Most Recent Stories
Iowa UFOs
My husband, my dad, my nephew and myself were lying on the ground watching meteor showers. My sister, her 2 other kids and my mom had gone back to the house for snacks. We were watching the sky above my sisters house (northern sky) when there was a bright flash like something was bursting through our atmosphere and it kept getting bigger. All of the sudden a small UFO came out of this bright flash and started moving east. It slowly gained speed and was out of sight in less than 3 minutes. We watch meteor showers all of the time, so we all know this wasn’t a meteor. I couldn’t stop thinking about it to the point I had to draw out what we saw to get it out of my head. We have seen several UFOs over our little towns here in iowa. There was one in high school (early 2000s) that was by my parents house and my friends and I were out on the deck. The object was moving from east to west when it slowed to just above us and we had a flashlight with us and when I shown the flashlight at the object it zoomed out of there so damn fast. It was the creepiest thing.
Submitted by: Lacey
Pullman Night Terror
Pullman Night Terror
In 1994 I was sleeping in the basement of the house at... Blaine st. In Pullman WA. The house is probably over 100 years old. The basement was like a root cellar almost. But I was poor WSU student . One night I woke up. Something grey was straddling me and was slowly moving the pillow over my face. Slow in a didn't want to wake me way. It felt evil. I called out to "jesus please save me" . Fell back asleep and slept thru till morning. That in itself is weird because even then I'd pee 3 times a night. I didn't drink and really wasn't religious at all. If you look at the map there is a 140 year old cemetery to the NE and another newer one within a few blocks. Both were on my morning run route. The older one from mid 1860 was not kept up and degrading fast. I can still feel the sensation and I know it wasn't a dream.
Submitted by: Josh L.
Nine Men’s Misery
Nine Men's Misery
Nine Men’s Misery is located within the grounds of the Cumberland Library, formerly Cumberland Monastery. The graves of nine men, colonists, tortured and killed during King Phillips War. People visiting the site report hearing odd screams or cries, horses galloping and the voice of a young girl. The graves themselves were exhumed a few times from medical students. Some believe that is why the strangeness started happening.
You can’t help but fell the weight of the tragedies that took place there. On my first visit I was doing a short video and in the middle I heard Native Americans drums. I was able to catch it on my video.
Second visit my spirit box was telling me almost an entire story of what may have happened there.
If you head out there you will probably feel something when you approach the grave, with all that took place how could you not...
Submitted by: Sasysquatchgirl
Irricana Sounds
Irricana Sounds
At midnight every fall night, I hear a scream then a train and then some rattles of chains.
Submitted by: Person
Breathing Machine
Breathing Machine
In 2015 I was a Duty Manager at this contemporary art gallery. An installation by Lynn Hersman Lesson included two mechanical sculptures which simulated breathing when members of the public approached them. I had turned of the lights in the gallery and was about to lock the door when I heard the nearest breathing machine start up in the far gallery. Without turning the lights back on I walked over to make sure it wasn't stuck running overnight. By the time I had gone the 15 feet over to it, it had stopped. As I stood there, the second breathing machine 25 feet further away in the opposite corner of the space started. It lasted only a few breaths before stopping again. I left.
Submitted by: NM
Sidcot Quaker School
Sidcot Quaker School
I was in teacher training here and lived with five others in an old house in the grounds. It was completely alone and there were no lights visible at night, and no noises other than for a huge old spooky tree.
Everyone in the house had got the heebie-jeebies at some point while alone in the house, but it came to a head when we were all sitting at the dinner table, all accounted for, and we all heard the sound of small, fast footsteps run down the hallway over our heads.
Submitted by: JH
Return of The King
Return of The King
Elvis. I was walking around Boulder, very late one night with 2 dear friends in college. We were on LSD. We saw Elvis! He was huge (overweight) and old, sitting in a red lawn chair on a red porch that had a red light. There was a red cooler next to him on the porch. He saw us looking and waved. ..I think we waved back before travelling on.
Submitted by: Jasper H.
The Strange Case(s) of Victor Goddard (Historical Account)
The Strange Case(s) of Victor Goddard (Historical Account)
British Royal Air Force Marshal Sir Victor Goddard was involved in not but two strange cases. In 1935 whilst piloting an aircraft to England from Scotland he passed over what was , at the time, a disused airfield that had been used by the Royal Flying Corps in WW1. To his amazement the airfield was not only operational, it was apparently home to British aircraft sporting a yellow paint job and the aircrew were dressed in blue rather than, the then standard khaki .It was only later that the RAF both painted its trainers in yellow and adopted the now standard blue uniforms. Goddard had also featured in one of the most famous "Ghost Photographs" taken in WW1. Goddard is present in the photo that apparently also shows one Freddie Jackson who has been killed some days before the photo was taken after walking into a spinning prop [Click for more details - external link].
Submitted by: StarDoG
Physical Medium
Physical Medium
As a teenager I was already fascinated by "Forteana" and a friend mine, who was member of the local Spiritualist Church, invited me to a small and rather exclusive meeting where a "Physical Medium" would give a demonstration of their abilities. The "spiritual medium" was woman in her 60s and the demonstration involved the lights being dimmed and the medium on stage lit by nothing more than a red bulb under their face. In short, the only thing w=one could clearly see was the medium's face underlit by said red bulb.
I have to say, in my years, i have never seen something quite like that I saw that evening. At one point the medium's face quite clearly changed to that of truly ancient looking... gentleman's replete with about 4-5 days heavy stubble. Given that, the medium's sole prop was single red bulb I have to say, this was one experience of mediumship I am still at a loss to truly explain the whys and wherefores. Everyone present, clearly witnessed this medium's face change out of all recognition to that of the old... male's replete with heavy dark stubble. If it was some sort of "trick" then it was superbly done and involved no other "props" than the single red bulb. I decided to share this experience after listening to a talk the sadly now passed, Micheal Bentine gave that is available on YouTube , where he speaks of similar medium he knew himself.
Submitted by: StarDoG
Phantom Copper
Phantom Copper
Whilst working in Suffolk in 1980 my friend's father told the following story that involved them.
Like many kids in the small market town of Sudbury they spent a large part of their childhood and early teens wandering around and exploring the numerous small lanes o f the countryside that surrounds Sudbury. Their father noticed that, on several occasions, they had mentioned a "kindly old copper" who would chat to them and make sure they were okay and not up to some mischief. At first there seemed nothing untoward in this until their father realised that. As far as he was ware there was no local copper who answered to the description his sons gave and that, their description of the copper's uniform seemed rather antiquated.
Concerned that this might be someone impersonating a police officer for possibly nefarious purposes, the father decided to check up and visited the local police station. After telling the local police the full story he was somewhat surprised when their reply was one of "Oh yes, that's old so and so ( I do not remember the name of the old copper), he's long dead, people have been seeing him for years.
Interestingly, in the Essex/Suffolk area there is a phenomenon known as "The Phantom Cyclists" and one of those "Phantom Cyclists" is said to be an old fashioned copper on his bike who still patrols the country lanes of the 2 counties.
Submitted by: SteveDoG
Black Eyed Kid (BEK) Encounter
Black Eyed Kid (BEK) Encounter
This happened to my daughter, when coming home from an after school activity. I was home, and I found it very strange that as soon as she came in the door she went straight to where I was and leaned against me in silence. I could see that she was pale and still a bit shaken. This is what she told me:
It was during the early afternoon hours ( maybe 4pm) and she was walking down a street that she normally walked to get from the bus stop to home. There is nothing odd about this street except that there is a kindergarten and a small elementary school on that street and the fact that there are several pylons on that street. She was walking by an area where there is an empty lot. She was the only one walking on that side of the street, when she sees another (what appears to be) a young girl about her age ( 14 ) walking in her direction. She noticed that this person was wearing strange clothes --like old fashioned and / or handmade and clearly out of place. She also noticed that this "person" had long stringy hair that covered a part of her face. The person was walking looking down at the floor, but my daughter also noticed that this person had very high, and thin cheekbones. She began to feel very afraid and also a bit nauseated. Her instinct told her to get off the sidewalk and let this person pass. Her heart was racing. BUT , as the "person" came closer, she began to get second thoughts. She began to feel like something in her was telling her that her thoughts were silly and that she had no reason to be fearful and that she should continue walking on the sidewalk, which she did, contrary to her instinct. As she went by this girl, the girl finally raised her eyes to meet my daughter´s and my daughter noticed that her eyes were completely black and expressionless. My daughter felt a chill run up her spine and she ran home. She didn't stop to even look back. She just took off until she made it home ( about 3 blocks away). She had never heard of the black eyed kids before, but when she told me the story, I knew exactly what she was talking about!
Strangly, I have read another person´s story about seeing these BEKs around the same year as my daughter´s encounter, in a small town up by the volcano of Colima--a mere 30 minute drive from our house.
Submitted by: Claudia CV
Hidalgo Theater
Hidalgo Theater
Colima is a small city located in the western area of Mexico, 30 minutes from the pacific ocean and 30 minutes from the Volcano Of Colima, a place I will talk about in future posts due to its High Strangeness and Thin Places, and all around strangeness.
Anyway--this story is about the Teatro Hidalgo, or Hidalgo Theatre. Built in the late 1800´s and early 1900´s, it is a place that has seen its share of deaths, accidents, wars, and pestilence. It´s only natural that ghosts would abide here.
My story takes place are 1996. I was working for the Department of Arts and Culture and was planning a film event in this theatre. So, one evening I decided to stop by and do some planning with the people in charge of the theatre, who were normally there during the evening hours. The side door ( that leads onto the stage) was open, so I went in. Once on the stage ( curtains were open) I called out to the people in charge by name. Nothing. I looked up at the sound booth and thought I could see someone/something moving up there so I called out again. Nada. Suddenly, to the right, I hear voices and even some laughter coming from the dressing rooms ( the dressing rooms were on a sort of narrow second floor adjacent to the stage). So, not thinking anything weird was going on, I made my way there. As I came closer I could still hear several voice behind the door. When I opened the door, the voice stopped suddenly. The small room is full of mirrors and costumes and the likes and nothing else. I started to suddenly feel like I was being watched by something not quite nice. My heart began to race and I quickly stepped out and closed the door. As I did, I began to hear voices behind another door, on the other side of the stage. I thought--get a grip on yourself, sounds bounce, especially in a theatre. So, I went to the other door, and as I arrived I heard the voice louder, I opende the door and agian, silence. Inside it was sort of dark, and there was nothing there but a piano. Ok, I thought, this is not good. Again, I stood in the middle of the stage and called out. This time I heard laughter coming from the box seats. I ran like the wind out of there! BUT it´s not over. I had to return later that evening to talk to someone ( anyone by then) so I returned about 7pm. Again I went up to the stage area, and while there, I saw an old man dressed in a janitor´s outfit come towards me. At first he seemed reluctant, he wouldn´t really look at me ( I was ready to run out of there again!). He finally came close and slowly placed his hand on my shoulder and even gave me a little squeeze, and he said to me--oh, you´re for real. I wasn´t sure if you were really human or not, sorry. You see, about this time of the evening a young lady walks across the stage wearing a long skirt, like you are now, but she´s not real. I tried to touch her once and she disappeared. I was pretty much eager to get the heck out of there before she showed up, but at the same time I was happy to know that I wasn´t crazy and what had happened earlier was not my imagination. I lived in Colima for about 20 years and I´ve got pleanty of stories to tell. This is definitly a Thin Place!
Submitted by: Claudia CV
Northwoods Dogman
Northwoods Dogman
My husband and I live in a very rural area, our property backs up into a vast expanse of pine and birch trees and it isn't uncommon to see moose, deer, bears, foxes, and even wolves if you go wandering around the woods. The animals are usually very chill and will leave you alone if you leave them alone (with the exception of moose during a mate season, then you wanna move ASAP). Point being, it is very normal and usual for us to find tracks, scat, tree scarring, and all the normal signs of animal activity. We are familiar with the woods and all the animals that call it home, along with their various noises.
One evening back in 2012 we were taking a walk along a common ATV trail in the woods, looking for neat stones and birch branches that had been shed, when we caught this shadow from the corner of our eyes. I joked that maybe it was bigfoot but my husband was concerned it could possibly be a bear, since it was close to hibernation.
It moved a little closer and I could tell it wasn't a bear (or bigfoot lol!) but what looked like a big, shaggy wolf with dark brown fur all over it's body. The part that didn't register at first was that it appeared to be standing on its hind legs like a person, and looking around.
We had no idea what this was, wolves don't normally stand like that, and while bears can certainly rear up, this wasn't a black or brown bear.
Rather than investigate, we slowly backed up and backtracked our way through the woods back to our house.
I'm still not entirely certain what I saw, but I'm pretty sure whatever it was saw us and I'm glad it didn't seem too interested.
Submitted by: Ashli
Houghton Mansion Hill
Houghton Mansion Hill
The Houghton Mansion is the spooky crown jewel of the Berkshires - it was built by the original mayor of North Adams, AC Houghton, in the 1890s. Members of the Houghton family met an unlucky fate in a horrible car accident, while their chauffeur allegedly took his own life days later in the stables and AC died in the home days after that. There are several local tales of the land underneath, and the general area, being a giant hotspot for strangeness.
To the right of the building is Pleasant Street, a steep climb into the neighborhoods behind downtown. Underneath the first 100 feet or so of the incline, serving as a retaining wall for the side yard of the Houghton Mansion property, sits literal tons of granite taken from the Hoosac Tunnel.
(The Hoosac tunnel is often referred to as “the bloody pit,” in reference to all of the horrible deaths that took place during its construction.)
Local stories circulate from time to time about strange things happening to people’s cars and electronics when driving up that hill.
I have had phone calls drop, radio signals cut out entirely as well as go completely haywire, and very brief ringing ears. I’ve had a fully charged phone freeze up and die as if it was depleted of battery. Other stories tell of check engine lights coming on, only to go away once they drive onto another road.
Submitted by: Mary R.
Troll Bridge
Troll Bridge
The Troll Bridge is a legend that locals have kept alive for at least a few generations; my father is the one who passed it on to me, and he said he knew of it as a kid.
If you take the back road behind the new super Walmart, you’ll find the chaos of 117 and the industrial zone quickly disappears for wooded suburbs. So wooded, in fact, that if you were to look to your left you’d catch a good glimpse of the infamous Monsterland.
The road narrows suddenly, and before you looms an old, vaguely graffiti’d, single lane bridge with a train track running across the top. There is a sign before the opening that designates this as a quiet zone, so no honking for safety; when I was a kid, my father told me they had to put up the sign because it angered the trolls.
So, naturally when my father took me to Troll Bridge as a kid, he would slowly roll to the opening and give one small honk, wait a few seconds, then proceed. Each time, I would hear soft thuds on the doors of the car - not enough to really scare me, but enough to know something was there.
When we would arrive home, I would find small, flat handprints in the dirt of the car door.
Recently, as an adult, I asked my father if he ever faked the troll bridge noises or handprints. He swears he never did, but I can’t tell if he’s keeping the mystery alive; one thing I do know, though, is that even if he was making the thuds himself, the handprints were always far too small to have belonged to my father.
I recently revisited the bridge, and sadly could not find any troll evidence. Maybe it’s because I don’t want to be rude and honk at them anymore.
Submitted by: Mary R.
Martha at the Grafton Inn
Martha at the Grafton Inn
Have you ever seen Martha at the Grafton Inn?" the beer delivery guy asked me. I told him I hadn't, but that I was familiar with the place. Built in 1805, it was once the Hotel Kirby, and it's hard to miss if you pass through the common in Grafton. It's on the historic register and is the oldest standing structure there, and currently houses a restaurant called Hunter's Tap and Grille.
The beer delivery guy chuckled, and told me "One day I brought in part of a delivery of beer through the basement bulkhead, and this woman was standing there in the basement. I said hi and turned away - then I realized that she was dressed in weirdly old fashioned clothing, and the basement there isn't the kind of place you'd just be hanging around. When I turned around to look, she was gone!"
He further informed me that the place was haunted by a woman in 19th century garb. I had never heard of this Grafton Inn ghost before, but a quick Google search will tell you that a spectral woman wearing a hoop skirt has been seen often enough there that she was given a name - Martha - though no-one knows who she might have been in life, or what her story was. Most accounts place her in the overnight rooms of the still-operating Inn, specifically in Room 7. So perhaps the beer man wasn't putting me on... I still haven't met her, but perhaps someday I'll book Room 7 and see if she can confirm his story!
Submitted by: A.P. Strange
The Derry Fairy of Berry Road, Derry
The Derry Fairy of Berry Road, Derry
A man named Alfred Horne was cutting down a Christmas tree near his home on Berry Road when he saw a small man - if it could be described as a man - staring silently at him from the edge of the woods. It was roughly two feet tall, had elephant-like skin and floppy ears, visible nostrils but no nose, and stumpy extremities with no apparent fingers or toes.
He did attempt to capture the odd fairy creature, upon realizing no one would believe him if he just told them about it. Upon lunging at the elf, it emitted a shriek that scared the man so badly he beat a hasty retreat.
Submitted by: A.P. Strange
Abuela’s House
Abuela's House
When I was young my grandpa was holding on to a very old statue that was at least 100 years old of the Virgin Mary. My cousin and I were rough housing and I accidentally knocked her hand off. We calmed down placed it back then went to bed on some air mattresses that were right next to it (it was the holidays and my grandmas place was full of ppl). I remember waking up in the middle of the night and having a sudden urge to hide under the covers. I remember suddenly feeling someone sit down next to me on the air mattress, I felt the mattress sink down too which freaked me out more. I tried to close my eyes but they refused or when I did I just kept seeing the ghost from LOTR over and over again. Eventually I hear a loud sigh and whatever was sitting on the mattress got up. I waited like 10 min (felt like years) until I got up and ran without looking to my parents room to sleep there. This house has had plenty stories where doors closed by themselves and my grandma has also seen a man in white walking around by the yard. It had to be one of the scariest moments in my life so far. And I always think back to it. Like what would I have seen if I opened my eyes and looked from under the covers?
Submitted by: Gaby
Guadalupe Ruins
Guadalupe Ruins
A beautiful but very remote outpost at the farthest edge of the Chaco Canyon Outlier settlements. This small settlement is on top of a very high mesa, but not the tallest. Cabezon Peak, to the north is the tallest. However, archaeologists and anthropologists claim this settlement was used as a "Watch Overlook" ....
We visited this location during a weekday when no other folks were (originally) within 20 miles of this section of the wilderness study area. Standing at the top of the Mesa, you can see Arizona, Colorado, and the Sandia Mountains to the far, far east. It was while standing here and admiring the view, we heard calls. Like signal calls, along with some brief drums and a horn. They were carried on the wind, and would die down to sub-audible levels when the wind slacked. We looked in every direction for the source. The most we could see (because visibility is sooo awesome in New Mexico) was a truck about 15 miles away approaching our direction. I used my zoom lens and saw they had their windows up and in order for us to hear any "music" from that truck their eardrums would have had to bleed.
We heard the music again and Greg noticed I was starting to walk away as though I was trying to hear the calls/cries and noises better. I don't remember this at all. All I remember is Greg grabbing my arm because I was about a foot away from dropping right off the mesa, and about 3 feet away from a rattlesnake under a rock.
later, I attended a talk about the Chacoan culture, and learned about Outlier/Scout locations, where a scout or guard would make a signal cry or scouting cry, and I can say that's what I may have heard.
Submitted by: Omi S
Portales Church of the Hidden Cove
Portales Church of the Hidden Cove
The "name" is a combination of a loose translation from my Laguna Native friend's relatives, and the interpretation from descendants of the land grant surrounding the area. Portales is actually very far away from this locale, however, pilgrimages have been made to this mystical spot for various ailments of the soul. I feel as though this location is a "borderland" between our world and something old, but not something sinister or angelic, just an oldness that has been here for longer than any of us can understand.
Befriend the locals or be respectful, as this land is somewhere between tribal and land grant territory. This carved, alcove church is a simplistic shrine very few have ever seen, and I was honored to be the person to official place the location online.
Remember how I said to be respectful of the locals? Surrounding this area are the indigenous Laguna, some Acoma, and those granted access by the Spanish King via blessing way before this region became a US territory (or state). If you fail to be respectful to land or the people, there are whispers that if you touch/drink/interact with the waters, they will judge your soul and deal with you appropriately. The edges of the cut away cliffs on this Mesa church "bleed" (iron deposits) when the shrine isn't cared for.
While no one lays direct claim to this unique Canyon church, it is mysteriously cared for and prepared for annual pilgrimages.
While kneeling in front of the Virgin Mary to capture a few photographs of her unique beauty, I kept seeing a figure out of the corner of my eye sitting at the farthest pew, towards the exterior. I would look at his general direction, and he'd be gone. I'd turn back to the Virgin Mary or the Spring that miraculously sprung up near the bottom of her shrine, and I would see him again. This figure was indigenous, dressed in farming clothing. Dusty Black button up shirt that was faded and folded up to his elbows, farm pants that were well cared for but definitely broken in. His hair was long in braids. His face was weathered and studious. I turned and asked my friend if someone else was here, and she said "no, I thought I saw somebody that I know, or I think I know but it doesn't make any sense" It kinda startled us so we stepped away and I proceeded to leave the place while continuing to snap photos. As we crossed through the gate, we heard a "whoop" and a rock was thrown, but we couldn't figure out what direction. It didn't scare us at all, it was like being surprised by an old friend, or like an old uncle. It was familiar, though I have no relatives in New Mexico and I am not Navajo/Laguna/Acoma/Apache at all. As we took off, a blue glowing hue filled the sunset, and it felt like it emanated from that canyon.
Other photographers that have claimed to feel overwhelming peace when visiting the location, and there are stories that pilgrims will talk to anyone that's passed away that year at this location. It's definitely a "thin place" -I feel like if we had stayed I would have seen proof of that, and it's one of my biggest regrets for not doing.
Submitted by: Omi S
UFO Sighting
UFO Sighting
Unknown possibly alien craft with two red lights and a green one hovering in the sky for a while. Did some not fast, but not slow movements randomly. Strobing green light too.
Submitted by: Alex E.
Dancing Red Light
Dancing Red Light
The small parking area off of Route 2 in the Templeton / Gardner area is a familiar spot to me - my son lives, during the week, with his mother in Vermont and I find myself using Route 2 often in order to get from Central Massachusetts to I-91 North. It's about a two-hour drive, and by the time I've gotten to Gardner I'm most of the way through the journey home. The little non-descript parking lot with no lights or amenities of any kind became a regular place to pull off, get out of the car, and stretch while having a cigarette before travelling that last leg of the journey home.
One night I was feeling particularly drowsy, during a very cold Sunday night in February. Driving in excess of four hours on poorly lit highways can be quite bad enough, but when it's cold out and you run the car heater for that long your eyelids really begin to droop. I got out for my normal stretch and smoke, at my normal spot, for what turned out to be a very abnormal break in my trip.
It's a "live parking" area, which I always took to mean you leave your car running when you're there. The podcast I had been listening to was over, and the outro music was playing as I looked up into the sky. Route 2 out that way has little-to-no light pollution - you're surrounding by wooded areas and small towns, and lighting on the highway itself is even sparse. Sometimes this means a better look at the stars than I'm used to closer to the city, and since my phone was still plugged in on the car dash and the distraction of social media and text was thus out of reach, I looked to the sky in the hope of seeing a good light show from the constellations.
A small red light came into view, going roughly from west to east. Very small, and seemingly very distant, I wondered what it could be. Nothing about it blinked, or showed a color other than red; I thought perhaps a satellite of some kind. Of course, being a flying saucer nut, I thought to myself "perhaps it's a UFO!" but discounted it almost immediately. After all, I thought... it's not as though it made a 90 degree turn without slowly down! And then, to my surprise, it did that very thing. It went from its eastward course to north - and then proceeded to zig-zag and perform figure of eight maneuvers in the sky. At that moment also, the podcast changed from the outro of the now ended episode I had been listening to to an old episode of "Welcome to Night Vale" that I had cued up. The episode is called "The Sandstorm", and opens with the line "Red light blinking in the sky... the future is changing, but it's hard to tell..."
As an aside here, at no point did the light I saw blink. There is, however, a tower somewhat close to the rest area with a blinking red light on it. It has occurred to me that this unidentified light could be an effect of reflection of the blinking light on the clouds - but I'm not sure how that would work. Like I said, it never blinked - what it did do, for quite a while, was dance around in the sky apparently for my amusement. Of course at this point I was excited. Of course I tried to take a video of it, but it couldn't be captured on my phone's camera. At some points, the tiny red dot just stayed still, or moved back and forth. It was a really strange thing to see, and I struggled to remain objective. At the same time, I felt the need to share it with someone...
And weirdly enough, I also got kind of bored with it. I mean, what do you do with a red sky dot after a few minutes, particularly when it's 10 degrees Fahrenheit and there's 10-15 mph wind making it seem even colder? So I left.
The following week I told my son about what I saw on the way back from picking him up for the weekend. We stopped there again... and the light was there again! In fact, for several weeks in a row, the tiny red light would be there waiting for us. I even saw it in Marlboro, Vermont, upon picking him up at a friend's house... In that case, I had to show his friend's mom, just so I wouldn't feel like I was crazy. She agreed that it was weird, but otherwise brushed it off. And, over time, the light became less active. We'd still see it there, but it would sit still in the sky or wiggle slightly, as if to say "You've SEEN me do plenty of tricks. What else do you need?"
It hadn't really occurred to me at the time, but this rest stop is in fairly close proximity to Leominster State Forest - known by some as "Monsterland" because of the Bigfoot sightings that have been reported there over the years. Ronnie LeBlanc of "Expedition Bigfoot" has a book about it - called "Monsterland" - and in it he recounts stories of red orbs he believes are connected to the Bigfoot phenomena somehow. So was it a Bigfoot related Red Sky Dot? Or was it someone who likes to spend their Sunday and Friday nights pointing a laser pointer at the sky in sub-freezing temperatures? Perhaps a red lit drone of some kind? A light effect from the nearby tower?
Really, who knows? It seems too mundane to be a great UFO tale, but too weird to dismiss. I have been back to that spot more recently, and they have added big street lights to the parking area, obliterating any hope of stargazing or appreciating sentient Sky Dots. I'd like to believe it's still out there, somewhere between Gardner, Massachusetts and Marlboro, Vermont, whether I get to see it or not. I mean, I've already seen it do tons of tricks. What else could I want?
Submitted by A.P. Strange, Liminal Ambassador
Submitted by: A.P. Strange
A ‘Bit Otherworldly’ Cat
A 'Bit Otherworldly' Cat
I live with a roommate in her 1920's bungalow with her cat and another roommate. At the time this happened we were without a third roommate. I was in the kitchen and she was looking out at the lovely Cottage style garden she had worked hard to create over the years. She suddenly said, 'Hey, look at that cat, it looks just like Queenie'. I ran over to look and sure enough, it looked just like her the markings were identical. We started asking 'Where is she? Did she get out'? Since neither of us had gone out we knew it couldn't be her. All the time the cat was sitting in the yard, with the same blank stare Queenie will get when she is bored or half asleep. The cat noticed us looking at it, and sidled off sideways and disappeared into the bushes. As my roommate walked away, I saw something that startled me. The cat had the same deformity at the end of its tail as Queenie did. And a minute later Queenie came down from the upstairs as nothing had happened.
I still think cats are more than a bit otherworldly.
I like to cite this as just another example.
Submitted by: Janet B.
Mysterious Miniature People
Mysterious Miniature People
I’ll enclose a picture of miniature people walking down the street on a sidewalk if possible to post here. When the person who took the picture, went to investigate further they completely disappeared. This was a few blocks from where I live.
Submitted by: Wendy M
Lost in a Graveyard
Lost in a Graveyard
Ok so today my mom and I were invited to a wedding. I had no clue where the church was but mom said she knew. Worst mistake of my life! I should have known better than trust her, she gets lost finding my house and I live between her and town. Well I knew the general area and off we went. The directions were crazy, go past the 1st store on the left, go 2 miles and pass an old tractor, 3rd curve then next road take a left. I am not kidding they don't believe in naming roads around here. So needless to say we got lost big time. We were so far out my cell phone didn't have any bars so no calling for help, and no houses to stop and ask for directions. We came on an old church and an even older grave yard. There was one area that was separated by a little fence, flowers but no stone of any kind. The grave yard had maybe 100 graves and they were all very old but the area was kept clean so someone had been coming there keeping it up. I had the very distinct feeling we should not be there and needed to leave like right then. My mom never likes me to use my gift and don't normally want me to even mention it. She looked at me and said baby there is a man standing over there and he looks like he wants to talk.. I looked over where she was pointing and there was no one there. I looked back and said who are you talking about no one is there mom. Just as I said that I heard a voice in my ear of a man, he sounded real old and had a deep southern sound to his voice. I jumped and said mom we need to leave now! She said no baby you need to help him.. I said mom he don't want help he wants to cause harm, and I do not like the feel of this place. I managed to get her back in the car and was about to drive off when this man decided to show himself to me. He looked to be from the 1800's and a very mean looking person. He had an ax in his hand and was about to raise that ax when I threw the car in drive and sped away. I got about 4 miles away and stopped and looked at mom she was white as a sheet. I said Mom what did you see? I know you saw him, you have never admitted to me that you are able to see spirits so why all the sudden? She said she has always been able to and never wanted anyone to know, and had shut them out for many years. She said she wished she had not saw what we just did. She said she thought at 1st it was a real person until he made the appearance in front of my car out of nowhere. I have never had that type fear and have been trying to find something all afternoon and most of the night on this church and grave yard and have hit a snag. This location was burned to the ground several years ago, and there has been no mention of it ever being rebuilt. Today I did some searching on this and found an old lady that knew of the old church. It had burned about 8 years ago and was never rebuilt. It was just so far out in the woods that they chose to not rebuild. The grave yard is still used today, and the small grave I found separate from the others was believed to be that of a... child that had been lost and passed away, in the 1800's. The old man we saw had on a pull-over style very old looking shirt, the pants had suspenders the shoes were nothing like I have ever seen before, and the hat he had on was made of straw.
Submitted by: Karen
Texas Shapeshifter
Texas Shapeshifter
OCTOBER 22, 2018
I was driving home one night (3am) and was exiting the freeway when I saw a huge looking dog running towards my car at a very fast speed. When I braked to avoid hitting it, it turned and ran up a hill changing form to a goat then standing up like a human and disappeared behind a hill.
Submitted by Alondra C.
Submitted by: Alondra C.
Playing Card Mystery
Playing Card Mystery
Early in the morning on my way to work I would often notice that the very shiny new Barclays bank was putting basic lo-fi A4 playing cards in their window. There would be one each time, a different number and suit, just leaning against the window at floor level. I never saw a court card, mainly high number cards.
I thought that maybe a street magician had a friend on the inside who was helping with a card-thru-window trick, but it wouldn't make sense for a large financial institution to play games inside their own building.
I then saw the cards appearing at a different Barclays Banks, and searched for them online. The only place I found any results were on a Scuba diving forum and Detective Blog. What are they and what do they mean!?
Submitted by: Khoops
Scary Silhouette
Scary Silhouette
So i was 6 at the time... and my mom went to kiss me goodnight. When she closed my door, i tried to go to sleep as usual. Suddenly i heard feet shuffling on the carpet. I lifted my head to see a pitch black silhouette of a man at the foot of my bed. The only thing i could notice is that he had on a cap with some overalls. His hands were up as if he were trying to grab me. I was too scared to scream, so i put the covers over my head and fell asleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night (approximately 3:27am) and heard heavy breathing, the same place at the foot of my bed. I lifted my head one again to see that same silhouette, this time his face was up to mine. It’s like his body was away from me but it stretched it’s neck up to my face. I couldn’t scream. I felt some sort of evil presence. I had a crucifix at my closet which was in my view, and i saw it turn upside down. I watched the silhouette stretch away from my face and back to where the rest of the body was. I finally gained the motivation to put the covers back over my head.
When I woke up the next morning, my crucifix was gone. The man was gone. I told my mom what happened the next day and she went silent. She quickly changed the subject. When I got a little older, I thought it was sleep paralysis. It couldn’t have been because I could move, and I’ve seen the silhouette a few more times.
I was sitting in the living room (11 at the time) and I saw him walk down my dark hallway and slam the front door shut. It didn’t make a noise since a screen door was in front of it, but I screamed and called my mom which was outside. She ran in and said she didn’t hear me scream.
Another time I was at a friend’s house (12 at the time) and I saw the same silhouette at the foot of her bed. I woke her up as he was still there at pointed at him. She said she didn’t see anything, but I was looking dead at him. He suddenly vanished through the door....
Submitted by: Maddie B.
Dark Creatures at Mouth of Wilson
Dark Creatures at Mouth of Wilson
I've had 2 considerable events, 1 year apart, at the same location while driving through.
1/30/2018, 3:30pm, nice weather. Mouth of Wilson, VA: where the Big Wilson Creek empties its waters. 4 shadow people located at 2 different settlements that seem to be abandoned. VERY bad feeling of overwhelming anxiety. They were moving around the abandoned houses, outside around the buildings and clearly visible from the road which is very abnormal!
1/30/2019, 4:32pm, good weather. Driving home from my parents house with 1 other in the car. Saw an inky fluid creature moving in the 2nd story of the building that stands here, had a large nail like thing outside the window about 7 inches long but didn't see what it was attached to. There was a glint of something that would have been a mouth area but I couldn't tell what it was. No known eyes but I felt like it was looking outside before going past the window. It seemed to float slowly past the window.
Submitted by: Selene B.
Chappaquiddick UFO
Chappaquiddick UFO
Living in an ocean front rental home on Chappaquiddick Island I observed UFO activity on two or three occasions within a few weeks of time. The view from the house looked north across Nantucket Sound to the southern coast of Cape Cod. I have gazed at this view throughout my life and at the time of these sightings, was very familiar with all normal human activity. I lived alone and would spend countless hours gazing through the bay windows at the beautiful coastal scene. This was not my first year living here. Also, I worked as a commercial fisherman in Nantucket Sound so again, very familiar scenery. On high visibility nights, I could make out the headlights of cars parking on the beaches of Cape Cod across the surface of the water. Having grown up on Cape Cod, I would think back to high school days of parking at those beaches to smoke pot and listen to music with friends. The people in those cars were probably doing the same thing.
Anyways, one night I saw two very unusual lights hovering over Cape Cod that immediately baffled me. I was very familiar with what spot lights on helicopters looked at this distance and it wasn't even remotely comparable. The two unusual components were their appearance and movement. These balls of light had a ridiculously large diameter considering the distance they appeared to be at (maybe ~10 miles away from me). A light bulb, even a big spotlight, at that distance seems to emit from an immeasurably small diameter to the naked eye. These lights were more like looking at mini moons. Some sort of spheres that emitted light from their entire surface. Also the light had a sort of pink/orange hue. They were big enough light sources that upon the second sighting, I was able to photograph one with a cheap one-piece camera! Any normal human light that I'm familiar with would have been impossible to photograph at such a distance.
Secondly, the motion of these objects was unlike anything I had ever observed in the sky. They would hover at a certain elevation and move along, horizontally, at a seemingly methodical, steady pace, but then in an instance rapidly change elevation at a diagonal ascent or descent with absolutely no perceivable period of acceleration or deceleration. Then move horizontally a while longer at another elevation. When they disappeared it would be during rapid ascent. That's not how heavy human controlled objects move in the sky cuz ye know, gravity, momentum. Not like any helicopter, jet, plane, drone I have ever witnessed.
Years later I read a New York Times special about the navy's public release of some of their UFO accounts. It was no surprise but also fascinating to read the accounts of other people who filmed, observed, and described very similar activity in a professional setting that had been officially acknowledged by the Navy.
For the sake of making a case for my credibility, I think its worth mentioning that I am a land surveyor. I've made a career out of having a knack for spatial awareness and a good sense of distance, perspective, and scale. That and I have photographic evidence!
Submitted by: Quincy D
Ford’s Theater
Ford's Theater
Working at Ford's Theatre, Washington DC, was always interesting, in so many ways.
On two separate occasions, I was standing in the front foyer, red carpeted area of Ford's Theatre, during my midnight shift. I caught a glimpse of a young woman, long dark blonde hair, in period clothing. A white dress, with layers, and layers down it.. As Ford's Theatre was a Baptist Church before a theatre, I wondered if it was a wedding dress. Was this woman to be married?
Second occasion, in same area of Ford's theatre, on the famous twisting steps, up to the second floor balcony. I saw her again, in same dress. She looked over, and vanished.
Submitted by: RJO
Morris Out of Time
Morris Out of Time
Separated by exactly twenty years, both Ken Fowler and Mrs Brason had seen a wood-panelled Morris 1000 traveller on the road near Souldern. The both took care to avoid an accident, as it did not have any lights on, only witness it disappear into the misty night entirely. They learned of each other's shared experience during a radio phone-in to Radio Oxfordshire in 1996.
Submitted by: Khoops
Underneath carpet and floorboards, Mrs Sutton found nearly 400 prosthetic legs. She said: "The legs are not in a cellar, it is just a space under the floorboards and we might never have discovered them if we hadn't needed plumbing done.
"It is very difficult for anybody over a certain size to go down there."
Submitted by: Khoops
Stubble Field Near Oxford
Stubble Field Near Oxford
I found this pylon while looking for a safe place to read an unpleasant email. I willed the square of grass in it into a timeless bubble and it helped me de-stress.
If you want to see if the bubble is still there try it yourself. It should feel like you are insulated from all outside influences.
Submitted by: Khoops
Dream Darkness
Dream Darkness
This is somewhat of a long story, so please edit as you see fit :).
This incident happened in the home I grew up in. The home was located on farm land and was built by my parents. The aprox year was 1978/79, when I was 8/9 years old. The home was a two story house. Two bedrooms upstairs & two bedrooms downstairs, one of which was the master. The other bedroom downstairs was mine. I had three older siblings, all much older than I. The closest sibling to me was 9 years older (just to give you an idea). My oldest brother was no longer living at home (in the Navy & 13 yrs older), and my sister had just moved out (she is 11 years older). For some reason I can't recall if my closest sibling (brother) was still living in the home or not. I just draw a blank. I feel like he wasn't, but it's murky. Being the youngest, I was excited to move my bedroom upstairs to my sisters old room. I remember it being a big deal. Repainting, moving things, etc. I don't remember exactly how long I was in the room before the "dreams" started. I will try and explain them as best I can. Remember, I am an 8/9 yr old little girl, I can explain the dreams but not the shear panic I would experience. Falling asleep, I would drop instantly into a panic. Heart in my throat, body pounding. I would be sitting in a hard back, wooden chair, in the middle of a room. I was completely unable to move from this chair. I was frozen. My mind knew what was happening but my body could not respond. There was nothing in this room, except for me and the chair. No doors, no windows. The rooms floor was a perfect square. The walls reached so far up, that you could barely see the four corners (like when your on stage and the lights are so bright, you can't really see the audience). Out of the four corners of the room came different four dimensional shapes. They would come out of the corners and reach down towards me, all at different times, (think laser light show). There was no color. The room was light (maybe white, but not bright white). This would continue, until I could struggle myself out of the dream. I would be in the chair, but then, I would know that I was dreaming and I would be in the bed. In my head, I would tell myself, that if I could just get my mouth open to yell for my parents, it would end. It would be such a struggle to pry my lips open, but once I did it, I would be able to get a noise out and I would yell my head off. My parents would run up the stairs and shake me and shake me, until I could get out. I could never explain it at the time. I don't know how long I had these "dreams". I do know I had them repeatedly, night after night. Always exactly the same. They didn't stop until my parents moved my room back downstairs, where my previous room had been. After that,,,never again.
Submitted by: Andrea MW
Alabama ABC
Alabama ABC
Black panther, about the size of a German Shepherd, in the woods behind my mother’s house.
Submitted by: Frank L
Little Black Cloud
Little Black Cloud
This is among the strangest things that ever happened to me, as I don't even have a way of classifying the incident. I'm not even sure what you'd call it, other than a bizarre weather anomaly. Other strange factors played in to the story as well which I still can't account for...
I was in a band at the time, and it was a regular occasion that we'd throw raging parties after shows and band practices. On this day, the frontman of the band had a party at his apartment, so the harmonica player and I naturally headed that way. It was late afternoon or early evening, the kind of calm summer day with sparse wispy clouds and no wind. Warm, but the perfect weather for driving with the windows down. My harmonica player friend was driving his beat up station wagon and I rode shotgun as we approached the intersection of Park Avenue and Main St, coming from the east and positioned to continue onto Stafford St. We were second in line at the red light waiting patiently when things got weird.
Things got really quiet. Like, still, and silent. Everybody had a red light, on all sides of the intersection, and there was barely any sound or movement. We both started to wonder what was up with the traffic light - there was no pedestrian crossing light on or any pedestrians... Everyone else held captive at the whim of the stubborn traffic light sat motionless and apparently unperturbed in their cars. What's very bizarre about this as anyone from Massachusetts can tell you is that drivers here are among the most aggressive and impatient in the country. And on any given day regardless of what's going on, one expects to hear some city noise - car horns, loud stereo systems, shouts, sirens... But not this day.
I really don't know how long this eerie moment that seemed so dreamlike and surreal actually lasted, suffice to say it was an inordinate length of time to have that many people stalled at an intersection. The spell was broken rather suddenly as dark clouds made their way in from every direction and the sky went from blue with wisps of stratus clouds to black to the point of blocking out the sun! This happened very rapidly, and before either of us had a chance to comment on it, an explosive burst of thunder roared above our heads and we were blinded by a flash of brilliant white light. A loud pop was heard from the rear of the car as if in reaction to the blast... Both of us experienced electric, static effects - a tingling sensation and our hair standing on end.
Then, as quickly as the cloud first appeared, it dispersed. The sun broke through, the calm of a summer evening returned, and the light turned green. We rolled on through the intersection onto Stafford St and proceeded to freak out about whatever the hell that was...
The station wagon was dragging a bit of metal from the undercarriage, and we surmised that we were likely struck by lightning. Of course we were eager to tell our friends all about it at the party, which was no more than 1000 ft from the intersection in question. "You got struck by lightning?", they asked incredulously. "There isn't a cloud in the sky! What are you talking about?"
Of course no one believed us, and no one was inclined to give it too much attention. After all, there was beer to be drunk, and a party to be enjoyed. And down through the years my harmonica playing friend has spun the tale to his friends, very few of whom ever seem impressed. I've had similarly lackluster results in relating the tale of the time he and I were struck by lightning as though being smited by the hand of the Almighty...
We both know what we experienced that day, and presumably everyone else at that intersection saw it too. But who knows what it was, or why? I've always felt there was some divine or mystical reason for that as it all seemed so unnatural. The stillness and silence was something akin to the "Oz Factor" I've heard described, almost as though time had stopped. The formation of the cloud and the rapid thunderstrike and dispersal took literally seconds to play out. I really can't account for it. Maybe someone reading this can - but I took it as having some kind of significance. Being struck by lightning is something I'd usually consider to be a bad omen... But I seem to have come out of it ok - although I guess you could say I have a little black cloud that follows me around at different points in my life...
Submitted by: A.P. Strange
UFO, Prophetic Dreams
UFO, Prophetic Dreams
One winter night in 1983 or so I was going to bed at about 8pm, my usual bedtime back then. When I got into bed I felt the need to get up and look out the window. I saw a few lights, four or six or so, in a line above the neighbor's house, moving in a way which would be consistent with a spinning round object seen on edge. The whole system of lights slowly was moving left to right, but then appeared to slowly move toward my window as though aware of me looking at it. I ran downstairs and said "mommy! there's a flying saucer outside!" She told me it was 10pm and to go back to bed. I have no memory of actually winding down and falling asleep, which usually took a while, nor of getting out of the bed once I saw the object, just running away from the window. So I _could_ have dreamed the whole thing but I had no impression of falling asleep or waking.
A few weeks after the sighting I began to dream the future. Never anything important, but every few weeks, once a month or so, for a couple years I would have a dream about some odd everyday conversation with my family or friends, and it would come true within a few days. Like I said, never anything important: no major news stories, disasters, etc. Always just domestic stuff, but unusual/atypical conversations or events so that the dreams stood out as odd.
For example, dreaming about being in the car with my mom in an unfamiliar neighborhood and discussing what kind of sandwiches would be served at a garden party. Then a few days later someone canceled on an errand for my mom's church, so she had to drag me with her while she handled the errand ... in a neighborhood I never went to, and we talked about the errand, which involved sandwiches for a garden party.
The dreams continued until I was 11 or 12 and made a deep impression on me, pretty much forcing me to go "Well SOMETHING weird is going on", and leading to my lifelong interest in the occult and paranormal.
If it's of interest, I was born in September 1973 in Greensburg PA, right when the UFO/Bigfoot wave was happening in that area that year.
I want to emphasize I do not claim "I was abducted by aliens" or anything else. I don't claim _definitely_ that the sighting _wasn't_ a dream, or that my dreams were anything but remarkable coincidences, but the level of detail in them and the number of them (at least a dozen or more) make me feel that it's _more_ plausible that Something Weird was going on rather than to have such a long string of luck. But I don't claim any knowledge or confidence in _what_ it was all about. :)
Submitted by: S.K.
Slush Puppy Ghost
Slush Puppy Ghost
At a particularly dark time in my youth I worked at the local convenience store. This was a depressing job to have after a while, serving scratch tickets to hopeless lotto junkies and exchanging packs of cigarettes for piles of coins from folk really desperate for a nicotine fix, interspersed with the moms getting milk on the way home. Compounding the effect of the humanity I was faced with each day was the lack of prospects in my uncertain future, having just dropped out of college, and after 8:30 or so on any given closing shift the store became a quiet place where I was left alone with my thoughts. At least, I think I was alone - but the poltergeist activity I was met with constantly there made me question it!
I was no stranger to poltergeist activity. I experienced it often growing up, sparking an early interest in parapsychology. Nights at the store helped to convince me that since the activity seemed to follow me, perhaps I had what they call Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis, or RSPK. That is, perhaps I was unconsciously manifesting these strange events.
Puzzling things would happen, such as the paper coffee cups which stood stacked in sleeve near the decanters would jump straight up and float to the floor, landing with a plop sound upside-down. Sometimes the spinning wire rack that held those cards people would buy to put minutes on their cell phones would flutter off the hooks in every direction, giving me an aggravating mess to clean up. One such event was witnessed by the delivery guy who was stocking up a shelf, during a particularly hectic, line-out-the-door afternoon rush. I caught him looking slack-jawed and dumbfounded at the little wire prong on which the beef jerky packs hung, as they jumped one by one from where they were to the floor, seemingly of their own volition. He looked at me and I said “don’t worry about that. It happens all the time here.” I understand the man changed his route after that, I never saw him make a delivery there again.
The most dramatic event occurred one night when I failed to stock the milk shelf from inside the cooler and a woman demanded a gallon of whole milk. I rushed into the cooler, where I had gone several times already in an attempt to stock the shelf, but this time a crate full of gallon jugs was right in the path I used through the cooler. I tripped over it and nearly hurt myself badly. I know that crate hadn’t been there before.
Years later my girlfriend and I had eaten dinner and had a few drinks nearby and I decided to stop in for a pack of smokes. Feeling a little goofy I asked the teenage clerk at the register if he ever saw anything weird happen in the store.
“Oh, you mean the Slush Puppy Ghost?” He replied. I was floored. The slushy drink machine was near where the coffee stand had been when I worked there, years earlier, and according to the kid cups and lids had a tendency to take flight from that counter when no one was near it.
So did I cause these phenomena? Or is there actually a Slush Puppy Ghost? Or both, perhaps... I guess we’ll never know.
Submitted by: A.P. Strange
Cape Cod UFO
Cape Cod UFO
My girlfriend and I were sitting on the beach at around 9:30pm hoping to catch a glimpse of comet neowise on Friday July 24th, 2020. It was a bit to cloudy to see the Comet but we did notice a bright shining orange light kept appearing and disappearing and moving around to different locations in the area. We tried to take a video but it was to dark. It seemed like every 5 to 10 minutes this bright light would just appear in a new spot in the sky before vanishing. This went on for nearly an hour. We did manage to get a photo of the light, and once we zoomed in on the photo and saw it was saucer shaped is when we got really excited about it.
Submitted by: Milo
Dark Trailer
Dark Trailer
My family lived in a double wide trailer here for about 3 months in 1992. I remember it always seeming dark inside, even though it had several large windows. I was consistently creeped out the short time we lived there. My bedroom was a small, windowless interior room. I swore I could see things in the dark at night even though it was pitch black with the lights off. That part could have been all in my head. I was only 7 years old at the time. However, my older brother (aged 10) had a bedroom at the rear of the house with a large window that looked out into the massive cornfield behind us. He heard tapping on his window and swore he saw things moving in the fields. Even outside in the daylight felt ominous.
There was a rec room built onto the side of the house, and we had our play room there. My brother and I did NOT like to be in there by ourselves. I refused to play in there unless my brother was with me, and vice versa. Our furnace caught fire 2 times while we lived there and once after. I remember the first time. The night before, I was having a hard time walking down the hallway to the bathroom because I was terrified for some reason. Like someone was waiting for me around the corner. My step-dad was poking fun at me a bit for being scared. My mom interjected and suggested he walk down that hall in the dark and get the hairbrush out of the bathroom for me. He started walking down the hall, and stopped about 3 feet in. Then he slowed down and was walking very deliberately and carefully. He turned the corner to grab the brush, and the furnace in the next room popped loudly. Scared him half to death. He ran down the hall back into the living room and apologized to me. Said it felt like someone was on his heels as he came down the hall. Take note that my stepdad is rarely scared by this kind of thing. I hadn't seen him like that before or since. Some 3 or 4 hours later, I remember my mom coming into my room to get me up and take me outside. The fire department was there, and we all stood on the other side of the street. The fire was thankfully small, and we got the all-clear to go inside. The landlord fixed the furnace right away.
The next few weeks were really spooky. We were all on edge. I spent every moment I could playing outside because the inside of the house gave me the creeps. My mom suddenly had birds pecking on her bedroom windows all day long. I could barely go into my room, and begged my mom to let me sleep with her. She didn't allow it, so I slept with my head under the covers. My step dad would sometimes come sit with me when he came home from the late shift so I could fall asleep.
The furnace caught fire again in the middle of the night. This time my parents insisted the landlord replace the furnace, and he did. He was always really nervous when he came out to the house, which I thought was weird but also understandable looking back. After that second fire, my parents decided it was time to look for somewhere else post haste. We moved out a week later. About a month after we moved out, my mom saw in the newspaper that the house had burnt to the ground. There was nothing left. There is still nothing on that lot to this day.
Submitted by: Holly S.
UFO With Drumming
UFO With Drumming
While camping in the San Luis Valley (near San Acacio, CO) on a friend’s private land this summer, I had a strange experience. The event took place on September 7th. while myself and 2 friends were camping. It was around 15 minutes before 7 pm so there was still plenty of sunlight remaining. One friend was sleeping in the tent as he was recovering from a long night of work the night before. His brother and I were attempting to get a fire started but were having a little trouble because there were very strong winds. Suddenly I heard a very rhythmic drumming sound coming from the opposite side of a hill we were camping on. The area is extremely isolated with no homes for as far as the eye can see. The only way I can accurately describe the sound is a steady drumming that reminded me of the Native American drums that I’ve heard during ritual recreations at festivals. The sound was a single drum though. It went on for about 10 minutes with both myself and my friend hearing it. We were mystified. It was so strange that I was questioning as to whether or not I was really hearing it. I believe the sound was confirmed to me after around 5 minutes as coyotes began to howl in the same direction the drumming was coming from.
I wanted so badly to walk the 1500 feet or so to hill, climb to the top, and see if anything was on the other side. The only thing that stopped my curious walk to that hill was the sheer amount of extremely thick quilled cactus needles (which had been piercing the soles of my shoes throughout the day) between myself and that hill. After around 12 or so minutes of hearing the drumming sound, I was staring in the direction the sound was coming from and in the sky I saw something that I can’t explain. It was what appeared to be a hovering sphere roughly 3 times larger than any star I’ve ever seen. It was in the distance but not extremely far away. I saw the sphere in the southern sky and it was extremely illuminated. It never moved or twinkled. It just hovered about 45 - 55 degrees above the horizon. I yelled out for my friend to look and he saw it as well. We watched it together for just over a minute. Suddenly I yelled out that I was going to take a video with my phone. As I said that, he looked away too to grab a set of binoculars I brought on the trip. As I opened the camera app on my phone I pulled the phone up to sky to locate the light in the view finder it was gone. I pulled the phone down to look at the sky and sure enough it was no where to be seen. I asked my friend if he was able to get a look through the binoculars. He said once he looked away to get the binoculars and pulled them up to his eyes, he was not able to locate the object. It was gone. The drumming continued for another 5 minutes or so and then disappeared as well.
Submitted by: D. Gresham
Flying Triangle UFO
Flying Triangle UFO
My family was on our way home from a cookout at my grandparents' house when I, from the backseat of our minivan, saw a 50-60ft-wide black triangle, hovering just above the treeline. It was late fall, and with most of the leaves already fallen, I was afforded a clear look at the object. It was definitely a solid craft, with a white light on each vertex. It was otherwise devoid of any distinguishing features.
I pointed it out to my parents. My mom leaned against her window to see it and gasped, prompting Dad to crane his neck forward so he could see out the windshield. He expressed confusion over what the craft was, and began to drive faster. Around this time, both of my sisters woke up from their naps. One of them saw the craft, but the other refused to look. She just became frightened and began to cry. The object began to follow us, and Mom rolled down the window to see if we could hear any engine noise. We couldn't.
Somehow, we lost the thing and made it back to the highway. I always assumed it was just a secret military craft, out on a test flight in a pretty sparsely-populated area. Soon after the event, however, my father and two sisters lost their memory of it. To this day, only my mother and I remember it happening, and our memory of what happened after we actually saw it is fuzzy. I am not aware of experiencing any missing time on that night or any other, but I can't help but wonder if the object came from...somewhere else.
Submitted by: Pankhearst
Pensacola Grand Hotel
Pensacola Grand Hotel
My best friend and I stayed here for the weekend. Things immediately got weird. We lost all of our energy, slept during the day and barely managed to do much else. We didn’t even want to eat, and we love to eat. Our room was strange, and felt strange. There was a long hallway in the room in the shape of an “L” with a mirror at the bend and windows surrounded us (we were in a corner room). Every night when I was ready to go to bed, an aggressive tapping started on the window beside my bed. I tried to ignore it but ended up investigating and finding now reason it should be happening. We were on the highest floor so no one could have been outside. My friend seemed to be having a worse time. She wanted me to stay awake while she slept in the day, and neither of us told the other what we were experiencing. The second night, she went to sleep at 5:00pm. I watched tv till 9pm and then decided to turn out the lights and the tv. As soon as I did, the tapping began and my friend sprang up turned the light and tv on and proceeded to stare blankly at it, without moving until the sun came up. She would answer my questions and really freaked me out. It was like she wasn’t even there. I ignored it and fell asleep for a couple of hours. That night I had horrible nightmares that depicted a shadowy figure tapping at the window. I figured my brain had just constructed it to explain the tapping, so I ignored it. We both got up and I asked her about the night before. She acted strange and I dropped it. I was in the bathroom getting ready, when I went in, she was at the mirror in the hall putting on lipstick. When I walked about about 5 min later, she was starring into the mirror with the lipstick in her hand. I had to scream at her to get her attention, she had no idea she had been doing that and said that I had just stepped into the bathroom. Later, after trying to eat breakfast, we decided to cut our vacation short and go home. We were so exhausted. So, we left a day early. We live about 3 hours away in Alabama. Neither one of us can recall much of our trip home.
It wasn’t until a few weeks later that we discussed our experiences with each other. She didn’t want me to think she was crazy and I felt the same. But we were both having nightmares and felt we should discuss it. I was glad she told me but what she experienced was far worse than what I did. That night that she wasn’t responding to me, she saw something. A black shadow walking from the end of the hallway (where the mirror was) to the front of her bed. It was tapping slowly all the way up on the windows that lined the walls. It stopped and came towards her. She was scared and when she closed her eyes and opened them back, it was gone. Before this event, both of us were big skeptics, especially her. Since this event, we’ve experienced other things that have convinced us that what occurred was real. There were more things that happened that weekend, but these were the highlights. We refuse to even set foot in Pensacola now.
Submitted by: Brittany R.
The Wee Peedie Boy
The Wee Peedie Boy
There was a grey sky whipped with white the colour of the houses and trim. In the gaps between the pavers there were some flowering weeds; herb robert; ivy leaved toad flax; dandelion; dock. I was busy with the plants when a movement caught my eye.
It was a little lad, maybe nine or ten, what would be called here on Orkney a wee peedie boy. He was wearing grey school shorts and a white shirt and a bright blue jumper, the colour of the sky only once on this trip.
He wasn’t looking at me but seemed to know I was there.
I crossed over the road, just an ordinary street, with terraced houses on both sides, a canyon of granite fronts and white paint. The only colours were the varied front doors and the weeds in the cracks in the pavement.
The little lad started to sing, hesitant at first and then a little louder. It was ‘Flower of Scotland’, and, as he grew more confident, his voice echoed between the buildings.
He kept to time, slapping one hand against his side as a reminder.
A seagull wheeled above him and then landed a few feet from me on the pavement where it walked uncertainly up-and-down. There was no one else in sight.
The boy sang for three versus without fault, repetition or hesitation. At the end I wasn’t sure whether to applaud or not and glanced down at the herring gull who eyed me with an imagined disfavour.
I looked back up at the boy but he was gone. There were no doors swinging closed in the tight faced houses, and no flash of blue at the end of the street.
I carried on towards the house where I was staying, puzzled, and pleased at the oddness. But mostly bemused.
Near the house that friends on another island had loaned me, a retaining wall had come down, stone and brick facing fallen all across the road. There were people coming out of the houses to look. It had been a high wall, excluding and imposing, barely softened by any lichen yellow or crottled green.
Later in the evening I spoke to my friend on the phone and I mentioned to her that I had just missed the wall and I laughed about not being squashed as flat as an oatcake.
She was more worried than me, perhaps feeling responsible for her neighbour’s bad walls. Then I mentioned the singing child that had delayed me and she went quiet.
After a long sigh she told me the story of a local wee peedie boy who had had the gift of foresight and who nobody ever believed. He’d been called Cassandra as a local joke until all his pals were lost in a shipwreck-storm between the islands. And though his neighbours paid attention to his warnings ever after he never forgave himself that they hadn’t been saved.
He had grown old, she said, and had eventually died, but he still came as a warning.
At the other end of the phone she was quiet, remembering, and gradually we talked of other things: the archaeological dig I was on; the people I had met across the Islands; the gig I was planning on going to the next week.
We didn’t speak of it again, and although I’m a scientist usually prone to the more rational explanation, when ever I hear that song I think of that wee boy and how his music saved me. And it gives me pause. For when it comes down to it what do I really know?
Submitted by: E.E. Rhodes
Bonfire Cryptid
Bonfire Cryptid
Our paranormal team were returning from a lengthy investigation of the train crash site in Wellington, WA. It was about 2:30 AM. As we were pulling in we noticed a large bonfire at a camp site within the grounds , with dancing naked people. Ok, whatever. After we unloaded, I was in my tent laying down when I heard fast running and heavy breathing. Being the investigator that I am, I stepped outside my tent. I saw a naked man being chased by at least a 10 ft cryptoid. It looked like a giant preying mantis, but the legs at the top were shorter and there were alot. The legs extended all the way back to it's "tail", which it was balanced on while running, The belly was a light green, the rest a tree green. It made no noise.
Needless to say, I was stunned and just watched as they continued to run. I don't know what happened as I went back into my tent and laid awake the rest of the night.
Submitted by: Mary B
Rehoboth UFO
Rehoboth UFO
My UFO encounter occurred nearly 55years ago ( a period in which many UFOs sittings were reported In the Northeast in the late 60’s).
I was returning from a night course I was taking for my MBA DEGREE. It was around 9:30 PM As I neared my home in Seekonk, MA, The sky was dark & perfectly clear with no clouds, only distant dim stars. Out of the corner of my eye I caught a bright Light movement-at first I thought it was meteorite But it didn’t disappear, just changed it’s it position in the dark sky. While it’s movenment appears to be in feet in the sky, in actuality, it moved a great distance in the open night sky line. Intriiged, I followed the light.
The bright dot in the sky positioned itself in an area in which a large television tower was located on the Seekonk Rehoboth line. I thought it was likely a reference point to the circular light in the sky. The dome like light then moved in geometrical lines, instantly moving from one position to another. After moving from one position to another, the dome light disappeared as quickly as it arrived.
The 11:00 PM news did mention UFO sightings in Rhode Island & Massachusetts; however, officially the Military tried to explain the sightings as either nighttime jet maneuvers or weather ballons.
My only evidence of what I saw was actually what I saw!!! It made sense to me that UFOs would use telecommunication towers as focal points.
Submitted by: Kilgore Trout
Firefly Entity
Firefly Entity
We were on the back porch watching the fireflies and my partner nudged me and pointed into our neighbors yard. We both saw the fireflies grouped into a tall humanoid shape - taller than a shed - and it slowly walked across the lawn and stepped over the fence into our yard. We felt weird and unsettled by it and went inside before it got any closer.
Submitted by: Marty
UFO Hotspot
UFO Hotspot
The Big Springs Road in Fountain Green, Utah, is a hot spot for UFO activity. Many people that I know have seen strange things on this road, which include bright green lights and UFO sightings. I myself have seen a large round glowing UFO that flew in a strange flight pattern and then disappeared without a trace. This road is surrounded by large fields that are usually occupied by sheep. Besides the sheep, there are very few animals in this area, which is strange in my opinion.
Submitted by: Badwolf
Magic Bag
Magic Bag
While waiting on this bridge, passing the time, I decided to head to Tescos to get my shopping.
I realised it wouldn't be worth going because I didn't have a bag with me. Although it had been a completely still day, the wind picked up and from around the corner came a new, clean carrier bag. It stopped at my feet and I could feel a buzz in the air.
I am lead to believe this bridge is at the western end of a major leyline.
Submitted by: Huw
The Raise
The Raise
I was feeding our cattle at 6pm and I was at a pretty far place from my house. I was riding my horse and my dog was following me. As I was checking the cows I saw some figure move in the distance (We have woods in our land). I checked the cows quickly, my dog started barking loud at the direction where I saw the figure. I told our ranch hands to be careful because we have a trespasser. A couple days later I went with a pistol and dog on horses back with one of our ranch hands. We saw the figure again and we started chasing it. All of a sudden we hear growling. We shot nine times at the area where it ran off. The dog started barking and then ran towards the woods. The next day my dog came back with scratches all over him. Me and my ranch hand went with rifles and pistols toward the woods we saw something running away from our general area. We chased it and it jumped on my back and started punching me. My ranch hand stabbed it with a 5 inch knife and it started running. There is something roaming the area and it is probably angry. STAY AWAY FROM IT.
Submitted by: Carlos
Come Back When You Can Stay Longer
Come Back When You Can Stay Longer
This happened around January 2018. I was upstairs on my bed Watching TV (Wheel of Fortune) around 7:15 pm. I got the feeling to look up and witnessed something (Human Shape-Bipedal) walk by the TV. I could see right through it but it was blurry [and] it headed toward the door on my left (I said "come back when you can stay longer"). (Have not seen it again).
About a month later while starring up at the Night Sky probably about 9:35 p.m., I saw something bouncing around the sky. Then about a month later I awoke around 2:00 a.m. and saw to my right, about 4 FT away, stood a "something"-- it was about 5-6 ft tall yellow/tan skin (there was moonlight coming in striking it threw the curtain.) I pinched myself and rubbed my eyes-- I was awake, I heard a voice telling me to get as angry as I can I stated "go away" (my wife beside me was asleep /snoring). After staring at each other for about 45 seconds I must have fallen in a deep sleep, because I awoke the next morning. Around the later part of March same year, my wife and I were traveling a back road (To my friends) after coming around a corner to a straight away we both saw only the side of a tall black hairy thing, we saw from the side closest to the back its hair shone in the sunlight when passing by where it went we didn't see it. Where I live is basically wooded area, only 700 people live in my town.
Submitted by: Mr. Curtis
Time Travelers at Wendy’s
Time Travelers at Wendy's
When I was seven or eight, my family and I were eating at a Wendy's restaurant in central Florida. While we were sitting at the table, a couple entered the restaurant dressed in 19th C. "southern" attire. She was wearing a hoop skirt and bonnet, and he was in a riding suit of some kind with a little top hat. Now, this is theme park area, so we first wondered if they were actors of some kind, but then we noticed that they were dirty and sweaty and their clothes were patched and worn, as though they'd been traveling for a long time.
They looked kind of stunned and bypassed the dining room and counter, walking directly to the water fountain. For at least a solid minute, they stood at the water fountain, inspecting it thoroughly but never taking a drink. Then, without a word, they left. We looked out the window and couldn't see where they'd gone.
Submitted by: Jeremy P
Faery Battleground
Faery Battleground
We moved to our house about a year ago and from the first night we have had strange occurance. It started with loud footsteps we could hear from downstairs when no one was home upstairs. Gradually it got a lot more active when we put our security cameras around the house. We started to notice these dancing balls of light in the front yard and grenade like light balls that shoot through the backyard. The first day we saw the lights one flew through my right hand and this intense vibration overwhelmed me and I have since developed the ability to draw very well. The supernatural occurances have gotten much more intense over the past month or so. I am a research fanatic and have been reading about the mythology and folklore associated with each sighting and have since gotten very spiritual myself in the process. I bought these stones online and they came with a pendulum neckalace, now me being a newbie to all of this had no idea what a pendulum was until the day I tried to wear it and it was ripped off my neck by snagging on a chair in my bedroom, I felt the clasp break and heard it hit the floor ... But I couldn't find it anywhere. About half hour later I was sitting in my office when the power flickered and when we flipped the breaker to turn the lights back on there was my pendulum laid out beautifully and still clasped across my husband's laptop that was sitting on a chair. I felt that it was being delivered to me and I needed to wear it so I reclasped it on and it kept falling off the remainder of the day I would find it laying on the ground next to me... But the clasp of the chain always remained clasped but it still somehow fell off. I figured it was trying to get my attention so I searched online for what this "necklace" was and that's when I found out about pendulum dowsing and how to communicate with the spirit world through the pendulum. Through communicating with the pendulum I have discovered we are living in the middle of a faery Battleground. The front yard where we see the dancing spheres of light are the Faery Light (and whom I have been in communication with) and I believe their actual home is Arvon Park (the abandoned park in West Bremerton that is mentioned in another post) my home is the portal the what we call the "bad faeries" I believe they are fire faery. There has been a few other odd occurances I will list them below in no specific order:
1. My son is afraid of the bathroom because he says the tall scary man (looks similar to the scream mask he says) can see through the window. A friend of mine has witnessed this same creature who he says is extremely tall and white mask like face but fat unlike the scream guy, and his daughter ( who has never met my son has also seen this creature in her bedroom, possibly followed my friend home?) A few other friends have witnessed similar creatures and they have been described to me like "giant punk rockers waiting for a concert" and they apparently stand at the edge of my property....
3. I believe another friend of mine may possibly be a vampire and has been feeding off the Faery blood to gain extra powers ..
I have video footage and pictures and multiple eye witness accounts ... Because honestly even with all the evidence I'm still skeptical that maybe I've just lost my mind or I've entered the twilight zone in Bremerton.
Submitted by: Jesse
Abandoned Asylum
Abandoned Asylum
So this is a place that was a mental hospital for women I believe. Opened in 1961 “ Dammasch” named after the doctor who has had multiple lawsuits for abuse to patients. It was destroyed in 1995 because of some feud with the owners and multiple lawsuits. It had remained open land until a suburb was planned to be built on top, and it is there to this day. Now here’s were things get creepy. As you walk around the streets at night, you can here yells, chains, screams, crying, we had a report of a young girl going into the small forest area and just standing there looking into the entrance and not saying anything to her parents. Street lights will constantly turn off as you get near which I hate because I walk my dog at midnight every night and it happens everytime, multiple complaints have been made but PGE said the lights are brand new and in perfect condition, now this could be a fuse yes but it could also very well be the result of some paranormal activity due to the torture patients were put through during the asylums being. We have had reports of people seeing women and men in hospital gowns wondering the streets aimlessly at night and multiple reports of people hearing whispers very clearly asking “go back” repeatedly, along with, “no” “stop please” “go away” “I see you”. This isn’t just people living together too, most of these are reports from Single bedroom homes and apartments. There was tunnels that also were constructed with the hospital to transport patients under ground, now about 95% of the tunnels are gone but there is still a few exposed entrances that lead into very very small parts of these collapsed tunnels. I hate it here, it’s creepy, there was also an unexplained fire last year around this time that burnt down a whole apartment complex and there is 0 leads to this day so they blamed it on arson. Creepy stuff here, I’ve had enough and am planning on moving out soon.
Submitted by: Spencer D.
Sarto Retreat Center
Sarto Retreat Center
So it was around 9:15 last night and I was just sitting at a desk facing the entrance of the Sarto Retreat Center off N Kentucky. It's a self isolation center for homeless people with covid-19 right now, but there is only one patient.
I was there with one other volunteer and there was an off duty officer down the drive a bit.
I was sitting reading study material and all the sudden had chills/tingle run up my spine and I looked up out the window and it looked like a man was standing right outside the doors. I actually gasped because it startled me and the figure disappeared. I got up from my seat and went to the door, still unsure of what had just taken place. The feeling I had lingered for a few minutes, but finally dissipated.
The person was definitely male and wearing sort of tattered clothing, but not someone I recognized.
Submitted by: Tasha V.
Careful What You Wish For
Careful What You Wish For
This story is about a character who's name I won't use, because speaking his name or typing it usually causes him to pop up and try to contact me in some way. It has happened, almost without fail, for all the time I've known him. I'll tell a story about him, or mention his name, and suddenly I will receive a text message or phone call from him. It's not that I never want to see him again, but rather that he's the type of chaotic crazy that belongs in a long-closed chapter of my life. For my purposes here, I'll simply call him the Captain.
The Captain moved into a third floor apartment in the East Chandler St area of Worcester, and with this apartment came a safe. The safe became a subject of much conversation and speculation - it was assumed that moving a safe from a third floor apartment had simply been too much of a hassle, and hence it was abandoned. But there was also speculation that the prior tenant was a drug dealer, and may have stashed money or drugs in the safe. Perhaps he had been killed or arrested, leaving it there forgotten.
So intriguing was the mystery of the abandoned safe that before long two of the Captain's friends endeavored to crack it open. Not being experienced safe crackers, they broke several tools and hurt themselves trying to loose the door of the stubborn safe. The Captain was unscathed - after all, the safe was in his apartment. They would split whatever was inside three ways! His two pals didn't feel that way in their frustration, saying that if they got it open they would give the Captain nothing. It was then, he told me, that he "hexed" them. Their plan was to drop the safe from the third floor window in the hopes that it would crack when it hit the ground. One of them said that he wished for thousands of dollars in cash. In what became a heated argument, Captain laid the hex on him - "I hope you get exactly what you wished for!"
Whenever the Captain said something like this it was a bit eerie. He was known to say crazy things, but how could getting thousands of dollars in cash be a hex?
When the two former friends checked out the broken safe to see what was inside, there was indeed thousands of dollars in cash. Or at least the remains of it - termites had gotten inside the safe, and eaten all the cash. Some corners of the bills were left showing how much had likely been in there. And so, the two were hexed to get exactly what they wanted - but they should have wished more carefully. Or perhaps they should have guaranteed the Captain his cut...
Submitted by: A.P. Strange
Ghost Town Ghost Picture
Ghost Town Ghost Picture
Ironically, while on our way up to the famously spooky Clown Motel in Tonopah, we pulled off at a ghost town to walk around. I took many photos and had tried to get a shot of the train cart without the house in the background. While editing the photos for Instagram I became frustrated that I had managed to still get a piece of the building in my photo, when I went to crop it and zoomed in more I became aware that it was not a building at all, and was in fact a very clear female apparition.
Submitted by: Nina A.
Voice in the Desert
Voice in the Desert
I had pulled my car off one afternoon to take photos of the ocotillo blooms. While trying to look up a flower on my phone I could hear what I thought was someone in the yard across the road. Suddenly I felt every single hair on my body stand up as I heard someone clearly say "behind you" right next to my ear. I screamed absolute bloody murder thinking I was about to be kidnapped, the screaming continued once I realized I was utterly alone with no place for some one to hide (it is the desert, after all) and ran into my car and drove off in a panic. I am not sure where the precise location i pulled off was, but it was on Borrego Springs Rd, not too far from the town right as you start heading into undeveloped desert. I do remember there was a for sale sign on the empty lot of land and a house across the st and another farther back in the land on the side toward town.
Submitted by: Nina A
Curious Deer Visitation
Curious Deer Visitation
I was deep into scorpio season, having wild dreams left and right and being continually visited by a neighborhood owl. It was sometime around halloween as I had just watched the Craft and was very paranoid that I myself had evoked some sort of entity. I was walking a friend home from a disappointing halloween party outing and found their yard had 2-3 big deer in it. This isn't that strange though, in Bellingham the deer are everywhere. I remember one of them as a very large buck. That night though, I have a dream of being approached by said buck while squatted in a garden. This dream-deer wouldn't stop slowly getting closer and closer, until the only way I could keep him at arms length was by grabbing hold of one of his antlers. I woke up confused as to why I saw this deer as a threat. Couple of days later Im walking home from school and BAM I see in a bio-swell off of a fairly well trafficked road, a dead buck, as if it had just keeled over while eating , no impact wounds or anything. Pretty freaked out I call up a witchy friend of mine who recommends yarrow for protection. The very next day , while getting ready for school I look into my back yard and guess who's looking back at me? A one-antlered buck. Never quite figured what all this meant.
(Ed. A visit from The Vernow, perhaps?)
Submitted by: mal
Green UFO
Green UFO
I was driving to portland with a friend on a particularly celestially significant evening, a super moon bright in the sky and on the spring equinox. It was sometime around 10 pm, we had just hit the TacoBell in Centralia for crunchwraps and were making the final stretch to p-town when we both saw something flare up in the sky. A bright green ball of ??something?? soared from the middle of the sky left to right and then dipped into the tree line on the side of I-5. We kept our eyes peeled for signs of a crash, smoke, green fire, etc. the rest of the way through Kalama but alas, we didn't see anything. At the time, I did some research and thought maybe it was some sort of meteor, so I reported it as such, but didn't see any other reports or news to confirm. Sadly I don't know the exact location either.. some things just remain a mystery.
Submitted by: mal
“Ahuiateteo, Help Us Please”
"Ahuiateteo, Help Us Please"
When my wife was in college, she sculpted this sitting skeleton statue with like a pope hat, a mitre, this thing is like a foot and a half high.
So, my wife is bipolar and she’s on all sorts of meds and she has this sleep problem, where she can just sleep all day long, sometimes. Like deep DEEEEEEP sleep. She has this whole separate like dream life, she’ll laugh in her sleep, and talk and mumble and stuff. Sometimes like MMA fighting or swimming, heh-heh-heh. I however am an insomniac, and when I do sleep, it is a very light, easily interrupted sleep.
One night I’m sleeping and suddenly I wake up, middle of the night, it was pitch black… my CPAP machine humming in the background. And next to me lying totally still, I hear this chanting. “Ahuiateteo… help us please- Ahuiateteo… help me please.” My wife was chanting in the dark, she was praying to some unknown god in her sleep. I sit upright and focus so I could try to figure out what she was saying.
“Ahuiateteo … help us please. Ahuiateteo … help me please. Ahuiateteo … help us please. Ahuiateteo … help me please.”
She went on like for a while and eventually went silent. I laid there wondering about the situation until I zonked back out.
Well of course, I told her about it in the morning and she was freaked out. Understandably so. So that night, she collected up a bunch of books and started going through them with a note pad, going through and trying to sort out the spelling and stuff.
And there she found it. Ahuiateteo, was an Aztec god of death and excessive behavior with five spirits. And right next to the description of the god, was a picture of a statue of a seated Skeleton with a pope hat.
Submitted by: Jon T
Suspected Vampire
Suspected Vampire
In Union Cemetery, in North Smithfield lies the only grave where cause of death is listed as vampirism. Simon Whipple Died in 1841 of consumption (tuberculosis). During that time Rhode Island was in vampire hysteria. Those dying of consumption were suspected of being vampires. On Simon’s epitaph it reads he died of a “vampires grasp”.
Submitted by: Sasysquatchgirl
Cliff Climbing Sasquatch
Cliff Climbing Sasquatch
Me and my dad were fishing at our favorite spot that we fished until it closed and is still closed for another year. It was Smith Reservoir we were fishing and my dad climbed to the top of the dam to smoke so I wouldn’t get smoked out and he looked down on the road and he saw a creature with the classic description of Sasquatch; approx. 8 ft tall, big broad shoulders, covered in fur, etc. and he yelled at me to come see and when I got up to my dad the Bigfoot was scaling a cliff on the opposite side of the road it crossed with ease! It was an experience I will never forget.
Submitted by: Logan B.
Flip-top Head
Flip-top Head
Driving down Port Rd with my then partner, we saw a guy in a roof-less sports car, there was a female passenger also. I noticed that when he accelerated, his head would flip right back as though he was a Pez dispenser. When slowing down, his head rolled forward, facing down towards his feet.
Either way, he could not have possibly seen where he was going, but this continued for at least 5 minutes. I alerted my partner, she also witnessed this. Eventually Pez dispenser man, or flip-top head, as we came to call him, turned off the road, his head facing downwards as he entered a driveway to his left.
Submitted by: Daniel
Visiting Relatives
Visiting Relatives
Several years ago my grandfather passed away. My mother told me the night of his passing, he visited him in her dream and told her everything was going to be okay. The next morning, she woke up knowing she’d be receiving a call any second to break the news. A very similar incident happened when my great grandmother passed as well. My mother’s deceased father visited her in her dream and told her that our Baba had passed. My mother does not participate in any psychic practices or anything of the sort, these premonitions just come to her. I wonder why.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Mystery Mushroom Macrame
Mystery Mushroom Macrame
So it's 31st of March 2020 (Coronid-19 lockdown), and at 6pm I'm allowed to walk my dog Violet on our allocated exercise time. Heading to our usual woodland track I came upon a curious site, a cluster of knitted mushrooms, beautifully arranged in the woodland at the back of our community allotments!!!
Submitted by: Puxley
Norfolk Southern/RJ Corman Yard (Former Norfolk & Western Yard)
Norfolk Southern/RJ Corman Yard (Former Norfolk & Western Yard)
In 1974, a gas explosion at what was then the Decatur yard for the Norfolk & Western killed seven, and injured a hundred. Since then, there have been reports of shadow people, unexplainable noises, and phantom radio transmissions in and around the yard.
Submitted by: Keith C.
Murdaugh Hall Haunting
Murdaugh Hall Haunting
Death of a university employee in the late 70s led to the continued case of hauntings in Murdaugh Hall, the oldest residential hall on the campus of UCO.
Experiences include strange noises, objects being dropped/thrown, individuals experiencing tugging or grabbing at their clothes, etc, in the Murdaugh Hall basement.
Submitted by: Baylie M.
Greenway Mystery Noise
Greenway Mystery Noise
What to you get when you cross a coyote, wolf, hand drill, and Theremin at 3 am? I don’t know but it was in the greenway behind my townhouse! Never heard anything like it before and I do experimental music!
Submitted by: Kalib
Hergest Ridge Ghost Dog (Historical Account)
Hergest Ridge Ghost Dog (Historical Account)
In the late nineteenth century a certain author visited the Hergest Ridge area for a few days. Whilst there, they were regaled with the local tale of a "Huge Spectral Dog" that haunts the Hergest Ridge are of the borders of England and Wales. The author was one Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and it was this local folklore tale that inspired "The Hound Of The Baskervilles".
Submitted by: StarDoG
Nuneaton Alien Big Cat
Nuneaton Alien Big Cat
My first exposure to the world of "Forteana" was in 1967 as a small child. I remeber the rough date as it occurred around the same time as the Chelsea/Spurs cup final. The tale of a postal worker being attacking by a mysterious "large cat" in the Kerseley area of Nuneaton was the talk of the school. Within a week said "cat" had garnered several more tails and the story had become evermore gruesome in its nature. This was not only my first exposure to Forteana, it was also the first I remeber of a British phenomenon known simply as "ABCs", Alien Big Cats", the most famous of which is "The Beast of Bodmin Moor"
Submitted by: SteveDoG
Vision of a Strange Man (Historical Account)
Vision of a Strange Man (Historical Account)
"While I was staying at the monastery of St Léger at Champtoceaux, just before matins one night a shrivelled little man of frightening appearance approached me from the far end of my bed. As far as I could tell, he was of medium size with a thin neck, a gaunt visage, eyes of the deepest black, with the upper part of his face furrowed and lined. His nose was pinched, his mouth was broad and his lips were slack. His beard was like that of a goat, spreading over a sharp chin, and his ears were hairy and pointed. His hair stood on end in a confused mass, and his teeth resembled those of a dog. He had a narrow head, an inflated chest, his back was hunched over and his thighs were quivering. He was dressed in filthy clothes, and his whole frame shook. Leaning forward, he grasped the bedhead and struck it sharply, saying: 'You will not stay in this place any longer. I started awake in terror, and the apparition I have described remained with me, which often happens when we wake up suddenly. Grinding his teeth, he said again and again: 'You will not stay in this place any longer.' I jumped out of my bed and ran towards the monastery, prostrating myself in front of the altar of the blessed father Benedict. There I lay for a long while in great terror, attempting to recollect the grave sins which I had heedlessly committed since the days of my childhood."
Submitted by: Khoops
Tea w/Leota – St Mary Catholic Cemetery
Tea w/Leota - St Mary Catholic Cemetery
On November 25, 2019 I went to an antique shop in my town. I found a tea cup. The cup I had purchased had a beautiful design of a colorful pentagram on the cup and saucer, I wanted to know what it was for. The Order Of The Eastern Star, apparently. The Order Of The Eastern Star was created by Rob Morris in 1850 at the Eureka Masonic College as a group that engages in charity work. Neat! Well it is about this time I notice a name at the bottom of the cup (I will change last names for their families privacy) Leota Chair! I think to my nosey self, "Well, I do have access to my moms account..." and start searching. I find that this was one of many last names she has. I get caught up in a feeling of connection to this stranger. I find out she died that summer only a few months ago. I find her obituary where they describe her as my friends and family describe me. I suddenly feel this beautiful bond with this feisty, interesting old woman. On November 26, 2019 I go to the cemetery where she is buried. A groundskeeper asks me if I need help. I say yes. He drives me to the office on the grounds to help find the grave. She is buried with her first husband under her first married name. I talk to 3 people while trying to tip toe around stating my relation. I am someone with a lot of social anxiety, this whole experience felt surreal, "why am I doing this???" type sh**. We find their grave. I had a thermos with tea, and her cup & saucer in my purse. I sat there and poured a cup of tea and watched out the corner of my eye as the lawn mower went by, feeling like fraud or paranoid that her kid will come by or something. It was powerful and pure once I let my anxieties down and just sat there and hung out. I poured a cup for her. No spookies. No ghosts or ghouls. Just pure human connection.
On February 11, 2020 I am on a trip. I have driven up to northern Californian coast to visit my cousin in Eureka. He has school that morning so I drive around finding places to walk my dogs and take pictures. I'm driving through this BEAUTIFUL little town called Ferndale. I drive around aimlessly. I come across a beautiful cemetery up on the side of a hill, overlooking farmland and town, with a big abandoned barn filled with flowers and weeds. I take pictures of the barn and make my way across the road to the cemetery. They have those big family plots and tombs in stone since the area is hillside and coastal and likely prone to flooding. It is beautiful. I walk up to the family plots up front and seriously almost pass out from shock. My knees are TREMBLING, feel like jello. I'm in a town I didnt know existed, in a state I have only lived in for 2 years, this is only my 2nd time in NorCal, I don't have family here beyond the cousin who moved up a few months ago for school. I know this family plot. Rewind now to November 25, 2019. When I was searching Leotas records to verify her maiden name with her married names. I came across a family with her maiden name who lived in a neighboring town to Eureka around the same time she had (she had lived there for a couple years.) Leota was a woman who moved around a lot and had a few husbands, so I wanted to make sure I had the right obituary and everything checked out before I accidentally disrespected some other dead family of the same name. So I had accidentally read through a census record for this family thinking it may have been hers. Since it was a census document it listed all of their names. I never would have recalled this fact on my own, but since it was a family plot with all the names there, I was able to figure out why I was feeling that horrible sense of déjà vu almost instantly upon reading the tombstones. 2 fun facts I will add that are also weird that I found while verifying the names again and digging a little deeper on the family I chanced upon: 1. The mom dies December 14 and the daughter October 16. My moms birthday is december 12 and mine is October 14. 2. The towns north and south east of Ferndale are Loleta and Alton. Alton was the name of the husband she had the last name of on my cup, Loleta looks like kinda like Leota, sure, but one of the two founding companies of the town according to a wikipedia check was the Atchinson, Topeka and Sante Fe railway, Leonas obituary says she was from Atchinson.
Submitted by: Nina A
North Adams Mystery Gorilla
North Adams Mystery Gorilla
Years ago, a friend of mine told me about the time he went to a party in Western Massachusetts, and while hanging around his car with a few others he noticed a large hand print on the rear window. I asked him about it recently but he had trouble recalling the details of exactly where it was, but he remembered the hand print clearly. He told me it was huge - easily twice the size of a large man's hand, with fat fingers - "like Andre the Giant". He said several others witnessed this, and were all perplexed. He admitted that psychedelics were involved, but nevertheless the print was very real. When he first described it to me years back, he said it was as though Bigfoot slapped his car; I had imagined a streaked print that could have been anything... but when I pressed him for details recently, he said you could see the crease marks and folds in the hand from the impression on the window. 5 fingers, way too large to be a normal human hand...
A little while after I asked him about it, he posted a video on my Facebook timeline - - in which paranormal researcher Jeff Belanger tells the story of the Monster of Coca Cola Ledge in North Adams. Belanger says in the video that he was unable to find anyone who had actually seen the monster, which was something akin to Bigfoot, and supposed the legend was borne out of parental concerns; that is, the idea of the monster was supposed to scare children away from a dangerous ledge where they could fall and be hurt or killed. This was interesting, as it at least lends credence to the print by way of the suggestion of squatch activity in the area, but what was really interesting was the comment on the post from another friend Bob.
Bob said "Back in 1970 I rescued a friend in Montreal and drove back to Central MA. It was about 2 in the morning when I pulled over in North Adams for a little nap in a rest area along Route 2 adjacent to the woods very much like these (referring to the woods shown in the video) After about a half an hour I awoke and saw what looked like a gorilla heading my way. I booked it out of there real quick"
He went on to say "I was unaware of this 'myth' but I'd buy it".
Naturally I had to call Bob up and get the skinny on his mystery gorilla sighting. He said he had left Grafton, MA and drove to Montreal to get his friend, and proceeded to turn around and drive back making the drive time roughly 16 hours when he stopped to rest on the side of Route 2. I've done my best to approximate the location, which he said was sort of a pull-off dirt area and not a real rest stop per se. He and his friend both dozed off in the car, and when he awoke he saw "a black shadow which started down the hill moving towards me, still 1/8 of a mile away" when he started the car and took off. He wasn't sure what caused him to wake up, but he noticed the dark shape which seemed to react to being noticed by charging at the car. When asked about the size, he said it was larger than a human, and while there are black bears in that area it didn't move the way bears typically do. He seemed to prefer "gorilla" as a description over "sasquatch", and couldn't imagine that what he saw 50 years ago would still be alive. I said it depended on your idea of what Bigfoot was - a biological entity or something more esoteric or spiritual. He insisted that what he saw was "actually real" - it was a very physical thing, not a hallucination or something intangible.
I got the sense that whatever the Mystery Gorilla was, it left a real impression on Bob. He said whenever he drives that stretch of road he thinks about it, and wonders what it was. The hand print story that led to the sharing of a video about the Monster of Coca Cola Ledge resulted in the telling of yet another older tale of the weird. It would seem that something haunts the general region of North Adams - whether gorilla, Bigfoot, or cautionary tale - and whatever it is, it's been there a long time!
Submitted by: A.P. Strange
Produce Wizard at The Providence Academy
Produce Wizard at The Providence Academy
I was outside of the haunted Providence Academy in Vancouver Washington, taking a tour. I was at least 100 feet from the nearest building or sidewalk. It had been raining.
In the middle of the gravel there was a lone, pristinely clean orange. The Interdimensional Produce Wizard strikes again!
Submitted by: Sara S.
The Old House
The Old House
A few friends, who were interested in the paranormal (and myself) were having an "occult party". This was sometime in the fall in N. Miami, FL. In attendance, there were a couple Wiccans, a member of the O.T.O., a few occult researchers and a teacher of occult themes. We started out this nighttime exploration with the Ouija, complemented with candle magic and a few invoking spells. The room became filled with shifting shadows and the Ouija gave cryptic responses to questions concerning entities. The air in the room became more dense and cool. (Air conditioning was off.) There were a few raps and taps here and there. With only four candles burning at this point in the darkened room, the shadow of a robed figure gradually appeared upon the main living room wall. A pen rolled off of the table and we took that to be an indication to perform an Automatic Writing session. One member of our team, who had previous experience in such techniques, decided to attempt a session. During this brief session, the shadow on the wall flickered and waned and one of the candles went out. The result of the Automatic Writing session contained a language that was unknown to us and we never identified said language, if indeed it was actually a language. When we looked at the clock, some of us were surprised to find that approximately an extra 45 minutes had passed. At this point, we all felt exhausted and decided to spend the rest of the evening simply discussing the events. The page of the cryptic language later vanished from the home of one Mr. Mansfield before that particular mystery could be solved.
Submitted by: Mark Obscura
A Reincarnation Story
A Reincarnation Story
I am not sure where to start with this story, so I will start with the birth of the first person in relation to the reincarnation. In 1904, a girl was born into our family line, we will use her initials of G.N. for privacy. She was the daughter of my Great-Great-Grandmother, who had nine children total and G.N. was her third child. She was born with a medical issue, the family later learned was related to her thyroid gland and they believed she may have been born without it. She was short in stature, her glands grew larger than her bones could truly sustain, and she was intellectually disabled. All of the family stories about her were that she absolutely loved being around children and always was generally happy. The family did have access to some medications but were not able to sustain the amount of medical help that G.N. needed to live. She died of natural causes at the age of 32.
The reincarnated:
This story is personal because it is about myself. I was born in the '80s and was not expected to survive. Born with a nine beat-per-minute heart rate and almost three weeks late with no successful labor induction, I was expected to be still-born. There were many blood tests done at birth to understand what was wrong, however, it took weeks for results to come back. We lived in a very small town in Oregon, my mother was sent home with me and told I may not survive. Within two weeks of birth, while sitting in the doctor's office, the call came in that the blood tests were off the charts and it was believed that I was born without a thyroid gland. The medication was started immediately, however, my mother was warned that I may be intellectually disabled as I got older.
Years went by without much trouble, however my language developed at a slower rate than others. So by three years old, I was not speaking fluently or with much understanding of others around me. Yet, at three years old I went up to my mom and started telling her about my "old life" as I called it. Very clearly I told her that we were once sisters in my old life. And then I vividly described our family standing on a dirt road by the farm and we were all together. I apparently told her this a few times that year and it stuck in her memories.
Fast forward to around the early 2000s, when my mom and her siblings decided to do look into our family history and do genealogy work. As they worked, my mother came across her Great Grandmother's family line and was able to obtain several photos from other family members. She saw a photo that shocked her. There was the family, standing on a dirt road in front of their barn on the family farm. In that line of family members was G.N. She asked the other member who owned the photos what was wrong with the woman in the photo, as there was obviously something going on she could see. They let her know that they believed she was born without a thyroid gland, leading to several other medical issues. My mom was floored by the information and remembered what I told her when I was just three years old.
As she learned more about this woman, she saw similar personality traits in me. I always think of G.N., I do feel sometimes I am giving her a second chance at life. Things she never got to do, like be a mother, or things she never could do, like travel. I do not know if I am an empath and very sensitive to the spirit world because of her, but I do like to think that is the reason.
Submitted by: Alisha L.
Casa de la Cultura
Casa de la Cultura
The city and state of Colima are definitely places of high weirdness and I think that many parts of the city and the state can be considered Thin Places due to the number of stories that abound here. Some say that it is due to the proximity of the volcanoes ( The Snow volcano--dormant and the Fire volcano--still active). Some say that there are strong energetic areas both in the city and up towards the volcano, where strange energies can be felt and sometimes even seen in action. The state of Colima has stories ranging from Ghosts to UFOs to time distortions to witchcraft, to energy vectors, you name it! It is a place where the ocean, volcanoes and small forgotten towns meet. Until the early 1900s, Colima was pretty much isolated from the rest of the country because of the rugged terrain that surrounded it ( mountains, volcanoes, cliffs, etc) but was constantly visited by Europeans and Asians that arrived on its shores by way of the pacific ocean. The indigenous communities that lived around the volcano were pretty much left alone until almost the end of the conquest of Mexico. Colima is a very fertile land, and to this day there are many areas that are thick with forest and jungle-like canopy. Despite being the smallest state in Mexico, there is much to explore. Such exuberance gives the place much earth and plant energy. Everything is alive.
This story is a bit of a mix because I was witness to so many different things that happened in one small square of the city. I am talking about the campus in which the House of Culture and Cultural Center are located. This campus is made up of a library, a theatre, the main office building, a parking lot, an outdoor amphitheater and a 5 story building where the arts and crafts workshops are offered. There is also a small theatre ( for monologues) and some dance and music rooms /classes. At the very top of the building is a local TV channel. Already, the fact that the channel is there --with its huge antennas, might be a reason as to why so many things happen in that building alone. Another interesting fact is that the campus is situated right in front of a military zone-- a place where high ranking military live and work and teach and practice etc... ( could this be another reason?) Another interesting to note is that --not surprising--both these places were built upon an area of land that at some point ( very back in time) was part of a cemetery. ( That's another interesting thing to note about the city--the cemetery was actually moved several times). And top it off, they are situated on a long avenue that was once the entrance to the city. This avenue is decorated with huge trees on either side of the street ( These trees are more than 100 years old ). It is historically known that these trees were used as hanging trees during the revolution and the cristero war, meaning that many people were hung from these trees. It is a well know story, told by many of the soldiers that live in the military zone, that on rainy nights, they have seen the bodies of the hanged, swaying from the trees.
(Another thing I forgot to mention is that the city was built around, and upon many rivers and streams. Some are still visible today, other water ways are buried under the city buildings.)
Rumor had it that this building, where the TV channel was located, was home to some sort of creature that by description might be a dwarf and elf or something to that nature. One of the night watchmen would tell us stories about how this little creature ( about the size of a 5 year old child) would wait until all lights were off and then would make its way from the very top of the building to the very bottom of the building, making sure not to be seen, sneaking his way down. The guard would tell us about how he too would hide on a corner of the building and would watch as the little guy went up and down 2 or 3 times in one night. We didn't really believe the story until one evening when my husband had an event in one of the classrooms. He was busy working the lights and such for the event, and while he was busy, he noticed a child walking among the small crowd of people. He found it odd that this child was alone, and was dress as if he were Santa's helper. After a while, the "child" apparently disappeared.
( I mentioned the thing about the rivers and streams because, in Colima, it is said that these little people are attracted to water and are usually found near the rivers and streams around the city.)
In that same building, there were stories about the bathroom on the lower floor ( the elf´s house?) being haunted. The doors to the stalls would open and close on their own. Toilets would flush on their own, sinks would fill with water, etc... I went to those bathrooms just once in the 12 years that I worked there, and never went back! As soon as I stepped in, I felt I was not alone. My hair stood up and I could feel a presence almost breathing on me. I peed with the door wide open and left as quickly as I could. Right in front of that bathroom is a dance room where dancers give class and practice. I took a class once in that room ( yoga) and during the entire class, I felt a creepy sensation and was scared to look at myself in the mirror for fear of seeing something else there. I lost an earring in that room and despite the room being empty, and the floor made of wood, I never found the earring.
There was also a story about a creature that resembled a wild boar. This creature was seen, felt or heard by 3 of the night guards on different occasions and in different ways, but they all agreed that it was the same creature. It was seen in the small theatre, where the guard usually had their midnight snooze. One of the most vivid stories that I heard from one of the guards was that one night, while he slept on a couch in that theatre, he began to feel like he was short of breath and that his chest was caving in. As he woke up, he felt as if a pair of claws dig into his sides. He opened his eyes to find the pig sitting on his chest, his eyes glowing red. He wrestled with the creature until he was able to throw it off of him and he watched as it turned into a dark shadow and hit itself behind a drywall.
On a sad note, one of the security guards, a friend of mine, and the man that shared most of the stories with me, passed away inside that theatre. It seemed he had a stroke and didnt make it to the door. He was found dead, his body blocking the door. I often wonder if it was the boar that got it, or maybe the elf. Or something more sinister.
Finally, these last stories took place, not in the previous building but in the main building where the offices are. There is also a bigger theatre there that seats 800 people. In this building, people have seen a little girl roaming around the stage and backstage area. She seems to be dressed in early 1900´s clothing.
The bathrooms in that theatre are pretty creepy too. I once heard footsteps in those bathrooms but there was no one in there but me.
The guys in charge of lighting and sound and backstage stuff are usually there till late night, long after events are over. Once, they decided to have a little fun ( so to speak ) and tried doing some evps. They caught one that was really creepy--you can clearly hear a voice whisper --todos estamos muertos-which in spanish means, we´re all dead.
Thats not all I have to say about Colima... stay tuned.
Submitted by: Claudia CV
Goblin Sighting
Goblin Sighting
The other night I was with my wife over at her parents house when she bolted out the back door and onto the deck in dead silence. When she came back in she said that she had seen a short black creature run across the neighbors yard on two legs. This sighting was followed up by her brother and mom saying that they had seen a similar creature run across the road on the way to thanksgiving dinner. They described it as a goblin similar in shape and size to the elf from the Harry Potter movies. I went out to look but unfortunately did not observe anything myself.
Submitted by: Conor W