Red River Gorge UFO

I went camping at the Red River gorge. A nice camping spot out in the mountains and away from the city. Me and my uncle were up real late. Around midnight where we were talking and looking up at the stars. One began to move quickly in an upward and left motion. It then stopped and went the opposite way before disappearing into the night sky.

Submitted by: Jordan

Mysterious Aircraft

I was living about fifteen/sixteen years old walking my dog late at about ten/ten thirty at night. I went to close the gate to our yard when I looked up and saw three lights in a triangular formation. The aircraft was about 800 feet in the air and made absolutely no sound while going at a snails pace. I lived underneath both a commercial and military airpath, while also living within fifteen minutes of an airport, and have never and still have never seen an aircraft capable of absolute silence or moving as slow as the light formation was going. The craft was so dark that you couldn't even see the outline of the shape of the craft. It absolutely terrified me, but even more so when a sheriff vehicle went down my street with their lights flashing seemingly following the craft, with another black SUV right behind the Sheriff vehicle. I ended up running back inside while carrying my dog because I convinced myself that those where clearly the men in black following the UFO. The next day I ended up bringing my Dad outside, who works on aircraft for a living, and showed him the approximate location of where I had seen the craft which is how I know how low and close it was.

Submitted by: Jess

Land Between the Lakes

I have so many weird experiences surrounding Land Between the Lakes/Murray area. I went to college there. Friends and I would drive out looking for ghosts or whatever we could get into. This incident involved five people—three in a car in front and two in the truck behind. I was in the truck passenger seat. It was late—after 10pm or so. We were driving around this area, looked up and saw three large creatures flying overhead. Wingspans looked about 6-8ft, but always hard to tell with objects in the sky at night. Weird thing, they looked like bat wings, not bird wings. Texted the car up front to see if they saw them. Got a panicked phone call from the person in the backseat asking what they were and how all of them saw the creatures. It was wild. We all saw a lot of things in those woods. Unexplained flashes of light in both day and night. Weird animal behavior (owls attacking drivers and huge herds of deer grazing on the pavement during a lunar eclipse; coyotes hanging up on campers in tents; unexplained noises from out in the woods that sometimes sounded like someone screaming and sometimes sounded like someone laughing, etc.) This was before smartphones, so there aren't photos, but we did take a recording once. It was weird because we thought out friend was possessed, but then she came out of it. That alone was strange but can be explained away. What couldn't be explained away was a weird gravely noise on the tape that started when the friend started shrieking at the top of her lungs, then laughing maniacally, but stopped as soon as she stopped. I've lived a lot of places and seen a lot of things, but that area of Kentucky is.... It's just strange. Add in the Hopkinsville Goblins an hour away, the Vampire clans of Murray, and the unexplained cryptids of Bigfoot and Mothman type entities and the flooding of the homes to build the waterways... let's just say, Appalachia's monsters may have dispersed into the foothills and taken up residence, proliferating in a protected haven.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Central Park UFO

Getting ready for 9 am lecture at hunter college. As I was putting on my clothe I was looking out towards Central Park and the west side when I saw a tiny white dot zoom quickly into my sight directly over park, then do very quick zooms and just disappear. I could not believe what I saw and in broad day light. I started sitting at the bench on 90th street outside of Central Park waiting and hoping to see anything else, but I never did.

Submitted by: Phineas O

Spiritual Encounters

Spiritual encounters numerous times, sleep paralysis with shadow people, strange noises like tapping, running footsteps, doors opening and shutting unannounced, tv's turning on

Submitted by: Phineas O

Multiple Experiences

I was in high school when this all was happening. I was the only one out of my family of 6 to experience anything, as far as I know, and I've asked. I was also the only one that had a bedroom in the basement. There were little things like scratching in the walls. I would tell my parents there must be bugs or rats or something because it would sound like scurrying, scratchy sounds. They got the walls checked at least twice and were told there was absolutely nothing in the walls as far as pests were concerned. I would always get a weird feeling on the staircase going down to the basement; it felt like someone was standing close enough to me at the top of the stairs that I would feel forced down, almost like being pushed by intimidation. I always thought someone was calling my name from upstairs but no one would admit to doing so. Those are the little things... there were two major incidents that happened to me in that house. One I cannot explain at all. 1. One night I came home when it was dark and everyone had already gone to bed, but it wasn't too late yet - maybe 10:30 or 11. I put something in the microwave for one minute so I know this whole thing happened within 60 seconds. I suddenly heard and *felt* a whisper right behind and on my right ear. It clearly said "Sam" ... that's my mother's name. We look just alike and our birthdays are 5 days apart and I go by Syd a lot of the time, so I can understand the confusion (: I immediately turned around and from across the kitchen, dining room, and living room, I saw my grandfather, who had passed when I was about 8 years old, sitting in the recliner chair in the darkest corner of the living room. The only light on at the time was the light on the microwave, over top the stove, but I very clearly saw him. He looked solid, as if he was still alive and just sitting in the living room. He just sat and smiled at me. I just stood and stared at him. Then, the microwave timer went off, which broke my concentration away, and when I looked back, he was gone, but the chair...was rocking. 2. It was the middle of the afternoon and I was taking a shower. Everyone was home at the time, so the house was pretty lively. The year was 2008 or so, and I was using an iPod on a home speaker to listen to music while I showered. This was before the time of streaming, so whatever music you had on your device was music you personally downloaded to it. There was no sucking songs out do thin air or any radio interference. As soon as I got done rinsing the shampoo from my hair, my music went to static. That's weird... it shouldn't do that... and as soon as I had that thought, a pane of energy appeared in front of me, in the bathtub. I'll try to explain this the best I can. It looked like a window or pane of glass, that was made out of the heat waves you see coming off of really hot asphalt. It was about five feet tall, three feet wide, and maybe an inch thick. It looked solid and liquid at the same time. Then, it started moving towards me. I was frozen in place. It passed through me and I felt it was every sense I possess. It was like walking through a pane of glass that I felt on the outside and the inside From the tip of my nose, and through, out the back of me. My whole body was "scanned" in a way. When it passed my ears, I heard the distortion of energy, like train passing by really close at top speed, but silently...a dull, muffled, very strong "whomp-whomp" as it passed by my ear drums. When I felt it come out the back of my head, it passed through the shower. That's when I felt the water do a sort of dance on my back, like something had momentarily blocked the stream with a screen. When the energy passed through the wall, my music, which had been static the whole time this took place, came back on right where it had left off - so it had not just been playing through, it had stopped and then started again. I have no explanation as to what or why or how this was... I don't know who to turn to or who to ask. My family thought, and still kind of thinks I'm crazy because of this stuff...

Submitted by: Sydney B