olá, na noite do dia 12-12-2023 estava em casa e resolvi abrir a janela para acender um cigarro, abri e estava olhando para fora , na esquina tem uma casa que há tempos não é ocupada, olhei para cima e avistei um floco de luz - não sei explicar como era esse floco de luz, lembra uma bola branca c aquele rabo de luz passar bem perto muito rapidamente - eu fiquei sem acreditar, cocei os olhos e foi tão rápido que eu fiquei? Não acredito no que aconteceu, não senti nenhuma presença nem nada, só sei que era bem bonita a luz e foi muito rápido.
Hello, on the night of December 12, 2023, I was at home and decided to open the window to light a cigarette. As I opened it and looked outside, at the corner there is a house that has been unoccupied for a while. I looked up and saw a flake of light - I can't explain what this flake of light was like, it resembled a white ball with a tail of light passing by very quickly - I couldn't believe it, I rubbed my eyes and it was so fast that I was left in disbelief. I didn't feel any presence or anything, I just know that the light was very beautiful and it happened very quickly.

Submitted by: Anonymous


Na cidade de Jaguariúna existe um casarão de uma fazenda (Fazenda da Barra) da época da escravatura onde os escravos eram acorrentados, açoitado, e largados e toda noite até hoje, quando passamos próximo ao casarão, que está abandonado e fechado, é possível ouvir o barulho dos escravos arrastando as correntes lá dentro. In the city of Jaguariúna, there is a mansion from an old farm (Fazenda da Barra) from the slavery era, where slaves were chained, whipped, and abandoned. Even today, when we pass by the mansion, which is now abandoned and closed, it's possible to hear the sound of slaves dragging their chains inside.

Submitted by: Daiane Licurgo

5 Below

My boyfriend and I sat in his parked car and talked some outside the store, waiting to go in but not sure why anymore. Another couple walks by into the store, in front of his car, on the sidewalk. They look at us through the windshield as they walked by with horrified and disgusted expressions, which we in the car found odd but ignored. A few minutes later, still inside the car, the we see the same couple coming from the original direction outside walking by again...into the store...that they never came out of. The couple walks inside without acknowledging us this time, but now we look at them horrified and confused looks on our faces. I asked my boyfriend after several minutes if he saw it too, but he was very casual about the "time slip," though he did agree it happened. We did not go inside the store.

Submitted by: Annonymous

Morro do Piolho(Vila Dirce)

Por volta de 2010, enquanto eu e amigos brincávamos de pique-esconde durante a noite nessa rua que era de costume de nós crianças na época, um de nossos amigos de repente paralizou na nossa frente. Era muito visível o medo, havia um desespero em seus olhos, em seu rosto. Queríamos entender o que aconteceu e o ajudamos a se sentar próximo do poste. Com a voz trêmula nos contou ter visto no beco que dava acesso ao campo vazio e escuro da época, um ser de olhos vermelhos e garras bem grandes. Esse ser estava agachado e o olhava com muito afinco enquanto mexia suas garras no chão arenoso ele nos contou. Voltamos no dia seguinte para averiguar o local, era manhã e vimos as marcas no chão no exato local onde ele disse ter avistado o monstro. Around 2010, while my friends and I were playing hide and seek at night in a street that was a usual spot for us kids at the time, one of our friends suddenly froze in front of us. The fear was very visible; there was desperation in his eyes, in his face. We wanted to understand what happened and helped him sit down near a streetlight. With a trembling voice, he told us that he had seen in the alley leading to the empty, dark field at that time, a creature with red eyes and very large claws. This creature was crouched and was intently looking at him while scraping its claws on the sandy ground, he told us. We went back the next day to check the place, it was morning, and we saw the marks on the ground exactly where he said he had seen the monster.

Submitted by: Morador do Bairro

Rio Doce

Em uma tarde, por volta das 17:45 , estava indo para a escola para fazer crisma, quando derrepente avistei um pontinho de luz andando no céu escuro, aquilo não era um carro, pois não tinha montanhas naquele local. In the afternoon, around 5:45 PM, I was going to school for confirmation class, when suddenly I saw a small point of light moving in the dark sky. It wasn't a car, as there were no mountains in that area.

Submitted by: David

Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo

I had visions of another life of mine, in which I had children, a wife.

Submitted by: Fbio


I was visiting Amsterdam with my family. I don't remember exactly where it happened, but I think it was at Amsterdam Centraal. My brother and I found a place to wait for my mother, who had gone to get a coffee. When she left I felt watched. I looked forward and in the middle of the crowd there was a tall white man wearing a big black coat. And he was coming towards me. I was paralyzed. I was just a kid and I didn't know what to do. I stared at him as he was coming towards me. Until my mother arrived and I was still paralyzed. I looked again at where the man was and he had completely disappeared. Maybe it was a man who was going to kidnap me, or maybe it was just a hallucination. I just know that this event traumatized me.

Submitted by: Beatriz


Estava eu e a minha família indo para Pauba e estávamos no meio da estrada a noite e escura, meu pai estava dorigindo e minha mãe estava na frente e eu e meu irmão no Banco de trás quando o curupira passa correndo na frente do carro todos viram, estacionamos o carro e olhamos para a direção que ele correu e não tinha mas nada ali My family and I were on our way to Pauba, and we were in the middle of the road at night, it was dark. My father was driving, my mother was in the front, and my brother and I were in the back seat when the Curupira ran in front of the car; everyone saw it. We parked the car and looked in the direction where he ran, but there was nothing there anymore.

Submitted by: Ttali

Rainy Lake

This is not something I witnessed myself, but I'll describe the event in the first person from his perspective: In the summer of 2023, me and my dad were out fishing on the lake, and it was getting pretty dark. All of a sudden, we saw bright lights rising above the tree line. Whatever it was, it looked huge. If it wasn't the size of a paper mill, it was bigger. I got my phone out and started recording, but the video doesn't do justice compared to seeing it in person. The lights would then descend back below the tree line and disappear.

Submitted by: Reid Hanson

Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada

I was driving at night and there was a lot of wild life but they were froze still and all looking in the same direction and then my lights caught something I’ve never seen and can only describe as a windego with big bright red eyes and it just stood There staring at me while I drove by . Absolutely terrifying.

Submitted by: JW

Pedra Lisa Alta - Iconha

Estávamos eu, meus irmãos e meu pai cuidando do gado em nosso Rancho que fica localizado em uma montanha aproximadamente 700m em relação ao nível do mar. O Ano era 1998. Por se tratar de um lugar muito alto conseguíamos ver outros montes nas regiões mais baixas, foi quando avistamos símbolos na pastagem em uma propriedade. Os símbolos estavam no pasto, porém era gigantesco era na cor verde escuro e como a cor natural da grama é verde claro ficava muito visível, formava um triangulo gigante e outros quatro triângulos menores ao redor, é como se algo tivesse pousado ali e feito uma marca, o que quer que tenha afetado aquela área foi em grande escala e com geometria perfeita. No dia seguinte fomos até o local, porem de perto não era possível ver e não notamos alterações na grama. Essa marca ficou visível por algum tempo depois foi desaparecendo. Até hoje comentamos sobre o assunto, porém nuca conseguimos descobrir o que causou aquilo. We were there, my brothers, my father, and I, taking care of the cattle on our ranch, which is located on a mountain about 700 meters above sea level. The year was 1998. Because it's such a high place, we could see other hills in the lower regions. That's when we spotted symbols in the pasture on a property. The symbols were in the grass, but they were gigantic, dark green in color, and since the natural color of the grass is light green, they were very visible. They formed a giant triangle with four smaller triangles around it, as if something had landed there and made a mark. Whatever affected that area did so on a large scale and with perfect geometry. The next day we went to the site, but up close, it was not possible to see it, and we did not notice any changes in the grass. This mark remained visible for some time before disappearing. To this day, we talk about it, but we have never been able to find out what caused it.

Submitted by: Mysterious marks


A mulher concretada na cozinha de casa. Bom... não é segredo pra ninguém que faço algumas investigações em raros casos, onde acho que meus dons podem ajudar. Há alguns anos eu passava um tempo no Mato grosso do sul, na Capital,Campo Grande. Trabalhava num bar chamado Casal 20, era garçonete. A dona do bar conversava sobre videntes ,Tarot e dizia que precisava de alguém que fosse muito bom. E ficava repetindo isso e olhando pro marido. Eu sem intender nada,lhe disse que era taróloga e médium, já a alguns anos. Ela então olhou pra mim ,muito interessada:_Mas será que você é boa mesmo? Seria preciso ser uma super clarividente pra saber de um desaparecimento de mais de 20 anos. Nós,eu e meu irmão ,acordamos um dia de manhã, e nossa mãe havia partido. Levou apenas uma mochila com algumas roupas, mas deixou documentos, dinheiro,jóias, tudo pra trás. Acordamos com a porta de casa aberta e ligamos pro nosso pai,que na época era caminhoneiro. Ele foi na delegacia e fez o Boletim de Ocorrência e ela foi dada como desaparecida. Depois de algum tempo meu pai casou de novo, e a vida seguiu seu curso. Eu também me casei, tive meus filhos, mas nunca a esqueci. Penso na minha mãe todos os dias e no que aconteceu pra ela nos deixar assim . Ela sumiu no ar...simples assim. Obviamente aquilo ainda traumatizava aquela mulher :_ Eu posso tentar te ajudar, mas oque quer que eu encontre pode não ser aquilo que você espera. Têm certeza que quer mexer nisso? _Mas é claro, oque quer que tenha acontecido,eu quero saber. Marcamos a visita pro sábado seguinte. O irmão dela ainda morava com a família na mesma casa em que eles nasceram. Chegou o sabado e fechamos tudo e partimos. Assim que chegamos à casa ,o irmão da mulher me olhava com um sorrisinho de escárnio.... _ A polícia,na época,revirou nossa casa de ponta cabeça. Oque você pode encontrar 20 anos depois??? _ Não sei....mas posso ao menos tomar um cafezinho, não posso? _ Sim...claro. Fomos por um corredor e chegamos à cozinha,onde de repente minha cabeça começou a latejar! Eu disfarçava, sorrindo pra eles, mas a dor só aumentava. Eu sentia ânsia de vômito, dor de cabeça muito forte,mas aguentava firme. Chegou uma hora que eu olhei pro chão e os azulejos ficaram cheios de sangue .Eu pisquei e sumiu. Eu suava,sentia frio, muita dor de cabeça, estava visivelmente incomodada por estar ali. Quando eles foram pra sala e me chamaram pra sentar no sofá e sair da cozinha ,me senti aliviada. _ Me mostraram fotos da mãe deles, uma peça de roupa etc. Enquanto eles falavam comigo a campainha tocou,era o pai da Marcella, marido da senhora em questão, um homem idoso de 70 anos. Eles se cumprimentaram, e ela nos apresentou. Quando fui a cozinha pegar mais café,o pai dela veio atrás de mim: _ Quer dizer que você é a médium ( disse rindo). Você vai me esculpar mas o problema da Marcella são esses " macumbeiros" que vêm aqui,prometem encontrar e vão embora com o dinheiro dela. Eu o encarei bem no fundo dos olhos. _ É mesmo ?....o problema da sua filha é com os "macumbeiros"? Nossa ,eu pensei que o problema fosse outro. _Oque? Disse ele ,sem entender. _Pensei que o problema dela fosse com os canalhas ,que envelhecem mentindo pra encobrir seus crimes. E olhei pra sombra colada a ele , a mulher que ele disse ter desaparecido e só eu podia ver. Ele ficou branco na mesma hora! _Oque você disse? _ Nada...por enquanto nada. Ele me olhou com ódio,e foi pra sala. Se despediu com muita pressa e saiu,muito descontrolado. _ Oque aconteceu lá na cozinha._ Nada...seu pai acha perda de tempo nossa investigação , só isso. _E nossa investigação não vamos começar? _ Bem,disse eu, depende de quanto ou oque você está disposta a perder ,pra descobrir. _Como assim? _Voce realmente quer saber oque aconteceu com a sua mãe? _ Sim....claro que sim. _ Mesmo que isso signifique perder alguém? _ Como assim, não tô te entendendo. _Mas vai entender, em breve.... Quando saí da casa da Marcella, decidi ir embora pro Rio de Janeiro. Juntei minhas coisas e fui pra rodoviária. Como era um sábado,eles só saberiam da minha viagem na segunda à noite,quando o bar abrisse. Na segunda- feira ela me ligou: _ Nana, você não vem trabalhar... _ Me desculpe, Marcella, mas eu não vou mais. Eu estou no Rio de janeiro. Alguns problemas me fizeram vir pra cá. _ Mas como, assim do nada? Pensei que éramos amigas. _ E somos, mas infelizmente eu sou aquela que não quer, mas vai trazer a maior tristeza da sua vida. E 10 dias depois ela me ligou novamente... _ Nana,meu pai faleceu. Ele teve um infarto fulminante enquanto conversava comigo, na casa do meu irmão. _ Eu pensei que talvez acontecesse.Afinal ele estava sob forte emoção. _ Como assim? _ Eu sei que deveria ter te contado....mas eu não podia me envolver com a polícia._ Polícia? Não tô entendendo nada._ Marcella, Você lembra quando eu fui até a casa do seu irmão?_ Sim....a investigação que não deu em nada. _ Naquele mesmo dia eu descobri tudo...mas não podia te falar nada porque você amava o seu pai,foi criada por ele,apesar de tudo. Se prepare pro que eu vou te dizer.....sua mãe não fugiu. Sua mãe nunca saiu de dentro da sua casa. Você me disse que seu pai era um homem muito ciúmento lembra? Que sua mãe já havia tentado separar por causa da violência dele...pois bem. Naquele dia, seu pai deixou o caminhão no posto e depois de beber bastante ,veio pra casa a pé . Ele viu,de longe , sua mãe conversando com o vizinho,e teve uma crise de ciúmes horrível, mas nada falou. Ele deu a volta,entrou pela porta dos fundos,e esperou. Quando sua mãe entrou na cozinha ele a interpelou, agredindo seu rosto. Antes que ela pudesse se defender,ele pegou uma faca da gaveta e disferiu várias facadas nela,que caiu ali mesmo morta! Depois,vendo oque havia feito, arquitetou um jeito de se safar. Ele enrolou o corpo numa lona, e escondeu no barracão de ferramentas,nos fundos. Depois voltou,limpou todo o chão ,que estava cheio de sangue, pegou uma mochila onde colocou alguns pertences dela, e simulou sua fuga. Voltou pro posto,tomou banho e dormiu, simulando chegar em casa apena Quando vocês exigiram que ele fizesse o B. O. ele ficou com medo que a polícia fosse escavar o quintal e a escontrasse, então aproveitou que a cozinha estava sendo reformada,fez uma caixa de concreto e ... _ Oque? Nãaaaaso... Nãaaaaaaoooo Você está me dizendo que eu passei vinte anos procurando minha mãe e ela tava ali ,esse tempo todo,enterrada no chão da cozinha !!!!! Não! Eu não posso acreditar, como você sabe disso?_ Lembra que quando eu entrei na cozinha, eu comecei a passar mal, com dor de cabeça? Eu podia ouvir nitidamente alguém gritar no meu ouvido...._ Me tira daqui! Me tira daquiiiii! Por favor, me tira daqui!!!! Por isso eu passei mal, era muito alto! E depois quando seu pai entrou, o espírito dela estava colado a ele,colado a aura dele. E a aura dele tava marron escura, que é quando a pessoa tá próxima da morte. Por isso eu tive que vir embora, eu não sabia como te dizer tudo isso! _ E você esperou ele morrer pra me contar!?!! Eu sei que deveria ter contado antes, mas.... é complicado. Como eu podia dizer pra você.... _ Você é louca! Eu não acredito em nada do que você falou! Você é louca! _ Eu sou louca???? Tá, então manda quebrar o chão da cozinha..... lá embaixo onde fica a geladeira. Se você não achar nada eu pago do meu bolso o prejuízo! E desliguei, com raiva já. Afinal eu só queria ajudar ...e ainda sou chamada de louca! Uma semana depois, Marcella me liga novamente. A princípio ela não queria acreditar,mas por fim a vontade de saber a verdade venceu. _ Amiga..... tá cheio de polícia aqui. Eu mandei quebrar a cozinha....depois de algum tempo eu só pensava nisso. O pedreiro quebrou o contrapiso e encontraram a caixa de concreto. Quando ele quebrou a tampa o cheiro de morte subiu ( os gases guardados). Agora tão levando os restos mortais pra exumação, mas eu reconheci pelos restos do vestido azul florido..... obrigada.... obrigada.... perdão por ter te chamado de louca. Agora minha mãezinha vai poder descansar ( e começou a chorar). E esse é o meu relato. Well... it's no secret that I do some investigations in rare cases where I think my gifts can help. A few years ago, I spent some time in Mato Grosso do Sul, in the capital, Campo Grande. I worked as a waitress at a bar called Casal 20. The bar owner used to talk about clairvoyants, Tarot, and said she needed someone who was really good. She kept repeating this and looking at her husband. I, not understanding anything, told her that I was a tarot reader and medium for some years. She then looked at me, very interested:_'But are you really good? You would need to be a super clairvoyant to know about a disappearance that happened over 20 years ago. My brother and I woke up one morning, and our mother had left. She took only a backpack with some clothes but left behind documents, money, jewelry, everything. We woke up with the house door open and called our father, who was a truck driver at the time. He went to the police station and filed a missing person report. After some time, my father remarried, and life went on. I also got married, had my children, but I never forgot her. I think about my mother every day and what happened for her to leave us like that. She just disappeared into thin air...just like that. Obviously, this still traumatized that woman:_'I can try to help you, but what I find may not be what you expect. Are you sure you want to stir this up?_'Of course, whatever happened, I want to know. We scheduled a visit for the following Saturday. Her brother still lived with his family in the same house where they were born. When Saturday came, we closed everything and left. As soon as we arrived at the house, the woman's brother looked at me with a mocking smile... _'The police, at the time, turned our house upside down. What can you find 20 years later??? _'I don't know...but can I at least have a coffee, right? _'Yes...of course. We went down a corridor and arrived at the kitchen, where suddenly my head started to throb! I pretended, smiling at them, but the pain only increased. I felt nauseous, a very strong headache, but I held on firmly. There came a time when I looked at the floor, and the tiles were full of blood. I blinked, and it disappeared. I was sweating, felt cold, a lot of headache, visibly uncomfortable being there. When they went to the living room and called me to sit on the sofa and leave the kitchen, I felt relieved. _ They showed me photos of their mother, a piece of clothing, etc. While they were talking to me, the doorbell rang; it was Marcella's father, the husband of the lady in question, a 70-year-old man. They greeted each other, and she introduced us. When I went to the kitchen to get more coffee, her father followed me: _ So you're the medium (he said laughing). You'll have to excuse me, but Marcella's problem is these 'witch doctors' who come here, promise to find and leave with her money. I stared deep into his eyes. _ Really?...the problem of your daughter is with 'witch doctors'? Wow, I thought the problem was something else. _What? He said, not understanding. _ I thought her problem was with scoundrels who grow old lying to cover up their crimes. And I looked at the shadow glued to him, the woman he said had disappeared and only I could see. He turned white right away! _What did you say? _ Nothing...for now, nothing. He looked at me with hatred and went to the living room. He said goodbye in a hurry and left, very unsettled. _What happened there in the kitchen? _Nothing...your father thinks our investigation is a waste of time, that's all. _And aren't we going to start our investigation? _Well, I said, it depends on how much or what you are willing to lose to find out. _What do you mean? _Do you really want to know what happened to your mother? _Yes...of course, I do. _Even if that means losing someone? _What do you mean, I don't understand. _But you will understand, soon.... When I left Marcella's house, I decided to go to Rio de Janeiro. I packed my things and went to the bus station. As it was a Saturday, they would only know about my trip on Monday night, when the bar opened. On Monday, she called me: _ Nana, aren't you coming to work... _ I'm sorry, Marcella, but I'm not coming anymore. I'm in Rio de Janeiro. Some problems made me come here. _ But how, just like that? I thought we were friends. _ And we are, but unfortunately, I am the one who doesn’t want to, but will bring the greatest sadness of your life. And 10 days later she called me again..._ Nana, my father passed away. He had a sudden heart attack while talking to me, at my brother's house. _ I thought that might happen. After all, he was under strong emotion. _ What do you mean?m_ I know I should have told you... but I couldn't get involved with the police. _ Police? I don't understand anything. _ Marcella, do you remember when I went to your brother's house? _ Yes... the investigation that led nowhere. _ That same day I discovered everything... but I couldn't tell you anything because you loved your father, you were raised by him, despite everything. Get ready for what I'm going to tell you... your mother didn't run away. Your mother never left your house. You told me your father was a very jealous man, remember? That your mother had already tried to leave him because of his violence... well. That day, your father left his truck at the station and after drinking a lot, came home on foot. He saw, from afar, your mother talking to the neighbor, and had a terrible fit of jealousy, but said nothing. He went around, entered through the back door, and waited. When your mother entered the kitchen he confronted her, hitting her face. Before she could defend herself, he took a knife from the drawer and stabbed her several times, and she fell there dead! Then, seeing what he had done, he devised a way to get away with it. He wrapped the body in a tarp, and hid it in the tool shed in the back. Then he came back, cleaned all the blood from the floor, took a backpack where he put some of her belongings, and simulated her escape. He went back to the station, showered, and slept, pretending to come home only the next day. While you went out to look for your mother, he dug a hole and buried the body in the backyard. But the worst was what he did next.... When you demanded that he file a police report, he was afraid that the police would dig up the backyard and find her, so he took advantage of the kitchen being remodeled, made a concrete box and..._ What? Noooo... Nooooo You're telling me I spent twenty years looking for my mother and she was there all along, buried in the kitchen floor!!!!! No! I can't believe it, how do you know this? _ Remember when I entered the kitchen, I started to feel sick, with a headache? I could clearly hear someone screaming in my ear.... _ Get me out of here! Get me out of hereeee! Please, get me out of here!!!! That's why I felt sick, it was very loud! And then when your father entered, her spirit was glued to him, glued to his aura. And his aura was dark brown, which is when a person is close to death. That's why I had to leave, I didn't know how to tell you all this! _ And you waited for him to die to tell me!?!! I know I should have told you earlier, but... it's complicated. How could I tell you... _ You're crazy! I don't believe anything you said! You're crazy! _ I'm crazy???? Okay, then have them break the kitchen floor... right there where the fridge is. If you don't find anything, I'll pay for the damage out of my pocket! And I hung up, already angry. After all, I just wanted to help... and I'm still called crazy! A week later, Marcella called me again. At first, she didn't want to believe, but in the end, the desire to know the truth prevailed. _ Friend... there are a lot of police here. I had the kitchen broken up... after a while, I could only think about that. The builder broke the subfloor and found the concrete box. When he broke the lid, the smell of death rose (the trapped gases). Now they're taking the remains for exhumation, but I recognized them by the remains of the blue floral dress... thank you... thank you... sorry for calling you crazy. Now my little mom can rest (and she started to cry). And that's my account."

Submitted by: Nana Batista

São Paulo

Depois de jantar em um restaurante bem tradicional japonês ali pelo Alto do Ipiranga em São Paulo, eu e minha namorada estávamos muito cansadas para voltar para casa, já que moramos em outra cidade. Resolvemos reservar um quarto de motel baratinho para passar a noite. Achamos um na internet que estava próximo do restaurante. Chegando lá já sentimos uma energia pesada, desde a interação com a atendente que nos deu a chave do quarto, até o quarto em si. Tudo era muito simples e mal cuidado. O colchão estava muito mole e o travesseiro muito alto. Era uma noite muito quente e estávamos muito, muito cansadas. Assim que deitamos na cama começamos a ouvir uma mulher gritando de dor muito alto em outro quarto... ficamos muito preocupadas, mas sem saber o que fazer, resolvemos tentar dormir. Todos esses fatores me fizeram ter uma noite de sono ruim, demorei bastante para pegar no sono e foi um sono muito leve. Minha namorada dormiu com a cabeça apoiada no meu peito. Por volta das 3h da manhã, eu vi uma mulher em pé do meu lado olhando para mim. Ela tinha por volta de uns 35 anos, latina, cabelo alisado e dentes tortos. Eu estava em um estado de vigília, nem dormindo, nem acordada e fiquei terrivelmente assustada com a sua presença. Perguntei o que ela estava fazendo ali e como entrou no quarto. Ela me respondeu falando que veio checar se estávamos bem e estendeu o braço para tentar sentir a respiração da minha namorada. Eu a impedi e falei que não era para chegar perto dela. Ela sorriu... não queria nos fazer mal. Me disse que havia uma mensagem da minha avó no meu celular, e eu ainda muito confusa em meu estado de sono, fiquei possessa por ela ter invadido a minha privacidade. Em segundos ela desapareceu e eu passei a noite tentando entender se aquilo aconteceu de fato ou se foi só na minha cabeça. Já tive sonhos com fantasmas e senti coisas, mas nunca tive uma interação tão próxima e tão real. Quando acordei entendi que ela se comunicou comigo através de uma linguagem mental, pois sua boca não mexia."After having dinner at a very traditional Japanese restaurant in Alto do Ipiranga in São Paulo, my girlfriend and I were too tired to go back home, since we live in another city. We decided to book a cheap motel room to spend the night. We found one on the internet that was close to the restaurant. Upon arrival, we immediately felt a heavy energy, from the interaction with the attendant who gave us the room key, to the room itself. Everything was very simple and poorly maintained. The mattress was too soft, and the pillow too high. It was a very hot night and we were very, very tired. As soon as we lay down in bed, we started to hear a woman screaming in pain very loudly in another room... we were very worried, but not knowing what to do, we tried to sleep. All these factors caused me to have a very bad night's sleep, I took a long time to fall asleep and it was a very light sleep. My girlfriend slept with her head on my chest. Around 3 a.m., I saw a woman standing by my side looking at me. She was about 35 years old, Latina, with straightened hair and crooked teeth. I was in a state of half-awake, neither sleeping nor fully awake, and was terribly frightened by her presence. I asked her what she was doing there and how she got into the room. She told me that she came to check if we were okay and reached out to feel my girlfriend's breath. I stopped her and told her not to come near her. She smiled... she didn't want to harm us. She told me there was a message from my grandmother on my cell phone, and I, still very confused in my sleep state, was furious that she had invaded my privacy. In seconds she disappeared and I spent the night trying to understand if that had really happened or if it was just in my head. I have had dreams with ghosts and felt things, but I have never had such a close and real interaction. When I woke up, I understood that she communicated with me through mental language, as her mouth did not move.

Submitted by: Fernanda Barbosa

Rockford, IL

When I was a child in the late 90's I would frequently seen ghosts in my house. A few times I would wake up and see kids in my room that I didn't know and they always seems freaked out by me and would run away when I would try to talk to them. Around '98/'99 I moved to an upstairs bedroom and never saw kids up there but there was a new ghost I never saw on the main level. He was a tall man that wore a long, tan trench coat and a fedora style hat. He wouldn't bother me or anything. I would just catch him walking in the hallway. Well, one night I was woken up by a weird voice telling me I had to come with him because a baby was drowning and he needed help. I sat up in bed and he was there just saying over and over again "The baby. You have to help me. The baby is drowning, hurry" so I followed him. I remember so vividly leaving my house and walking for a very long time until we got to the woods. There wasn't any woods within walking distance from my house but it was so real to me. I was scared to go into the woods with him when we got there but he just kept repeating himself "the baby. you have to help me. The baby is drowning, hurry" so I follow him into the woods until we get to a river and by the edge is a baby drowning. I watch the man walk into the river and disappear so I started screaming for help. My parents wake me up screaming on the landing by our back door looking into the dark basement. I don't really know whats going on because I thought I was in the woods and scream the baby is drowning and they have to help. My parents turn on the basement lights and our basement is flooding with water and my playroom is closest to the stairs and one of my baby dolls was right by the stairs next to a hat. The man never spoke to me again and I only saw him a couple more times before we moved.

Submitted by: Dove


I was bouncing on a bed in a room and my ten month old brother was watching right out the room and I blinked and a girl with red hair and jeans who was about ten years old showed up next to him and then I blinked again and she disappeared

Submitted by: Orion

João Akine

Neste exato dia posso jura que vi nascer de uma mulher um alienzinho, bicho de outro mundo se chamava João, mais logo se tornou o dimmy e começou a devorar coisas peculiares,mais e um bom garoto ou ALIENÍGENA até hoje eu não sei ... fico pensando se viemos dos macacos ou dos alienígenas, ou se os ALIENÍGENAs transformaram os macacos em nois, cada uma !! Relato tá aí quem quiser pode conhecer facilmente este ser em Uniao da vitória, perambula lá até hoje On this very day, I can swear that I saw a little alien being born from a woman. This creature from another world was named João, but soon became known as Dimmy and began devouring peculiar things. He is a good boy, or ALIEN, I still don't know... I keep wondering if we come from monkeys or aliens, or if the ALIENS turned monkeys into us, what a thought! This account is here for anyone who wants to easily meet this being in União da Vitória; he still roams around there to this day

Submitted by: Joo Mik kun ai


Eu, mulher 21 anos estava na casa dos meus pais, essa casa já foi um centro espírita, construído acima de um antigo cemitério. Minha mãe sempre me disse ver um menino, loiro de olhos azuis com o cabelo cacheado, eu nunca acreditei pois achei que ela estava tentando me deixar com medo. Até que aconteceram um episódios de coisas fantasmagóricas. Na primeira vez eu tinha uns 10 ou 11 anos, eu estava no meu quarto tentando dormir, eram por volta das 23:55 da noite e derrepente eu ouço um barulho vindo da cama oa lado, que pertencia ao meu irmão, só que ele estava fora de casa e não tínhamos animais de estimação, e em seguida eu vi uma enorme sombra, aparentemente de um homem de aproximadamente 1.90 de altura, ele era magro eu fiquei paralisada de medo mas com o tempo achei que era um pesadelo. Na segunda vez foi um sonho, eu sonhei que estava num campo de margaridas com a minha bisavó, e ela dizia me amar, amar meus primos, pais e tios, ela dizia adeus, falava que queria mais tempo mas que finalmente ia ser feliz. Em menos de 3 dias ela morreu. A terceira vez aconteceu quando eu tinha uns 13 ou 14 anos, era de noite e eu estava na lavanderia de cada até que eu ví um menina de uns 15 anos, o cabelo dela era castanho claro com mechas loiras, ela tinha aproximadamente 1.65 de altura, alguma coisa me fez pensar ou fazer queo nome dela era Jane. Agora a penúltima história eu tinha acho que 16 anos, era de madrugada e eu me levantei com uma sensação estranha e quando estava na porta da cozinha, eu vi o menino que a minha mãe tanto me disse, algo me fez acreditar que o nome dele era Gabriel. Agora a última história aconteceu recentemente, eu estava no apartamento do meu namorado, e nós fomos dormir tarde da noite. Nós dormimos assistindo um filme. As 2:30 nos acordamos com um barulho suspeito, após um tempo eu ví um pouco da Jane e do Gabriel, eles eram irmãos, estavam de mãos dadas chorando, com medo, pedindo ajuda. A minha teoria é de que eles estavam fugindo do homem alto.Talvez seria um sequestrador, um pai abusivo, ou só conhecidencia I, a 21-year-old woman, was at my parents' house, which used to be a Spiritist center, built over an old cemetery. My mother always told me she saw a boy, blond with blue eyes and curly hair, but I never believed her because I thought she was trying to scare me. Then, there were episodes of ghostly occurrences. The first time I was about 10 or 11 years old, I was in my room trying to sleep, it was around 11:55 pm and suddenly I heard a noise coming from the bed next to mine, which belonged to my brother, but he was not at home and we had no pets, and then I saw a huge shadow, apparently of a man about 1.90 meters tall, he was thin and I was paralyzed with fear but over time I thought it was a nightmare. The second time was in a dream, I dreamed I was in a field of daisies with my great-grandmother, and she said she loved me, my cousins, parents, and uncles, she said goodbye, saying she wanted more time but that she was finally going to be happy. Less than 3 days later she died. The third time happened when I was about 13 or 14 years old, it was night and I was in the laundry room until I saw a girl about 15 years old, her hair was light brown with blonde streaks, she was about 1.65 meters tall, something made me think or believe her name was Jane. Now the penultimate story happened when I was about 16 years old, it was late at night and I got up with a strange feeling and when I was at the kitchen door, I saw the boy my mother had told me so much about, something made me believe his name was Gabriel. Now the last story happened recently, I was at my boyfriend's apartment, and we went to sleep late at night. We fell asleep watching a movie. At 2:30 we woke up to a suspicious noise, after a while I saw a bit of Jane and Gabriel, they were siblings, holding hands crying, scared, asking for help. My theory is that they were running away from the tall man. Maybe he was a kidnapper, an abusive father, or just a coincidence."

Submitted by: Helosa


Estava no tiktok, dia 08/12/2023 e estava sentindo um negocio estranho. Eu tinha acabado de ir no banheiro e voltado pra cama para continuar vendo os vídeos de terror, até que eu ouço um barulho de algo caindo no chão, na hora já levei um susto e segurei na patinha da minha cachorra. um tempo depois criei coragem de ir ver e não tinha caído nada, estava tudo normal (detalhe: só tinha eu e minhas cachorras no quarto. "I was on TikTok on December 8, 2023, and was feeling something strange. I had just gone to the bathroom and returned to bed to continue watching horror videos, when I heard a noise of something falling on the floor. I was immediately startled and grabbed my dog's paw. After a while, I gathered the courage to go check and nothing had fallen, everything was normal (note: it was just me and my dogs in the room)."

Submitted by: Ana Clara da Silva Vinci

Monte Verde

Em julho de 2022 eu fui com minha família viajar para Monte Verde, MG. Ficamos em uma "casa", não sei muito bem como explicar mas era um condomínio de casas, só que ao invés de condomínio, hotel. Foi muito gostoso, tinha tudo que nem uma casa e mais um pouco! Na parte de fora dessa casa, havia um balanço. Eu amava balanços então ficava o tempo todo lá. Teve uma hora que eu estava balançando e olhei rápido para trás e vi uma menina adolescente de mais ou menos 15 anos, cega de um olho e acho que sem um braço/perna. Levei um susto e fiquei me tremendo inteira. Fiquei mais 1 minuto lá só para desfarçar que tinha me assustado. Quando saí, corri sem nem mesmo olhar para trás. Contei para os meus pais e eles acharam estranho, nisso resolvi olhar de novo e a tal menina não estava mais lá (detalhe: havia uma casa em reforma atrás da minha, meus pais me falaram que essa casa era do dono do hotel). "In July 2022, I went on a trip to Monte Verde, MG, with my family. We stayed in a 'house', I'm not sure how to explain it, but it was a condominium of houses, but instead of a condominium, it was more like a hotel. It was very pleasant, it had everything a house would have and then some! Outside this house, there was a swing. I loved swings, so I spent a lot of time there. At one point, I was swinging and I quickly looked back and saw a teenage girl, about 15 years old, blind in one eye and I think missing an arm/leg. I was startled and started trembling all over. I stayed there for another minute just to pretend I wasn't scared. When I left, I ran without even looking back. I told my parents and they thought it was strange, so I decided to look again and the girl was no longer there (note: there was a house being renovated behind mine, my parents told me that this house belonged to the owner of the hotel)."

Submitted by: Anonima


Em 2019 meu curso de História foi fazer aula campo na Fazenda Jacobina. Essa fazenda já foi muito importe na região do Mato Grosso na época da escravidão. Fomos visitar a Casa Grande e o atual dono contando história do lugar e levando para conhecer. Subimos no segundo andar e não tinha assoalho direito e lá eu senti um cheiro doce mas velho (não sei explicar), mostrava as telhas feitas pelos escravisados. Pensei que fosse o cheiro do restaurante (que lá tbm comparta um), mas a distância era muita pra sentir. Aí descemos e fomos conferir as salas abandonadas, e tinha uma cozinha muito escura e desativada. Acredito que veio de lá. Tem muitas outras história de lá. Que ouve correntes, gritos e barulhos a noite. Não tive a curiosidade de ver a noite. "In 2019, my History class went on a field trip to Fazenda Jacobina. This farm was very important in the Mato Grosso region during the era of slavery. We went to visit the 'Casa Grande' (Big House) and the current owner was telling stories about the place and showing us around. We went up to the second floor, which didn't have a proper floor, and there I smelled something sweet but old (I can't explain it), and he showed us the tiles made by the enslaved people. I thought it might be the smell from the restaurant (which is also part of the farm), but it was too far away to smell that. Then we went down and checked out the abandoned rooms, and there was a very dark and disused kitchen. I believe the smell came from there. There are many other stories about the place. People hear chains, screams, and noises at night. I didn't have the curiosity to see it at night."

Submitted by: Laiza Salvaterra


Eu estava junto de minha prima,ela me chamou pra ajudar ela a estender roupa,tá bom,eu fui ajudei e agente inventou de ver e tirar fotos de céu,nos inventamos de aproximar a câmera para ver se achariamos alguma coisa,e vimos alguma coisa e quando percebemos era um OVNI,nois ficamos com medo e fomos direto pra casa dela,me lembro desse acontecimento e me da um calafrio só de pensar. "I was with my cousin, and she asked me to help her hang clothes to dry. Alright, I went to help, and we decided to look at and take pictures of the sky. We tried zooming in with the camera to see if we could find anything, and we saw something. When we realized it was a UFO, we got scared and went straight to her house. I remember this event, and it gives me chills just thinking about it."

Submitted by: Beto

Good hope hospital

I was emmited to hospital at age 13 due to an attempt. That night I was seeing some strange things. I seen a black cat on the end of another girls bed in front of me just curled up. I just remember being like wtf. The next morning I noticed thick smoke in the air and I saw a nurse in strange uniform different to everyone else's. The main thing that caught my eye was a man standing at the nurses desk he had his back turned to me he was smoking a cigar and wearing a long black smart coat. With a black hat on resembling 1940s. He never looked at me and I never felt scared I was just baffled. At the time I was too young to know that people used to smoke in hospitals and allow a cat on children's ward. So either I seen ghosts that day or I had a time slip.

Submitted by: Rhiannon

Porto Alegre

I was hitchhiking in a car, on a route near the city's airport (Salgado Filho International Airport). I was gazing at the sky, looking for airplanes, knowing it was common to spot them in the area. Everything happened very quickly. I spotted a large, metallic object at a moderate altitude in the sky. Initially thinking it was an airplane on its descent, I tried to identify the outline of wings, nose, and engines, but there simply were none. The object had a different shape from anything I had ever seen; it was round like a ball, and I couldn't discern what was the front or the back. I spent about 5 seconds staring at it, attempting to comprehend what it was, feeling my heart pounding in my chest as my mind raced for rational answers. That's when it simply VANISHED. It disappeared into the blue sky, like those magic tricks where an object disappears right before your eyes. I tried to convince myself it might be a drone, but it would be impossible given its size and altitude. I spent the rest of the day in contemplation, trying to find logical answers, but I couldn't. The situation is recent, and I find myself constantly reflecting on it. Do they know that I saw them?

Submitted by: Madu Neves


When I was a child, my family used to spend summers in a considerably large house in the city of Atlântida, on the coast of Rio Grande do Sul. I vividly remember a room that, apparently, never existed in the house. I recall that during one of my playtimes, I noticed that a specific window on the right side of the house had something different—I can't quite describe if it was a vibe or the light that seemed to be emitted from it instead of coming in. But I know that for several summers, I tried to climb that window to get into this room that had something different, almost enchanted. The few times I had a glimpse, I remember light wooden furniture and a warm sensation. However, I never managed to enter because the window was high, and even standing on stools, I couldn't see more than a glimpse of the room. I think this lasted until I was eight or nine years old when I grew tall enough to see inside without major issues—and this time, I only saw the dark and monotonous dining room. To this day, I have a very vivid memory of this place that I never really got to be in.

Submitted by: Madu Neves


Então, eu viajei no tempo. Eu adoeci e fiquei uns dias de atestado em casa. Quando estava no balcão preparando o almoço eu olhei pra um utensílio q minha avó me deu e comecei a lembrar dela com tristeza, lamentando por ela já ter morrido (mas minha avó está viva). Quando olhei à frente a janela do meu apartamento estava diferente e eu tinha certeza que meu filho tinha saído de carro, fiquei me perguntando se ele ia almoçar na rua ou em casa comigo (hoje ele tem 8 anos). Quando enfim me dei conta que estava no lugar errado. Me toquei que eu não estava no ano certo, mas não tinha ninguém além de mim em casa pra eu perguntar em que ano eu estava. Ai lembrei da Alexa. Quando perguntei "Alexa, em que ano estamos?" Ela falou "nós estamos em 203...” e como num estalo voltei pro dia atual. Não ouvi o ano. Era dois mil e trinta e alguma coisa. Já aconteceu com alguém? Antes q alguém diga, não tive febre, não era alucinação por exemplo. "So, I traveled through time. I fell ill and was off work for a few days at home. While I was at the counter preparing lunch, I looked at a utensil my grandmother had given me and started to remember her sadly, mourning her death (but my grandmother is alive). When I looked up, the window of my apartment was different, and I was sure that my son had left by car. I wondered if he would have lunch out or at home with me (he is 8 years old today). When I finally realized I was in the wrong place, I understood that I was not in the correct year, but there was no one else at home to ask what year it was. Then I remembered Alexa. When I asked, 'Alexa, what year is it?' she said, 'We are in 203...' and like a snap, I returned to the current day. I didn't hear the year. It was two thousand and thirty-something. Has this happened to anyone else? Before anyone says, I didn't have a fever, it wasn't a hallucination, for example."

Submitted by: Day


When I was a kid I was sitting with a cousin in front of the neighbor's house when a yellow ball came towards us flying from the end of the street with great speed (wasn't on fire just yellow). I was shocked and had no reaction but when that thing was about to hit us it just went up whit the same speed and disappeared. I heard that It could be a "ball lightning", which is a natural thing but it supposed to be blue then, right? and why that thing went up that way and didn't hit us? well, that's my story. Have no idea what was that. I never forgot and no one would believe it so I don't tell it.

Submitted by: Gabriel

São Paulo

Desde mais nova, quando morava em Minas Gerais, com meus 14, 15 anos sempre tive sonhos estranhos com ovnis, extraterrestres, etc. Sou uma pessoa bastante intuitiva, coisas que sonho as vezes se tornam reais, ouço vozes me avisando sobre algo em minha vida, insights, etc. A minha família também é dessa forma, as coisas vêm e vão e muitas vezes não conseguimos explicar. Meu irmão já viu coisas que também não soube explicar ou dar nome. Aqui, vou tentar explicar algumas dessas coisas que já aconteceram comigo: - Meus primeiros sonhos eram sempre acompanhados de naves alienígenas, aviões, típico de filmes então não dava muita importância. - Me mudei para São Paulo e as coisas começaram a mudar, algumas vezes quando estava dormindo, sentia como se mãos tocassem em mim, pareciam passa-las pela lateral do meu corpo, apertando as minhas pernas, acordava e não via nem sentia mais nada. - Um dia retornei do trabalho e como de costume, fiquei assistindo TV e mexendo no celular com minha prima que dividia o quarto. Estava tranquila até que aparentemente adormeci (mas ao mesmo tempo parecia estar acordada) e me vi deitada em um local totalmente claro. Parece que eu disse mentalmente: "Não tire nada de mim!". E acordei em seguida. Perguntei minha prima se eu havia dito alguma coisa e ela disse que não. - Tempos depois, comecei a sonhar com um "Grey criança", com roupas de criança e eu o via subindo a rua onde meu pai mora, e também sentado em um banco de praça ao meu lado conversando comigo. Após esses sonhos, sempre no primeiro estágio do sono era como seu eu via os grandes olhos vindo em minha direção, somente os olhos e o brilhinho deles. Ah, uma vez também dormindo escutei um nome: GUADURU (?). Procurei várias vezes na internet e nada encontrei. - A seguir, foram vários sonhos da mesma forma, vendo naves, uma delas eu via as naves do lado de fora e depois eu me via deitada no escuro conversando com quatro seres, um deles era uma presença feminina, e me diziam para não contar para ninguém. Perguntei o porque e não me disseram. - A minha mãe já teve uma experiência de cura com os Seres Arcturianos. - Última coisa que me recordo é de ter acordado com o despertador no horário de sempre para ir trabalhar. Fiz a mesma rotina, no mesmo tempo. Peguei o ônibus e quando passei em um local mais alto, onde costumo passar olhando o sol, notei que ele estava bem mais alto que o normal. Olhei o relógio e havia se passado UMA HORA. Até hoje não sei o que houve nesse meio tempo. "Ever since I was younger, when I lived in Minas Gerais, around 14 or 15 years old, I always had strange dreams about UFOs, extraterrestrials, etc. I am a very intuitive person, things I dream sometimes become real, I hear voices warning me about something in my life, insights, etc. My family is also like this, things come and go and often we can't explain them. My brother has also seen things he couldn't explain or name. Here, I'll try to explain some of these things that have happened to me: - My first dreams were always accompanied by alien spacecraft and airplanes, typical of movies, so I didn't give them much importance. - I moved to São Paulo and things started to change. Sometimes when I was sleeping, I felt as if hands were touching me, running them along the side of my body, squeezing my legs. I would wake up and not see or feel anything anymore. - One day I returned from work and as usual, I was watching TV and playing on my phone with my cousin who shared the room. I was calm until I apparently fell asleep (but at the same time, I seemed to be awake) and I saw myself lying in a completely bright place. It seems that I said mentally: "Don't take anything from me!". And I woke up immediately. I asked my cousin if I had said anything and she said no. - Later, I started to dream about a "child Grey" in children's clothes, and I saw it walking up the street where my father lives, and also sitting on a park bench next to me talking to me. After these dreams, always in the first stage of sleep, it was as if I saw the big eyes coming towards me, only the eyes and their sparkle. Ah, once also while sleeping I heard a name: GUADURU (?). I searched many times on the internet and found nothing. - Then, there were several dreams in the same way, seeing ships, one of them I saw the ships outside and then I saw myself lying in the dark talking to four beings, one of them was a feminine presence, and they told me not to tell anyone. I asked why and they didn't tell me. - My mother has already had a healing experience with the Arcturian Beings. - The last thing I remember is waking up with the alarm at the usual time to go to work. I did the same routine, in the same time. I took the bus and when I passed a higher place, where I usually pass looking at the sun, I noticed that it was much higher than usual. I looked at the clock and ONE HOUR had passed. To this day I don't know what happened in that meantime."

Submitted by: Anonimo


For the past month and a half I have noticed multiple UFO's in the sky. 1 Full blown black Triangle craft (NOT An F-117 NightHawk or B52 Stealth, MADE ZERO NOISE) 2 orange Orbs following one another visibly directly over lake superior. I have also caught a red ORB teleporting on camera

Submitted by: Tyler Vinge

North Vancouver

I left my house one night for late-night snacks from our local grocers. I was driving along the main road when a feeling came over me, and I looked up at the night sky. There was a big ball of blue light moving at a high speed, no tail, no sound, just a massive ball of blue light, hurling itself across the night sky. It was not very high in the sky, twice the height of treetops. It just travelled in a straight line above me, heading east at a massive speed. It just disappeared, as if the blue light turned itself off because it didn't move upwards, downwards, or sideways; it was just gone, like a light switch, and I couldn't see it anymore.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Over seven years ago I saw a cartoon a man walked up to a dog the dog jumped up the man grabbed the dogs head and went into a backward roll it looked great months pass I received a phone call from my friends daughter saying pick up the dog when I got there the police let me in I felt the presence of a spirit I looked up it looked like the virus bar code only different I went outside with the dog I felt the spirit enter my mind love poured out of my eyes Into the dogs eyes i felt.my eye sparkel the dog stood up on his back legs I took two steps back the pittbull walked towards me and jumped I heard a voice say grabbed his head and pull him towards you we went into backward roll like the cartoon only better the police Witnessed it I didn't think people would believe so I said nothing two spirits entered me that night a lady spirit to keep me calm and the other American Indian he was my twin brother in my past life we played with a pet wolf like that when we were young until my brother broke his back we were told not to play with the wolf true story

Submitted by: John hesmond

São Borja, Brasil

Em 2006 fui jantar na casa de um ex colega de colégio. Era noite, numa sexta-feira de lua cheia. Fui eu e mais outro colega acompanhando ele. Assim que chegamos ele avisou e pediu para a mãe dele vir nos ver, logo em seguida ela decidiu sair, por volta das 21h. Então, logo começamos a beber e fumar, nem jantamos. Conversa vai, conversa vem, ele começou a sentir mau, entrou dentro da casa e escutamos um barulho de vômito, fomos acudi-lo, meu colega seguiu o barulho até a sala, então, trouxe ele pra cozinha e sentamos na mesa. Ele começou a balbuciar um monte de bobagens, a voz alterou e logo percebi do que se tratava, mas, imaginei que fosse uma possessão ou um obsessor. Meu outro colega menos experiente no assunto ficou assustado, então, pedi calma e fiz com que fossem pra sala e fui servir mais um copo de água, foi então que o meu colega voltou assustado dizendo que o cara estava girando no próprio eixo em cima do sofá, olhei pela janela e vi a lua cheia e saquei mais ainda do que se tratava, a porra de um lobisomem em transformação. Assim que cheguei na sala ele assegurou o braço do meu colega, dei um soco nele, mas, não adiantou. Então, ele ficou de pé e estava subitamente maior que eu, sendo que tinha um palmo de diferença nas nossas alturas, então, empurrei ele, ele caiu e quanto levantou vi os pelo saindo pelas costas, somente um tudo avermelhado, uns 10 cm, uma maçaroca de pelos, não fiquei pra ver, conseguimos nos desvencilhar e correr o mais longe possível. Translated: In 2006 I went to dinner at the house of an ex-school friend. It was night, on a Friday with a full moon. It was me and another colleague accompanying him. As soon as we arrived he informed us and asked his mother to come and see us, soon after she decided to leave, around 9pm. So, we soon started drinking and smoking, we didn't even have dinner. Talk goes on, talk comes, he started to feel bad, he went into the house and we heard the sound of vomiting, we went to help him, my colleague followed the noise to the living room, then brought him to the kitchen and we sat at the table. He started babbling a bunch of nonsense, his voice changed and I soon realized what it was about, but I imagined it was a possession or an obsessive. My other colleague who was less experienced in the subject was scared, so I asked them to calm down and made them go to the living room and went to pour another glass of water. It was then that my colleague came back scared saying that the guy was spinning on his own axis on top of the sofa, I looked out the window and saw the full moon and realized even more what it was about, a fucking werewolf in transformation. As soon as I arrived in the room he grabbed my colleague's arm, I punched him, but it didn't help. Then, he stood up and was suddenly bigger than me, there was a foot difference in our heights, so I pushed him, he fell and when he got up I saw the hair coming out of his back, just a reddish patch, about 10 cm, A pile of hair, I didn't stay to see, we managed to free ourselves and run as far as possible.

Submitted by: Joo

Suntaži Parish, Latvia

this is my cousins story, but I remember it well. he said that since the 1st grade, every time in the evening directly in 1st September or whatever the date was when he needed to show up to school, the first day in school. every time in the evening around 21:00-22:00 there would be a light, like a floating orb, shining and flickering at times but mostly stable lightning. this has happened to him since the 1st grade all the way to 8th grade, but it hasn't happened now that he's going in 9th grade now. is this just something in the mind or real? I don't know. but I do know that the look in his eyes and the word of pronunciation was weird, he knows this is real but doesn't feel real to him, all I can do now is believe. but maybe I can find out one day.

Submitted by: Thomas

Cajuru do Sul, Sorocaba, Brazil

Estava com um amigo em um terça feira a noite andando na rua, era por volta das 21 horas. De repente olhamos para os céus e nos deparamos com um objeto laranja bem no meio do céu estrelado, esse objeto tinha um formato oval e era aparentemente muito grande, quer dizer, mesmo estando bem distante, era possível discernir que tal objeto era imenso. Sem mais nem menos esse objeto começou a separar-se e tornou-se vários objetos redondos menores, cerca de 10 aproximadamente... todos de cor branca. Esses objetos começaram a se locomover em uma velocidade muito rápida, uns em uma direção e outros em outra, e aos poucos foram desaparecendo da nossa vista. A gente não fazia ideia do que era aquilo, e não conseguíamos nem nos expressar direito. E ai entra a questão de : "por que todos os vídeos de ovnis são baixa qualidade?" Bem, eu juro que tentei filmar, mas estava tão impressionado com o que via, que o que filmei não era muito visível, na época eu tinha um celular do tipo Sony Xperia, que costumava ter uma câmera razoável. Com o tempo acabei perdendo o vídeo junto com muitos arquivos daquele celular. Mas a cena que vimos daquela terça feira a noite, nunca esqueceremos. Translated: I was with a friend on a Tuesday night walking down the street, it was around 9 pm. Suddenly we looked at the heavens and came across an orange object right in the middle of the starry sky, this object had an oval shape and was apparently very large, that is, even though it was very far away, it was possible to discern that the object was immense. Just like that, this object began to separate and became several smaller round objects, about 10 approximately... all white in color. These objects began to move at a very fast speed, some in one direction and others in another, and little by little they disappeared from our sight. We had no idea what that was, and we couldn't even express ourselves properly. And then comes the question of: "why are all UFO videos low quality?" Well, I swear I tried to film it, but I was so impressed with what I saw, that what I filmed wasn't very visible, at the time I had a Sony Xperia cell phone, which used to have a reasonable camera. Over time I ended up losing the video along with many files from that cell phone. But the scene we saw that Tuesday night, we will never forget.

Submitted by: Gustavo Nery

João Pessoa, State of Paraíba, Brazil

Certa noite, por volta das 21:30, minha esposa e eu decidimos sair para acalmar nosso filho de 6 anos, que estava agitado há um bom tempo em casa. Após acordar, ele chorava bastante. Todos entramos no carro, e saímos para tentar acalmá-lo. Tudo estava normal, e após alguns minutos, nosso filho estava mais tranquilo. Enquanto conversávamos e eu continuava dirigindo pela avenida, percebemos de repente que tínhamos perdido a noção do espaço e do tempo. Parecia que havíamos desaparecido do ponto inicial que lembrávamos e aparecido 100 metros adiante de onde deveríamos ter virado à esquerda. Ao perceber, estávamos distantes do trajeto que tínhamos em mente e normalmente seguiríamos. Ficamos confusos e até hoje não conseguimos lembrar como chegamos àquele ponto. Foi como se tivéssemos sido colocados de volta dentro do carro. Translated: One night, around 9:30 pm, my wife and I decided to go out to calm our 6-year-old son, who had been fussy at home for a while. After waking up, he cried a lot. We all got in the car, and went out to try to calm him down. Everything was normal, and after a few minutes, our son was calmer. As we talked and I continued driving down the avenue, we suddenly realized that we had lost track of space and time. It seemed that we had disappeared from the starting point we remembered and appeared 100 meters further from where we should have turned left. When we realized, we were far from the route we had in mind and would normally follow. We were confused and to this day we can't remember how we got to that point. It was as if we had been put back in the car.

Submitted by: Bruno

Eunápolis, State of Bahia, Brazil

I was alone in my house, was almost night and I start to hear steps in the second floor, I think it was one of my cats so I go to on there and the sounds where coming from my room, but when I look in there it was empty, so I go back to the living room and I saw my cat outside, and I go back to my room to see if was something in there when I heard voices, like if there's something whispering, but I couldn't understand what it was trying to say so I go back to downstairs and try to ignore the noise. I moved to this house 2 months ago and sometimes I hear other noise, but it could be just my furniture so I am not sure about that

Submitted by: Alice

Eunápolis, State of Bahia, Brazil

It was night and I when to my bed to sleep at nine o'clock, like I normally do, but I had a strange dream where I was looking to my cellphone and then I enter on Google to see the news and appear the date 20 of December 2023 in big letter and there was no other information, but, I don't know how, I just knew it was about a serie of my favorite book and them, when I wake, I looked at my real cellphone and they just started to tell me the date of the series I was waiting . I know it sounds idiot but I just knew the date of the series before they actually say it.

Submitted by: Alice

Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil

It happened when I was five or six years old, I lived in a small apartment in the center off the town, and every time I goes to the "hall" where was the elevator I feel a "thing", I don't know how explained it, but was weird. And one night I goes to sleep, everything normal and I wake up in the middle of the night, and look around my room and saw a white thing? I don't know how describe it but was like an ambulatory ink stain? Or something like it, actually it remember me sonic but white (I think it was little crazy but that creature definitely remember be sonic) and when I look at "it" I just stay paralysing of fear, the how experience actually happened in like, one second, the thing literally just crossed my room and crossed the wall to my parents room. When I told them in the next day Thay said it was a dream or my imagination but, just feel so real and I really believe that thing was a ghost or something. Anyway, it looks like a white sonic...

Submitted by: Anonimus

Penha, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil

era um fim de tarde lindo , com o mar manso o sol se pondo, ninguém na praia, e eu e meu pai estavamos chegando de uma pescaria , quando terminamos de colocar o barco na areia meu pai foi fumar um cigarro para descansar e eu fui lavar minhas mãos no mar , quando eu estava lavando minhas mãos eu olhei para cima e vi uma luz que se mexia de maneira estranha , dai peguei meu celular e abri o aplicativo flightradar para ver se era uma aeronave e não era, essa luz se movia de maneira estranha e piscava cores alternadas e estava muito alta, ficou parada em cima de nós um tempo e depois se foi para cima e sumiu, cheguei a filmar na época mas perdi a gravação, esse dia foi um dia incrivel e isso aconteceu no fim pra ficar ainda melhor , saudades desse dia Translated: It was a beautiful late afternoon, with the sea calm, the sun setting, no one on the beach, and my father and I were arriving from a fishing trip, when we finished putting the boat on the sand, my father went to smoke a cigarette to rest and I went washing my hands in the sea, when I was washing my hands I looked up and saw a light that was moving in a strange way, so I took my cell phone and opened the flightradar app to see if it was an aircraft and it wasn't, this light was moving in a strange way and it flashed alternating colors and it was very high, it stayed still above us for a while and then it went up and disappeared, I was filming it at the time but I lost the recording, that day was an incredible day and that happened at the end to make it even better, I miss that day

Submitted by: Jos Eduardo

Maine, NY, U.S.

When I was a teenager, I used to explore the roads that surrounded my town. There was not much to do in my town and driving around listening to music helped when days were harder. I would do this pretty frequently and each time I went out I made sure to explore a new area, and when I say explore I really just mean driving down roads I have never been down. Before I go further I feel like I should give context to what my town is like.The Town of Maine is a really historic town. When you are there that is probably the last thing you would think because nothing ever goes on there, and there is not really anything except an elementary school, a small playground, a dollar store and what not. The only activity you see on a daily basis is people going to and coming back from work, and perhaps going to Church. A few festivities here and there for holidays but almost every day of the year is the same, relatively lifeless. When I moved to Maine in 5th grade, all of my new school friends immediately would tell me that things were just weird around here, and if you are ever here, it definitely gives off that vibe. The town that directly stems off of the main road is the most historic part of the town, which expands out pretty far into a separate county. Old old houses, some remarkably pretty. Anyways, I decided to take a relatively common route that most people from the town has probably taken before, including myself, which stems off this more historic part of town. But like I said the goal I had was to just find new areas of the town so the first thing I did was look for a road that stemmed off of the road I was on, because although I have been down this road before, it was the first time I ever bothered to look deeper in to this area. It was a rather scenic and unproblematic drive for quite a while, but it was late afternoon and it started to get dark. I started driving by this hill but and I could not really see the top or the other side from the road. On the horizon of this hill was fairly bright light, which I did not question at all because although it was late fall, it wasn't unheard of for people to have bonfires and such around town. I slow down just a bit to get a better look and it felt like seconds after slowing down, 3 trucks, all old and beat up came from the overgrown dirt road that led down the hill. Once again, I wasn't super bothered by this but I certainly didn't want them to be suspicious of my observing. I pick up the pace a bit, but so did they. I now start to panic a little bit, worried that they are following me, and there just was no way they weren't. Although the area was unfamiliar to me, I knew the general area I was in relative to where the main roads of the town were and so for every turn I took, and they took the same, it became very alarming to me. This is because, to shake them off, I started just taking turn after turn, trying to randomize each one to sort of prove to myself this is merely coincidence, yet they were there every single turn of the way. I couldn't see into their trucks from my mirror, likely because they remained a reasonable distance from me, but still undoubtedly following me. I keep driving and driving until finally I lose them. However, now, I have absolutely no idea where I am. It was about 30 minutes since they began following me and because of my random turning, I lost all understanding of where I ended up relative to the areas I was familiar with. So, the obvious choice I made was to just go on my phone's GPS and direct me back home, and that is exactly what I did. The first few directions that the GPS gave me were normal, and although the sky was maybe another 30 mins til dark, I started to get a sense that I know where I am going, or at least I am back to that understanding of which way takes me towards the main roads, but I still decided to follow the GPS just to be sure. And just like that everything felt unfamiliar again. I blindly followed the GPS until it takes me down a road I certainly never heard of and my phone was telling me I was only about 5 mins from my house and this just could NOT be true. I don't feel like I have to explain why that is weird, but just in case, I was absolutely certain I knew every possible place I could be, to be 5 mins from my house, and where it was taking me was just not right. Yet, like an idiot I decide to follow it anyways. I take the turn and follow it down to an obvious dead end. Like, I am talking, there is no more road, but strangely enough there was no signage saying that it was in fact a dead end. I pull over around where the road ends and am just sitting for a moment, sort of stricken with confusion, until my phone instructs me to proceed to the route. Immediately I get nervous, for one, because it was getting dark quickly and also, the road I was on was essentially blackened with forest and obviously this was just way too messed up. There were houses along the road but something about it was just wrong. It was now dark enough to need to turn on my headlights, which illuminate the area where the road had ended and what I saw was probably just a huge coincidence but there was a road, well sort of. It was a dirt path that was terribly overgrown in shrubs and vegetation. Looked like a trail of some sort but it was certainly not something I could take the car down. I begin to turn around and my phone instructs me multiple times to drive down the path and as I turn away it is instructing me to turn back around and proceed down the road. I was maniacally trying to grab my phone from where I had set it in the car as I drove away to turn the GPS off because all of this was getting way too overwhelming for me. I successfully turned the GPS off and just drove until I found something I recognized. I made it home no problem, maybe 20 mins later. Whether or not these two instances were related to each other, I finally had my own story.

Submitted by: R

Seattle, Washington, U.S.

I grew up in this part of town, passed the cemetery on my way to and from school for years. Never felt anything negative and never had anything follow me home, until just this past summer, a decade and a half after I first moved away. Since then I've learned I'm a sensitive, and my skills are just starting to develop.My best friend had recently moved in with me and thank the gods he did, because he's a very powerful sensitive, medium and witch, and knew right away when something bad followed me home. I had just come back from taking a walk through my old neighborhood that day because I was visiting someone living in it, and for the first time I didn't want to walk on the same side of the street as the cemetery. The energy of the place had changed. Just a few minutes after getting home he asked me if I felt anything was off. To be clear, he did not know where I was and certainly didn't know I'd walked by a cemetery. He said he saw something moving around *fast,* because it was trying to avoid being seen, but he kept watching it and started talking to it. "What are you?" "Why are you here?" "Stop trying to hide. I can see you wherever you go, so just stop trying." It did not stop trying. He's been developing his abilities since early childhood, and as a medium is well-versed in ghosts, spirits and other things following *him* home, but had for the first time, in 7 years of being my best friend, witnessed something following *me.* And it wasn't nice, and it wasn't human. He identified it as a fae creature, one that is extremely difficult to get rid of once it's latched on, and said we needed to do a banishing ritual immediately. I'm unfamiliar and uncomfortable with actual spells and rituals, scared of doing something wrong and making things worse, so I was hesitant. He's a grey witch, and I prefer to work solely with the light, prayers and calling upon angels and guides. He knew that wouldn't work but we tried it my way first anyway. It's a dark entity, but not a demon from hell, so calling upon God and angels and human ancestral guides had no effect on it. As I did my prayers, I heard it laughing at me. My friend knew it would get worse fast, so we had to act fast. That same night, we did some proper witchcraft, really potent stuff with a lot of ingredients. We trapped it in a vessel, and near the end, I got this notion to drip the candle wax over the edges of the lid to make it completely airtight, my hands shook and I ended up dripping a line over the top of the lid. I saw that line, and in my mind I saw a full pentagram, the symbol of protection, then continued pouring the wax until the pentagram was complete and closed. My friend said that was a genius bit of spirit guide channeling, and now, even if the jar breaks, the thing can never escape. It was safe to just chuck it in a dumpster, and that particular being won't ever hurt anyone again. However, I walked past the cemetery again, and although nothing followed me this time, I felt what was going on in there. Someone or several someones did some amateur magicks in there and they did it wrong, opened a portal, and it's not safe there anymore. I won't be going back until I'm confident that either I can banish the beings and close the portal myself, or until someone else has done it.

Submitted by: Monty

Noble, Oklahoma, U.S.

I was leaving my best friend's house. They live in the trailer park there. I lived in the apartment complex next door. Between us Bell Creek. It was 3:37am. I heard a growling scream come from the creek nearby. I turned as I heard the sounds of commotion. Under a nearby street light was a tall human looking thing, naked but no physical gender. Skin looked thin and grey in colour. It's arms were too long. And they ended in long claws which it used to walk on, so it was 4 legged but stood upright like us. It's teeth looked filed down and sharp. No hair on it anywhere. Now I'm a practicing witch. So I uttered a quick blessing incantation as I was noping out of there. To get to the apartments you gave to go all the way out the trailer park, down the road and over a beige above the creek, then enter my complex. It chased me the entire way. As I was reaching the top of my stairs for my place I heard the staircase thunder as something came running up. It was a metal staircase. I slammed my door closed as something big ran into it. I must have used all my protection herbs and at least 3 dozen candles that night. During my subsequent research the closest I could figure it to be was a Rake. But that's a Creepypasta. So I just tell people I saw a demon and it did not seem to like me much.

Submitted by: Tylor Amyx

Springfield, Oregon, U.S.

On this night myself and a coven member, I'm a witch, we're collecting grave dirt from a closed down cemetery. It was just after 2am. We needed it to help us hex Donald Trump. We were at the grave of Jamie Suzanne May. It is shaped like a bench. And I'm very attuned to spirits. So I had brought her some wildflowers ahead of time. I spent some time with her and with permission collected some dirt from just next to her grave. I planted an herb there as thanks. As we were jabbing I thought I heard my name being caked by an elderly woman. So I ripened around thinking she was showing herself. Instead I saw the most piercing yellow eyes I've ever seen. And despite their being no lights around us, the eyes seemed to be lit up. Kind of like eye shine, but brighter and no lights. Anyway, it came me by my name again. Only it said my name right. My name is pronounced Tee-lore with a rolled r. My research suggested everyone buried here was off a Caucasian persuasion and this not likely to be able to say my name right, much less on the first try. My friend only called me Ty. I then remembered stories of a monster that is too never have its name said. So I'll call it a fleshy runner of Native American folklore. I turned around and calmly started walking away. I heard today's what you do with these things. You didn't hear them, see them, they don't exist as far as you are concerned. I instructed my friend to do the same. Meanwhile I took some of the sage I brought just in case and lit it. Rude to do that in a cemetery, but I wasn't liking to join them any time soon. It called out my friend's name as well, but I'm a man's voice. She said it sounded like her father. I grabbed her head and turned it forwards. "Not a damn thing to be seen here. Let's go get some McDonald's now okay?" I shook her head for her. When we got closer to my cat I saw a big black void with antlers over my car. It seemed to be trying to enter the passenger side. So I, not knowing what to do, recited my typical spirit banishment incantation and threw the sage at my car. I then told it to leave or I'll kill it myself, as authoritative as I could muster whilst also trying not to pee myself in fright. It left, seeming to sink into the ground. I used my spit to draw a pentacle on my car's roof before opening the door and getting in. For the next lunar cycle we had knocking on our respective windows. And I heard my name called by my kids on numerous occasions while holding the kids. After a week my friend stopped joining coven activities and I've never heard from her again. I tried to report her missing. I never got an update from police either.

Submitted by: Tylor Amyx

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

My mom told me a story of something that happened when I was younger. Basically, I was sitting on the stairs going down to the basement and it’s pitch black down there. It was only me and my mom home at the time but she said I told her I saw a man downstairs in the basement. My dad was at work so I genuinely don’t know what I saw down there or if what my mom told me was actually true or not.

Submitted by: Rowan

São Gonçalo

Certo dia eu estava indo à casa da minha avó. Lá tinha duas portas, uma que dava acesso pela sala e outra que dava acesso pela cozinha. Decidi entrar pela porta da cozinha já que percebi que minha avó estava por lá. Ao entrar, a cumprimentei e percebi que tinha alguém sentado no sofá já que, não tinha portas dividindo os cômodos e era possível enxergar a sala dali. Olhei bem atentamente para a pessoa que estava ali enquanto conversava com minha avó e pensei se tratar da irmã da minha avó, já que era bem parecida. Até hoje me lembro da roupa em que ela estava vestida, uma saia vinho e uma blusa bege com alguns detalhes mais escuros. Essa pessoa, olhava diretamente para mim e fazia o gesto de assobio mas não saia som. Ela também se balançava para frente e para trás enquanto me observava. Ao terminar de conversar com a minha avó, me virei em direção a sala para cumprimentar a pessoa que ali estava mas para minha surpresa não tinha ninguém ali. Perguntei a minha avó se a irmã dela estava lá ou outra pessoa e ela disse que estava sozinha. Contei o que havia visto e ela imediatamente disse que era minha bisavó. Nessa hora eu gelei e decidi voltar para casa. Minha avó sempre foi meio sensitiva e tinha sonhos e intuições certeiros, então não duvidei dela. Contei o que havia acontecido a parentes e todos me disseram a mesma coisa, que pela minha discrição, se parecia com minha bisavó. Mas havia um detalhe muito importante, eu não cheguei a conhecer minha bisavó já que, ela faleceu pouco antes do meu nascimento. Não tinha certeza de quem era até que um dia, um familiar achou e me mostrou uma foto da minha bisavó e para meu choque, era a mesma pessoa que eu havia visto naquele dia na casa da minha avó. Minha avó dizia que minha bisavó havia vindo me conhecer naquele dia já que, eu nasci após seu falecimento. Ela dizia que ela era um anjo que a protegia e a visitava. Minha avó faleceu esse ano, eu espero que elas tenham se reencontrado e estejam juntas novamente. "One day I was going to my grandmother's house. There were two doors there, one leading to the living room and the other to the kitchen. I decided to enter through the kitchen door since I noticed that my grandmother was there. Upon entering, I greeted her and noticed someone sitting on the sofa, as there were no doors separating the rooms and it was possible to see the living room from there. I looked closely at the person sitting there while talking to my grandmother and thought it was my grandmother's sister, as she looked very similar. To this day, I remember what she was wearing, a wine colored skirt and a beige blouse with some darker details. This person was looking directly at me and making a whistling gesture, but no sound came out. She also swayed back and forth while watching me. After finishing talking to my grandmother, I turned towards the living room to greet the person there, but to my surprise, there was no one there. I asked my grandmother if her sister was there or someone else, and she said she was alone. I told her what I had seen, and she immediately said it was my great-grandmother. At that moment, I froze and decided to go back home. My grandmother has always been somewhat sensitive and had accurate dreams and intuitions, so I didn't doubt her. I told relatives what had happened, and they all said the same thing, that by my description, it resembled my great-grandmother. But there was a very important detail, I had never met my great grandmother since she passed away shortly before I was born. I wasn't sure who it was until one day, a relative found and showed me a photo of my great-grandmother, and to my shock, it was the same person I had seen that day at my grandmother's house. My grandmother used to say that my great-grandmother had come to meet me that day since I was born after she passed away. She said she was an angel who protected and visited her. My grandmother passed away this year, I hope they have reunited and are together again."

Submitted by: Annimo


One night while my mom and I were visiting my aunt who lives in my great grandparents house on the second floor. We were all already in bed, lights off, regular night it was probably 11:30pm. My aunt gets out of bed and says she’s thirsty and wants to go get something to drink from the kitchen. My mom was in her own room across the hall and the kitchen shared a wall with where I was staying with my aunt. Keep in mind it’s an old house and you can hear everything, all the rooms are close together. Any way, she leaves the room and I hear her go into my mom’s room. I’m still laying in bed, lights are on, just waiting for my aunt to come back. There was a window across the room from me with a shear curtain closed over it. I started hearing someone or something from that window calling out to me getting louder and louder. It sounded like a “pssst” and then again “pssssst”. I started freaking out and yelling out to my mom and my aunt as loud as I could. They couldn’t hear me. The “pssssst” got louder, and my entire body got chills. I began crying because my mom couldn’t hear me screaming out for them. I was terrified. I just knew and felt something on the other side of that window was staring at me. Remember, we are on second story building, like upstairs, not at ground level. No one could be walking by outside etc.. Any way, I got so freaked that in such a small old house no one could hear my screams, my fight or flight kicked in and I BOLTED out of that room over to my mom’s room. My aunt and mom both looked at me dumbfounded because they thought I got hurt or something. My face red and wet with tears and panic. I told them I was yelling out for them and they said they couldn’t hear anything at all. When I told them what happened they stared at each other and in order to calm me down they brushed it off saying it was some sort of animal or bug that makes that noise. They’ve had their own terrifying experiences in that house so I know they were just saying the bug story to not let me freak out more. That event haunts me to this day. I was 16 years old when it happened, I’m in my 30s now and I can still remember it vividly. I don’t know what dimension or void or block that thing calling out to me engulfed me in because for no one to hear me still freaks me out to this day.

Submitted by: Dani

Turkey Run State Park

My brother and I had a Sasquatch sighting off a service road. It roared from behind cover at us after we ran after it to get a closer look

Submitted by: Evan Northrop

Hawally, black 7 my amartment

It was 7 am in the morning and I had a holiday and my perents where at work. I woke up and heard some weird bangs in my living room and I did think anything of it until I saw a tall shadow on the floor in the hallway approaching me I then saw this 9ft tall thing leaning on the door frame his body was also curved bc he wouldn't even fit the hight of the hall way, I stared at him for what felt like 5 min (bare in mind in still in bed and didn't move bc I was obv scared) then the figure ran back to the living room in less than a sec I heard the light switch of the living room turn on and heard the door getting shut closed also i would like to mention my family doesn't turn on the light in the morning bc we have a huge window that let's light in. After that I obv called my perents. Later that night something else had happened that I will talk about in another story

Submitted by: Hussein Hakim

Haifa, hativat carmeli street

Every night I can hear footsteps in my house and even in my room and next to my bed. We have very creaky floors in my house and you can hear evey step, and at night I can hear like someone is walking around. You get used to the foot's but it's still creepy. It can't be one of my family members because I sleep with the door closed and I would hear them opening the door. There was one time in which I heard my dad call me to wake up like he usually does, I woke up, and there was no one in the house. I woke up at around 9:00 and my dad left for work at 7:00

Submitted by: Luisa

João Pessoa

When I was a teenager and on vacation, I used to enjoy spending the nights on the balcony, listening to music, and watching the night sky. I would gaze at the stars, trying to recognize their patterns for the following night, and so it went on. One time, as dawn was breaking, something caught my attention: I noticed that one of the stars was moving rapidly, whereas it had been stationary before. It didn't flicker or emit light; it was a steady glow. It moved toward the horizon faster and faster until I could no longer see it. I never could explain exactly what I had witnessed.

Submitted by: Ri

Des Moines, WA 98198

My boyfriend and I found a drawing of a crying girl with a desperate message asking for help, sitting in our silverware drawer. This was very odd since we were fully settled in. Strange things started to happen after that: doors seemed blocked from the other side, as if someone was leaning heavily against them, and phantom figures appeared and harassed us, especially what looked like a disembodied crocodile claw that would scamper around and run “under” our bed though we were sleeping on a mattress on the floor at the time. These unnerving events drove us to stay with friends for a while. When I returned, I found a weird stick with crosses and circles marked on it. After breaking it and throwing it away, the bizarre activities stopped. We left the apartment at the end of our lease, still puzzled by the whole experience. We never got any answers.

Submitted by: Grace

Lagoa da Prata, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Olá, primeiramente gostaria de dizer que não sou nenhuma professora de português e tenho um bebe em casa. Então, erros vão existir. Vou dar um contexto ao que aconteceu, senão a história vai fazer menos sentindo do que já faz. Eu trabalhei minha adolescência quase toda para o advogado da minha família. Então acabamos por nos tornar amigos e mesmo depois de sair do emprego e seguir a vida ele sempre que precisava e eu podia, o ajudava com as coisas do escritório, pois foram quase 6 anos fazendo as coisas e eu já sabia como ele gostava de organizar tudo. Então um dia ele me ligou e perguntou se eu podia ajudar ele com a mudança do escritório. Me explicou que se mudaria para a sala da frente da galeria PARIS, que lá era mais barato e mais acessível que no prédio onde ele estava. Eu concordei pois não estava trabalhando aquela semana. No mesmo dia peguei a chave e já fui dar uma olhada na nova sala. Quando cheguei lá estava cheia de poeira e uma placa de imobiliária abandonada que aparentemente já estava lá a no mínimo uns 2 anos pela sujeira. A galeria de salas ficava ao lado do prédio onde funcionava o fórum de justiça da cidade, eles usavam lá como depósito de processos arquivados e algumas salas como defensoria pública, eu já tinha ido lá algumas vezes ajudar a procurar casos arquivados. Cidade pequena tem dessas coisas, se você precisa, você que procure. Então já estava familiarizada com o prédio. No outro dia passei a tarde toda limpando o que dava na sala, tirei a poeira, a placa abandonada e levei o resto dos produtos de limpeza que eu ia usar para lavar o espaço. Era uma sala em L. Recepção, sala principal e uma copa com banheiro. Uma parte de frente para a rua e a outra para dentro do prédio. Foram dias fazendo arrumações, peguei a chave com a senhora que fazia a limpeza, conversei bastante com ela sobre a história da galeria, que era um dos prédios mais antigos da cidade. A galeria paris foi construída por uma família rica da região, então lá foi um lar que foi abandonado por muitos anos, até que nós anos 70 um médio comprou e fez dali o primeiro hospital da cidade que funcionou até 1993. Eu sabia de toda a história, conhecia partes do prédio que pouca gente tinha acesso por causa do emprego com o advogado e das amizades que fiz no fórum. Passei dias organizando as prateleiras livros e arquivos, algumas dias saia da galeria as 23:00 ou as vezes até mais tarde. Nunca, absolutamente nunca tinha notado oi visto algo estranho. Pelo contrário ali tinha uma paz absurda, era silencioso. Então passaram-se alguns dias e tudo ficou pronto. Eu voltei ao meu trabalho habitual e o amigo foi para sua nova sala. Então chegou o feriado do feriado prolongado e meu advogado/amigo pediu novamente para cuidar do escritório. Eu não tinha trabalho naquela semana, pensei por que não? Eu seria paga pelos dias, de quinta-feira a quarta-feira da próxima semana, ficaria na tranquilidade da sala, poderia fazer alguns trabalhos da faculdade e ainda ganhar uns trocos. Meu erro foi ter aceitado. Mas se não fosse por esse erro eu não estaria aqui não é mesmo? Na quinta-feira eu fiquei a tarde toda sem fazer nada, assisti um filme e conversei com o assistente de outros advogados que trabalhavam no prédio, o dia foi muito tranquilo, tanto que pro outro dia, sexta-feira, eu ia baixar um editor de vídeos para ter o que fazer na segunda feira. Na sexta cheguei as 9:00 manhã e comecei a baixar o arquivo, que por ser muito pesado e o notebook ser ruim, levou uma eternidade. Sai para almoçar e voltei as 14:00 e o arquivo tinha se corrompido e tive que começar tudo outra vez. Passaram-se mais algumas horas e a tranquilidade tinha tomado o prédio. Todas as outras pessoas já tinha ido embora, já eram 18:20 quando o arquivo baixou. Internet ruim, PC ruim, coisa boa n ia dar. Minhas coisas já estavam organizadas na mesa para que eu fosse embora também, mas decidi ficar e terminar de instalar o editor. Fiquei conversando com uns amigos no WhatsApp e vendo alguns vídeos no YouTube. O ar condicionado já tinha sido desligado, mas a sala ainda estava fria, com uma temperatura agradável. Então quando eram 19:40, eu escutei as portas do prédio dilatando pela temperatura ter mudado, o dia estava quente, quando o sol baixou as portas de madeira fizeram barulho. Eu não liguei, por ter morado em casa antiga minha vida toda eu sabia dos barulhos da madeira. Então o som da madeira ecoou por todo prédio e pareceu parar na porta dos fundos que dava para o corredor principal de dentro do prédio. Eu estranhei, mas achei que podia ser alguém lá dentro arrumando alguma coisa. Mas do nada a sala que estava fresca pareceu aquecer, como se eu estivesse no meio de muita gente. Foi quando começou. Eu ouvia barulhos de todos os lados, como se tivessem coisas sendo arrastadas, jogadas, balançada. Eu não conseguia identificar de onde vinha o som, porque vinha de todos os lados. Minha única reação foi olhar para a porta dos fundos e dizer “ eu não quero te ver!” disse isso várias vezes alto enquanto tentava pegar minhas coisas no mesa para sair. O barulho não parava, eu tremia muito e ficou difícil pegar a chave para sair. Eu tentei achar lógica no som, mas se alguma coisa tivesse caído, ia parar. Se estivessem arrastando também ia parar. A porta balançava levemente, como se quisesse abrir e eu não conseguia tirar o olho da maçaneta, eu já estava aturdida com tanto barulho, quando consegui passar pela recepção, ainda olhando pelo vidro para a porta que ainda balançava com o barulho, eu mal conseguia andar nesse momento. Quando finalmente alcancei a porta de saída, eu tremia tanto que perdi meu chinelo lá dentro. A chave de saída era uma chave de 4 encaixes, nunca foi tão desesperador colocar uma chave na fechadura e ainda olhando para o fundo da sala, sem chinelo, sem alma e de costas para a saída. Quando finalmente abri a porta e saí de dentro do prédio, busquei meu chinelo com a pontinha dos dedos e puxei a porta com tanta força que quase quebrei os vidros. O que me matou um pouco, foi que assim que eu saí para rua e tranquei a porta, do mesmo jeito que os barulhos começaram, eles se foram. Como se a madeira das portas do interior do prédio tivesse voltado a se encolher. Fiquei alguns segundos parada na porta olhando pra dentro apavorada e sem reação pelo que tinha acontecido. Eu não sabia se chorava, se chamava por ajuda, só fiquei ali, tremendo e olhando. Hipnotizada. Até que um homem que estava esperando a esposa no carro saí e perguntou se eu estava bem. Perguntei a ele se tinha muito tempo que estava lá, se tinha ouvido alguma coisa, se tinha visto alguém entrar no prédio. Ele me disse que estava lá a 30 minutos e que nem pessoas passando na rua tinha. Eu ainda fiquei por um tempo olhando a porta pensando se voltava lá dentro para desligar o computador. Bem, ele ficou o final de semana todo ligado. E eu sem saber se teria coragem de voltar na segunda. Na segunda-feira, tirei coragem do fundo e voltei, foi quando fiquei mesmo obcecada pelo que tinha acontecido na sexta, perguntei a todos se eles tinha entrado no prédio, fui atrás de entender o que aconteceu. Foi quando descobri outras coisas das quais eu não tinha reparado antes. Quando fui limpar a sala conversei por um bom tempo com a senhora da limpeza. Ela me entregou a chave e nunca mais pegou. Primeiro que o prédio não tinha ninguém trabalhando na limpeza geral. Até hoje me pergunto com quem conversei todo aquele tempo. Fiquei paranoica a semana toda, o advogado riu muito quando contei o que tinha acontecido, falei pra ele que eu nunca mais ficaria lá, que se um dia ele se mudasse outra vez que conversaríamos sobre, mas ali não. Passaram se mais alguns dias, depois de eu escutar tantas histórias de coisas estranhas da galeria paris, o advogado precisou ir ao escritório a noite pata imprimir alguns documentos. Então ele teve a prova de que as vezes rir do que não se conhece é uma forma de atrair pra você. Ele literalmente escutou as mesmas coisas que eu. Mas diferente de mim saiu logo correndo. Eu ainda fui trouxa de tentar racionalizar o que não se pode explicar. A galeria foi demolida a uns 3 anos, e eu me pergunto... Será que quem ou o que me aterrorizou naquele dia conseguiu achar paz ou só está esperando que outro prédio seja construído ali?? Translation: Hello, first I would like to say that I am not a Portuguese teacher and I have a baby at home. So, errors will exist. I'm going to give a context to what happened, otherwise the story will make less sense than it already does. I worked almost all of my adolescence for my family's lawyer. So we ended up becoming friends and even after leaving my job and moving on with my life, whenever I needed it and I could, I helped him with things at the office, as it had been almost 6 years of doing things and I already knew how he liked to organize all. Then one day he called me and asked if I could help him move his office. He explained to me that he would move to the front room of the PARIS gallery, which was cheaper and more accessible than in the building where he was. I agreed because I wasn't working that week. The same day I got the key and went to take a look at the new room. When I got there it was full of dust and an abandoned real estate sign that apparently had been there for at least 2 years due to the dirt. The gallery of rooms was next to the building where the city's justice forum was located, they used it as a depository for cold cases and some rooms as a public defender's office, I had already gone there a few times to help look for cold cases. Small towns have these things, if you need them, you have to look for them. So I was already familiar with the building. The other day I spent the whole afternoon cleaning what was in the room, I removed the dust, the abandoned plaque and took the rest of the cleaning products that I was going to use to wash the space. It was an L-shaped room. Reception, main room and a pantry with bathroom. One part faces the street and the other faces the building. We spent days cleaning up, I got the key from the lady who cleaned, I talked to her a lot about the history of the gallery, which was one of the oldest buildings in the city. The Paris gallery was built by a rich family in the region, so it was a home that was abandoned for many years, until in the 70s a middle man bought it and built it into the city's first hospital, which operated until 1993. I knew all about it. history, I knew parts of the building that few people had access to because of my job with the lawyer and the friendships I made at the forum. I spent days organizing the books and files shelves, some days I left the gallery at 11pm or sometimes even later. I had never, absolutely never noticed or seen anything strange. On the contrary, there was an absurd peace there, it was silent. Then a few days passed and everything was ready. I went back to my usual work and the friend went to his new room. Then the long weekend arrived and my lawyer/friend asked me again to take care of the office. I didn't have work that week, I thought why not? I would be paid for the days, from Thursday to Wednesday of the next week, I would be in the tranquility of the room, I could do some college work and still earn some change. My mistake was accepting it. But if it weren't for that mistake, I wouldn't be here, right? On Thursday I spent the whole afternoon doing nothing, I watched a film and talked to the assistant of other lawyers who worked in the building, the day was very peaceful, so much so that the next day, Friday, I was going to download an editor of videos to have something to do on Monday. On Friday I arrived at 9:00 am and started downloading the file, which, because it was very heavy and the notebook was bad, took forever. I went out for lunch and came back at 2:00 pm and the file had gotten corrupted and I had to start all over again. A few more hours passed and tranquility had taken over the building. Everyone else had already left, it was already 6:20 pm when the file downloaded. Bad internet, bad PC, good things wouldn't happen. My things were already organized on the table for me to leave too, but I decided to stay and finish installing the editor. I chatted with some friends on WhatsApp and watched some videos on YouTube. The air conditioning had already been turned off, but the room was still cool, with a pleasant temperature. Then when it was 7:40 pm, I heard the doors of the building expanding due to the change in temperature, the day was hot, when the sun went down the wooden doors made noise. I didn't care, having lived in an old house my whole life, I knew about the noises made by the wood. Then the sound of wood echoed throughout the building and seemed to stop at the back door that led to the main hallway inside the building. I was surprised, but I thought it could be someone inside fixing something. But out of nowhere the room, which was cool, seemed to heat up, as if I were among a lot of people. That's when it started. I heard noises from all sides, as if things were being dragged, thrown, shaken. I couldn't identify where the sound was coming from, because it was coming from everywhere.My only reaction was to look at the back door and say “I don’t want to see you!” I said this several times out loud as I tried to grab my things from the table to leave. The noise didn't stop, I was shaking a lot and it was difficult to get the key to get out. I tried to find logic in the sound, but if anything had fallen, it would stop. If they were dragging it would also stop. The door was shaking slightly, as if it wanted to open and I couldn't take my eye off the handle, I was already stunned by so much noise, when I managed to get through reception, still looking through the glass at the door that was still shaking with the noise, I could barely manage to open it. walk at this moment. When I finally reached the exit door, I was shaking so much that I lost my slipper inside. The exit key was a 4-way key, it was never so desperate to put a key in the lock and still look at the back of the room, without slippers, without a soul and with my back to the exit. When I finally opened the door and left the building, I found my slipper with my fingertips and pulled the door with such force that I almost broke the glass. What killed me a little was that as soon as I went out into the street and locked the door, just as the noises started, they went away. As if the wood on the doors inside the building had shrunk again. I stood at the door for a few seconds looking inside, terrified and unresponsive to what had happened. I didn't know whether to cry or call for help, I just stood there, shaking and looking. Hypnotized. Until a man who was waiting for his wife in the car came out and asked if I was okay. I asked him if he had been there long, if he had heard anything, if he had seen anyone enter the building. He told me that he had been there 30 minutes and that there weren't even any people passing by on the street. I still looked at the door for a while wondering if I should go back inside to turn off the computer. Well, it was on all weekend. And I didn't know if I would have the courage to come back on Monday. On Monday, I got the courage to go back, that's when I really became obsessed with what had happened on Friday, I asked everyone if they had entered the building, I tried to understand what happened. That's when I discovered other things that I hadn't noticed before. When I went to clean the room, I talked to the cleaning lady for a long time. She handed me the key and never took it back. Firstly, the building had no one working on general cleaning. To this day I wonder who I talked to all that time. I was paranoid all week, the lawyer laughed a lot when I told him what had happened, I told him that I would never stay there again, that if one day he moved again that we would talk about it, but not there. A few more days passed, after I heard so many stories of strange things from the Paris gallery, the lawyer had to go to the office at night to print some documents. So he had proof that sometimes laughing at what you don't know is a way of attracting you. He literally heard the same things I did. But unlike me, he quickly ran away. I was still stupid trying to rationalize what cannot be explained. The gallery was demolished about 3 years ago, and I wonder... Has whoever or whatever terrorized me that day managed to find peace or is they just waiting for another building to be built there??

Submitted by: Adriely Oliveira

Santa Maria, Brasilia - Federal District, Brazil

O ano era 2006, entre os meses de maio e junho. Eu era militar da Marinha do Brasil e na época, estava em período de formação militar na Organização Militar (OM) CIAB (Centro de Instrução e Adestramento de Brasília). Lembro-me de estar em serviço de pernoite nesta OM, num dia de sábado para domingo. Nesse dia, o serviço do qual fui incumbido era de guarita, numa localidade da OM conhecida como Posto Sul. O serviço era armado (FAL 7,62mm). Com 2h de posto e 4h de descanso. O Posto Sul era uma guarita que ficava numa das extremidades mais isoladas da OM. Essa guarita tinha 3 andares, onde no andar do topo, havia um holofote. Que deveria ser aceso de 30 em 30min nos períodos noturnos. No andar do meio, havia um interfone para comunicação com a Sala de Estado (onde ficava o Sargento responsável por toda a equipe de serviço). O interfone também deveria ser acionado de 30 em 30min. Entre 03h e 04h da madrugada de domingo, eu estava no Posto Sul, escuro, frio, cheio de mosquitos e morcegos. Porém, eu estava bem agasalhado e a farda me protegia bem contra o frio e insetos. O fuzil estava em minhas costas, preso pela bandoleira. Em uma das vezes em que precisei acionar o holofote do topo da guarita, por volta de 03-03h30 da madrugada, visualizei vários pontos de luz, distantes, no céu. Dispostos como se fossem fogos de artifício, porém não eram fogos. Pois as luzes ficavam fixas no céu, surgiram do nada e ficavam mudando de cor. Além de eu não ter escutado nenhum barulho, a localidade onde as luzes estavam, era muito erma. A cidade mais próxima na direção das luzes no céu, não era vista num raio superior a 50 km. Então concluí que aquelas luzes eram algo bizarro e desconhecido. As luzes começaram azuladas, depois ficaram verdes, vermelhas e estavam fixas no céu. Eu fiquei paralisado olhando tudo aquilo, com o fuzil nas costas. O estranho fenômeno das luzes foi parando aos poucos, até sumir de vez no céu. Acendi o holofote conforme procedimento, desliguei e acionei o interfone. Sem relatar a respeito das luzes que vi mais cedo. Em seguida, peguei o celular e liguei para a minha casa. Meu pai atendeu e falei a ele que tinha visto algo muito bizarro e que contaria a ele quando chegasse em casa. E este foi o relato sobre o incidente mais bizarro de minha vida. Translation: The year was 2006, between the months of May and June. I was a soldier in the Brazilian Navy and at the time, I was undergoing military training at the Military Organization (OM) CIAB (Brasília Instruction and Training Center). I remember being on overnight duty at this OM, on a Saturday to Sunday day. On that day, the service I was assigned to was guarding, in a location in the OM known as Posto Sul. The service was armed (FAL 7.62mm). With 2 hours on duty and 4 hours off. The South Post was a guardhouse located at one of the most isolated ends of the OM. This guardhouse had 3 floors, where on the top floor there was a searchlight. It should be lit every 30 minutes at night. On the middle floor, there was an intercom for communication with the State Room (where the Sergeant responsible for the entire service team was located). The intercom should also be activated every 30 minutes. Between 3am and 4am on Sunday morning, I was at Posto Sul, dark, cold, full of mosquitoes and bats. However, I was well dressed and the uniform protected me well against the cold and insects. The rifle was on my back, held by the shoulder strap. One of the times I needed to activate the searchlight at the top of the guardhouse, around 3-3:30 am, I saw several points of light, far away, in the sky. Arranged as if they were fireworks, but they weren't fireworks. Because the lights were fixed in the sky, they appeared out of nowhere and kept changing color. In addition to not having heard any noise, the location where the lights were was very deserted. The closest city in the direction of the lights in the sky was not visible within a radius of more than 50 km. So I concluded that those lights were something bizarre and unknown. The lights started out blue, then turned green, red and were fixed in the sky. I was paralyzed looking at all that, with the rifle on my back. The strange phenomenon of lights gradually stopped, until it disappeared once and for all in the sky. I turned on the spotlight as per procedure, turned it off and activated the intercom. Without reporting about the lights I saw earlier. Then I picked up my cell phone and called my house. My father answered and I told him that I had seen something very bizarre and that I would tell him when I got home. And this was the account of the most bizarre incident of my life.

Submitted by: O Marujo

Guayaquil, Ecuador

I lived in this house for over 18 years. During my time in this house I have seen poltergeist activity, strange shadows, closet doors have broken, have heard strange knockings on the roof and many cleaning personal have reported that they feel strange inside of the house. It must be noted that my great great grandpa suffered a terrible accident and his funeral was held at the house with some of his remains.

Submitted by: Eduardo Espinoza

Alameda, CA 94501

I do Apologize but I dont remember exact date but I was staying on a boyscout trip on the hornet and got the full experience serving food to the guests of course and getting to fly in the sanctioned government flight test simulator...it was pretty awesome, now when the weirdness starts happening is when we go to sleep, my mothers boyfriend swears he heard me call his sons name in the middle of the night...low and behold we found out next day that we stayed in the most haunted part of the ship...where they kept the medical patients. Who knows, someone named ryann back in the heyday was in some trouble

Submitted by: Matthew

Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

As always, I sleep in my room next to my mother's, that day for some reason I decide to go to sleep in her room, double bed, my parents are separated and only she and I sleep at home. Before going to bed we checked everything for safety. Her bed is facing the bedroom door that is facing the kitchen door. I remember that at dawn I woke up very scared, I looked at the top door of the kitchen and it was open, and there was an apparently strong man in an orange shirt. At the same moment I covered myself again super scared and ended up falling asleep. The other day, I asked my mother if she realised if the door was open as soon as she woke up, she said no. When I went to look at the window of my room there were knife scratches in the wood

Submitted by: Loui

Goiânia, State of Goiás, Brazil

Encontrei uma Deusa grega chamada...Bekah a mais linda dentre todas as Deusas q ja passou por esse misero planeta, fui encantado pela sua beleza e seu humor...sera q ela um dia me levara para conhecer o céu? Espero q sim Translated: I found a Greek Goddess called...Bekah, the most beautiful of all the Goddesses who have ever passed through this miserable planet, I was enchanted by her beauty and her humor...will she one day take me to see heaven? I hope so

Submitted by: Erick

Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Estávamos eu e um colega no trabalho conversando e em um determinado momento, esse meu amigo olhou para o céu e apontou para um ponto especifico e me perguntou o que era aquilo. O que vimos era varias luzes, parecendo satélites, saindo de dentro de uma nuvem. Como o céu estava parcialmente limpo e não vimos o trajeto completo dessas luzes, descartamos a hipótese de satélites ou até mesmo a STARLINK. Aquelas luzes realmente estavam saindo de dentro daquela nuvem isolada. Bom, foram 5 luzes ao todo e conseguimos filmar 2 delas. Pouco tempo depois acompanhando as mesmas, elas sumiram.

Submitted by: Mari

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

I was living in a house that was about 100 years old, built in the early 1900’s. One day I was reading in one of the bedrooms, and I had the window open. It was an old semi-circular stained glass window that latched at the top, and you would push the top open. When I finished reading, I closed the window and left the room, shutting the door behind me. The door had a door handle that you push down to open the door. About 10-15 minutes later, I distinctly heard the door handle push down, click, and the door creaked open. Feeling a draft, I went over and saw that the window in the room was open. That was a bit creepy, but could be written off …I mean, hearing the door handle was odd, but…however, not long after, I was hanging out in the living room of that house, which was separated from the kitchen with a wall (no doors, open on both sides). I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard the loudest crashes and bangs coming from the kitchen. It sounded like every pot and pan in there had just crashed to the floor. Obviously I rushed in to see what had happened….and nothing had changed. Everything was in it’s rightful place. I could not get out of there fast enough! I was thoroughly freaked out. That sound could not be imagined. James Bay in Victoria is rich in ghost stories, I hope more people from there share their experiences on this site!

Submitted by: ALC

Clark Mills, New York, U.S.

Over many years, stories have been told about this area. Many local people report seeing objects in the sky, weird noises in the woods, isolated branches moving seemingly on their own, and the feeling of chasing someone or being chased with no one else around. On this night, my then girlfriend (22f) and I (23m) were just hanging out at this baseball field, stone sober, just spending time together at night. This was a clear, warm night with a bright full moon just above the tree line behind home plate. She and I we walking around the infield and began to walk into the outfield. The moonlight created a perfect line between the infield and outfield, lighting the outfield perfectly. As we walk into the moonlight, we notice a figure, appearing to be wearing a black hoodie and khaki shorts, leaning in the fence facing us. I yell to the figure, thinking it was a friend of mine, "Tom? Is that you Tom? Who is that? Who are you?... Hello?" As I get closer. Around 20 yards away, the gf stops and freezes. I approached closer to be about 10 yards away. I stop for a brief moment and just stare straight at this figure. The face was completely dark, showing minimal features. All that was distinguishable was what appeared to be the head larger on top, coming down to a rounded point at the bottom, and a small, pointed, beak-like nose. After that moment of panic and confusion, the gf called my name to snap me out of it. I backed up to her, keeping my eyes fixed on the figure. Once she and I were together again, we linked arms, went back to back, and got out of there. But, as we locked arms and began to turn, we witnessed this figure disappear, leaving only what we first assumed were the shorts, but then looked like a light colored sign hanging on the fence. After this, one or both of us had our eyes fixated on this as long as we could as we continued out of there with switching back and forth to keep our eyes on this things and watch where we were going. Once we left the woods, we hurried back to the car and we were silent for 15 mins on the way home. As soon as we get home, we tell our friends while it's fresh in our minds, literally shaking and struggling to form words out of fear. So the next night around the same time (around 10 pm), our 3 other friends went back to the baseball field. They sat and watched for an hour or after it got dark, then as the moon was in a similar point in the sky (it was another clear night), one of them went and stood in the same area. He wore a black hoodie with the hood up and stood there in different ways to try to hide his face. The other friends could see every facial feature of his face as soon as the stepped into the outfield. To be clear, this was a very frequent hang out spot for many of us our whole lives. Never has there been a sign on this fence, before or after this event. This is a small town, I spent my entire life intimately involved in the community growing up with highly active first responder parents and myself becoming a first responder for at least 7 yrs before this. It's very unlikely this could've been anyone from the community who I wouldn't recognize or who wouldn't recognize me.

Submitted by: Dan Verminski

Ouro Preto, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Quando fui conhecer a cidade histórica de ouro preto, senti a energia da cidade muito pesada. Era uma cidade que vivia da escravidão e extração de ouro. Quando fui conhecer uma mina desativada de ouro, o guia ouviu vozes. Já no hotel que eu estava era um residência do período colonial, lá tive varias experiências sobrenatural. Primeira foi um vulto branco passando de um lado para o outro, com medo me cobri e tentei dormir, com isso senti calor e liguei o ventilador, cai no sono e estante depois acordei assustado e suado e quando olhei o ventilador estava desligado, achei estranho e pensando se eu tinha ligado em sonhos ou não. No dia seguinte tive outra visita noturna, dessa vez vi um fantasma, abaixado no pé da cama, parecia um fantasma de algum escravo, ele era esquelético dava para ver pela luz e entrava no quarto pelas frestas da porta. Depois dessas experiências assustadoras resolvi ir embora no dia seguinte. When I went to visit the historic city of Ouro Preto, I felt the energy of the city was very heavy. It was a city that lived off slavery and gold extraction. When I went to visit a deactivated gold mine, the guide heard voices. The hotel I was in was a colonial period residence, there I had several supernatural experiences. First it was a white figure passing from one side to the other, I was scared and tried to sleep, so I felt hot and turned on the fan, I fell asleep and then I woke up scared and sweaty and when I looked the fan was off, I thought it was strange and wondering if I had called in dreams or not. The next day I had another nocturnal visit, this time I saw a ghost, crouched at the foot of the bed, it looked like the ghost of a slave, it was skeletal and you could see it in the light and it entered the room through the cracks in the door. After these frightening experiences I decided to leave the next day.

Submitted by: Randdy