Campbell river
We were SxS for my dads 49th birthday, we went down a logging road off of the nearest gas station, we travelled over 50-60 kms that day, we went down a way we haven’t been down before, we went this way to scout for possible hunting spots, me and my mother were in on SxS and my dad and younger sister were in the other, they were ahead of us by maybe 15 feet, we were driving through a logging slash coming up to a bit of trees, as we come to the forested bit a rock came flying in through the passenger side, first we thought it could’ve been from my dad, but it couldn’t have been they were too far ahead and we had a full window shield, we looked at the stone after wards, it was heavy over 6 or 7 pounds, almost perfectly round like the shape of a baseball but bigger and heavier, it broke the floor board and bruised and cut my leg, we speeded up ahead to show the others we went back to the spot and saw broken and tipped over trees, too big for a person to have done it, after that I’ve been riding with a GoPro to try catch something like that again, or something weirder.
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