
I lived here while I was pregnant with my son. It was pretty docile at first but slowly got weird. For starters, at 2am every night, I’d wake up to sax music. I’d search the house for it and it was always coming from my moms room. Secondly, if you were alone, you’d hear the door unlock and open and someone come in and no one was there. After my son, I experienced a breakup in that house and it was like a poltergeist or something. Every night I’d be in my living room and the door knob to the front door would turn back and forth and you’d see shadows with no one there, and one night, in the pit of my depression around 2-4 am, I laid in my bed and watched a book and a picture of me look like it got carelessly thrown off my dresser and then I went numb and felt like an extremely pissed off man if that makes sense. I would try to say I was a woman in my head and I couldn’t. Someone would say I’m a man. When I got up I don’t remember much my mom said I checked the rooms and told her I don’t feel right and she was concerned because my voice was deeper. Manlier? I only remember being in our kitchen and my mom coming at me with a rosary after a puzzle we were making flying off the table behind me. This is one house I’d never ever step foot into again because I’m pretty sure that was a possession and I never believed in those.

Submitted by: Anon

1737 trotter ave

I wrote on another post here. I grew up in south Knoxville. I lived in this house with my grandparents and mother for a few years and I absolutely hated it. I still have dreams about being back in this house and it terrifies me to my core. We moved in here after my brother passed. It was a two bedroom I shared a room and bed with my mother. The first dream I had here was about a relative I didn’t even know yet. He was in a black hoodie around my school and I was trying to figure out what was going on and he slowed everyone down and said I’m seeing the dead people. I woke up terrified. It was 2:55 am. For the better part of a two years every night I would wake up at 2:55 am every morning and experience the same terrify experience. I’d see a shadow go past my window on the outside and then hear fast paced footsteps from the kitchen where the door was all the way to the living room. Loudly for at least 10 minutes and I’d just cry. Sometimes they’d stop at my door sometimes they’d just stay in the kitchen and sometimes they’d mess in the fridge or pantry door. I can’t recall exactly what event petrified me the most but one time I woke my mom up and made her stay up to hear it and she was also terrified although she didn’t believe and she thought she was just going crazy with grief and so was I. It got easier more routine to hear this and go back to sleep. I even made ear plugs to be unbothered for when I woke up at that time. Things were decent. Creepy but decent until one night I had to do the dishes( my grandmother hated me and the fact I was mixed race so I was constantly doing chores) when it got cold and the laundry door moved a little but I ignored it. I had to put the dirty towels I used in the washer and when I went to go in there, I don’t know what I saw I really don’t but I had my full blown first panic/anxiety attack and passed out. All I remember is feeling like someone was hovering over me. Leering. Of course when I woke up I ran in there and told them what happened and no one believed me but they saw how sweaty I was. They just thought I was lying to get out of chores. There was another occurrence that happened here as well that I’m even unsure of because I’ve blocked it out but all I can remember is being petrified and walking into the bathroom with the lights off. I’m unsure if I’d even feel comfortable recalling. I can’t even drive by this home. I hate it. Absolutely. And I’m honestly glad I’ve blocked out some occurrences because I’d love to forget about this terrifying place and that’s not even me being dramatic. It’s like it still is trying to call out to me in my dreams to get me back there.

Submitted by: Anon


I was in 7th grade and lived in a detached garage converted into a small 1 bedroom house with my mom and little sister. It was butted up to an alleyway behind a larger house of an older man. My sister and I shared the bedroom and the room had mirrored doors on the closet that took up the entire wall. We had a bunk bed to take up less space and I had the top bunk. One night, I woke up because I thought I heard my sister fumbling around out of bed. I turned over and looked into the mirror where I could see the entire room lit by dim moonlight. I see her sitting on the floor criss cross applesauce facing the mirror. "Sami, get back in bed. Mom will be mad if she catches you out of bed." I go to roll back over to go back to sleep. Not even 3 seconds later, I hear my sister cough directly below me and she is definitely not awake and on the floor. I immediately roll back over and she is no longer sitting on the floor. No one is there. Who the heck did I see?!

Submitted by: Stacy


Several things. This place is where I learned about mimics. We had two black labs concord and jasmine and they always slept with me. I remember ma went to go take a shower in her room. She was in there maybe 5-10 mins and the dogs lifted up and were growling and showing teeth at the kitchen and then I heard my ma say my name. I said yeah and then she said my full first name. And I said what and she said my name one more time. Our dogs let out a growls bark and I looked up and saw her kinda run swiftly kinda looked like she was on skeet’s kinda floating I guess? It was really fast and it was her shadow. The dogs went nuts and one went to the end of the bed on guard and the other ontop of me. After that my ma ran from her room and asked what the f is going on and all I said was I just watched you go in the laundry room so did they and she looked really confused and horrified and locked the door. Idk what a locked door was gonna do for a mimic but. And the only other thing I recall here was anytime my angel river wood picture would be hung up with my cross theyd fall. Immediately no matter what. My five year old brother also drowned here and that energy was sickening dark after that. Nothing but bad energy. Not even the dogs wanted to be around.

Submitted by: Anon

Conisholme, Lincolnshire

The mysterious case of damage to the blades of a wind turbine in Conisholme, Lincolnshire. Something “the size and weight of a cow” struck and crippled two of the 20m blades, yet Ecotricity, the turbine's owners, cannot explain what happened. Speculation was that perhaps it was a meteorite, but no crater or meteor debris was found at the scene.. Adding to the mystery, residents of neighbouring North Somercotes reported strange lights in the sky the previous night. One more practical theory was that the blades caused the failure, with perhaps one blade falling off and denting the other. Dale Vince, founder of Ecotricity, said: "It would have to be a catastrophic failure. That turbine has been running for a year now so we think that's pretty unlikely as well." He also dismissed the possibility of lightning as the weather conditions were good at the time. Of the three blades on the turbine, one was fully removed from the turbine, another was mangled but still attached. To deepen the mystery, the detached blade has never been found. No wreckage was recovered from the 66 foot long blade. Sources: The Guardian, ITV News, myself - Lincolnshire resident who saw the turbine afterwards.

Submitted by: Kelly

Armstrong Park, Jesmond Dene, Newcastle upon Tyne

In Armstrong Park stands a massive sycamore tree bedecked with thousands of shoes. In recent years local students have taken to hurling their shoes into the tree to celebrate their graduation but reports of the Shoe Tree go back at least decades with some claiming the landmark has endured for centuries. With the tree now entirely covered, the shoes have begun to spread throughout the park.

Submitted by: Stefan

Hard Rock Hotel

I have always thought that the hotel resembles a portal. One night we were driving south on the turnpike in the furthest left lane passing the hotel. 5 minutes later we passed the hotel again without changing lanes or taking any exits. We were suddenly heading North. There are no left side exits that would make you go northbound on the turnpike. I am not the only one who has experienced this either, or other weird things concerning the hotel.

Submitted by: Mars

St Nicolas' Catherdral, Newcastle upon Tyne

Around the back of St Nic's Cathedral in Newcastle's old town you'll find an incongruously cheerful building with a brightly painted facade. Above the entrance squats a bloody fanged, manic eyed rabbit. Despite it's fearsome visage, the Vampire Rabbit is viewed locally as more of guardian than a menace. Overlooking the cathedral graveyard, the weird little grotesque is said to protect the tombs from graverobbers. Some even claim he was erected as a response to the infamous Burke and Hare whose notorious killing spree occurred in nearby Edinburgh. Others claim that the stonemason who carved the rabbit placed his ears back to front, this shift in the statue's energy caused it to slowly morph into the horror we know today.

Submitted by: Stefan

Town Moor, Newcastle upon Tyne

During the Covid-19 lockdowns I used to take walks on the Town Moor in Newcastle upon Tyne. It's a massive stretch of common land maintained by locals for centuries, though it's in the middle of a busy city it feels quiet and weirdly serene. It's a popular place to walk and gather, in the summer it hosts festivals and concerts, it is even used to graze cows for part of the year. However, during the early lockdowns the place emptied and took on a desolate, almost wild character. I used to walk to the top of Cow Hill, which overlooks the moor from it's northeast corner. The hill is actually an old slag heap from the nearby coal mine and gives you a fantastic view of the moor. There are very few trees on the moor and no real landmarks so people stick out, particularly with so few people about. On several occasions I spotted figures standing out on the boggy land, away from the well trodden paths. They stood completely still, despite the biting wind. What bothered me is the way I tended to lose track of them, they would vanish while my eyes were elsewhere, never seeming to leave the moor by normal means. Later I learned that the Town Moor had been used as an execution ground, most notable for the Newcastle Witches who had been selected for death (apparently at random) by a fraudulent witch hunter in the 18th century. It's probably unrelated but still get nervous crossing the moor at night, the well-lit paths form a corridor of safety across a stretch of pitch-black unknown and it is hard not to imagine what could be standing in the darkness.

Submitted by: Stefan


That was 8 feet tall, skinny black figure. I was walking next to the woods and night when I saw my dog stops and didnt want to go I look where he was looking and I saw that creature, was humanoid shape but all black, in place of its face was just dark grey colour. It was looking at us, we didnt moved, and after couple of minutes the it slowly moves still looking at us to the woods. My dog in that moment just turn around and pull me back to house. My house was like not even 5 min from that place. After that event the follow night I had very weird dreams that I was floating in the gray the same colour that was on its face but I also feel it loneliness. I never meet it again but my partner has similar encouner few weeks before me and told me to not go to the woods and night. For few monts the energy was really off before came back to normal.

Submitted by: Red

luella cemetery

i was trying to meet my friend Meg at the cemetery around 8/9 pm at night, a cemetery we’ve both been to previously during day time just separate. this time when we were going we had our GPS on with each other to show where we were both at and could easily find each other. once we entered luella road to pass the cemetery and find each other, we couldn’t find each other. My friend Meg saw me on maps and tried to come to me but couldn’t find where i was at, couldn’t see my car couldn’t see me, but we saw each others bubbles from the maps following each other. we decided to go to a stop sign further down and i sat there for 5 minutes as she made her way down to me, as her gps bubble showed her next to me, she wasn’t to be found. it was like we were in alternate realities and just trying to find each other. it took us 15 minutes and passing the cemetery another time and going to a main road to a church for us to be able to find each other. it’s just odd, our GPS showing us right next to each other but not being there. it all started the moment we first passed the cemetery

Submitted by: natalie belcher


Saw a straight up dragon. I was looking at the sky because it looked beautiful. Then I spotted a HUGE black bird that didnt look quite right. And I have to emphasize the word huge. It had a long and narrow tail, two huge wings, a long body with two visible legs, long neck and a semi big head. Then I thought it cant be a bird, it must be a kite! But it was flying too high and was too huge, you could also see its movements and how sincere it was that it was actually flying. Then it hit me, omg its a DRAGON! I started to follow it, or atleast tried to walk towards its direction. It was too fast and not long after that it had flown somewhere else already.

Submitted by: anonymous


Saw this dark alien entity guy hanging around in my backyard. It reacted to me and seemed to be scared and tried to hide away. Ofcourse I reacted the same and went back inside asap.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Forests of Sipoo

Camping in Sipoo woods with a friend. Heard non-human screaming trough the whole night (no we could not sleep). It was not animal (we would know if it was), first the screaming started right next to our tent, slowly getting further away. We felt as if we were being watched. We kept quiet and pretented not to hear it. We suspect it to be some sort of local... cryptoid.

Submitted by: anonymous


We took mushrooms. My best friend and I. It hit me 20x harder. The visuals started and I had never had them this strong before and reality continued to become less and less boring.. We had giggling fits on and off and then I really got hit with how hard this trip was going to be when i raised my arm in front of my face and my hand was melding together with my surroundings .. It felt good to see it, it was not scary.. and the prophetic mushroom advice/feeling told me everything is one and I finally understood that everything you see IS just a projection of your mind. I felt it and understood it fully and I was taken away from reality and brought back. I was verbal a lot of the time just speaking my thoughts and it was truly hilarious. My personality is usually dull and honestly boring but I came alive on that trip. Anyway we made our way outside- many hours later- to smoke and we sat on the ground holding each other looking at the stars….. MOST beautiful wonderful —- just got a ringing in my ear- i want to go back LOL. the stars on mushrooms are a purely blissful sight and feeling It was encompassing and comforting and full of love. That’s when the the other prophetic thought was unlocked and I felt as free yet burdened as ever to understand that love is the only thing that matters. at least whatever frequency love vibrates on- ;) good bye i love you

Submitted by: TheOneTheAll

Richmond, Va

Just found this website so I have tons of stories from when I lived here that were witnessed by others. When I first moved there, I moved in with a friend who was already living there. Whenever I visited in the past, I sensed that whatever was there didn't really like me, but when I moved in it was more tolerated for me to be there. I only lived there for a year, but my roommate was there for 3. She's a current roommate now and we don't have any experiences like this in our current apartment. So, first our front door would swing open and closed by itself if it wasn't locked. I checked for anything that would debunk this like any wind or even the building swaying, but I've asked it to open and close and it definitely responded to it. Our bedroom doors often unlocked and opened by themselves. I've woken to my bedroom door doing this. I had a LOT of out of body experiences here? Much more than any other place I've lived. I've had dreams of wandering around the city and noticing some people who could see me and others who were just living their life. I've had items disappear and when I asked for them back, they'd show up. My cats would react to things there that I'd see. The main one that was terrifying was feeling like something was in the hallway and peering at me in my room. I was spending the day cleaning and both of my cats were in my bedroom with me so I had the door open. I didn't pay it much mind at first because I had felt stuff similarly, but then my cats started acting afraid and wouldn't leave my room. I got really worried that they had heard something or maybe something was happening in the hallway outside of the whole apartment, but they both started growling and my cat Pepper was on the bed when she fluffed up. My cat Ra hid under my Papasan chair. I started getting visions of it and gore oozing from the walls, which sounds so run of the mill, but it's the only time I've ever had something like this. It was short and I don't remember exactly what it looked like anymore because it's been 5 years or so, but I remember it peeking around my doorway. I didn't see it when I looked AT the doorway, but in flashes with the walls. It was pretty terrifying and I had to call my roommates. It was broad daylight. I've also had my old roommates hear ME when it definitely wasn't. One instance one of them was taking a shower, heard me knock on the door and tell her that I needed to use the bathroom. She came out when she was done and knocked on my bedroom door, woke me up, and told me I could use the bathroom, to which I was obviously confused by because I was just taking a nap. She still doesn't believe that it wasn't me and thought I was messing with her. For some reason I could never look directly into the kitchen during the night and had to shield my face when walking by. My cats would get spooked pretty often in general. Me and my roommates would often hear sounds- one time we heard our dish dryer fall and dishes break, but when we went to check nothing had happened. My cats reacted to this and we all heard it from the kitchen. One thing to note was that there were only windows on two sides of our apartment. I was in my room, which was the corner room- it has windows on two sides and I heard NOTHING outside. It came from the kitchen. My roommate's room was right next to the kitchen and also heard nothing from outside, but from the kitchen. I checked outside just in case a car had maybe crashed and I also checked in the hallway, but there was nothing. Me and a long distance friend did experience the same feeling one time and we were texting each other upset. We got on the phone and described what we were feeling- it felt like someone was literally dying and saying goodbye. So that was weird. Lots of little individual accounts of hearing stuff and witnessing stuff. I try not to count those as much because I have nothing to back it up. My cat Pepper got out one time when ALL of us were gone. I came home and was going to head up in the elevator when she ran up to me from the basement where the laundry is. I was completely horrified and this could have been a case where one of us let her out and didn't see, but I at least said goodbye to both of them when I left for work so I know it wasn't me. Lots of deja vu, but I tend to experience that all the time anyway. I have other stories of Richmond that I'll add to other parts on the map- I think Richmond is just one of those places. That's all I have from what I can remember!

Submitted by: Jessica Guajardo


So, this wasn't directly after I moved out of the dorm, I actually lived in a place before this behind the Siegel Center at 1200, but I didn't experience anything paranormal there. I moved out because it was too expensive and got another apartment. I lived in a house above where the Insomnia Cookies is and where the old student Walmart is- its now Ram City Market there. I had 10 other roommates- there are 10 bedrooms and 3 baths and one bedroom had a couple. My bedroom door would unlock and open by itself often. I've seen people coming down the stairs and then not finish the decent when they left my sight for a moment. My girlfriend at the time had strange dreams (briefly mentioned in the GRC story elsewhere in Richmond) where someone was visiting her and telling her that I didn't love her and trying to get her to go to another dimension with her? It was super unnerving, but then I started dreaming about her. She had never described what she looked like and when I told her, we were both really creeped out by it. She was sleeping over once when I was dresming and I was floating above my bed. There were roses all over my ceiling and I saw from above, the woman approach my bed with both of us on it. She tried to touch me, but my necklace at the time started glowing (a gift from my mother that she just thought I'd like when I was 16. It's the Astrologers Star and I only ever take it off to shower.) and she disappeared. When I woke up, I had red irritation where she tried to touch me. After we broke up, I had a lot of unfortunate events happen and I had another dream about her where I was trying to go upstairs in this apartment building. This girl, who I didn't recognize at first was trying to follow me so I closed the door on her only to turn around and see she was further up the stairs. It didn't bother me in the dream. We continued up to my apartment and there were a few people there chatting. Again, I closed the door on the girl and she ended up in the apartment. At first, she was talking to the others in the dream and I was putting my things away. Then, the background noise started fading out and when I looked up, she was right in front of me and that's when I recognized her. It was completely silent, but the background stuff was still happening, people still talking and laughing but I couldn't hear any of it. Everything was crystal clear- reader than real life. She said, "I'm the thing that's been ruining your life." And then I woke up. I also had many out of body dreams- multiple of which were predictions of time. I had several dreams where I would be doing something like drawing or reading and I'd check the time. A specific instance, I checked the time and I had messages from one of my roommates telling me that she was coming down the stairs so we could go out. Dream me wasn't confused by this but then I woke up from hearing a knock on my door. I checked the time and was already freaking out because it was the same time, but then when I opened the door it was my roommate and she wanted to go out and do something. My cat Jasper at the time also became incredibly aggressive in that house and I ended up having to give him to my ex because he wasn't aggressive anywhere else. Not towards me or anyone- only towards everyone there. I moved out of there and into the apartment where I got my two other cats. The one I tell stories of that have my cats reacting to a lot of stuff and the front door would open and close by itself. Note that these are just two blocks apart from each other.

Submitted by: Jessica Guajardo


So, after the apartment where my roommates and I heard stuff fall in the kitchen, I moved out of there and back in with my roommate from freshman year and another friend. I don't move back in with the roommate from the previous apartment until after this one. I live with her now and we don't have any problems here. But back to the story. So, living with my college roommate again and another friend, this apartment was much more tame in my opinion. I lived on the 2nd floor here and took the elevator to the basement to do laundry. Well, I disliked the 4th floor and 7th floor for some reason. Just didn't like them they had awful vibes. I had the elevator try to take me to the 7th floor multiple times and the 4th floor once- skipping my floor. I disliked these floors BEFORE this happened, so standing in the elevator while it skipped my floor was terrifying. I didn't get out on those floors and simply waited for the doors to close so I could go back down. Also, note I didn't live in a bedroom here, I lived in the dining room with curtains up and my other two roommates had bedrooms. This time we had my cats Pepper and Ra and my roommate's cat Mika. Let me tell you. We didn't have much happen in terms of small instances, but this big thing happened. So, one day I get a call from my roommate to meet him at work (we all worked the front desks because I got them both the job) so after my shift I walk over there. It was Cary and Belvidere Residential Center. He was sitting in the lobby with a mirror. I immediately hated this mirror. Maintenance was renovating the bathrooms and they took this off of the wall and my roommate wanted to keep it so badly. It was chipped on the sides in places and had some of the back rubbed off so some of it was just see through but he wanted it. So I paid for a Lyft because I wasn't going to walk all the way across campus with a mirror. I was irrationally TERRIFIED of breaking it. Even though I didn't want the mirror, I was really protective of it and I REFUSED to take it up or down any stairs for fear of it breaking. We got it home and took it up the elevator and sat it in the living room. College roommate hated it too and she wanted us to get rid of it. Other roommate, he insisted we keep it. Well, me and college roommate started having nightmares. I don't remember much of them, but they featured a lot of confusing and cryptic things and we'd wake up like SWEATING. After a couple weeks me and college roommate decided to get rid of the mirror and other roommate Reluctantly agreed. But when we tried, the elevator was down. And I REFUSED to take it down the stairs because I was so scared of it breaking. Cue the bad luck. So, since I lived in the dining room, my stuff was tucked away in a corner of the living room next to the AC. Not only was my stuff subjected to the AC dripping water and flooding part of the living room, but Mika also started peeing on it. Didn't find either out until a few days in where I had to throw much of my stuff away because of the mold. Stuff started breaking in the apartment and I had a terrible falling out with my family. College roommate had bad luck too. Electronics messing up, transactions messing up. Other roommate was suspiciously having the best luck EVER. Found money, surgery dates got moved WAY up from years in the future to months. Really good days, gifts from people. And we took notice of this- it had only been a week since we wanted to throw the mirror away and every time we tried, the elevator was broken even if they had gotten it fixed and I had ridden it up after a shitty day. So, we pull out the Tarot cards. All it was was just terrible cards. 3 of swords, 10 of swords, manipulation and bad luck and just awful things. And when we asked about other roommate, it only had good cards for him. We pulled several of the same cards throughout our asking questions and it was clear that we needed to get rid of the mirror. But other roommate was attached again and moved it TO HIS ROOM. Why? Because we were going to throw it away again, but when we moved it, he saw a seal on the back of the mirror of where it was made. The same town his mother works in. So he took it as a sign to keep it since she lives in a completely different state. I tried to cleanse because I was stressed and when I was done, I put my Palo Santo on the kitchen counter and it burned shaped into it. I fucking swear- it looked exactly like a little fish and above it was a little circle and all I could interpret it as was fish taking bait. So other roommate asked me for my Tarot cards and sat in front of the mirror to ask it questions (he does not do tarot. Myself and college roommate do) and what he got from it was that it was taking luck from us and giving it to him because he saved it. I was at work at the time and people kept opening the bathroom door by the desk for some reason and it'd show the mirror, which was facing the desk and fully on me, which freaked me out. So he decided he really needed to get rid of it and we ended up taking it out the next day and saying goodbye to it. The whole ordeal was just a few weeks but it was stressful. After that, everything was fine. No other weird stuff happened.

Submitted by: Jessica Guajardo


I work in these two buildings and they're definitely haunted. Right across the street from each other- West Grace North and West Grace South Faucets turning on and off, the elevator moving up and down by itself and opening in the lobby. Down the street, the honors college also has an elevator that does this. In WGN I see people get off the elevator and walk through the wall across from it. My roommate has worked there while I worked across the street and we both had flies die next to us during the same night. He's left the desk to use the bathroom and come back to a tiny pile of sand on his things, which were tucked away in the little cubby. And another instance of a dead fly on his things. I often hear people walking down the hall and keys jingling when it's no one. I've had someone pop up from under the desk out of the corner of my eye and when I look it's nobody. I assumed it was a student sneaking under the desk to pop up and scare me, but it was literally no one. Scary as hell. Worked in these buildings for over 5 years now.

Submitted by: Jessica Guajardo


It was a cold morning when I decided to go for a walk. I thought it was going to be an usual walk through the forest. While walking by the river I constantly heard whistling noises. I followed the river ignoring those whistles as it could be hunters. But when whistles got closer, I decided to go in opposite way so I dont disturb the "hunters". I ended up seeing an abandoned building through the bushes. I didn't want to get close to it cause I don't want to hurt myself. I decided turning back and going home, but as I turned around, a very loud whistle was heard. It was coming from that building. At the corner of my eye I saw a black goat with half broken horn. It appeared out of nowhere! I got scared and just started running back home. I have never ever went in that forest again.

Submitted by: Anonymous


Let me preface this by saying I’m pretty sure I’ve always been pretty sensitive to things like this, but I believe everyone experiences things here. I love this cemetery for the architecture and I’ll walk through, but everytime I’ve went, there are 3 spots that hurt my head so bad it’s pounding and one that makes me nauseous and one I’m just drawn to. On the left side with the little girl statue and a sinking ground it’s heavy watchful energy. It’s almost overwhelming and it pushes you to the recieving vault where I start getting headaches. If you wander to the right, there is a soldier statue and it’s like you’ll see him moving or someone around it moving. And if you go further right there is a tomb beside the mausoleum for a Dr.Mayo. I’m drawn to him a lot of people are and no one knows why. And on the other side of the mausoleum, close to the tree if you walk through this specific spot, you get immediately cold, sick and lethargic like you’ve just walked through something.It’s the worst feeling I think I’ve ever felt there and try to stay away from that. The soldier side is heavy energy as well but really only from the sharing wall, the back, and it’s crypt. But old gray is gorgeous. The energy is just off and I’m pretty sure the spot I get sick at is a vortex or portal or something because many people experience it in that spot.

Submitted by: Renae

North attleborough, MA

it was approximately 2 AM and I was driving home from the drive-in movies. There’s this 2 mile road that you go down that normally only takes five minutes to drive. That night, I kept seeing the same houses I saw weird creatures on the side of the road, that seem to be staring at me. It took almost 20 minutes to go down that road. And right when I got to the end of it, a deer, like looking creature, was standing in the middle of the crosswalk staring at us.

Submitted by: annika yanoshak


At 5am, after finishing work, I made a quick stop at a doughnut shop in Delhi. As I approached an intersection, my attention was caught by a pair of flashing eyes, resembling those of a cat, darting across the street. However, this creature moved with astonishing speed. Curiosity piqued, I turned my gaze towards the source and to my surprise, I spotted a small figure looking like a tiny man hiding behind a tree, cautiously peeking out to stare of me as it seemed scared. Intrigued yet slightly unnerved, I decelerated, and we locked eyes, maintaining an intense gaze. Eventually, I drove past the spot, but to this day, whenever I pass by that place, I can't help but glance around, feeling an unsettling sense of being watched or maybe it’s just me being paranoid.

Submitted by: Bob


This is a dorm at VCU- I lived in GRC 3 for my freshman year and I had one roommate. We both experienced a few things there. So the first was we both started experiencing out of body dreams and whatnot. I had dreams about the time and things happening that came true. One main instance was I woke up one morning just after 5. I don't remember the exact time anymore :( But I rolled over and checked my alarm clock before I sat up. When I sat up, I was like sucked BACK INTO my body and everything felt like it was vibrating. I felt like sand on a speaker if you know those videos where they put stuff on speakers and play music really loud? I could feel all of my atoms. And no, I wasn't high or anything like that. I was kind of half in my body and half out? I could feel two versions of me- the part of me that could move and was vibrating and then my body which I could control my breathing in. But I could also sense a presence next to my bed. I'm really glad that I couldn't see anything because even though I keep my lights on, it was pitch black to me. And I felt this powerful presence- it wasn't evil or anything, just scared the shit out of me because it was just THERE. So all I could think about was NOPE I NEED TO GET BACK INTO MY BODY. And I started doing a breathing exercise and slowly felt myself fall back into my body and kind of align with it. It felt like it transpired iver the course of maybe 20 minutes but when I fully woke up, it was the EXACT same time I had seen when dream me had checked the time. My roommate started having dreams of this person visiting her and she had similar experiences of being almost pulled out of her body- which is similar to something my ex experienced but I'll talk about that in a different location. Some other things we experienced: - Hearing someone open the bathroom door and come in very often when we were taking a shower. We'd look and not see anything. -One time we were sitting in the living room outside of her room and it was storming. We were joking about the lights going out and joked about what if they went out right now? And when I said "if my light went out I'd leave" and the light bulb in my bedroom died right at that exact moment. - Hooded figured appeared in the wood grain of my door. Covered them with papers that I drew religious symbols on lol. My roommate saw these too. -I was talking to my mom on the phone and we both heard a voice coming from the other end. I thought it was coming from her end and she thought it was mine. I don't remember what it said anymore since it was 8 years ago. - I came home from work one day and my roommate was sitting in the living room. She looked up at me, terrified and just said, "no. No." So obviously I asked what was wrong and she asked me where I came from. I told her work, I've been there the whole day. And she said no, you can't have because I've been sitting here studying all day and I heard you IN YOUR ROOM." She apparently heard me talking and moving around in my room like I was on the phone. She even knocked on my door to ask me something and when I didn't respond she assumed I was napping. We couldn't hear our neighbors that clearly. Sometimes we heard their music or if there was a party, but not like that. - Later on I got a job working the front desk in 2019 for the newly built GRC building. GRC 3 is still behind that one and I had students come through the lobby just wanting to sit there because their "room was hanuted." The described similar things and the reason why they left was because they heard talking on the bedroom when nobody was in there. It was the same exact room and it was really validating lol. Probably had some one off things as well, but I don't remember them.

Submitted by: Jessica Guajardo

Minha casa

Olá meu nome é Elias. Aproximadamente quando eu tinha 10 ou 11 anos, estava assistindo televisão, possivelmente por volta das 21:00, porque minha mãe me mandava dormir às 23:00. Eu tinha uma cadeira ao lado da minha bancada, sabe aquelas cadeiras onde você deixa algumas roupas sujas? Então, quando cheguei no quarto, uma camisa minha foi jogada na parede por algo que eu não sei o que era. Quando vi isso, corri para o quarto da minha mãe com o coração palpitando, e minha mãe perguntou o que aconteceu. Eu não soube responder. Naquela noite, dormi com minha mãe.
Hello, my name is Elias. Around the time I was 10 or 11, I was watching television, possibly around 9pm, because my mother told me to go to bed at 11pm. I had a chair next to my workbench, you know those chairs where you leave some dirty clothes? Then, when I got to the room, one of my shirts was thrown at the wall by something I don't know what it was. When I saw this, I ran to my mother's room with my heart pounding, and my mother asked what happened. I didn't know how to answer. That night, I slept with my mother.

Submitted by: Anonymous


I was taking the bus and saw an old friend of mine from middle school. I didn't talk to her and didn't think much of it. The next day I found out she had been dead for a few days.

Submitted by: Anon


I saw black sphere about a meter in diameter and it was sliding infront of our first floor living room window on NYE 2021 10.10pm on Clearance Road, Wimbledon , UK. It had no lights and made no noise. It moved as if organic almost. As if our phisics did not apply to it- not affected by wind or anything in its movement pattern. Like the background was moving arround it rather than it itself sliding in a straight line (something to do with gravity or magnetism it seems). It moved fluidly as if shapeshifting- nanobots or mercury perhaps, who knows. It was all black (visible against the grey clouds that night) and the only reason I saw it was that my cat ran away terrified from it (first his neck extended in order to see it, then he ran off with a big tail but very low to the floor). I didn't film it as though it was a bag or a baloon at first and fully intended to grab it if possible, let the kitty sniff it so he knows it's not dangerous and bin it...that is until it made a 90 degree turn towards me and stopped outside my window just out of reach. We just then stared at eachother for 20-30 seconds about a meter apart. As I started to open the window to try and grab it (as stupid as that in retrospect was)... it shot up with extreme speed without any acceleration time above the house. That's the point it finally fully dawned on me this was something incredibly strange. I've done quite a bit of research since and the same object was seen in the same area a few hundred feet down the road above the hospital in Tooting , London in 2009 ( Aside from the Nasa official video from Mosul there are tons of videos now on TikTok with these spheres (some clearly fake but the one from Yorkshire this Feb 2023 looks exactly like what I saw: ). I don't believe this to be a new phenomenon. So not hostile in any imminent sort of way. No obvious advances in their design also indicates that these are just potentially stuck here and unlikely under ongoing development by some Earthly corporation or military. A new alien race showing interest in us? Maybe. They could be animals/civilisations that have always lived on Earth, machines that seeded Earth with life/ nanny bots keeping treats away from the silly apes, defence drones/probes, visitors from another planet/time/dimension. They could be predators, scientist or even refugees. It could be Zog from planet Zog or Dave from Texas behind these who knows... I secretly hope it could just be Amazon's new delivery drones. The fact these display no lights signals either biological nature or some sinister intent. Most reported UFOs displaying lights has always given me some comfort knowing they clearly must comply with some rules at the very least (like some intergalactic traffic code- if no lights you go to space jail). The scary thing about these black/ metallic orbs is...your friends rarely hide with lights off.

Submitted by: Sisi Doneva


Approximately 3am, I was wide awake due to heartburn and got up to go upstairs to get some meds. As I faced the stairs, a bright spotlight turned on behind me. The blinds were all closed and there are no lights or lamps that would have been bright enough or have been at that angle. I turned to see if maybe the curtains weren't shut completely, and before I turn fully to the window, there is a square of light. Kind of greenish blue. It is existing about 1ft above the ground and 1ft *IN FRONT OF* the nearest object. As soon as I see it, it closes/dims and the room is back to its normal darkness. The only explanation I have is it could perhaps be some bizarre chance of reflecting light from outside, even though the angle and position did not seem likely, but I CANNOT explain how the square was not against a surface. There was no flat surface behind it, so it shouldn't have been a flat square. I took pictures of the room and area afterward but for my mother's privacy, I'm not posting exact location or photos because I was living with her at the time. (But it'd really just be pics of a Midwestern mom's house so..) I always look for rational explanations and have debunked a few of my own personal experiences previously, but this one got me stumped.

Submitted by: Jack

Sleepy Hollow Cemetary

We took a day trip to Sleepy Hollow, NY to see the fall foliage and enjoy a little bit of spooky season ambiance. Since we were in the town where the Legend of Sleepy Hollow was based we made a stop at the Cemetary to see the grave of the headless horseman and just kind of look around overall. On the way out of the Cemetary we found a very pretty bridge that ran over a stream, they were surrounded by gorgeous autumnal trees, so we stopped to take some photos. Now this is where things got weird. 1) our dog went from being super chill so freaking out, she was inconsolable, so we left her in the car to take the photos, 2) we kept hearing someone calling for us, but every time we’d turn around there was no one there, 3) I was filing on the way back to the car for a vlog, and we caught a weird light in the video that had absolutely no explanation and if you look at the filmy light you can see a figure in it. So we may have caught a Sleepy Hollow Ghost on camera.

Submitted by: Emily

Highway 198

My mom and I were driving home late at night after dropping my brother off at camp. It was her turn to drive, and was so dark outside (highway 198 has zero lights and almost no towns so it’s super dark out there), so I was enjoying seeing the stars for once. Suddenly out of nowhere a huge bright blue light just appeared in the sky in front of us - it burned brighter than magnesium and lit us the valley we were in as if it were daytime. The light hovered for a solid 5-10 seconds before splitting up into 4 or 5 pieces that shot off in different directions. We had never seen anything like it before and I’ve never seen anything like it again.

Submitted by: Emily


Driving from Forest to the outskirts of New London where campbell county and Bedford County meet should take approximately 15-20 minutes. Coming from homecoming to make curfew, it only took 8-10 without speeding. There's houses and stoplights typically on the way since it's somewhat rural suburban. We took a "shortcut" that helped us and we didn't see any lights or landmarks or other cars. We tried to use the shortcut a couple days later; it doesn't exist on land, on any map, just in our heads. It's been several years and we still have no explanation for it. Every now and again I look for the entrance to the shortcut; I only find dead ends and cul-de-sacs.

Submitted by: Anonymous


Me and my friend were driving back home around 11pm, we were by Colonels Island near the welcome sign when we noticed a few cars with flashers on or driving really slow people were out of their cars looking up so we did the same. There was approximately 6 ‘orbs’ in the sky 2 were big and 4 were small. The bigger ‘orbs’ had 2 small ‘orbs’ with it on each side (they were all at the same distance apart from each other approximately 40 feet) The ‘orbs’ or UFOs were a bright but dim yellow/orange color (that’s the only way I can explain it) they were almost the same yellow/orange color of a old street light but very round like a orb! They hovered in the sky for at least a minute above the marsh at an approximate 100 to 120 yards away from us aka the distance of a football field. I told my friend to grab one of our phones and take pictures/videos but when she went to take the pictures both of our phones started glitching. I looked back at the road because I was driving when I looked back up the smaller orbs were gone and there were only 2 large ‘orbs’ left. I continued to drive I didn’t see them till I got down the road to the Hooker distribution center which is approximately 7 miles away from the Colonels Island sign, we saw the 2 large ‘orbs’ again hovering above the trees in front of us at the same distance (I start to feel weird I can’t explain the feeling I’ve never felt it before, it felt like being ‘loopy’ with some anxiety like my body was ‘buzzing’) I still continue to drive we get to the overpass by the interstate which is about a mile away from the distribution center when we see the 2 large ‘orbs’ again hovering behind Parker’s Gas Station above the woods the orbs were not as close I’d say they were maybe 140 to 150 yards away (at this point I feel very loopy almost sick my eyes felt fuzzy it was like I was seeing and feeling static in my eyes and head, a better example is Snow Vision Syndrome but instead of seeing just white static it was multi colored - my memory is very blurred I’m trying to remember everything but I can’t) I do remember making jokes about aliens, UFOs, and talking about how me and my friend were shocked/nervous to think that maybe these ‘orbs’ are following us, my friend told me we should stop talking about it because it was giving her anxiety so we started talking about something else. We get down the road to Midway where the Pizza Peddler is which is about 3 to 4 miles from the gas station we see the 2 large ‘orbs’ again but the orbs were pretty far away from us probably about 3 football fields away right above the woods (the deep woods) then they disappeared I felt a little ‘woozy’ but when I got home I felt fine. The next morning I talked to my friend and she said she didn’t remember our conversation or feeling ‘bad’ but she did remember seeing the 6 orbs. Ever since that night I’ve questioned a lot like what were those orbs? why did I feel so weird? Why were our phones glitching? Why can’t my friend remember what we saw/felt? Were we abducted? Why does this memory feel more like a dream than real life?

Submitted by: Sam

San Marcos

I was walking with my friend to the park and there was a deer it was alive when we saw it so we moved on and then we saw it dead in the road we didn't think much of it but then we saw it get up and move it had no eyes the vulnerability it had if a bird tried to attack it it would fall immediately it was already eaten by vultures,recently I remembered that and had some dreams about it and then I went to the spot where it was "dead" and there was a deer standing there no matter how close I got it didn't move or make a sound it just stood there like it wasn't scared at all.

Submitted by: George Williams


Me, my best friend, and her ex girlfriend were driving between Reidsville and Collins on State Route 23 (I could be wrong with the actual place but I don’t think so we used to go to and from Collins and Reidsville all the time - just know this happened between those cities) it was about 4:00pm I look out the window and saw 3 balls ‘orb’ like objects in the sky zig zagging over a field. 2 large ‘orbs’ to 1 small ‘orb’ the smaller ‘orb’ hung close to one of the larger ‘orbs’. These ‘orbs’ were black/gray and a little shiny with a ‘antenna’ on the top of them. They looked very techy search “Installation 05 Halo Game” it’s the closest example of how techy they looked (from a distance) they were about 120 to 140 yards away from us zig zagging in the field I told my best friend to look and she said she was already looking and was shocked at what we were seeing as she said that the ‘orbs’ stopped right at the end of the field and hovered there for a few seconds the smaller ‘orb’ disappeared and the two larger ‘orbs’ zig zagged up in the sky and disappeared within seconds.

Submitted by: Sam

Crystal, MN (Becker neighborhood), House

I was stargazing with my girlfriend and she pointed up asking if that was a ufo (she has glasses so it was blurry to her. I reply “what?!!” I look up to see an alien like humanoid with wings 20 ft above us that had been floating behind us and moving forward. Thee was no sudden movement it was like a humanoid statue just floating forward very slowly at the same altitude. I saw this thing as clear as day for a good 45 seconds I panicked and ran inside so unfortunately no video.

Submitted by: Alexander


Ghost, demon, or cryptid is hard to know. At about 2AM my wife and I were walking up to an apartment building and I happened to glance up at the second floor window in front of us. It was an ambiently lit room, as if a TV was on a pale blue image illuminating the room. There was an object in the window. A very clearly defined silhouette. It had a slender body, no discernable arms or shoulders, not too tall - the head was only about a 1.5ft or 2ft above the windowsill. The head of this thing had crunchy looking hair in a style similar to Krusty the Clown of the Simpsons, but wait was a dark red color. When I saw this thing, I said quietly to my wife, "what is that?" And pointed at the window. She looked up at it and while we looked at it, it turned its head as if it sensed us, and it stared directly at us. The fast head movement was not human. It SNAPPED to us and stared directly into our eyes. We felt it. We didn't see the eyes. We felt them. We ran inside our home and before we went to sleep we did a religious ritual to banish the creature and protect ourselves and our home. No kidding, the family that lived in the apartment moved out 3 days later.

Submitted by: Rodger

davenport, Florida

A lion head statue was bought at that flea market in Kissimmee on 192 next to the orange. It was bought with its mouth open with teeth showing and all. Keep in mind this is a ceramic statue. Moved to Miami and the mouth was closed. It seemed every time I moved houses the lion head statue's mouth would either be open or closed.

Submitted by: Anon

University of Cincinnati

This is a true and simple story that I’m telling from memory. It was my last day living at The Deacon. For those who don’t know The Deacon when I went to college was a new UC dorm, built on top of what was a part of an old hospital. I was in the process of moving out, Covid had just hit and we were forced to leave UC campus. I was the leaving the building bringing bags to the car through the garage. On my last trip of bringing bags through the garage to the car I get to the door. The way it’s set up there’s stares on the left of the door and there’s a disability ramp on the right. I had to come from the right because I had all my luggage in a big laundry cart I had been doing this all day and was happy this was the last cart. I get to the bottom of the ramp putting my back up against the cart so it wouldn’t move while I opened the door. I go reach for the handle and it turns without me touching it I step back thinking someone is going to come through I wait for like 5 seconds till I open the door I look inside the small 5 foot long hallway and no one is inside I walk to the other door at the end of the small hallway and look into the garage and say hello no one answers that’s when my whole body flaired up with goose bumps I didn’t like the idea that I hadn’t heard anybody in the small hallway before the job turned. That’s my story I know it’s not that exciting but it’s definitely different when your there. The only video I have is the night prior to the incident when I had everything packed.

Submitted by: Joshua

Lehigh Acres, Florida

One night my wife and I were visiting with my brother and his wife who live 10 miles away from us, a 17 minute drive. Just a few minutes before 9pm we get in our car to head home. We start off on our drive and there is very little traffic. Typical for 9PM on a weekday. Keep in mind that although this is a short drive, it goes down a road called State Road 82 in Lehigh Acres Florida which has had MANY MANY deaths from car accidents (Google if you would like). This section of SR 82 is very eerily lit with brand new giant street lights ( installed as a response to the accidents) We are driving down SR 82, and are about halfway home, when we realize that it took us a long time to get halfway home... it was already 9:30 which means we were driving for about 30 minutes. We should have already been home by now. We make this drive frequently. I could make this drive from muscle memory. I have no idea how this happened. Once we became focused on how long the drive was taking, we made it the rest of the way home about 9 minutes later. We spent about 39 minutes on a 17 minute drive and neither my wife nor I have any idea where that time went.

Submitted by: Rodger


When I was in the 5th grade my family moved into a white one floor apartment complex. We moved a lot. I shared a room with my younger brother. We were at the end of the hallway. Our door faced a laundry space and right at the end and center of the hallway was the restroom. At night my brother and I stayed awake to watch our favorite shows. We started hearing knocking at our door. We were always afraid of opening to see who it was because we knew it wasn’t our parents. Our parents never knocked to come into our room, they just came in. It happened every night until we moved out. Other times I would hear the faucet in the restroom at the end of the hallway go on and off at odd hours in the night. When it happened the first time I thought it was my brother playing with the water. Without looking i yelled from the living room to stop playing with the water. When the sink stayed on I got up to turn it off only to find that my brother had been asleep the whole time. We never told our parents until many years later and many moves later when I told my mother about the weird experiences and what she told me gave me goosebumps. She said she believed me, she said that she always felt bad vibes come from the end of the hallway where the laundry space, our room and the restroom were. She said one night when we lived there she had experienced sleep paralysis for the first time. She said that she felt someone was sitting on top of her holding her arms down so tight that she felt their nails digging into her wrists. She said the next day she woke up with finger print like bruises and scratches on her wrists. We never spoke about it after wards.

Submitted by: Stef

Plovdiv Bulgaria

This strategy thing happened a couple of years ago when I was living in my grandma’s house at the time. I will try to tell the story from my memories as best as I can. So I was around 10 or 11 years old, and I have always been interested in paranormal things, scary stories etc. And my grandma loved to tell me stories she would tell me stories of her past and he siblings. One night I asked her to tell me a different story today like a scary story or something and she agreed. She told me about the white woman that appears once a year on a full moon. She told me the reason she comes is to allure me in to their death and make them commit suicidal. She would sing beautiful songs to them and enchant them with her beauty, make theme take a rope and follow her to the grave yard where she would urge them to hang themselves of a tree or something. And I know my grandma was talking about a special graveyard from the story because the window in my room was facing a hill and on the hill was the path way to the graveyard. I didn’t think much of this story the time she told it to me i just thought it was a cool story and nothing much. But a week after that it was a full moon and i like staying on my window and listening to music at night when the moon was out it was cool you know. So that’s exactly what I was doing just sitting and my window and listening to music. When all of a sudden it got extremely quiet, it was already super quiet except for my music obviously but this quiet was different. And I was umm idk what this is about and just brushed it off but a couple of minutes later I looked directly at the hill with the patch way to the graveyard and that’s when I saw her at the bottom of the path she was like a pale white ghost just floating over the ground. I could see her face clearly obviously because she was some what fart away. But the moon light was shining on her perfectly, she was looking straight ahead just floating slowly. And somehow in the middle of her walking she looked in my direction, and it felt like she was looking straight into my eyes I kept looking at her the hole time. Until she discovered into the woods, probably going to the graveyard. But i didn’t see anyone with her no man, no woman no rope nothing. Maybe she had already chosen the person or maybe she was gwt to choose one idk but. It was a strange and beautiful experience I haven’t told this story to no one because juts think I wouldn’t believe me but yeah. Maybe she never used to kill anyone maybe she was just a lost soul appearing once in a fool moon trying to cope with death or lost loved one or something. I guess I would never know.

Submitted by: Nadia

Kaneohe, HI

My husband and I were having the same weird nightly experience. When we would try to go to bed we would hear drums outside of our above ground basement apartment, and see flickering firelight through the blinds. When we would open the blind the drums would keep going the the firelight would disappear. After a week or so of this my husband went outside to investigate - there was nothing. But as soon as he came back in it would start again. Now this apartment already had other weird stuff going on, cabinets doors would open and close in their own. Things would disappear and reappear in odd places. It was getting to a point that we were getting worried so I mentioned this to a coworker who was a local. She said the drums and firelight sounded like the night marchers, and to make the activity stop we had to put ti leaves under our bed and Hawaiian sea salt on our window sills. Sure enough, as soon as we did that the drumming and firelight stopped appear. But the weird activity inside the house continued. After consulting my coworker again she assured me the stuff going on in the house was just the work of the Menehune, and if we left them little offerings and gift they wouldn’t be so mischievous. So we did that and sure enough the more negative experiences stopped, and it was a relatively peaceful experience. The reason so many weird things happened here were because the house was built right near the base of the Old Pali road, built the indigenous Hawaiians before Hawaii was illegally seized the the U.S.. So we were literally living in the middle of one of the most active areas in the island for Hawaiian folklore.

Submitted by: Emily

Bourbon County

I was about 15 or 16 years old, I usually tend to spend my summers with my Grandparents in Kentucky, and something me and my Memaw love to do is relax in her hot tub outside for hours on end talking and sharing our stories, it was probaly about 1-2 AM when we seen two, red round lights flying very slow, making its way towards us, as we sat and watched the lights, we noticed how close they were to to tops of the trees, it almost looked as if it could go any lower it would touch the trees, as we continued to watch we pointed out how could something be so close to the trees, to have not a single sound? It was deathly quiet and quite strange to be honest, no sounds of a helicopter, plane, or any aircraft of that matter, we continued to watch as it slowly turned and slowly, vanished into the distance, after that it kind of freaked us out a bit and we went inside to never forget what we saw. All of this probably happened in the span of (10-15 mins.) I usually don’t believe in UFO’s but what we seen was unexplainable and my family members who I tell do not believe us.

Submitted by: Holly

Liberty, MO

I was at the venue for an engagement party, I have had a few experiences seeing shadow figures and here was no exception. I was standing in the doorway and felt someone behind me so I moved and when I did there was no one and as I moved I saw a shadow move behind me as if it was playing a prank. Later I felt a tugging on my shirt from behind and I also saw a shadow figure on the stairs going up to the second level.

Submitted by: Anonymous


I went on a gas station run with my brother. My brother and I were ready to drive back home. As he pulls out into the street, we both see two black squares up in the sky. The sky was clear, and the squares were stacked ontop of eachother, corner touching corner (bottom right corner to top left corner). There's power lines slightly obstructing any good views, along with traffic so we're forced to move along. We decided to make a loop in hopes of a better look of what we both saw. When we got back to the area the two squares were gone.

Submitted by: Anon

Aloha Tower Marketplace

My university had bought this property shortly before I enrolled and had renovated it to be a second dorm/social hub for our school which is situated in downtown Honolulu. Now this place is literally located in a dock, the back lanai looks out over the harbor, and at night the whole building would shake due to the massive shipping boats coming into the dock. This place was close to 100 years old, and has had a history of deaths due to accidents (it was a shipping terminal, so no surprise there). Well we were the very first students to live here, and when I say it was not the dorm experience you expected...well, it wasn't. Depression rates, assault, r*pe, and other crazy things were rampant in the dorms. We went through 3 roommates in one semester it was so bad. But when people got out of the dorms, it was like their personalities just changed completely. On top of the heaviness that was happening emotionally thing would move on their own or disappear. When I first moved in my candles disappeared and then reappeared placed neatly in the back of a crawl space no one could fit into. My roommates pillow disappeared and never turned back up. We had a roommate with a peanut allergy so we had a strict no peanut rule in our room and on more than one occasion found an open jar of peanut butter in our fridge. And yes, we did think someone was messing with us at first, until security got involved and went over all of the security footage of our room, showing that Jo one was going in or out in the time these weird things were happening. When I left that dorm for the last time it felt like a weight was being lifted off of me - like I could breathe again.

Submitted by: Emily

Seven hills

This will be a long story because it won’t stop happening; I won’t give out the address because I no longer live there but I’m located in seven hills and this whole portion of land; first I have to tell you I am a physic and a medium, I’ve dealt with strange encounters my whole life but this was consistent and it grew larger every day I lived there; back to the story when I first moved here (this is a duplex btw I lived in the upstairs portion) I knew there was shadow people the seven foot tall entity’s that would watch you, he stayed in the kitchen in the shadows I’m so excited to tell people everything because I did record some evidence of it, the house itself- fucked- you cannot cleanse this home- it’s fucked so many energetic portal around and inside of this house it’s old there has been many tragic deaths, very easily an energetic vortex of some kind, when I first moved here I would see this shadow figure move around in the dark, to me this was normal I didn’t care much- he stayed to himself when I wasn’t around him, but would get territorial in the kitchen when I would walk into the kids room or the bathroom, and in the bathroom would be this old man a spirit who killed himself in that bathtub a long time ago. Any time I would sit in the tub where he dies he would pop out and whisper in my ear that this is where he died, his skin was light bue and his eyes looked dull. He was wearing something professional but old fashioned. He looked a mess. We can’t remember anything beyond his death though all he would ever say is that he died there no name no family just that he knows he died there u think he has or had dimentia. Maybe he killed himself or maybe he died out of old age but my intuition is saying something happened that’s why I think he killed himself. When I would take showers there would be an old lady standing outside of the curtain and she would slowly creep her hand towards the shower to open and peep through I would tell her that her dimension is not where I wish to go and it would keep her away just enough to where I wasn’t frozen with fear alone in the shower. This is only the bathroom though I have more stories, this other story about the bathroom I must share because I have video proof of it and after this experience things would get more intense and then im pretty sure after this one is when the trolls appeared at night. Here’s the story. I was feeling overwhelmed and decided I should do a cleanse in the bathtub. Already starting bad because you cannot cleanse where someone has died it’s already energetically ripped apart in that area there will be no healing there it’s not possible. I learned though. I have to tell you I got all of my crystals I got my singing bowl and a journal candles and I turned off all the lights. Bad idea yes but I was very cocky of myself because I always tell the ghosts I don’t care that they try to scare me so for me this was more of a “I’ll show you” energy than a cleanse and that was my second mistake. Oh boy oh boy ok so oh my god it was crazy I have intense stories but this house might be up there with the other ones ok so oh my god ok wow I get in the hot tub with my salt and crystals and candles and what ever. I close my eyes and I imagine the bad energy leaving me and the crystals absorbing it. That’s when the crystals started feeling different. Less like crystals. I ignored it and decided maybe the singing bowl will help. I reached out to the singing bowl and it sand it sounded beautiful so I closed my eyes again and felt it’s vibrations but then the woman appeared again. Right next to my face. She has never been this close to me before I got scared and opened my eyes. The candles was flickering but no windows was open and no air was on it was off. Where her face was there was a candle. The tea pot candle or whatever the small ones are called- it’s candle wax was spilt all over the tub despite me not getting anything on it, I realized that it has exploded. I sat there looking around and I noticed there was a man on the other side of the window looking at me croutched, he was just visible at the side of the window looking at me with this look this look I can’t describe but he had no good intentions. I told him to go away, he did not he stayed his energy felt solid, like he knew what he wanted. I decided to ignore him again and I tried to transfer the negative energy I felt into the crystals. This was a mistake because that’s when i noticed that they had in some way possessed the crystals that’s when it got bad oh my god it was so scary, listen oh my god it was terrifying, all of the spirits around the bathtub that was watching me found their voice through the crystals. I told myself this isn’t happening no fucking way. But they wasn’t going away no matter how hard I tried to ignore them talking it was a lot of voices I told them to go away and the one at the window wouldn’t stop telling me to get out , this was around 4-5am mind you it was dark still but when 6am hit the sun came out a little more and the sprits slowly dissapeared I felt safe enough to leave. My ego was still high though so I pretended not to care, but omg I did, though I noticed when I walked past the window was written something, it said “get out” it felt good seeing that I won’t lie I felt so crazy experiencing these things, I was relieved it wasn’t crazy, but what was weird is that I was written on the outside of the window you can tell because it was inside out. I was so excited I took a video, I showed my bf and he saw it then I took him to the window and he saw it for himself and later on that day he told me he forgot to show me what was written on the kids door with green crayon, I took a picture of this too, it was just me and him that day nobody else could have written it we both assumed they took a crayon and written it in their dimension and it appeared in ours. It said get out just like on the window but in different hand writing. I forgot to mention that long 7foot entity also stays in that room in the corner and there’s a little boy in there too who stays by the window. They are very defensive. I tend to stay away from there it’s very strong energy in there it gets overwhelming as a medium. Anyways this shadow man he does not only haunt this place he haunts the same area directly underneath the kitchen, our downstairs neighbors see him too although I have never described the shadow man to them the kid has seen him too and has told them what he looks like, he does and looks exactly like who I see in the dark. He moves slightly when standing but he doesn’t move much. Then the animals started seeing something crawling on the TV and on the ceiling, my bf pointed this out they would look at the spot in the same area and their eyes would follow something on the ceiling. My dog would bark at it, I did record dexter(my cat) looking at it. I searched for a fly or a moth and nothing but it wouldn’t come out as much as the shadow man would; also our shit would start to dissapear more it started off small like very small things like keys and earrings then things like the remote and toys, then it got to bigger things like a bucket and I realized I’m going to have to make a deal with them I would give them an offering in exchange for whatever item they took. There is a certain ritual I would have to do in order to get it back or I wouldn’t. It would appear almost immediatley after doing it in the same exact spot I left it. But sometimes not. Later I realized it was the trolls living in the walls. I thought omfg they’re in the walls and they’re going to do this a lot this is going to be exausting then shortly after ace (my dog) he saw something outside and his tail went between his legs half way, it was very dark, I couldn’t see what he was seeing, he wouldn’t got outside at certain times to pee or poop he would run inside. He chases and attacks deer so it wasn’t a deer. Before this started happening there was an animal I think a fox that my bf saw and it was weird it acknowledged him when they made eye contact and ace did not care or see the fox (I think it was a fox not sure) and it walked away, anyways fast forward to a while after these two story’s, they started appearing and showering themselves. I was so scared to take my dog out to poop at night. They would slowly surround me and watch me in the trees but I would be too scared to look directly at them I just tried to stay under the moon light away from the trees but when I would look back there was this one big big troll he was like the troll village protector he had this energy of fuck around and find out I said fuck that shit I felt like I was on their territory and I was intruding, I would see them every night after that then I thought wait they are in the walls of my house and the ones in the walls was the messengers I would later find out. I talked to them and I gave them offerings, sometimes just to be nice, after that we started regularly communicating. They told me they have been here for many many years. They love those big tiki torches apparently and they wanted me to put them in the back yard where they stay they said (in specific places), I told them I would try to find what they was looking for they also wanted it to be expensive OR that I make them myself, both requires a lot of energy. If we was to have a relationship they hated the idea of me halfassing anything with them. I later found out they would get defensive over me taking the dog out because I brought a flash light and they hated that flash light so I went out without one. The energy of fuck around and find out turned to “I’m observing a human to see if they are a threat” I felt more secure still worried thought but it was a BIG change in energy. I asked why they didn’t like it and they don’t want me to tell so I will not say. But they wouldn’t hesitate to come out in the day either. I would see their little heads pop up from behind my car and omfg it was so scary because this would be broad day light and there was a CLEAR head pop up. No shadows. Anyways I also saw a skinwalker deer disappear behind a thin tree, before it did that it’s body contorted into 3 legs and no head and it’s fur was unnaturally light it looked like it didn’t have fur but skin, when I saw it is when it dissapeared behind the tree, and it was just one skinny tree. Nothing behind it that it could hide it was like there was a door on the tree it walked into, kind of walked it was weird how it got by the tree. But i asked the trolls , why is this area so littered with mystical creatures. They showed me a vision of when they was alive and not just energy, before they died this land was full of entity’s like them, no humans dared to trot when they lived here. This was that one section of the woods you stumble apon and you wouldn’t come back. So many portals so many creatures. If they never built houses and took down trees. It would be just as scary as it used to be but now they live in the shadows, but some still come out during the day. I think I covered everything that they allow me to say. They are ok with visitors, for you to come and talk to them, just don’t change anything for the better of the humans they said. Thank you I needed to get that off my chest holy shit

Submitted by: Viktor

Desolation Wilderness

I went backpacking with my dad to Middle Velma Lake as a way to get outside and take a break from school. We had to obtain a permit to camp out there, and it was about 20 miles from the nearest road, so the park service required these permits to keep track of what was going on in the middle of nowhere. We got to our camp in the late afternoon, set up, explored, had dinner, and went to bed early, thanks to a crazy mountain-shaking storm that had suddenly blown in. Around 11 at night, everything went quiet again, so soft I swear I could hear myself blink, but on the periphery of my senses, I felt like I could listen to something else. Eventually, the sound became clearer, and it was the sound of someone or something that was bipedal shuffling outside of our tent. The moon was bright enough that when it began to circle our tent slowly, I could catch its shadow on the fabric. It circled us a few times, and I shoved a sweatshirt over my mouth to try and muffle the sound of my breathing - it paused when my dad rolled over in his sleep and eventually took off into the night. When we crawled out of the tent in the morning, there were large shuffle tracks around our tent that led off into the woods. We never discovered whether it was an animal or another person, but it was harrowing.

Submitted by: Emily

Chão de casa
Toda noite

Bom começou assim, eu na minha vida toda morei em três casas e nessas três casas eu sempre ouvi barulhos de gente andando na casa, correndo também, em um dia na primeira casa tava eu e minha irmã mexendo em umas panelas no armário, ela deixou uma panela cair e ela se agachou e ela me faz a pergunta "tá ouvido esse barulho" e eu comecei a ouvir também, o barulho de pé começou a correr na nossa direção, esse barulho de pé continuou na segunda casa que eu morei, a casa tinha um corredor que leva ao portão e ele fica escuro, no dia que isso aconteceu eu tava na escola e minha irmã afirmou que viu um homem de preto passando pela janela, ela trancou tudo e quando cheguei da escola eu vi ela lá no canto com medo, e isso continuou na terceira casa que eu estou morando agora, isso ainda é recorrente nos dias de hoje, em noites ainda tem o barulho de pé, de pessoas correndo pela casa, a minha irmã veio aqui em casa dormir e de noite ela viu um homem de preto alto bem na porta do quarto, e voltando ao barulho do pé, já tentamos gravar deixando o celular gravando de noite, não pegamos nada até hoje. E assustador
Well, it started like this, in my entire life I lived in three houses and in those three houses I always heard the noises of people walking around the house, running too, one day in the first house my sister and I were moving some pans in the cupboard, she left a pan falls and she crouches down and she asks me the question "do you hear that noise" and I started to hear it too, the noise of feet started running towards us, this noise of feet continued in the second house I lived in, the The house had a corridor that leads to the gate and it was dark, the day this happened I was at school and my sister said she saw a man in black passing by the window, she locked everything and when I got home from school I saw her there in the corner I was scared, and this continued in the third house I'm living in now, this is still recurring today, at night there is still the noise of people running around the house, my sister came here to sleep and at night She saw a tall man in black right at the bedroom door, and returning to the sound of the foot, we already tried to record it by leaving the cell phone recording at night, we haven't caught anything until today. It is scary

Submitted by: Gabriel Paiva

Along the side of the road

Just driving down the road on a rainy daw and I saw a large bird with a black and white striped tail and a distinct chocolate brown colored chest and gray face perched on a tree limb. Spent a few minutes googling, only to find that the exact bird I saw is native to Africa. It was definitely a long tailed hawk. No idea how or why it was in Maryland.

Submitted by: Aliya K


I used to see a ghostly bearded man standing over my bed. He would move from my bed to the closet area and looked like he was a lumber jack.

Submitted by: Anon

Carleton Place

Aliens or other beings came in one night, one whipped out some blue beam weapon and cut the other being, left blood all over my floor. It was around 3:30am, when I woke up and heard them, the saw the blue beam of light in the dark, I couldn’t move, like something froze me sitting up. Once that ended I went out to look and blood was on the floor. My story is in Steph young’s book, about this happening here. Men in black showed up a few days later.

Submitted by: Trista

Drumming forest

One august night me and my girlfriend drove to meadow near village Baška to enjoy nice view of o Kosice city. We were sitting in my car listening to the music and smoking cigarettes so the windows were down. Suddenly i heard something in the distance. I didn't pay much attention to it at the time. After while when it wasn't stop, i turned off the music and asked my girlfriend if she also hears it. The sound of drum was coming from the nearby forrest. We both heard it. She got scared immediately and bagged me us to leave. So i turned the engine on. The exit road is around that forest so i was looking for bonfire or some kind of light in it. That part is just about 100 meters deep so i should've seen it. There was no light in it. In brief we left and never went back there so we can only speculate what it really was. If it was some kind of cult or something paranormal.

Submitted by: Dvid


I was riding a bike, as a kid, going home from a playground, and standing on a pedals I looked at the sky, totally randomly. I saw classic round UFO with white lights at the bottom. The UFO made two circles and then just disappeared. I'm not sure was it because of speed or it just vanished. Sorry for my bad english.

Submitted by: Filip Nastic


It was around 8:00 pm and me and my friend were alone, it was awfully dark and and we couldn't see anything, until we went through a bunch of bushes, and there was a shadowy figure , lanky, we couldn't see it because we didn't have flashlights, and it was making weird noises, it wasn't human....

Submitted by: Kore


Was in classroom in old convent before it was all closed town. Went into the room alone to get something from my bag and the chair moved across the room. I ran out. I’ve heard stories of paranormal things happening before but this place was definitely haunted a lot of the convent was closed off and you couldn’t go ther.

Submitted by: Necromancy

Cape Breton Island

When I was a little girl, around 5 years old, I was playing outside with my brother we were roaming the woods just beyond the tree line in my backyard. I was walking behind my brother by about 10-20 feet, I looked to my right and saw a white almost cartoon looking hand waving from side to side at me. I tried yelling out to my brother to have a look at it but it was like I couldn't speak; no sound would come out. I think about this so often, I wish there was a way to make my brain remember it more clearly. I do remember telling my parents I saw "mickey mouses" hand waving at me in the woods because to 5 year old me every cartoon was mickey mouse I guess. It had longer thinner hands in reality, but bright white.

Submitted by: Sarah MacDougall

Caledon, Ontario

I completely forgot about this story until 5 or so months ago when a friend and I were talking about weird experiences we’ve had. When the subject of Wendigo’s got brought up, I had to look up a picture as I had never heard about them before. When I clicked images, my blood ran cold and I IMMEDIATELY started crying. So, a couple years ago I used to work a landscaping job about 45 minutes away from my home, towards Toronto. I would have to leave at 4:40 am when the sky was pitch black- keep in mind that there are ZERO street lights, and the highway is surrounded by thick undisturbed forests and farmers fields. At that time the roads were empty thanks to C0VID, except for the rare passerby every 5 or so minutes. This highway has two lanes on both sides, with a turning lane running down most of it to connect the endless backroads. So anyways now that I have painted the picture, about 15 minutes into my drive, everything was normal as always. I was in the right lane merging left to pass a slow car, and a transport truck was coming towards us in the far right lane on the opposite side. As I was passing the car, the rig was about 100m away. I looked to my right and saw this large deer-shaped shadow with horns bolt across the roadway. I immediately started panicking as I knew the deer wouldn’t get across the road before the transport truck passed. But as it ran right in front of the rig, it didn’t light up. I saw no brown, as a deer should be. All I saw was this f#king shadow thing turn and look in my direction as it MORPHED and STOOD UP on its hind legs into this large, disfigured creature with a large hunched over back, hooved feet, massive antlers and a very odd shaped back end. As it SHOULD have gotten hit, it disappeared. I swear to every god out there this thing was about 8-9 feet tall, as its antlers were above the top of the rigs hood. I remembered thinking “… it didn’t get hit?”, and then realized what had just happened. My blood ran COLD and I immediately got a sinking feeling in my stomach. I remember texting my friend right after it happened as I didn’t believe what just transpired right in front of my eyes. And to any people who may think I was just tired or my eyes were playing tricks on me… I can assure you neither of those things are true. I have still, to this day, NEVER had that sinking gut feeling like something was horribly wrong. I will attach the picture that describes almost EXACTLY what I saw. Again, when I saw it, my blood ran cold.

Submitted by: Jen


i was about 18 years old my papa had just passed away. he had a garage with a bunch of old stuff that i ended up taking home. watches,clock, lighters etc. about a day or so ater i lut it all in my room things started happening. everything from pill bottles flying of my shelf to seeing a black figure in my room at night and around the staircase. i have moved out of said house but whenver im back visiting still gives me an uneasy feeling.

Submitted by: mike


late night shopping with my sister, she needed to put a box in the car and i needed to go to the bathroom, once i came out of the bathroom it was closed ,but when i went in it was still light outside and people around i thought i was only in there for 5 minutes. i walked out of the bathroom and i say a tall person running at me, so i ran to the car, but there was gates and all of the exits were locked. my phone vibrated and the time was 2:35 am, i was walking to the main entrance/ exit when i herd a ratched noise form behind me, it was that thing. then my sister called me, she was waiting at the car for me and when we drove out of the parking garage it was light outside and there was people driving around and waking. i still don’t know what happened.

Submitted by: sarah

Fort Frances

When I was younger i lived in a house that had a large landing at the front door that had a hallway that was L shaped. One night after arriving home late when it was completely dark out my sister who was a toddler at this point walked down the fist part of the hallway and turned down the longer part of the hallway towards my parents bedroom that was at the very end of the hall. As she looked down the hallway she pointed at my parents room and said to my mother “big man mommy, scare me”. This evening my dad was not home and completely out of town. There was no other people in the house besides me a female child, my sister, and my mother. I’ve had many friends who have said to me that at that spot in the house in-front of my parents door something always felt off and strange. Many people including myself had always felt a really bad feeling in that spot of the house.

Submitted by: Jorja Pope

Anakie Gorge Walk

I decided on my way home from Daylesford that I would go for a walk to find some cool rocks, my dad and I had been here a few years ago so I wanted to explore it again, it was later in the afternoon and as I was driving down into the gorge the sun had gone behind the mountains, still daylight but I only had an hour or so left until it was dark, I got down to the car park and there was two people leaving from this walk, there was no one else around as it was getting too late, I had a feeling I shouldn’t be going by myself this late but I kept telling myself I’ll be quick and it’ll be fine, I started walking down the trail finding bits of slate rock and quarts but was sure I’d keep looking, I kept having this feeling like I wasn’t welcome or that something was watching me but I shrugged it off and kept my head down minding my business, I kept walking down the trail following a creek to my right that was full of reeds the wind was blowing through them and the trees over head were rustling with the breeze too. About 1km in, I came to a crossing, a small wooden foot bridge dividing the reeds, I thought to myself “I’ll just go a little further” despite feeling very unwelcome. I took a few steps onto the bridge and the wind stopped, the reeds went quite everything stood still just out of nowhere, silence. I stopped in my tracks, frozen as I felt a rush of energy telling me to get out of there. I then heard an unearthly shriek coming from in front of me, nothing I had ever heard before, not quite a scream but definitely not something a normal animal or bird could make. I turned around and walked back to the car, I tried to stay calm as I could, not trying to feed into the fear of what I just experienced and the awful feelings I was getting about being there. I finally got back to my car and I was completely alone, I didn’t pass anyone along the way back, the wind was almost stronger as it was before and I hightailed it out of there. I still don’t know what happened that afternoon and I haven’t been back but I’m always going to trust my gut if I feel in welcome again, what would of happened if I kept walking down that trail?

Submitted by: Charley


I was going home from a trip to Campinas, it was about 1PM, looked out of the car window and saw a very far away gray object, that was changing shapes constantly, it mostly was a 'The Sims' crystal like shape, but it changed and warped all around in forms that i cant describe. I watched it transform for about 30 seconds, hypnotized, when we passad under a small bridge and it simply disapeared.

Submitted by: fab

Volcan Chimborazo

As we were driving away from the volcano, me and my daughter saw a huge space ship going around the volcano, This is higher in altitude than everest, nothing ever flies by so close to the volcano, as soon as it went to the back of the volcano, everything got covered in a huge cloud and we couldnt no longer see anything. I have seen UFOS since I was very small , but this time it was very close by

Submitted by: michelle

Fort Frances

I was babysitting for a family in the middle of the country one evening. They had no neighbours except one who was an older man that was completely off grid. It was two girls the oldest being about 4. They also had a dog and a cat. After i put both girls to bed the oldest of the two came out of her room asking for some water. We were standing in the kitchen that faced the back yard. There was a deck off a sliding door that the girl was standing at as i filled the water. She was looking off into the night and then looked at me pointing to the back of the property and asked, “whats that shadow out there?”. Concerned i brushed it off as maybe she saw a tree sway in the moonlight as it was super bright that night. That’s what i explained it to her as to calm myself down and to keep her from being scared. Next she asked me, “so the man shadow is trees?”, i nervously laughed and said “yup” to keep her from getting scared. After that i put her back to bed and proceeded to forget about it and watch a movie on my phone on the couch. After a little bit i got a text from my mom that was about an hour and a half away telling me to go outside as there was northern lights. Too scared to go out back from the previous convo i had with the little girl i went out to the front where they had a porch light. The dog was close behind me and as soon as i cracked the front door the dog went absolutely insane barking and growling. The parents had mentioned that she sometimes does this , and if it were to happen to put her out back and she has a collar on that prevents her from leaving the yard and she should calm down. When i let the dog out she bolted to the back of the property where the littler girl had previously pointed and had been staring at all while barking like crazy and growling. After a while she came back to the house and instead of being calmed down she sat at the stairs of the deck looking out into the same direction in a continuous growl and bark. After letting this go on for about 30 mins I brought her back inside and put her in her crate in a dark room with a blanket covering it. I sat back on the couch and the dog continued to be agitated in till i left and I could hear her pacing and continuing to growl. I dont think it was a person or a living one at least because of how far we were out into the country. After that i had to go home to a big dark house and spend my first night alone as my parents were away. Cant say I slept much

Submitted by: Jorja Pope

São Paulo - Tamanduatei Station

I was in the subway, at the tamanduatei station (this one isn’t underground) taking some pictures of the view outside the subway car, but when it went in the tunnel again I accidentally took one last pic, and it appeared some kind of ghostly figure in the picture????? I swear, there wasn’t anyone wearing white clothing behind me, there wasn’t any flashing light inside the subway car or outside in the tunnel…so It looks like a ghost to me..

Submitted by: Duoga

Ruinas Gumarkaj

An orb or light sphere appears out of nowhere in the night sky over the river next to the Gumarkaj's ruins and started to descend down to the river, while descending our group was very concerned and focused on what we were seeing, and right before the orb touches the soil, a war-like scream behind us, coming down of the bridge that is located in that area, was heard and we saw a mayan-warrior-like guy that disappeared within seconds after seeing him.

Submitted by: Julio Mariano Sanchez Lima


Little sister ran to me and said there is something at her window scratching and scraping , consoled her and checked her room opened curtains and nothing there, went to bed 15 mins later and when in bed I heard it, long scratching with very long sharp nails from the top of the window to the bottom at least 6 times, imagine long nails on an old school blackboard over and over kept saying lords prayer and it didn't go away, kept on praying and it eventually stopped. Went to check if there were any nail marks on the windows in the morning and there was nothing there, no marks or anything.

Submitted by: Kay

Lynde shores conservation area

Not me but a friend of mine: he was hiking through lynde shores when he noticed an object in the tree line, looked to him like a large metallic weather balloon. He took out his phone to get a photo of it, and in the same moment, the object floated above the trees and shot into the sky in an instant. He said it moved as though it was intelligent.

Submitted by: Brennan

St. Louis

Drove up to St. Louis with a boyfriend after hearing about the ghost train for years. Stopped at the town bar for directions~they knew exactly why we were there. Went out to a field in the middle of nowhere. There were train tracks and saw a very distant light, but we weren’t sure if it was what people had talked about. We sat quietly looking around for a couple of hours when all the door lock’s popped up (this car did not have automatic locks). He got out of the car and heard what he thought was someone crying. We were both very nervous by this point. We both then saw a ball of light, about the size of a basketball floating though a grove of trees to our right. It was slowly snaking its way though the grove and its light was bright enough to cast light onto the surrounding leaves and branches. We watched it for about 15 minutes-it got very close to the car, close enough we could see its reflection on the hood of the car. We were both very scared, it was very late at night, in the pitch black, in the middle of nowhere with a huge orb coming toward us. We decided that if it got any closer we would drive away. It started slowly moving back through the trees-moving up above the branches and then back toward the ground far enough until we could no longer see it. I have never seen anything move or look like that before or since. We drove home very freaked out and tried to come up with a logical explanation-and never came up with anything.

Submitted by: Anon

Brooklyn bridge

Watched this fly in the distance, we watched for a good 10 mins and it was just weird, can’t explain what it was. Could be birds but I’m not sure.

Submitted by: Jack pitt


aqui nesse local quase todas as noites aparecem bolas do fogo saindo do chão encima do morro ! já vi varias vezes, as vezes em uma noite aparecem 30 ou mais ---- Here in this place almost every night fireballs appear coming out of the ground on top of the hill! I've seen it several times, sometimes 30 or more appear in one night

Submitted by: pietro lorenzo mezzomo

Escola Virgem de Lourdes

me and some friends studied on this catholic school since kids, in 2017, we were playing as "paranormal investigators", because at night the school was really strange and dark. At aproximately 6pm W we were playing and when we looked into a roof on the 2nd floor of the school (we were in the courtyard), we saw some really strange dark figure that looked like some kind of huge almost human sized "bat", it was standing still, so we taked some pictures (i couldnt find it) and it was really some kinda of dark figure on the roof, it kept still so we though it was some statue or something. But the next day it wasn't there.

Submitted by: bep


I was outside with my mother and saw something hovering above us. When I looked directly at it, it flew away extremely fast. The speed of a shooting star.

Submitted by: Anonymous


I was on vacation with my family on the Croatia peninsula for the holidays a while back. We had arrived at our airbnb after a long journey to get there and I immediately felt like the energy was off. The house was isolated from any nearby towns, and while my family found that refreshing, I just couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. I expressed that feeling to my family but was brushed off, just being told that it was the feeling of being in an unfamiliar place. The best way I can describe the feeling is "dark", like there was something sinister nearby, and that it was watching all of us. I've always been more spiritually adept than my family, this could explain why none of them could feel this when I could. They suggested that we go for a walk to look at some nearby cliffs before the sun set and I was extremely hesitant to go, I still couldn't shake that rather sinister feeling of being watched. But my family told me to stop being dramatic and told me to go get ready. As I stood outside by myself while everyone else put their shoe s and coats on, the feeling only got stronger. I took a moment to look at the woods around the house when I noticed a dark shape behind a tree, but when I blinked, it was gone. At this point I was terrified, my family had stepped out the door and started up an old road behind the house and I stumbled after them. I remember begging them to go back, making up the excuse that I was tired, but they were getting tired of my supposed "whinning" at this point and told me to keep up. We eventually reached the cliffs and by this point I was paranoid, constantly looking over my shoulder and staying close to my family. I felt like screaming and crying, either at my family that something was wrong, or at whatever force was there to please not hurt us. I remember silently whispering as we walked "don't hurt them, you can hurt me instead, just not them, please." When we got back to the house I went to my room and took out the only thing I had brought with me, an amethyst palm stone, and meditated, trying to feel out what was here. I did eventually feel a presence that I silently bargained with, promising that we wouldn't stay for long. While I felt no direct response, when I woke the next morning, I no longer felt the hostility. A few days later I was waiting outside again for my family to get ready. As I stood by the car, I realized something. The house was surrounded by a circle of sage bushes.

Submitted by: Anonymous


I’m not sure what category this belongs in. My husband and I had a friend that lived in our basement suite. There’s was a staircase that went down into the laundry and furnace area and then a doorway into our roommates suite. His door was open and he had 2 or 3 friends over. They looked over toward the staircase and saw someone hunched over on the staircase. The way they described it made me think of Gollum from lord of the Rings. They thought it was our other roommate who lived upstairs and they said his name- looked closer and saw it was some sort of ghost or creature that snarled at them. I wish I had asked how this experience ended. Did the thing dissapear? Run away? Everyone who was hanging out in that basement suite saw the same thing and to this day agree that they saw something strange Our friend who rented the basement suite also said he would wake up at night and find someone sitting in him - he would often try to sleep at other peoples houses. He was also a hunter and would see someone watching him from trees. The idea of seeing a ghost scares me but this sounds like something other worldly beyond a ghost

Submitted by: Olivia Puentes


It was Spring, and my boyfriend and I were in bed asleep. I wake to the sound of our cat going absolutely ballistic, meowing and yelling at something. Our bedroom door is always open enough for him to come and go as he pleases, and it would not be the first time he woke us up yelling about a rat he caught. I check my phone, and it's 6am. Light enough to see perfectly well, but still with that early morning tinge of dark. A classic early Spring morning. I sat up, to see what my cat was going nuts about, and see my boyfriend, wrapped in my dressing gown (not uncommon), standing by the bedroom door. He had his phone in hand, I could see the light from the screen casting highlights on his face, and was standing as if he had just gone to close the door after walking in. He looked at me, I looked at him. He looked like he had just seen a ghost. Staring at me, in bed, with a look of absolute shock and confusion. I stared back with the same expression as I reached out with my right hand, not dropping eye contact. Sure enough, the still-sleeping form of my boyfriend was right there next to me. Solid as can be, snoring away. The duplicate and I stared at each other, still shocked and confused, for what felt like hours, as he slowly faded away. It was barely 5mins, and I was still trying to shake my actual boyfriend awake, but he was stubbornly moaning in protest and pulling the blankets tighter. Our cat was still meowing and yowing the entire time, first at this apparition, then leaping onto the bed and pointedly yelling at me. Once the mirage-boyfriend faded away, I leapt up to open the bedroom door, and see if I would see him again, but as soon as I tried to step foot on the stairs leading down to our lounge, my cat began biting at my feet and blocking my path. Im not completely daft, so I took the hint and high-tailed it back to bed. Whereupon the cat sat guard on the end of the bed, staring at the door for the next hour or so till our work alarm went off. Boyfriend finally woke up fully, I told him all about it, and the cat finally chilled out. To date, that was the most hard to dismiss event that happened to me. I've seen other weird stuff, but those were easier to shrug off as "just having a moment". This, not so much. It was so clear, and I can't get over the look on not-boyfriend's face. As if I was the apparition to him! Definitely felt like a brush with a parallel universe. Have made a (terrible) Paint sketch of the approx floor-plan, for those curious!

Submitted by: Lynx


Strange bug like creature with standing upright with three horns on its head was standing in the hall staring at me while i came out of my daughters room. Eyes could not be seen. Kind of like shadows

Submitted by: Lochy

The park

Ive seen a hairy animal thats bigger than a human and he just disappeared and i felt wierd and my vision became blurry

Submitted by: Anas

Great North Road , Benoni

One night, Winter 2017, a friend and I went ice skating at Festival mall, nothing unusual, skating lasted until 11pm, we waited at the mall until my brother came to fetch us (time stamp 11:05), again nothing unusual, the drive home was about 15 min from the rink (should arrive home at 11:20), me and my friend were very tired so we both just decided to close our eyes in the car until we get home, I remember closing them just before we past McDonalds (about 7 mins into the trip home), as I opened my eyes again, my friend and I are still at the rink waiting for my brother to come fetch us, i check my phone and the time had gone backwards somehow, I look to my friend and she looks at me and says "WTF"(time stamp 11:05) my brother pulls up and he doesn't realize what has happened to us, again we are 6 mins into the drive and a car had been hit by a truck at intersection by McDonalds (1 min later and that would've been us) my brother pulls over because it was hectic accident but was this paranormal or fate?

Submitted by: Caity