Old K9 Spot

Early one winter morning I was letting the boarding dogs out and I was walking across the room and I glanced at the front of the building and I saw a shadow standing there. I (being an amateur ghost experience) knew exactly what I had just seen and froze the moment my brain registered what I had just seen. I thought for sure that when I would look back it would be gone but when I looked back I saw it walk down the hallway it was standing next to. Now I’m not the one that would normally do this but I ran up to the front of the building and walked down the hallway and there was no one to be found. Needless to say I waited outside for my coworker to so up. By boss had cameras up but for whatever reason the WiFi went out and we were not able to see footage.

Submitted by: Katie A.

Witch's Bridge

There is an infamous bridge on the outskirts of Grand Island, Nebraska called “Witch’s Bridge”. The bridge is infamous to the locals of the town for its creepy backstory and hauntings while visiting the bridge late at night. There have been some abhorrent activity that has taken place on this bridge, car crashes, explosions, and the killings of witches. At the end of the bridge, there lived an alleged witch. The townspeople found out about her and burned her and multiple other witches at the stake on this bridge. There was also allegedly a woman who dropped her baby into the river beneath the bridge. She never stopped looking and eventually died looking for her baby. After visiting this bridge multiple times, I can confirm that it definitely has an ominous vibe to it. You always have to visit at night if you want a creepy experience though. There is a legend that if you park your car in the middle of the bridge, it will shut off and there have been reports of hearing a woman sobbing. I have also heard stories from friends about them seeing UFOs in the sky.

Submitted by: Samantha

Trucker Hat Man

Husband & I both saw a man in a trucker hat, red & blue plaid shirt in the hallway of our home multiple times. He was there and then gone in the blink of an eye. One night I woke in dream paralysis and he was standing at the foot of my bed. He made eye contact and began to apologize. He seemed confused. I was finally able to scream and awoke in a puddle of sweat and marks on the bed like I had been on fire. When we moved out I found a packet of photos in the bottom of the built in china cabinet. The first picture was of the lady who sold us the house. The second picture was THE MAN IN THE TRUCKER HAT & PLAID SHIRT. She had told us her husband died but mentioned several times, "He did NOT die in the house" I put the pictures back where they were so I have no proof.

Submitted by: Clare

Gravity Hill

Start at Lopez Canyon & Kagel Canyon intersection. Head downhill on Kagel Canyon Road. Put your car in neutral and coast downhill. At a point just past the cemetery it will seem that you are going uphill. If you get out of the car (use a level if you want) you will see that you were still going down.

Submitted by: Clare

Hazard Mill

This 10 miles stretch along the South Fork of the Shenandoah River is remote, secluded, and overall spooky. It is the site of abandoned indigenous settlements and burial grounds. The area known as Hazard Mills has a strange energy and you have the sense of being watched the entire time. It is a nexus between roads, sandwiched between struggling farmlands to the south and west, and trailerparks and the river to the north and east. The forest is comprised of old pines and oaks that are stunted because of the thin soil on top of the mountain rocks. Twenty years ago, the Forest Service abandoned the area due to 'vandalism and illegal activity', but the truth was that the locals didn't like a government presence so close. The road that runs through the area hasn't been maintained in 20 years and drag your vehicle down into the muddy seeps that have sprung up under the road-bed. The energy is intense in the area and unwelcoming to outsiders. Walk through this area with respect and take nothing from it. It is public lands and anyone can visit.

Submitted by: Lilith HM

Cape Girardeau UFO Crash

Reverend William Huffman was called to a plane crash in April 1941 around 9 o'clock at night in a field near the local municipal airport. When he got there he found no airplane he'd ever seen. Instead he found a seamless metal saucer crashed into a field and three alien bodies lying around the craft. Two of them were already deceased but one was still breathing but struggling so he prayed over him/her. He described the creatures to be about 5 feet tall with thin bodies, bulbous heads, and black eyes. He was also able to see inside the craft and found what he said resembled Egyptian Hieroglyphs written on the interior walls of the craft. Military personnel quickly arrived, sanitized the scene, and swore all involved to secrecy. A picture taken by a local photographer existed at one point but has disappeared over time. There is documentation in the National Archives of declassified FBI memorandi detailing the retrieval. This encounter led to a professor at the local university to launch a research program in the 70s studying the crash site and another phenomena about 40 miles south called the Farenburg Lights.

Submitted by: Jacki

Blue Circular Beam

It was winter of 2008, life on the rez consisted of driving an hour into town at Gallup, NM. It was a normal light snowing night, we had just left the movies back to home with groceries. We dont have thermostats and relied on firewood and a traditional fire stove at the time. Abruptly woken from my parents sent my older sister and I to collect wood for the stove. While both my parents carried in my two younger siblings while there were tiny and asleep too. Upset that i was sent out so late fought but hastily collected the wood from under the tarp. Just a few feet from my parents place, walked toward the house with full hands and I dropped a few because it was heavy and I was a kid. Both my sister and I collected without any words exchanged bc we fought and seen a blue circular beam around us, not like projected just on the ground. We looked up at the same time not a second less and ran inside forgetting our wood. We had a spot light for our wood but was broken for months. This is my story.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Kitchen Ghost

This is a truly haunting and otherworldly experience that I will never forget.I was about seven years old at the time.I was the only person who was awake in the house.Back then,like a lot of little kids,I was afraid of the dark.It also happened to be that my bedroom was right next to the kitchen.So my bedroom door had to be open and the lights in the kitchen had to be on.So,on this particular night,it was about 1AM in the morning,and I couldn’t sleep.It wasn’t because I had stayed up too late,or that I had to much sugar,or something like that.No,it was I had this….feeling.The kind of feeling you get when you know deep down,that something is off.That all is not well.I would,and still do,get that feeling a lot.And usually,it would be pretty accurate. And,usually,it wouldn’t lead to anything good.So I was having trouble sleeping because I had those weird vibes, and for about 2 hours I had my eyes closed,desperately trying to shake off those vibes, when suddenly the thought of opening up my eyes and looking into the kitchen crossed my mind.I don’t know why I did that, perhaps It was a guardian Angel telling me to look into the kitchen.And with good reason to as well.I peaked out from under the blankets into the kitchen.And there,in the kitchen, was this figure.From what I can recall, she had the appearance of a little girl, about the same age as me.But her eyes simply weren’t there,just void-like holes where they should have been.I wanted to scream,but I couldn’t.She then disappeared.I told my self that I had imagined her,since I was so sleepy.And that’s what I had believed for a very long time.Until,about three years later,when we had moved out of that home,I was sitting outside my house on the porch at about 6PM reading a book.And in case you want to know,it was daylight savings so I could still read,thankyouverymuch.And I looked up from my book,and the girl with no eyes was just standing there.I knew this wasn’t any old coincidence,and just as I was about to say something,she disappeared.

Submitted by: Ivy

Thanksgiving UFO

It was Thanksgiving night around 11:15pm in 2012. My husband and I had a friend over for Thanksgiving dinner and we were all hanging out talking for several hours. My husband goes out our front door to have a smoke and no sooner did he walk out there, that he walked back in the door and said, "You guys need to come out here right now". We were like, "Why, what's out there" and he said, "just come out here right now you have to see this." So we did. Over the hills, looking straight out from our front door were a series of perfectly round, orange orbs hovering. We've seen Chinese lanterns previously (not around here, but elsewhere) and these were not Chinese lanterns. The thing that immediately stood out to us, was that they were all in a perfectly straight line above the hills, and originally, stationary. After a few minutes, they started moving - first 2 would go out of alignment to the right, then move back into a straight line. Then another 2. They would do different patterns. This went on for a good 15 minutes. I think we had iPhone 4s at the time and tried to take pictures as video wasn't coming out (you can see them as dots in the photo). This was before the time of people having drones as well. After a little while longer, the lines got into a line again and then one by one simply disappeared.

Submitted by: SJH

Abandoned Town in Adams (Bell Witch)

I disclosed the bell witch cave as the address only because the abandoned town doesn’t necessarily have its own address. I’m not sure if it’s to deter people from going into them (as they’re rather decrepit inside and could cause harm if the floors gave out with someone inside), but it’s on the same main road heading toward the Bell Witch Cave. My friend, ex-boyfriend, and I decided to take a day trip to the Bell Witch cave in the spring time as it was only a few hours out from us. We brought along a ouija board, crystals, and candles to use in one of the abandoned buildings in the town since we figured the property owners of the cave wouldn’t appreciate us doing that on their land. The reason we suspected the town was haunted was because the Bell Witch property used to be a lot larger, as in acres upon acres larger and we figured the old land must have stretched to the town at least. Upon arriving to the town, we discovered that the cave was closed and wouldn’t be open for tours until the beginning of summer. It was a bummer, but we still climbed into the far right building of the town strip. Sadly we couldn’t go into the church (lots of no-trespassing signs and the house next to it is occupied by the church owner). However, there were 3 buildings perfect to roam around in without any warrants. We had to crawl through the window because the doors were blocked, and when we got in there was a giant breakage in the floor. Parallel to the open floor was a doorway that was too dark for us to peer into. My friend wanted to climb through a broken window to the other half of the building but it was across the crack in the floor, so she hopped across alone. Then she looked at me and my ex and said “something in the other room just moved.” We we’re all around 16-18 at that time, so we only carried with us a taser, mace, and a pocket knife in case we encountered anyone aggressive in the buildings such as junkies or homeless people. I called loudly that we were armed hoping to deter whatever was in the other room and I whispered to my friend “Was it big enough to be a person?” And she nodded back at me. She climbed out of a taller-drop window on her side and we climbed out the window we came in from. There was another building far left that was harder to get into, as in you’d have to sit on someone’s shoulders to climb up and then pull everyone else in. The nice part about it was that it was just a huge, empty space and there wasn’t any hazards like open doorways or broken glass. We set up the ouija board and sat there for about 10 minutes until something finally connected. It was extremely weak at first, and kept repeating “no” to everything we asked of it. My ex told us that we should stop pestering whatever it was, and felt really uneasy about it but we both chalked it up to him being a woos since he’d never used a board before. I started to get irritated with whatever was communicating with us, because it felt like such a waste we had driven so far for something so weak and puny. I told the entity that it was being rude, and it response it yanked the sleeve of my jacket to force my hand to “goodbye”. I had never had anything grab me and what’s more so aggressively, so I started panicking. I hopped out that (somewhat second story) window on my own, and walked to the car also alone. The entire time I was severely paranoid; I even contemplated putting that board back into my car because I felt like something was following me. A few days passed after we headed home, and I couldn’t shake the feeling something was attached to me. I couldn’t sleep at night and thought I was going insane, so I turned to one of those stupid gambit phone apps. The silly ones that tell you a single word every few minutes, just something to spook yourself out with for free. Sometimes the app told me something extremely gibberish, and other times it would say a word relating to what I was asking about. It really was hit or miss though, so I asked my friend to download it one night and then call me. She was convinced the app listened to what you said, so we devised a plan: Only think of questions, record the answers, and then call each other back to see if all the replies were bogus. I was turned on my right side, watching television to keep my mind away from paranoia. At first the app said random crap, “roof” and “alone” different things as such that didn’t retain to anything paranormal. I blamed myself partly because I wasn’t asking any questions, instead I became fixated on a looming feeling behind me in the far left corner of my room. That’s when I looked down at my phone and saw the newest word was “corner”. Words cannot describe the amount of fear, adrenaline, and dread that came with slowly rearing my head to look behind me. I know the way that I’m writing makes it sound cinematic and a little too “101 ghost stories”, but it’s difficult to covey the paranoia and coldness that comes with an encounter any other way. There was a black shadow of a man sitting beside my dresser staring at me in the corner of my bedroom. I immediately leapt out of bed and yanked the dangling light cord from my ceiling fan to turn on my light so hard that the cord broke. Then, he was gone. I called my friend sobbing that there was something in the room with me, and I ended up sleeping with the lights on in my room. After that, I surrounded my bed with crystals every night until I realized that the shadow figure was just as curious of me as I was of it. He purely just watched me sleep, and would respond to me speaking to him with actions and no words. If I told him to go away, he would merely hide behind my dresser and then I would pretend he wasn’t there. I named him Thomas, just because I ended up using the app again with him present and that was what he said his name was in response to my question. He messed with electronics here and there such as turning on my Xbox while it wasn’t plugged in, or making lights turn off randomly. I think he was just simply curious of things in my room. I had a sleep over while he was still present, and reminded my friends not to bring any crystals over (because I’m 99% sure that he was lured by a crystal pendant I wore to the abandoned town). Subsequently, my friend had a crystal in the bag she brought over and she unknowingly took him to her friend’s apartment the day after the sleep over. I would have thought of myself crazy if it hadn’t been for both her friend and her seeing him that next day. Her friend apparently saw him in the middle of the night and cried hysterically to the point it woke her (my friend) up and she saw him too. After some heavy sage and cleansing practices, Thomas left her friend’s house. Now, all I have is a low-quality photo of him, witnesses, and evidence we went to that town. Submitted by Grace

Submitted by: Grace

Emerald Heights Apartments Entity

So, Ive had tons of experiences, but this haunts me most still. Our apartment was set up as follows; enter front door, youre in the living room which is also the dining room, about 10 ft forward you turn left, to the left of that is the kitchen and to the right is a hallway with all the rooms. The first two on the left are my brothers room and the bathroom. All the way back was my parents room, and to the right was the room I shared with my sisters. Well, my younger sister(14) and I (16) were sitting in our room with the door open. All the lights were off since it was night and we were watching tv on my IPod. I dont know what is was, but I got this urge to look up and in the hallway was this creature Im not sure I really know how to describe. Its body looked like a persons, Im sure if it stood itd be 6-7 feet tall, but it was pure white and translucent, you could see the darkness behind it through its skin. It was skinny, you could see every bone in its twisted body. The way it moved is really what frightens me; it was like it was doing a back bend and it moved slowly down the hall like that. I wasnt sure what to do, but then it looked at us. It wasnt a slow movement either, one second its looking into the darkness of my parents room and the next its making eye contact with me. There was no face, just two, glowing white, sunken orbs I can only assume were its eyes. I wanted to scream, but nothing came out, i was frozen in fear. And then it scurried into my parents room. It took a second before i was able to move again, but when I looked at my sister to ask if she'd seen it, I didnt have to say a thing, she looked petrified. I dont know what that was or where it went. Ive never seen it again since then

Submitted by: Moss

Lucid Dream in Ely

There is something in the energy of the Nevada deserts that's hard to pinpoint. There is a mystical sense of permanent impermanence, and an playground for the spiritually adventurous to explore; I fell in love with the land and the vibe immediately. My family and I were relocating to Tucson, AZ from the PNW and landed in Ely at sundown for a meal and a night off the road. Ely is an old stagecoach stop along the old Pony Express. In the early 1900's, Cooper was discovered nearby and it turned to a mining town. It lives now as stop for travelers, like myself, or for those who desire small-town Casinos. I couldn't help but shake the feeling that the town had been waiting for me. That night, I had a lucid dream of an old army buddy. It was pleasant dream where we took some time to catch-up. But what was unusual was the fact he was wearing corporal stripes on his sleeve, a rank he hadn't worn in probably 15 years. And he was wearing a Vietnam era olive drab uniform. Which was unusual, and we spent some time in the dream as to why he was wearing that. I woke in the morning with the dream not fresh in my headspace. I contemplated the dream as I went to make a cup of hotel coffee and was surprised to learn there wasn't a coffee maker in my room or even a cup of coffee in the hotel. So I went across the street to gas station/convenience store to get a cup. And while pouring my cup of drip, in walks a man wearing an olive drab military uniform with corporal stripes on his sleeves. Needless to say, I was floored and blinked in disbelief. I had to get closer to the man to try to make some sense of it. He too was getting coffee and was sleepy looking. On his uniform he had a Nevada State Corrections patch on his shoulder, which gave me some satisfaction to know why he was wearing the uniform. But in the frequent reflection and search of why I dreamed of the uniform perplexes me. I don't claim any prediction powers from that dream. It was almost as if the governing spirits of Ely was saying, "I see you see me, and I want you to know I see you".

Submitted by: Phil

Julia Legare's Ghost?

If you know Edisto Island, you most likely know the tale of Julia Legare as well. If not.. I’ll explain a bit. Julia Legare is a folk-tale- or whatever you would like to call it- based on real events. Julia Legare was a fourteen year old girl buried in a Mausoleum with her family members in the 1800s. She was believed to have died from typhus or something. I am too scared to look it up- I apologize! Two years after her burial her body was found to have moved and there were scratches on the wall. She was buried alive. People have tried to close the door to the tomb over the following years and it kept mystically reopening. Upon hearing about this tale when visiting the island, me and my friends decided to investigate. We went to the Old Presbyterian Churchyard and visited her Mausoleum. Of course, being the naive fourteen year old we were, we entered the tomb. We then drove back to our rental house and starting getting ready for dinner, thinking nothing of the occurrence. While I was finishing up straightening my hair, I saw a black haired girl with pale white skin and a white dress walk straight behind me. I was looking in the mirror and only saw her side profile. I turned around and nobody was there. The girl had walked into the closet and I assumed it was my friend playing a joke on me. I looked ans nobody was there. I ran down three flights of stairs as fast as I could and realized everybody was in the car. I asked multiple times who had been upstairs when I was getting ready. Everyone dismissed my questions and told me to forget about it. How could I. I literally saw a girl who looked nothing like my friends - yet tried to convince myself it was one of them- walk into a closet and disappear. The next night the exact same thing happened to my friend. She believed me then. The following night to my friend’s encounter, the same thing happened to my sister. Needless to say none of us slept in that room for the rest of the week- sleeping on mountains of pillows and blankets, ignoring our soreness because it amounts to nothing in the face of what we saw. Of course everyone who had not experienced what we did thought our subconscious were playing tricks on us but we knew. To this day nobody believes me except my sister and my friend, since of course it was indisputable to us what had happened, and quite frankly I do not care if nobody believes me. I am sorry Julia!!

Submitted by: Anonymous

Multiple Apparitions

I've seen multiple apparitions and heard and seen strange things in my house and neighborhood over the years. (I've lived in different houses on this same street my entire adult life.) The first one being in the home in the stated address. I was home alone pregnant and taking a shower when I heard a young boys laughter as if he was right outside of the window (that was open) or right inside of it I'm not sure which if I'm honest. I left the house and waited outside in a towel until my spouse came back home hours later. The next time I saw a shape which fix my adopted mother's late father (who built that house) walking through the orange trees in the dark misty distance. The next time was when we moved into our current home across the road from there. I saw the apparition of a child skip through our hallway and assumed it was one of my own children. When I got up to check on them they were both sound asleep on the couch and neither was wearing the light colored clothes I had seen skip by before. After that I saw and heard a woman go by in the same hallway and light sage and lavender in a panic. Next came the most recent apparition who was seen in the middle of the day. I saw her in perfect detail braided hair and all walking with a decent speed down and around the corner. She was very pale and dusty looking so I had a feeling and jumped up to chase after her to see if I had seen someone or not and she was gone. After that my eight year old and I have both experienced our antique music box going off at 2am that was on a shelf up high no one had touched in atleast 2 years and the night after that the light in the kitchen turned on by it's self after she had just turned it off and sat on the couch. That's all I've got for now, but I'll update if anything else happens here.

Submitted by: Kandiss

Hidden Rooms in the Walls

For over 15 years now I keep having similar dreams about hidden rooms in the walls, in the floor, behind closets and in the ceiling. In some dreams there are people on these rooms and I'm bringing them boxes. In some dreams I'm looking for a place to hide and find these rooms by chance. In some dreams I'm searching for something that belonged to by deceased aunt. I'm not sure what the item is, just that I need to find it. I'm looking in these hidden rooms for it. While each room seems to be in a different place (a hotel, a vacant mall, my home, an empty school, an abandoned amusement park) I feel like I'm in the same premier or close proximity of each location. Like I'm in the same city but in different buildings. They are each incredibly vivid with many details. The only thing they seem to have in common is secret doors that lead to hidden rooms. The most recent dream being last night.

Submitted by: Bellavicious

Haunted Coldstone Creamery

At this Cold Stone, we had a poltergeist or other mischievious-type ghost. It would turn off and on the music, lights, and ceiling fans, as well as throwing cake pans off of high shelves, playfully tossing items into the sink, sliding the mini fridges out from under the counter, misplacing items, and occasionally slamming the door to the walk-in fridge. Several coworkers and I have seen a silhouette about 5'4" tall walk around behind the counter once we all get out of the shop to lock up for the night. We all assumed the ghost was male, and his silhouette build seemed to match.

Submitted by: Rev. Max OCallaghan

Triangle UFO

Was driving along the road near the park and I looked up and saw what I thought was a shooting star. It was in the sky for a little too long so I told my partner to look as we watched this thing fall through the sky slowly. It was a triangular-like shape that was so bright and looked almost lit up with LED type lights. It almost floated through the air and it went behind the trees and I couldn’t see it again.

Submitted by: H

"Disaster Town"

I saw this small city in a dream. There was about 10.000 inhabitants, lots of buildings and a tower similar to the one in Seattle. The sun on the horizon colored the snow in a pale yellow. The city looked quiet but all I knew about it was this pressuring feeling everyone had that something disastrous was bound to happen. No one could tell what, when or how, just that eerie feeling the town was doomed. People lived their life quite normally while being worried inside. May be a parallel version of Nuuk, the capital of Greenland, sadly known for having a terrifyingly high suicide rate, proportionally similar to the one in South Korea.

Submitted by: Maor

The Ridges

The Ridges is a former asylum and then sanitarium that is known for its paranormal activity. Investigations of the Ridges and surrounded graveyards have yielded experiences of partially manifest spirits, strange lights, mediumistic contacts, and general high strangeness. Notable sites include the former TB unit, which is not open to the public. The building now houses offices for Ohio University, but the grounds are generally accessible. The Ridges has long been a location for legend tripping for both locals and students at OU.

Submitted by: Keith M

Partial Dog Ghost

My parents used to take me to that indoor playground. There was always a lot of kids and animators as well, but that day was a Wednesday so when I went there with my Dad it was almost empty. I headed straight to the bottom of the slides because I liked the view, but as I arrived I suddenly saw a ghost. It was four legs of a dog walking casually in the room. It was just the paws and the wrists, it didn't looked severed, more like the rest of the dog has been erased. It wasn't agressive nor scary but it was so unexpected that I immediately ran out screaming. I refused to go back alone that day.

Submitted by: Maor B-G

Bird-masked Entity at Saint-Barthélémy

During the month of June 2018, the private primary school of Notre-Dame de Joie held one last event before definitive closure after 149 years of activity. The complex being comprised of three buildings, the first two being made respectively circa in 1890 and 1950 plus an additional building built around 2010. The construction of the last building being extremely expensive made it impossible for the two oldest buildings to get any renovation, letting them slowly crumble due to the absence of isolation in the roof and overall absence of heating, making it more and more dangerous for children to stay within. Shortly after the closure, the neighborhood began to witness a frail, dark form wandering around the building at night before the lampposts turned off. With time the entity continued to manifest and somehow managed to get inside the building. On the night between the 12 and 13 of September 2019, the sound of a door being closed could be heard, followed by a dim light moving behind every window. The phenomenon lasted for about 4 hours, from 10pm to 2am. Witnesses later described a humanoid entity wearing a frilled shirt with suspenders on black pants, along curly, long blond hairs. The most curious feat of the entity was their larval* mask resembling a bird from the Halcyon [*Ed. note: Kingfisher] family. The creature was thus named Halcyon Haunts. Later investigations revealed the presence of various masks hanging above the doors of most doors within the two older buildings. It appear that those masks are able to cause a slight yet consistent feeling of nostalgia in those who look at them in their empty orbits. One of the 12 masks found was the one of the entity, left on a condemned fireplace. The mask was disposed of. -- On the day of Halloween, the 31th of October 2019, the door of the workshop at the back of the oldest building was found open, as well as all the drawers. Two cassettes were found inside. While one of them was an ordinary cassette with two comical films, the second one is comprised of an half scratched off tag, on which is written with a red pen "Autant en apporte le vent" a misspelled translation of the film "Gone with the wind" now saying "Whatever the wind may bring". The cassette seem to permanently surround the room with a light breeze. Still no sighting of the entity. -- Somewhere between March and April 2020, an individual broke in and turned the place into his hiding place. He was removed after causing troubles to the neighborhood. No sighting of the entity. The individual is confirmed not to have any link or knowledge of the entity. The 28 of October 2020 the entity appeared again, apparently wearing a new mask, slightly different in appearance to the older one. The entity replaced all the masks that were removed and added another one, making them 13. Additionally, the Halcyon left a note on a blackboard, confirming it is self-aware and able to read and write. The message left by the entity was : "Enjoy the digestion of memory, and the teeth of time." The masks were all removed when another break-in was made, multiple furnitures were taken outside and burned on the ground. In response, the Mayor decided to close down most entry points using corrugated iron and nails. Like the previous break-in, no link with the entity has been made. Due to it's passive behavior, Halcyon tend to be considered as a kind of guardian of memory, while some citizens still sees it as a malevolent creature due to the multiple break-in at this same place. As of this date, no clear sighting of the entity has been officially made again. *Unfinished, white mask waiting for completion. Most of the time their shape and emotion traits are already carved and are waiting for colors.

Submitted by: Maor B-G

Silent UFO

At 11:31pm today, I decided to look out my window for a little while before I fell asleep when I saw it. A flashing strip of light that seemed very, very far away. I assumed it was a helicopter, but watching it move in-between my blinds it began to jolt quickly backwards and forwards, at first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, but it was such an odd movement I decided to get up and take a closer look. As I headed towards my window, I noticed it had moved further down the sky towards the horizon, the movements of this thing were so bizarre, I have never seen anything like it in my life. It would dart into all corners of the sky, it was so hard to se because of how fast it was moving, like it was teleporting, it made it almost impossible for the eyes to focus on it. I was bewildered, I even went and woke up my mother. 'I think I can see a UFO' I told her, I felt crazy even saying it out loud. She just laughed, but she knew I was serious, so she got up to come and take a look. I was trying to show her where it was, but it was even harder for even me to see now, let alone her, she just kept saying that she couldn't see anything. I opened my window to see if I could get a better look because I could barely see where it was anymore, my mother said that she could hear a helicopter, but I heard nothing, it was oddly silent I thought, and then, just like that it was gone, it had vanished. Now I don't know whether my eyes were playing tricks on me this night, but it was very odd, very odd indeed, and the thought of the object in the sky doesn't sit right with me and has left me with a very strange feeling, and I think it will take a while for me to shake this off.

Submitted by: Saffron

Bremerton Ghost

It was July 2008. We had just closed on our house on the corner of 7th and Naval. A beautiful home we were so eager to move into. But our move was from across state and the movers were not coming with our things for many days. So without much but our suitcases and a blow up mattress we camped in our living room. Which felt amazing. We popped the champagne and toasted our good luck at being 22 and being able to purchase a lovely four bed, two bath fixer upper within walking distance from my husbands work. It was full of character being built in 1929. It had all original fixtures, lights, and knobs. Nothing was new... OLD! lol. OUR EXCITEMENT WAS EXTREME! So my husband was supposed to work the next day and we were all closed up for the night. Our house has so many doors, so even the living room doors (two french ones, and a single one) were closed. We fell into a sleep but I was awoken in the middle of the night by a terribyingly loud racket. I soon realized its source was above us. I tried to wake my husband who did sit up and speak, but he was not coherent enough to really be any help and I was terrified. I just laied there for probably 10-30 min while banging went on. I really don't know how long it carried on. It felt like forever, and my heart was hammering. But at some point it stopped. The next day I went upstairs to find all the doors wide open, even the closets, and cupboards. I called my friend in Portland who had a haunting in her house and I told her all about what happened while I was in the basement running a load of laundry. It was our first run with the washers and the wet load had to be dried. While I was on the phone a rolling chair left by the previous owners rolled across the nearly empty garage. (not all the way across, just maybe two or three feet. Just enough to get my attention because it was in my sight line.) When I mentioned it to my friend on the phone, MIND YOU THIS WAS 2008, THERE WAS NO VIDEO CALL.... so I just had to tell her what was happening, and suddenly behind me there was an empty small hand held paint or cleaning bucket flew off a shelf at me. Not with enough strength because it did not make it half way across the space, but I felt it was at me. This all frightened me so much and happened really quickly I tripped over the opened door of the dryer and ran out of the house. I sat on the front stoop for about an hour before I ventured inside again to try to summon the courage to turn on the dryer. YOU KNOW WET MILDEW IS WORTH ENCOUNTERING A GHOST. or at least I felt it was..... Well as I went down I could hear the bloody dryer going. I KNOW I DID NOT EVEN SHUT THE DRYER. I had a bruise because of tripping on the open door... I was told to smudge, so I did, but i wanted to know about the spirit, not just banish him. The house had been vacant a few months before we bought it, so I wondered if the spirit just got used to being alone again. So I invited him (I felt it was a him) and if he behaved I would not feel compelled to banish. Well, I started calling him George. Later I had a friend over and I told him about the ghost George and well he showed up and flicked the lights on and off. My friend left so fast.... He came back but never hung out again at the house. Lol. yeah... Then my mom house sat while my husband and I went to Japan. She has been the only one to ever see him. She said she saw a partial manifestation of an older man in a plaid shirt. Later I talked with older neighbors who were able to tell me that an older man lived in the house some 50 years. His name was George H. (I would give his full name here) but his daughter is still living and i have been in contact with her, and I do not have the heart to tell her that her father was haunting us for a time. For many years, doors and steps would go on and we would yell across the house expecting an answer... nothing would come. Things would fall, no reason. But not so much anymore. George has since gotten very quiet. Many years and not a sound. I believe he is here, he is just comfortable with the family. The house is full of children and animals, I feel he is entertained and busy enough that he does not need to stir the pot. George is always welcome and has brought no harm. He even did my laundry once.

Submitted by: M. Dockery

Woman from 'The Far Side'

When I was younger and a gigging musician, my stage attire often involved a lot of make up. On this particular night, on our way to a show, my face had been painted similarly to how Alice Cooper does his make up. I used to enjoy freaking people out a little; unless the show was happening near Halloween my appearance could be quite a shock to some folks. So it was on this night, we were stuck in traffic on Park Avenue at the intersection of Salisbury Street, and I was the passenger looking out at the people stuck in traffic going the opposite way. Several of them appeared startled when they saw me and I got a chuckle out of it. Traffic was beginning to move again, and eager to make an impression on whoever was in the next car I made sure my face was visible in the window as I leered out… The woman who looked down at my from the SUV going the other way seemed unperturbed, but also her features were not at all natural. It took a while to put it together, but her expression never changed and she looked exactly like one of the old lady cartoon characters from Gary Larson’s “The Far Side” comic strips. The exaggerated features and dead-on real life version almost seemed like it had to have been a rubber mask… no one could look like that in real life! I failed to give her a scare but she certainly left me in an odd headspace afterward. I had other things to think about, and the show went on as it always must… but I still wonder about the woman from the Far Side I saw that night.

Submitted by: A.P. Strange

Disappearing Man

I was at Whole Foods to pick up an Amazon package because they have the pickup lockers right outside the entrance in the parking garage. I walked up to the lockers and there was a guy standing right in front of the lockers just staring straight ahead. He didn’t acknowledge me so I asked him if he needs help. Nothing! Didn’t seem like he heard me at all, just kept staring ahead, not blinking or moving. I decided to go inside the store to get an employee so they can call for medical/police help and also so I can safely get my package. While talking with the employee, another shopper overheard me and said “I’m glad you said something cause I saw him when I came in and thought it was creepy and that was about 20 minutes ago” The employee came out with me and asked the man to leave, but he just kept staring. I get my package then get in my car which is parked right in front so I can still see him. I saw the employee go back inside, probably to call for help. I looked down for maybe three seconds to start my car, looked back up AND HE WAS GONE! I saw the employee come back out looking confused. He started walking around the parking garage to see where the guy went. Couldn’t find him. There’s no where he could have gone in the few seconds I was looking away. There was only a few other cars in the garage, none of which were occupied. The man was clean cut, well dressed, and didn’t look to be on drugs or in distress. He just simply vanished after standing and staring at the same spot for 30+ minutes. Time traveler? Ghost? Dimension jumper? It still haunts me to this day.

Submitted by: Nicole

Weird Field

I lived on the street in question as a kid in the nineties. And let me tell you, that whole place is Weird. Thin Place: One overcast spring day when I was a little kid I decided to hunt for golf balls. There was a golf course on the main road that sometimes if you brought a bunch of golf balls back to the owner would give you a dollar. I was hunting around and had a couple in my pockets already when I saw one under a bush in the backyard of a house- it's backyard faced downhill - i knew this area as I've played with kids the street below. So here's the weird part; there was sunlight under that bush. I didn't register it being weird until I got closer. I crawled under this juniper (maybe idk) bush and was going to grab the golf ball when I realized it was way brighter than it had been. I looked up and I couldn't understand what I was seeing. It was a rolling field of green grass. Now I mentioned a bit ago, there is a hill, and a street below where I was. It had houses- this s field was completely empty. As a little kid I thought ' oh cool I found a shortcut to the golf course!' . But I also knew that wasn't quite right either. The golf course didn't have a low dip in the bottom and the grass here was long and lush. There was a low stone wall running along the lowest portion of the field and I could also see a wooden gate. I remember really wanting to go touch that wall to see if it was real. I wasn't sure if I should because this was so odd and I was on a golf ball mission. I was about to get up and run to the wall to touch it when I heard my mom calling me. I turned away from that weird field and took the golf ball that was right on the edge of both places. I'm sad to say I don't think I have it anymore either. I have other weird stories from living there but this was the first and only thin place I experienced. I tried to go back to that field years later and instead I walked into a neighbor's stepped garden, the field wasn't there and the house was extremely obvious from the area I had been. Unfortunately you can't go back there anymore as the current owners put a fence around their property line.

Submitted by: S

Lamppost Leaner

Walked up Silcoates St at about 11pm, thought there was a roadsign with a coat draped over it leaned against the lamppost. Did a double take when I realised it was a person standing absolutely still and upright, (presumably) leaning their forehead on the lamppost. Long skirt, possibly a shawl over their head. Seemed feminine. They did not move in several minutes. Not an area full of drunk people and it was the middle of the week. I didn't see a face as I was too terrified to investigate in case they reacted to me.

Submitted by: Alix

Weird Phone Reset

I live with my boyfriend in New Jersey right next to the Lincoln Tunnel that heads into NYC. One night in April of 2021, we were hanging out in our room just playing video games or something when my boyfriend realized his phone wasn't working. He tried to load a page on Chrome and it said that his phone was set back to a very weird date. Out of nowhere it said that his phone was set to "September 11, 2001 @ 1:27:48 A.M." To say the least we were both freaked out. We tried to figure out why that might have happened, whether it could be a hack or someone trying to fuck with us but I couldn't come up with anything. I even asked some very tech savvy friends and they were confused too, saying that was not something that someone would hack or mess with because it would further block them from being able to access bank info or stuff they could use to steal an identity. We realized as well that though it wasn't september yet, we were coming up on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Both of us are in our late 20s, but because we have always lived here and live within a few miles of the World Trade Center, we both remember being pulled out of elementary school when the planes hit. I know plenty of people who were effected by the tragedy, people whose family or friends died in the towers, but what makes it weirder is that me and my boyfriend didn't lose anyone. After a few minutes, my boyfriends phone went back to normal, I'm not quite sure why but I think he might have restarted it. It was a very odd and transitory experience. It felt like someone or something was just passing through just trying to be noticed. Months later we both are still super confused about it. If it wasn't paranormal, it was certainly freaky and pretty much unexplainable. It would have been weird if it had been set to September 11th but to be set back to 2001 was just so odd that I can't get it out of my head.

Submitted by: Chloe M

Mysterious Pile of Beans

Pile of beans found in the dark in the alley in a neighborhood. Maybe lima beans? My thoughts at the time were of mothman and the offerings of beans left for him. [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://liminal.earth/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/20211129_124005.mp4"][/video]

Submitted by: Asher L

Santa Sighting

When I was a kid, I absolutely believed in Santa Claus. As much as a kid possibly could. So much so, in fact, that I wanted to BE Santa when I grew up. I believed in Santa a lot later than I probably should have - I was in 6th grade before I finally lost the spirit, and I think a lot of that has to do with my experience. I was probably 8 years old, and we were leaving the 11pm Christmas Eve service at our church in Lancaster, Ohio. I had been obsessively tracking Santa on the NORAD website all day, and was looking forward to getting home so I could crawl into bed and stay up as late as possible listening for sleigh bells or hooves on our roof, like I did every year. I was the first person out of the church when the service was over, because what little kid wants to stay in church on Christmas Eve? It was a clear, cold night, and the stars were gorgeous. So I was admiring the stars when I saw a kind of shimmering out of the corner of my eye. I looked, and saw what I can only describe as Santa’s sleigh. It looked just like it does in every movie. It was pulled by reindeer, and it left a trail of glowing glitter behind it that faded quickly. I don’t remember if I heard sleigh bells or not. It happened so fast, but I was absolutely SURE of what I saw. I kind of stood there in shock until my parents came out. I told them what I had seen, and they basically said “Well, we’d better get home and get to bed so he doesn’t skip our house.” Over the years, I kind of began to doubt my sighting. Chalked it up to a shooting star and wishful thinking. But as I’ve gotten older and become more open-minded about the nature of the universe and the paranormal, I’ve accepted my experience for what it was. It was Santa’s sleigh.

Submitted by: Haley P

Ghost Aircraft

I went to the USS Hornet to see a para-physiologicist named Llyod Auerbach speak. After his presentation the group was split up into teams and a paranormal investigation ensued. It was my first time ever doing such an activity and I had no idea what I was doing. I even had to borrow a flash light from someone else. Towards the end of the investigation around midnight I was located on the second deck of the ship just one compartment aft of the CPO mess. This area I'm referring to is very much towards the aft end of the whole ship just below an area called the fan tail. Out of no where came the sudden sound of what seemed to be a propeller based aircraft. I'm talking loud and getting fucking louder. Like 120 decibels fucking loud. There was another woman in the group who I did not know in the compartment. I looked at her and yelling to overcome the sound I asked if she could hear it. She replied no and as soon as she said no the sound stopped. I easily heard this sound for 6 to 8 seconds. Really was questioning my sanity at that point. Stayed there easily for another 20 minutes hoping that sound would return but no dice. I have personally chalked it up to unexplainable as it's the only way I can rationalize things. But to be honest fuck if I really know what happened. It did peak my interest and I did become a volunteer on the ship and worked there in ship restoration for the next 7 years.

Submitted by: Skip D

The Treetops

Our house sat on five acres of undeveloped property in the foothills of the Rockies -- in addition to that big yard, we had a small grass yard directly behind our house that had a short adobe wall going around it. Behind that wall sat an old trailer. In between the adobe wall and the trailer, there was a small gap where a handful of trees were growing. It wasn't a good spot for them to grow -- they were tall and lanky, not super strong trees but they did manage to have enough leaf cover to make some shade in the yard. One day, I was playing in the driveway when it suddenly got very loud outside. It sounded like there were hundreds of birds over our house, but there was nothing. The sky was clear, there were a couple of birds around, but not the number that there should have been to make sense. I thought the neighbors would come out to see what was going on, it was so loud. I was eight years old, and was horribly confused, but it was not scary, just very simply loud. I looked up in the trees, expecting one of those huge flocks of little blackbirds to be occupying all of the space there; there was nothing. The sound was coming from those droopy treetops, but there was nothing there. I stood there perplexed, when I began to notice there were faces in the trees. The faces were not human. They were quite literally theater masks, the white masks that you see with the smile and the frown, except all of these had smiling mouths and frowning eyes. They were not actually colored white, but they were the shape of those masks; there were hundreds of them, morphing through the leaves of those trees, their mouths moving slightly as the deafening sound of so many birds continued. For some reason I thought of monkeys talking to each other, pointing and chattering, while I stood oblivious to their conversations. They seemed to know I couldn't understand them, and so continued to talk loudly amongst themselves, morphing in and out of the branches with their smiling mouths and unsmiling eyes. I knew they were talking about me in front of me, but I knew they were not evil, that they didn't mean harm. They simply seemed different. Almost trickstery, but with no intent to actually do anything. I was not scared, but was overwhelmed by the sound. Eventually, when it became clear that no one else could hear what I was hearing, I left and continued on my way, leaving the faces in the trees to chat away amongst themselves. I never saw them again.

Submitted by: Adler C

Mississippi Hat Man

In 2016 we bought this home, and it wasn’t long after moving in that every family member had seen the shadow being in the house. From the living room one would see out of the corner of their eye a shadow being watching from the hallway. And seen walking from the hall into a bedroom even if the door was closed. Once my daughter and I were up late watching tv and she got up to get a snack from the kitchen. The kitchen has a view back into the living room where I was lying on the couch with the recliner back and my feet elevated. My daughter who began coming back into the living room paused because she saw what looked like the shadow being creeping from under my footrest and around the back of the couch and quickly back into the hallway. Other times it was seen moving behind the couch and toward the front bathroom. Multiple guests saw the shadow figure as well. Our garage door had to be unplugged at night because it would randomly open, and we couldn’t get to the root of the problem. Early on the shadow being was seen directly behind me. I was standing in my bedroom doorway that faced my daughter’s bedroom doorway and we were having a conversation. She saw it behind me walk across my bedroom and into a closet. She states it was large with a top hat, long coat, and pointy nose. She also says that was the first time she saw it, but the only time it looked like that. Other times it was skinny or lanky without the hat. The feeling was never bad with the shadow being it seemed curious but didn’t want to be known or seen. I awoke one morning, however, with my first and only experience with sleep paralysis and saw a dark creature in the corner of the room above my doorway to the hall. It was as if it was crawling out of the ceiling and had a hand almost extending towards me. I could see it and wanted to get out of the bed but couldn’t move. I didn’t take my eyes off the creature and tried with everything I had to point back at it and state, “I see you.” I struggled against whatever was holding me back and got nowhere with my hand to make it point, and I could only make the slightest strained speech to utter the words. I wanted it to know that I wasn’t happy with this intrusion and that I could see it. Once I got out what I wanted to say, the tension was gone and so was the creature. This creature seemed different than the shadow being to me. I had a family member and friend that do paranormal investigations come over to investigate. At the beginning of the evening, we picked the middle bedroom to do the ghost box. While in the dark room and everyone sitting in a circle I began to feel really drunk. I was so nauseous and dizzy that I couldn’t even tell them how I felt. I just got up and excused myself. I went outside and lay on a hammock to get some fresh air. I came back in and had to lie down in the front bedroom and then fell asleep. They completed their investigation and packed up and left. The only thing they stated they could get was some EVP readings in the hallway and my daughter’s room that couldn’t be explained. I feel that whatever was in the house used me to avoid detection, because I began to feel better after they left. We sold the house when I graduated college and moved to the Appalachian Mountains. One night a few were awoken by an extremely loud noise. I went to investigate and so did my daughter. We could not find anything to explain the loud bang, and nothing had been disturbed. We found the next morning, though, the cat bowl on the floor and cat food all over the floor. This still wouldn’t account for the noise which was more of a metal sheet pan sound nor the fact that we didn’t find that on the initial walk through that night. We were told the home was vacant for about 20 years and used as a storage home aka “pack rat house” before we purchased it. We bought from a renovation company who got the home from the original owners after a fire destroyed some of the interior. During our few years of owning the home we found the remains of a dead cat and about 50 pounds of animal feces in the attic above the garage. A vermin specialist said there was no active animals in the attic and that the feces looked to be cat or raccoon. The odd thing was the feces were piled in the far corner of the attic that was very narrow. It was as if it had been purposely moved to that location, but the logistics didn’t make sense. We only found it because of a stain seeping through the ceiling in the garage and I crawled in there to investigate. We had this cleaned out properly before selling the home. We did have our cat die of weird circumstances at that time. We were told it was an impact. There were no external injuries or blood visible. The cat was found outside of my daughter’s bedroom window, but his collar was hanging on the fence between our house and the neighbors about five feet from the body. The collar was a safety collar that pops open with tension, but it was intact. Our only conjecture was that a hawk picked the cat up and dropped him, but we have no thoughts about the placement of the collar. We had seen a hawk swoop through the yard and there was a new fledgling that was learning to hunt, and my research showed that this was a possible explanation however bizarre.

Submitted by: Christina

Southaven Rental House

We sold our home and needed a short rental and were having a hard time getting to see a place before someone took it out from under us. This created a sense of urgency and so the next available property that we came across, we just put down a deposit in the hopes it would work out for the short term before really looking at it. We moved into what I would consider a liminal space. For one, we were transitioning in our lives, and in my opinion, rentals are inherently liminal because of their non-permanent nature. Our family of six settled in well. The house had many quirks with old wiring, do-it-yourself renovations with switches in weird places. The backyard was small but big enough for a nice patio and two huge trees. One was a beautiful tulip poplar tree that was about ten feet in diameter and a smaller tree that I had forgotten was even there until I looked the property up again for this write up. At this rental we had a good bit of paranormal activity and personally my first. There was something that lurked in the hallway and front living room which was used as my art studio. There was multiple black shadow creature sightings by everyone in the house. I even caught the voice of something on video by accident once. We had objects thrown across the room from off the mantle and the kids were unsettled in the home. The most bizarre of all the encounters were by me and like I said, my first real encounters with something. I awoke one night in a panic by my youngest child aged one year screaming an ungodly “I’m terrified” scream. If you are a parent, you may know the difference between cries. This was a scared cried. Our bed was positioned against the wall, and I slept on the inner side with my daughter between me and my husband who was on the outside of the bed. When I looked, my daughter was sitting upright in the bed staring at the wall behind me while screaming as though something was terrible on the wall nearer the foot of the bed. I was on my right side facing her and had to life myself up and turn toward the wall to find what she was staring at in such a terrified state. Immediately I saw a large, busted hole in the wall like an opening to an underground tunnel with the dim light from our room illuminating just the interior of the hole. In the quickest movement I leaped up with my daughter in hands and jumped over my husband to get as far away from the hole as possible, but when I landed on the other side of the bed and turned back to awaken my husband there was nothing but bare wall again. No hole. I immediately felt crazy for as terrified I had been, but there was that look on my child’s face that was unmistakable. and that haunting scream that awoke me. She had seen something, and it spooked her. I know what I saw and by now my husband had awoken and was looking bewildered at me. It felt strange trying to explain it to him and it seemed so far out that it was hard for him to believe me. A few days passed and I awaken in the bed one morning. My husband has gone to work and I am on the outer edge of the bed with my daughter in the center. I am on my back and open my eyes to see what looks like a spider dropping from the ceiling directly above my face. Spider was my immediate thought, but my eyes continued to focus on the dark object before me trying to use lighting and shadow to determine how large and far away it was. I can only speculate that my brain tried to figure out what it was seeing when it didn’t have a context to define the shape. It took only a few seconds of focus to see that it was no spider, but a small undulating ball of something. It was a plasma-like substance not like smoke. It was more solid than vapor. When I started to try to examine it more deeply it was as if it sensed that I was looking at it and actually seeing it. Like we saw each other as if glancing into someones eyes and you quickly turn away. It did just that, it quickly flew out the window above my bed and into the backyard. I jumped up and looked out back but saw nothing. I never saw it again. I would like to add that during our stay at this house and before these occurrences, I had begun writing, what felt like automatically, a book. The book dealt with fae lore, and I was beginning deep research into the subject of the fae and changelings in particular. I seriously felt like both experiences were warnings to stop my meddling. I quit writing that book and we moved out of the rental after our year was up, but not before buying a house in the same neighborhood, because we really fell in love with the area. We had lots more experiences at the new location, but never the plasma ball. I will never forget these experiences because they were so vivid and real to me. They are memorialized as tangible happenings in my experience as a human. Even though I stopped the book, it started me on a much more intensive journey into the paranormal and otherworldly genre of encounters. https://youtu.be/mW5N7SkMYrs Link to video about voice captured on video at this location.

Submitted by: Christina

Shadow Person

Two experience with shadow people, which each time I experienced them, one of my family members died within a year of seeing the shadow person.

Submitted by: Nikolas E

Weird Fireflies

A friend and I were watching fireflies on her property one night. I noticed that some of the "fireflies" were different colors--colors that don't exist in fireflies, like red, orange, pink, blue-green. They blinked and bobbed around like fireflies, it's just the colors were wrong. Also, the red ones kind of hovered in a cluster, while the other colors moved around more. An orange one trailed by a smaller pink one came into the yard, within maybe 10 or 15 feet of where I was standing. I took my phone out of my pocket to try and get a picture and they all disappeared. (The regular fireflies were not affected.) The mystery lights didn't come back until after I put my phone back in my pocket. I asked my friends if she could see the colored lights and she said no. I saw them on three or four different occasions over about a month. Since the fireflies went away at the end of the summer, I haven't seen them. I have acquaintances who say they've seen similar colored lights in other places around the county.

Submitted by: Alex

Disappearing Roman Restaurant

I had just finished working on an archaeological excavation in Sicily and, this being a once in a lifetime opportunity, my best friend came over and we met up in Rome. One afternoon we were in the fashion district around the Via dei Condotti (near the Piazza di Spagna) and we realized we were super hungry. Not just hungry, but HANGRY. I have complex PTSD and getting super hungry is one of my triggers for dysregulation (for those who aren't familar, this is a neurological event that can cause panic, hysteria, brain fog, and physical clumsiness), plus it was really hot, and I was thiiiiiiiiiiis close to having a full-on meltdown. All of a sudden we turned a corner into a small blind alley with a restaurant. There was nothing in the alley except the restaurant, but the place was not visible from the main street. It was like the answer to our prayers--it was quiet and secluded, with a little courtyard shaded by a grapevine trellis, inexpensive, and the only person there was a single waiter. I remember there was a fountain in the front with fresh fruit arranged around it. The food and service were wonderful, the peace was restorative, and we left feeling refreshed. In fact we liked it so much that we wanted to eat there again the next day. But we couldn't find the restaurant or the alley anywhere. Now obviously we weren't that familiar with any part of Rome, but by this point we had visited the neighborhood around the Piazza di Spagna on multiple days and were starting to get a feel for the area. More importantly, we remembered some of the nearby shops and landmarks we had seen just before finding the restaurant. We found those landmarks easily enough, but never did find the little alley. We started to joke about the "magical restaurant" that appears to desperate travelers in need and then disappears forever. I can never be sure that we didn't just get confused, but I could swear that whole alley just...wasn't there anymore.

Submitted by: Alex

Crossroads Cryptoid

During the summer of 2015 at about midnight, I observed a very strange creature standing at the intersection of West Virginia Avenue and Fell Avenue. I first observed it as I was walking west on the north side of West Virginia just past Broadway Avenue. From a distance of about 100 feet, it looked like a very large possum standing very still in the middle of the intersection under a street light. As I got closer, I realized it was far too large to be a possum and was approximately the size of a medium-sized dog of about 30 pounds. But it was not shaped like any dog I had ever seen. It had a plump body, and a very small head and was a dirty grayish color. It was sitting in a “hunched” position with its back arched and its head down. I was not close enough to observe its facial features or ears and I did not see a tail. I was certain it was not a dog or a possum. I felt scared as I got closer and retreated back up the street, turning down Broadway Avenue to avoid walking past it. What weighs about 30 pounds, is a dirty gray color, and isn’t dog-shaped? If this were an H.P. Lovecraft story, I would say it was a giant rat. If I was in Puerto Rico, I might call it Chupacabra. I have heard folklore about sinister things that happen at crossroads, and this creature was standing absolutely motionless directly in the middle of the intersection around midnight. I’ve never before seen any animal in nature that I couldn’t identify but I have no idea what this thing was.

Submitted by: Will J.

Night Visitor at Camp

We were part of a sea kayaking group who left the mainland and paddled to the island for a one night camping overnight in late October, 2002. During the day we hiked the island. We visited the old buildings, the graveyard where enslaved people were buried, and dodged the wild horses that live there. That night was quiet. There was no breeze, some low-key lapping of water along the shore, and otherwise just thick, peaceful silence. We were in a two person tent, with the rain flap attached to one side of the tent and draped over and across to the ground on the other side of the tent. We were tucked away into the woods, pine needle and twig covered ground, and about half a football field length away from another tent of a kayaker couple. There was a rough walking path to one side (to my right when laying on my back), and the ocean to my left. About an hour after we settled in to our tent, a horse walked nearby, went into the water, then kept walking away from our campsite back into the island. Then awhile after the horse, now in the middle of the night, we heard someone walking nearby. Two-legged walking (not the four of the horse) about 50’ feet away and sounded like it was on the rough path. We whispered to each other it was probably a fellow camper going to go to the bathroom away from where we were camping. I wanted them to get a bit farther away to be polite. Still sounding like they were about 50’ away, over to my right, the footsteps completely stopped. Moments later, there was a split-second noise of movement to the left of our tent, right next to the tent. Then the rain cover was intensely, quickly, in one quick fluid motion was ripped up and over the tent and dropped to the left side of the tent. We were then staring straight up and out of the tent’s screen, up at the trees above us. No one was outside the tent. No movement. Just silence. I completely freaked out, scrunched down into my sleeping bag, covered my head and demanded my husband go deal with the flap. He exited the tent. Saw nothing, except the rain flap gathered on the ground next to the tent, as though it was yanked off, dropped, gathered next to the tent. No gust of wind happened. No accidental slipping of the rain flap. It was ripped up and over the tent. It was silent again. The next morning, we awoke before sunrise. We left our tent, followed the walking path to the main camp to share breakfast around the fire. As we turned a slight corner, up next to a water spigot, there was a woman standing in her nightgown. I wondered aloud which of the camping group of 7 of us would be wearing a nightgown still. We turned away from the spigot towards the fire. All of the other campers were around the fire already. The day before we were all a super chatty group. That morning we all ate in silence, quickly all packed up, and literally made the tour group company’s record for the fastest paddle back to the mainland.

Submitted by: Sarah

South Lake Union Apartment

My boyfriend and I lived in a South Lake Union apartment for 2 years, and it definitely had a negative presence. Items got moved, sometimes right before our eyes. Electronics had issues, we both had sleep disturbances and it wore us out emotionally. There were times when I could feel it physically, it felt like hands pushing my face or head to turn in a certain direction. We even had a paranormal investigation of the place and they got some EVPs of it cursing/swearing (unfortunately, I don't have copies of these). I've never had an experience like this since then.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Strange Animal Print

Strange print at Myers way.

Submitted by: Rainabrainz

Freaky Message

Tile embedded in the crosswalk asphalt. Reads : m rderf ckers future nobody 12022021 internet ends on earth

Submitted by: Nudedragons

A Phantom in the Blizzard

My best friend and i were driving from seattle to chicago. we thought we had planned everything out. somehow we neglected to factor in bozeman pass as our final mountain crossing before staying the night at a hotel in billings. we stopped in bozeman for one last rest stop before the final push to billings and heavy snow began to fall. oddly, the cashier at the gas station was from my small hometown in washington state. we decided to get back onto i-90 despite the impending snowstorm and take the next exit into a town with a hotel if we found the conditions too dangerous. my friend was driving, and as we pushed deeper into the darkness, we realized that there were no exits that weren't closed off by barriers. we were on the pass for better or worse, and had no choice but to make it to the other side. the snow fell even harder. there was at least a foot of snow on the ground now, and every sign on the freeway was completely obscured in white. it was almost impossible to see anything, yet there were many cars on the road with us. we drove on in grim nervous silence, the album playing in the car on loop, neither of us willing to peel our eyes from the road long enough to change it. (moon colony bloodbath by the mountain goats & john vanderslice). i looked out the passenger side window into the landscape, all pitch black and eerie white. ghostly-looking train cars parked on the railway running parallel to the road. it felt like my vision was swimming but i said nothing. suddenly i saw a faint flickering greenish glow near the train cars, and as i peered closer it appeared to be emanating from a lantern held high by a humanoid figure, starkly featureless and black in the snow. it was striding along? or hovering slightly? i couldn't tell if the snow was falling in front of or through it. it was about the height of an average human man, judging by the boxcar it was next to. in those few seconds as the car passed, i felt it look right at me. i don't know how i know, but it knew that i saw it, it looked back, and then it faded away, lantern and all, just as it had appeared, back into the blizzard.

Submitted by: a traveler

A Very Strange Chain of Events

I was around 7 or 8 years old when this happened, but I still have a vivid memory of it. I live in New Mexico, but have a lot of family in Washington, so we go up there to visit every once in a while. On one of these visits, my mom decided she wanted to go to Forks, being a fan of Twilight. We chose to drive from Seattle, WA to Forks, and ended up going through the Olympic National Park. It was a nice forest, super pretty and all. At one point, we stopped at a museum in basically the middle of the forest, because I was a bored kid and my parents figured we should get something to eat. We tried asking for food recommendations, and were sent to a local pizza place. There was a convenience store attached to it. A very strange chain of events went down that honestly none of us can explain. We tried ordering pizza, but the staff were weird, confusing, and hardly seemed to know what they were doing. They had to get a diagram drawn of a half cheese, half pepperoni pizza to be able to understand what we wanted. They were trying incredibly hard to sell us something called “gaten puffs” and called three cups of the exact same size different sizes. They hardly seemed like real people. We got our pizza, and it was the wrong pizza. Then they just took it from us after a while of us poking it and put it down on another table. The bathroom was a whole other world. The floor was warped, and it appeared to have once been a sauna, because the light switch was just a knob on the wall that had been painted over. It was unsettling, and as a kid who had an independence complex and didn’t want my parents helping me with anything, I wasn’t willing to go in alone. And that’s what was weird, nothing was dirty, or truly scary, but it felt so off. Everything was wrong, and it didn’t feel real. The convenience store was filled with brands we didn’t recognize, there wasn’t even like Lays chips or anything. We got food, and left pretty quickly. My dad was worried about possible mercury poisoning in the water based on the way the employees were acting, so we didn’t get anything to drink and just left. We all agreed, getting back in the car, that there was something weird going on. The people didn’t feel human, the place didn’t feel real. Time passed strangely- we had been in there for almost half the day, but it only felt like half an hour or so. After our trip, we told people about the experience, laughed about it and all. We recommended to some people we knew planning to go to Washington that they go there, just to have a strange, funny experience. They tried, and told us that they didn’t find anything. They went the exact route we did, and said they stopped a few places to get food but there wasn’t a pizza place, there wasn’t any restaurant attached to a convenience store, and there wasn’t an indoor seating restaurant near the museum we went to. It just never existed. The forest around the road was undisturbed where the restaurant should have been, and it had only been a few months. There wasn’t possibly enough time for them to have completely tore down the restaurant and regrown the foliage. It made no sense. We don’t remember ever even learning the name of the pizza place, nor the convenience store- it was just nothing. We went somewhere that effectively did not exist. I still think about it a lot, because I don’t know what happened there. I was so young, but i remember it so vividly. I remember nothing else from that trip, for the most part. Just the pizza place, and especially the face of the woman behind the counter. She looked very normal, like any average minimum wage worker, but her face is burned into my mind. She was too plain, too average, and it was wrong. And I still cannot explain it. We have no clue what happened, and never will. But i genuinely believe there was something supernatural going on there… I don’t think that restaurant was supposed to exist in our world. None of the brands in the convenience store exist here, the people didn’t act how we’d expect them to ask here, and time passed differently. I don’t know. Just a very, very strange experience that will never leave my mind again.

Submitted by: Key F

Paranormal Prosser House

Ghosts, ouija board spirits, shadow figures, owls and missing time (?). This place is a hot bed for it all. Active since 1976. It is the home I grew up in. Activity has increased since both parents have passed. My father built the house. Three people have passed there. My mother saw spirits and orbs after a near death experience. She even saw a ghostly image of herself beside my grandmother’s ghost. After she passed, my dad saw her ghost walking up the stairs. I saw a shadow figure that looked as though it could be my dad on the same set of stairs after he passed. On the anniversary of his memorial, while at the house my phone turned on and played the song I placed on his memorial video. My nephew and I have both been awakened to a woman singing at different times. Both of us followed the voice to the basement where it stopped. Both of us have experienced time slowing down in the basement after seeing something that was translucent but made things behind it move with fluid-like waves. The list goes on and continues to grow today.

Submitted by: Garys Scaries

Herron Island Road

Late at night, folks using Herron Rd NW (coined "Herron Island Rd") report seeing a feminine being with a white cape walking on the side of the road. There are also reports of weird lights in the woods and disembodied humming heard/felt.

Submitted by: Bex

Mystery Grandma

I had moved back in with my father after my divorce for a short period of time into the house that my family had built and I had grown up in. My Dad was a long haul truck driver and needed someone to watch it while he was on the road. It was a country house with no close neighbors. No cell signal even..My parents divorced and my Mom hadn’t been at the house for a few years and she refused to even get close to the house after the divorce. I was sitting in the living room helping my girls get ready to leave and heard what I thought was static on a radio even though I had nothing on in the house we’d shut everything off since we had to leave..then I heard my Mom call for me and she had a specific way of calling for me she’d always like sang my name out like “Laaaanaaaa” just her way of getting my attention when I was little and I’d not heard her sing my name since I was little, I looked at my daughter like did you just hear that and she went “Grandma!!” and got super excited to see Grandma. I looked at her and said that’s not Grandma and I hurried her to leave. I even called my Mom once I was back into cell range and asked if she had like stopped by she’s like no I have been at work all day wasn’t me. To this day I still can’t find a logical reason as to what happened, I assume it was a time distortion I’m not sure?

Submitted by: Lona

Footsteps at the Witch Grave

If you are in the spiritual circle in Portland, ME, you may have heard that there’s a witch buried in the Western Cemetery. The cemetery established in 1850 was not well kept, so there’s many headstones that are broken or worn away past the point of readable. Apparently, the cemetery has been vandalized as well, with many walking off with the headstones. No one knows if this is actually a witch or if it’s fable but many witches go to make offerings to the grave in hopes of guidance or protection, or just some good karma. The witches tomb sits surrounded by 4 other headstones within a fence. This stone grave used to be headed with a large cross that has since come tumbling down. It used to read the Latin word “ diaconus” so some would assume the person buried there was a deacon of sorts. The Celtic patterns that wrap around the base have mostly warn off. Today, I bundled some mugwort and a few other flowers and herbs and tied it with some straw. I marched my way through the tall grass to give an offering. I noticed the bush next to the fence is over grown. Just below the left side of the tomb is a hold that most likely was dug by a small critter. A white tall candle with the grim reaper printed on the glass was sitting on the headstone. A mostly smashed pumpkin was decaying off to the left. Some black wax and partially burnt incense were to the right. I left my offering and cleaned up the cans of white claw and other trash that were cluttering up with beautifully witchy scene. As I left to throw away the trash I heard distinct footsteps coming from behind me. Many people jog through the cemetery around to the park so I turned around to see which way they were going. I pulled my dog aside and turned to look, but realized no one was there. I looked around and no one else was in the cemetery. The footsteps sounded like they could have been just 5 or 10 feet behind me so if anyone was there I would have noticed. The birds stopped chirping. I felt a slight tingling in my left shoulder and down my arm. I called out, “if you come in peace you may make your presence known, but if not you must leave.” There was a moment more of silence and then the birds began chirping again like wild. The feeling in my arm dissipated. I wanted to believe that maybe it was the witch thanking me for picking up the trash, but the manor in which they left made me question. I’m not sure who was in the cemetery this morning but it was surly the most thrilling contact I’ve had since interacting with the witches grave.

Submitted by: Sam S

Old Penitentiary

I used to work at the Old Penitentiary. One day as we were closing the yard, with no patrons left, we locked one of the cell houses (with the really cool old metal keys) and as we were walking away two cell doors slammed shut in a space that is completely closed to human visitors and footsteps ran up the stairs. There was no way any humans were left in that building because we check every cell before locking it up for anyone trying to hang out and stay overnight.

Submitted by: J

Possible Time Traveler?

It's not the spookiest location in the world, but one day may partner and I stopped by the Shake Shack in downtown LA for a quick bite before heading to an event. While we were there, we both saw a man in a bright orange boilersuit running full-speed down Hill Street towards 7th Street with his arm outstretched holding a white object that looked almost like a wii remote. It being downtown, we didn't think much of it and laughed it off. No more than 3 minutes later- I remember because we were starving and our order seemed to be taking forever- the same man went sprinting up 8th Street towards Grand Ave. in the same bright orange boilersuit with the same white remote. Given the time of day and how heavy traffic was, it would have been impossible for him to either come back the way he came or circle a whole city block in that time.- even at the speed he had been running. Now, my partner is a skeptic- I am the spooky one in the relationship but even he couldn't account for what we'd seen. We joked that it must have been a time traveler. It's been a couple years now and neither of us has ever forgotten the incident and to this day we've never been able to come up with a satisfactory explanation.

Submitted by: Dev

Dreams in the Old Schoolhouse

There is a house in Index, WA that sits on the site of the old schoolhouse. The living room floor is made out of the boards of the long ago classroom. There is a old wooden sled upon which the music system rests. I am a heavy dreamer & will often talk in my sleep. This amuses my husband to no end. He usually will let it play out without waking me. Sometimes he gets curious & he will ask a question. I can & do answer but usually have little memory of the conversation later. At this house, I always end up giggling or laughing in my sleep. He asked me once what was funny. I looked at him, smiled and said "The children are so happy. They are playing outside in the snow. It's always recess now." and boom. Back to sleep. Husband not so much. Spent half the night, listening to the river, wondering if his wife was still playing with the ghost children in her sleep. In the morning, I remembered this vividly. He asked if I was frightened. I am not a fan of spooky things. Not this place. We were unable to have children in this life but we always have our ghost kiddos. They are doing fine. It's always a snow day for the long ago children of Avenue A. It's an incredible peaceful place & I always feel like I am going home once I hit Highway 2. I am not a Christian. I still always stop at the church by the wayside, a free one person church in a farm field on the way up. It feels like an a necessity.

Submitted by: Angel

Thin Place In A Dream

I once dreamed of a place in the northern part of Greenland. I had no proof such a thing ever existed, then one day I just realized what I dreamed was an actual place. Was it a Mandela effect or did the place just materialized out of a dream ? Even now I know it's real the atmosphere there feels thin like it's still somehow part of a dream who just happened to slip in the material world...

Submitted by: Reality Switching Station

The Grave With A Growing Chain

When the weather gets cool and the nights get foggy, whispers of the Grave with a Growing Chain come up. According to local legend, one grave at Bond's Chapel Cemetery holds an engraving of a chain...that gains a link every year. Folks of all ages flock to this site (when feeling extra brave) to get a chance at witnessing the new link appear! The root of this legend varies in who you ask; some blame the phenomenon on the weather, while others are determined that a local murder involving a chain tainted this stone (note: the owner of the grave died of tuberculosis, has no relation to the murder). Whatever the cause, exploring this site late at night made living in this rural area a little more thrilling.

Submitted by: Bex in the Liminal

Zig Zag UFO

Crystal clear night, watching satellites and the space station in the sky. Then I saw a light, roughly at same perceived altitude as satellites. But this light was moving erratically, going fast then slow, and traveling in a zig zag motion, not in a straight line. I followed it about half a head turn and then I lost it or it vanished. I'm confident it was not a satellite or the ISS. Nothing wild, but I'm happy to have seen it.

Submitted by: BaDonkeyFace

Tank Range Bigfoot

Pretty sure I saw a bigfoot off route 144 on the tank range complex at ft Stewart, myself and 6 others were on the range as an advance party and at around 2am I saw a large bipedal something er other walk out of the swamp, cross the raised maintenance pad and then go back into the swamp at the other side. Everyone else was asleep and I don't see why I random person would be wading through the swamp in the middle of the night on a restricted US Army range complex.

Submitted by: Joshua

Lincoln Park Weirdness

Walking into Lincoln park from the northwest corner of the park I went with 2 other friends to skateboard. I smelt a strong methane gas, which no one had I found out afterwards! I sat on the picnic table waiting for people to think so I can climb into the trees right there to pee The lat, and long I gave. After I peed I went to climb out by going up towards the trail since I had shorts on all of a sudden it got very dark and very quiet so dark I couldn't see the water or more then a foot in front of me , after 10 minutes I yelled how do I get out of here! I heard a reply a woman's voice which said we can't tell you! Which really pissed me off so I start yelling my friends that went with me their names while also going east and south. Then i hear a loud charging sound heading towards me not charging from the ground but from tree to tree I look to my right see what appears to be an outlining of 4 people I toss the last of my water towards them and still hear bye charging meanwhile fireworks are going off and my friends where yelling at the entrance area I'm not hearing anything I've been in the dark grabbing branches not there getting cut up this large sounding mystery thing is charging at me it's been 1.5 hours plus I decided to hurt myself at where the charging noise is coming from and going Southeast I should have been way out of lincoln park, and yet, I finish my tumble at the very beginning where I went up to go and pee! I walk back to my car with one shoe missing cuts all over as soon as im close enough i drop to the ground not able to drive or do anything not understanding or knowing how to explain by any means , the female friend and her boyfriend said they both looked up at the woods and then where like no that seens creepy way creepy tonight I drink 7 bottle waters 2 gaterades a slurpee and eat several popcycles , and I hear weird and see weird things when I get by woods and the dak street lights keep the woods and me distant, sometimes I go in the woods knifes out sledge hammer ready!! And the most bizarre is I do not believe in supernatural, ghost, hauntings or that kind of thing I just can't make sense of this, is there anything you might know or anyway I can understand this?

Submitted by: Kristoffer M

Haven 64

I was in 6th grade when I had a dream that I've always just called 'Haven 64', The dream started with me and my family going into a hotel called Haven 64. The lobby had like a golden light everywhere, there was a huge chandelier in the ceiling. My parents went to the desk to check in, and I noticed that there was a hallway. I started to go down it. It was long and dark and skinny, there were a bunch of doors on each side of the wall, all boarded up. Eventually I reached the end of the hallway. The last door at the end of the hallway was on the left side, and it was cracked open. Light was coming out of it. I opened the door, and on the floor I saw almost all of my friends sitting on the floor, playing cards. They looked up at me and I saw that they were skeletons. A door appeared at the very end wall of the hallway and I ran out of it, my skeleton friends chasing me. I was running outside, down a block in what looked like a stereotypical suburban middle class neighborhood. Everything had that same kind of goldenish tint to it that it did in the lobby of the hotel. Suddenly my best friend, who wasn't a skeleton and also wasn't in the group I saw playing cards appeared next to me like they had been running with me the whole time. They told me to run and to save myself, so I did. I turned the corner, and I saw a father and son playing catch. They turned to me, their faces were skeletons too, and that's when I woke up. The next day at school I told my best friend about the dream, and they told me that they had the same dream, except for that they were in my place, and I was the one who told them to run and save themself. I've fallen out of contact with my friend, but I've always tried to do research about Haven 64, and to see if it's a real hotel or place or if anyone else has had this dream. I've found nothing of interest, other than that there's a graveyard called Haven 64 in the Netherlands.

Submitted by: Eden

Semi-human Figure

My father rides his bike around the neighborhood every day usually around 6-8PM in the summer. Well, on this particular day he had left at 8 and it had gotten dark faster. Around my house there are street lights, but up the road in the less residential areas, there are no street lights and it becomes pitch black at night. My father has a head lamp he takes with him just in case and today it was useful. He rode down the road to the part where there were no streetlights, just his little lamp and saw a figure. He described it as tall, 8-10 feet tall at least. It was white,, possibly hairy, and looked semi human. When he got about 15 feet away, it ran into a ditch. One key point my dad noticed was that it reflected his light and it was silent when it ran. But, my dad at that point had been scared sh*tless so he turned around and pedaled home. After he returned home, he told us about what he had seen. My mom and I got into the car and drove to the spot he saw the figure. We didn't see anything at first, but when we turned around my mom and I saw it running away from our car and back to the ditch. Both my parents thought it was a bigfoot type creature at first, but we figured it was most likely a ghost since it was silent when it moved.

Submitted by: MM

Thrift Store UFO

We were out randonauting at about 10:30pm-11pm one night, and we ended up following coordinates to the parking lot of this thrift store. The exact coordinates took us to the side of the building where there are loading docks for trucks. We parked the car, got out, and walked to the exact spot where the coordinates said we should be. Nothing felt particularly strange, so I looked at him and asked, "So what now?" He replied, "I don't know," so we stood there, staring at the sky. It was a clear night, so you could see the stars, just about as many as you would expect to see in a city. We were only there for about 4 or 5 minutes when out of the right side of my vision I saw a super bright light in the sky. The light looked to be the shape of a four pointed star, like the classic depictions of what the North Star is supposed to look like. And when I say bright, I mean this thing looked LED. The light was moving across the sky from right to left, and relatively quickly, but smoothly. Nothing like a satellite or a plane, it didn't have any other blinking lights to it and it made no sound at all. I didn't look away from it. Out loud I said, "Is that a-" and as soon as the words left my mouth, the light stopped in its tracks and just hovered right above us. Again, without looking away I said, "It's a UFO," and the light blinked once as if confirming my belief. Then the light started drifting to the left again, blinked three times, and then vanished on the fourth blink as if it had never existed. I let go of my breath that I didn't realize I had been holding. A weird calm and quiet washed over us. I finally looked away from the sky over to him and said, "We just saw a UFO." He looked back at me and said, "Yes we did."

Submitted by: OnAnAdventure

Farrenburg Lights

The Farrenburg Lights are a strange light phenomena witnessed by many in the local communities since the late 1800s. Strange blue and green tennis ball sized lights can be seen travelling quickly in and out of the trees along a field road. Teens frequently drive out to watch from a distance. Vehicles brave enough to approach have been darted at, followed, and felt vibrations strong enough to be mistaken for an earthquake. The vibrations are thought to be emanating directly from the balls of light and only seem to affect that particular vehicle. There seems to be no pattern or reasoning to their appearances; they simply appear some nights and not on others. Some attribute it to marsh gases, as there is a rather large fault line in the area that travels adjacent to the Mississippi River. A professor at Southeast Missouri State University launched a research program in the 1970s that linked this light phenomena with a UFO crash that occurred nearby in the 40s. His findings suggested that the lights may be alien in nature and that alien encounters seem to sometimes be focused near fault lines, rivers, and military installations; all three of which were present within a short distance of the location.

Submitted by: Jacki

Missing Day

The park across the street from Stephen F Austin Middle School has some strange energies. This specific story (out of many instances I have had there) is about time loss. And a great deal of it. There is a park bench that is close to the neighboring church that I will never sit at again due to this. I had went there with somebody for lunch on a Sunday afternoon and we sat at this specific bench to eat. Once we were done, we wanted to sit outside and enjoy the weather, which we did. Mind you, we were there around a usual lunch time in the spring, around 1PM. We noticed the sun going down quicker than usual, and attributed this to be from us enjoying our time that we had just lost track of it. When the sun fully went down, we decided to leave and go back to a friend's house. Once we got there, they were relieved to see us. Apparently we had been gone for an entire 24 hours or more. I checked my phone to see that it was around 8PM on Monday, and I had missed school entirely. I had several missed calls from people, wondering where I was. To this day, nobody truly believes that we were just having lunch at this park bench and ended up being there for over 24 hours. We felt no sleep deprivation or anything that typically comes with being awake for that long. The confusion and disorientation from this even lasted quite a while, and thinking about it still gives me chills.

Submitted by: Rowena

Salem Road Bridge

The first time I encountered Salem Road Bridge was on a drive with my cousin in the summer of 1995. It was just a small bridge over a creek, but we suddenly found ourselves overcome with fear, as if something terrible would happen if we were to cross. We turned back instead. Later on, I learned that the spot was notorious for inspiring this sort of fear, and after asking around town found that many people had only been able to cross it after multiple tries. The place inspired rumors, as well, tales of ghosts, mysterious rituals and the like. After a friend and I finally gathered the courage to cross it in 2004, we found the place unnervingly silent, and that my friend's wristwatch as well as the clock in the car had stopped.

Submitted by: Tamara

Vanishing Elf Shack

One day in 1989, my mother and I were driving down a country road when we saw a rustic shack with a sign saying "open." We went inside and found it filled with intricate figurines in the shape of elves and fairies. We looked around for the shopkeeper, but found no one at all, nor any sign of human habitation. We were so curious that we decided to come back when someone was in, but when we returned the next week, the building was not where we remembered it to be, and we were never able to find it again.

Submitted by: Tamara

Turtle Shrine

A space between some yards has some small tree stumps that have been converted into miniature shrines. One is all turtles. Another is all mushroom toys. Sometimes new things are added, or re-arranged. They have a cohesion and attention to arrangement that suggests great care is taken to look after them periodically. I have yet to see a caretaker(s), but have witnessed the occasional fellow Tiny Shrine Appreciater.

Submitted by: Em

Birth of a Star

It was a warm Summer night, the kind where you left your window open for the air to be breathable. For some reason I woke up and looked outside the window. In the distance I could see some lights near the river, it was too far and too dark to see clearly but I thought there was a few people lightning some fireworks. A firework did light up, it went straight to the sky without a sound and suddenly became idle. A bit of the sky that was dark just filled with a new star, maybe a bit brighter. I still remember it clearly to this day, it may have been a dream or an hallucination, but in some way I feel like I witnessed the birth of a star.

Submitted by: Maor B-G

Full-body Apparition

My friend and I loaded up a void point on Randonautica with the intention of seeing a 'ghost'. We pulled up to a stop sign near the high school and there was a car parked in front of us at the stop sign across from us which had been there for some time.. not moving for unknown reasons. We then both saw what looked like a walking apparition cross the front of the vehicles headlights (this is at night) but it never crossed the entire walkway. The apparition even blocked the light coming from the headlights. At first we thought maybe the car switched drivers.. but the cab lights never came on.. nor did we see any doors open during this event. The vehicle then turned and drive away slowly. After this event my skeptic friend asked if I had seen it. I said yes.. congratulations on seeing your first full body apparition. We didn't even make it to the void point because it was inaccessible and we weren't even filming yet. I feel like that was the event we/he was meant to experience.

Submitted by: Modern Mystics

Strangeness on the Iron Bear-Teanaway Ridge

My husband and I were hiking the Iron Bear trail near Cle Elum, Washington. A section of this trail runs along a forested ridge in the shape of a U, such that you can see part of the trail across the way from where you stand. As my husband and I are finishing off the hike, we’re walking north on the trail, headed to the bend that will take us around the ridge. I tend to walk with my gaze locked on the trail near my feet to look for wildflowers, but I was struck with the urge to look across the ridge at the section of the trail we would be walking on once we crossed the bend. As I glanced at the trail in the distance, I was struck with a fancy of seeing doppelgängers of myself and my husband walking on the other trail. I thought the idea was funny, and decided to share the daydream with my husband. After hearing my story, he guffawed and said “I was imagining the same exact thing!” We both had the sense we may have experienced a whisper from the simulation.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Angry Lodge Ghost

A man died in this year (2021) from a heart attack in lodge number 3. He was always angry and hated everyone as staff describes him. He likes to come out when its dark outside and hates the light. It could be a poltergeist bcs of how often it would move stuff even if youre in front of it. He likes to get attention by knocking or scratching on doors and floors or moving your chair and tugging on your blankets. Sometimes he even throws stuff. But he only does it when the lights are completely off in the cabin. If its not he does it outside and gets angry he cant come in. I dont have videos bcs I was rly scared. With good reason bcs of just how strong he was. I was his target while staying there and luckily it didnt follow me when I left. Also the man is described as a pitch black figure. He's the real deal(I'm really not kidding). You can even hear him walking at night. The floor is made of wood so it creaks. It actually sounds like he's bearfoot too. And also likes messing up showers by throwing the bottles and opening and closing the taps.

Submitted by: Illze H

Mysterious Apple Manifestation

Pile of apples found in a space with no apple trees, no reason for produce to be there. The space feels odd and potentially liminal.

Submitted by: B

Mason Schoolhouse

Went here with my husband to look for anything odd and strange, I heard this area could very well be haunted (it's old with original buildings from the 1800's) plus this area has the famous Whaley house that is haunted (we went but no spooks). I've seen spirits since I was little and I enjoy the thrill of "ghost hunting" type things so we went to this schoolhouse that is the first in the area back then and I start taking pictures, I watch a channel that made contact with a spirit there so I started using her name from that video (name is Lacy) and I invite anything to show up on my pictures if it wanted to. Well I got some pictures I can't explain and I believe it's her or another curious spirit peaking from behind a tress at us. We didn't see anything in person but when we looked at the pics we found a few that stood out.

Submitted by: Jess C

Liminal Office

I remember a place in my house that apparently never existed. it's a place that used to be behind the hallway wall. it was an all beige office, with 5 or 6 desks exactly the same color as the wall. it had a few cabinets and papers and typewriters, all the same shade of beige. I have a very strong memory of that place, the smell of a closed library, even my grandfather was there, sitting in one of the chairs on the left. however, it seems that office never actually existed. there was a room there, but it was much smaller and narrower. wasn't beige and had been closed off before I was born. I never admitted that was just my imagination, it's a very vivid memory, and I don't even have many childhood memories, so I decided to tell it here. a bonus: I've dreamed a few times with the 2nd floor of my house totally different from what it is. unfortunately it's very difficult to describe. the structure wasn't much different from the real one, but the colors were more vibrant (the only exact color I could remember was a kind of dark fluorescent blue) and the hallways were bigger. there were also a few creatures and various random objects, like oddly shaped vases and colorful rugs hanging on the walls, and the libraries had secret passages to nondescript places. the last time i dreamed about that was like 4 years ago. they were different dreams, but the place was basically the same.

Submitted by: tsuki

Mystery Lights

Around midnight I was picked up by my friend and while we were leaving the area we both saw lights floating a little higher than the trees to the side of them but were out of sight too quickly to capture.

Submitted by: Tanpan

Carter Caves State Resort Park

Myself and 6 friends (a coven at the time,) went here to look for something although we didn't know what. We were aware that where we were is very close to a crossing of a ley line, that's why we were there. What we doing expect was that 4 of us would simultaneously wake up having a panic attack at 4 in the morning. I would run across the hall, leaving my bedmate, to escort my friend into bed with us as the hallway was terrifying. It feel like a blizzard had hit the hallways even though it was March and relatively warm. The energy was so high and I just don't think any of us could comprehend it so our bodies were panicking as the only way it could. I grabbed the friend who was sitting up, shaking, and brought them quickly through the threshold where 3 of us sat, shaking for about an hour before the rest had woken up and joined us. We all braved the hallway together and went into the main room and made a circle of candles and sat in it holding hands. We meditated together, and practiced divination, and I wish I still had my book today to document the things we had seen and experience, but it's 200 miles away right now. Our dowsing rods and EMF detector were going insane and we sat together in this circle watching the world warp around us. Later on we experienced a separate, less vague phenomena in a cave, but I'll save that for the others to write. They'll know it when they read this. The feeling was like having 1000 batteries pumping energy into the room. Like a lightning strike. Everything was so high energy and the contrast was all the way up. At that moment we could have ruled the world.

Submitted by: Kenn D

Smoke Manifestation

I usually open the Bible drawer in every hotel I go into, always has been a habit of mine no idea why lol but, my mom and I got in our hotel room and got settled in, started relaxing after the drive and I was sitting on my bed and she was sitting on hers when I leaned over and opened the drawer as she watched, I only opened it a little when a tendril of smoke came out of it and she and I looked at each other super confused and she leaned over and opened it the rest of the way and more smoke came out and the Bible was just sitting there all my mom could smell was cigarettes and all I could smell was the hotel room, the thing is there's no possible explanation, it was just a normal bedside table, no USB ports or anything fancy just a normal table, if it were the housekeepers playing a prank the smoke would've disappeared in the time it took us to settle. I will always remember this experience.

Submitted by: Faith R

Metlakalka Hangar

There are frequent experiences out at the old hangar. Strange noises & general uneasiness. I believe there are a few videos on YouTube and TikTok of experiences.

Submitted by: Mrs. B

Shiny Guy

I frequently walk Lincoln Park with my dogs. I love the atmosphere, and the energies - woods and water/ocean all blend making it truly a liminal spot, and it's rare to NOT encounter some sort of being or spirit in my walks. Because I've been so often these places are familiar, and the encounters frequent. They aren't overt, indeed most are quite subtle. Earth and animal spirits abound there, but they are unlikely to be noticed by most. It does have it's darker regions. Areas where I've sensed heavy energies from - events, spirits, elementals. Again, these are subtle, but there. While most who aren't in tune to these energies might brush it off as a passing chill or just imagination, those who are sensitive will easily recognize these for what they are - beings and energies that carry elements of pain, or grief, or...? I did encounter one male spirit multiple times over the course of about a year. He declined to self-identify, but referred to me as "Shiny Girl" the times I encountered him, so in return I dubbed him "Shiny Guy" even though he was anything but when I first "met" him. He found the irony of it humorous. Over the course of a year I would run into Shiny Guy from time to time. Initially, he tried to be frightening. Then he tried taunting. It frustrated, then amused him that I was neither scared or reactive to his attempts. He would tell me he did "bad things" and that he stayed here because a lot them took place in those woods. He liked to relive the memories and he liked to scare people by projecting heavy energies like fear. The impression I got was that he'd been there since the 1980's or thereabouts. He wouldn't give me a date, like he wouldn't give his name. But he showed himself as he was back then. He was on the taller side, about 5'11", on the skinnier side. He usually presented as wearing a baggy white tank top, and baggy dark jeans. They sagged on a frame that had very little to it - his shoulder bones were visible and his hips nonexistent. His cheekbones were prominent because his cheeks looked hollow, with dark circles under dark eyes, and rough stubble on a thin, pointy chin. His hair dark and kind of thin and stringy. He did not look like he was very healthy in life. Eventually, he crossed over, and I've not encountered him for a couple years. I like to think he's moved on to better places. Lincoln Park remains one of my favorite places to this day. A truly magical place to reconnect with Earth.

Submitted by: Serena D

The Ghost Barge of Ironbridge

The ghost barge of Ironbridge is a frequently reported haunting. This ghostly vessel is frequently reported (one of my grandfathers was reputed to have seen it once, whilst walking home from the foundry he worked at) and is almost always a full apparition. It first appears not too far from the Ironbridge, and presents as a long, dark ship, but not largely different from any open topped boat. At its helm, a tall figure stands, often described as wearing old fashioned clothes, or a dark cloak. It sails slowly down the river, and as it gets closer, its cargo is revealed. The ghost barge is often witnessed from the Ironbridge- which gives you a great vantage point to see what it is carrying. It’s believed that on the barge, is row upon row of corpses, piled high. This is obviously a very macabre and shocking sight, but almost as soon as the corpses are noticed, the barge shimmers, and disappears from view. However, Ironbridge is not the only area the ghost barge is reported, for many have recounted similar instances down the river in Jackfield. Here there have been sightings of a ghostly barge tethered to the riverbed. Accompanying the boat is the bargeman from before, now stood on the riverbed- as if waiting, alongside rows of corpses. I believe these two hauntings are related, and we’ve simply re-joined the bargeman at the end of his journey. This apparition is believed to be a plague barge- transporting the dead to the mass graves that were in Jackfield.

Submitted by: Amy B

Old Ned's Devil

The Shropshire Man Monkey, or Old Ned’s Devil is a Cryptid zooform primate that has been sighted along the Shropshire Union Canal. This canal was built by Thomas Telford in 1828 and covers a wider area, and several canal systems including Shropshire, Staffordshire, Birmingham, and parts of Cheshire. Though not a specifically Shropshire phenomena (as he has been sighted on multiple occasions along the canal) he is well known in Shropshire. The most famous sighting occurred at 10pm on the evening of the 21st of January 1879 and was investigated by Folklorist Charlotte S. Burne. She recounted that just before the eyewitness reached the canal bridge, a strange, hairy black creature ‘with great white eyes’ sprang out of the plantation by the roadside and attached itself onto his horse’s back. In desperation he tried to push it off with his whip, but to his horror, the whip went through the creature, and he dropped it to the ground with fright. The horse then broke into a canter, and ran at full speed, with the creature still clinging to his back. The man returned to a village called Woodseaves and recounted his tale. With the listeners being so terrified that they stayed in the area rather than risking an encounter. The witness was so terrified by his encounter, that he took to his bed for several days afterwards. The canal was searched the next day, and the whip was found in the exact place he’d dropped it. Apparently, the police visited the witness a few days later, upon reports he’d been robbed. When he explained, in horror what he’d saw, the policeman was rather disappointed, and replied ‘Oh was that it sir? I know what that was. That was the Man Monkey, sir as does come again at that bridge ever since a man was drowned in the cut’ I’m sure the witness was very disheartened to know such an experience was a regular occurrence. A creature akin to the Man Monkey was also reported near the end of the 19th century by a man named Ned. Whilst driving a pony and trap on Rolfe Street in Smethwick, outside Birmingham, he heard a strange noise behind him, and was leapt at by an unusual-looking animal, which he fought off and killed with his horsewhip. The animal was placed on display in a glass case in the Blue Gate pub on Rolfe Street and was dubbed "Old Ned's Devil" by the locals. Old Ned’s devil was probably a separate creature to the one experienced in January 1879, as this was a creature of flesh and blood, and killed. However, it provides further discussion in the narrative of The Ape Man. Further Monkey man sightings have been reported since this instance, all with astonishing commonalities. The most recent one I could find was one reported in 2002 to British waterways. (now the canal and river trust) The man contacted the trust and said that during a holiday on the ‘shroppie’ in the 1980’s, he passed under a bridge and upon looking up saw ‘a huge, hairy black figure’ staring back at him with large eyes. He called for his family, however the creature disappeared.

Submitted by: Amy B

The Shrieking Serpents of Shropshire

In 2017 in an area called Whitchurch, two people bore witness to a real-life scene from Jurassic park. This incident is known as ‘The Screeching serpents of Shropshire’ and is the latest in a series of dinosaur sightings in Britain. (though not a classical cryptid, the reason why such creatures continue to be sighted is certainly unexplained) The witness claimed she was first alerted when she heard a strange ‘screech’ coming from outside. Rather disconcertedly, she noticed that not only was the screech unlike anything she’d heard before, but the noise was getting closer. When she looked outside, across the treeline she witnessed two ‘pterodactyls’ flying side by side and watched in horror until they were out of view, Her house was near a nature reserve, and she knew the local birds well, so she distinguished that these grey, leathery winged creatures were not birds, but something else. They appeared far bigger than anything she had seen before. The lady told her husband, who was sceptical, but kept the sighting to herself. A few days later, her 13-year-old son had been playing outside, when he witnessed similar phenomena, hearing screeching, and seeing large, leathery winged creatures. Whilst trying to help her son identify what he saw, she showed him a picture of a Pterodactyl, to which he confirmed this was the creature. This is certainly an impressive story, but it isn’t the only ‘pterosaur’ sighting occurring within Shropshire. Indeed, according to the website of Jonathan Whitcomb- Living Pterosaurs enthusiast’ a further sighting occurred in 2017 on the Silkin way in Telford. Here a man saw a ‘large, leathery creature’, with a wingspan of 4-6 feet glide past him whilst walking this route. Both sightings have commonalities and point to a creature far larger than a regular bird or bat, and both witnesses felt sufficiently concerned enough to contact Jonathan.

Submitted by: Amy B

Steps leading to St Lukes Church

My introduction to Shropshire Folklore began at a very young age, and it involved a family connection. This was the story of my grandfather's encounter with the Devil. Our story starts, like so many of my stories, in Ironbridge. It was Sunday, and my grandfather- a mere boy at this point - was on his way to church. However, this wasn’t like a regular Sunday. Laurence (his name before he was grandad, or even dad) had made a cunning plan. He didn’t like church all that much, and the long hours of sermons didn’t really appeal to him- so planned to change that. A few days before, he’d spoken to his cousins, and a friend, and told them what they were to do. He told them to bring a pack of cards, as well as other games and to watch for his lead. Sunday came, and whilst his mum and dad were talking to their friends and well-wishers. My grandad signalled his friends, and snook off. They snook out of the churchyard, down to the steep steps that descend down to the Ironbridge itself. They felt triumphant- and in very good spirits as they played their games, knowing fully well they should be in the church service. They played for a short while, without interruption, when all of a sudden it hit them. The atmosphere changed, it felt tight, oppressive. The boys fell silent- just breathing… This is when my grandad heard footsteps behind him, coming down those winding steps, and felt a cold hand on his shoulder. The Devil called him by his name. He never described the Devil to me, Though even as an old man his fear was palpable. ‘you shouldn’t be wasting your Sunday on silly games’ he would say, perhaps quoting that fateful meeting, where the Devil had told him if he continued such rebellion- to play cards and ignore the sabbath, he would ensure they met again.>

Submitted by: Amy B