Queen Victoria Hospital Adelaide

Years ago as a registered nurse, I worked at the Queen Victoria Hospital in Adelaide, South Australia. The hospital was 75 yrs old. I worked in the oldest section on the top floor. One night I was working night shift. A private patient in a single room rang her bell around 11:30pm. She had surgery that day. When I went to her she was having problems telling me what she wanted. She said she didn’t have pain and didn’t need the toilet. She seemed to be trying to find an excuse for calling me. She seemed to be afraid, so I offered to sit with her while she went to sleep. I could do my paperwork while sitting with her. She gladly agreed. So I got my paperwork and settled down on a chair beside her bed. I looked up to check the drip rate of her IV and saw the IV flask vibrating rapidly. In those days IV’s came in glass bottles/flasks not plastic bags. I started to look for what was causing the IV to vibrate. I gently touched the patient to see if she was shaking, she wasn’t. I touched the frame of the bed but it wasn’t shaking or moving. In Adelaide it wasn’t unusual to have earthquakes/tremors so I bent down and touched the floor. Still nothing. I looked at the IV again, it was still shaking rapidly. I was still looking at the IV trying to think of a logical reason for what was happening. As I was looking up at the IV , 3 very loud bangs that moved from one side of the ceiling to the other happened. The bangs were so loud I thought the ceiling was going to fall in. Without thinking, I covered my ears with my hands. I was still looking in the direction of the last loud bang and still had my hands over my ears and was still trying to work out what had caused the banging. There was a glass of ice sitting on the overbed table at the end of the bed which had a teaspoon in it. Suddenly the teaspoon flew out of the glass and hit the wall of the room about 2 feet away. I immediately jumped up and ran to the door of the room which had been open the entire time. I quickly looked back at the patient who was sleeping peacefully. I ran to the nurses station where 2 other nurses were sitting. This area was also an open area with no doors, less than 15 feet from the room I had just left. They looked at me and said I was as white as a ghost. I said to them ‘wasn’t that loud!’ They asked me what I was talking about. I said ‘the loud bangs’. They had not heard a thing! I couldn’t believe they had not heard anything! I refused to go into the room that night so the other nurses took over this patient for me. The next morning,?when it was daylight, I went into the room. I asked the patient if she would like a room change. She immediately agreed. This private patient was happy to move into a shared ward with 3 other patients. We never spoke about what had happened. We both knew something scary and strange happened. Nothing ever happened in that room again. I always asked patients who were in that room if they had slept well. No one else appeared to have experienced this type of event again.

Submitted by: Lesley

Karachi seaview

Went into a haunted house opposite mcdonalds and saw a lady eating a carcass of some sort, I couldn’t make it out to be an of some sort but it was large enough to be a human body which made me freeze. Within that time her ruby blood eyes that had an under shadow of jade for some weird reason had darted up to me which was enough of a sign for me to run back down the stairs and just leave with nothing other than cold sweat on my palms and a twinkle of pee in my boxers.

Submitted by: Ibrahim Butt


In 2021 my family moved to a farm where the house was revamped. my room was on the second floor and across the walk way was my brothers room. My brothers room always creeped me out and I never could sleep in that room alone, when I was in the room it always felt like someone was watching me and when I turned off the light I always ran out and shut the door as quickly as possible. one night I was struggling to sleep and suddenly heard heavy footsteps. My brother was away at university so I thought it was my father. The next morning my father asked me to not walk so loudly as it was keeping him up (my parents room is downstairs) I told him it was not me. It didn't happen every night, only a few times a month. When my Fiancé (then boyfriend) started visiting me he slept in that room and asked me about the footsteps. He is says it is a man in his 60 walking around in the room and across the walk way, He is very sensitive to ghost and senses them. My fiancé told me he could feel the ghost. the ghost didn't mean any harm and that he was just lost as he didn't know he has passed. That person never came in my room or walked past my room. only on the walk way.

Submitted by: Katerina


I had just moved to Illinois to live with my sister because of COVID-19. I was having a really hard time with the adjustment, I began to lose my faith. One night, I was home alone with my 2 cats and my sister's golden retriever. It was about 1 am and I was in the living room eating snacks and watching a movie. All of a sudden, I hear an eruption of maniacal laughter coming from outside. It was so boisterous and human that it gave me chills immediately, the dog was growling and my cats were both on edge. I got up from the couch and went to open the door to see if there was a party going on because I heard 50 different voices at the very least. When I opened the door, I peered down the street and saw no cars, all the porch lights were off too. It was dark and empty. If there was a backyard party I would see lights and cars, yet this was a quiet residential street and I had never heard anything disturbing in the time I lived there. Behind that row of houses across from mine was nothing but an empty cornfield, and beyond that were train tracks and more fields of nothing. I hear the laughter growing louder and more intense. There is one that is standing out among all the others, it is cackling, evil, and extremely close by. Some could say it was animals like a pack of coyotes, but I'm telling you, I grew up in the Appalachians and these voices were NOT ANIMALS. I felt the evil that radiated from them; I felt that they were laughing at ME. I was so lost at that time in my life and they reveled in it. I stood my ground and stared into the darkness of the open fields beyond my neighbors. I didn't say anything. Then, the laughing stopped, just as abruptly as it had started only 1 minute ago. I closed the door in disbelief and turned around to see my sister's dog visibly shaken. The hair on her back was like a mohawk and my cats looked like they were ready to bolt at any moment. I never heard it again, but I know what it was. I am divinely protected.

Submitted by: Booji

Submitted by: Anonymous

Bonsall California

I was about 6 yrs old and was playing freeze tag with some friends and brother, I was tagged and remained standing still waiting to be tagged when looking up at the night sky I saw a saucer with lights of different colours while the outer circle would rotate clockwise then an inner circle counter clockwise at a slower rpm and then another inner circle rotating clockwise and so on and so forth I saw it for at least 5 seconds when I lowered my sight and shouted at my friends to look up but it left immediately

Submitted by: Ferny562

Rosellen, Neuss, Germany

I spent most of my teenage years in my family home here and at age 21 had a prophetic dream here. Back then I had two guinea pigs, which lived in a cage with a bigger enclosure tied to it, to allow them to roam somewhat freely. One day I had an after-school nap and had a dream of how one of the guinea pigs was escaping through a hole in the enclosure, which had me wide awake within seconds. I got up and while not thinking too much of it, decided to check the cage anyway. Kid you not, the hole was right there and the guinea pig was gone. We found him later, but still, this was a very strange experience which I only ever had in this place. Some years later my mom also told me how she had prophetic dreams here, too. She would always dream of her legs being covered in bandages and squeezing the legs painfully. When she got older, she developed lymphedema which is treated with bandages tightly wrapped around the legs...

Submitted by: Fabian

Lake Hawea

Small light (about the size and brightness of a star) rapidly (quite rapidly) jolting around the sky in a smallish area, before quickly fading away, during a very clear, central otago summer night

Submitted by: Taylor

Blackpool North Pier

Man who looked to be from the 1930s/40s walked along the pier and then disappeared behind a cardboard sign. Witnessed by 2 of us.

Submitted by: Mollie

9 mile pit

My mother was driving me home from an event in town and I was 14 at the time. I had no nightmares or mental illnesses prior to what happened. We pulled off the highway and onto the dirt road to head home and almost the trees I could see 2 white lights small and close together hiding behind the saltbush at the base of the trees almost like cat eyes reflecting to an led light. As we got closer I could feel a sting sensation deep within my skull and that’s when I saw this thing. Well over 2 meters tall. White pale almost translucent skin wrapped around an extremely skinny and narrow frame. Long arms, hands and fingers. Very human like apart from its face. Had no nose or mouth. Just two white blinding eyes. The closer we got the more scared I got and as we drove past I looked back and could see it walk across the road and into the other trees as the red taillights slowly dimmed I lost track of it. Days later I’d hear tapping on my bedroom window just a few kilometres away from where I saw it for the first time. I had seen it multiple times at my bedroom window and around the farm. I explained what I saw to my mum and dad and they said they didn’t see anything that night or anything ever since. Later on I went into a spiral and spent time in a adolescent mental health ward for a few months. I am still convinced to this day it is still out there as I have seen it recently when returning home after work I saw it in the same spot. I stopped and got a firearm out of the gunsafe in my Ute and aimed at it. As I dialed in on it with my eyesight I could feel that pain in my skull. I got back in the Ute and left

Submitted by: Anonymous

Santa cruz

When i was 6-9, I used to sit close to the street in front of my neighbor's house because I liked to see the cars passing while I waited for my mom to come from work. One night I was skipping stones on the dirt and watching the cars pass and I realized that there were no cars passing for a while. This was always a jam-packed highway no matter the time so I was a little spooked about it, so I looked far away into both sides of the streets to see if there was a car, a person, something but there was nothing. I stared at the street at what it felt to be forever, I didn't hear a soul, not even inside my neighbor's house. I sat by the open gate and felt the hairs on my neck rising up. Suddenly the Lamps that lit up the streets were blinking as if an outage was about to happen (Quite common in that area) so I was going inside my neighbor's home when suddenly, a beam of white light lit the streets and above my house. I always had light sensitivity so I tried to look up to see what it was and I couldn't see anything, all I could tell it was just my house that was under the light. The next second i got up from my bed, I felt extremely odd, i was 100% certain I was not dreaming, and I woke up without feeling any grogginess from the morning which i never did. I patted my pillow looking for my glasses and they were on my counter (I never left them there) instead, under my pillow was the rock i was skipping in the "dream". I didn't know what weird things like UFOs, Visions, or Ghosts were at the time, I had neither a TV nor internet. I never felt normal after that. I never forgot that. And when i asked what happened the previous day to my neighbors and how i got home. They said i shouted from outside that i was going home and didn't enter. My mom said when she got home i was already in bed, fully clothed and with my glasses on still, so she removed them and covered me. I still wonder if i dreamt or if i was abducted somehow.

Submitted by: Mimi

Iona House

An unnatural hush descended upon the surroundings. The street, flanked by multiple busy roads and a looming bridge, felt abandoned in an eerie way. I gazed up at the night sky, searching for a reason behind the unsettling quiet, and that's when I saw it. Two enormous, perfect O-shaped lights hovered above me, their glow casting an otherworldly aura. They moved in an unnatural harmony, tracing a vertical line through the sky, one eerily following the other. My eyes widened as I tried to rationalize the sight; it couldn't be a plane, nor a satellite. The lights were too massive, too close to the ground for any conventional explanation. The logical part of my mind insisted it must be an aircraft—maybe a helicopter, perhaps a drone. I strained my ears, anticipating the familiar drone of engines that would shatter the spectral silence. But nothing came. The lights continued their silent dance, gliding through the night sky with an unsettling grace, defying the laws of the rational world. I stood there, frozen, in the heart of an uncanny quietude, as the enigmatic lights persisted in their unholy trajectory. No sound, no explanation, just the haunting presence of those glowing orbs cutting through the dark. It was as if the very air held its breath, awaiting something insidious.

Submitted by: NA


After fishing with my friend off the docks of the river we started heading home. On our way to his parents place we walked up the road in the direction of his house chatting away and enjoying the warm summers breeze, we both froze in place as we looked up the road at least 100m from our destination. There was a skinny large dog that ran across the road and as it ran on all fours at first this creature became bipedal and ran on its 2 hind legs with a sudden change in shape to a more humanoid shape. We stood there for what felt like for ever before i asked him what he just saw. He explained to me exactly what I saw and we ran. we got to his home and stayed indoors looking towards the house that this entity had just run into. I can still remember every detail of the creature and it honestly horrifies me thinking about it.

Submitted by: E.V.R


Shadow waking in the hallway of the apartment I use to live. Around the afternoon me and my cat saw the shadows. It wasn’t evil or anything it just happened time to time.

Submitted by: Val


my house has been haunted for a while and i keep seeing shadow figures or hearing things in my house move when i’m alone

Submitted by: mansour


A waking nightmare. For context, I had come home from work around 11pm and stayed up to clean my room a little (at the time I was living with my family though nobody was home). I made some progress before deciding to settle down for the night, so I got into my pajamas and went to turn the light off. The MOMENT i flipped the lightswitch, the quality of my room changed. The air seemed to grow thicker and louder as though everything around me was buzzing. I was uneasy but i got into bed regardless and tried to sleep. It's hard to describe the experience of the room at the time but the intensity of it grew by the second and my unease became terror. I could feel presences around me through the buzzing of the air and they assaulted my senses. I was sat up in bed at this stage but I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes. At some point I started moaning and crying out, and this somehow helped me to see. I "saw" two beings, eyes still closed, and detected their intentions through the air. The first was a stout grey man dressed in a suit, stood in the corner by my window. His proportions were entirely off and he seemed too angular- the closest comparison I can think of is like a guy from minecraft (I know..). Just a couple of cubes and prisms shaped vaguely like a man, but with distinctly human facial features, skin, hair, clothing. His presence was welcome, soothing somehow, like I could tell he meant no harm. The second presence seemed to be the cause of my distress, and what I had felt when I turned off the lights was simply its approach. It lumbered down the corridor toward my room (which was at the end) and perched in the door-frame, too large to fit through. This one is hard to describe, a huge emaciated figure with uncountable animal limbs. Its head was birdlike, with what i perceived to be a long beak covered in skin. It was pale and hairless, crawling on four large human arms. With each step it took closer to me, the buzzing of the air grew louder to the point of sensory overload, it was as though the air was screaming. I think I was screaming myself by the time it reached my door, and I felt multiple hands pulling at my hair and clothes. It sat there for a few moments, all the while I cried out, trying to swat at the numerous limbs grabbing at me. It stopped as immediately as it started, my sister had come home, heard me screaming and rushed to my room. She turned the lights on and it all disappeared, along with the buzzing. She asked me if I was high, I said yes. I wasn't high. To clarify, at the time I was not on medication or drugs of any sort (nor did i have a history with either) and had never experienced any vision, hallucination or paranormal experience anywhere near this intensity before, I have since.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Kepnock 19 Schmidt street

Dark Ghost figures resembling cats roaming the house around the hallway and the kitchen.

Submitted by: anonymous

Beaumont alberta

So me and a couple of my friends were doing dumb shit near the small stream, you could usually see the path that's to the left and the apartments/bush that's to the right, and it's like a small dent in the ground if that makes sense, it's like 8 pm middle of the summer so it's supposed to be sunny but it was getting dark fast??? And it was like we were in the middle of a great of Dame thick forest, we kept seeing unexplainable things like floating glowing orbs and like people in trees??? But we would look back and it was like we were going in circles, and our phones weren't working?? My older sister was with us and she was very into paranormal things but she was scared shitless, by the time we got out it was all out 10:30 and we were grounded for a month because we were late getting home, it felt like we we're running for hours, and we we're all crying,but a couple times before we finally got out we kept loosing each other? Like at least 4 times we would all be walking in a group and we would look ike teleporte or sumthin and find each other like 5 minuits later, and we all agreed to keep it a secret but it's been eating away at me every day (pls edit it a bit if it doesn't make a lot of sense if your gonna publish it, and sorry if it dosent make sense I cried whilst writing it)

Submitted by: Loretta (not my real name)


In the area most people I have brought have experienced a weird feeling as if they've walked between two different worlds where everything feels different and the vibe and mood changes completely, we have also noticed that time doesn't feel right in these places as it feels like hours have past and it's only been minutes. It's a whole strange phenomenon that happens in multiple places throughout this place but mainly in the back forest park.

Submitted by: Alex

Sarina Beach House / Sunshine Coast

Living in the Sunshine Coast home when I was 16. I was getting ready to go to school and suddenly I lost vision of what I was doing and could only see I was now somewhere else without physically being there. I was now in 3rd person view in the backyard of the Poverty home i grew up in as a child [Sarina Beach House] and I saw my dead childhood dog now as a ghost. Standing on the cliff of my backyard that overlooks the beach and an older 30 year old version of me wearing a white dress, also looking out over the cliff. It was night, and the ocean sea level had risen to where it was crashing up against the cliff compared to it still being a beach back then and now. The feeling was off and ominous, the vibe wasn't good. Then I snapped out of it and went to school

Submitted by: anonymous


I was with my dogs in my yard, and I was seeing the sky and the “stars” 3 of them start to move, and then a shining light appear in the sky for like 8-10 seconds then dissapear, and I took a photo and video in this time

Submitted by: Marcela

Fortress of Louisbourg, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia

The Fortress of Louisbourg is super super haunted, (you can look up the history of the town and how many casualties took place throughout the wars that were fought there), back in the day they used to do ghost tours around the grounds til they had “too much activity”. People on the tours would see apparitions, phantom drafts, hearing whispers/crying, and touching. I know one tour guide while she was looking at the top of one of the wings with a group go pushed down the flight of stairs (she didn’t trip or fall back as she was well away from the edge of the stairs). Super creepy, but interesting place

Submitted by: Brianna

Tegucigalpa, MDC

I was out of the school around 5 p.m that day, i was studying by the afternoon and i was by myself waiting for someone or something (dont't quite remember) and i just look at the sky and i saw something like a balloon i was very intrigued because i saw that was not moving and there was a lot of air coming, and then i just realize that was a very rounded white object like a metallic and could not be a balloon, and i started to ask myself a lot of things about that, then the object not after a long time started to move with directions (like controlled) coming back and forth. Next day that i came from school to my house i saw on the news that day that was reports of unidentified objects in the "Cerro Juan A Lainez" a famous hill in this city.

Submitted by: Adiel Galo

Al barsha 2

For a little over four years i would hear a guy screaming his lungs out, this not a scary movie so I went and looked around the block to see where the voice could be coming from ,never found anything and it became a normal occurrence, but i gotta say i disappeared for quite a while and came back a couple of months ago

Submitted by: Joe

Camino a la mission salesiana, río grande.

I ran away from home and was walking throught the route approaching the Misión Salesiana when I hears a death scream that reminded me of a banshee. When I look around into the darkness of the night (iluminated by the few light there was), I would see what it appeared to be a cow shaped being. But it's head was floating. Then I realized it's neck was really long and was approaching me. I ran away as fast as I could without looking back. I hid myself on a gas station after running away for minutes. And I stayed between trucks till the run rise. Many years passed till a friend told me he saw a cow with long neck on the other side of the town (without me telling him my experience) And it chased them too. So I wasn't crazy...after all.

Submitted by: Fausto argamonte

Lakelse lake

A grim reaper type figure "running " (it had no feet) across the highway in-between terrace bc and kitamat bc.

Submitted by: Crystal Salter

harrietville, victoria australia

my friend and i saw figures following/stalking us in the local forest near the dredge hole and my friend had visions of the past every night we were there. both of us also both mysteriously started crying at the same time in the same spot without realising

Submitted by: cass


Every year in the summer this area has lots of UFO sightings. One year my dad saw a series of 5 vertical lights in the sky, 4 white and 1 red. The red light would start at the top and blink down towards the bottom light then back to the top and this continued for quite a few minutes. These series of lights were also traveling during this time and then they just vanished. Note this happened in a secluded area and it was completely silent.

Submitted by: Crystal Salter


I was camping at a roadside rest area with some friends who didn't share my experience. during the night I was woken by a very Loud static roaring, like the sounds you hear in your ears when there is a large pressure build up (hold you nose and try pop your ears). like a train going over tracks the and sound had a pulse to it. as I woke I realized I could not move, full body paralysis. and then I felt the tent compressed down on top of my body as if being crushed under a large hand or flat object. I then passed out, and woke up in the morning feeling very confused and disorientated. When I told my friends who where in separate tents, they had no idea what I was on about. it is my interpretation, that in a lucid dream state I experienced a connection to a paranormal phenomena beyond the realms of our current understanding.

Submitted by: Jerry

Drayton Valley

Driving home from dropping my gf off at a friends in Drayton I got stuck in a time loop. It took me 3 hours to get to Entwhistle to turn onto the highway home (on a single road) when it should have taken 28 minutes. My girlfriend thought she heard a man arguing with a woman in the basement of her friend’s grandparents farmhouse (in Drayton), and had dreams that night about her friends grandma telling her that “she doesn’t go in the basement because he’s down there”. She found out that it’s true, her friends grandma didn’t like going in the basement because her son had committed suicide as a teen in the basement. Her friend never even met that uncle since it happened before she was born.

Submitted by: Person

Staveley Park

I was sitting on the patio in the backyard looking at the sky above the park while eating my dinner. An intense bright blue and white light seemed to drop down above the park where it hovered for what felt to be about 5 seconds. There was a flash of white light, and I closed my eyes to shield them. When I reopened them, my mince pie was cold and about 10 minutes seemed to have gone by.

Submitted by: Carl

Colesburg, Free state, South Africa
1965 and 2014

It is well known that the town of Colesburg is very haunted. Most people have experienced some version of activity in the town. The town serves as a halfway overnight rest point between Gauteng and the Cape. Most travelers stay the night. I know of two BnBs that are very active. The one where we experienced activity is one of the oldest buildings in town. In 2014 we stayed at the inn. We experienced flickering lights. Doors opening unexplainably and a presence sitting next to.you in bed. You can feel and see the bed sink in next to you where the unexplainable invisible weight sits down. You also experience the feeling of someone turning around in bed next to you while you're trying to sleep. We mentioned our experience with my grandfather. He then mentioned his own experience there with my grandmother back in 1965. They left in the middle of the night due to the uneasiness of the activity. The town was established for sheep farming and mostly involved in the wool industry.

Submitted by: NADIA HANEKOM

Camden South, NSW

I was waiting for a bus with my partner. It was around 8pm and I thought I saw a flock of birds in the corner of my eye. When we had a proper look we quickly realised that it definitely was not a flock of birds but a bunch of lights. They were moving all together forming different patterns but it was not natural looking like a flock of birds, they were morphing into different shapes. This lasted for about 15 seconds after we noticed and then they just all disappeared in a flash. Even my boyfriend could not come up with an excuse for what it could be and he does not believe in aliens. When I saw these lights, I felt very emotional and my eyes began to water a bit, I’ve always wanted to see a ufo and I’m pretty sure that’s what I saw.

Submitted by: Emma Stewart

Camp Nelson Cemetery

I was driving back from my grandparents house in Danville at around 9 pm, so Camp Nelson Cemetery would be closed. When I look out my window at Camp Nelson. I see a very tall entity about ten rows back. It was very tall and dark. It looked as if it was in mourning attire. As if it had a large black hat on. It was looking down at one of the gravestones. Like it was mourning someone. I could also feel it staring right at me. Like it knew I saw it. It gave me a very eiree feeling. Like it didn't want me there.

Submitted by: Mason Statom

O dia que o tempo parou

Éra meu aniversário de 10 anos e eu estava bem animado para meus amigos chegarem na minha festa. Eu estava esperando eles mas eu senti algo estranho derretendo tudo tinha ficado branco, eu não enxergava nada mas consegui manter a calma e meio que abri meu olho. Mas eu já estava de olho aberto, foi quando eu olhei para trás eu me vi parado, olhei para o lado e tudo estava parado foi como congelassem o tempo. Eu comecei a andar mas tudo estava parado, Olhei novamente para o meu corpo ele começou a se mexer e vir até minha direção, Minha alma meio que voltou para meu corpo mas o tempo ainda estava paralisado. Eu era bem idiota e comecei a espionar as pessoas mas casas delas foram fiz coisas que não me orgulho mas comecei a me sentir sozinho foi quendo voltei para minha casa e fiquei esperando o tempo volta. Depois de 1 hora mais omenos ele voltou al normal mas tudo que eu tinha feito continuo lá. Bom não sei se isso foi um sonho,as eu tenho 99% de certeza que foi real mas não lembro direito disso.
It was my 10th birthday and I was really excited for my friends to arrive at my party. I was waiting for them but I felt something strange melting everything had turned white, I couldn't see anything but I managed to stay calm and kind of opened my eye. But I already had my eyes open, and when I looked back I saw myself standing still, I looked to the side and everything was still, it was like time had frozen. I started to walk but everything was still, I looked at my body again and it started to move and come towards me, My soul kind of returned to my body but time was still at a standstill. I was really stupid and I started spying on people but their houses were gone, I did things I'm not proud of but I started to feel alone and that's when I went back to my house and waited for time to come back. After an hour or so it returned to normal but everything I had done was still there. Well, I don't know if this was a dream, but I'm 99% sure it was real but I don't really remember it.

Submitted by: Anonymous


Tudo começou de madrugada e foi td muito rápido, era umas 2 e pouco e eu estava lendo livro sentada na cama. quando percebo uma luz na minha janela, que foi se intensificando, eu achei estranho pois era de madrugada não era possível que já estivesse amanhecendo. até que a luz ficou extremamente forte e não só a janela como a parede do quarto desapareceu e ficou aquela luz forte no lugar. depois que a luz sumiu e a parede do meu quarto inteira do lado que ficava a janela também como se tivesse ficado invisível, eu vi um objeto redondo enorme como se tivesse estacionado em cima da casa da minha amiga que morava ao lado, ele era como se fosse cinza de metal, cm algumas "janelas?" e algumas luzes coloridas. Estranhamente eu não fiquei com medo, e do nada desceu uma rampa que também tinha umas luzes e umas coisas estranhas, e de lá desceu três seres(eles não eram exatamente cinzas, mas parecia porque parecia que eles n pegavam sol, eles tinha cabeças em formato oval e um pouco maiores que a dos humanos, eles tinha olhos amendoados, grandes e pretos, o nariz n era como o nosso, como se n tivesse cartilagem e a boca n tinha os lábios eram bem finos, eles eram todos magros, não tinham orelhas, os membros eram longos, e eles n tinham nem cordão umbilical e nem órgão sexual aparente), muito maiores q os seres humanos, eu sem medo algum me aproximei da onde devia estar minha parede e passei sem problemas como se tivessem realmente tirado minha parede de lá. Um deles desceu a rampa e veio na minha direção, ele não mexia a boca, ele falava dentro da minha cabeça e eu também conseguia fazer a mesma coisa, eu não recebia palavras exatamente, era como se instantaneamente eu recebesse o que ele queria dizer sem precisar usar uma língua. ele falou pra mim mais ou menos assim "você quer fazer uma viagem? eu vou lhe levar para meu planeta, vou lhe apresentar coisas sobre ele e lhe ensinar várias coisas" e eu prontamente disse "quero vambora!" e eu entrei na máquina com eles, esse mesmo que veio falar comigo foi o mesmo que me acompanhou e me ensinou tudo durante toda a viagem, ele era muito sedutor, eu não conseguia n ter fascínio por ele e por td que ele me "falava". dentro da máquina eu fiquei tipo num quarto, lá tinha janela e eu via o universo durante a viagem, era incrível, eu tinha td lá, tomava banho, recebia comida, livros, e td q quisesse, as vzs eu saia pra passear também mas não lembro de ver nenhum outro ser humano, eu sei que a viagem durou como se fosse dias, mas não lembro de td nesse meio tempo, tem coisas que n consigo lembrar do meio da viagem. quando cheguei lá me foi apresentado a "cidade" deles, era incrível, muito mais evoluída, várias coisas voavam dos "prédios" ou torres gigantes que também tinham luzes coloridas e não parecia uma construção comum humana, mas mt tecnológica, eu não lembro de lá ter "dia", td o tempo que fiquei era como se sempre fosse noite. depois disso ele me levou pra conhecer os animais e plantas e "florestas", n da nem pra descrever o quão maravilhoso foi ver td aql, tinham plantas de cores q nunca vi na vida, e enfim, fiquei mt próxima dele, e amei a viagem. depois disso as coisas ficaram sombrias, isso pq eu apaguei em algum momento e acordei numa espécie de maca, eu tava sob o efeito de alguma substância que não me deixava me mexer direito e eu não tava amarrada, quando eu olhava tinham vários deles a minha volta, e eu n sei como eu sabia mas aquele que me acompanhou na viagem não estava lá, eles me olhavam e se olhavam como se tivessem achando estranho eu tá acordada, e eu senti alguma coisa cortando minha costa, mas não sentia a dor, eu tentava de debater e nesse momento foi o único que falei tendo que abrir a boca eu gritei "me solta krl, me sota prr ta doido?" mais ou menos isso, mas logo dps eu apaguei, e quando recobrei a consciência já tava em ksa, na msm posição(desde então só consigo dormir de peito pra baixo), olhei minhas costas e não tinha nd, olhei a parede do meu quarto e ela tava lá, resolvi seguir a vida e fingir q nd aconteceu, mas nunca mais eu vou aceitar nd assim na vida.
It all started in the early hours and happened very quickly. It was around 2 AM, and I was reading a book in bed. I noticed a light at my window, which kept getting brighter. I found it strange because it was the middle of the night, and it was impossible for it to be dawn already. Eventually, the light became extremely bright, and not just the window but the wall of my room disappeared and was replaced by that intense light. After the light vanished and the entire wall of my room on the window's side seemed to have become invisible, I saw a huge round object, as if it had parked above my friend's house next door. It seemed to be made of grey metal, with some "windows?" and some colored lights. Strangely, I wasn't scared, and suddenly, a ramp with some lights and strange things on it descended, and three beings came down (they weren't exactly grey, but they seemed like they didn't get any sun; they had oval-shaped heads slightly larger than humans, with almond-shaped, large, black eyes. Their noses weren't like ours, as if they had no cartilage, and their mouths didn't have lips and were very thin. They were all skinny, had no ears, their limbs were long, and they had neither a navel nor visible genitals), much taller than humans. Without any fear, I approached where my wall should have been and passed through without any problem, as if they had indeed removed my wall. One of them descended the ramp and came towards me. He didn't move his mouth; he spoke inside my head, and I could do the same. I didn't receive words exactly; it was as if I instantly understood what he wanted to say without needing a language. He told me something like, "Do you want to take a trip? I will take you to my planet, show you things about it, and teach you various things." And I promptly said, "I want to go, let's go!" and I entered the machine with them. This same being who had spoken to me was the one who accompanied and taught me everything during the entire trip. He was very seductive; I couldn't help but be fascinated by him and everything he "told" me. Inside the machine, I stayed in a kind of room; there was a window, and I could see the universe during the trip. It was incredible; I had everything there, took baths, received food, books, and everything I wanted. Sometimes I went out for walks, but I don't remember seeing any other human beings. I know the trip lasted what felt like days, but I don't remember everything in the meantime; there are things I can't recall from the middle of the trip. When I arrived there, I was introduced to their "city." It was incredible, much more evolved, various things flew from the "buildings" or giant towers, which also had colored lights and didn't look like common human constructions but very technological. I don't remember there being a "day" there; the entire time I stayed, it was as if it was always night. After that, he took me to meet the animals and plants and "forests." It's impossible to describe how wonderful it was to see all that; there were plants of colors I've never seen in my life. In the end, I became very close to him and loved the trip. After that, things turned grim because I blacked out at some point and woke up on a sort of stretcher. I was under the effect of some substance that didn't let me move properly, and I wasn't tied up. When I looked around, there were several of them around me, and I don't know how I knew, but the one who had accompanied me on the trip wasn't there. They looked at me and then at each other as if they found it strange that I was awake. I felt something cutting my back but didn't feel the pain. I tried to struggle, and at that moment, it was the only time I spoke having to open my mouth; I yelled, "Let me go, damn it, let me go, are you crazy?" or something like that, but then I blacked out again, and when I regained consciousness, I was back home, in the same position (since then, I can only sleep face down). I looked at my back, and there was nothing there; I looked at the wall of my room, and it was there. I decided to move on and pretend nothing happened, but I will never accept anything like this again in my life.

Submitted by: Julia Helena

Dia do acorrido: 11/05/22 - Dia de postagem : 21/02/24

Eu estava passando pelo banheiro da minha mãe, e vi uma mulher parecida com a minha mãe, então fui falar com ela mas eu já tinha passado então voltei, mas não vi mais ela , chamei ela e lembrei que ela tinha saído de casa. Outra história e que , quando eu estava mergulhando eu não conseguia voltar para a superfície eu vi uma luz clara e alguém me chamando, mas como eu não consigo ouvir de baixo d'água,pensava que era alucinação,até que eu vi uma mão me puxando para baixo, até que minha mãe me salvou. Sempre quando eu estou sozinha sempre ouço uma voz parecida com a da minha mãe, chamando meu nome, outro dia ouvir essa voz de novo mas falando "você vai ver". Só que uns 5 segundos depois dessa voz eu fiquei tonta , e vi uma figura parecida com a da minha ex madrasta, só que eu morava só com minha mãe, agora estou sempre ouvindo vozes e vendo figuras estranhas de humanos.
I was walking past my mother's bathroom and saw a woman who looked like my mother, so I went to talk to her. But I had already walked past, so I went back, only to find that she was no longer there. I called out to her and then remembered that she had left the house. Another story is that, when I was diving, I couldn't get back to the surface. I saw a bright light and someone calling me, but since I can't hear underwater, I thought it was a hallucination, until I saw a hand pulling me down, until my mother saved me. Whenever I'm alone, I always hear a voice similar to my mother's, calling my name. Another day, I heard this voice again, but it said, "you will see." About 5 seconds after hearing this voice, I felt dizzy and saw a figure that looked like my former stepmother, but I only lived with my mother. Now, I'm always hearing voices and seeing strange figures of humans.

Submitted by: Yasmin

November 2005

Meu relato com fantasma. Era criança tinha 11 anos de idade, quando tive essa experiência paranormal com fantasma, sou um garoto do Amazonas, município de Tefé uma pequena cidade do interior. O caso ocorreu em minha casa na parte do quintal, era no mês de novembro época dos finados "mortos" dia 2 de novembro, (Brasil) vamos lá a caso era tarde da noite por volta das 23 horas, estava com minha mãe na casa, quando ela mandou eu fechar a porta da parte de trás da casa, que dar acesso ao quintal, a casa tem uma escada grande para poder descer para quintal, quando fui até lá fechar a porta, quando cheguei perto da porta já sentir algo sinistro, fui em direção a porta quando eu vejo uma figura subindo a escada, mais o mais chocante foi que eu consegui conhecer a figura, o braço da mesma figura se movimentou em minha direção, minha reação foi imediata, gritei sair correndo, até minha mãe, falando que era o vizinho, o mesmo tinha cometido auto delete, cerca de uns 5 mêses atrás, minha mãe ficou desesperada, ela ficou com medo, ela não duvidou o que eu acabava de falar para ela e tinha visto, esse fato foi único que eu vir materializado, nunca mais vir nada, claro que agente sente algo ruim, energias ruins e as vezes que estamos sendo observando, mais daquela forma nunca mais vir apenas dessa vez, outras pessoas que frequentava minha casa, até mesmo para dormir as vezes depois de uma visita, família ou amigos, tinha pesadelos, ou via vultos, os mesmos falava o que tinha visto ou tido pesadelo, para finalizar não moramos mais na casa, hoje vivemos em Manaus, capital do Amazonas - Brasil.
My Encounter with a Ghost I was a child, 11 years old, when I had this paranormal experience with a ghost. I am a boy from Amazonas, from the municipality of Tefé, a small town in the interior. The incident occurred at my house in the backyard, during the month of November, around the time of the "Day of the Dead" on November 2nd, in Brazil. It was late at night, around 11 PM, and I was with my mother in the house when she asked me to close the back door, which leads to the yard. The house has a large staircase to go down to the yard. As I went to close the door, I already felt something sinister. Approaching the door, I saw a figure climbing the stairs, but what was most shocking was that I recognized the figure. The arm of the figure moved towards me, and my reaction was immediate; I screamed and ran back to my mother, saying it was the neighbor, who had committed suicide about 5 months earlier. My mother was desperate and afraid; she did not doubt what I had just told her and what I had seen. That event was unique in that I saw it materialized; I never saw anything like it again. Of course, we sometimes feel bad energies and as if we are being watched, but never in that way again, only that time. Other people who visited my house, even just to spend the night after a visit, family or friends, had nightmares or saw shadows. They would speak of what they had seen or the nightmares they had. To conclude, we no longer live in that house; today, we live in Manaus, the capital of Amazonas - Brazil.

Submitted by: Edivaney

14 05 2020

Era mais o menos umas 10 horas da noite eu estava sozinho em casa porque meus pais tinham saído pra jantar e decidiram levar o meu irmão mas novo eu tinha 11 anos e já não tinha medo de ficar só em casa (eles saíram eu fiquei na sala assistindo os jovens titã a série da netflix quando comecei a ouvir barulhos no quarto da minha mãe) e a luz começou a piscar a Internet ficou muito ruim eu ouvindo os barulhos fui até o quarto da minha mãe também iria aproveitar e olhar o que o roteador tinha mais quando eu cheguei na porta do quarto eu vi lá na janela um ser de ums 2 metros de altura ele tentava em entrar na minha casa mas graças a Deus tinham grandes na janela eu ainda tive coragem de votar pra tas e pegar o meu celular e um casaco e sair e trancar a porta da frente e sai correndo cada vez mais que eu corria eu sentia algo cada vez mais se aproximar de mim mas a sensação parou quando eu vi algumas pessoas da igreja e pedi ajuda uma mulher olhou pra e deu um grito estar reaprendido em nome de Jesus foi quando eu senti o meu corpo qua ir eu via os homens que estavam na igreja me levando pra dentro mas o meu corpo não se mechia como se eu estivesse em uma paralisia do sono mas quando eu estava dentro da igreja eu ouvi voz dos meus pais e a quela coisa tentando entrar na igreja aí eu tiv um desmaio e quando eu acordei eu estava na minha cama eu perguntei pra minha mãe o que tinha acontecido mais ela disse que nada mais eu vi no rosto dela um explecão de terror, até hj eu não sei o que aconteceu e quando eu saio de casa todos na rua me obir servindo toda vez que eu pergunto pra minha mãe ela se faz que não sabe
The Shadow Thing It was around 10 o'clock at night. I was home alone because my parents had gone out for dinner and decided to take my younger brother. I was 11 years old and already wasn't afraid of being home alone. They left, and I stayed in the living room watching Teen Titans, the Netflix series, when I began to hear noises in my mother's bedroom, and the light started to flicker. The internet got very bad. Hearing the noises, I went to my mother's bedroom to also check the router, but when I got to the bedroom door, I saw at the window a being about 2 meters tall trying to enter my house, but thankfully there were bars on the window. I still had the courage to go back, grab my cell phone and a jacket, leave, lock the front door, and run away. The more I ran, the more I felt something getting closer to me, but the feeling stopped when I saw some people from the church and asked for help. A woman looked at me and screamed, "Be restrained in the name of Jesus!" That's when I felt my body go limp. I saw the men from the church taking me inside, but my body didn't move as if I was in sleep paralysis. But when I was inside the church, I heard my parents' voices and that thing trying to enter the church. Then I fainted, and when I woke up, I was in my bed. I asked my mother what had happened, but she said nothing, though I saw an expression of terror on her face. To this day, I don't know what happened, and whenever I leave the house, everyone on the street observes me. Every time I ask my mother, she pretends not to know.

Submitted by: Anonymous

12 de julho

Era umas 23:30 da noite.neste dia eu tinha acabado de escovar os dentes,fui no meu quarto dormir.só que meu quarto ficava no final do corredor e no final dele tinha um espelho que do lado era meu quarto. Tava no meio do caminho vi pelo espelho uma mulhar pálida com óculos e uma jaqueta preta.fiquei super assustado e fui no meu quarto cosseno tentei dormir,acordei e me lembrei que a figura era parecida com minha mãe.achei estranho mas continuei a vida
The vision in the mirror It was around 11:30 at night. On this day, I had just brushed my teeth and went to my room to sleep. However, my room was at the end of the hallway, and at the end of it, there was a mirror next to which was my room. Halfway there, I saw through the mirror a pale woman with glasses and a black jacket. I was super scared and went to my room trying to sleep. I woke up and remembered that the figure looked like my mother. I found it strange but continued with my life.

Submitted by: Anonymous

A maldita sombra.

Eu estava andando por uma cidade junto com meus pais, até que vejo uma decida logo ali na frente depois comecei a sentir arrepios. Olhei para atrás e percebi que meus pais não estavam mais lá. Decidi descer sozinha a grande estrada escura e sombria. Quando estava prestes a descer uma mulher me parou, ela me perguntou se eu iria descer aquela estrada. E Eu a respondi que sim, ela disse para mim que talvez eu estava tomando a pior decisão da minha vida . Eu achei que aquilo que ela estava dizendo eram bobeiras e brincadeiras sem graças. Até que ela tentou me impedir de descer, mais eu não escutei as opiniões dela, e segui em frente. Começei a descer as entradas. Fui andando , andando e andando, até que eu decidi olhar para trás pois eu já tinha andado muito. Quando me virei estava tudo tão escuro não tinha nem se quer uma luz acesa, começei a sentir calafrios, mas logo me lembrei que estava sozinha e não podia fazer nada, continuei meu caminho até que....
I was walking through a city with my parents, until I saw a descent right there in front then I started to feel shivers. I looked back and realized that my parents were no longer there. I decided to go down the large dark and gloomy road alone. When I was about to go down, a woman stopped me, she asked me if I was going to go down that road. And I answered yes, she told me that maybe I was making the worst decision of my life. I thought what she was saying was nonsense and tasteless jokes. Until she tried to stop me from going down, but I didn't listen to her opinions, and went ahead. I started to go down the entrances. I kept walking, walking, and walking, until I decided to look back because I had walked a lot. When I turned around everything was so dark there wasn't even a single light on, I started to feel chills, but soon remembered that I was alone and couldn't do anything, I continued my way until....

Submitted by: Melissa


I had recently moved into a new house, and was immediately aware that i was definitely not alone. Every night i would hear footsteps, scratching at my door, and random gusts of wind through my house. Anyway, one night my partner was staying, and we were in bed just talking. When all of a sudden, my bedroom door SWINGS fully open, and so does the door too the sun room (which is attached to my bedroom) we literally watched as the outline of a person sprinted from the hallway, through my bedroom, and into the sunroom, and then both doors slammed shut. it was freaky! we ended up speaking to lady who communicated with the spirt, and he was a soldier who died in WW2, and the terror he had experienced from the war gave him the power to be so strong. The lady helped him move on and he’s with his family now :)

Submitted by: Grace


I went to friends house one day to see her just before Covid hit she also had another girl living with her and we were all sitting around in her lounge room talking when all of a sudden her back door slammed so loud and this huge big gust of wind came towards us with loud, heavy footsteps I jumped onto my friend crying she had told me stuff like that happens but not that intense….. I stayed there for a few night and one night everybody left to go to Kippax to get dinner I stayed there cause there was 5 people in the car and when I was sitting on the bed I could hear tussling out side (the door and the bed is face the door in the middle of the room ) I thought it was the dogs doing something so I left it and then I heard the same noises I heard the first time but the footsteps walked towards the bed and the door flew open with steps towards me I did have it on video my Snapchat has been deleted but I ended up calling my friend and balled my eyes out saying she has to come home she saw everything and the vidoe and was just like wtfffff I ended up leaving that night cause it was too much for me

Submitted by: Anonymous


Camping with friends, we saw a ufo

Submitted by: Harrison

Praia do capri

Me and my girlfriend were hanging out at the beach and then a small round green energy orb started to fly in the distance, in a perfect straight line, it stopped and resumed moving a lot of times and then it suddenly disappear.

Submitted by: Ivan brandt junior

Moe, Victoria

Paranormal activity; walking up and down hallway at night, cupboards opening and closing or just being open in the morning, apparitions, physical touches such as light touch and sometimes scratches.

Submitted by: Lauren Platschinda

la Merced

Hace unos 20 años estaba con unos amigos en el desierto del ilalo en la zona de la Merced, eran aproximadamente las 17:00 cuando de la nada vemos como aparece una rara criatura/objeto, este objeto era como una gelatina voladora que estaba volando a unos 4 metros de la tierra y no se movía cuando tenía el tamaño de un bus escolar, cuando vimos este objeto yo y mis amigos sentimos una presencia muy rara y nos fuimos de hay de la forma más rápida posible --- About 20 years ago, I was with some friends in the Ilalo desert in the La Merced area. It was around 5:00 PM when suddenly we saw a strange creature/object appear. This object was like a flying jelly, floating about 4 meters off the ground, and was as large as a school bus. Upon seeing this object, my friends and I felt a very strange presence and quickly left the area.

Submitted by: tomas

Uhthoff quarry on uhthoff line, orillia

When out for a walk down the the old uhthoff rail lines I heard clear as day, someone calling my name. It's out in the middle of nowhere there shouldn't have been anyone around to call my name. I cut through he woods and hot back on the main road

Submitted by: Anonymous

birchwood drive

I went into the kitchen to make a hot cocoa , it was around 10pm at night , and I saw a tall dark figure staring at me from the garden , it must have been a 7-8 feet high figure , shaped like a male , had a long coat like clothing on and a top hat , its red eyes locked onto me , I dropped the cup in my hand and was frozen still in my place , and it grinned at me , showing sharp teeth , before vanishing , I ran out the kitchen afterwards , still gives me the chills thinking about it to this day . the house I lived in was near a graveyard

Submitted by: amy lawrence


I remember i was at my grandma house in Mandeville Jamaica and was having a night snack downstairs then felt this sudden burst of air, but i didn’t think much of it so i went back to eating. I got up to go upstairs to wash bowl i was eating out of. In front of the sink there was this kinda small window with curtains which was closed so i opened because i heard a clinging sound and i saw a headless man with chains on his hands and feet, he then stopped and turned into my direction (i completely froze) then it turned back and continued walking. I never ran so fast in my life lol went right back downstairs under the sheet.

Submitted by: Jabari H

Kuthai Lake

At night i seen two lights, as i got closer i realized they were eye shines peeking from the side of a cabin. I walked right up to the dogman and reached out to it to scare it off; but it did it back. I blacked out and fell down. When i awoke i went into the cabin and went to sleep. I heard it licking and tapping the window most through the night. Istfg

Submitted by: Anon


This happened in 2020. It was March and the lockdown had just started. Me and my friends didn't really care about the lockdown, so we still went out. It is a common thing for teenagers to hang out near the Cyril and Methodius school in our town. I was in the 9th grade back then, so I wasn't scared to hang out in the dark. Me and my other two friends were drinking coffee from the coffee machine near our school and we were talking about ghosts and shit like that. We were there for an hour when we hear something behind the school. We didn't really care because we knew that other kids hang out here too. When we stood up to leave, we had to go from behind the school because all the other gates were locked. We turned on the flashlights on our phones and started leaving. While leaving, we saw a person, sitting on the ground. We taught that the person was drunk, so we shined the light at them. The person was still pitch black even when we shined the light at them. We got scared, so we started running. We stopped at the nearby bakery to catch our breath. My other two friends forced me to go back and record, so I went. (keep in mind, I had around 70% battery at the time) When I went back and started recording, my phone died and the footage was lost. I ran away again and started praying. Me and my other Christian friend said that it must've been a demon, while our atheist friend was in denial and tried to make excuses. The funny thing is that we talked about demons and ghosts right before we heard those noises that I mentioned before. I had to walk both my friends home because they were still freaked out. We are 17 now and we still hang out there, but nothing like this has happened, yet.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Student's Apartment

In my last year of uni I shared the apartment with two people: a phd student and a remote worker. One of them asked me if I was home one night while I was in class. They were spooked because something had grabbed their t-shirt in the hall and pulled towards a wall and no one was home at the time. Before this happened, I was resting the middle of the day (as you do); I was awake but my eyes were shut because I had a headache, when I heard steps inside my room. This same flatmate was a good friend of mine so they usually helped me out if I overslept and I had classes. I thought these steps were theirs and I felt a hand resting on my back, so I opened my eyes. There was no one in the room, and in fact the door opened at that same time with my friend telling me that I was late. A few weeks later it was planned for a friend of ours to come visit to an empy room - we had permission from our phd flatmate as he was leaving on a weekend trip that weekend - and we decided to not say anything about the weird stuff happening to our guest, as we didn't was to spook him. It was him, though, who told us very seriously the second morning that we had a ghost. He told us that he had heard some steps inside the room and seen a figure kneel down to hug him. He thought it was my flatmate, his best friend, and our guest jokingly threw a stuffed goose that we kept as a flat mascot to the figure. It went through the figure, that dissapeared through the wall. I lived there for two years, the first one there were knocks in the door and a general unease in the hall area, but nothing as strong as the second year. We are not living there anymore.

Submitted by: Anonymous

St Leonards

I was walking with a friend to the nearby train station. I felt or sensed that feeling you get when someone runs up behind you - the moment that I expected the person to clap me on my shoulder I turned my head towards my friend in anticipation. Instead of seeing whomever ran up behind me a hand appeared between me and my friend - it wasn’t solid but wasn’t fully see through but somewhere in the middle. I stopped and turned and there wasn’t anyone else around - just my friend looking at me quizzically like ‘what are you doing?’. And when I did stop and turn the hand withdrew back into the ether and was gone. So bizarre but so real.

Submitted by: Jason


Bahla, Oman. Madinat al-Sehr — the City of Magic. I have also heard it been referred to as The City of Jinns. Till date, a mysterious aura surrounds the walled city and of you talk to the locals, they'll be sure to tell you some wild stories. There is, for example, a tale about a tree growing in the citadel that would bring an untimely death to anyone who touched it because the sorcerer had cast a spell on it. The legend goes that if you are not from Bahla and touched the tree, you would be doomed to great misfortune and an untimely death. During one of our school fieldtrips, we went to Bahla and stayed for a few days. One of my classmates down right refused to go, because of Bahlas reputation and they stories and legends she had heard about the city while growing up. While our class were there we went around and saw a few of the local landmarks such as the old Bahla Fort, souq and, of course, the famous - or rather, infamous - tree growing at the centre of the citadel. I'm not superstitious, however, I was too scared to go over and touch it. A few boys from my class did though - one of which died during the summer of last year.

Submitted by: Celina

Submitted by: Anonymous

Queanbeyan Golf Course

My family were renting a house in the late 2000s when these series of events occurred. 1. I witnessed a human like apparition crawl through my closed window (moved through the wall), crawl over my ceiling and out of my bedroom door. Strong sulphuric scent. The figure was facing the ceiling so I did not see its face. The figure was pitch black, had two arms and two legs and was not wearing any clothes. Only distinctive feature was long dreadlocks on its head. I did not see this apparition again the entire time I lived in the house. 2. Witnessed a faintly glowing green dismbodied hand which crawled from outside the house through an open window in the laundry room. Did not see where it went as I ran as soon as I registered what it was.

Submitted by: Underamanda

Piedras Encimadas, Zacatlán Puebla México

Me and my friends were wondering around and at some point we got lost in the forest. It was already dark and we started to hear voices, but it sounded like voices of a lot of people together, like if you were at a stadium, but all of them were screaming in pain, it was like hearing the gates of hell. We freaked out so much that we thought we were about to die. This lasted for around 10 minutes, after that we calmed down and we found our way out. When we arrived to the gate of the Natural Park, the police officer there said " I thought you guys were out already, we literally saw you coming out a couple of hours ago" and we were like wtf Really creepy experience.

Submitted by: Johanna Doe


My husband and I witnessed multiple ufos on clear nights throughout 2022. The ufos we witnessed were not close up and could have easily been mistaken for a group of bright blinking stars. These objects moved at astronomical speeds mostly in pendulum and sprial movements and changed colours between red, green and white blue. Attempted to get them on camera and also brought the telescope out a few times but were unable to capture anything. We witnessed these dozens of times from our backyard and friends places in Morwell and Traralgon. Have not seen them since the end of 2022.

Submitted by: Underamanda


I began to sell vision at first, then entities started to manifest themselves. I was pulled attacked spooked multiple times for years until it finally stopped

Submitted by: Mimi


The start of 2020 marked the beginning of my semester abroad in Amman, Jordan. We didn't end up staying for long due to covid-19, of course. Myself and three of my classmates did, however, stay for around a month and a half during which three of us shared an apartment, and while the last girl stayed with some of her friends. During this month and a half, though, the three of us who were rooming together ended up spiraling into severe mental health issues. One girl had to return home two weeks before we were called back to Denmark due to the pandemic, while myself and my roommate stuck it out. We had heard stories about Jordan, specifically the city of Petra being a place of magic and Jinns. Netflix even made a drama series called "Jinn", which was filmed in and around Amman including Petra. One night while my roomie and I were joking around in our room, a copy of the Quran, which had been standing on our desk, fell to the floor. The book was opened to Ayat Al-Kursi - The Throne Verse from the second chapter in the Quran. The significance of this verse is that it is a verse often recited as a protection against evil such as shaytan (the devil), jinn (demons), misfortune, bad luck and so on. A shiver ran down our spine and the hairs on our arms stood up. The apartment we had been staying in had had a weird feeling and vibe to it from the moment we had stepped foot into it and we had jokingly made comments about the off vibe maybe were due to there being a jinn in there with us. Both me and my roomie ran out of the room screaming at the sight of the verse it had opened to. It felt like a taunt. We both slept huddled together in a different room until we were encouraged to go back home to Denmark as the pandemic was spreading. Luckily it was only for about five more days since the incident with the Quran.

Submitted by: Celina

Riga Latvia

So back in January of this year I went on a city break to Riga Latvia. Amazing city would recommend. Anyway, we booked a beautiful apartment for our stay via Airbnb and it looked so modern and cozy. Although it was in one of them Soviet concrete tower blocks. For the three days I was there I would wake up in the middle of the night petrified like someone was watching me. I have no idea if I sensed a camera in the room but something wasn’t adding up. I refused to fall back asleep and kept myself up watching videos to try keep awake. One night I had this dream (when I actually fell asleep) and it was in Russian. And I don’t even speak it!!! Oh and to mention one night, I woke up to water dropping on my leg which again was kinda weird. Since then I’ve stayed in airbnbs and not had the same issue. But on a positive note, I think Riga is one of Europe’s most underrated cities and if you get the chance please go visit

Submitted by: Bailey Robinson

Campbell river

We were SxS for my dads 49th birthday, we went down a logging road off of the nearest gas station, we travelled over 50-60 kms that day, we went down a way we haven’t been down before, we went this way to scout for possible hunting spots, me and my mother were in on SxS and my dad and younger sister were in the other, they were ahead of us by maybe 15 feet, we were driving through a logging slash coming up to a bit of trees, as we come to the forested bit a rock came flying in through the passenger side, first we thought it could’ve been from my dad, but it couldn’t have been they were too far ahead and we had a full window shield, we looked at the stone after wards, it was heavy over 6 or 7 pounds, almost perfectly round like the shape of a baseball but bigger and heavier, it broke the floor board and bruised and cut my leg, we speeded up ahead to show the others we went back to the spot and saw broken and tipped over trees, too big for a person to have done it, after that I’ve been riding with a GoPro to try catch something like that again, or something weirder.

Submitted by: Morgan

Beacon hill Road, Beacon hill

It was about 4pm, I was walking down the road towards home, When i experienced the sudden feeling to turn around and as I turned around and looked up the road/ up the hill, I saw the physical form of Death in a robe and holding a scythe, They were facing away from met watching the cars as they went past, This form persisted for around 5 - 10 seconds until it disappeared suddenly. I do not remember of any accidents or deaths occurring on that day.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Callan park

I was sitting with some friends near an old abandoned asylum when I started feeling like I was being watched, we quickly moved from our original spot to a patch of grass near some bushes, after about 10 minutes I still felt like I was being watched. I looked around and in the corner of my eye I saw this pale white human like creature walking on all fours crawl into a bush, occasionally I would see it's head popping out with a grin on its face

Submitted by: Kai

Tyddyn Du

I lived in this house for a little over a year in 2001. In that time I saw what I can only describe as white mist with a face floating above my sister as we slept. My mum and step dad also had knocking on their door every night. We knew previous people who lived there before us and they had experienced paranormal activity such as doors and window slamming and seeing figures outside. One of the scariest places I've ever been let alone lived in.

Submitted by: Sarah


This was back somewhere between 2015-2016 ish. My family and I are from Denmark, but since my father is an engineer we moved around a lot. During this time my father and my step mother and my sister lived in Qatar, and I would fly down to visit during holidays. One time, when I came to visit (and many times after that), I noticed a smell of smoke in the tiny hall between the kitchen and the living room. When I asked my step mother about it, she answered with "You smell it too?" -apparently my father had never noticed the smell, and thought nothing of it. That's when she told me about the many strange encounters she had had in the house. This included the smell of smoke in that one specific spot, seeing shadows move from the kitchen to the living room in the window reflections and my little sister, who was around 3 years old at the time, asking my step mother about the person smiling at her in her room from time to time. Moreover, they were always sick while living in the house. For example, my little sister had developed asthma, which she no longer has today. I get the chills just thinking about it. I never noticed anything else, which I was visiting other than that smell of smoke. They have since moved, and are now living in a different part of the world with no such encounters since.

Submitted by: Celina

La Ronge

During Christmas Eve, my whole distant family saw me slouched over in a corner in the living room and when they called my name I apparently ran and phased out into a wall. I was in my room with some of my cousins the whole time this was happening. Everybody in the living room saw “me” or some thing pretending to be me, no one has any theories except that it might have been a ghost. La Ronge is a town that I highly believe has some strange occurrences, yet not many talk about it. Another ghost event happened at my aunts house, my aunt, myself and my cousin were upstairs. We were the only people in the house, a friend of my aunts came over to deliver mail to my aunt, they decided to catch up with each other, talking away in the kitchen. All the meanwhile, my cousin and I were in the living room, adjacent to the kitchen so we were all within eye sight of each other. Then everyone besides my aunt heard crying coming from the basement, my aunt was hard of hearing so there was no way she would hear it. What really solidified it for me was my aunts friend asking if there was anyone else in the house, my aunt saying no, that really scared my aunts friend and she left shortly after.

Submitted by: Alanah

Baja Mar 201 (Santi)

The air in Colonia Playas, Tijuana, always carried a certain eerie chill, especially as the sun dipped below the horizon and the shadows crept through the narrow streets. Baja Mar 201, a seemingly ordinary house, stood silent and unassuming, but its walls whispered secrets of Time Slips and the supernatural. A group of friends, intrigued by the local legends, decided to spend a night at Baja Mar 201. They gathered in the dimly lit living room, sharing nervous laughter and uneasy glances. The clock on the wall ticked away, seemingly counting down to an unknown event. As midnight approached, the atmosphere thickened with anticipation. Suddenly, the room flickered with an otherworldly light, and a low hum resonated through the air. The friends exchanged anxious looks as the furniture trembled slightly. Time itself seemed to warp within the confines of the house, creating a disorienting sensation. As the clock struck midnight, the group noticed subtle changes around them. Old photographs on the walls depicted scenes from a different era, and the sounds of laughter and music echoed faintly from the past. Reality twisted and contorted, blending the present with fragments of the past. In the midst of the temporal chaos, a mysterious figure appeared in the center of the room. Dressed in outdated clothing, the ghostly silhouette seemed trapped between two worlds. The friends gasped, frozen in both fear and fascination. The figure, an ethereal woman, spoke in a haunting whisper, revealing a tragic tale of lost love and a life cut short. She explained that the house held a rift in time, a doorway between the past and present. The friends, now captivated by the spectral presence, listened intently as the woman described her eternal yearning for a love she never had the chance to fully experience. As the tale unfolded, one of the friends, a young man named Santiago, felt an inexplicable connection to the ghostly woman. Mesmerized by her story, he stepped forward, his hand reaching out to touch the ephemeral figure. The moment their fingertips brushed, a blinding light enveloped the room, and a piercing scream echoed through the house. When the light subsided, the friends found themselves alone in the room, the ghostly figure and Santiago nowhere to be seen. The temporal distortions had ceased, leaving only a lingering sense of melancholy. The clock on the wall resumed its normal ticking, but the friends couldn't shake the feeling that something irreversible had occurred. Santiago was gone, his presence erased from the fabric of time. The friends searched the house in vain, but there was no trace of him. It was as if he had become a part of the Time Slips, lost in the temporal rift that had claimed the ghostly woman so many years ago. Baja Mar 201, once a quiet residence, now stood as a haunting reminder of the thin veil between the living and the dead. The legends of Colonia Playas had claimed another soul, leaving the remaining friends with a chilling story to tell—a tale of Time Slips, lost love, and the inexplicable disappearance of a young man named Santiago.

Submitted by: Santiago Rodriguez Flores


me and a few friends went on a weekend trip to beachworth a little while ago. we’re all massive horror fans, so we went on the ghost tour that the old beachworth asylum holds. I was walking around taking photos all night and it wasn’t when I got back my car till i noticed something in one of the photos. Now the tour was at night so the photo was taken with my phone flash, the room was pretty much pitch black when we were in it. From what i can see, there’s a very clear milky figure on the railing the bed, sort of like a kid hanging on to the rail. The photos not all that clear so turn up your brightness and zoom in on the middle of the bed rail. I love this site and just scrolling through all the entries so i thought i would share story!

Submitted by: zander

Rottnest Island

Shadow figure

Submitted by: Austin


Após um ano ou meses depois de nos mudarmos pra nova casa não lembro exatamente em qual data mais toda noite eu tinha uma enorme dificuldade de dormir, nisso comecei a mudar as posições que dormia e comecei dormir com a cabeça nos pés da cama nisso comecei a dormir bem por 4 dias no quinto dia tive um "sonho" no qual eu estava conversando alguma coisa, com uma sombra escura no "sonho" ambos estávamos deitados. Porem algo aconteceu que a sombra não gostou e ele tentou me enforcar comecei a sentir falta de ar e a lutando pra me desprender da sombra nisso consegui me desprender e ela ficou olhando para mim logo-após uma mão escura e enorme sai de baixo da cama e agarra meu corpo me puxando... enquanto estou sendo puxado eu acordo sendo puxado também.
After a year or months after we moved to the new house, I don't remember exactly which date, but every night I had enormous difficulty sleeping, so I started changing the positions I slept in and started sleeping with my head at the foot of the bed. sleep well for 4 days on the fifth day I had a "dream" in which I was talking something, with a dark shadow in the "dream" we were both lying down. However, something happened that the shadow didn't like and he tried to choke me. I started to feel short of breath and, struggling to get away from the shadow, I managed to get loose and she was looking at me, then a huge, dark hand came out from under the bed. and grabs my body pulling me... while I'm being pulled I wake up being pulled too.

Submitted by: Anonymous


So me and my mom used to leave in an apartment that was 5 minutes away from a graveyard...So we have experienced some activities. There were nights when something would pull my blanket. My hair was pulled at night once and like it was almost all my bottom hair. This one time a candle holder(?) flew across the room and almost hit my mom in the head. These are just some paranormal stuff we've experience. Also stuff disappearing and then appearing out of nowhere in the most random times and places.

Submitted by: Amanda

Bridge hotel Rozelle

I was 14. My mum and I were sitting in our car at about 7pm at a red light. All of a sudden there was a blinding white light. Next thing I know all the businesses that were open before the flash are closed, The clock in the car say it was 12am and the roads are empty. My mum gently asks me when we got home "what did you see??" I replied "a very bright light" we both had the same experience. 4yrs later I developed a lump in my earlobe, when the dr removed it was a piece of metal about the size of a small grain of rice. The dr said he had never seen anything like it but in the xfiles.

Submitted by: Benjamin jose

Quezon Province

Aswang is an umbrella term for various shape-shifting evil creatures in Filipino folklore, such as vampires, ghouls, witches, viscera suckers, and transforming human-beast hybrids. The aswang is the subject of a wide variety of myths, stories, arts, and films, as it is well known throughout the Philippines. My girlfriend and I saw a Aswang that at first looked like a buffalo, after we approached it, it turned into a black cat.

Submitted by: Arill

Trowbridge Falls

My boyfriend and I had taken our 2 dogs for a hike along the river in the Trowbridge falls area. We had gone in the off leash dog path, and up under the bridge of the highway. Trowbridge is well known to be haunted and the paths in that location are all interconnected in some way, and in the same general area. When we were walking along the river, we stayed right next to the only path in and out of where we were. Our dogs were swimming and I was looking for amethyst on the path. I came out to show my boyfriend what I found and as we were standing on the rocky beach, this woman came out of the trail from the farthest point and started waiving at me. It was a really slow wave, like the queen of England, and she was not dressed for hiking. Even though this wasn’t a vigorous hike, she was not dressed for it. She had this robe on, and even though she was not wearing sunglasses, it looked like she was wearing sunglasses. Her eyes were shadowed but visible and it gave me butterflies when I saw her. I waved back at her and my boyfriend asked who I was waiving at. I looked at him like wtf, and said “that lady right there” and when I looked back she was gone. Again, we were standing with our 2 dogs right next to the path and did not see anybody pass us. We walked towards where she was standing and there was nobody there. Unless she scaled a cliff in bare feet and a white dress, there is no way she could have passed he without us seeing her. My boyfriend and two dogs both did not see what I saw and it wasn’t until we got off the path and started talking about it, did we realize where exactly we were, in relation to Trowbridge falls. We haven’t been back since.

Submitted by: Mackenzie


My brother and I were in a 2 person tent getting ready to sleep, then all of a sudden neon blue light appeared and we could just see it through the tent. It then got closer and resembled the shape of a humanoid creature. It was about 4 feet tall. It then pressed its hands against the tent, it had very long fingers and big hands. My brother and I were frozen in fear. The creature the slowly walked away. For about 2 minutes we were dead quiet, then I peeped my head out off the tent and saw no trace of the creature.

Submitted by: Guy smith


Around 9:00 pm I was driving back from my now ex girlfriends home, on a dirt road that connects the semi-rural houses into the main city. Visibility was decent, but it was hard to make out details. As I stop at a stop sign, I notice the squirming of something in the ditch to the left of me. I can only describe this thing as a pile of organic mass of flesh and guts, about a medium sized dog’s size, tendrils or guts writhed around, it looked like a 6 year-late abortion or as if an animal got decimated by a semi truck going at high speeds, but the nature of this road made it impossible. I couldn’t quite see or comprehend what I was looking at, but I felt an overwhelming sense of disgust and horror. I’ve seen my plenty share of roadkill, and I even hunt, so the idea of seeing a carcass isn’t something that disturbs me, but, this thing was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen, I stayed for a moment just to take in this horrific scene before I drove off. I never told anyone, I didn’t even know what to tell them, around 10 am the next day, I came back to the location and found no trace of the thing, no blood, no organic matter, just the grass flattened where the creature was. That was 3 years ago, I still don’t quite understand what I saw, but I know whatever I saw was real, alive, and an abomination

Submitted by: Nick


Was driving along the a75 late at night when a I saw a black shadowy figure with wearing a cape watching me as I drove by

Submitted by: Anonymous


I was at home sleeping when around 2 am I suddenly woke up as I felt like I was being watched, for some background I have always heard weird noises in my room, sometimes it would be laughter and sometimes it’s crying but it’s always in the closet, so when I woke up I saw this tall man, I’d say he’s around 2.5 to 3 meters tall as his head was nearly hitting the ceiling of the room, the man was dressed in all white but I couldn’t see his face, he was wide and tall to the point that it made the room feel claustrophobic even though it’s a large room.

Submitted by: Anon