Most Recent Stories
Creepy Face
About 3 months after moving in, when going upstairs to brush my teeth, I saw a white face with open black eyes and mouth in my window. I looked away for a second and when I turned back it was gone. After that I kept seeing shadows and dark places.
Submitted by: AHD
What Happens Down There?
What Happens Down There?
After moving to the area I checked the reviews at this church. There was a single 1-star review that said only "Do not go into the church basement on Wednesday nights". I laughed but then found it creepy. The review has done been deleted if it ever existed.
Submitted by: Noob
Light Without a Dude
Light Without a Dude
On one of my night shifts at a small organic dairy, I chose to stay a bit late by myself one night to do a deep clean of the parlor room. Everything went normally and I got that place squeaky clean (yup, the glass surface would squeak for real with cleanness). I was waiting for my ride home just outside the front door, looking out over a roughly 120 acre field when I noticed what looked like a big flashlight out in said field. This dairy is literally in the middle of nowhere, so the chances of some dude walking through a pasture at 11pm was extremely low. I continued to watch and the light started moving in a way that an individual could not; drastically changing directions and moving very quickly. Noticing this, I quickly realized that this was not a dude with a flashlight, but a light without a dude lol. It would silently drift left and right, forward and backwards, and up and down (almost like it was looking for something) in no repetitious pattern. Once I accepted that this thing was strange, it started approaching the dairy. It slowly came up through the field and would randomly stop and do this odd "floating feather" thing. It would stop and kind of drift back and forth, like a feather does when it falls down. At this point I became extremely fearful and started calling my ride, hoping they were close. It came all the way up to the fence and stopped. I went inside because I started to freak out a little, and as I did my ride arrived. When I closed everything up the light had vanished and the driver said he didn't see anything whatsoever. I later found out through the locals that this was super common and they even had a nickname for it (The Rover Lights). After telling people I saw it, I was inundated with all sorts of wild stories about things that had happened there over the years, and even met a MUFON field researcher that would visit occasionally due to the area being a "passion project" of his.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Fushimi Inari Shrine
Fushimi Inari Shrine
I was walking up the mountain path that belongs to Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto, Japan. It was mid-day and sunny, although shaded by the tori gates. This would have been just over 1/4 of the way up the mountain path where the tori gates pause. There were mini shrines to the right of the path and a stream down below the walkway to the left. While I was walking back to the path after viewing the mini shrines to the right, I became suddenly dizzy and disoriented. I felt a presence surround me and in my field of vision it seemed like I passed through a cold patch of fog (it was a perfectly clear day). The sensation lasted about 5 seconds and felt as if an earthbound spirit found me in my path to inspect me (right up in my face) and moved on (right to left). I'm curious if anyone else has experienced strange events at the shrines and temples in Japan.
Submitted by: Heather D
Keeps Finding Newfoundland
Keeps Finding Newfoundland
In 2020 I moved from Newfoundland, an island off the east coast of Canada, to the city of London in southwest Ontario. I was extremely homesick during this time and covid locking everything down certainly wasn't helping. The only thing I could do was walk my dog.
With randonauting you set your intention by focusing on a thought—I was homesick so I thought about home in Newfoundland, and really felt it. I then walked to the random point generated on my map, about 20 mins away, and found myself standing in front of a house with an unmistakable Newfoundland-themed souvenir mailbox. I was thousands of kilometres from home—it really blew my mind.
A couple of weeks later I tried again. Once again I thought about home, this time I was wearing a t-shirt of a local TV station. Once I got to this new random location I ran into a group of people who were parting ways. As soon as I got to the exact location where the point landed, a guy walked passed me then turned around and said "hey is that an NTV shirt? I'm from Newfoundland." He was even from the same city.
Finally I tried for a third time, this time I was walking my dog down a street I'd never been on and once again I thought of home. This time a random point was generated directly on top of my apartment, which was several blocks away.
So much of randonauting can be chalked up to confirmation bias but these three examples really broke my brain. If it had happened once then I could shrug it off or dismiss it as coincidence, but three times in such specific ways feels pretty conclusive.
Submitted by: Mike
Joshua Tree UFO
Joshua Tree UFO
I had just moved to Joshua Tree and was amazed at the number of stars I could see at night, so every evening I would sit on my patio and star gaze. One night I saw what I thought was an exceptionally bright airplane. It moved at the same speed as the other planes I could see in the night sky, but it had no blinking lights and was twice as bright as other planes. As I was thinking to myself "what is with this off plane," it shot straight out into space in half a second! If I had blinked I would have missed it! Anyone who has lived out here for a while has seen things in the sky.
Submitted by: Heather D
Witch on a Broomstick
Witch on a Broomstick
My roommates and I went outside to get dinner, it was twilight so the sky was getting dark but still a mid shade of blue. Something caught our eye in the sky and we all looked up and saw a witch riding on a broomstick over the buildings. She had a pointy hat and a flowy dress and you could very clearly see the broomstick. We all saw the same thing and just watched it until it went out of sight.
Submitted by: Haley
Round Object
Round Object
There was a small, round, white object in the sky. Hard to discern the size or any features. It slowly got higher and farther away over about an hour. First noticed at 7:45am. There were about 10 witnesses with me.
Submitted by: Andrew D
Disembodied Scream
Disembodied Scream
My cousin and I were having a smoke on my apartment balcony one evening as we often did. Not long after lighting up, we were mid-conversation when interrupted by a disembodied scream right between us. I heard it in my right ear, he heard it in his left... The scream sounded like someone who was completely hoarse or unable to fully get the sound out, but as if they were trying to shout at full volume. The entirety of it lasted maybe 2 seconds in total, but my cousin and I immediately gave each other a look and somehow both knew to ignore what had happened. We paused in that moment and then continued conversation. Not even 5 minutes later I passed out and he had to catch me before my head hit the floor. We never spoke about the scream in the moment, but a year later we talked about what we had both experienced, and he confirmed that he 100% heard it too right before I passed out.
Submitted by: Raye
Mt. Pleasant UFO
Mt. Pleasant UFO
I was driving home from work going heading west on the east bench in Mt Pleasant Utah and noticed in the distance over the mountains to the west (west of Fountain Green UT) a large... disk... just sitting there. I took a video of it so you be the judge but then at the end of the video another something (disk) comes into frame. My take of what I saw was a UFO, a ship of some sort even more convincing to the naked eye. I have seen other pics and videos of an object sitting or flying that is in a slanted position... this is like that.
Submitted by: Erick
Umbrella Carrier
Umbrella Carrier
I was walking from the South entrance of Knole Park along the flat bit, then started walking the steep incline up towards Knole House. I was there to photograph Deer and it was pre-sunrise. Approximately 6.00 am.
As I got about a third of the way up the hill ,I felt a need to turn and look back, as if I was being watched.
I looked back down the hill and saw a figure a little back from the hill facing towards me. They were in a long coat or cloak and held an umbrella above their head. There was no rain or sun at this time. Something seemed 'not right" so I stared for a while but then felt uncomfortable so turned around and made my way quickly up the hill with the hairs on my arms standing on end.
When I got to the top I looked back but no one was there.
Submitted by: Lee P.
Shadow Person Sighting
Shadow Person Sighting
Pulled a shadow entity out of the woods by accident. Full body shadow of a man appeared underneath a street light and completely disappeared when I recognized its existence. Felt the presence follow me home. Nothing further came of this event.
Submitted by: Herald
Deer Boy
Deer Boy
I was heading back from a long walk across the big field near my home. I had to cut across some railroad tracks and then the smaller field belonging to 94 S. Pleasant St. to get back onto the road. As I came up over the tracks and looked down into that small field I saw, in my peripheral vision, a blond teenage boy in a blaze orange t-shirt standing in the field. When I turned to look at him directly he wasn't a boy at all, but a young deer. This could have been (and most likely was) my eyes playing tricks on me, but the encounter stuck in my head for some reason and I remembered reading fairy stories where you could only see things properly when you looked at them sideways, or through a holey stone. I've seen other strange things in the area since, so I'm less likely to dismiss it now than I was then.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Endless Mountains Cryptid
Endless Mountains Cryptid
My girlfriend & I were up at my hunting cabin in the Endless Mountains region on Pennsylvania. There is a small lake where you can rent a boat, not far from the cabin. In the middle of the afternoon we decided to drive over and go fishing for a few hours. We were traveling down a typical country road of the area. Paved, two lanes, with dairy farms, corn fields & farm houses on both sides. Suddenly I saw something crossing the road about 100 yards from us. It appeared to be about 7-8 feet tall, extremely skinny, wearing all white, with a white veil over its head. It walked across the street in long strides, dangling its arms down by its side, with its wrists cupped backwards. It reached the other side of the street, which was a large open field, but our view was temporarily blocked by a thin hedgerow of trees & shrubs. When we reached the field it had crossed into, the being had vanished. It should be mentioned, it did not cross near the hedgerow, only that the trees temporarily blocked our view. Upon seeing that it vanished, my girlfriend & I were silent for a second, and then turned to each other at the same time saying "DID YOU JUST SEE THAT!?!". The hair on my arms stood up immediately. Later that night, still a bit shaken up from the experience, I was using the restroom in our cabin. The curtains were closed, and I heard a *tap................tap......tap* on the window. There are no trees or things that hang off of the cabin, to make that noise. I refused to open the shades. My girlfriend and I slept with a loaded shotgun next to the bed that night.
Submitted by: Adam N.
Menacing Red Light
Menacing Red Light
I submitted one other ufo story, which took place on Rt. 24 in Bowdoinham in 2011. This is my second encounter. I was working second shift in Freeport and was driving home from work at about one in the morning. This stretch of Rt. 24 is pitch black. There are no street lights and most people turn their porch lights off at night. The houses are mostly set back from the road so it feels very isolated. It is all woods and fields, very rural. I came up to the intersection of Rt. 24 and White Rd., which is sort of a three-way intersection with a triangle of grass in the middle. I was driving north, toward Richmond. I saw this sort of oblong of red light sitting just above the pine trees on the other side of the intersection. It was completely still and silent. It sounds melodramatic but the phrase that comes to mind when I picture this light is "a baleful eye." It was a darker red than the triangular ufo I saw, and a different shape, but so similar in the way that the light was incredibly bright but somehow contained. I slowed my car for a moment, in shock, but then I got creeped out. Something about this light was menacing in a way that the triangle was not. And it was so dark and so late at night. I said "Nope! I am not going to die today." and sped away toward home, looking over my shoulder the whole way, worrying that it was just above my car where I couldn't see it. I thought about the speed and silence with which the other ufo had moved and I was terrified, but this one stayed put and was quickly out of sight. I stopped to look at the spot the next day on my way to work, but there was nothing there. Just the trees, like normal. Those trees are all dead and dry now. All of the trees around it are healthy, but the ones in that spot are all dead. It could be (and probably is) completely unrelated, but it has an ominous vibe and I sometimes wonder if the light caused it. I was afraid of open sky for a long time after this sighting. It sounds so dramatic, but this light made me feel like a small prey animal. I still get a little nervous sometimes, years later.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Sentient Triangle UFO
Sentient Triangle UFO
There is a field next to Rt. 24 in Bowdoinham which was, in 2011, a hayfield but is now occupied by Stonecipher Farm. It's on my normal commute to and from work in Brunswick. I was driving home from my shift at the bakery one day, around three in the afternoon. It was overcast, but bright. I came around the corner and saw a red triangle of light sitting just above the treeline at the edge of the field. It was a perfect equilateral triangle, maybe five or six feet on each side, made up of one red light at each corner and a white light in the center, but so bright that they all melded together to form a solid triangle of light. I could not see any physical features of a craft, only this intense light that seemed somehow contained, like a laser beam. It did not light up the trees below. I stopped my car in the middle of the road to stare. It sat perfectly still, just above the trees. The trees below did not move. It made no sound whatsoever and the natural sounds of the field around it seemed somehow muted. There were no people around, though this sighting took place in a neighborhood in broad daylight. It almost seemed like an insulated pocket of time. Everything was almost frozen. Then the triangle of light began to move. Still, it made no sound and the trees below it did not move. As I watched, it moved slowly along the treeline toward the road. Once it reached the midway point, dead center above the yellow lines, it began to move away from me, following the slight shifts in the lines minutely. It did not rotate when it began to move away, just maintained that perfect triangular shape. I put my car back into gear and followed the light. It moved so slowly that I had to keep my foot on the brake. I followed it northward, through a tunnel of trees. It stayed just above them and maintained a steady pace. We moved through several curves in the road, me watching it through the branches, maybe a hundred feet behind it. When the trees opened back up it stopped, still dead center in the road. This sounds a bit nuts, but I felt like the triangle was sentient and it suddenly noticed that I was there, following it. It hovered for maybe thirty seconds, utterly silent and motionless, then shot off to the east over the Kennebec River so quickly that it literally winked out of existence over the horizon before I could draw a breath. I thought that things only disappeared in a wink of light like that in cartoons until I saw it myself. I was dumbfounded and just sat there for a few seconds in the middle of the road. I shouldn't have because I was in kind of a dangerous spot and people travel so quickly on this road, but I was stunned. Then I just... put the car in gear and drove home. I was less than a minute from my house. This was my first ufo experience. I have seen one since then, a few miles away, but it was a brief encounter.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Greenwater Cryptid
Greenwater Cryptid
Back in May of 2023 me and 3 friends all left to go on a 1 night camping trip. We went out to Green Water in Washington State. It's about 40 minutes east of Auburn WA. Getting there was no hassle and neither was unpacking our tents and chairs. I made a joke to one of my friends talking about how "I hope big foot doesn't come for us." But boy if I knew saying that would put us in this anxiety filled situation, probably wouldn't have joked about it. It's about 8pm now and the sun has set, we are cooking food on our grill and all just hanging out when we starting hearing a grunting? But this grunting sounds so close yet so far, so loud yet so quiet that it's not a sound we thought a human could make. We chopped it up to wolves, or coyotes, and continued on with our night.
About an hour later me and my friend I originally made the joke to were sitting side by side on the ground, it's about to hit 10pm at this point and we only have one lamp left, one person went to bed so the remainder of us all decided to go smoke in our hot box tent. while we're all sitting we can feel the ground just shaking underneath us, but it wasn't like an earth quack or a tree falling, these were like foot steps being taken, BIG foot steps being taken and close enough to the point the drinks in our cups were going side to side, and when you sat still enough and put your hand out, you can see your body shake along with the movement of the ground. Then that damn moaning starts up again but sounds a little closer then last time.
Me and the remainder of everybody awake book it to the sleeping tent, and just go to bed as fast as we can. We felt as though maybe this wasn't something human, but something dangerous that shouldn't be messed with or seen. There was no way what we felt or heard could've possibly been made by a human of any size neither a bear, we came to the conclusion that the sounds didn't sound animalistic or humanistic at all.
To whatever entity or being was out there In the forest with us, I hope we never meet again. I'm sorry for intruding on your territory, but I hope to never hear and feel your steps or voice again.
Submitted by: Lacey B.
Tall Black Figure
Tall Black Figure
One time in 2021 I woke up on a notably hot summer night at about 2 am. I was facing towards the wall in my bed and the side of my body I was laying on was getting really warm, so I rolled over to face my bedroom doorway. Right there in the doorframe, about 10 feet away from me, was this extremely tall black figure. It was almost shadow-like, it had no fingers, no toes, and its body shape was even off. I kid you not, this thing was literally 9 feet tall and had to crouch to fit in my doorway. It slowly grasped the top of my doorway and two small blank white eyes appeared in it's head. I squinted hard and stared into its beady white eyes. The strangest thing about this is that I didn't feel like I was in any danger at all. Surprisingly, I felt... safer than normal. The energy this figure radiated made me feel so secure.
But then I ruined the whole thing.
I pinched my arm to make sure I wasn't dreaming, and surely enough I let out a painful "Ow!"
The figure seemed almost startled by my explanation and I could kind of sense that I scared it. Its small white eyes quickly faded away, and it took its hand off of my doorframe and silently sprinted down the stairs and disappeared into the darkness.
What. Just. Happened.
I yelled for my dad and he sleepily stumbled into my bedroom and groaned, "What?"
I asked him if he had came to check on me a few seconds ago and, confused, he shook his head with this spooked expression.
Judging by the fact that my brother and I shared a room and he slept in his bed only two feet away from me, the creature couldn't have been him. It was way too tall. Plus, the next morning my dad said that my mom was with him in bed all night and she hadn't gotten out of bed once.
This experience hadn't really spooked me that much. I felt safe with the creature but I never saw it again.
Submitted by: Some Guy
Mysterious Light and Orb
Mysterious Light and Orb
My Experience:
TYPE OF OBJECT(S) SEEN: Two dimensional light and then three dimensional bioluminescent "glowing" and "rotating" sphere/ orb.
DATE OF EVENT: Spring 1988
LOCATION OF EVENT: Colorado Springs CO
TIME OF DAY: Around 1A.M. (night time)
AREA OF EVENT: Basement and first floor of house.
DURATION OF EVENT: Total time less than two minutes.
SIZE OF OBJECT(S): The two dimensional light was maybe a little larger than a quarter coin. The three dimensional orb was a little smaller than the two dimensional light. About the size of a rubber ball from a vending machine. I believe all objects seen were aspects or parts of a single thing.
This occurred in the spring of 1988. In Colorado Springs Colorado. I was about seventeen and a half years old. Our family had a three story house consisting of a ground floor, a second floor and a basement. This was pretty common for houses in Colorado built after the 1960's. We lived in a suburban housing neighborhood built n the mid to late 1970's, near the foot hills of Cheyenne Mountain.
As a teenager I wanted more space, so I made the large room in the basement my "bedroom". This was a recreation room with a conversation pit on the east end. (If you don't know what a conversation pit is just google image search it). I threw a mattress into the conversation pit and made it my bed.
One night, I assume I went to bed around my usual time between 10:30 to 11:30. Then in what I thought was the middle of the night, I instantly woke up. This was very odd because I was one of those people that hit the pillow and then slept right through the night. And then woke up in the morning, raring to go. So instantly waking up in the middle of the night was odd for me. More odd was I felt I was being watched when I woke up and instantly looked over to the west wall. I noticed a small round patch of light on the wall. Like a two dimensional patch or reflection of light that you normally could see on walls at night. It was about 24-30 inches up from the floor. It was about the size of a quarter and a neutral white color. If I had to guess I'd say about 3500 to 4500 degrees Kelvin in color temperature. I stared at the light for several seconds from across the room and thought, where is that light coming from?
So I got up and slowly walked towards the round patch of light on the west wall which was probably about 20 to 22 feet away from me. I remember looking to the left at the south wall where there were two window wells to see if the light was coming in from outside. I saw nothing coming in from the basement windows. As I got about half way to the west wall I noticed the light shimmered. As I took another step or two the light looked like a fuzzy snowflake like pattern that was rotating slowly. I remember slowly approaching the light because I was confused where it was coming from and as I got a few feet from the west wall I noticed it wasn't just a light on the wall. As I stood a few feet away looking down at the patch of light on the wall, I noticed a luminescent ball maybe a few to several inches in front of the light on the west wall. This ball orb like thing was a little smaller than the light on the wall. But still about quarter size. And it was just hovering perfectly in place.
At this point, I'm just standing there, looking down at this ball shaped thing, while my mind is trying to process it. And I want to make clear, that from across the room and until I got a bird's eye view of this ball orb thing, I never saw it, even though it was in front of the light on the wall. And I do believe the ball orb thingy was always there when I was approaching the west wall. The best way I can describe it is like if you come up upon a mirror from an angle and see an object reflected in it. The object was always there but you just couldn't see it until you saw the mirror at the correct angle.
So I'm looking down at the ball orb thingy and it is rotating. It rotated at least one direction maybe two. I'm pretty sure clockwise west to east but maybe also clockwise south to north. And I say that because the rotation made the orb look like it had two halves. The rotation also maybe had a slight nanosecond pause or it had a slight slow down that helped give it that halved rotating perception. The moment where I get a good look at the ball orb thingy happened several seconds later but I want to describe it now. The orb over all looked kind of like a bioluminescent jellyfish. Not jellyfish shaped but it had a jellyfish bioluminescent quality. But instead of an organic soft jellyfish like skin the orb had a "shell" that looked rigid. And as mentioned, it rotated. I say "shell" because the orb was bioluminescent and I could see into it even as it rotated. And the inside didn't rotate or spin with the outer "shell" and looked very much like the inside of a jellyfish. Meaning more organic and bioluminescent. I have no idea what the "shell" was made out of. Don't know if the shell was energy, light, a clear material or translucent skin. The shell rotation was quick but slow enough for me to see that it rotated. And there seemed to be a glow or energy around the entire orb that looked almost like that hazy diffused glow from a neon sign. What was odd about the glow from the orb is it looked cooler or more blue then the light on the wall. I would say easily 6000+ degrees Kelvin. I don't remember the object making any noise.
So after I just looked at the orb rotate for a few seconds I looked back at the light on the wall. Which was still looking like a diffused or out of focus snowflake pattern rotating. And that's when I noticed there was a shape of light between the light on the wall and the orb. It was shaped like two very small back to back projector beams. Almost like an hour glass shape. It seemed to be weak light filled with moving or floating particles. It was closer to color temperature to the light on the wall but dimmer or darker. Like it almost wasn't there. I used the term projector beam because it looked like when you are at a movie theater and turn around and look back at the beam of the movie projector. And similar when you look at a movie projector beam you can see distortion in the beam from the celluloid strip passing in front of it and all the particles of dust floating in a movie projector's beam of light, I could see some kind of distortion and particles in this weak hazy beam. Which I took as energy. But of course I have no idea if it was really energy. Just a guess my mind made at the time.
So I look back at the orb and watch it rotate for several seconds. (This is the actual point where I saw through the rotation of the "shell" and into the orb and notice the inside wasn't rotating that I mentioned earlier). With the "shell" rotating and the orb being so small, I can't see inside perfectly. It just looked very organic jellyfish like from what I could see. This whole time I have not been scared because I was just dumbfounded at what I was seeing. But looking into this thing and realizing I have ZERO idea of what I'm looking at, I got a bit weirded out by the organic nature of it. I remember getting a very human and not human feeling that seemed confusing. And remember thinking, what is this? That's when I just instinctively tried to touch it. As I reached down to poke it. The ball orb thingy starts to fly away. Instinctively I run after it. The orb follows along the west wall until the end and turns right at the north wall where the stairs are. It flies along the wall, up the stairs. I can tell it's following the wall because the two dimensional light was on the wall and stairway. From when it took off and from when it reached the top of the stairs was less than three seconds. I see the light along the wall at the top of the stairs to the main floor hallway as I bound up the stairs behind it. I thought I saw it go left at the top of the stairs. I reach the top of the stairs and as I'm turning my head I see something out of the corner of my eye. To this day I'm not sure of what I saw. But I think the orb had sped up and passed through the solid glass window next to the front door and disappeared.
What I remember seeing was a streak of light going through the window and then disappearing into the night. But I am not positive about that. It happened so fast and I only saw it out of the corner of my eye.
Still trying to see it, I run to the window next to the front door and look out and see nothing unusual. Several seconds later I hear my father say my name. I look behind me and up because the stairs that go to the top floor are right at the entrance to the front door. My father is standing on the top floor landing. He asks if there is anything wrong. I asked him something like, did you see anything. He replied no. I remember just looking back out the window. My dad clearly was awakened by me bounding up the stairs and making a lot of noise chasing the orb. I don't think me or my dad said anything else that night. I was still in shock from being totally perplexed at what I had just seen. I remember going into the living room and seeing the time on the VCR and realizing I had only been asleep for a couple of hours before this happened.
The adrenaline was wearing off and I got a little freaked out. I didn't want to go back to sleep. I stayed up a while but eventually convinced myself maybe it was a police officer shining a light through a window. Which would have been physically impossible and wouldn't of explained in any shape or form ANY of the orb stuff I saw. But in hindsight, I realized to move on, I had to rationalize the event. Because what I saw was a billion times more strange than anything I had or have seen in my entire life.
The next morning I was still weirded out. I asked my dad if he remembered seeing me at the front door last night and if we talked for a moment. I knew he was going to say yes. But a part of me wanted him to say no. He of course said "yes". Still weirded out, I decided to go over to a friends house just to have a normal conversation, so I could try to stop thinking about the orb. I went over to my friends house. He had another friend who was already there. They were talking about lacrosse. I give a shit less about lacrosse. But I sat there and listened the entire time trying to distract myself from the shock I was feeling of still having no idea what I saw.
About a year later I told my best friend about it. But not in detail. Several year after that I told another couple of other friends and my sister about it. But not in detail. I told a couple more friends briefly about. Then in the last decade, I told my future spouse about it in brief. It was not until 2021, after seeing articles about the Nimitz "encounter" I told my spouse and an old friend in detail about it. I could remember the event clearly. Not perfectly. But very clearly, which I find very odd. This thing was still imprinted on my mind. I think because I really never talked about in super detail about it. It was bottled up in my brain like an archive.
I have never seen anything even close to the bizarreness and perplexing nature of that experience in 1988. No other sightings or events. At the time, I took it as other worldly. But the event was so strange it could probably be a lot of things. I truly have no idea what it was. That is the reason I am still curious about the experience. I would be fine if turns out to be something mundane. But it didn't seem mundane. Quite the opposite by exponential leaps and bounds. I have given consideration to it being a dream but my father confirmed he saw me that night standing and speaking. The event was and is nothing like hypnogogic vision. I have had hypnogogic visions when I am tired and they are nothing like the event I experienced. The experience was something I saw up close and coherently like any other moment in waking life. I have considered if my mind was physically effected by an outside source. Seeing as this happened in a basement in Colorado, I researched if Radon gas might have caused this. But apparently Radon gas generally does not cause hallucinations. And certainly does not cause them with out other severe symptoms of Radon poisoning. And physical health wise, I felt 100% normal during and after the event. Also I had and have never taken recreational drugs. I'm open to the idea it was a mental break in the brain. But seeing as it was less than two minutes, I felt fine, it seemed as real and anything else in my life and I still remember most details about it. It seems very unlikely it would be a one time mental break with a vivid 100% realistic hallucination. But I guess not impossible. I know and have known people with Schizophrenia, bi polar disorders, severe panic attacks and various other mental illnesses and none of those fit the bill. Especially not for just two minutes of your life and then never again.
I have zero proof for this experience and certainly don't except or even care if anyone believes it. I'm certainly not trying to convince anyone of anything. I have no big takes on it except that it is what I experienced. I can't tell anyone what it might have been. I can only describe the event. The experience has maybe made me more open to new ideas in all aspects of life. But I never took the experience as spiritual. I tend to get my spiritual experiences from learning, seeing and creating art and having good conversations. All I can say is the experience seemed 100% real and a billion times more bizarre than anything else I have experienced in my life. This was obviously decades ago and I have found no answers and I don't really except to find any. But I'm still curious because the experience was so real and so perplexing.
TOTAL TIME OF EVENT= Less than 2 minutes.
Submitted by: Swink
Madison Dry Goods
Madison Dry Goods
My wife was attacked and I felt as if I was being possessed
Submitted by: Cris
Spadra Cemetery
Spadra Cemetery
The Spadra Cemetery is one of the few remaining relics of the former boom town Spadra that was founded by William Rubottom in 1866. Currently the cemetery is only open on Halloween for historical tours. Years ago my husband and I decided to check out the Halloween tour. We had difficulty finding the location of the cemetery due to the fact that the area is mostly industrial warehouses and shipping locations. We turned the car around in a parking lot of a Gentlemen's Club parking lot that was directly across the street and I instantly felt unsettled. In my mind I could see the image of myself in darkness being grabbed by unknown arms that held me down as I was stabbed in the stomach. I laughed off the disturbing image and we continued onward to find the cemetery entrance.
The tour itself was interesting and nothing felt super creepy to me until the end of the tour. Another groups guide asked us "Did anyone see the Gentlemen's Club across the street?" We all said yes. The guide continued with "That club used to be a saloon back in the days of Spadra. People would get into bar fights and kill each other." He then pointed to a far corner of the cemetery "That's where they are buried in unmarked graves." I felt a cold numbness in my stomach as I processed what he was saying.
As of 2023 the Spadra Cemetery is closed year round with the exception of Halloween tours. The Gentleman's Club is now a construction wholesale warehouse.
Submitted by: J. K.
Moving Phone
Moving Phone
I was listening to to the podcast Penny Royal, season 1 episode 5 called Green Men. The episode was about the area of Mammoth caves so I googled pictures of mammoth caves to look at while I listened to the podcast. I was laying in bed with the light off like I usually do at night. I had my phone plugged in to the charger that is plugged in to the wall behind the head of my bed. Eventually I started to fall asleep. As I was falling asleep the pictures of mammoth caves started to change. I started seeing scary robed figures and giant eyes staring at me.
I didn't wake up all night which is pretty unusual for me. After I was awake I was feeling around for my phone and couldn't feel it anywhere. I was about to stand up thinking that the phone could have ended up under me as I move my foot out of bed, my toes kicked something out of bed. It was my phone! This might not sound strange, but listen. I always plug my phone in at night and it's always at the head of the bed. I have never ever had my phone end up anywhere near my feet, let alone right at my toes.
Submitted by: Kristen C.
Prairie Experience
Prairie Experience
I dont know how id make this up.
This story is 100% real.
We were taking a roadtrip from Virginia to New Mexico since we were moving. My dad drove the moving truck, and the rest of us were in a car. It was sunset and felt very magical as we approached the Oklahoma/northern Texas border. Before reaching the border, we saw these weird helix shaped shadows in the sky and they were rotating. No chance of them being a tornado since there werent any thunderstorms. Not a cloud in the sky. No chances of dust devils either since they werent windy. We drove on extremely confused and nearly hit a mountain lion crossing the road. We were completely shook. We ended up crossing the border, and about 2 minutes after crossing i started to get emotional. It wasnt a sadness but more of a feeling like i was returning home. I started crying and began to feel tingly in my head and stomach. It felt as if something was leaving and being replaced in me. We pulled over at a gas station with a view of the plains. I got out and started having visuals of snakes and began thinking about the natives. It felt like their presence was with me. I said out loud "I need to go out there" and almost walked out into the prairie. It was like i was being called out there. I went to the car and one of my family members was having a bloody nose. My dad also couldnt get the gas pumps to work. I got back in the car, and starting having bad anxiety. I felt reborn. We spend the night in Amarillo and i didnt get a single minute of sleep. Ive felt different ever since.
Submitted by: Mj
Malevolent Deer
Malevolent Deer
I was driving home around 11:40 PM. As I start my drive I already feel off, just out right weird. A bunch of lights flicker as I drive past them and seem to be perfectly fine after I pass. I'm driving past a small gravel outcropping when I see a deer staring at me. For some context, I have a severe phobia of deer as well as being watched. This deer was off, its eyes didn't have a shine to them at all, they looked pitch black. The deer started charging at my car and stared at me the entire time as it did. I literally floored it as fast as I could, but when I looked back in the rear view mirror I swear I saw the deer pivot to face me.
Submitted by: Minty
Thielenbucher Forest
Thielenbucher Forest
I was out on a night walk near the edge of Thielenbucher Forest in Cologne, NRW, Germany. I kept hearing unusually loud movement coming from bushes that unsettled me due to the near pitch darkness I was in. I stopped in my tracks when I heard said sounds originate from a hedge right across from me. I unlocked my phone to ask my girlfriend to pick me up but my attempts were disrupted by what appeared to be a set of arms attempting to make their way through the hedge. I could not exactly see what it was but I could see the hedge deform in two seperate places and assumed. It was that dark out.
I pointed my phone in the general direction of the hedge and snapped a pic using my phone's built in night mode (which illuminates the area through prologned exposure I think). Before I could click on the image to view it, I heard more noise coming from right beside the hedge. It was a loud , wooden thump. I then decided to just continue walking straight because I did not feel like dealing with this at all. After around 10 meters or so, I bumped into something. It moved and started following me. I picked up the pace and left.
Submitted by: Brooklyn C
Walnut Grove Plantation
Walnut Grove Plantation
We were on a class trip to a nearby former plantation that had turned into a museum (with living history elements, such as candlestick making.) The plantation is well-known in the area for having been a gathering place for militia troops during the Revolutionary War prior to the Battle of Cowpens. As we went on a tour of the main house, we were brought through a room with old children's toys set up in an exhibit of some of the belongings of the children of the Moores (the family who owned the plantation.) I was at the back of the group, and as I passed the exhibit, I noticed a faint movement of the arm of a doll in the exhibit. Assuming it was just my imagination, I followed the group up the stairs while the tour guide pointed out bloodstains on the stair steps (still visible and present at the time of my visit). The Moores had been sheltering an American soldier who was shot when a Loyalist raided the plantation in 1781.
As the tour continued, we were taken up to a large room filled with random beds and other furniture, where we found out the soldier had been carried up the stairs and had later died. As we stood and listened to the tour guide, I felt the distinct feeling of someone standing directly behind me (not physically touching me, but really close.) Looking around me, I suddenly realized everyone else was in front of me or standing near the edges of the room as they listened to the tour guide, and I was standing with my back to a wall, too close for anyone to possibly be behind me (though I instinctively looked anyway.) The presence stayed behind me for some time (even as I moved slightly around the room), remaining unseen, before finally dissipating as I went with the group back down the stairs.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Historic Price House
Historic Price House
I had been visiting family, and before the flight home, I stopped by the Historic Price House, which I'd been told to check out as it was relatively nearby. The house sits on the site of a former plantation, and is also the site of the crash (and death) of three US Air Force members who were training just before WWII. The house, along with surrounding property and a few buildings, is fenced off, with the gate open during operating hours. When I arrived, the gate was open, and didn't have any visible signs regarding operating hours, so I drove in and stepped out of my car to take a few photos. I heard the sounds of men yelling angrily from the far end of the property. Thinking someone was coming to ask me what I was doing, I stopped and stood in a spot near my vehicle. Despite waiting for a moment, no one appeared. Assuming maybe some workers had just been yelling to one another (there had been signs of road maintenance further down the road), I ventured forth and into a small cabin close by that was said to be a re-creation of a cabin that enslaved plantation workers would have lived in.
There was no one around except a vehicle closer to the main house (in a different direction than the yelling voices), so I carefully ventured into the cabin. Inside were displays depicting what life was like for enslaved workers at that particular plantation as well as the general area, and there were a few photos and stories from people who had been freed depicted on the signs. I took a few photos (I felt a strong urge to preserve these displays and memories, as I often do with older or abandoned places) and one short video.
Shortly after entering the cabin, I detected a change in the room. I would describe it much like the way in which you can close your eyes alone in a quiet room and be able to tell when someone has entered even if you don't hear them. (Maybe it's a pressure change, maybe it's a slight moving of the air.) This feeling had been constant shortly after entering the cabin. After taking a short video to get a sense of the size of the interior, I stopped and stood motionless as I heard a sudden creaking of floorboards. A distinct thud occurred across the room from me, sounding very much like a footstep. Despite the old wooden floors of the cabin, I looked down and saw that the boards I was standing on weren't near the boards where the footstep sound had occurred. The same footstep happened again, slightly closer, and the creaking of the floorboard where the step had landed could be heard again (on a different board this time). No other sounds could be heard from outside (the air outside was suffocatingly still and stagnant, as it is around that time of year.) Desiring to be respectful, I said loudly but calmly "Thank you for letting me visit and see this. I won't bother you any more," and then moved towards the door. Before taking the first step towards the door, the creaking and footsteps stopped, and the feeling of someone else being in the room disappeared.
I stepped outside and walked back to my vehicle, never seeing a single person or employee the entire time. It wasn't until I drove down the road and around the outside fence (the property is at an intersection, with two main roads passing on two sides of the property), that I saw the actual sign for the property, showing that the operating hours didn't start until 20 minutes later (although I never saw a single employee during my few minutes of visiting.)
Submitted by: Anonymous
Tall Man and More
Tall Man and More
In the early 2000s, I was living in a rental home with my partner and a friend. The home had been built in 1907 and shortly after moving in strange things began to occur. At first I was skeptical. The random opening and closing of doors could be due to a sinking foundation, drafts... It was an old house. One day I was on my knees cleaning the floor in the front hallway and suddenly saw out of the corner of my eye a tall man with a moustache and a tweed cape walk through my desk in the office beside the hallway and then disappear. I told my partner and friend and they were entirely skeptical, until they also began to experience random things. My friend had been watching television in the living room one night and expecting us to come home and heard footsteps come up the front stairs, keys in the lock and the door opening. He leaned back to greet us and was faced with an empty hallway and locked front door. This happened every five minutes for over an hour and when we finally returned home he was curled up in a ball on the couch in tears. Around the same time I woke up in the middle of the night and sat up in bed to the room fully lit with beautiful art nouveau wallpaper and a large fancy armoire. I blinked and was sitting in my room in total darkness. I was definitely wide awake at the time. There were more experiences at this house as well. It was torn down eventually, but I became a little less skeptical of ghostly encounters after living there.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Horn Pond
Horn Pond
Ever felt like you shouldn't be somewhere? What if it was a place you've been dozens upon dozens of time before? That happened to me about a decade ago while out running. Let's set this up.
I'm originally from Woburn, MA, and spent my high school years running cross country in the fall, indoor track in winter, and outdoor track in spring. Add on summer training and I was out running 6 or 7 days a week for basically four years straight. The house I grew up in was very close to local landmark Horn Pond, a decent size pond surrounded by conservation land and plenty of trails and paths around the pond that are pretty moderately trafficked by everyone from hardcore runners to parents with strollers. All those days running, most of the time I found myself at the Pond. I loved that Pond, still do really and even though I don't live near there anymore I'm sure I could still remember all the old paths and trails. This is all to set up just how familiar I was with the Pond. I knew those paths like the back of my hand and never got any strange vibes or feelings. Except this one time.
This was around 2013ish, late in the year. I remember that for a few reasons. First, I was living at home that semester of college, so when I decided to go for a run that day I went back to my old stomping grounds. Second, I distinctly remember that the deciduous trees were all bare but the pine trees of course still had all their needles. So maybe like November or December 2013.
The coordinates I tagged here are a small grove of pine trees I decided to cut through that afternoon off one of the main paths around a small lagoon next to the Pond (really when locals say "the Pond" we're talking about the Pond, the lagoon, the small hill nearby erroneously referred to as Horn Pond Mountain, and of course the woods surrounding; check the map, I think what I'm trying to describe should be obvious from a bird's eye view.) My goal was to leave the path, cut through the woods, and out to the local country club that was already closed for the season.
And that's when I felt it. The best I can describe what I felt was a gripping sense of dread and absolute fear. The wind kicked up and I stopped dead in my tracks, rooted to the spot, too afraid to move. All I heard was the sound of the wind through the pine needles and the thump of my heart ready to beat out of my chest. This was a pure sense of terror I've never ever felt in those woods. After what felt like an eternity but was really probably just a few seconds, I got control of my fear and hightailed back to the path.
I've thought a ton about that day ever since. Why did I feel that? What caused it? Was there something in those woods with me? I didn't see anyone or anything else in there. And yet I still got a deer in headlights feeling of just pure horror.
The logical side of my brain has come up with one "normal" possibilities. One, the easier explanation, is that maybe there was an animal in there with me. Just because I didn't see it, doesn't mean it didn't see me. Being suburban Massachusetts, there's some small wildlife; deer, foxes, coyotes and the like. But it's not like I was going to stumble upon a wolf, mountain lion or bear. Not at the Pond, I have to believe it's too heavily trafficked by people. Though of course black bears have been seen in Woburn so... maybe?
Another idea I've come up with is courtesy of Astonishing Legends, specifically their series on the Dyatlov Pass incident. During that series, they discuss the concept of infrasound, sounds at such a low frequency that your ears might not actually "hear" the sound, but your brain can still detect the frequencies. It's actually something that's super common in workplaces (all the whirring of electrical equipment) and interestingly can cause visual hallucinations. The idea is that the low frequencies are similar to the growl of a predator, so it tricks our brain into thinking DANGER NEARBY. I mentioned this area was all pine trees. Perhaps the wind blowing through all those pine trees rustling up all those needles caused frequencies low enough that my brain triggered DANGER NEARBY.
One more theory if you'll humor me. This one is the most... out there. Years after this incident, think it was early 2020, I finally got around to reading The Mothman Prophesies. I'm not going to go as far as to say I encountered the Mothman, but Keel's writing gave me an idea. Keel described one visit to the famous TNT bunkers he felt a "fear spot." Kinda like what I felt, Keel describes how at one spot on the approach to the bunkers he was gripped with a deep, all consuming fear in the pit of his stomach. To me, this has always seemed like the Mothman not trying to harm Keel but to say hey this is my space, leave me be.
Maybe I encountered a cryptid that just wanted to be left alone. Horn Pond is a pretty normal place on the surface, but is a bit weirder when you dive deeper (water jokes!) The Pond provides a few natural borders. There are tributaries that feed it and modern borders on the map follow; there's an intersection nearby known as Four Corners because it's a intersection where you go go to four different towns. Another weird thing about the Pond is that there's an electricity power station nearby. Cryptids love water; they love borders; they love technology. And the Pond has all three.
I've kinda rambled here a bit but I hope I've really illustrated the weirdness of the situation. There's an awful lot of weirdness that could be hiding in those woods. And I for one think I almost encountered something.
Submitted by: David
Mysterious Presence
Mysterious Presence
The year was 2021 and I was, just as everyone else, locked up and doing home office. I live in an oldish part of town--this house is about 70 years old, with some history to it. As far as I know, two people have died on the property, but I'm pretty sure that there have been others. So, there we were, my dog and I, sitting in the living room, minding our own business when suddenly I see a flash of color "walk" across the living room. I was reading in a corner, and the "presence" made me look up. At the same moment, my dog also looked up and turned to where the presence was.
The figure seemed to have come from a wall that connects the neighboring house. It sped past the stairs, made a turn, and went through the hallway that leads to the front door.
And that was it.
Strange, but not the least bit scary, until...
About a week later, the dog trainer comes over and as he's walking through the hall, he seems to shiver. And he asks us if we have ever had any strange things happen.
Before I could answer, my daughter says no, and asks him-- why the question?
He says: I thought I saw something.
Flash forward to the following week.
A couple I've never seen before, knock on the door. They seem nervous and are kind of giggling and trying to say something. They finally ask me if I am the owner of the house and how long I've lived there. I say no, I rent the place. And that I've been there for about 5 years. Again the question, why do you ask?
So lady goes on to say that she was walking by one afternoon and she encounters a young woman standing at the door, sobbing. The lady asked if she needed any help, to which the young woman answered that she needed her to knock on the door ( my door) and tell "them" that she is ok, and that they shouldn't cry for her anymore.
The woman knocked on the door, but there was no one home. When she turned back to the young lady, she noticed that she had walked to the corner, which was only a few steps away, stood there a moment, then disappeared. Apparently, this had happened before I saw the streak of color in the living room. In fact, it happened even before I had moved in. Curiously, this woman had been a neighbor, but had moved away after the incident and had never returned to the neighborhood until now. When she passed by the house again, she decided to knock and deliver the message she had been carrying around for years.
So, dear reader, kindly tell me what the hell you think that was all about. Because, I'm still scratching my head.
Submitted by: Claudia CV
Nine Hour Time Slip
Nine Hour Time Slip
I was walking to a friend's house but I decided to have a break in a little hut just outside the football oval. I cleaned up the place real quick and took a seat a played on my phone. it was about 12 In the afternoon so it was still bright out but I was browsing my phone for a pretty long time about an hour or two I was so hooked on my phone that when I got up it was dark out and no one could be seen around. I was in a dilemma; did I really browse my phone for 9 hours straight or is something wrong with me? I was so scared and bamboozled that I just ran to my friend's house yet she was asleep as well as her whole family. I checked my phone and it said 9 PM I didn't know what to think of it. I then went to a nearby convenience store and asked the cashier what the time was and he said "9:30, sir". I had no idea what happened or how it happened but I was scared and just decided to catch a taxi home and go to bed.
Submitted by: Reese L
UFO Over the Moorland
UFO Over the Moorland
One evening in February 1992 I was walking my girlfriend home at approx midnight. She lived in the same village but, at the other side of the valley from me and the walk involved walking down the hill my house was situated on, through the village centre and up another hill, I would estimate the distance to be approx 1.5 miles each way.
The night was clear and we enjoyed looking at the stars as we got to the top of the hill where her house was situated and just stood leaning on a wall looking over the valley.
Having grown up here we both knew the moorland which surrounds our village exceptionally well. All of a sudden possibly no more than 1 mile away (at the most) as the crow flies we witnessed an exceptionally bright light. We tried to place the location in our mind and knew that to the right of it as we looked there was a farm which was around a corner and out of site. We expected to hear a noise of a tractor although it was probably about 00:30hrs by now and didn't really expect anyone to be working. The night was silent and we would presume that we would hear the noise of a vehicle even at that distance.
To our surprise the light shot to the left as we looked at it and would have covered an approx distance of about half a mile within no more than 1 second, it was so fast we didn't really see it move.
It remained here for a period of time before moving to the right again. There was no noise and the speed was too fast for it to be a vehicle travelling on an unprepared farm track.
We continued to watch the light make these movements sometimes the full distance other times in incremental steps in either direction. After about half an hour it just disappeared.
We were both speechless but, having both seen it, we were assured that it wasn't in our imagination.
Submitted by: Guy
Telepathic Communicating Orb of Light
Telepathic Communicating Orb of Light
In 1977 I was 7 years old. In my bedroom I had fitted wardrobes with sliding doors along the length of the room.
On the right-hand side it enclosed a chest of drawers with toys and books in, in the centre, the sliding doors covered the chimney breast and my dartboard was situated here and on the left-hand side my clothes were on a rail and my shoes on the floor. I also had a clock radio that was at the time state of the art.
One night, I woke up to see a floating hazy ball of white light. I sat up and looked at it for a while, before via telepathy it communicated to me to follow it. From my memory it was about 1am.
I got out of bed and it floated into the left-hand side of the wardrobe. I followed it in and moved some shoes around to make a space and sat down. It asked me to draw the door closed which I did. It then proceeded to dart around in this small space before splitting in to two and performing a co-ordinated dance which I was fascinated by.
During this I completely lost track of time, eventually the show stopped and it said "goodbye, see you again, you can get back in to bed now" at no point did I ever feel worried, in fact I felt very secure.
I felt out of sorts but returned to my bed checking my clock radio and approx 2hrs had passed.
I never experienced this again, and sometimes wonder if I was dreaming, but, I know for sure that I got out and in my bed and this memory has stuck with me until this day and I often think about it.
Submitted by: Guy
Knole House Ghost
Knole House Ghost
Was taking photos of Knole House by the trees when I heard footsteps behind me. I looked round to find the field completely empty. Shrugged it off as my shirt rustling and went back to taking my photo. I was stood stock still when I heard the footsteps again, direct behind me. Googled ghosts of Knole Park and found out the ghost of a woman usually walks around that area where I was.
Submitted by: Holly D
Morgantown UFO
Morgantown UFO
It was a beautiful day in late spring of 1978 when ten-year-old me was playing with my toys on the steps of the back porch, while my mom was in the garden hanging clothes on the clothesline. The sky was clear and blue, without a cloud in sight. Suddenly, my eyes darted up to the sky and I saw it: a metallic object, cigar-shaped and massive, hovering in the air.
I couldn't believe my eyes, and neither could my mom when I pointed it out to her. The object was slowly floating closer, about a thousand feet up in the air, and moving from east to west over the valley below our house. It was as if time had stopped, and we just stood there, mouths agape, watching as it approached us.
As it drew nearer, my mind raced through all the possibilities of what it could be. But as it got closer, it became clear that it was no ordinary aircraft. It had no seams or windows, and it made absolutely no sound. There was no visible form of propulsion, and no undercarriage like a blimp. The object was over 300 feet long and shaped like a tube with rounded ends.
We watched it for what felt like hours but was probably just a few minutes. My heart was racing as the object descended slightly. It was as if we were seeing something we shouldn't be seeing by mistake, and my gut feeling told me so. Just as my mom was about to run inside to get her camera, I blurted out, "No, it'll be gone," and to my surprise, she agreed.
As we turned back to look at the object, it started moving away from us at an unimaginable speed. Within a second, it became a tiny speck in the sky before disappearing completely. It was like nothing we had ever seen before, and we were left standing there in shock.
Afterwards, we briefly talked about reporting the incident, but we ultimately decided against it. We simply went back to our regular lives, but I could never shake off the memory of what we had seen. Years later, I brought it up to my mom, and to my surprise, she had completely forgotten about the incident. But as soon as I mentioned it, the memories came rushing back to her too. We still talk about it to this day.
Submitted by: Robert
Eco City Park Cryptid
Eco City Park Cryptid
My roommate and I have gotten the feeling of something being in the woods at night several times before and discussed it, but didn't look too much into it since we figured it wasn't our domain. Once, her mom's dog was looking in there weirdly and we decided to pull him back and not bother with it.
But then the dog ran away, and we had to look for him. We were walking along the path next to the forest, whistling, and my roommate decided to walk into the forest. At night. While whistling and clapping for a dog.
After only a few steps in the forest, we both felt something and stopped. In the stillness of the night, I swear I could hear the sound of gentle footsteps, like a rhythmic sound of tree branches falling. We both started to leave and the steps got faster, so we started to run out. As we left the treeline, we felt something large whoosh towards us. But by the time we got to a light, we couldn't see anything. It never seemed to exit the forest, and I think it just didn't want us in there at night.
There's more stuff surrounding the incident on other dates and times, but I don't think that pertains to this specific incident.
Submitted by: Rhapsody
Quad Cities Pizza Hut
Quad Cities Pizza Hut
My seventh birthday was partially sponsored by the Book-It for personal pan pizzas at a Pizza Hut in The Cities before or after some kind of special activity that's escaped my memory. It's possible this is the year we went to hear a storyteller recount ghost stories in a local park (my birthday is exactly one week before Halloween and I have been a #SpookySeason kid from the start).
Before making the forty-five minute drive back to my farm for a sleepover, Laura & I made the trip to the bathroom down a dark wood-lined hallway. Between flushing the toilets and washing our hands, we both heard a moan coming from the floor vent that slowly rose to a howl. We locked eyes with each other at the sink before race-walking back to the table without exchanging a word. On the way home in our family's mini-van, we whispered about the weird sound we heard, speculating about what a wolfman was doing in the basement of that Pizza Hut while sipping pop through our Universal Monsters cups.
Submitted by: Kaj aka SpeedOfHuman
Haunted House
Haunted House
I lived in this house that was surely haunted for 10 years. We moved in when I was a baby so I grew up here and several strange things happened while I lived here. Doors would slam shut, we would literally see the button on our TV click in to shut off and the volume on the TV would randomly be turned all the way down, one time my aunt was doing paper work in the kitchen and all her papers randomly got thrown to the ground and a ton of books from a bookshelf got knocked over. I always felt cold chills constantly and goosebumps which I stopped experiencing once I moved out. My sister always felt like she was being watched when she would sleep and woke up once with scratch marks on her leg. I had my uncle doing work on the house when I was a toddler and he saw my shadow playing in the backyard but I wasn't home. Dogs would act weird sometimes and randomly bark or act scared in the master bedroom. My cousin even saw the hat man once. The house belonged to a woman who passed away before we moved and I wonder if that has anything to do with the weird paranormal stuff that went down in that house. When my sister was in elementary school the kids on the bus would joke around saying that house was haunted because there was a big red paint splatter on it that looked like blood (we removed it once we moved in) and coincidentally we ended up moving in after my sister heard those rumors.
Submitted by: Alex
Land Curse
Land Curse
this one takes place across a few time periods and has a few layers in it. this is when i had to get rid of a [entity] but in order to do that i had to heal a land curse and close portals that i accidentally opened as a young physical medium by accident. lets start when i moved back to the family land. ive always known about the man of the land even as a teen. we bought the land in 2001. growing up whenever i was having a hard time i would go outside and do witchy things and channel all of my emotions into "portals" of course i had no clue the damage i was doing and who i was upsetting doing it: the man of my land, who is the spirit of a [local] man that mixed with elemental energy. he did so to get rid of my family mainly probably bc i was tainting the land. fast foward to me moving back. he didnt want us back and with the merge of the elemental energy he was able to make a [entity] manifest. this thing would attack our dreams, throw its voice with horrible sounds, make very large claw like scrapings down the house. it would tell me everything it was in my dreams. the dreams were horrible and scary. and man this thing could take on any form of fear to get to you. ultimately just wanting to eat you. (i dream travel and do spiritual work)so in order to get rid of this thing before it got physical i had to make peace with the man of the land. i had to close all the portals i may have opened. i had to garden the land the way he would like it (we both compromise but his ideas are usually very beautiful) i had to do land cleansing on a big scale, i made tools to offer him. i listen to him, he loves the music we play and the sage we make. really we just joined him into our family as an elder we consult. over time his opinion of us changed. the [entity] left. he wont let go of the people of the mud just yet. which all i know is there are old settlers. this is something im happy to do the rest of my life just to make sure the connection i have to the land is strong and in good intentions.
Submitted by: Rachel P
Streetlight Weirdness
Streetlight Weirdness
I am writing to Liminal Earth because ever since I have moved to Akron, OH I keep having the same experience. Random street lights turn off when I drive or walk under them. I really can't explain it. This happens 1-10 times a week- sometimes multiple times a day. I don't know what to think of it. I've shared this with only a few people, as to not cause concern. After so many years of this happening, I'd simply like to know if this is a shared experience.
Submitted by: Rene F
The Bothell Boom
The Bothell Boom
Residents of the Kirkland/Bothell/Kenmore intersection have reported mysterious booms echoing at all hours of the day and night for years. They come at random times, sometimes months apart, and are loud enough to cause people to post inquiries on their neighborhood social media groups en masse asking "did anyone else hear that explosion?!?" and, for those who have never lived in a major metropolitan city, "was that a gunshot?". No explanation has ever been provided.
Submitted by: Aiobhan
White River
White River
4th grade classroom desk slides across the floor at least a few feet. Stories of the school being haunted. Ghost stories in all parts of this little town i grew up in. Just across the state highway is Rosebud Reservation. There's a weekly world news article about old Sioux warriors killing or finding a devil skull with horns. These days it seems believable. Native stories of Deerwoman and giants. I lived outside of the town on some land that happened to be very active and would hear footsteps and objects moving around. Even find arrowhead shaped rocks outside after the rain. I would have bad dreams and my brother would hear things moving in his closet and once felt his pillow press in like someone sat next to him. I've also had my game system turn off and the TV after. Dogs barking at nothing. Weird shadow sightings and noises on outside of home. Other ghost stories around town in older homes, especially along the river. Faces and voices in the trees by the river and haunted homes. Paranormal place for sure, the whole state and history, caves, springs, badlands, black hills, the lakota.
Submitted by: Dirt Bath
Shadow Person/Energy Drain
Shadow Person/Energy Drain
I had been living at this address with my room mates (my friend and his girlfriend) for over a year without any weirdness until one day when I got home from work. Their room and my room were in a half-basement with a landing leading to both. You would come down the stairs and there were two doors straight ahead leading to their room and my room, and a door to the left leading to the bathroom. Their room had a walk-through closet which connected to the bathroom, and they kept the door to the closet closed at most times.
As I got home, I went straight to my room as I usually did, and my buddy came down to say hi. His girlfriend, as usual, was at work, and he and the animals were all upstairs in the living room watching TV. As we were talking, I had casually looked into his room, where the light from the hall was landing on his wall when I saw a shadow pass along like someone was walking around in there.
I'm a veteran, and being the Mid-westerners we are, living in a less than nice part of town and remembering that someone a few blocks down had been murdered in a break in a month or two prior, I retrieved my gun while he kept an eye on his room, and then went in carefully, turning on the lights as I did, and nothing. No one in the closet, no one in the bathroom, and he would have seen someone leaving the bathroom on the other side. Nothing had been touched, nothing was missing. The only thing we had seen was a shadow of a man on the wall, and it hadn't been either of us who had been standing there talking about the day. It wasn't the shadow of anyone from outside, either, because it was around midnight and the only light entering his room had been from the hall where we had been. And we both saw it.
I knew about Shadow People, but had never seen one before. We were a little uneasy, but the night went on without further incident, and as humans are wont to do in the face of weirdness, we put it out of our minds with a gaming session or five, then went to bed. That wasn't our last experience with it, though. Similar incidents happened over the following months.
One afternoon, I had had an earlier shift and got home earlier than usual. I was tired, but as someone approaching thirty and working a semi-manual labor job, I'm used to it. What I am not used to, however, is suddenly and rapidly being drained of all energy and involuntarily collapsing. Not into unconsciousness. Just collapsing. As if someone had removed all my muscles and I was just a loose bag of bone and tissue. You ever play with one of those toys as a kid that's a string going though a bunch of blocks or something, but if you pull the string at the bottom it tightens into a figure, and if you let go of the string, it collapses? Yeah, like that.
I laid there for probably a good fifteen minutes before my buddy came down to say his usual "hi" and saw me just laying there. He worriedly asked if I was ok, and I told him that I collapsed and didn't have the energy to move but was otherwise fine. I had run through math facts and other logic puzzles to check my mental faculties while I had been alone, and everything checked out. But I wasn't exaggerating when I had told him I couldn't move. I quite literally could not move a voluntary muscle. Not so much as my pinky toe. I was effectively paralyzed. He asked if I wanted him to call an ambulance, and I declined. I wasn't in pain, and as far as I could tell, wasn't in any immediate danger. I could still feel the floor beneath me where it was in contact with my body, and I could feel the temperature of the room like normal. I just couldn't move. He sat there with me for maybe a half hour, and gradually I was able to regain movement, slowly at first, then able to sit up and drink a glass of water, and then finally stand up and walk around again. We didn't know what had happened, and just chalked it up to weirdness.
Honestly, it wasn't even until just now, typing this about the Shadow Person we had encountered in his room that I had even thought to connect the two incidents. I had collapsed just outside my room in the landing, right where we had been standing when we had seen the figure. I don't know if they're connected, but I figured I'd submit them together on the chance others have had similar experiences coincide.
Submitted by: Isaac
Creepy Tunnel
Creepy Tunnel
Near my university housing unit, there was a small garden with a twisty hedge/vine tunnel with benches inside, I loved sitting in there and reading and I HAD to walk through it every chance I got, which was at least once a day for 7 or 8 months. Because it was twisty, you couldn't see the whole interior at once, and even though I never actually saw anyone else in there I was worried about surprising someone so I would hum or whistle while walking through.
Around Christmas I was walking back from the club with a group of girlfriends and we took a few photos in the garden because it was decorated with lights. We previewed the pictures on the digital camera screen before heading to our rooms. One of the pictures we took in front of the tunnel had 5 faces squished together. There were 4 of us. I only saw the picture for a couple of seconds but there appeared to be a young smiling Korean guy standing behind me with his head close to mine. He wasn't familiar to any of us (the foreign student population was small enough that we knew or at least recognized everyone). Unfortunately, the friend with the camera freaked out and deleted the photo before we could get a good look at it. I figured there was something wrong with the camera because I hadn't felt anyone behind me. But, I also had second thoughts about the safety of walking through there alone at night in case someone was in there.
A few nights later my boss came to pick me up and I waited for him in the opening of the tunnel. He got upset and told me that I shouldn't hang out in places that had such bad energy. I tried to laugh it off but he told me that years earlier, after a night out, a foreign student had been robbed and assaulted on his way back to his rooms and died from his injuries in the tunnel. He thought the university was better off tearing it down.
I wish I could say that I was brave and kept walking through the tunnel, but I skirted it for months. Every time I got near it I wanted to hum or whistle and eventually I recognized how out of character that was for me. Before I returned to the States I walked through it one last time and just in case said an awkward goodbye, surprising a student reading on a bench.
Submitted by: Jocawest
Father’s “Spot”
Father's "Spot"
A year after my father's passing, I saw his ghost sitting on "his spot" on the sofa. I greeted him with an awkward smile, and he got up and walked out of the house.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Misty Suitcase Man
Misty Suitcase Man
Around midnight, my partner & I were talking in our dark bedroom before going to bed. I looked over his side of the bed & watched what I assumed to be a man with a briefcase walk past us & disappear before he would have walked into (or through) the wall. They appeared as a classic white mist apparition. I don't think they even knew we were there - maybe residual energy, just a guy on his way to work. My partner either didn't see, or just didn't notice, & I didn't bring it up to him for some reason.
Submitted by: Michaela K
Ghost of a Boy
Ghost of a Boy
Young boy out of the 80's yellow with squares top Brown pants and brutelles with a hat [sic]
Submitted by: Anonymous
My Damn House, Man
My Damn House, Man
My damn house man....
There is this one corner in my bedroom that I never liked, it always looked darker and I was uncomfortable looking at it, so I placed a wardrobe there, to not see the corner. One night, at like 4 am, I decided to move things around in my bedroom because I wanted a change, so I moved the wardrobe out of that corner, and put my bed there instead, the pillow was right in the corner. I layed in bed (which btw felt incredibly eerie), my door was closed, and I heard someone knocking, I thought it was my brother so I answered ""what?"" to which I got no response. I lifted my head to see if I could see my brother's shadow under the door... no shadow. I opened the door thinking he might be in the hallway, he wasn't. I left the door open thinking maybe he did knock, but left after I didn't open the door right away. A few minutes later, I heard knocking again so I looked at the now open door and he wasn't there. Here's where I started to get spooked. Now, for context, I had a standing fan in this bedroom whose base broke, so my dad created a VERY heavy metal base, that made a very distinctive sound when dragged around the floor. A few minutes after hearing the knockings for the second time, I was standing in the middle of my room, and I heard the fan being dragged behind me, so I immediately turned around and the fan was shaking, as if something JUST moved it. I realized whatever the fu- lives in that corner did not like me moving things around, so I put the wardrobe in that corner again and i haven't moved it since, 3 years later. After that, activity in my room has stopped, but not in the house.
One night, my brother was in his bedroom with his cat, he heard someone in the kitchen moving glass cups around and he assumed it was me, the cat also heard this because he looked in tje direction of the kitchen and ran towrds it (the cat food is in the kitchen so if someone's there, the cats will run to be fed). My brother followed his cat, expecting to find me in the kitchen, but there was no one there, i was very asleep. About a month after that, I asked my mother to wake me up early to next day. She wakes up, starts walking toward the bathroom, and she hears someone in the kitchen, playing with glass cups. She thought ""oh, great, she's already up!"", she walked by my bedroom and the door was closed, I always leave my door open after I wake up so she thought this was weird, after going to the bathroom she went to the kitchen, to see if it was me, but I was, again, asleep. And then, about three months after that, I went to the kitchen at 3am to get some water, and on the way back to my bedroom I heard... you guessed it... someone in the kitchen, playing with glass cups.
Sometimes my brother wakes up and his clothes are all over the floor... my parents closet door opened one night and they looked at each other very confused and scared... We found a Saint Benedict charm in the house, no one had ever seen it, we asked aunts, uncles, cousins, no one left it there, we don't know where it came from, but someone told us to keep it, cause ""something"" put it there on purpose.
I had a friend in college who knew a lot about ghosts, and after I explained to him all of my experiences (more than the ones here, like seeing faces in walls, repetitive nightmares that ended after I moved houses, always feeling watched... etc) he told me ""I didn't want to tell you this because I didn't want to scare you, but you have something. I'm not saying you are haunted or anything, but some people are more sensitive than others, you decide if you want to embrace it or not"". But I'm too damn scared for that.
Sorry, it was a long story ?
Submitted by: Guadalupe
Long-necked Scream Cow
Long-necked Scream Cow
I ran away from home and was walking throught the route approaching the Misión Salesiana when I hears a death scream that reminded me of a banshee.
When I look around into the darkness of the night (iluminated by the few light there was), I would see what it appeared to be a cow shaped being.
But it's head was floating. Then I realized it's neck was really long and was approaching me.
I ran away as fast as I could without looking back.
I hid myself on a gas station after running away for minutes. And I stayed between trucks till the run rise.
Many years passed till a friend told me he saw a cow with long neck on the other side of the town (without me telling him my experience)
And it chased them too.
So I wasn't crazy...after all.
Submitted by: Fausto A
Crying Apparition
Crying Apparition
Every person in this province knows this story, and I'm sure if you're from Argentina, you already know what we're going to talk about here. Everyone who sees her says the same; she wears all white clothes, all from her time (1870s). Others may say they saw her in mortuary clothing just because of her disgrace, but all the people are on the same page with something—she's always crying. Every 30th of January, she appears in the church that her family built in her honor. Her story is a very sad one; disgrace always accompanied her. She got married at 15, had two children, and one of them died at a young age. She also lost her husband when she was 26 years old. All the men in the city were trying to date her, but when she chose one, another who wasn't chosen decided to take her life away out of jealousy. After her death, her grieving family decided to build a church on the back of the very same house she lived in.n nn So, every 30th of January, she appears on the tallest tower of the church, just right next to the window, to cry for the life and love she couldn't have.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Mist with a Face
Mist with a Face
I lived in this house for a little over a year in 2001. In that time I saw what I can only describe as white mist with a face floating above my sister as we slept. My mum and step dad also had knocking on their door every night. We knew previous people who lived there before us and they had experienced paranormal activity such as doors and window slamming and seeing figures outside. One of the scariest places I've ever been let alone lived in.
Submitted by: Sarah
Al Murabba Experiences
Al Murabba Experiences
I began to see vision at first, then entities started to manifest themselves. I was pulled attacked spooked multiple times for years until it finally stopped.
Submitted by: Mimi
Night Terror
Night Terror
I used to live in a small apartment in NW Portland (~100 years old). When I moved in, I noticed small things going missing, but nothing that worried me. One night I woke up and I couldn't move, and felt terror in my chest like it had never felt before. There was a face in front of me that was not quite human but was not something that wasn't human. It said "You're not dreaming" and then everything went black. I woke up with scratches all over my body. It never happened again. I lived on the third (top) floor of my building and lived alone. No signs of a break-in, and I knew that it was not a real person in my apartment - at least not a living one.
Submitted by: M Singer
Elizabeth’s Grave
Elizabeth's Grave
I went out at night with a couple friends looking for ghost and visiting Elizabeth's grave for a box session to find something of interest. When we arrived a stray black cat walked up to the car before getting out I gave it some of my jerky and water but it wouldn't let me pet it. When we got out to walk around the cat followed closely and always stayed near the woodline meowing if we got to close and in sinc when the ghost box said we was being watched the cat circles us then walked us straight to Elizabeth's grave and sat atop the grave. Later in the night we walked the edge of the trees asking what's watching with everytime we asked a stench of Sulfur and rotten flesh kept getting stronger. We eventually reached the far side of the cemetery my hair on the back of my neck stood on end and i growled not even realizing it cause it felt and sounded like something was running at me. Around 20 to 40 seconds later my friend just tranced and started walking towards the woods I had to stand in front of them and use all my force to stop them as well as their partner we left right after.
To this day I believe the black cat was a familiar to Elizabeth.... I have yet to go back I recommend anyone going out there to feed and give water to the stray cat that approaches you no matter their coat as I believe that cat saved me and my friends from being a closed case that night.
Submitted by: Dominic
Sandy Cape UFO
Sandy Cape UFO
A bright light at very high altitude appeared and slowly moved West to East. The object stopped. It began to change colors and increase in luminosity. It then seemingly descened or headed south verifying it was not a satellite. It then started heading West at a high rate of speed, it changed colors multiple times whilst increasing in luminousity and then disappeared.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Missing Period
Missing Period
While in 8th grade I had to go from one side of the hallway to the other side going from science to Civics class. 2nd period already ended, I gathered my things and swapped out textbooks in my locker. Heading towards 2rd period civics nothing strange happened however when I got there it was 4th period. 45 minutes vanished that I have no recollection of.
Submitted by: Donovan P
Road UFO
Road UFO
A friend and I had just gotten done going ice skating one night in Gilbert, AZ. It was roughly 10:30p - 11p when we decided to leave the rink & go grab some food. We got our food and she was bringing me home. In 2011, McQueen and Queen Creek rd was pretty bare(still kinda is minus the new circle k built.) There wasn't anything but farm land. So as we are waiting on the light, only truck on the road, we notice behind us in the rear view mirror a LARGE beam of light. We stopped the music, dropped the food in our hands and looked at each other. "What is that!?" my friend asked. I just kinda sat there and looked in the passenger side mirror as it continued shining on the road. And then it just went right over her truck, stopped for a few seconds and continued on until it just disappeared up the road in front of us. We missed the green light and everything because we were so intrigued. Absolutely nutty and I wish I had had a cellphone in that moment to capture what we saw!!
Submitted by: Lex M
Classic UFO
Classic UFO
My best friend and I used to burn our school papers we didn't need, in a kind of healing/cleansing process. The house is on a long pond, called the Mill Pond. Across the pond is a pine tree forest. To the extreme left of where we were burning, is a train bridge, high high up.
One night we were finished and sitting in chairs, watching the fire. All of a sudden, we both caught lights out of the corner of our eyes. Hovering over the Mill Pond was a classic ufo. Disc shaped, with lights that changed, kind of like that game Simon. But huge and in the sky. It was silent. We both got to our feet, and I remember feeling like I couldn't move from there. The ufo hovered over the pond, before going up high above the train bridge, where it hovered for some time. Then it disappeared into the forest across the pond. We put out the fire and ran into the house!
Submitted by: Katie
Stunt Road
Stunt Road
I remember going up there when I was in HS and hearing a lot of people talking about a witch who used to live there. People I knew in the area I grew up (about 10 miles from this place) also said they had seen things themselves, as well as hearing about weird things happening in the surrounding areas from the older generation of people, going as far back as the 1940s. I personally never heard or saw anything, but I do remember hiking up there a few times and having the feeling of being watched in the trails.
Submitted by: Manny V
Dunkirk Lighthouse
Dunkirk Lighthouse
I was a tour guide at the Dunkirk Lighthouse for 6-7 years, I have experienced a lot of ghost encounters and heard a lot of stories as well. Someone has had their spine grabbed, the ghosts love playing with some bouncy balls that we will roll for them and then we'll ask questions, typically yes of no questions. Someone has been locked in the lighthouse tower before, if you go here and ask to see the ghost photos they have 2 photos with at least one ghost visible in each photo. They do ghost tours in the fall season. There have been weddings hosted on the property and fake flower petals can still be found from the wedding and are sometimes moved into places even the tour guides cannot access.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Tree Shadows
Tree Shadows
I live near the Ohio river. When my husband and I got married, we had our 18 year old daughter and 19 year old niece watch the dogs and the house while we took a honeymoon weekend. I warned the girls to shut the windows and doors up as soon as it starts getting dark but I didn't specify why. Come about 930pm the girls called and sounded a bit scared. I assured them that the shadows in the tree were not bad, they just agitate the dogs. My husband, a skeptic, will only go out back to smoke at night because it is fenced in and he doesn't hear "hey!" Or his name being called.
Submitted by: V
Tales from Ohio
Tales from Ohio
I've moved around a lot when I was in the military but Ohio is THE most haunted area I've lived in. I have family there so it made sense to settle there after the military. I've lived in 2 houses and both were haunted or became haunted shortly after living there. The first house nothing too crazy just my laundry room door would slam shut and it had to have opened because it would do it several times at or after midnight. I always kept that spooky room door shut before I went to bed. My friends asked me to record it but I figured if I saw it w my own eyes I wouldn't be able to sleep there. While I was folding clothes late at night in my bedroom I saw a man walk passed my bedroom towards my daughters, immediate thought someone broke in and it was shortly after I moved in so the only weapon I had was a candlestick. I cautiously walked toward and in her room, Nothing. While living in this house I experienced my first (few) sleep paralysis which was scary on its own. I eventually moved from this house into another (that address is what's posted here and that's where I experienced the most things with witnesses).
...I loved this house, my daughter is older and my mom lived here as well. The first signs of something being off it the tapping on windows, like someone who had nails but no one was there. My moms room and the living room tapping. My daughter adopted a dog and he ran off so when I got off work(midnight) I drove around calling his name, I finally gave up and pulled in the driveway waiting for the garage door to open, I swear I saw a back blob stretch up to see me in the drivers window, it happened so fast I just thought I was sleepy. Then I happened again in the passengers window. I didn't know what to make up it and just figured I was seeing things so I came in and went to bed. Eventually I would start seeing it in the house. Pop down thru the ceiling again soo fast but I would catch it every time. At night when I was in bed w the lights off I could tell it was in the room bc this had energy coming off of it, I could feel it's vibration and could tell where it was in the room. To be continued....
Submitted by: Ashley
Nakoma Resort and Spa
Nakoma Resort and Spa
I experienced a misty figure looking at me then proceeding to walk up the stairs out of the kitchen, then outside. Other experiences from others included women and children laughing at early morning hours, unexplained sounds, (footsteps, banging, etc. ) and moving objects.
Submitted by: Will
Wizard Wells Cemetery
Wizard Wells Cemetery
Wise County in general is known to be a pretty eerie place to some of the locals already but not much has been reported on the matter. I had heard stories from my grandmother and how she use to go out and explore places at night just to check things out. She's a big believer in all things paranormal and spooky. She told me about her experience at Wizard Wells Cemetery and how haunted it was, so I decided to take a friend with me to check it out. We didn't see any ghosts or orbs like my grandmother had told me about, but we did hear in the distance what sounded like howls and yelps, but it didn't sound anything like a coyote we have locally around here. It almost sounded a strange mix between a human and animal. However, my friend and I were the only people there. The cemetery itself is practically in the middle of nowhere in the woods. I knew right away that we shouldn't be there.... Putting my car out of park I drove as far away from that place as possible. Needless to say, I'm never going there at night again.
Submitted by: Raechel
Shadows and Aliens
Shadows and Aliens
I can not stress this enough on how sober i was when this took place. i was a heavy drinker at the time so this is important for me to share. I was working on a ranch pretty high up river from Riggins when this took place. we relied on a genorater on a property so lights were out by 10 that night. the property was huge, the only accsess to the property was by boat or by mule if you were up for it. i knew of two deaths on the property at the time, described to me as beautiful people who loved the property with all their heats. My manager, his two sisters, his son, and I were hanging outside admiring the stars after a party around midnight. The dad sent his son to go grab some snacks for us, the kid took the sober sister with him just for fun. i watched them walk down the hill into the building. the sister stayed outside as the kid went in. i saw his hand go up before he vanished into the dark building. then i saw the sister pokeing her head threw the door and walking around to the side door. seconds later the son comes out threw the front door just as confused. they came back up, food in a container with painters tape on it that read my name. How my name is spelled, isnt the easiest thing to spell. the son told me that when he walked in he saw someone sitting in our other managers chair. he said hello, walked to the kitchen got the food and wanted to put my name on it to show off he could spell it. he said he was having a hard time and someone spelled my name out to him. cutting to the sister, she said she saw a shadow walk past the door cutting to the side door.
cutting to the aliens on the same night less then half an hour apart, were hanging out on a small cliff side, watching the milkyway. then all of the sudden we see sadilites moving a little too fast and all over the place. we watch three or four of em bobbing and weeving stars. looked liked they were playing tag mixed with hide and seek. that lasted for about five but felt more like an hour. with them still wizzing around we see one make a sharp turn and stop right above us. and again i was stone cold sober!! a BIG WHITE LIGHT shown down on up for about three to five seconds. it felt more like someone was just taking a picture of us with the falash on then anything. its been a couple of years since that happend so i dont fully remember going back to my cabin, Other than people looking at me crazy when i talked about it to my other coworkers. i just hope the goofy photo them aliens took of us that nigh, still hangs up on their wall or what ever and that their night was just as cool as ours.
Submitted by: Kyle R
Red River Gorge UFO
Red River Gorge UFO
I went camping at the Red River gorge. A nice camping spot out in the mountains and away from the city. Me and my uncle were up real late. Around midnight where we were talking and looking up at the stars. One began to move quickly in an upward and left motion. It then stopped and went the opposite way before disappearing into the night sky.
Submitted by: Jordan
Mysterious Aircraft
Mysterious Aircraft
I was living about fifteen/sixteen years old walking my dog late at about ten/ten thirty at night. I went to close the gate to our yard when I looked up and saw three lights in a triangular formation. The aircraft was about 800 feet in the air and made absolutely no sound while going at a snails pace. I lived underneath both a commercial and military airpath, while also living within fifteen minutes of an airport, and have never and still have never seen an aircraft capable of absolute silence or moving as slow as the light formation was going. The craft was so dark that you couldn't even see the outline of the shape of the craft. It absolutely terrified me, but even more so when a sheriff vehicle went down my street with their lights flashing seemingly following the craft, with another black SUV right behind the Sheriff vehicle. I ended up running back inside while carrying my dog because I convinced myself that those where clearly the men in black following the UFO. The next day I ended up bringing my Dad outside, who works on aircraft for a living, and showed him the approximate location of where I had seen the craft which is how I know how low and close it was.
Submitted by: Jess
Land Between the Lakes
Land Between the Lakes
I have so many weird experiences surrounding Land Between the Lakes/Murray area. I went to college there. Friends and I would drive out looking for ghosts or whatever we could get into.
This incident involved five people—three in a car in front and two in the truck behind. I was in the truck passenger seat. It was late—after 10pm or so. We were driving around this area, looked up and saw three large creatures flying overhead. Wingspans looked about 6-8ft, but always hard to tell with objects in the sky at night. Weird thing, they looked like bat wings, not bird wings. Texted the car up front to see if they saw them. Got a panicked phone call from the person in the backseat asking what they were and how all of them saw the creatures. It was wild.
We all saw a lot of things in those woods. Unexplained flashes of light in both day and night. Weird animal behavior (owls attacking drivers and huge herds of deer grazing on the pavement during a lunar eclipse; coyotes hanging up on campers in tents; unexplained noises from out in the woods that sometimes sounded like someone screaming and sometimes sounded like someone laughing, etc.)
This was before smartphones, so there aren't photos, but we did take a recording once. It was weird because we thought out friend was possessed, but then she came out of it. That alone was strange but can be explained away. What couldn't be explained away was a weird gravely noise on the tape that started when the friend started shrieking at the top of her lungs, then laughing maniacally, but stopped as soon as she stopped.
I've lived a lot of places and seen a lot of things, but that area of Kentucky is.... It's just strange. Add in the Hopkinsville Goblins an hour away, the Vampire clans of Murray, and the unexplained cryptids of Bigfoot and Mothman type entities and the flooding of the homes to build the waterways... let's just say, Appalachia's monsters may have dispersed into the foothills and taken up residence, proliferating in a protected haven.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Central Park UFO
Central Park UFO
Getting ready for 9 am lecture at hunter college. As I was putting on my clothe I was looking out towards Central Park and the west side when I saw a tiny white dot zoom quickly into my sight directly over park, then do very quick zooms and just disappear. I could not believe what I saw and in broad day light. I started sitting at the bench on 90th street outside of Central Park waiting and hoping to see anything else, but I never did.
Submitted by: Phineas O
Spiritual Encounters
Spiritual Encounters
Spiritual encounters numerous times, sleep paralysis with shadow people, strange noises like tapping, running footsteps, doors opening and shutting unannounced, tv's turning on
Submitted by: Phineas O
Multiple Experiences
Multiple Experiences
I was in high school when this all was happening. I was the only one out of my family of 6 to experience anything, as far as I know, and I've asked. I was also the only one that had a bedroom in the basement. There were little things like scratching in the walls. I would tell my parents there must be bugs or rats or something because it would sound like scurrying, scratchy sounds. They got the walls checked at least twice and were told there was absolutely nothing in the walls as far as pests were concerned. I would always get a weird feeling on the staircase going down to the basement; it felt like someone was standing close enough to me at the top of the stairs that I would feel forced down, almost like being pushed by intimidation. I always thought someone was calling my name from upstairs but no one would admit to doing so. Those are the little things... there were two major incidents that happened to me in that house. One I cannot explain at all.
1. One night I came home when it was dark and everyone had already gone to bed, but it wasn't too late yet - maybe 10:30 or 11. I put something in the microwave for one minute so I know this whole thing happened within 60 seconds. I suddenly heard and *felt* a whisper right behind and on my right ear. It clearly said "Sam" ... that's my mother's name. We look just alike and our birthdays are 5 days apart and I go by Syd a lot of the time, so I can understand the confusion (: I immediately turned around and from across the kitchen, dining room, and living room, I saw my grandfather, who had passed when I was about 8 years old, sitting in the recliner chair in the darkest corner of the living room. The only light on at the time was the light on the microwave, over top the stove, but I very clearly saw him. He looked solid, as if he was still alive and just sitting in the living room. He just sat and smiled at me. I just stood and stared at him. Then, the microwave timer went off, which broke my concentration away, and when I looked back, he was gone, but the chair...was rocking.
2. It was the middle of the afternoon and I was taking a shower. Everyone was home at the time, so the house was pretty lively. The year was 2008 or so, and I was using an iPod on a home speaker to listen to music while I showered. This was before the time of streaming, so whatever music you had on your device was music you personally downloaded to it. There was no sucking songs out do thin air or any radio interference. As soon as I got done rinsing the shampoo from my hair, my music went to static. That's weird... it shouldn't do that... and as soon as I had that thought, a pane of energy appeared in front of me, in the bathtub. I'll try to explain this the best I can. It looked like a window or pane of glass, that was made out of the heat waves you see coming off of really hot asphalt. It was about five feet tall, three feet wide, and maybe an inch thick. It looked solid and liquid at the same time. Then, it started moving towards me. I was frozen in place. It passed through me and I felt it was every sense I possess. It was like walking through a pane of glass that I felt on the outside and the inside From the tip of my nose, and through, out the back of me. My whole body was "scanned" in a way. When it passed my ears, I heard the distortion of energy, like train passing by really close at top speed, but silently...a dull, muffled, very strong "whomp-whomp" as it passed by my ear drums. When I felt it come out the back of my head, it passed through the shower. That's when I felt the water do a sort of dance on my back, like something had momentarily blocked the stream with a screen. When the energy passed through the wall, my music, which had been static the whole time this took place, came back on right where it had left off - so it had not just been playing through, it had stopped and then started again. I have no explanation as to what or why or how this was... I don't know who to turn to or who to ask. My family thought, and still kind of thinks I'm crazy because of this stuff...
Submitted by: Sydney B