Glass House Mountain Lookout

My best mate Daniel and I were going for a late night drive up to the look at Glass House Mountains. This is something we've done plenty of times before. It's was was about 1 O'clock in the morning. We're driving North up Old Gympie road talking and enjoying the still night. As we approach the left turn onto Glass House Woodford Road, we come to a complete stop. We're speechless, frozen refusing to even blink. We see a large floating glowing entity. It was silver floating down Glass House Woodford Road. It was about 3 metres (9.8 ft) off the ground. Calm and Ghostly. It was shaped like a tadpole. With what look like a metallic dark shimmering silver vale or cloth drapped on and trailing. The back two thirds waved like cloth in the wind as it almost appeared to be swimming in the air. The front was perfectly round and the size of a basket ball. The length was about 5 metres (16.4 ft) (The front shape with cloth reminds of the dementors head from Harry Potter.) As we watched it slowly float down the road I break the silence asking Daniel "What is it?" He replies "I don't know". It drifts over Old Gympie Road in front of us. Continuing straight into the bush bobbing and weaving between the trees. We watched it until it disappeared into the bush. We then continued to the lookout but we didn't get out of the car this time. We barely stayed a minute before turning around and driving home. We had no idea what we had witnessed. A ghost? A demon? An Alien? We were freaked out regardless. Years later I retell this story to a fellow student Dee at Nursing course. She is a first nations woman from the local area. She tells me the whole area is filled with spirits and that I likely witness the spirit of the daughter/sister that was killed by her father and brothers the beings that formed the Glass House Mountains.

Submitted by: Matthew B.

Club Regatas Liman Filial San Antonio

I was walking at night through heavy fog, it usually takes me like 5 minutes from going to pool A to pool B, but this time it felt more, no one was around so i was alone in that track, the way felt like it was repeating and that i was trapped in a loop, after like what it felt 40 minutes of walking i finally reached pool B, but then when i saw my cellphone it took me just like 12 minutes.

Submitted by: saladito

Home Near Grave Yard

I lived in a home there where I experienced a range of things over a few years of living there. Hearing slow steps down the hall at night but unable to see anyone. Hearing someone run up the stairs when me and my family arrived home despite no one else being in the home. On one occasion my little brother looked over Mums shoulder while we were outside sitting around a fire pit and said "what happened his head?" while his eyes filled with tears. (he was 3). Feeling the bed shake at night or something leaning into me while I slept. Hearing a strange noise at night that sounded like two angry voices speaking in a different language, it sounded like it was coming through a pipe. This was the scariest as it sounded and felt so evil. As well as a horrible heavy feeling in the home. I've lived elsewhere for a long time now and still have nightmares about the home. I have a reoccurring nightmare that the home is alive and I'm trapped in it. It's located near Pinegrove Memorial Park which is a grave yard.

Submitted by: Anon

Calgary Tower

Saw a el capybara trying to slay Deborah Ali Williams in floptropica

Submitted by: Anoymous

Biringan City

Ever since I was a child in the small town of Gandara, the legend of Biringan captivated my imagination. My grandmother, with her voice as soft as the evening breeze, would recount tales of a hidden city shrouded in mystery, a place where the boundaries between the earthly and the ethereal blurred. I grew up dreaming of its unseen wonders. One sultry evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, I made up my mind. I was going to find Biringan. The forest of Samar, dense and whispering secrets, seemed to beckon me. With each step, the familiar paths gave way to the unknown, and the air grew thick with anticipation. As night cloaked the forest, a peculiar fog rolled in, transforming the landscape. I pushed forward, driven by a mix of fear and fascination. Suddenly, I stumbled upon a clearing where moonlight danced upon a gate woven from vines and luminescent flowers. My heart raced; it was just as my grandmother had described – the gateway to Biringan. With a mixture of awe and trepidation, I stepped through. The world shifted around me, revealing a city of indescribable beauty. Crystal towers soared into the sky, streets glimmered as if paved with stars, and the air buzzed with the energy of unseen technology. The inhabitants of Biringan were like no humans I had ever seen – ethereal beings with eyes that held the depth of the universe. They welcomed me with smiles that warmed my soul, showing me around their magnificent city. I saw gardens where flowers sang in harmony, fountains that danced with iridescent light, and vast libraries with books that whispered their contents to me. As I explored this wonderous city, I learned of their advanced knowledge and the harmony they had achieved with nature. They shared with me their understanding of the cosmos, art that depicted realities beyond my comprehension, and music that resonated with the very essence of life. But as the first light of dawn began to touch the horizon, a gentle yet firm voice told me, "You must return to your world. Biringan is a secret, a legend that lives in whispers. Keep its memory in your heart, but let it remain hidden from the world." Reluctantly, I left Biringan, the gate closing silently behind me. When I returned to Gandara, it was as if no time had passed. No one believed my story, but I knew the truth. The memory of Biringan lives within me, a vivid echo of a world beyond understanding. I share this tale, not as a claim of truth, but as a testament to the wonders that may lie hidden, just beyond the veil of our perception.

Submitted by: Maria Kantutera

Motel Marengo

First I had a random dream about something I can't even remember anymore ( It was so long ago) And the only thing that had stood out to me was the setting the dream took place in. I was walking down a pebble path and up some wooden stairs in a garden going towards a houses entrance. Anyway, years later my family was looking at buying a beach house and I was touring one for the first time when I looked down and was suddenly inside my exact dream moment walking in the same direction, with exactly the same surroundings. Thats it- I just found it freaky. This is not the only time I have lived my dreams before, just one of the craziest ones.

Submitted by: Rory


My friend and I were hanging out at another friends' house, we'd already been there for a few hours and things were calming down. I sat at one end of her couch in the living room while our other friend was sat at the opposite end, we were both falling asleep. I had my eyes closed and was close to passing out, but then I saw a lady standing at the other end of the room, staring at us, but my eyes were closed? Naturally, terrified of anything remotely spooky, I sat up and was breathing heavy, but at the exact time I had shot up scared, so did my other friend that was on the couch. We looked at each other and sort of exchanged these broken sentences, I asked her if she saw it too, and she said 'that lady', so we both ran out of the house and refused to go back in. It/she didn't feel threatening, I don't really know what the feeling around her was. She was just watching us, I didn't notice any emotion on/around her, and our third friend didn't see her at all (it was her house, maybe that has something to do with it, I don't know). She wore an old, common looking dress, earlier than the 1900s if I had to guess. And she had dark hair pulled back from her face. I'm a huge skeptic, and this is the only situation in my life that I can't logic out of. We were both falling asleep, eyes shut, and saw the same lady at the same time. I've never had any experiences after that, and never went back to that house either. I've always wondered why she was there. I looked up the house and it was built in 1976 with only two owners before them, so it seems unlikely she was connected to the house. Maybe the area? The other friend that was on the couch, she said her mom is a Medium, so I thought maybe the ghost lady was drawn to her and somehow I just ended up being an extra bystander.

Submitted by: Lee T


There have been multiple multiple sittings of "supposed humans" that claim themsleve not to be either man or woman but a strange "variant" I.E. organic species that have been reported to be "time multi-dimensional beings" (Transgenerational orientation human beings)

Submitted by: Unidentified Animal

San cristobal

Just a normal 2021 night, I was in my balcony just looking at the sky, all of the sudden I start seeing this pattern of lights tbh I though nothing since there's like an salon for parties like 500 meters near our house and when they have events you can see the party lights reflected in the clouds, after 3 minutes of seeing this pattern of lights (I know, slow mind) I notice there's was no party at this event salon, no music, no lights coming from the place, so I look right up and they are still there they kinda dissappeared for 2 minutes and then came back, after realizing that I clearly was looking at some UFO thing I just went back into the house

Submitted by: Angela

Halifax Harbour

I usually walk my dogs by the ocean where I live. I will watch the stars and enjoy the peace and quiet of the ocean when I walk them at night quite often. One night around 12 am I looked out into the water and noticed these two huge balls of light lighting up the sky. They almost looked like big fireballs or flares. I had assumed it was a boat sailing into the harbour with lights on top of its masts but when I took my phone out to zoom into them I noticed there was nothing beneath them. So then I thought flares but of how high they were in the sky it made no sense. They also remained stationary with no sign of moving for at least 10 minutes. Then one faded out, then moved to a completely different spot, then reappeared. Then they would both fade out, then come back in a different spots but not at the same time. One light ended up reappearing almost a kilometre away and then the other one would also. It went on for about an hour and then they both faded out and did not come back. It might have been lights on top of a boat? Something to do with a military exercise out on the water with flares? I have tried to google it and see but haven't seen anything that was a without a doubt answer. I have not seen it since that night, and to be honest I am not sure I want to.

Submitted by: Jess

Dugas office

We lived in an old school, as young kids we played with this little girl our age that would appear out of thin air and disappeared when an adult would come our way. Only saw her in the old school part of the house. She appeared in front of my mom once, also she saved the house from burning down by waking me up one nigth when my brother had builded a town out of sheet of paper on the electric heater. The paper was starting to char and smoke when i ripped it off the radiator. No idea who she was or what happened to her, just realised she was a ghost when we got older

Submitted by: Paul Boudreau


I was feeling a bit bored and decided to go on a walk in the middle of the night whyle it was dark out in august. I take the same path usually twoards a beach about 3 kilomiters away from my house and i just listen to music. But on this nights walk a bird followed me all the way almost to the beach wich was quite strange but i dont think the event im about to talk about is connected to that. I made it to the beach at about 4am in the morning and went to sit on the swing by the shore line, its a pretty place too surrounded by forests on both sides, so i swung for a bit whyle the music played. I was looking at the stars and wanted to hear the waves since it seemed quite relaxing and pieceful so i took off my headphones and... 3 seconds in i heard a screach from the disdance about 300 meters away that was so inhumanly loud and sounded like a distorted mix of human and a mountain lion. We dont have mountain lions here. It was the most horryfying sound ive heard.... I booked it twoards the street lights off in the disdance hoping whatever it is, is really far away and thank the sky i didnt remember this fact... But of course i remembered it whyle i was walking one side twoards the open forest on a narrow road by the street, that 40 minute walk back was an amount of dred I would not like to experience again. But its not over yet, about a year before that event i heard the same thing in the forest at noon whyle i was walking and it sounded closer. Heres a horryfying thought, maybe ill keep hearing it till it gets so close it will reach me, whatever it may be. Non the less i will not walk in dark places alone for a long long time.

Submitted by: Chris-Jan Allik

Mount Warning

I was swimming in the creek at mount warning with my friend a couple of years back, everything was completely normal up until my friend went back to our campsite to get something and then I became very aware that I was down in the creek alone, I began to paddle my way back to shore when I heard splashing behind me and when I turned around there was a girl with brown hair and in a white dress lying face down in the water. I screamed and ran for my life then notifying my family of what I had seen. That wasn’t all either on the same trip we went and did the mount warning trail however me being me I decided that taking it slow and easy was the way to go as the rest of my family and friends went in a little further. When I was casually strolling I heard a twig behind me break (I know literally a scene from a horror movie) when I turned around I saw a dark figure quickly hide behind a tree, I began running and as I was running I could see this dark figure almost running in sync with me but behind the tree line. I am a proud bunjalung women and This was before I was in touch with my culture, I now know that women with indigenous background are not allowed to climb that mountain

Submitted by: Anonymous

Primary School
1999 - 2005

My first paranormal experience. I was just 6 years old, going at a new school. This is an old building, 100 plus or so. Here in Mexico we do the flag honors and stuff, right after that there was a little break. Just as the anthem starts I look up to the center building and there's a girl up there, in a room we're not supposed to go, because there was a lot of unused furniture and such, so there were also spiders, maybe rats. Just as I notice the girl, there is a strong wind that closes the wooden blind, so fast that it opens again... And she's not there. From that moment on, I started dreaming about her, recurring dreams about a house on fire, some apartment and a hotel. Every single night, for a couple months, then one night I wake up and she's there, standing next to my bed, watching me. I was so terrified. The next night it happened again and again, until I gathered enough courage to try to talk to her, but she never talked, just started to appear in the burning house I still dreamed about. This went on, until I was 14, so 8 years of tired nights and being afraid of my own room, the last year was the worst, because something else showed up at my room, a tall black figure, well tall is an understatement, it was a humanoid figure, that reached the ceiling, but still it was bent over, so it's back was touching the ceiling, that night the girl was not watching me, nor that thing... From that moment on, the tall thing and the girl were always there, with their backs turned on me, I figured the day that thing turned around and looked at me, something awful would happen, but same as it started it stopped, one night I woke up and I was alone, no more dreams, no more girl, the thing never looked at me, but I still wonder, what it was, what she wanted and if it is truly over.

Submitted by: Atato


While waiting outside to be picked up by my parents from an extracurricular. I noticed two bright orange lights circling around one another in the night sky, but with the way they were moving it was clearly two separate entities in the sky. Once I realised I wasn’t seeing things I directed some of my friends to look up at the sky where they too saw the exact thing, although none of them seemed as interested in the lights as me and just brushed them off. I didn’t see them leave though as my parents picked me up shortly after.

Submitted by: Brody

The Leasows

Saw an old woman walking barefoot through the field with just a white nightgown on. Came out from the trees and stood and looked over a little lake / pond. She stood and looked for a good 10 minutes before turning around and walking off into the dark. It was about 1am during the start of winter

Submitted by: Chris Gallagher

Mercur Cemetery

I was with some friends at night, when I saw a tall dark shadow-like figure, just staring at me. We also had a light, and it would blink SOS in morse code.

Submitted by: Ashley

Fortín de las Flores

I had attended a wedding on September 11, 2021, one of the first since the COVID-19 pandemic. It was my cousin's wedding in Fortín de las Flores, a town en route to Córdoba Veracruz, Mexico. This town, once a famous vacation spot, peaked in popularity years ago. My maternal grandparents even spent their honeymoon there in the mid-1950s. However, now far from its glorious past, it is merely a transit town with a nearly abandoned hotel, emanating an eerie atmosphere. We were part of a large group, and I stayed with my wife in a bedroom that was divided into two rooms by a bathroom. On the first night, Friday, aside from the disgust we felt due to the dirt and a dead cockroach in the bathroom, nothing unusual occurred. However, my wife sensed a presence in the room, as if someone was intently watching her from a corner. The following day, we learned that a friend from our group had felt unwell during the night, and his wife mentioned he had spoken in his sleep with someone else. The wedding day itself was normal; the ceremony was held in a nearby garden, and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Everything went perfectly for the bride and groom. We returned to the hotel and went to sleep, the effects of alcohol helping us overlook the filth. In the middle of the night, I woke up abruptly, gasping for air, as if someone had covered my mouth to prevent me from breathing. It took me a few minutes to regain my breath, and I began to cough. Confused about what had happened and seeing my wife visibly frightened only intensified my fear, especially when I noticed a small human bite mark near my shoulder. Its angle made self-infliction impossible. My wife, who was in a separate bed, had not bitten me, and her bite marks are larger. We tried to downplay the incident that night to avoid overthinking. However, upon recounting the story the next day, we came to the unsettling realization that we had experienced a paranormal event.

Submitted by: Chema


One night, I had randomly woken up because my dad was still playing his guitar, like he normally does, but it was 4-6 in the morning. I got up, and went out into the living room to tell him to stop but he wasnt there, and i kept hearing the guitar. I looked in his bedroom and there he was, sleeping, but i could still hear him playing. Im shocked, so i take a moment to see if im ACTUALLY awake or not, and yes, I was. I pinched myself, touched the wall and ran water on my skin to confirm, i was in fact awake. I didn't turn any lights on but i looked all around and there was no identifiable source from where the music was coming from. You see, my dad only ever plays this one tune because he knows nothing else so I know it was his music. It sounded so distant, yet right there in front of me. Im not sre how to explain it. I realized something is going on that i probably shouldn't think too much of, for my own well being and went back into bed, and fell asleep, still hearing the distant sound of my dads guitar playing. I've never experienced auditory hallucinations like that before in my life. and no, there were no electric devices playing either that couldve been the reason.

Submitted by: U.


For a long time when I was a kid, at night as i'd fall asleep, something would grab my leg. For many nights, but never in a row, once and a while I would feel a hand gently wrap around my lower leg, or ankle. I'd feel a weight press on me, where it grabbed. Something in me told me to never open my eyes when this happened and i never did. I wold just stay as still as possible. I only lived with my dad, and he never came in my room. That weight would stay on my ankle until i'd fall asleep, and when i'd wake up, it would no longer be there. I did have a dog who died before all that... Maybe it was her, but still very creepy.

Submitted by: U.


It’s been known for a long time this is a ufo hot spot by locals One time we were driving back down the mountain towards Picton. Me and my brother were in the backseat. As we’re driving down to the left there were two hills that crossed into a gully together, and as we’re passing the hill it shows the gully and the beautiful full moon sitting in between. It was so bright you could see it shining on us and we didn’t even know it was a full moon. We both looked at it and we’re talking about how beautiful it was and how big! it was. I remember it being huge and bright. You couldn’t see any of the indents in it. It was pure white As we pass the hills and talking about how big it was I looked around and seen that the moon was actually directly above us, and its actual size. Me and my brother started freaking out as that wasn’t the moon between the hills.

Submitted by: Jasmine


It was Taken during a bad thunderstorm in late summer, I was on my way to work. I didn't know until I got the film developed that it was a ufo

Submitted by: Ashley

Williams lake

So what happened was I was trying to fall asleep one night and at 3:00 a.m. roughly a bunch of strange noises were coming from both outside and inside the house I'm sleeping in and it still happens every night it's really strange and I can't explain it my best guess is a ghost. And yeah that's it.

Submitted by: Owen


It was 12:30 and I was on the roof and I looked at the sky and saw a big luminous object, not one of them, that looks like a flying saucer.

Submitted by: David


What looked like a meteor surrounded by flames and then it just stopped. Flames extinguished and a red orb was left motionless for about 5 seconds and then it proceeded to move east across the sky changing colours, as it moved. It then shot directly upwards, then stopped and continued moving east changing colours from red to orange to yellow to blue and continued moving east until it was out of our sight.

Submitted by: Look up!

oued zem

It was a normal day, we used to play on our houses rooftop my and my siblins (moroccan houses have accessible roof tops with walls around them). but then I don't remember how my siblings were gone... And I was feeling weird and everything was blurred... I heard a helicopter and when I lifted my head to the sky... It was a black helicopter passing over the house maybe 50 feet above the house. it was so close. and that's literally all I remember.

Submitted by: Amine


It was my first time travelling abroad and I chose Brighton for many reasons, but one of them being the strange feeling of familiarity since I read a book when I was around 10. When the main character said she was studying in Brighton and described the area, I could picture all the details in my head so, when I googled it, everything was exactly how I imagined. It never happened to me before, so it stuck in my head for years and years until I finally got there. I was there to study and just have a good time, but the feelings I got there were all very different for me. Most of them were very good, but some of them were... not exactly bad, but strange I'd say. I don't know if you've ever been there but the city has one side that's all Brighton and another side that's all Hove. All the things out of ordinary happened to me while in Brighton. Like the fact that I knew how to find famous places like the museums without needing to check routes on maps, but I got lost several times walking to the school almost everyday (the school was in Hove). The normal thing for me is to get lost, even here where I've lived my whole life I still lose my way (I have diagnosed ADHD and the doc said this is one of the common things that happen to me). In specific streets, I would feel like I've been there before and have feelings of things happening there. When I arrived at the house I was staying, I asked the hostess if I could light a candle, since my religion works a lot with them and I just wanted to thank all my guides for getting there safe. I had a very turbulent journey. She said of course I could, she was very respectful about everything. I lighted my candle the evening after but unfortunately I ended up falling asleep and woke up in the middle of the night with a strange noise of plastic bags being moved around. I could tell it was around 3 or 4 am because the bedroom was dark but there was a natural light coming from the window that you only get late at night, almost morning. It took me a few seconds to understand what was going on, at first I thought the hostess was in my bedroom cleaning things up because i could see a shadowy figure on their backs collecting things from the floor. When I moved to sit up on the bed, the figure turned to me so quickly that scared me so hard I couldn't move. The moment it looked at me and I looked at it I got goosebumps... It was literally it, a shadow. No face, no nothing. Just a shadow. It came running towards me as if it wanted to suffocate me, I could feel some anger coming from it but, the moment it "touched" my neck it disappeared like smoke. It had touched the rosary my friend had given me before the trip, at the time he told me to wear it at all times, specially if I feel anxious about anything as if he knew something weird was going to happen. I believe it was something from the house that didn't want to be seen but, after that day, nothing else happened there so I guess the candle did its work on the cleansing. However, I never lighted any other candle in the same room as me since then.

Submitted by: Gio

Nisia Floresta, Rio Grande do Norte

O tempo se distorceu. Estava na cozinha usando o celular, deixei ele em cima da mesa e fui preparar algo para comer. Ao voltar para a mesa, vi que o celular havi sumido. Ele estava ali poucos minutos atrás e simplesmente sumiu. Estava sozinha em casa, procurei em cada canto por quase 40 minutos e só encontrei no quarto, na parte superior da casa. Eu fiquei completamente duvidando da minha sanidade. Na mesma semana avistei UFOs na mesma região. Moro numa casa de praia e nos finais de tarde (após as 5pm) é comum vê-los sobre o mar ---- "Time seemed distorted. I was in the kitchen using my phone, left it on the table, and went to prepare something to eat. When I returned, the phone had disappeared. It was there just minutes before and vanished. I was alone at home, searched every corner for nearly 40 minutes, and only found it in the bedroom upstairs. I was completely doubting my sanity. That same week, I saw UFOs in the same area. I live in a beach house, and in the late afternoons (after 5pm), it's common to see them over the sea."

Submitted by: Emma Soleil

Martock Somerset

Myself and my best friend were lying on the pavement in front of my house looking at the stars as it was a clear night, we saw a star moving quite fast and suddenly stop. Then another 3/4 stars came towards it from different directions and stopped also creating a circle. They all the. Starting vibrating in their places. We ran inside once we saw that.

Submitted by: Anonymous


Every person in this province knows this story, and I'm sure if you're from Argentina, you already know what we're going to talk about here. Everyone who sees her says the same; she wears all white clothes, all from her time (1870s). Others may say they saw her in mortuary clothing just because of her disgrace, but all the people are on the same page with something—she's always crying. Every 30th of January, she appears in the church that her family built in her honor. Her story is a very sad one; disgrace always accompanied her. She got married at 15, had two children, and one of them died at a young age. She also lost her husband when she was 26 years old. All the men in the city were trying to date her, but when she chose one, another who wasn't chosen decided to take her life away out of jealousy. After her death, her grieving family decided to build a church on the back of the very same house she lived in. So, every 30th of January, she appears on the tallest tower of the church, just right next to the window, to cry for the life and love she couldn't have.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Elwood Promary

When I was 7 I saw a Victorian Era dressed girl (whitey-blue dress) with long brown hair with a ribbon in it and she was holding a teddy bear she look like she had drowned but she wasn’t wet her her skin dull and pale dark brown eyes and this was in the what I believe was the old after school care room…. It absolutely terrified me

Submitted by: Eniti


A group of us were camping at the campsite about 4 families including 12 kids. I was a teenager in charge of the younger ones and my older brother my little sister and I led the kids on a hike down a nearby trail that we had walked down the day before, we knew it circled back around if we took the third left turn. Arriving at the third left turn we decided to go straight for a little bit and would double back after seeing what was further up the path, sitting under a tree in the shadow appeared to be some sort of dog, we got closer wondering if it was lost but It wasn’t a dog, it was way bigger, it was basically like a black panther the big teeth pointed ears that turned back as it hissed at us and lept towards us we all saw it and screamed and sprinted back to the parents visibly shaken and trying to get them to understand what we saw they didn’t believe us and said it was a dog. All of us still talk and remember it to this day. I’ve regularly gone back and tried looking for it but haven’t ever seen it since. I know in my heart it was a giant cat of some sort, it was all black and it was fast.

Submitted by: Ally

Sorrel/Weed house

I was working in the Pooler (Savannha GA) Area I love ghost hunting I brought my eldest son to visit and explore Savannah with me. We did a couple of ghost tours, and our last tour of the night was with the Sorrel Weed House. Amazing History without the ghost stories that extend to wars before the city was built. I became friends with the group there and was allowed to come and explore almost every weekend. At first, I did not get much, there was weird things that did happen but also could be explained as something else. On this night the plan was for me to explore on my own but there were two older gals that were open to the experience but were not well versed in ghost hunting. The guide asked if could go with them and help them get a good experience. We were in the ladies sitting room. One of the ladies and myself was sitting on the couch and her friend was right by the door to the hallway the door was open but from me to her was about 10-12 feet away. The lady that was sitting next to me made the comment "I wish something would happen". I told her. "It is like fishing when you want it to happen nothing does." As soon as I said that about two seconds later the two of us heard whistling that was picked up on my GoPro, iPhone, and also on the Sorrel/Weed house live feed that they do. There was no one else on that floor. I asked the other groups in the house if anybody was whistling. The other groups responded with an astounding no. I attached the file of just the whistle. The gal that was 10 feet away from did not hear the whistle at all. I have done other paranormal experiences and ghost hunting this was the coolest thing that has happened to me so far that I have been able to capture.

Submitted by: Mr.E?


I was looking out my window when I saw strange small blueish light up in the sky so I I grabbed my binoculars I couldn't find it again but about an hour of so later I spotted it again and now I'm realy confused but then it got closer and to the point where I could see the individual lights on it but then just as I saw it it flew away faster than I've ever seen.

Submitted by: Ryder


Lived in this pretty neat but old apartment with my partner for a few years although we kept feeling absolutely frightened whenever we would have to go to the basement to put in/take out clothes from the washing machine that was down there. The only access to the basement was from a trap door on the kitchen floor. The stairs were extremely steep and the basement was unfinished. Facing back to when one would go down, there was the only half-finished room in the basement was about three meters long by three meters. The ceiling was VERY low, about 6 feet low. There wasn't anything in that room. Just a light in the middle, on the ceiling. The room had four walls but no door, just an opening in the wall. If we could've had a door, we would've locked it, because that room had extremely bad vibes. The rest of the basement was unfinished and had random abandoned/broken furniture laying around. You could not see the end of the basement because of the very poor lighting down there, which also participated in the creepiness. One night as we were having some pointless argument about dirty dishes, we were in my office, which was right above the tiny empty room in the basement. As our voices starting getting louder during the fight, we were interrupted by an extremely loud scream that was coming from the basement. A woman screaming so loud it turned into a gurgle as the voice broke. We could feel the floor shaking. We turned pale and wondered what the heck happened. We did not want to go downstairs to check, but there was no way to enter the basement other than the trap door from the kitchen; no windows, nothing. The trap door was always blocked by our small kitchen table and a chair, and it was that way on that night. So no one could've entered the basement. After a while, my (now ex) partner decided to go down to check because what if there was a woman trapped down there. So I went along. Nobody was there. We checked around with our phone lights. Nothing. The tiny room had broken glass scattered around because the lightbulb exploded somehow. I had showed the room to a friend the day before (every first visit of the apartment included a visit in that odd room), the light was fine then. No idea what happened down there, we never spoke about it and we both moved out shortly after this as we seperated. Couldn't've been a neighbor and the only next-door neighbor that could've heard it was absent that night.

Submitted by: A.A.


I used to live in a small town next to the city of Granada. It just carried a weird vibe in general. The house i was living in had a lot of land and a lot of witchcraft used to be practiced there. One night i went to bed with my bedroom door open, when its opened you can look straight down the hallway. I woke up in the middle of the night and started looking at the hallway. My dog had passed away a few months prior, but there he was in the hallway. I made eye contact with him and he got on his legs standing like a human and walked out of the hallway. I remember vividly how his eyes looked the way they did before he died he had cataracts. I slept with my door closed after that until i moved out of that house.

Submitted by: Arlo

Novi Sad

My apartment is haunted by the previous owner who died in 2011, I often hear knocking on the closet or footsteps in the room that used to be his, and my electronics glitch when I spend time in his room.

Submitted by: parica


I lived in this house when i was around 9 and 10. Before moving into this house i remember that when we went to tour it, we made jokes it was haunted because a lot of the windows on doors were smashed from the wind. Somehow i still ended up living there. It was a historic house that nuns live in and sew things for sailors from the 1300s or 1400s. I might be a little off on the details but you can google it. The house had obviously been updated since then but it still held a lot of its original details such as door frames and ceilings and attic things that were too historical to get rid of it was a very unique house. The patio was built around ruins of a church or mosque. For the year i lived here many strange occurrences happened. I would go to sleep and wake up to everything in my room being somewhere different and it would get gradually worse and disorganized. I once woke up to a shelf being moved slightly but in a way that was very noticeable. Id wake up in the middle of the night and in my room just watching me there would be a lady in a very old dress maybe from the 1700s just staring at me. There was also a family i would make up to being in my doorway, different kind of clothes then the other lady but it was a mother, father, little boy and a baby in a baby carriage but they would usually go away when they saw me awake. I remember a few times going downstairs to the kitchen to get water at night and the counter was just turned into a bar and there would be 5 to 10 people sitting there and the bartender would be in the kitchen behind the counter, but they would just look at me and continue on. They all didnt seem like living people, they had a weird aura around them that you could kind of see and were kind of cloudy and transparent if that makes sense. The attic was also just a very weird area of the house, it had the normal footsteps and noises i would not go up there much. The whole energy to this house was just very off and some of the things ive seen there were just unexplanable. i would just try to live with it there.

Submitted by: Arlo

Abandoned Farm House

Entered the abandoned farm house here and saw a pentagram in the basement which was fine. Upon leaving at midnight tho things got weird. We started to hearing loud moans coming from upstairs at which point we booked it and ran out of the house. When we turned back we saw what can only be described as a demon/ghost looking thing staring at us from the window on the top floor at the back of the house. Did not leave the house for weeks after this

Submitted by: Anonymous

In the wilderness, near a water damn

While out exploring at night with some buddies, we came across an area with a bunch of empty coffee cans. One of my buddies told us to come look at what he found and it ended up being a coffee can with singed hairs and small animal bones in it. Unfortunately I didnt get any pictures because we immediately got in the car and left. With this encounter being near a indian reservation we didnt take any risks. I always get an off feeling near gunlock and the res, like im being watched or tracked.

Submitted by: Jackson

Submitted by: Anonymous


Since Roman Empire days, a small Roman Village was build in this area with a deep cult to the roman god Somnus, personification of sleep and brother to Mors, the personification of death. Nowadays this area records higher statistics of death by taking their own lives than the average. This is attributed to this ancient cult and the underground water, which makes people from this area start to lose sanity during their sleep, hearing its murmur. Other events include strange placed shadows during daytime, sounds coming from literally nothing and the mutual agreement on not talking about this and ignore it even when it happens in front of you.

Submitted by: Anonymous


Happened in my house, woke up later in the night to knocking that i know does not happen normally. I was paranoid and asked ‘who are you’ to which it replied with four knocks. I used the alphabet along with the knocks and got the name debbie. God knows.

Submitted by: Bob

main road bridge waimakariri river

it was late one night, and I was driving with my boyfriend just under the main north road bridge. When we noticed something in the rear view mirror. It was a big square shaped thing flying behind the car. It looked like a mirror, it was reflecting the trees we were driving past. We both freaked out and my boyfriend floored it, the object flew over us and into the distance we drove all the way back home in fear. I have never had another encounter like it.

Submitted by: Lisa

Glenmacnass Waterfall

Me and 3 other lads went on a mountain drive stopped the car to chill got out and sat on the rock ledge and we were just looking into the sky chatting and I saw what I thought originally was a shooting star because it seemed too high to be a plane but I wasn't sure. Anyway it stopped in the sky and i told the boys to look they saw it stop I was thinking ahh maybe its a helicopter but just as quick as it stopped it started flying backwards and all of the lads saw it bar one of them because he wasnt wearing his glasses. it stopped and went backwards too quickly to be a helicopter and it seemed as far away as the stars. normally on planes or helicopters you see the flashing red and green lights on them but this was just white like the colour of a star and there was no engine noise.

Submitted by: Andrew


ghost lady at the foot of my my bed caused me to randomly wake up at 3:33am, caused my heart to race for a second, but there wasn't any real big fear, didn't sense anything malicious, she just chillin tbh she looked asian-ish I think, idk if she had blood on her face or not, hard to see features or details as she was translucent and it was dark. I think she had a very very slight dark blue tint but just barely. idk how tall she was, she was either like 7 feet tall or she was floating. she was looking at me sleep I think. as soon as I woke up i was wide awake

Submitted by: Daniel

QuestFactor Escaperooms

About a year and a half ago my coworker had to stay the bright for several weeks in the basement of my workplace, during that time she said she felt a presence in the space. After a week of feeling this presence she woke up one night to find a kindly grandmother, this spirit spoke in soft friendly tone before vanishing.

Submitted by: Cyrus Ogle


Eu era bem novo, tinha uns 12 anos ferias de julho, meu amigo da mesma idade q era meu vizinho e a gente estudava junto, tinha uma fazenda em campo grande ms dai a gente passou 1 semana la dai numa tarde, a gente foi buscar o cavalo no pasto, era meio distante e tinha muita plantação de milho e soja dai a gente avistou o cavalo bem distante, so q ele tava deitado era umas 18h ja chegando a noite dai a gente foi chegando perto do cavalo pra saber o q tinha acontecido, dai meu amigo me fala ' Ricardo ( nome mudado ), olha pro ceu 'tinham 3 luzes vermelhas girando, em forma de triangulo e voava bem rapido de uma ponta do horizonte pra outra aviao nao fazia aquilo dai as luzes sumiram mas a gente foi acometido por uma paralisia q deixou a gente com os musculos duros, a gente nao conseguia se mexer pra nada nem abrir a boca pra falar a gente tinha ficado bem ao lado duma plantação de milho eu so conseguia mexer os olhos dai a gente começou a ouvir um barulho vindo da plantação como se alguem tivesse andando mas eu tava de costas, nao dava pra virar a cabeça nem pro lado mas como sempre usei oculos, eu conseguia ver pelo reflexo o que tinha arás de mim, pela lente mesmo eu nao queria ter visto rsrsr dai aparece uma figura, olhando pra gente tinha colocado o tronco e a cabeça pra fora do milharal, uma visao que ate hj me arrepia os pelos dos braços aquilo era muito feio... olhos puxados, nao era aqueles olhos ovais nao mas a cabeça da criatura era alongada, e muito palido se tinha boca, nao consguia ver, parecia bem pequena mas ficou ali, uns 2 minutos olhando a gente e eu só conseguia tremer , e chorava assustado eu e meu amigo q tava logo a minha frente, ele sim viu a 'coisa' de frente pra ele eu via o terror na cara dele depois, o bicho entrou de volta pro milharal o cavalo se levantou, e saiu em disparada e a paralisia soltou a gente, q caimos no chao, moles de medo mas com aquela vontade desgraçada de sair correndo, mas a gente tava dolorido pra caramba doia tudo mesmo assim a gente começou a andar rapido pra fazenda sem dizer uma palavra dai logo mais a noite todo mundo na mesa na hora da janta, eu contei pro pai do meu amigo e o pai dele tipo fez aquela cara tipo ' então vcs tb viram '... nao disse nada, nem desconversou... só fez aquele silencio e todo mundo olhando um pra cara do outro...depois desse dia meu amigo nao foi mais o mesmo.... sempre distante olhando pro nada... uns anos atras eu consegui falar com ele pelo orkut, e cai na besteira de perguntar pra ele se ele se lembrava daquilo ele disse q nao sabia de nada, e sumiu, apagou a conta, e perdi o contato com ele de novo... foi isso... ja contei pra alguns amigos ufologos sobre isso, e eles me disseram, q a gente passou pelos mesmos padroes de contato de 3° grau, e a gente teve sorte de nao ter ' sido levados ' pela criatura
I was very young, around 12 years old, during the July holidays. My friend, who was the same age and lived next door, and I studied together, had a farm in Campo Grande, MS, where we spent a week. One afternoon, we went to fetch a horse from the pasture, which was quite far and surrounded by corn and soy fields. We saw the horse lying down from a distance. As it was getting dark around 6 p.m., we approached the horse to see what had happened. My friend then told me to look at the sky, where we saw three red lights spinning in a triangle formation, moving rapidly across the horizon in a way no airplane could, before the lights disappeared. Suddenly, we were overcome by a paralysis that made our muscles stiff, leaving us unable to move or speak. We were right next to a cornfield and could only move our eyes. We started to hear noises from the cornfield as if someone was walking there. I could see a figure through the reflection in my glasses, peering out from the corn, which was a very chilling sight. The creature had elongated, very pale head with unusual eyes, and stared at us for about two minutes. After it retreated, the paralysis lifted, and the horse ran away. We were left terrified and in pain, but managed to return to the farm without speaking. Later, at dinner, I shared our experience, and it seemed to be acknowledged in silence, hinting at a known phenomenon. My friend changed after that day, becoming distant. Years later, he denied remembering the event before disappearing. I've shared this story with ufologist friends who believe we experienced a third-degree contact and were lucky not to have been taken by the creature.

Submitted by: Riva Lima

Contagem, Minas Gerais

Neste dia eu estava vendo filmes com meus avós de noite.Estavamos na sala onde havia uma grande janela com visão para fora (obs:meus avós moravam em uma fazenda).Meu vô fala muito durante filmes,em um momento ele ficou completamente calado então olhei para ele que estava olhando para o lado fora da casa como um zumbi,quando eu e minha vó vimos o que era ficamos surpresas. Vi uma espécie de prato enorme e prateado no céu,tinha uma bola de vidro verde em cima e havia duas silhuetas humanóides nele.Se passou alguns segundos e saiu uma luz verde muito forte desse disco pretendo,vi uma silhueta subindo por essa luz e logo um grande clarão.quando voltamos "ao normal" o filme já tinha acabado,ou seja,o que para nós durou segundos na verdade foram horas. Esse acontecimento ficou marcado em minha vida,tenho alguns outros também,talvez eu conte alguns outros depois.
On this day, I was watching movies at night with my grandparents in the living room of their farmhouse. During the movie, my talkative grandfather suddenly became silent and stared outside like a zombie. My grandmother and I were surprised to see a huge, silver disc in the sky with a green glass ball on top and two humanoid silhouettes. Seconds later, a bright green light shot out from the disc, and we saw a silhouette ascend into it, followed by a flash. When we "returned to normal," the movie had ended, and what felt like seconds had actually been hours. This event marked my life, and I have other stories that I might share later.

Submitted by: Anna Jlia

Huntingdon College Demon

My roommate went to this school and told me this story. A friend of his went on a walk with another friend and passed a children's playground. They saw a dark figure about seven feet tall with red eyes, its limbs too long to be human, sitting criss-cross on top of a slide. As they approached, the figure looked up and began to chase them on all fours. The two ran back to their dorms at the college. A few weeks later, one of the guys who initially saw the figure (we'll call him Dan) went to a meeting in the upstairs portion of an old dorm building. This building has long been thought to have been haunted and is no longer used as living space — it's just storage and meeting rooms. He went to a meeting room upstairs for a club meeting before another friend arrived confused. She said she had seen him downstairs just then in different clothes before he left the building. Dan assured her that he had been in the meeting room for about ten minutes, so that couldn't have been him outside. She described the clothes she saw him in downstairs — and it was the same outfit Dan initially encountered the dark figure in. A bit after that, a fraternity sent their recruits to the basement of the building for some light hazing, since they thought the building was haunted by no more than your average ghost. It went horribly awry. The shadow-demon from before had taken up residence in the basement. It threw things around before attacking one of the boys. They ran out of the basement — one of them even Facetimed his priest. Another recruit had deep gashes in his arm that looked to be from claws. There have been other sightings of this entity, known as Jimmy, since then in various places around campus after dark. (He's Jimmy because he's slim like a Slim Jim.)

Submitted by: Anonymous

Young Augustine's
October 2023

I was driving home, waiting at the red light at the intersection of Grant St. and Memorial Dr, facing what was then Young Augustine's bar. I'm at this intersection daily, so I'm intimately familiar with it. The light in the bar's parking lot flickered out. I then saw a shadowy figure. It was about the full height of the bar's building. It didn't match the pattern of the surrounding shadows, and since it was at sunset, I could tell there wasn't anyone in or near the bar that could be casting it. It seemed to move briefly across the front of the bar (headed west) before disappearing.

Submitted by: Anonymous

September 15th 2023

My wife had just waken up to go to the restroom and she was recording a video to show me her allergies. Within the vid, you hear a voice say “Hey Isabel”… when she came back to bed, she replayed the vid and heard it, it woke me up asking questions. She was freaked out a bit, but also intrigued.

Submitted by: Michael

Highland Park Utility Area

My younger brother ran into this as a child riding his bike around our neighborhood. He saw a deer skull surrounded by stones in a circle. Next to this arrangement was a series of pentagrams spray-painted onto the nearby utility box. He came home from his bike ride white as a sheet.

Submitted by: Anonymous


Um dia indo de carro para outra cidade passei de carro com meus tios e irmã pela serra de Maracaju(lugar perigoso conhecido por muitos acidentes), o lugar é no meio do nada, era noite, quando a luz do carro iluminou a estrada vi um homem andando descalço, usava jeans e camisa azul, perguntei pra minha tia se algum carro tinha estragado na estrada, ela peguntou porque eu disse 'ué passamos por um homem a pé' e não tem cidade por perto, minha irmã também viu e descreveu o homem como eu vi, minha tia disse 'não tinha ninguém na estrada', quando olhei pra trás não tinha ninguém e nenhum carro ou moto na estrada, só a gente.
While driving at night through the Maracaju mountains with relatives, the narrator sees a man walking barefoot in jeans and a blue shirt. No nearby towns and no visible broken-down cars raise questions about the man's presence. Despite both the narrator and their sister seeing the man, their aunt claims no one was there. Looking back, they see no one and no vehicles, leaving them alone on the road. This eerie encounter in a location known for accidents adds a mysterious layer to their journey.

Submitted by: Gabriela

Room 408 - Hilton Hotel Downtown Miami
Summer 09

What happened in that hotel room. Well, this happened about 9 years ago, i was 15. Me and my school class went on a 20 day vacation trip do USA, we visited NY, Orlando and Miami. We grouped in rooms of 3 each, so my room was me and my friends A and B. We stayed ate the Hilton hotel in miami, room 408 (never forgot it) for only one night, and there was where strange things happened. It was about 9pm and didnt have plans for the night, so we thought of just renting a movie on tv and watching it then go to sleep, so A went in for a shower. Suddenly me and B hear the sound of glass breaking come from inside the bathroom, so we thought A had just broken a glass somehow, so we just laugh to ourselves thinking A just fucked up. Then A comes storming out of the bathroom, asking why the hell did we entered the bathroom and break that glass cup by the sink, so me and B were like "dude, there was no way we entered and you didnt see us", we never reached an agreement, but moved on. A bit later that night, all of the sudden B turns out white as a sheet and scared. He claims he just saw a dark figure rapdly entering towards the bathroom, but neither me nor A believe it. He swears he saw something but again, we moved on. About 30min later, the phone rang and i stood up to pick it up, (one of our friends in the other room calling, nothing strange about that) it was when i saw it, a dark figure, moving quickly toward that bathroom. Got pale and droped the phone on the floor. The 3 of us freaked ou, we didnt know what to do, scared the sh*t out. So we just gather in the same bed, and try to watch the rest movie. A few minutes later, we hear knocking on our door, so A and B got up to open it, while i stayed in bed praying. There was no one outside, all lights out on the hall (it was those sensor lights that goes on when someone walks by). So we just try to relax, and find any possible explanation for what've just happened. To this day we still talk about that night, not knowing what that was.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Mapleton Falls National Park

My friend group had gone on our Normal Friday night drive together. John, Aaron Rach and myself. We'd been driving all night and we stopped at the falls just going onto midnight Saturday morning. It was a full moon, windy and cold. We hung around to enjoy the sight of valley from the lookout. It was bathed in moonlight and was very peaceful with the waterfall flowing next to the look out. We were about to leave when one of my friends decided he needed to pee and decided to relieve himself off the edge of the lookout as the rest of us walked back to the car. We hear him calling out to someone before he turns and calls out to us. Saying "Hey guys I think they're are campers or people at the bottom of the falls and I just peed on them I feel so bad, I didn't see them." We walked over and looked down at the base of the falls. The base is about 120 metres (390 ft) down. We look to see what initially look like blue/white torches in the dark walking through the rainforest towards the base of the falls. We call out to them asking how they're night is. But we get no reply. As well look closer we realised they weren't torches but glowing blue orbs. They then formed a perfect semicircle at the base of the waterfall. Once they formed the semicircle the glowing blue orbs begin to pulsate. We had no idea what we were looking at. We watched for 30 minutes as these lights pulsate. Then they started to come apart, or more turn into lots of little shapes globs of light. They returned into the forest moving like animated blood cells in vains. Then they were gone. We didn't feel scared, a little uneasy because we weren't sure what we had witnessed. But we joked on the ride home that we saw witches or fairies having a full moon ceremony at the base of the falls. I wasn't able to get a photo of the phenomenon my camera wouldn't pick them up clearly enough. But I have a photo I took before the phenomenon from the look out.

Submitted by: Matthew B.

Hilversum, heide between laren

I was walking around with friends at night, yaknow, the 1am walks through a forest. The forest in between Hilversum and Laren always gives me eerie vibes, and this part is located next to a cemetary. As we were walking (pretty deep in the forest) i kept telling my friends i felt watched and that i wanted to leave, they brushed it off and joked about it. Untill one of them stopped walking, the rest of us bumped into him and we all noticed we couldnt hear a thing. No wind, no leaves or anything. The friend that suddenly stopped pointed at something that was about 20 meters away from us. We couldnt see well so he pointed his phone flashlight (which ofc didnt illuminate it well enough) to what he saw. And at that moment we all just ran. i dont onow what we saw but it made the most awful screaming sound but stayed put. It kinda looked like a Wendi and skinwalker mix and match, but we dont have those here. It was about 2/3 meters high, hunched over. elongated face, grey ish skin, but also furry? i have not gone back to that spot since, but one of the friends has. and he said he found massive tree branches broken off and a foot? or paw? mark near the treeline. somenother people i know have had same expierinces in the forest at different spots. im sure its something bad.

Submitted by: C


I was in my house from wich you can see the forest . I saw a man wearing all white but had no face it looked like it was hidden by shadow. He was standing there not moving and then i blinked and he was gone.

Submitted by: Maria

Zona Chimi Changa

Here i saw i think a mythology creature,he had 1.95 height with a really strange haircut ,and for a moment when he turned back i could see he had a turn on/off button on his back of the head,and when he pressed it he dissapeared,really strange had nightmares every night since this accident

Submitted by: Alex Tranca

Well of Arthur’s Kitchen (Arthur's Well) / Ffynnon Cegin Arthur

Ffynnon Cegin Arthur is a noted chalybeate spring in forestry land to the south of Llanddeiniolen. Found by going to the very end of the lane from Penisarwaun through Waun, crossing the stile on the left-hand side and then following the track lined on either side by tall trees through forestry land for around two hundred yards. The well is ten or twenty yards off the track on the left a little before a stream. Chalybeate springs are noted for their high mineral content, in particular iron, and were resorted to for health cures. First identified and named in the late fifteenth century, from the Latin chalybs, steel, the popularity of chalybeate wells spread, reaching its peak in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. During the nineteenth century, the popularity of such wells began to decline, as other cures took their place. Local legend is that King Arthur still uses this well to live forever. Some say that he uses it as a forever wandering spirit.

Submitted by: Cymraes


Me and two of my friends were on the way to our dorms and it was dark, we were already able to see the stars. While we were admiring the star, there was a dot of a light moving that is being half way being circled by a blue dot light, and we could here a weird white noise-ish sound from the sky

Submitted by: Ilasiaq Hansen

Kocaeli izmit

I was walking and I saw my favorite cat I started to walk to him then he started to walk backwards then I got scared and walk closer he stand on his back feet at that point and he turned his head to me with humanoid eyes and ran under a car on 2 legs I looked under the car but he was not there and the next day we sadly found him dead right in front of the building and he's eyes are fully black and out of his head and he is in a very bad position like someone positioned him...

Submitted by: Anonymous

Tyddyn Rhuddallt

Haunted presumably by a well-known Welsh poet, who could be heard typing furiously in the early hours of the night, left a small puddle of blood at the front door, would often walk past stained glass doors and windows, and would try the stiff door handle into the living room. Once we even heard him say "tyd yma", or "come here", at the bottom of the stairs in the middle of the night. The grounds are also haunted by a lady who would run in the fields in the middle of the day.

Submitted by: Cymraes

My House

My house that I bought in 2018 has my exact Initials engraved into the concrete at the front of the property, I didn’t realise until 2019, I recently asked a concreter how old that concrete was and he said between 10-15 years, the initials are written in my exact writing style and is exactly like my old signature which I stoped using when I was about 25, I’m 38 now and had never visited or grew up in this area.

Submitted by: Dave

L'Alfàs del Pi

This happened to me when I was younger, I'm 21 now but at the time I was 14 or 15. I was on holiday with my parents and sister and was staying in this apartment for a couple weeks. This was a regular thing we would do every two or three years, so it was my second time staying in this place specifically but had been here a bunch of times before so I was familiar with the town itself. I was staying with my younger sister in our room and my parents had their own separate room. The apartment was pretty spacious, it had a kitchen and nice living area and then the two rooms and a bathroom. Nothing about the place was unsettling at all, it actually felt nice and like a home away from home. This happened at night, when me and my sister were in our room in bed. She was already asleep and I'm pretty sure I was watching something on my phone. I like to stay up late most nights, and go to sleep when everyone else is already asleep and this was no different. I turned my phone off, rolled over to my side and looked up at the window to our room. It's the middle of August in Spain so we were pretty warm basically every day and the nights were just as bad if not worse so every night I just checked to see if the window had been left open. I looked and saw it was, then closed my eyes with the intention to sleep even though I wasn't really tired. When I did though, I heard almost like wind rushing past my ears for about five seconds. It wasn't deafening but I heard it like I had my head out of the car window. Then after about five seconds I opened my eyes again expecting and it was around midday the next day. It didn't feel like I was waking up, it just felt like I closed my eyes and then opened them, and it was the next day. I know what you're thinking but I did not fall asleep, it didn't feel like that when I closed my eyes or when I opened them. I also almost always dream when I sleep, and this was just a couple seconds of darkness with that weird sound. I was young and I think if I thought about it for too long I'd start to panic, so I ignored it for the rest of the trip. Its never happened to me again even when I went back to that same apartment, but I'll still never forget it. It really felt I had just skipped the night and went straight to the next day.

Submitted by: Luke

Hacienda De San Antonio

I was 10 back then so my memory might be hazy. However I remember the back story of this place is that it use to be a palace long ago (assuming Victorian) and that it was made into a luxury hotel. We were a big group, my family and two of my cousin’s family. To put it short we had most of the rooms, except for the only other vacant room belonged to a couple. We stayed for one night because every room had their story. Mine was the following. I was playing with my nephew in my mother’s room. We left to get something to eat. But I forgot my phone in her room, so we went back 20 mins later and the door was locked. I knocking the door and telling my mom to open the door as she responded with “It’s open! I didn’t lock it”! She eventually opened the door and said it might be the auto lock door where you can open from one side unless you have a key. We tested it and she shut the door but it was open. Later at night, we all went to sleep. By that time we explored the area and found it to be very beautiful yet something was off. I slept sound, only to find my phone across the room with a shattered screen. The only explanation I have is sleep walking? But I never sleep walked ever in my life, never before of after. The second story was my sister and cousin’s experience. My sister was working on her laptop in bed. My cousin already fell asleep at that point. But we both heard them let out a scream. When we asked them the next day if it was them they told us it was and it was because they felt weight on the legs? When they were in bed, they said they felt as if something layer on the legs. Kinda how like a dog would sleep at the edge of the bed. They both felt it and it was very real for them. My cousin even woke up because of it and not the screaming. To sum up some of the stuff. There was landline calls with breathing, a kid’s rocking horse was rocking at night, another thing happened where on of my sisters covered a painting with a towel so she can sleep. She woke up with the towel on the floor. Again, me being 10 at the time doesn’t help with recalling crucial details that make this experience scarier. However we left on the second day to go back to Saudi.

Submitted by: Abe

Mount Isa

In the corner of my room I had a salt lamp sitting on my desk, one night I awoke to see a man standing in front of it. Just a pure black shadow person. Drowsy and still asleep I remember standing and approaching it, like being within inches of the figure and it was still there. I went down the hall to my mum who was asleep on the couch and in my drowsy state I asked why dad was standing in the corner of my room (as he was the only other person in the house who could match the large figure). My mum is understandably confused and tells me he’s not home as he’s on night shift. Confused I go back to my room to find the figure gone, but the bulb in my salt lamp had blown.

Submitted by: Kait

Buchanan Park

My father had picked me up late one night around 2-3am after a night of drinking and while I had drunk around 1-2 cocktails I was still very much coherent. My dad took the backroad along where the park was and hovering above the show grounds was this strange green drone shape. It was too low and too small to be a plane, and far too large and moving too strangely to be a drone, and I’m very familiar with any satellites or astronomical objects that would otherwise be in the sky and this was far too close to be one of them. We watched it until we could no longer see it while driving.

Submitted by: Kait

Lake Moondarra

Me and my friends often drive out to the lake moondarra road late at night to sky gaze away from the light pollution, we often pull up by this small building and sit in the back of the car or on the roof. This night however for whatever reason we decided to sit in the car instead. We had been looking out the window and could vaguely make out the pale outline of a sign. We had made jokes that it wasn’t actually a sign but thought nothing of it. When we were pulling out to leave we spun the car around and turned on the headlights in the direction of the ‘sign’ only for there to be nothing there once it was illuminated. All three of us could clearly make out the shape of something pale and thin there, and even saw it just before we had turned the headlights on. We haven’t see the sign- or shape- since.

Submitted by: Kait


i was just hiking with my friends, when we saw some kind of an animal that i cannot describe. It was on four feet with long legs and a long tail (sry bad english)

Submitted by: Janelle

Geelong Gaol Museum

One day my Auntie took me to the Geelong Gaol Museum which once was a fully functioning prison (opened in 1864) and now hosts ghost tours. We did a classic tour with several other people and the guides just talked about the history and how it has become a hotspot for ghosts and ghost hunters. In one part of the tour we were standing in the main area with the floors above visible, and moving along the fence of the level above us was this small, white floating orb. This is unusual since the normal reported paranormal encounters have been full apparitions of inmates. The prison was completely dark as it was a night tour and they didn't have any electrical lights for the entire tour so it was unexplainable.

Submitted by: Rory

Western isle hotel

At work and turning all lights out from top floor to kitchen and keep hearing feet behind me in halls and past staff room upstairs and when I was outside when it was all closed I seen a women in a window of the staff room when no one was staying in that room and all the men who have stayed in there have hated it

Submitted by: Saz

Lake Barrington, Lake in Tasmania, Australia.

While up the lakes camping within my ski club, a friend and I were exploring 'off-the-track' paths up in the surrounding bush area around 7-8pm when we stumbled upon an old rotten shack on the right side of the 'path' (remember that). The shack looks like 4 old wooden outhouses in one. Within the near pitch-black darkness, all we could make out with low-beam torches were strange symbols and even stranger shackles locking the door in place. This was weird as the rest of the 'Cabin' looked as though you could've punched a hole in the rotten boards. Thinking it was a coincidence and someone just wanted to keep their goods safe, we started to walk off, but that's when the weird stuff happened. The whole 'cabin' began to shake like someone or something was trying to escape. As we booked it back to the club the screaming started and consumed our ears, it sounded high-pitched as though it was a woman screaming in agony and pain, yet with no sense or rhythm to it, just screaming. Having zero clue what happened that night, we prepared the next day to continue our trip through the paths, this time around 3-4 pm with daylight still present. As we arrived at the shack it was different, half collapsed, no chains, no locks, nothing. The weirdest bit was the cabin was now on the left side of the path, a complete opposite to what we witnessed the night before. We didn't enter the 'cabin' as we preferred to live to see another day, and the symbols on the front wall were creepier in the daylight. As far as December last year, the shack still stands where we last saw it, on the left.

Submitted by: W.Cage

Daegu Universtiy International House

Since many years there had been sightings of a female ghost with a baby on the 6th floor of this International Dormitory. Personally, I hadn't seen the female ghost and the baby but the manager of the dormitory has told us about the times he had seen her at the 6th floor, and whenever she would visit his room at night where he would freak out. He started having terrible nightmares because of her, so he moved to the last upper floor where she would not be there. I used to live in the 6th floor, and I clearly remember one time when I was coming back to my room... I saw from a far our bins literally moving so fast as if someone was pushing it. My roommate had slow reaction to see it but I did see it moving. The next morning my flatmate's watch that was in a box in her belongings ended up being on top of her desk, when clearly she didnt even touch the watch. That incident really made my flatmate believe there was a ghost in the 6th floor. Everyone in the dorm knew about the ghost on the 6th floor, so they all avoided going there. Until this day the manager still tell us about all the times he kept seeing the ghost. Apparently, the woman didn't have a head but just her lower body part. I have no idea about the baby thought.

Submitted by: Melisa BD


Me and a group of friends had rented a caravan for the weekend in Bridlington, it was summer and a few of us were stood outside smoking. The others went inside and I stayed outside for a while looking at the stars and watching satellites arc across the sky. One of the 'satellites' I was watching suddenly stopped moving (which they can't do), some clouds briefly obscured it for a second or two as I carried on looking up (the clouds were moving fairly fast that night). I then noticed it had started moving in a 'wiggling' pattern across the sky and two other lights started 'wiggling' and weaving across the sky to join it. Once they had come together they formed a triangle formation, which then slowly rotated 360 degrees in the sky, before each of the lights darted off in opposite directions at extreme speed. To this day I genuinely cannot explain what I saw that night.

Submitted by: Gavin

San Jose

I used to live on a big house with my family, who are very religious actually. Evangelical Christians to be exact. I gotta admit i'm not religious myself, am an atheist actually. So i'm kind of the black sheep in the family. That being said I cannot explain what happened to me and it's part of the reasons why im telling my story and drawn to these kind of sites. I was alone in the house one night, my mom and siblings were out, its was about 9pm and I was watching tv in mom's room downstairs. Our house had two floors, the second floor was a bit unstable, the floor was wood so you could hear anything going on upstairs. While watching tv I heard a big bam! upstairs, I remember the first thing I thought immediately was: "Someone broke in". We had a few break-ins in the neighborhood the past few weeks. I stood up, muted the tv and started listening . Moved closer to the stairs and then I heard it. Steps. Someone broke in, it was actually happening. Fists thing I did was grab the phone and the keys and opened the door and the gate so I could run. Went back in quickly and grabbed a knife, I decided to walk upstairs quietly to make sure, you never think of it but when you grab the phone and dial 911 you kinda hesitate if you are not sure, what if its one of my brothers and I didn't see him come in. I could definitely hear someone upstairs, footsteps clear as day, I remember I even saw the lamp on the first floor vibrating with the steps. I kept moving upwards with a knife in my hand and the phone on the other, the second floor was an open space basically, when going up the stairs you come to level with the floor and there are wooden bars like a loft, so when i got eye level with the floor I cloud see my brother's room in the back and the rest of the rooms to my left, there was nothing there so I decided to keep moving up the stairs. I stood there for a bit, waiting for a sound or something. All of a sudden, starting right in front of me, the floor started BOOM BOOM BOOM, like stomping pretty hard, moving towards my brothers room, I could see our furniture jumping, the shelfs, the books, the old PC we had in the desk, the lightbulb vibrating hard even, in the ceiling, everything! As if someone was marching with all the strength of their legs! Stomping! The door of my brother's room opened and slammed shut so fckn hard right there in front of me. Next thing I know im outside of my house looking up to the second floor from across the street and Im out of air, gasping for air. I guess I ran down the stairs and out of the house so fast, its a blur I dont remember. Next thing I know friends from the neighborhood walked by the street and saw me pale and staring at the house. They helped me check upstairs because I couldn't go back there. I've heard alot of things, people telling stories about how they experienced something paranormal, but I believe none of them because, they never talk about how it felt, in the moment, and I think its not something you forget. The stomping and the door, sure freaked me out, but when I was standing there in the second floor, its hard to explain, something felt wrong, not just the thought of "someone broke into my house" kind of scared. I felt a different kind of scared, I think its what people call "terror", the air was heavy and thick, my "fight or flight" was definitely triggered, I felt watched and as if everything in me was telling me I was in the wrong place and it was not natural for me to be in that situation, like I had to end this interaction and get myself out of that moment. I suppose it doesn't make sense but its kinda like that. I had to tell my family of course, we experienced various things after that, faucets opening at night and noises, a friend of mine had a scare upstairs as well in the bathroom. My mom being religious finally decided to call the pastor and she came home and prayed, I dont know what else because she asked us to leave. Anyway nothing much happened after that. But this was my experience and it was real. To this day im THANKFUL I didnt actually see anything, I mean whatever was in front of me stomping all the way to my brother's room, I couldn't see it, probably would have gone crazy or traumatized for life if I would have.

Submitted by: JDR

Selkirk Friendship centre

my family had rented the Hall at the friendship centre for a get together, my aunt and some other relatives arrived early to set everything up for the get together. when they arrived with the food and decorations they set them down in the kitchen area. My aunt noticed that there wasn't enough chairs so she went to the back to get some more, while she was back there she said she heard someone whisper "Get out". this spooked the hell out of her, but not as much as when the door to the area slammed shut. At first we didn't believe her when she told us, until the others said they too heard the door slam shut.

Submitted by: Alison


In 2018 I was living in an apartment in the city of Kharkiv in Ukraine, so many weird things used to happen to me in that apartment and to this day I can’t explain what was going on. One night I was sleeping then suddenly I was woken up to a man voice asking me to wake up and start praying, I checked the time and it was 3:30AM, the sound was coming from the bedroom corner, but I saw no one. After this incident by a few days I woke up at the same time 3:30am finding myself in a seated yoga pose literally the same as yoga (almost like mediation pose) sitting in the middle of the living room(the living room had a carpet and the carpet had a circle in the middle of it which was exactly in the middle of the living room), when I opened my eyes I found ALL the apartment light were on, even though I always turn them off before I sleep keeping no lights on at all; a few days later, the same thing happened but this time I was standing in the middle of the bathroom naked with all the apartment lights on!! Ps: I don’t sleep walk, I never did, I sometimes talk while sleeping, but never ever walked.

Submitted by: A.S.S.Z


i used to live in a town with my foster mother, my room i stayed in had two closets, one was used for hanging up my shirts, and the other was significantly smaller in size and used for as a storage space so to speak. the smaller closet was way bigger in width and the bottom of it was covered in pink insulation, while walls were bare and wooden. You couldn't see a thing when you opened the tiny closet so you often had to bring a light of some sort in order to see what was inside. Now back when i was younger sometimes the door to this tiny closet would be closed at night, but opened in the morning, i found it strange, but just thought the handle was faulty. However when i was fourteen i got the scare of my life. My foster mom went out for bingo that night on December 4, 2020, i was doing my normal chores for the night when i heard a loud bang come from upstairs. i thought that one of my books had slipped off the shelf again, so i went up the stairs to my room. what i saw terrified me. my tiny Closet was wide opened, and the blanket on my bed was dragged halfway into the closet, i ran over yanking my blanket away, before slamming the door shut, i knew there was no one in there because we had stored so much junk in there that it filled the closet from top to bottom. i grabbed a butter knife and used it to jam the door shut. i couldn't believe what just happened, i didn't want to tell my foster mom cause i knew she wouldn't believe me. Nothing else strange happened with my tiny Closet until sometime in the summer 2021, i was up late reading when i had heard a tapping noise, we lived in an old house so i thought it was just the house settling. that was until I heard a long creak. i looked up from my book to see that the door to my tiny closet was wide open. i walked over and closed it. when i had sat down to read some more i heard the door open again, an unsettling filled the air as i got up to shut it once more, as soon as i closed the door it swung open again. Both tired and scared i got one of my paint brushes and used it to jam the door close. to scared to sleep in my room i spent the night downstairs on the couch. the next morning my paint brush was gone and the door was wide open. i told my foster mom but she didn't believe me, told me it was just a faulty door handle. i wish i could pretend it was a faulty door handle, but than in january 2023, the dreams started. Sometimes i would dream that i was sitting in front of the closet just staring into it, i could hear whispers, but i couldn't understand what they were saying, but i felt scared. other times i would dream i was sitting inside the tiny Closet while someone hummed to me while stroking my hair. even when i was having a normal dream i would come across my tiny Closet, often wide open. it's now November 4, 2023, i am living with my mom in another city far away, ever since i had moved out of my foster mom's house i no longer dream about my tiny Closet.

Submitted by: My tiny Closet


On a Taxi journey from Derry to Strabane at around 2am multiple witnesses seen a floating bright orb move slowly across the road close to Burndennett cricket club before completely vanishing. The Taxi driver themselves was so startled by it he asked was the an alternative route they could take to go back to Derry when they dropped us off.

Submitted by: Ryan