Most Recent Stories
Twelve years ago, there was a mysterious death in my city. Five men were drinking and talking in the same place at around 10 pm under a tree. There was a huge fight, and they threatened each other. On the following day, one of them was found dead. He had no eyes and no tongue, but what killed him was a gunshot. The weapon was never found. This case was never solved, and in the following years all the other four guys were also mysteriously murdered by the same caliber as the first one.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Havia um anjo caído ao qual se manifestou a partir de um sonho meu para um futuro que se concretizou. O sonho ocorreu em meados de 2015, como uma experiência de sonho lúcido. Senti como se alguma entidade quisesse me mostrar algo... Um vulto flutuava por minha rua, aparecendo por várias casas e causando pânico na vizinhança. Ele sobrevoa até chegar a casa ao lado, onde se manifesta no sonho de um indivíduo, causando uma paralisia do sono. Ele acorda aos gritos. Após um tempo, em uma casa abandonada próximo a minha, vários irmãos de luz se manifestam, entoando um cântico que se pode ouvir à distância. Após esse sonho segui minha vida, até que pelo segundo semestre de 2017 de fato tudo acontece como no sonho. Escuto os sons dos gritos seguido pelos cantos e pelas lembranças do sonho tenho plena ciência do que está acontecendo.
There was a fallen angel who manifested from a dream of mine for a future that came true. The dream occurred in mid-2015, as a lucid dream experience. I felt as if some entity wanted to show me something... A figure floated down my street, appearing through several houses and causing panic in the neighborhood. It flies over until it reaches the house next door, where it manifests itself in an individual's dream, causing sleep paralysis. He wakes up screaming. After a while, in an abandoned house close to mine, several brothers of light manifested themselves, singing a song that could be heard from a distance. After this dream I continued my life, until in the second half of 2017 everything actually happened as in the dream. I hear the sounds of screams followed by singing and through the memories of the dream I am fully aware of what is happening.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Eagle vision
Little Earth
Jan 2021
I saw a vision of a giant bald eagle sitting above and guarding a homeless camp supported by the Red Lake Nation.
Submitted by: Kevin
Pale Old Man Creature
Blumenau, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Havia conhecido recentemente um rapaz, e resolvemos nos encontrarmos na casa dele, chegando lá senti uma energia pesada no momento em que botei os meus pés na porta da casa dele, a energia do local era pesada assim como um ambiente de frio anormal. Na hora de ir embora, ele fez questão que eu ficasse com ele aquela noite, acabei cedendo mesmo querendo ir embora, na hora de dormir eu simplesmente não conseguia pegar no sono, como se algo me observasse e a todo momento estivesse desconfortável, quando finalmente peguei no sono, tive uma paralisia do sono, abri meus olhos e no canto da parede havia uma criatura que se assemelhava a um velho pálido com dentes pontiagudos olhando pra mim, não conseguia me mexer e nem a gritar, enquanto aquela forma estranha começava a sorrir pra mim. De alguma maneira consegui me mexer e a gritar, o rapaz do meu lado acordou sem entender nada, e logo fui embora. No decorrer dos dias, tive outras paralisias do sono durante aquela semana em minha casa, situação que nunca havia ocorrido antes, havia passado um tempo cerca de 2 meses que não conversava mais com o carinha que eu tinha saído, portanto resolvi abrir o jogo sobre o que realmente aconteceu naquele dia, eu contei t. udo para ele, e no final ele me disse que nas semanas que se passaram enquanto morou naquele lugar, ele sempre se sentia observado, além de acordar subitamente durante as madrugadas como se algo o puxasse."I had recently met a guy, and we decided to meet at his house. When I got there, I felt a heavy energy the moment I set foot in his door. The place's energy was heavy, like an abnormally cold atmosphere. When it was time to leave, he insisted that I stay with him that night. I ended up giving in, even though I wanted to leave. When it was time to sleep, I simply couldn't fall asleep, as if something was watching me and I was uncomfortable the whole time. When I finally fell asleep, I experienced sleep paralysis. I opened my eyes, and in the corner of the wall, there was a creature resembling a pale old man with sharp teeth looking at me. I couldn't move or scream, while that strange form began to smile at me. Somehow, I managed to move and scream. The guy next to me woke up, not understanding anything, and soon after, I left. Over the following days, I had other sleep paralysis episodes that week in my house, a situation that had never occurred before. It had been about 2 months since I had stopped talking to the guy I had gone out with. So, I decided to tell him what really happened that day. I told him everything, and in the end, he told me that in the weeks he lived in that place, he always felt watched, and would suddenly wake up during the early hours as if something was pulling him."
Submitted by: Luiz
Faceless Person
Zborovská, Ostrava, Czechia
For the past 3 days (8.1. - 11.1.2024) I've been seeing or meeting this one person, when I am coming back home from work, that doesn't seem to have a face of any sorts. It seems like you are in a game and the person is nor rendering correctly until you get closer to it. So for the past few days that I keep bumping into this person I have so much bad luck. The guy is not tall nor there is anything special about him except his face until I pass him by and when I get into his close proximity his face appears out of the blue. He has this weird gaze and be doesn't seem to blink. This has never happened to me before with any person before. I may be tired or the lights may be playing tricks on me but it is weird that this keeps happening everyday for the past 3 days.
Submitted by: Thaums
Lundar Highschool
Lundar, Manitoba, Canada
In 1999, a student was found dead upstairs in Lundar Highschool no one knows how or what happened the person collapsed all they know is that its a strange occurrence. staff now often hear noise coming from upstairs or piano playing random after school hours. many students believe that its a ghost but one student in particular that I interview said he seen something during a basketball tournament after school, the door to upstairs was unlocked and the student said he seen a figure that left him speechless. in the room where the piano is and where the student was found dead he opened the unlocked door and next thing he apparently seen was something standing near the window of the room he said it was looking out the window then quickly vanished when it realized the player seen him its almost like the spirt of the student was trapped inside of the room wanting to escape, the player disregarded the tournament and just went home in fear of that moment he said it kept him up for nights. now im not sure if this is a ghost or maybe something else all i know that there is something there. today the upstairs is now locked off from all students there is a padlocks on the to upstairs
Submitted by: anonymous
Strange Object
João Pessoa, State of Paraíba, Brazil
In mid-2022, I was on the street with my sister and brother-in-law when, strangely out of nowhere, an odd object appeared. It had unusual lights and seemed quite blurry, despite not being very far away. It didn't resemble a drone or anything similar. I was impressed and startled by the sight. It was moving slowly and making strange sounds, almost as if it was trying to communicate or something of the sort. Quickly, I grabbed my phone to film it, but mysteriously, the recording came out completely interfered with, showing only a black screen without capturing any images. That was the strangest part, considering my phone was in perfect condition when I recorded. I believe the object might not have wanted to be filmed or documented.
Submitted by: L Silva
East Cuba Road
Ela Township, IL 60047
In 2011 I was taking East Cuba. (Not West Cuba the supposed haunted one) road home late one night from Lake Zurich to Buffalo Grove. I was listening to a song called Shivers by a band called Helia. Part of the song just repeats "Save us" over and over. As I was driving down the dark, streetlight-less road, that's also one lane, I realized it felt like it was taking much longer to get from the starting end of East Cuba Road, to the end. I got stuck in what I can best describe in a 'Glitch in the Matrix.' An 8 minute stretch of road turned into what felt like several hours and I began to panic. With the Helia song just repeating 'save us.' Over and over. Eventually by the saving grace, I saw the street light of safety in Long Grove and went home, confused about what just happened. Still to this day, this memory has bothered me because I was 17 and sober.
Submitted by: Aubrie
Extra-long Roadtrip
Arujá, State of São Paulo, Brazil
The route between São Paulo city and São José dos Campos city takes roughly 2 hours. In 12 October 19 a trip between the two cities took 4 hours and 30 minutes, without traffic jam, we didn't stop and travelled at the regular speed. Our 4g internet worked fine though the travel and our cellphones had good signal, but when we got to our destination we found out that our friends desperately called us due our delay. After that, I commented the fact with some people and losing time at Dutra is kinda common.
Submitted by: Jenny
“Miss Brasil” Timelapse
Lapso no tempo -Londrina
Eu tinha apenas 13 anos e estava com minha família em uma casa de uma colega da minha mãe, há mais ou menos 1:00/ 1:30 da minha casa.
Me lembro perfeitamente de estar assistindo "miss brasil" na TV, ao vivo.
Em um certo momento, minha me me chamou para irmos embora, e eu fiquei muito irritada, pois até chegar em casa, o concurso já teria acabado, por ser ao vivo.
Me lembro da última "cena" que vi na TV. O cantor descia umas escadas cantando e as miss nos degraus dançando.
Entrei no carro, meu pai ainda parou para abastecer e seguimos viagem. Fui "reclamando" o tempo todo por pensamentos, sobre perder o concurso que adorava assistir.
Ao chegarmos em casa, estava super triste, entrei no elevador e entramos em casa... Primeira coisa que fiz foi ligar a TV para pelo menos ver as notícias, no jornal após o concurso e saber quem tinha ganho.
Para minha surpresa, e da minha mãe que viu junto comigo, ao ligar a TV, 1HR E MEIA DEPOIS DE SAIRMOS, estava na mesma cena, no mesmo momento, mesma música, mesmos gestos que vimos ao deixar a casa da colega, com o símbolo do AO VIVO na TV.
Minha mãe ficou super assustada, mas achou que seria reprise, eu por não entender muito das coisas, só deitei no sofá e assisti perfeitamente todo o restante do concurso na TV.
Me lembro disso perfeitamente, pois não há nada que justifique isso.
"I was only 13 years old and was with my family at a friend of my mother's house, about 1:00/1:30 away from my home. I remember perfectly watching 'Miss Brasil' live on TV. At one point, my mother called us to leave, and I was very upset because by the time we got home, the pageant would have been over since it was live. I remember the last 'scene' I saw on TV. The singer was descending stairs singing, and the Miss contestants were dancing on the steps. I got into the car, my father even stopped to refuel, and we continued our journey. I was 'complaining' the whole time in my thoughts about missing the pageant I loved to watch. When we got home, I was very sad, I got into the elevator, and we entered the house... The first thing I did was turn on the TV to at least watch the news, in the newspaper after the pageant, and find out who had won. To my surprise, and my mother's, who saw it with me, when we turned on the TV, 1HR AND A HALF AFTER LEAVING, it was the same scene, at the same moment, the same music, the same gestures we saw when leaving my mother's friend's house, with the LIVE symbol on the TV. My mother was very frightened, but thought it might be a replay. I, not understanding much about these things, just lay on the sofa and perfectly watched the rest of the pageant on TV. I remember this perfectly because there's nothing that justifies it."
Submitted by: Julia
Alabama UFO
Hoover, Alabama
My mom was driving me home from the hospital late(brother was at UAB). On the right hand side, just over the trees was a triangle shaped thing with a red light on bottom and lights at the back. We were going fast and couldn’t stop, probably wouldn’t want to stop anyway. It was hovering and not blowing anything. Maybe an early drone? I dunno. My mom witnessed multiple weird UFOs. One large orb(I think she said 3’) followed her car for a long time on the way to FL. My step sister saw it too. They stopped at a hotel and it was outside the window. She saw some with my aunt and cousin in Talladega over a field. I don’t remember what she said they looked like. She has since passed.
Submitted by: Friend of the Forest
Big Cat
Silver Point.
I collect local stories. When I meet new people in the surrounding areas, I ask if they’ve had weird experiences in the woods. I was buying some poultry from a man in Silverpoint. When you see strange things, people think you’re crazy. So a lot of people don’t get to tell their stories. The surprised way his face lit up when I asked, I’ll always remember. I could tell he didn’t get to tell his stories to many people. His neighbor was losing pigs, so they decide to stake out what was taking them. They shot a big cat, but it wasn’t a cougar or bobcat. It was colored like a bobcat and had Sabre teeth. It was big, at least large cougar sized. Supposedly the neighbor kept the skull, but that was long ago. Obviously it would be bad to kill an extinct species, so they aren’t gonna talk about it. A common phrase around here is “shoot, shovel, shut up”. Now for the other story. When he was a kid, he and his family went hunting in a holler. They saw a young Bigfoot at a distance.
Submitted by: Friend of the Forest
RV Park Bigfoot
Middle TN
I spoke with a man who worked at an RV park locally. He found footprints at the covered picnic area, on the concrete(muddy footprints). This place has caves and a waterfall and extensive ATV trails in a holler that is difficult to get to on foot. I went to investigate and almost didn’t make it back before sunset. I underestimated the difficulty of the hike. There is a cave that they setup with lights and a solar panel. Mysteriously, “someone” crushed the solar panel with a rock… I guess they didn’t like lights or trespassers in their cave. Since then the holler was severely flooded, I hope they survived. I left a food offering after my hike, as payment for trespassing in their home. I don’t think I’ll be going back, it’s a very difficult hike. All down/up hill, very steep.
Submitted by: Friend of the Forest
Spectral Figure
Sulaymaniyah, Sulaymaniyah Governorate, Iraq
I have a bad time with my family so I slept on the floor in the living room I only had a warm blanket and a pillow a bit hard for the sleeping on, around 5am I woke up to sounds I thought was whispers, I didn't get up stayed touched my eyes because I couldn't see I was worried I was blind there was no electricity (common in the region at late times) I looked to my right there was a leg as if someone was sitting looking to the wall next to me only half a feet away if was black like if it was wearing clothes not black skin I didn't see feet I wanted to grab it I swung my hand at it but it got darker and there was nothing I grabbed my phone and and wanted to turn on the flashlight I swear to whatever is holy in this world a female looking kid around age of 17 maybe 18 (assuming because of hight,her body curves) ran to the couch side from the other side of the room , I didn't have time to turn on the flashlight of my phone I used the screen light to look there the was a female looking thing running towards it then I stand up used the flashlight of the phone there was nothing I saw my face reflection in the screen I got scared but then I realized it was the tv so I lied down but opened the curtains so light comes in I started to pray (Allah I seek you protection from evils of this world , Allah I surrender my body and soul to you and seek you protection, I witness Allah is the only god and Muhammad is Allah's prophet) my body felt like I was in ice I felt my heart pumping through every cell of my body and it was so fast as if I was running for long time then couches made sounds like when people sit on it I ran out my mom woke up I told her she said it's sleep paralysis and nightmares ((I'm Muslim 18 girl ) I don't do praying and I do believe that other beings exist except humans but I don't really care because I hate this world I really hate people,I had hallucinations in the past because of anxiety but I can tell the difference that wasn't hallucinations ) and Ill be setting a voice recording in the room tonight Im not gonna set cameras because in Islam those Ghosts are considered like humans they can think so I don't want them to hide maybe I can record the sounds at least
Submitted by: Kurda fatih
Hecate Delivers
São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil
Eu nasci no dia 13/08, data oficial de contemplação da Deusa Hécate. Minha vida inteira achei que seria apenas uma coincidência, mas de alguma forma sempre apareciam referências sobre está Deusa na minha vida. Certa noite antes de dormir eu disse " Hécate se minha data de nascimento tem alguma conexão forte contigo para minha devoção a ti, gostaria que colocasse uma pessoa na minha frente como sinal." Esta pessoa em específico, era um garoto que conheci em um aplicativo durante a pandemia. Porém ele morava em outro estado, no Paraná. Sabia que estava em São Paulo fazia 1 ano, mas não conversávamos mais faziam 3 anos. Então nem sequer sabia em que parte de São Paulo ele estava. Hécate é a Deusa dos caminhos, então achei válido pedir este sinal para ela. Fiz este pedido na terça-feira, e sábado quando fui ao shopping que ficava a 15 minutos da minha casa, este menino passou na minha frente na praça de alimentação. Translation: "I was born on August 13th, the official day of contemplation of the Goddess Hecate. My entire life I thought it was just a coincidence, but somehow references to this Goddess always appeared in my life. One night before sleeping, I said, 'Hecate, if my birth date has a strong connection with you for my devotion to you, I would like you to put a specific person in front of me as a sign.' This particular person was a boy I met on an app during the pandemic. However, he lived in another state, in Paraná. I knew he had been in São Paulo for a year, but we hadn't spoken for 3 years. So I didn't even know in which part of São Paulo he was. Hecate is the Goddess of crossroads, so I thought it was valid to ask her for this sign. I made this request on Tuesday, and on Saturday when I went to the mall that was 15 minutes from my house, this boy passed in front of me in the food court."
Submitted by: Agnes
Noisy Object
Conselheiro Mairinck, State of Paraná, Brazil
Bom, sou de Curitiba Paraná, minha namorada me chamou para ir viajar com os pais dela para conselheiro Mairinck, uma cidade de interior aqui do Paraná que tem um pouco mais de 3 mil habitantes, a casa/clube dos avós dela ficava um pouco afastado do centro da cidade, era aproximadamente 01 da madrugada em horário de Brasília, lá era um clube onde tinha um bar na frente, logo atrás tinha as piscinas e atrás das piscinas era a casa dos avós dela, saímos de madrugada para fumar e fomos até a frente do bar, o cachorro (Barão) estava com a gente, começamos a fumar e em +/- 2 ou 3 minutos escutamos algo passando na rua, vou chamar de objeto, porém o barulho veio de cima, se assustamos porém continuamos por que achei que era apenas algum bicho, em poucos segundos escutamos como se o objeto tivesse feito a volta e começou a sobrevoar em cima de nós, era um barulho alto e nada parecido com um bicho, ele estava claramente em cima de nós, o barão que estava com a gente se assustou e saiu correndo, ficamos assustados e fomos andando para a casa, a gente andava um pouco rápido e com as cabeças abaixadas com medo do barulho, enquanto a gente passava pelo local da piscina ele ficava em cima da gente nos acompanhando até que chegamos na casa, entramos fechamos a porta e deitamos, não conseguimos dormir a noite e no dia seguinte contamos o que houve para as pessoas e se passamos como loucos, eu lembro desse momento e me dá calafrios, pois foi a única vez que me aconteceu algo tão assustador. Translation: Well, I'm from Curitiba, Paraná. My girlfriend invited me to travel with her parents to Conselheiro Mairinck, a small town in Paraná with a little over 3,000 inhabitants. Her grandparents' house/club was a bit away from the city center. It was around 1:00 AM in Brasília time. There was a club with a bar at the front, swimming pools just behind, and her grandparents' house was behind the pools. We went out late at night to smoke in front of the bar. The dog (Barão) was with us. We started smoking, and in about 2 or 3 minutes, we heard something passing by on the street. I'll call it an object, but the noise came from above. We were startled but continued because I thought it was just some animal. In a few seconds, we heard as if the object had circled back and started to hover above us. It was a loud noise, nothing like an animal. It was clearly above us. Barão, who was with us, got scared and ran away. We were frightened and walked quickly to the house, heads down, scared of the noise. As we passed by the pool area, it kept hovering above us until we reached the house. We went inside, closed the door, and lay down. We couldn't sleep that night and the next day we told people what happened, but they thought we were crazy. I remember that moment and it gives me chills, as it was the only time something so scary happened to me.
Submitted by: Douglas Eduardo
People-shaped Orbs
Santa Cruz, Carolina, Puerto Rico
When I was just 6 or 7 years old, it was late at night, especially for a child, and I found myself awaiting my mother's arrival to pick me up from my grandmother's house. Sipping on some hot chocolate, I accidentally spilled it, prompting the need to venture out to the balcony for the mop and bucket. As I opened the door and stepped onto the balcony, an unexpected unease washed over me. Positioned on the second floor of the house, the balcony provided a clear view of the yard. The closer I got to the edge, the tighter my chest felt. Strangely, the mop and bucket were placed on the other side, away from the door, requiring me to traverse the entire balcony. Upon reaching the edge, my eyes widened as I witnessed large white orbs that bore an uncanny resemblance to people in shape. Glowing and moving with incredible speed, they circled the house. Startled, I dropped the mop and bucket, hastily retreating indoors. By this time, my mother had arrived and was irate that I hadn't cleaned the mess. Despite her attempts to drag me outside, sheer terror drove me to scream and kick until she relented and fetched the cleaning supplies herself. No anomalies were visible to her, and she accused me of merely avoiding the cleanup. Even after I'd tidied up, I adamantly refused to return the mop to the balcony. When she ventured out, she too saw nothing unusual. However, I still saw the glowing orbs lingering. The events following are a blur; by the time we reached the car, the peculiar sight had dissipated, lasting only about 10 minutes. While not my first or last eerie encounter at this address, this experience remained etched in my memory.
Submitted by: Virginia Cardona
Frightening Dognappers
Caraguatatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil
Me mudei com a minha família pra um terreno que nos venderam, não tínhamos vizinhos era tudo mato em volta, quando começamos a construir a casa do meu irmão eu dormia na casa com ele, das 01:00 pras 2:00 da madrugada o meu irmão já estava dormindo, quando eu começava a ouvir passos andando na cozinha do meu irmão, fui com a lanterna do celular ir ver qm era mas os passos simplesmente paravam, eu não conseguia mais dormir, mas quando era umas 5 horas da madrugada perto do celular do meu irmão tocar o alarme, eu ouvia os passos correndo pra longe, isso se repetiu até o dia q eu sai de lá, não sai de lá antes pq n queria deixar o meu irmão sozinho, e isso me perseguiu até quando fui morar na casa vizinha que era da minha mãe, já vi um cachorro sentado na escuridão do meu quintal, acendi a luz e o cachorro simplesmente sumiu, oq era impossível já que o quintal era cercado, quando eu ia dormir já na casa da minha mãe, alguém ficava assoviando e batendo palma na janela, até q um dia sentei na fogueira e conversei com a minha família sobre isso, foi aí então q descobri q eu não era o único a ter essas experiências aqui nesse terreno, a prima diz ter visto um cachorro preto q sumiu do nada igual ao que eu vi, minha tia q já era mais espiritualizada, diz q sentia uma presença ruim nesse local, essas aparições só pararam dps de muitos cultos e orações. Tem algum outros acontecimentos mas prefiro guardar pra mim. Translation: "I moved with my family to a plot of land that was sold to us. We had no neighbors; it was all wilderness around us. When we started building my brother's house, I would sleep there with him. From 1:00 to 2:00 a.m., when my brother was already asleep, I would start to hear footsteps walking in his kitchen. I went with my phone's flashlight to see who it was, but the footsteps simply stopped, and I couldn't sleep anymore. Around 5:00 a.m., just before my brother's phone alarm went off, I would hear the footsteps running away. This repeated until the day I left. I didn't leave earlier because I didn't want to leave my brother alone. This followed me even when I moved to the neighboring house, which belonged to my mother. I once saw a dog sitting in the darkness of my backyard; when I turned on the light, the dog simply vanished, which was impossible since the yard was fenced. When I was sleeping in my mother's house, someone would whistle and clap at the window. It wasn't until one day, sitting by the fire, talking with my family about this, that I discovered I wasn't the only one to have these experiences on this land. My cousin claims to have seen a black dog that disappeared just like the one I saw. My aunt, who is more spiritually inclined, says she felt a bad presence in this place. These apparitions only stopped after many worship services and prayers. There are other occurrences, but I prefer to keep them to myself."
Submitted by: Anselmo
Small Luminous Object
Porto Velho, State of Rondônia, Brazil
Isso aconteceu quando era a noite e eu ia escovar os dentes, coisa normal de toda a noite pelo menos era pra ser mais eu estava ouvindo meu gato correr, ele devia tá caçando algum bicho mas quando eu olhei não sei oque era mais era algo luminoso e em forma de bola era pequeno mais ou menos de 50 ou 30 centímetros, quando eu corri pra ver isso já tinha subido pro céu não sei ao certo. Translation: "This happened one night when I was going to brush my teeth, a normal routine, or at least it was supposed to be. I heard my cat running around, probably chasing some creature, but when I looked, I saw something I couldn't identify. It was luminous and ball-shaped, small, about 50 or 30 centimeters in diameter. When I ran to get a better look, it had already ascended into the sky, although I'm not sure exactly what it was."
Submitted by: Christian Rafael
Haunted Rental
Campina Grande, State of Paraíba, Brazil
Aluguei uma casa nas proximidades do atual Parque da Liberdade. Na casa ocorriam fenômenos inexplicáveis, luzes apagavam e acendiam sem explicação, durante a noite escutava sons de correntes pelo chão da casa, passos altos de pessoas e animais na parte de trás da casa, portas fechando sem ventania, objetos caindo e sendo lançados. Fiquei pouco tempo lá, porque era impossível permanecer morando nesse lugar. Translation: "I rented a house near the current Parque da Liberdade. In the house, unexplainable phenomena occurred: lights would turn off and on without explanation, during the night I heard the sounds of chains dragging across the floor, loud footsteps of people and animals in the back of the house, doors closing without any wind, objects falling and being thrown. I stayed there for a short time, as it was impossible to continue living in that place."
Submitted by: Braulio
The Angel in the Forest
Araruna, State of Paraná, Brazil
Esse relato não é meu. Encontrei-o enquanto caminhava pela floresta, em um dia atípico. Despertou em mim uma certa curiosidade, no momento em que o vi dentro de uma velha garrafa enterrada em parte na terra. A garrafa parecia antiga demais para nossos tempos, e velha demais para ter sido enterrada nos dias atuais. Eram notórios que o recipiente e seu conteúdo foram colocados ali cerca de cinquenta anos ou mais. Mesmo assim não dei muito valor à garrafa e à carta nos dias e anos que se passaram. Voltei a dar-lhes atenção depois de ter sido surpreendido por sonhos estranhos e outros acontecimentos no fim e início do ano. A carta intitulada “O anjo na floresta” fora encontrada por mim no dia 11 de março de 2020. O texto em escrita cursiva tinha o conteúdo da carta e as inicias P.A. no final. Eis a carta: “Naquela noite, enquanto eu caminhava pela antiga floresta, senti uma presença inexplicável ao meu redor. O vento sussurrava segredos antigos e os galhos das árvores pareciam se contorcer como se fossem mãos inquietas. Uma sensação arrepiante percorreu minha espinha, como se algo estivesse observando cada passo que eu dava. Tentei afastar os pensamentos, mas uma sombra indistinta se moveu à margem da minha visão. Meus passos se apressaram, o coração batendo descontroladamente, enquanto uma frieza gélida envolvia o ar. Tentei convencer a mim mesma de que era apenas a minha mente brincando comigo na escuridão da floresta, mas um presságio inexplicável me dizia o contrário. A sensação persistiu até que, de repente, uma luz brilhante e cegante cortou o céu noturno, dissipando a opressão do ambiente. Olhei para cima e vi algo que desafiava toda a lógica que conhecia. Uma figura etérea, com um brilho translúcido, pairava entre as árvores. Seus olhos emanavam uma luz suave, transmitindo uma paz inimaginável. A criatura parecia estar tentando me transmitir uma mensagem, uma sensação de serenidade misturada com um aviso solene. Aquela experiência mudou para sempre minha visão do mundo, deixando-me com mais perguntas do que respostas sobre o que é possível neste universo vasto e misterioso.” Tinha mesmo alguma coisa naquele lugar, que me trazia uma estranha sensação. Mas nada vi ou ouvi a não ser os sussurros comuns de uma velha floresta. Os próximos relatos que publicarei tratarão de eventos que aconteceram comigo, das coisas que vi e sonhei, além de mais cartas que encontrei. Translation: "This account is not mine. I found it while walking through the forest on an atypical day. It aroused a certain curiosity in me the moment I saw it inside an old bottle partially buried in the ground. The bottle seemed too old for our times, and too old to have been buried in recent days. It was evident that the container and its contents had been placed there about fifty years or more. Nevertheless, I didn't pay much attention to the bottle and the letter in the days and years that passed. I started paying attention to them again after being surprised by strange dreams and other occurrences at the end of the year and the beginning of the new one. The letter titled 'The Angel in the Forest' was found by me on March 11, 2020. The cursive handwriting contained the content of the letter and the initials P.A. at the end. Here is the letter: 'On that night, as I walked through the ancient forest, I felt an inexplicable presence around me. The wind whispered ancient secrets, and the branches of the trees seemed to twist like restless hands. A chilling sensation ran down my spine as if something was watching every step I took. I tried to dismiss the thoughts, but an indistinct shadow moved at the edge of my vision. My steps quickened, my heart racing uncontrollably, as a cold chill enveloped the air. I tried to convince myself it was just my mind playing tricks on me in the darkness of the forest, but an inexplicable omen told me otherwise. The sensation persisted until suddenly, a bright and blinding light cut through the night sky, dispelling the oppression of the environment. I looked up and saw something that defied all the logic I knew. An ethereal figure, with a translucent glow, hovered among the trees. Its eyes emitted a soft light, conveying an unimaginable peace. The creature seemed to be trying to convey a message to me, a feeling of serenity mixed with a solemn warning. That experience forever changed my view of the world, leaving me with more questions than answers about what is possible in this vast and mysterious universe.' There was indeed something in that place that brought me a strange sensation. But I saw or heard nothing except the common whispers of an old forest. The next accounts I will publish will be about events that happened to me, the things I saw and dreamed, and more letters I found."
Submitted by: RafaR
Eldorado, São José do Rio Preto, State of São Paulo, Brazil
Era uma noite dia de natal , no muro da casa do meu melhor amigo,vimos um ser parecido um anjo as asas dele cobria o corpo eu nunca me esqueci dele ,alguém já viu algo parecido Translation: "It was a Christmas night, on the wall of my best friend's house, we saw a being resembling an angel, its wings covering its body. I never forgot it. Has anyone ever seen something similar?"
Submitted by: Luiz Paulo Pinheiro Franco
Moving Star
Manaus , State of Amazonas, Brazil
A noite eu sempre gosto de ver as estrelas, apesar de ser na cidade da de ver algumas, mas teve uma vez que eu vi tipo uma estrela se movimentando, só que rápido eu chamei os meus familiares para ver, eles falaram que poderia ser um avião ou um drone, mas era muito alto para ser um dos dois, do nada o objeto brilhante pegou velocidade e sumiu. Translation: "At night, I always like to watch the stars, even though I'm in the city where only a few can be seen. But there was one time when I saw what looked like a star moving, only it was moving fast. I called my family members to see it, and they said it could be a plane or a drone, but it was too high to be either of those. Suddenly, the bright object picked up speed and disappeared."
Submitted by: Harumi
Scary Orange Beam
Umuarama, State of Paraná, Brazil
Quando eu tinha 14 anos, eu e meus primos estavamos brincando de esconde esconde na chácara onde minha tia morava Eis que estávamos no meio da mata fechada, uma escuridão total, passou um raio de luz, com um diâmetro sem explicação, clareou todo que estava na volta, uma Luz laranja, meio avermelhada, eu e meus primos saímos correndo de medo Depois disso, nunca mais falamos sobre o Assunto, crescemos, cada um foi pra um canto e não sei se eles se lembram disso também Translation: "When I was 14 years old, my cousins and I were playing hide and seek on the farm where my aunt lived. We were in the middle of the dense forest, in total darkness, when a beam of light, inexplicably wide, illuminated everything around us. It was an orange, somewhat reddish light. My cousins and I ran away in fear. After that, we never spoke about it again. We grew up, each went our separate ways, and I don't know if they remember it too."
Submitted by: Hebert
Telescope UFO
Jarinu, State of São Paulo, Brazil
havia comprado um telescópio eletrônico e ficava observando a lua e o universo a dentro, quando de repente eu com a lente que vê o universo profundo, algo extremamente rápido como um lazer vermelho passou em grande velocidade e piscando, estava minha namorada e eu no dia gravando pela tela do celular que estava conectado ao telescópio, após esse avistamento tive vários outros ao longo dos meses. isso ocorreu em Jarinu-SP no interior de são paulo proximo a Jundiaí. Translation: "I had bought an electronic telescope and was observing the moon and the universe within, when suddenly, with the lens that sees deep space, something extremely fast like a red laser passed by at great speed and blinking. My girlfriend and I were recording it on the cell phone screen connected to the telescope that day. After this sighting, I had several others over the months. This occurred in Jarinu-SP, in the interior of São Paulo, near Jundiaí."
Submitted by: riiicharper
Odd Light
Comunidade Gramadinho, Cidade de Nova Prata - RS
One day, my friend, my father, and I went fishing in a river well-known by the residents of Nova Prata, in the Gramadinho community. The river is quite small in this part of the stretch before it flows into the "Rio Sabia" in the city of Nova Bassano.
This river is known for hosting many "Jundiá" fish, a native species in our southern region. After enjoying a good wild boar meat dinner in the woods and setting up all the bait for the fish, we left the woods and headed to a familiar area with the intention of crossing a small bridge on the road and reaching the other side of the river, a spot we liked and where we always had a good catch.
As we left the forest, just my friend and I, we decided to light a cigarette and pause for a moment to observe the stars, which were very visible at that time, and take a break from the walk. My friend spotted something strange in the sky and quickly called me, saying, "Look! Look! That's weird." I, distracted and already hearing the plane passing by, said it was just a plane. But my friend quickly said, "No, not the plane, the other light!" pointing in a different direction. When I turned my head, I saw a bright white light, not very high, moving in a light zigzag, not too fast. I was somewhat incredulous, thinking it might be a satellite. However, the light stopped in the air just behind the house in front of us. At that moment, we looked at each other and said that we were seeing a UFO. The light remained still for about 1 minute, then shot up vertically and very fast. The sensation of seeing that was as if the light had crossed our atmosphere because as soon as it passed the ground, the light went out like a flash. This was the only time I was sure of what I saw, and to this day, we believe it was a spacecraft, as we've never seen anything similar again. We didn't have our phones with us at the time, considering it risky near the water at night, so we left them in the car. All we had was a knife, cigarettes, and flashlights.
Instagram: @zottisz
Submitted by: Cristian Menin Zottis
Multiplying Slippers
Chinelos duplicados
Quando eu tinha em torno de 4 ou 5 anos acontecia uma coisa meio boba mais um pouco estranha.
Era tipo assim quando eu saia pra fora de casa no quintal eu saia com meus dois chinelos no pé.Mas eu tirava eles para brincar e quando eu voltava tinha três chinelos iguais ou só um deles Eu sei q parece bobo mais parecia algo normal pra mim e eu N contava aos meus pais e tem horas q parece q isso foi um sonho e não realidade.
"When I was around 4 or 5 years old, something a bit silly but somewhat strange used to happen. It was like this: when I went out into the yard, I would be wearing my two slippers. But I took them off to play, and when I came back, there were either three identical slippers or just one of them. I know it seems silly, but it seemed normal to me, and I didn't tell my parents. Sometimes it feels like it was a dream and not reality."
Submitted by: Annimo
Auburn UFO
Auburn University
One night around 8pm I was attending the outdoor portion of my astronomy lab and calibrating the telescope. Most of the class was inside still finishing the pre work and my team members were focused on the settings of the telescope and not particularly paying attention to anything else. The campus was lit up though no lights were on our roof to help keep our vision adjusted and I glanced up to for a minute while the others finished setup.
I just barely noticed a shadow, darker than the rest of the night sky. It was moving quickly and silently in a straight line with no illumination of any sort. I cannot guess a size or distance as there was no details or range to compare it to, it was shaped like a smoothed boomerang with slight triangular stripes on the leading edge of the wing that were just a shade lighter than the rest of it. I thought about trying to point it out to the others but I could still barely see it and I doubted I could draw their attention to it in time before it passed us; besides I was sure it was something explainable and didn't want to be the UFO guy to them lol.
I love aerospace and aviation and I assumed I could find an explanation but the more I thought on it the more I failed to answer what it was with any conventual logic. I do not believe in extra-terrestrial visitors but my only actual guess is someone had flown a massive glider, fairly high up, in pitch black night, with no lights and with no where to launch from nearby. This infuriates me that I have never found an explanation, hopefully someone can solve this where I couldn't.
Submitted by: Auburn Student
Haunted Store
Bruna Leite
Olá vim compartilhar a experiência que tive no meu último emprego, algumas pessoas falam que eu sou sensitiva a presenças e eu acredito tbm … já aconteceu muitas coisas estranhas ao meu redor,e no local que eu trabalhava já vi e ouvi várias vezes coisas sobrenaturais… Mas hoje vou relatar a experiência em que eu vi , eu trabalhei em uma loja muito grande e famosa no Brasil de papelaria e material de escritório, vou descrever o local para melhor entendimento, uma loja dentro de um shopping muito grande com 11 corredores divididos com prateleiras, nesse dia o movimento tava super baixo com isso passo corredor por corredor pegando produtos para precificar, no meio tem um longo corredor que liga todos os 11, voltando por esse corredor eu com uma cestinha de compras passando por lá me lembro como se fosse hoje no corredor 7 na frente de um pilar uma figura que eu não consigo descrever achei que fosse um cliente abaixado de modo muito curvo e magro uma cor preta muito escuro e umas manchas brancas com um chapéu de palha porém preto , dei um passo pra frente e voltei pra perguntar se estava precisando de ajuda pois achava q era um cliente , quando eu voltei o vulto sumiu como o vento para trás da loja, uma coisa que eu nunca vou esquecer é essa cena alguns acreditam outros não , porém não era minha primeira experiência assim…história bônus: na loja aconteceu uma experiência no estoque de produtos confinados, estava eu pegando um produto e conferindo a data de validade de uma fita de impressora super tranquila … para ir neste confinado passava pela gerência onde não tinha ninguém eu experiente de casa nem acendi a luz da gerência … conferindo a data escuto uma batida como se alguém estivesse “batendo na porta ” :- tok… porém a batida foi em uma caixa de produto, continuei conferindo até aproxima batida : - tok nesse momento parei e fui na gerência verificar quem estava fazendo barulho, porém não tinha ninguém e mesmo se tivesse o som vinha do mesmo ambiente que eu estava … no momento eu que eu estava entre a porta da gerência e o confinado veio outra batida : - tok e não quis ficar pra saber quem batia só desci as escadas e segui minha vida … tenho muitas outras experiências nesse lugar … hoje a loja não está localizada no mesmo ponto está sendo construído um restaurante no lugar …
Hello, I came to share the experience I had at my last job. Some people say I'm sensitive to presences, and I believe that too... Many strange things have happened around me, and at the place where I worked, I have seen and heard supernatural things several times. But today, I will recount the experience in which I saw something. I worked in a very large and famous stationery and office supply store in Brazil. Let me describe the place for better understanding: a store inside a very large shopping mall with 11 aisles divided by shelves. That day, the movement was very low, so I was going through aisle by aisle picking up products to price. In the middle, there is a long corridor that connects all 11. Going back through this corridor with a shopping basket, I remember as if it were today in aisle 7, in front of a pillar, a figure that I cannot describe. I thought it was a customer, bent over in a very curved and thin way, a very dark black color, and some white spots with a straw hat, but black. I took a step forward and went back to ask if he needed help, thinking it was a customer. When I went back, the shadow disappeared like the wind to the back of the store. One thing I will never forget is that scene. Some believe, others don't, but it wasn't my first experience like this.
Bonus story: in the store, there was an experience in the confined product stock. I was picking up a product and checking the expiration date of a printer ribbon very calmly. To get to this confined area, I had to go through the management where there was no one. Experienced as I was, I didn't even turn on the management room light. Checking the date, I heard a knock as if someone was "knocking on the door": - tok... but the knock was on a product box. I kept checking until the next knock: - tok. At that moment, I stopped and went to the management to see who was making the noise, but there was no one. And even if there had been, the sound came from the same environment I was in. At the moment I was between the management door and the confined area, there was another knock: - tok. And I didn't want to stay to find out who was knocking, I just went downstairs and continued with my life. I have many other experiences in that place. Today, the store is not located in the same spot, a restaurant is being built in its place
Submitted by: Bruna Leite
Disappearing Fisherman
Knapp Road, Stony Point
In 7th or 8th grade, my usual bus route home took me past a very small lake with a small shoreline running along the road. One afternoon leaving school riding the bus, I saw a man fishing, and it was so striking to me. He was wearing a wide brim hat, and it was such a brief moment, but I recall some type of baggy, brown/white clothing. He was standing, casually, with a fishing line out in the water. I wish I had the words to truly describe, but he looked so, so strange. I did a double take, and by the time he passed out of frame of one window into the next, he was gone. I scanned and no sign of him, like no one was there at all. Many years later, I found out this lake was part of my ancestors’ land in the 18th-19th centuries, with a family cemetery plot still there today, even though it’s now developed and parceled off. I still believe I saw a quick slip in the timeline, and witnessed one of my predecessors fishing on the lake.
Submitted by: JB
Distant UFO
Nova Iguaçu
Avistamos um OVNI distante (em direção à Serra de Tinguá).
Objeto brilhante mudando de cor prata, laranja e amarelo.
O objeto ficou parado e depois moveu-se vagando aleatoriamente por volta das 22h30.
"We spotted a distant UFO (in the direction of the Serra de Tinguá). It was a bright object changing colors from silver to orange and yellow. The object remained stationary and then moved erratically around 10:30 PM.
At the same time, my son was talking to his girlfriend on the phone and reported that the call got distorted for a few moments."
Neste mesmo momento, meu filho falava com a namorada por telefone e relatou que a ligação ficou distorcida por alguns instantes.
Submitted by: HC2600
Fast Moving Object
Nova Iguaçu
Por volta das 20h42, estávamos observando a Lua e vimos um objeto muito brilhante voando rápido (tenho outras fotos).
Objeto movia-se rápido e mudava de cor,
"Around 8:42 PM, we were observing the Moon and saw a very bright object flying quickly (I have other photos). The object moved fast and changed colors."
Submitted by: HC2600
Animal in Room
Eu tenho 11 anos e estava no meu quarto com a minha cachorra usando meu telefone,mais dunada parecia que tinha um animal dentro do meu quarto ou tentando entrar lá mais o mais estranho é que o barulho era de um amimal aranhando a minha cama ,só que eu morro no segundo andar, e a minha janela tava fechada e esse barulho até a minha cachorra ouviu e começou a latir então eu levantei acendia a luz é n tinha ninguém e nada lá mas quando eu apaguei a luz o barulho continuou e a minha cachorra n parava de olhar o meu quarto inteiro mais ela quis sair do quarto e ela assustada então eu deixei ela sai e a única coisa que fez essa barulho parar foi eu orar muito então parou mais parecia que tinha algo no meu quarto me observando mais acabei dormindo e foi isso.
I am 11 years old and I was in my room with my dog using my phone, but suddenly it seemed like there was an animal inside my room or trying to get in. The strangest thing was that the noise sounded like an animal scratching my bed, but I live on the second floor, and my window was closed. Even my dog heard the noise and started barking, so I got up, turned on the light, and there was nobody and nothing there. But when I turned off the light, the noise continued, and my dog wouldn't stop looking around my entire room. She wanted to leave the room, and she was scared, so I let her out. The only thing that stopped the noise was me praying a lot, then it stopped, but it seemed like there was something in my room watching me, but I ended up falling asleep, and that was it.
Submitted by: Geovana
Elm Apartments
Elm Apartments, Spokane Wa
When my partner and I first moved to the Elm Apartments in Spokane Wa. About two months or less of being there we started experiencing strange orccurances. First two was our front door swong open on two different occasions by it self. Then a book was obviously dropped. We tried to see if there was any way the book might of just fell. But it wasn't possible.
Then a nieghbor had given us an old typewritten and at night when we were all in bed you could here the keys moving. Another time I was taking a shower and as I opened the shower curtain. I saw blue transparent face in the bathroom window. Mind you our apartment was on the second floor. Also toys would randomly go off.
The building was built by the free Mason in 1908. It was for a period a long stay hotel. Other people who live in the building have experienced things.
Paranormal investigators did get evidence of activity there. As well as a psychic confirmed that there are ghosts there.
Submitted by: Angela
Demonic Voice
One night I was sleeping in my living room, I had woke up in the middle of the night all of a sudden. I look up from the couch and I glance at the time on the clock that sits on the table by my TV. I look at the time which (forgive me, I can’t really remember exactly what it was, but I know for sure it was either 2:35,2:33,2:55,3:35,3:33 or 3:35) regardless, it was extremely late. Anyways, I glance at the time, think nothing of it and lay back down. I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep but not even a minute passes when I hear a deep, raspy, demonic voice in my right ear. He only says one word “come” and thats all that was needed to scare the shit out of me. The voice was isolated in that ear, and it sounded like whatever spoke to me was an inch away from me at most. My heart was beating so fast and I started sweating bullets. There were two others sleeping in the living room with me that night but none of them were capable of such a chilling voice, and none of them were on my right side either.
Submitted by: Anon
Spooky Stable
Was mucking out the houses at around 7pm at night so everywhere was pitch black and super windy, the lights at the yard wouldn’t turn on so was literally pitch black apart from my phone torch which was awkwardly placed on the wall. As I was mucking out everything went silent, the wind seemed to stop so just the faint sound of rain. The layout of the stables meant that I had a view all the way down the stable block of all the other horses, all of their heads were raised and ears pointing up, they began to spook ( walking in circles, heads bopping up and down ). The whole thing was extremely eerie and I got out of there asap
Submitted by: C
Talking Cat
Minas Gerais
Eu moro em um condomínio fechado, então nós nunca nos preocupamos muito em hora de sair de casa e esse tipo de coisa. Uma vez, em torno das 19 horas, eu fui levar o meu irmão até a casa de um vizinho nosso. Ele saiu correndo na minha frente, então eu continuei andando devagar. Em um momento, eu vi um gato saindo do mato, e ele foi chegando na minha direção. Quando ele chegou perto, se arrastou na minha perna e fez um barulho bizarro, parecido com uma fala. Como eu não respondi, ele repetiu o barulho, olhando para o meu rosto em procura de uma resposta. Eu perguntei "Oi?", já que eu não tinha mais o que falar, só queria que o gato se afastasse. Ele olhou de novo para mim, com um certo desapontamento nos olhos, que pareciam quase humanos, e desapareceu.
"I live in a gated community, so we never worry much about leaving the house and such. Once, around 7 PM, I was taking my brother to a neighbor's house. He ran ahead of me, so I continued walking slowly. At one point, I saw a cat coming out of the bushes, and it approached me. When it got close, it rubbed against my leg and made a bizarre noise, similar to speech. As I didn't respond, it repeated the noise, looking into my face for an answer. I asked 'Hi?', as I had nothing else to say, I just wanted the cat to go away. It looked at me again, with a certain disappointment in its eyes, which seemed almost human, and disappeared."
Submitted by: Nonono
Spooky Channel Changer
Nova Iguaçu
Estava assistindo TV à noite, por volta das 2h00 e senti algo estranho como se alguém estivesse comigo na sala (andar de baixo).
Minha familia dormia, no andar de cima.
Levantei para beber água na cozinha e a tv mudou de canal para um canal infantil.
Voltei à sala, mudei para o filme que assistia e voltei à cozinha. Novamente voltou ao canal infantil e o guia de programação da tv mudava como se alguém estivesse zapeando os canais com o controle.
O controle estava sobre o sofa com as teclas para cima e achei muito estranho e comecei a filmar.
Nunca tivemos problemas com o controle ou a TV (antes ou depois desse evento), as pilhas eram novas e não havia nenhuma tecla "presa"
"I was watching TV at night, around 2:00 AM, and felt something strange as if someone was with me in the living room (downstairs). My family was asleep upstairs. I got up to get some water in the kitchen, and the TV channel switched to a children's channel. I went back to the living room, changed it to the movie I was watching, and went back to the kitchen. Again, it switched back to the children's channel and the TV guide was changing as if someone was flipping through the channels with the remote. The remote was on the sofa with the buttons facing up, and I found it very strange and started filming. We never had problems with the remote or the TV (before or after this event
), the batteries were new and there was no "stuck" button."
Submitted by: HC2600
Gollum-like Cryptid
Plum Creek West Jordan
I was having a sleepover with one of my friends and we had gone out to either doorbell ditch or toilet paper I can't remember why exactly we were out so late, but it was well after midnight, and we were the only ones on the streets. We were walking down plum creek drive towards home when I heard this strange howling type sound. My friend was really scared, and I looked behind us and something came running out of the shadows from one side of the street and was crawling on all fours fast across the road... My best way to describe it is it looked like Gollum from Lord of the Rings but probably twice and big as Gollum is It was all white almost glowing, humanoid but running like a giant dog on all fours... it stopped in the middle of the road when it saw us and we made eye contact it kind of snarled and then kept running the rest of the way across the street and all I could think was "get home now and get inside" so we rushed home but the rest of the night and for many nights after than until 2002 when we moved out of that neighborhood I could hear what sounded like howls and claws scratching around my house at night.
Submitted by: Cryptid in Plum Creek
Cloaking Shadows
Monterey, Tennessee
5 years in the area, we have seen some things. Large shadows walking and crawling at night. They have a cloaking ability and have screamed at me while cloaked. They just want to be left alone. We have found their handprints/fingerprints/footprints. They left a handprint when setting off the car alarm late one night/early morning. They mimic us and animals. My partner heard their language once. They mimicked him a couple times, even calling the name of the neighbor kid from the woods. I thought I was following him once down a trail, it wasn’t my partner. They do animal noises as alarm calls when we come outside unexpectedly. Like a choked rooster in the woods at 1am or a bull or barred owl. I call back like an owl and say hello in Cherokee and Ojibwe.
Submitted by: Friend of the Forest
Round Bullet
Monterey, Tennessee
I was doing yard work and saw a soldier out of the corner of my eye in my woods, standing there. Uphill from the creek. His outfit looked pre-civil war, but I’m no expert. I just googled. I looked around where I saw him and there was a round bullet. There’s a weird indentation in the soil and a mound that looks a little like a grave, but I’m not going to go digging. This land was Cherokee land, so maybe it’s from the time of removal? I see spirits frequently, more animal spirits than people, so it didn’t frighten me like it would some people. I’ve even had one touch my shoulder once. That was a family member though. I see more family than strangers, so the soldier surprised me. I know this place has been logged 3 times at least over the years, so I don’t know if it was woods or field when he died. There’s no old growth stumps near him.
Submitted by: Friend of the Forest
Extremely Haunted House
West Point, Mississippi
We lived in an extremely haunted house for a short time in Westpoint, MS. I was a toddler, but I heard the stories from my mom. I remember the house and the creepy closet at the top of the stairs. There were always footsteps at night on the stairs. My mom said she would put everything up in the kitchen, and go back in and everything was moved and on the floor. She would lock all the doors and windows, but a black cat would still get in. The same cat that attacked the landlord. Our pet rabbits disappeared and ended up on the roof. My mom sent my oldest brother away because he stopped acting like himself and she found a noose in his closet. One night my adopted sister(her mom lived with us then) was asleep in her crib downstairs, in a little room that wasn’t really a bedroom. It had 3 doors. She screamed, and all the doors were shaking. My mom, her mom, and her mom’s boyfriend all tried to get in a door, they were all locked and shaking. The doors stopped shaking eventually and unlocked. When they got in the room, the crib was in the middle and turned over on its side. My sister was still crying. Her mom’s boyfriend(a cop) never came back in the house. My mom rented another house just to get away. When I ask my brothers, they don’t remember anything weird. Both moms are passed now, so I can’t ask them more about it. It seems like the house is frequently on the market.
Submitted by: Friend of the Forest
Animal Spirits
Riverview Animal Clinic
The first time I saw animal spirits was when I worked at Riverview animal clinic. I was a kennel tech, so I cleaned up after, fed, and walked the dogs. In addition to assisting wherever needed. There were multiple play/potty yards next to the kennel where we brought the dogs for off leash time. The gates were left open when nobody was in there. So you go in, shut the gate, and let the dog off leash. It’s all surrounded by another fence, but dogs are never off leash out there. So this time, I let the dog off leash, and panicked when I looked up and saw another dog run up to play. Dogs weren’t supposed to play because of possible fights. This second dog disappeared infront of my eyes. I don’t know if this dog recently passed, or was a regular boarder there. There was a body freezer in the kennel to store them for cremation pickup. Since then I’ve realized the animal spirits can go where they want. Our cat was put to sleep at a vet clinic, but I saw his spirit walking with me on his favorite trail on our farm. My sisters dog’s spirit visited me at a place she had never been. Maybe the dog spirit was visiting the dog I was walking… I think the clinic has probably been remodeled since I worked there, the yards may be different.
Submitted by: Friend of the Forest
Black Haired Woman
Umuarama, PR, Brazil
Esse relato aconteceu no ano de 2012. Eu morava na cidade de Umuarama, no noroeste do estado do Paraná. Tinha rotinas extremamente exaustivas com faculdade e trabalho. Eu morava com uma tia e dividia quarto com um primo meu. Nossas camas eram dispostas em lados opostos do quarto, separadas por uma mesa de cabeceira com o interruptor de luz logo acima, ficando ao fácil alcance de ambos.
Certa vez eu dormia tranquilamente após uma noite de provas na faculdade, quando acordei e havia uma figura humanóide ao lado da minha cama. Era uma mulher de cabelos longos, lisos e pretos que caíam por cima dos ombros. Ela usava um longo, porém simples, vestido branco, tipo aqueles antigos que a gente vê em filmes de época, sabe?
No momento em que acordei ela estava com a mão na minha testa, como se estivesse verificando se eu estava com febre. Eu estava acordado, pois lembro muito bem do calor da mão dela em minha testa. Seus dedos cobriam parcialmente meus olhos, o que me impediu de ver o rosto dela. O quarto não era tão escuro, pois morávamos em um apartamento no centro perto da universidade e as luzes da avenida adentravam em algumas frestas da janela.
Por alguns estonteantes segundos eu fiquei alí, parado, sem saber o que fazer. Quando me dei conta do que estava acontecendo dei um pulo de susto, e ao que parece ela também assustou e retirou a mão de mim.
Virei rapidamente e acendi a luz do quarto e não havia mais nada. Meu primo estava comigo no quarto e dormia em sua cama como se nada tivesse acontecido.
Nessa hora senti um pouco de medo, mas mesmo assim levantei e fui até a cozinha tomar água.
Minha tia era professora e sempre ficava até tarde no computador preparando as aulas. Encontrei com ela ainda acordada e contei o acontecido. Minha tia não era muito religiosa, mas acredita que eu vi meu anjo da guarda materializado e que ele estava cuidando de mim naquele momento.
Depois daquele dia eu sonhei com essa mulher de longos cabelos pretos e lisos com vestido branco, novamente olhando pra mim e eu novamente sem conseguir ver o rosto dela.
Depois desse dia eu nunca mais a vi.
"This account happened in the year 2012. I was living in the city of Umuarama, in the northwest of the state of Paraná. My routines were extremely exhausting with college and work. I lived with an aunt and shared a room with a cousin of mine. Our beds were arranged on opposite sides of the room, separated by a bedside table with the light switch right above, within easy reach for both of us.
Once, I was sleeping peacefully after a night of exams at college when I woke up to find a humanoid figure beside my bed. It was a woman with long, straight, black hair that fell over her shoulders. She wore a long, yet simple, white dress, like those old ones we see in period movies, you know?
When I woke up, she had her hand on my forehead, as if checking for a fever. I was awake because I remember very well the warmth of her hand on my forehead. Her fingers partially covered my eyes, preventing me from seeing her face. The room wasn't too dark, as we lived in an apartment in the center near the university, and the lights from the avenue penetrated some gaps in the window.
For a few staggering seconds, I lay there, motionless, not knowing what to do. When I realized what was happening, I jumped in fright, and it seemed she was also startled and removed her hand from me.
I quickly turned and turned on the room light, and there was nothing there. My cousin was in the room with me, sleeping in his bed as if nothing had happened.
At that moment, I felt a bit of fear, but even so, I got up and went to the kitchen to drink water.
My aunt was a teacher and always stayed up late on the computer preparing her lessons. I met her still awake and told her what had happened. My aunt wasn't very religious, but believes that I saw my guardian angel materialized and that he was taking care of me at that moment.
After that day, I dreamed of this woman with long, black, straight hair and a white dress, again looking at me, and I again unable to see her face.
After that day, I never saw her again."
Submitted by: Joo Paulo
Dry Body Sighting
Mogi Guaçu
My grandmother often delivers flowers on Mother's Day at the gate of the local cemetery. As she was getting ready to leave, around 6:00 p.m., she spotted a creature on top of the cemetery wall. It looked like a human but with a skeletal appearance and red eyes, just like the Dry Body, cryptid of the region.
Submitted by: Joo Pedro Lopes Jiacomussi
Girl in the Fog
Estrada mogi bertioga
Eu e meus amigos saimos de sp umas 3 ou 5 am pra ir pra praia surfar( ano de 2003 +-). Estava muita neblina na estrada e era d madrugada e vcs podem ver q ai nao tem nda por perto… Mas eu lembro (e o Regis com qem comentei agora do site tb lembra hahah)claramente do ocorrido … estavamos em 5pessoas no carro e todos viram
Uma menina andando no meio da neblina d costas
Só d lembrar ja me deu calafrio
A gente ficou se olhando uns 30 seg e falamos vcs viram isso ?
Foi macabro
"Me and my friends left São Paulo around 3 or 5 AM to go to the beach to surf (around the year 2003). There was a lot of fog on the road and it was early morning, and as you can see, there's nothing around there… But I remember (and Regis, who I just talked about this on the website, also remembers, haha) clearly what happened… We were five people in the car and everyone saw it. A girl walking in the middle of the fog, her back towards us. Just remembering it gives me chills. We looked at each other for about 30 seconds and then asked, 'Did you guys see that?' It was eerie."
Submitted by: Fulvio
Parasol Ghost
Barrio Las Peñas
It is said that around 1700s a beautiful, young and skinny woman with a veil covering her face and a parasol in her hands, used to walk around the streets of Las Peñas. Drunk men in bars around the area would immediately be captivated by her looks and her smell, some of them admired her so much that they followed her without noticing where they were going.
When they were far enough, this woman stopped in her tracks, turned around to face these men and raised her veil.
What they saw was a decaying corpse, the sweet perfume they once perceived turned into a nauseating smell and most of them died then and there, with a shocked look on their faces. Only a few got out of there alive, but their lives were quickly ruined by their deteriorating mental health.
Submitted by: Motomami
Thin Creatures
Hebgan Lake
Approached by at least two very tall thin Rake looking creatures around 930 at night. They would not leave the camp site. The bigger one stood tall the whole time and just stared. The smaller crouched when not moving and was aggressive. There were three of us and we had in our camp trailer. Two hours later they were still hovering around the camp site. Noted red eye glow. We are 3 of 7 people to see them in the same area.
Submitted by: Boomkitty406
Truck Bed UFO
Big Rapids Twp
A bunch of friends were driving to go to a fire out at the powerlines. We had too many people so me and my buddy laid down in the bed of the truck. It was super cold in the back of the truck, we talked a little but spent more time just admiring the stars. I love space and the sky and it was a super clear night, I was hoping we would get far enough away from the city to see the Milky Way. It wasn't that late yet, only like 10:00 or 10:30.
All of a sudden, out of nowhere, this brighter light appeared among the other stars. It was a single light, but bigger and brighter than the other stars. It was too far away to have any idea what shape it was, but it was huge, at least comparable to a plane. And this light was not there, and in the blink of an eye, it was just there. I was skeptical at first, did I just not notice that big of a star? So I pointed it out and asked "Do you see that?" They looked up, and then this light started moving around the sky. I mean our jaws hit the ground, and we turned and made eye contact in disbelief. I remember them asking "What is that?" I could barely speak. They say "That can't be a plane..." I agreed with them "It's too fast, and look at it turn and zig-zag all over, planes can't move like that." So I ask... "Are we looking at a UFO right now?" They agreed, neither of us had any other possible explanation. We proceeded to lay in the bed of this truck watching this light as it continued flying around in ways and speeds that both of us couldn't believe for a total of maybe 4 or 5 minutes before it vanished, the light just went out or disappeared.
For perspective:
I have seen many drones, but they are not this big, bright, or fast. I have been to the Battle Creek, Michigan Air show "Field of Flight" and while they do amazing things with those planes, the only plane that could be compared to these speeds is the F-22 Raptor. Even that plane can't move across the sky like this light did.
Submitted by: Rubilyn
Fowler House
The Fowler House
I want to preface this by emphasizing that we never encountered these issues until we moved into this house. And once we left, these things didn’t happen again. So, it was most likely tied to this specific residence. For safety reasons, I'll only disclose the street name, not the exact house, which we'll refer to as the Fowler house.
During my younger years, I resided in the Fowler house for a brief period, around two years or so. But it appeared we weren't alone.
My mother's sister had purchased the Fowler house, and we undertook the task of renovating it for her. In return, we were granted the opportunity to stay there. The initial condition of the house was dismal, the rooms had drug needles, fake fingernails, traces of blood, and scattered garbage – remnants of, as they suspected, squatters. Undeterred, my parents invested substantial effort into transforming the house, turning it into a pretty home. My father often worked a lot, so it was usually just me, my mother, and siblings.
My little sister, not even 1 at the time, would refer to any man as “dada” so it scared the shit out of my mom, alone in the house with us, when she would point to a spot in the room, eyes fixated and say just that,”dada.” This happened many times in different parts of the house. She decided it wasn’t anything to be concerned about since she’s a baby, that was until…
My 3-and-a-half-year-old sister had a REALLY creepy closet in her room. Unlike mine it had no lights, carved words in the wall, and while renovating it out that’s where they found the most of the blood, fake fingernails, false eyelashes, and trash. None of us kids would go ANYWHERE near it. Nor would friends that came over. She would tell my mom some angry guy lived in there, but never came out of the closet. This freaked my mother out, so she locked it and put a dresser in front of it. My sister slept better and stopped talking about the closet after that. It wasn’t just her room either,
At the age of 5, my mom said I would hear overwhelmingly loud drum-like sounds in my ears at night, causing me to cry most nights. I would also see a woman emerge from my closet. I remember her having pale-almost see through skin with features that were kinda uncanny. This room was already pretty chilly but it seemed to feel even colder when she was around. This woman would slowly approach the foot of my bed, standing there before disappearing or until I fell asleep. Or alternatively if I was playing with my toys or somewhere else in my room she would move toward me, keeping her distance, then like the other times, go away. Unlike the drumming sound I would hear, I wasn’t the only one to see her. My 3 year old sister, whom I Previously mentioned, had seen her there a few times.
I’d have really bad nightmares in that room as well and would have to sleep in with my mom or sisters quite often.
Even when we went out I was “haunted” by figures. My mom said one time before school we had stopped to get McDonald’s and I had started screaming in tears “THAT MAN IS GOING TO GET HIT!” and “ MOM THAT BUS IS GOING TO HIT HIM!” She said nothing was there, just a storage unit, no man or bus. She then explained to me that I had said he was “all bloody and limping around.” And continued to describe the scene in detail. Keep in mind I was 5 and had NO exposure to any content of the sort. My mother started to feel worried about all of the activity here. Plus the Fowler house, while all cleaned up and pretty still had this waying-uneasy feeling in it, everyone who entered said so. This was odd since the neighborhood was/is a pretty well kept area with nice neighbors.
My older brother didn’t have many experiences, as far as I’m aware. He’s a bit of a skeptic and often tries to explain these things with logic, which I can respect. Idk what to believe to be honest, all I know is that this was creepy as hell. I can’t imagine being my mother in that situation.
This is as much as I can remember about the Fowler house before we moved out. My aunt ended up moving out of state and selling the place years later. If you live here now I’m curious if you have similar experiences or not.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Enormous Fireball
Memphis, TN intersection of Walnut Grove and Perkins Rd
Siting at the stop light heading westbound on Walnut Grove rd, I saw a huge fireball in the sky, coming from the western sky. This thing was so huge it was like a mountain in the sky! I was so freaked out! A million thoughts rushed through my brain. One of them being, I am going to die, right here at this damn traffic light! The fireball encompassed so much of the sky it dimmed the sun. I remember getting out of my car and other people in their cars were outside just awe-struck! The fireball continued past and I drove home to find out there wasn’t any news or broadcasts or anything about this incident! I called my family and they insisted I was dreaming, but I wasn’t…
Submitted by: JPW
Photo UFO
Big Bend Terlingua TX
Saw a UFO in photo
Submitted by: Dawna Parks
Enormous Floating Head
Saratoga Springs, NY
This was 100% a Kanontsistóntie. For those of you who don’t know, Kanontsistóntie are from mohawk legends. They are big floating heads, no bodies. They fly around and chase you down so they can devour you. I grew up in Saratoga, my family has been here for years. My mom and her entire side of the family is Abenaki, so I grew up hearing the stories of our people and the warnings that come with the forest. Granted, we are rather far from where Abenaki threats would be, but we live in Iroquois territory now, and they have their own nightmares to deal with. I’ve had my run ins with other bad things in the woods, things such as Wendigo and the Stick Indians. But I have never seen Kanontsistónties. They’re terrifying too. I go to the Saratoga Performing Arts Center (SPAC) very often. Not only is it an awesome, outdoor concert venue in the summertime, but it also is a very large park where people are welcome to still visit and hang out, even when concert season is off.
I find it very peaceful there and it is a great spot to spend the day. I usually go with a friend of mine, but she was away on a trip this particular week, so I spent time there alone.
During the Dead and Co concerts, slightly less than a kilometer away from the main venue, there is a clearing, known as Shakedown Street, in the woods. There’s nothing too special about this spot, it is mainly for the dead heads to park their busses/vans and do some illegal activities or sell some things like food or art.
I sometimes go there since there’s lots of cool things to find in that field and in the woods connected to it. I’ve found lots of crystals, jewelry, wallets, and even shoes in the past. I assume from the dead heads dropping stuff from their stands and forgetting to pick it up before leaving. Occasionally you can find some arrow heads and old tools from the tribes who lived here long before. Point is, it’s a cool spot I like to go to and feel very safe going to.
Last time I went to this spot, I was over by shakedown street, right where the clearing meets the woods. I heard a horrifying WOOSH right over my head. I almost fell over, it startled me so much.
I tried to look up and around to see what it was, I figured a crow or some other type of ballsy bird. What I experienced instead was even more horrifying.
I noticed that right after that thing swooped by me, everything in the woods went quiet. No birds, no crickets, no frogs, nothing. Everything just went silent.
I got this horrible feeling throughout my entire body, telling me someone or something is watching me. After a few seconds of that feeling, I hear several tree branches break. And the sound is getting closer and closer. I figure out which way the sound is coming from, (back, left, and up) and I began running to towards my back right. I stayed in the coverage of the trees, I thought it would be a bad idea to go into the open with nothing to hide behind. I ran as fast as I could, changing direction every now and then just for safe measure.
I ran and ran, when it started to hurt to breathe, I climbed a tall tree. The tallest near me that I could find. I waited there for what felt like hours. I think I waited so long just out of sheer fear. I didn’t know what this was, and I didn’t know if it was dangerous.
I called my mom, still in the tree, but realized I don’t know how to describe where I am. I don’t even know where I ran to. I started at shakedown, but did I run North? South? Neither? I had no clue how to describe where I was.
My mom told me to climb the tree higher, look for some land mark to try and get to. So I climbed up as high as I could. I could see the venue and parts of downtown. I began looking for a place close by that I can dash to and hide in, but just as I turned my head to the other direction, I saw it.
The big, decapitated head, just floating around, looking for me or some other person to eat. I hugged the tree like there was no tomorrow, crouching down on the branch I stood on, hoping to not be seen by this terrifying creature.
I whispered to my mom what I was seeing, “mom, there’s a flying head with no body. It’s just floating around”. My mom went dead silent. I think she could tell she was freaking me out because before I could ask what’s going on, she said “stay exactly where you are, do not move, do not look at it, do not make a sound. Dad and I are coming to you.” I began to freak out. Because first of all, uhh, there’s a HUGE FLOATING HEAD, and second of all, what the fuck am I supposed to do?? What if it sees me?? I’m horrified.
I’m not sure how my dad found me, but I heard him call to me. I was skeptical at first since by that time, the sun has set and it is getting dark very fast. But it was him. And he had his rifle and our big dog with him. No flashlight or anything. We had to make our way out of the woods with no lights. My mom was waiting for me in the car, where she hugged me and congratulated me on surviving a Kanontsistóntie. She then told me everything about them (from what others have learned before) and answered my questions. She couldn’t answer them all super well since this beast has never been seen from our tribe and she is technically learning about it too. But she still knew more than I did.
I think from this experience I’ve learned that I will always learn about the creatures and beasts that live in the woods for the area I’m in. I have never been so afraid in my life. I have warned people of this horrible creature before but was met with laughs and jokes. And then I heard about this site, so maybe you all on this site will take my warning seriously.
Submitted by: Liv
Deer Entity
Ross Pond State Park
Back in 2021 I was doing a lot of DoorDashing during the summer. It was my only source of income at the time and so I would usually go with a friend for safety reasons because I would drive far. This time I went alone and stayed in an area close enough to my hometown. I was fine doing orders on my own until I got an order for BK and it took me toward the park instead of the restaurant. I didn't notice where I was until the map started glitching. I ended the order because if my phone was acting up then I couldn't work. I started to drive home while listening to my music when I came to a bend in the road. I was driving carefully through the woods, and it was pitch black. But as I rounded the corner, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It looked like a male deer standing on its hind legs but without hooves and much taller. It slammed my back passenger side window, and I slammed on the gas, pedal to the medal, blew the stop sign and went home. After a small panic attack, I looked at the window with my friend and we both confirmed there was definitely something there that night as there were hand marks/scratches on my window.
Submitted by: Anon
Starfish Apparition
Lodi, CA
I got up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and peaked into my little brothers room and on his nightstand. I saw a wispy looking apparition in the shape of a starfish, but more distorted, just hovering there. It didn’t scare me. I always thought it was the Sandman I was about six or seven years old. My brother was two years old, we lived in a house. My parents built out in the country that resided on top of an Indian burial ground.
Submitted by: JCC
Bright Light
Gray Court, hwy 101 and Fairview Rd
Laying in bed and entire house is suddenly lit up by bright white light. Our room had blackout curtains and it completely lit the room. No sound at all. No storms in the area. It was just there one minute and gone the next.
Submitted by: NaeNae
Anomolous Buggy
Millburn Township
About a year, I was at a cafe with my mom and looked out the window, I saw a horse and carriage, women in an outfit looked from the 1890s or 1900s, and the road was also a dirt road instead being paved, the area was on longer built up and the air was dusty. Then I blinded and everything went back to normal instead of the horse and carried and a lady in a dress. There was a woman and a guy jogging.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Missing Hour
It was my last day In Mexico so my family took me to some thermal waters for the day. After eating Lunch me and four cousins went out to go explore because the place was small but open, but two of them went back to go use the restroom halfway and I told them that we'll continue and walk; so me and my cousin continued walking all the way straight because it was just a flat land with fruit trees. We passed the fruit trees 200meters away from the park where there was nothing and we took quick pictures for what it felt like 5 minutes and ran back to the park because there was nothing interesting to see. When me and my cousin ran back to the picnic; come to find out everyone in the park my family and were looking at us because the park keepers for about 1 hour. Me and my cousin were confused because we thought we took a quick stroll around the park not realizing we were srolling for about an hour. I'm still confused to this day because we only walked 200 meters away from the park from what I measured according to Google Maps and we were missing for about a hour.
Submitted by: Flavio Snchez
Ghost Boy
I was a grad student at the time and I had been living in this nice little old house for 4-5 years already. I really loved that house. I had the whole first floor to myself, it was spacious with large windows, hardwood floors, big porch, affordable, and with friendly and considerate upstairs neighbours. With that said there had already been instances in the past when this house would give off some weird creepy vibes. Most notably I had several episodes of sleep paralysis and the house had this weird habit of attracting squirrels who would sneak in and come die in the basement. I used that basement quite regularly since that's where the washer and dryer were, yet I always stumbled onto their corpse or skeleton and could never catch them alive in time to help and release them. They just kind of...appeared out of nowhere and at various stages of decomposition. Happened four times. Anyway, that's not the story.
It's late morning around 11am with typical boring grey Illinois October weather outside. I'm working from home on my laptop, not doing anything special. At some point I notice a faint smell of burning charcoal. I think it's a weird time of the year and of the day for someone to be BBQing outside but whatever, they have their reasons. Maybe 10 minutes later I realize the smell is getting stronger and it's a little bit hazy in the living room. I freak out and start running around the house trying to find the fire. After a few seconds I wise-up, think charcoal, and make a bee line for the kitchen. The kitchen had a door that would give access to a small vestibule on the left side of the house with a thin door to the outside that would connect my floor and the basement. We used that vestibule to store rakes, snow shovels, some cleaning products, and in my case a couple BBQ items including a bag of charcoal. I open the door and see the bag visibly belching smoke, but no flame yet. I pick up the bag with my bare hands, bring it outside, and drown it with water using the garden hose.
With this disaster averted and coming back to my senses, I notice someone in the corner of my eye, their back to me. Looks like a young boy. We're on the left side of the house and he's walking away, turning the corner leading the the front lawn. In that moment a thought pops in my head: "the side door to the vestibule is left unlocked, did this young boy just attempted arson?"
I run inside to try and catch up with him at the front door (why not directly after him I don't know). From inside I can see through my large front windows that he's lurking along the porch behind the fence. He stops and we lock eyes. I'm standing inside and he's looking at me through the fence posts, holding two of them. He has this incredibly sad look on his face. He looks about 12. He's completely bald. I can tell he's black, but he looks very pale, actually grey like he's been dipped in ashes from head to toe. I run to the front door and onto the porch to confront him. I was angry and shaken and I don't remember exactly what I said, but it was along the lines of "what the hell are you doing, did you just try to set fire to my house?"
He's looking at me, no reaction, completely silent, still with this sad look on his face. He slowly walks along the porch, passes in front of me, and turns the corner to the right side of the house. I'm a little dumbfounded, but after a second I go after him. I turn the corner, and no one is there.
There are nothing on side of the house, nowhere to hide. No door, no tree, no bush. The house is on the corner of two streets that make a T, so there's just a 10-15 foot wide band of grass, a sidewalk, and a street. It's all in the open. Even if he started running after turning the corner he couldn't have made it more than half the length of the house in front of me. He just disappeared out of thin air.
I've had weird stuff happen to me in my life, but never this blatant and in broad daylight. I was fully conscious, awake, fed, hydrated, well rested, healthy. I could have reached out and touched him. He was there, in the flesh, a few feet in front of me. And then he wasn't.
Submitted by: Alice
Shapeshifting Deer
A Marsh Near the River
I was exploring in the woods near a river. I accidentally stayed out later than I meant to, and the sun began to set. As I started to walk towards home, I saw what appeared to be a human sprinting through the woods, maybe 50 feet away from me, going in the opposite direction. When it was directly in front of me, it stopped and dropped to all fours, and was clearly a very large deer. It stared at me. I was thoroughly freaked out, and started running. As I ran, I heard my name called from behind me three times. I kept running and did not look back. I do not stay in the woods once the sun starts to set anymore.
Submitted by: Amanda
Disappearing Car
It was around 5:00 in the afternoon, it was daytime, I was driving on route nine leaving Framingham towards Southborough, there was a car in front of me about 1000 feet, and suddenly the roof of the car started to disappear, in Then the trunk and cans of the car also disappeared, leaving only the tires, it caught my attention, 2 seconds later the car materialized again, so I accelerated a lot to follow it and see it up close, when I reached the car a mile ago. Up ahead I saw that it was just a normal brown colored sedan. I thought about this a lot and I know it wasn't an optical illusion, as I used to do this same stretch several times a day working as a delivery boy at a nearby pizzeria. I literally saw the car dematerialize, and it wasn't that far away.
Submitted by: D Moreira
Shapeshifting Light
Govoners hill, douglas. Isle of man
Thought it was ISS or a satellite started recording it and it moved in many a direction and shape (if zoom in ) before dissapearing
Submitted by: Gav
Saci Sighting
Rio Grande do Sul
Eu estava viajando e vi algo se movendo, como se fosse um tornado, estava amanhecendo e eu estava viajando com a minha mãe, me lembro de ser pequena, mais ou menos uns 8 anos de idade, vi aquela coisa rodopiando para dentro de uma floresta, até então nunca havia falado em saci, quando aprendi a ler que conheci a tal história e juro de pé junto que aquilo que eu vi era um saci
"I was traveling and saw something moving, like a tornado. It was dawn, and I was traveling with my mom. I remember being young, about 8 years old. I saw that thing spinning into a forest. Until then, I had never spoken about 'saci' [a mythical Brazilian creature]. It was only when I learned to read that I came to know about that story, and I swear, what I saw was a saci."
Submitted by: Caroline Raiani Dessbesell
Meeting with a Fairy
I was on walk in park during night and i swear i met Fairy , little one ,harmless and i was not sure what it is so i tried speak to her but she was silent , howering in a air but i would swear she said "Moon" when i asked what she is or from where she is. Then she really fast flew away really really fast and think about her almost every day since then.
Submitted by: Atropin
Choking Thing
Econo Lodge Inn & Suites - Drumheller Alberta
While on a our way home from another province, we decided to drive 2 hours out of our way to stop in Drumheller Alberta as a surprise stop for my daughter!
We checked into the motel and decided to have a mid day nap. I was woken up with the feeling of someone with their hands around my neck choking me! I waw actually choking! My daughter was watching TV and looked over at me because she could hear, and now see that I was choking! During my panic, I reached over and grabbed my fiance to wake him up and it instantly stopped! It took a minute for my to calm down and catch my breath! That was a craxy experience! Then we found out later, that there were a few deaths during a fire there at one point!
Submitted by: Theresa
Horse Apparition
Há alguns anos atrás, minha familia comprou uma casa, que ficava situada em frente a uma praça. Essa praça é denominada como praça da Liberdade, pois na época colonial, os barões e baronesas moravam proximos dali, em uma casa hoje a qual é monumento histórico da cidade chamado "Casa da Baronesa", e os barões costumavam deixar seus cavalos nessa praça situada em frente a nossa casa. Reza a lenda que, exatamente no terreno que minha casa foi construida, era considerado um cemitério de cavalos, pois era ali que eles enterravam os seus cavalos quando vinham a falecer no local.
Em uma noite, me acordei assustado com um barulho de sons de cavalo relinchiando. Porém não era um barulho que vinha da rua. Parecia vir de dentro de casa mesmo. Desci para o andar de baixo da casa e fui olhar para janela que sai para o quintal de casa. E lá tinha uma figura/vulto, totalmente escuro, em formato como fosse de cavalo. Essa aparição durou segundos. E assim se perdeu na escuridão do quintal.
"A few years ago, my family bought a house that was located in front of a square. This square is known as Praça da Liberdade (Liberty Square), because, during the colonial era, barons and baronesses lived nearby, in a house that is now a historical monument of the city called 'Casa da Baronesa' (The Baroness's House). The barons used to leave their horses in this square in front of our house. Legend has it that, exactly where my house was built, used to be a cemetery for horses, as this was where they buried their horses when they died on site.
One night, I woke up startled by the sound of a horse neighing. However, it wasn't a noise that came from the street. It seemed to come from inside the house. I went downstairs and looked out the window that overlooks the backyard. And there, I saw a figure/shadow, completely dark, shaped like a horse. This apparition lasted only a few seconds. And then it vanished into the darkness of the backyard."
Submitted by: Luan
Tall Man
São Paulo
It was early in the morning around 5AM, me and my brother were somehow awake, the we went to the kitchen to make some chocolate milk. He went first while I waited next to the kitchen door, looking at the tall window. Then a tall man walked across it, from the left to the right. The man was wearing a long trench coat, a top hat and had very thin legs, like stilts. I could not see his head, as it was mostly covered by his top hat. The window was quite wide, around 2m and he managed to go in and out of frame in around 2/3 steps.
My dog, that was sitting right by the window, was not startled, so my best theory is bad memory or allucination, but i do recall that I was very much awake and well rested.
Submitted by: SrJuiz
Phantom Footsteps
Queens Park Cemetary
I was walking along a dirt path and heard someone sprinting directly towards me from behind. Fast, hard, thumping steps. Couldn't have mistaken it for anything else.
I whipped around at the last second because I thought they were going to tackle me. No one was there.
Submitted by: Macey Taylor
Disembodied Hands
Um dia eu estava na casa dos meus avós,eu tinha aproximadamente entre 4 a 5 anos,as memórias não estão muito claras mais lembro-me de um dia estas brincadeira com minha prima, estava tudo normal até ela resolver sair.quando ela saiu segundos depois eu senti um peso em meus ombros, quando eu me virei para olhar vi como se fossem mãos negras e com os pulsos em uma espécie de degradê de preto para o branco.segundos depois elas sumiram,fui para o quarto da minha prima e comecei a desenha elas. Depois disso não consigo me lembra mais de nada.
One day I was at my grandparents' house, I was about 4 to 5 years old, the memories aren't very clear but I remember playing with my cousin. Everything was normal until she decided to leave. Seconds after she left, I felt a weight on my shoulders. When I turned to look, I saw what appeared to be black hands with wrists fading in a gradient from black to white. Seconds later, they disappeared. I went to my cousin's room and began to draw them. After that, I can't remember anything else.
Submitted by: Cayron
Christmas UFO
Ecovianorte/Rota do mar
No dia 23/12/2023 por volta das 8:30 da noite descendo a ecovianorte de carro com meus irmãos para ir a orla ver as decorações de natal , percebemos uma luz brilhante no céu a princípio pensávamos que fosse uma estrela + a mesma sumia e aparecia em outro ponto nisso paramos o carro no acostamento para filmar , não era um drone pois o mesmo sumia e reaparecia piscava e tinha um formato redondo , o zoom da câmera pega esse objeto não identificado não é tao nítido pois o celular não tem tenta resolução como uma câmera , descemos até a orla e mesmo assim continuamos vendo esse objeto ,algumas pessoas viam tbm e até comentaram sobre alí na rua conosco muitos viram ,procuramos informações no twitter e em sites locais porém nenhuma divulgação .
On December 23, 2023, around 8:30 PM, driving down Ecovianorte with my siblings to go see the Christmas decorations on the waterfront, we noticed a bright light in the sky. At first, we thought it was a star, but then it disappeared and reappeared at another point. We stopped the car on the shoulder to film it. It wasn't a drone, as it disappeared and reappeared, blinked, and had a round shape. The zoom on the camera could capture this unidentified object, but it wasn't very clear because the phone's resolution isn't as good as a camera's. We went down to the waterfront and continued to see this object. Some other people also saw it and even talked about it with us on the street; many saw it. We looked for information on Twitter and local websites, but there was no mention of it.
Submitted by: thais vila nova
Mystery Mist
Reidville, SC
Saw a mist and tapped my brakes long enough to convince myself it wasn’t what I thought I was. Then rolled through it and it set off my crash warning on my car.
Saw it again a couple months later at the same spot.
Went back in daytime to find a wooden cross on the road.
Submitted by: Asta
Boy Ghost
Warwick Road, Ealing
Very old 2 up 2 down cottage. Brought my 18mth/2yr old son upstairs after his bath. As I was coming upstairs a young boy about 4 yrs old, with blond hair ran out of my sons room into my room. He'd been playing with a fisher price farm set.
Submitted by: Sarah
Wandering Ghosts
This building has had ghosts appear and all our neighbors would always talk about it. When I was younger, I was in the apartment alone at the time because my mother had gone downstairs to take out our laundry. I get a unsettling feeling that I was not inside alone. I was getting ready for bed. My bed was facing out of my bedroom staring straight into our hallway and to the right there was a closet. I look out of my door and I see a man that has walked out of our closet wall, he takes a glance at me. In shock I looked at him and said "hello?" I wasnt scared of him, just scared because I didnt understand what was happening. He proceedes to walk into our other bedroom which happened to be my moms. I sprint downstairs into the laundry room and start crying and telling my mom I had just seen a ghost. She told me im being dramatic and im just a kid so I must be making it up. The following morning my mom wakes up and tells me that she had a dream of a man that walked into her room and she sat up on her bed, he apologized for scaring me. He told her that he only comes by to check that im on the right path.
We thought that was the last time we would hear about him. But then we went on a trip, coincidentally a couple which was a family friend was coming in town so we lent them our apartment. When we came back the wife had said that they had slept in my mothers bedroom and she woke up in the middle of the night to her husband standing in the hallway, she had asked him why he wasnt in bed. But as she started speaking her husband rose from the bed next to her because the whole time he was sleeping next to her.
My mom finally had enough, she she hired someone to cleanse the house. We thought we were in the clear, but the entity had just moved to our neighbors. Our upstairs neighbor was Muslim, he said he doesnt believe in ghosts because the Quran says they shouldnt believe in them. But for the past couple weeks he has seen a man walking around his apartment, stuff has been falling off his tables, he has his blanket ripped off his body, etc. and the downstairs neighbor has said she has seen a man wandering in her apartment.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Hospital Haunting
Hospital em guarulhos
Eu sou formado em técnico de enfermagem, trabalhava no plantão noturno, o lugar já tem muita fama de avistamentos de espectros, névoas e vultos, meu dia já havia sido bem cansativo, mas ainda tinha que fazer o plantão.
Começou bem agitado, eu trabalhava no centro cirúrgico, após o término das cirurgias, eu arrumei tudo e fui preparar o material para o dia seguinte, uma colega de plantão passou para tomar um café, era aproximadamente 23:40, ela ficou até por volta da 00:10, ela voltou pro setor dela e eu continuei com meu trabalho, uns 20 minutos depois, ouvi uma porta bater com muita força, o meu susto foi muito grande, achei que tinha caído algum equipamento, fui olhar e nada fora do lugar, olhei o setor inteiro e nada, me acalmei, e voltei aos meus afazeres, passados 35 minutos outra vez o mesmo barulho, Mas dessa vez eu já não assustei tanto, fui olhar e novamente nada fora do lugar, já faltava pouco pra eu terminar , então acelerei pra acabar o mais rápido possível, passou mais uns 30 minutos e outra vez a pancada, aí eu já estava esperando, fui olhar e nada fora do lugar, aí começou o meu erro, eu estava tão irritado que comecei a falar um monte de besteira, xingar e desafiei o que estava lá, me ferrei, o que quer Estivesse lá começou a intensificar as coisas, o local começou a ficar mais frio, e comecei a ver vultos pra todos os lados, algumas coisas tentando me alcançar aí eu rapidamente sai do centro cirúrgico e fechei a porta, fui até o final do corredor na ala de internação que dava de frente para a porta, sentei em um sofá que tinha lá e fiquei observando, uma sombra andava de um lado para o outro dentro do centro cirúrgico, uma das meninas do outro setor sentou ao meu lado e perguntou quem estava lá dentro, e eu falei que não tinha ninguém a sombra continuava andando, por volta das 3:40 da manhã já havia uma plateia observando, foi quando eu contei o que tinha acontecido, e a sombra parou no meio da porta e começou a chacoalhar a porta inteira, parecia que ia derrubar,as foi por alguns segundos e parou.
Aí o vulto voltou a se movimentar, mas foi cada vez menos até desaparecer próximo as 5:00 horas da manhã, e depois disso não vi nem ouvi e nem senti nada.
Ainda existe mais relatos deste dia mas conto em outro relato, até.
"I am trained as a nursing technician and worked the night shift. The place already had a reputation for sightings of specters, mists, and shadows. My day had been quite tiring, but I still had to do the night shift.
It started off busy; I worked in the surgical center. After the surgeries were finished, I tidied everything up and went to prepare the material for the next day. A colleague on shift came by to have some coffee, it was approximately 11:40 PM. She stayed until around 12:10 AM, then went back to her department and I continued with my work. About 20 minutes later, I heard a door slam with great force, I was very startled, thinking some equipment had fallen. I checked and nothing was out of place. I inspected the entire area and found nothing, then calmed myself and went back to my tasks. After 35 minutes, the same noise occurred again. This time I wasn't as startled. I checked again and once more, nothing was out of place. It wasn't long before I was done, so I sped up to finish as quickly as possible. About 30 minutes later, another loud bang occurred. By then, I was expecting it. I checked and still, nothing was out of place. Here's where I made a mistake: I was so irritated that I started spouting nonsense, cursing, and challenging whatever was there. I messed up. Whatever was there began to intensify things. The place started to get colder, and I began seeing shadows everywhere, some things trying to reach me. I quickly left the surgical center and closed the door, went to the end of the corridor in the hospitalization wing that faced the door, sat on a sofa there, and watched. A shadow moved back and forth inside the surgical center. One of the girls from another department sat next to me and asked who was inside, and I said there was no one. The shadow kept moving. Around 3:40 AM, there was a crowd watching. That's when I told them what had happened. The shadow stopped in the middle of the door and started to shake the whole door, it seemed like it was going to knock it down, but it lasted only a few seconds and then stopped.
Then the shadow began to move again, but less and less until it disappeared around 5:00 AM. After that, I neither saw, heard, nor felt anything.
There are more reports from this day, but I'll tell them in another account, until then."
Submitted by: Jean souza
Light with a Tail
Boivao, Valença, Viana do Castelo
Olá, na noite do dia 12-12-2023 estava em casa e resolvi abrir a janela para acender um cigarro, abri e estava olhando para fora , na esquina tem uma casa que há tempos não é ocupada, olhei para cima e avistei um floco de luz - não sei explicar como era esse floco de luz, lembra uma bola branca c aquele rabo de luz passar bem perto muito rapidamente - eu fiquei sem acreditar, cocei os olhos e foi tão rápido que eu fiquei? Não acredito no que aconteceu, não senti nenhuma presença nem nada, só sei que era bem bonita a luz e foi muito rápido.
Hello, on the night of December 12, 2023, I was at home and decided to open the window to light a cigarette. As I opened it and looked outside, at the corner there is a house that has been unoccupied for a while. I looked up and saw a flake of light - I can't explain what this flake of light was like, it resembled a white ball with a tail of light passing by very quickly - I couldn't believe it, I rubbed my eyes and it was so fast that I was left in disbelief. I didn't feel any presence or anything, I just know that the light was very beautiful and it happened very quickly.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Hello, on the night of December 12, 2023, I was at home and decided to open the window to light a cigarette. As I opened it and looked outside, at the corner there is a house that has been unoccupied for a while. I looked up and saw a flake of light - I can't explain what this flake of light was like, it resembled a white ball with a tail of light passing by very quickly - I couldn't believe it, I rubbed my eyes and it was so fast that I was left in disbelief. I didn't feel any presence or anything, I just know that the light was very beautiful and it happened very quickly.
Haunted Mansion
Na cidade de Jaguariúna existe um casarão de uma fazenda (Fazenda da Barra) da época da escravatura onde os escravos eram acorrentados, açoitado, e largados e toda noite até hoje, quando passamos próximo ao casarão, que está abandonado e fechado, é possível ouvir o barulho dos escravos arrastando as correntes lá dentro.
In the city of Jaguariúna, there is a mansion from an old farm (Fazenda da Barra) from the slavery era, where slaves were chained, whipped, and abandoned. Even today, when we pass by the mansion, which is now abandoned and closed, it's possible to hear the sound of slaves dragging their chains inside.
Submitted by: Daiane Licurgo
Repeating Couple
5 Below
My boyfriend and I sat in his parked car and talked some outside the store, waiting to go in but not sure why anymore. Another couple walks by into the store, in front of his car, on the sidewalk. They look at us through the windshield as they walked by with horrified and disgusted expressions, which we in the car found odd but ignored. A few minutes later, still inside the car, the we see the same couple coming from the original direction outside walking by again...into the store...that they never came out of. The couple walks inside without acknowledging us this time, but now we look at them horrified and confused looks on our faces. I asked my boyfriend after several minutes if he saw it too, but he was very casual about the "time slip," though he did agree it happened. We did not go inside the store.
Submitted by: Annonymous
Red-eyed Creature
Morro do Piolho(Vila Dirce)
Por volta de 2010, enquanto eu e amigos brincávamos de pique-esconde durante a noite nessa rua que era de costume de nós crianças na época, um de nossos amigos de repente paralizou na nossa frente. Era muito visível o medo, havia um desespero em seus olhos, em seu rosto. Queríamos entender o que aconteceu e o ajudamos a se sentar próximo do poste. Com a voz trêmula nos contou ter visto no beco que dava acesso ao campo vazio e escuro da época, um ser de olhos vermelhos e garras bem grandes. Esse ser estava agachado e o olhava com muito afinco enquanto mexia suas garras no chão arenoso ele nos contou. Voltamos no dia seguinte para averiguar o local, era manhã e vimos as marcas no chão no exato local onde ele disse ter avistado o monstro.
Around 2010, while my friends and I were playing hide and seek at night in a street that was a usual spot for us kids at the time, one of our friends suddenly froze in front of us. The fear was very visible; there was desperation in his eyes, in his face. We wanted to understand what happened and helped him sit down near a streetlight. With a trembling voice, he told us that he had seen in the alley leading to the empty, dark field at that time, a creature with red eyes and very large claws. This creature was crouched and was intently looking at him while scraping its claws on the sandy ground, he told us. We went back the next day to check the place, it was morning, and we saw the marks on the ground exactly where he said he had seen the monster.
Submitted by: Morador do Bairro
Point of Light
Rio Doce
Em uma tarde, por volta das 17:45 , estava indo para a escola para fazer crisma, quando derrepente avistei um pontinho de luz andando no céu escuro, aquilo não era um carro, pois não tinha montanhas naquele local.
In the afternoon, around 5:45 PM, I was going to school for confirmation class, when suddenly I saw a small point of light moving in the dark sky. It wasn't a car, as there were no mountains in that area.
Submitted by: David
Past Life Vision
Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo
I had visions of another life of mine, in which I had children, a wife.
Submitted by: Fbio