All Messages Day
Today is ruled by a power the Quatrians referred to as “the Maiden.” Though “Maiden” conjures to mind a variety of different mythic/folkloric images, from Herodias to the Disney princesses, the Quatrian “Maiden” has very little similarity to our understanding of the concept of “virginal innocence” so often described in folklore and fairy tales.
In Quatrian tradition, to be a “Maiden” meant that one had an abundance of “Life Force,” what Quatrians called your “vimna.” For this reason, the Maiden was seen as a powerful instructor when it came to secret and Liminal matters. In fact, she is something of a conduit between the world of spirit and the world we inhabit. The Maiden is Living Information– both the messenger and the message.
Today, we ask The Maiden questions, and seek her advice for the coming year or perhaps a clarifying question on whatever problem you are trying to work through during the course of the 13 liminal nights. She may deliver her messages through signs and wonders, through dreams, through divinatory tools, or via more mundane methods like a letter from a friend. You can also reach out to a friend and send a letter, or make a call. All Messages Day is an excellent day to consult an astrologer or do an in-depth tarot reading, or to use the Oracle of the Hypogeum!

Purchase the deck: https://liminal.earth/product/the-oracle-of-the-hypogeum/
Read a detailed introduction to the cards: https://liminal.earth/the-oracle-of-the-hypogeum/
Read more about the #13LiminalNights here.