Hawally, black 7 my amartment
It was 7 am in the morning and I had a holiday and my perents where at work. I woke up and heard some weird bangs in my living room and I did think anything of it until I saw a tall shadow on the floor in the hallway approaching me I then saw this 9ft tall thing leaning on the door frame his body was also curved bc he wouldn't even fit the hight of the hall way, I stared at him for what felt like 5 min (bare in mind in still in bed and didn't move bc I was obv scared) then the figure ran back to the living room in less than a sec I heard the light switch of the living room turn on and heard the door getting shut closed also i would like to mention my family doesn't turn on the light in the morning bc we have a huge window that let's light in. After that I obv called my perents. Later that night something else had happened that I will talk about in another story
Submitted by:
Hussein Hakim