Trivette Clinic

Went here with four other people. We sat upstairs in the hallway, one of us sitting at the top of the stairway. Heard a hissing noise 3 times consecutively downstairs. We all looked at our friend sitting on the stairway, waiting for her to say she made the noise. She looked at us incredulously and asked if any of us had made the noise.

Submitted by: j

Glowing Orb

This encounter occurred over a decade ago when I was a young child, but I remember it clearly. I was laying in my sleeping bag in my cousin's room, looking up at the ceiling and trying to go to sleep. I saw a light in the hallway and looked over to the door to see a glowing orb float into the room a few feet below the ceiling. The orb bobbed slightly as it moved, slowly circling back to leave the bedroom and float away back down the hall.

Submitted by: Noah

Cypriot Vision

When i was 6 this shape appeared to me at night, at the time -and still tbh- i identified it as anubis (the egyptian god of death. he is known to accompany the dead to the "underworld") but really it was just an everchanging evershifting mass of - something - wax - air - idk. it woke me up by touching my shoulder. i was very sick and looking back now i could have died. i kept screaming "no leave me alone! im not ready yet im not ready go away!" and stuff and i ran into my parents room in a delirium (he followed me). my mum, spiritual, who was lowkey freaked out by me lit a candle and i passed out on the bed immediately.

Submitted by: nat

Navio Brough

Whilst walking over the site of what was a Roman Fort yesterday I felt the sensation of raindrops on my hand which was hanging loose by my side.. thinking I was going to get soaked I held my hand out but the air was dry.. noticeably at the same time the wet feeling on my skin had developed into prickly jabs, all around my hand which wasn't unpleasant and soon passed... a sensation I believed to be attempted contact from a spirit energy. I have walked the site often and never experienced anything there before.

Submitted by: Hubert H.

Greater Northern Panhandle

(Report pertains to approximately 50 km in radius around central location.) As a base preface I would like to submit that the Appalachian region is dotted with severe magnetic anomalies and gravitational distortions. While this is partially attributable to the mountainous terrain, subsurface geology and mountaintop removal, paired with the recent trend of the last few decades to drill sideways to extract low density coal have left it without sufficient mass to justify the extra drag. Being isolated from major fault lines and generally insulated from underground aquifer shifts, this shouldn't still register so highly on interferometers. The eccentricity of earths orbit is fairly stable and the change in shape during spin cycles does not produce significant momentum or mass drag upwards from the core. The atmosphere in the region is laden with heavy metals, making it easy to see things like HAARP style cloud scattering from things as low energy as emergency microwave cell towers (which are now on trucks driving randomly all over.) This sensitivity to electromagnetism causes partial anchoring to the ionosphere. As a result VLF and other slightly higher bands are able to bombard the areas with (primarily) solar loopback radiation a la "whistlers," but on a larger scale. This has a direct correlation with suppressing latent psychic ability, REM sleep, Astral Projection (RV-remote viewing at the time) as well as the ability to have any kind of memorable dream state according to the DOD/DIA portion of the STARGATE training procedure at Berkley during the late 1980s or early 90's.

Submitted by: Director Delta

Everyman Theater York

At the Everyman cinema in York. An usher told me that if you're alone in Screen 1 you will see a black haired man in seat D14. He is sometimes watched over by a woman dressed in 40s clothes, who sits in a void at the end of row E.

Submitted by: Khoops

Terrifying Entity

This was sometime this year (I think) at the time of writing this. I've had several visits from ghosts or spirits or whatever you want to call them, but this one was WAY different. Usually the spirits I've seen are just shadows that kind of disappear after a while, and are never harmful or mean. But one day, I was sleeping and woke up very early in the morning, my room barely had any light as the sun was just beginning to rise. I turned over in bed to face my bedroom door, and this absolutely terrifying creature was standing in the corner between my door and the adjacent wall. It looked vaguely like a human but was totally hairless and didn't have any sexual organs or anything, and it was VERY skinny, like its spine was literally poking out of its skin. It had really light-colored skin but wasn't pure white, but was close to it. It had big pointed ears and huge eyes and a very long nose, so it was basically like a human with very exaggerated features. But the terrifying part was the "vibes" it was giving off. I could literally feel pure hatred and anger radiating off of it and the air around it looked very dark, almost black. I somehow knew that if it saw me I was going to be in huge danger and that it would attack or hurt me, so as quietly as I could, I turned over in bed so I was facing away from it and forced myself to go back to sleep. When I woke up a few hours later, it was gone and the "bad vibes" had faded, but I still had this sense of fear and dread, like a part of me was scared that it would come back, which it never did, thankfully. I have never experienced sleep paralysis before, so I know that's not what it was, especially since I was able to move to roll over. Plus, I literally felt like that thing was in the room with me, kind of like how you know when another person is standing behind you or something. That thing was 100% real, and I have no idea what it was. I've had lots of paranormal experiences, but that was the first and only time I had literally feared for my safety.

Submitted by: Judas

Dogman Sighting

Werewolf / Dogman type creature. Hairy humanoid body with big pointy ears.

Submitted by: Jeffery S

Turkey Ritual

My husband, Stephen, reported this to me. On his way to the store early on Sunday 10/4/2020, he witnesses a circle of wild turkeys at the location of a land development underway. They were walking together in a perfect circle around a turkey standing perfectly center. Center turkey had his head up, beak pointed to the sky.

Submitted by: Holly S

Are You Dreaming?

Various local news outlets report the presence of official-looking posters assisting the residents of Sheffield by asking "Would you know if you were dreaming right now?". It outlines a simple trick to diagnose if one is unknowingly in a dream.

Submitted by: Khoops

"Voodoo" Map

Very illegal target practice has created a voodoo map. A bullet has punched a neat black hole into a public map-board of the nearby area. As if in sympathy, the footpath shot off the map has in real life been swallowed by a 500 foot wide, 50 foot deep crater.

Submitted by: Khoops

Anomalous Mammal Sighting

On the way home from my brother's house, heading southbound on hwy. 51, I had an animal sighting that was pretty perplexing for the region. I saw the animal cross the road ahead of me as i was driving about 50mph so it's difficult to nail down the details, but i'll describe it to the best of my ability. It crossed the road on 4 legs, There was nothing paranormal or cyptid about this creature just odd for the swampy region. I initially described it to my brother via text when I got home as a "skinny raccoon, but defiantly not a raccoon." The Frame was about the length and height of a LARGE raccoon. The color seemed more solid brown, and it moved similar to a raccoon as it was running across the road in front of me. The body was skinny thought, and the head was smaller. I keep saying raccoon because that is the closest thing i have to compare it to, it also moved as a raccoon would. I been looking up swamp mammals found in Louisiana and a swamp weasel looks close but the leg(especially front legs) do not match...the critter i saw had longer legs.Also the size would of been substantially larger than a swamp weasel. The front legs moved as you would see a racoon walk. A shouldery gate (if that makes since, sort of like a bear) After emailing the description to a friend that lives in Northern GA, he suggested what i might of saw was a fisher cat. So i looked the animal up and was shocked to see a striking resemblance to what i saw. The strange part is that the fisher cat's range is no where near the southeast swamp of Louisiana. The more i think i got a handle on this mystery the more confused I get. The appearance I remember it to be more like the Swamp Weasel but not in size, the size more fits the Fisher in dimension and girth. Im inclined to think it was a fisher cat i saw, but the coloration was more close to the swamp weasel aka Long-tailed W. If what i saw was a fisher it would of been a smaller one, I see they can get fairly big. Im no zoologist but could a population of Long-tailed weasel adapt to be larger in an area rich in nutrition source. Or like wise could a fisher adapt to be smaller and lighter colored in more tropical climate?

Submitted by: Chase F.

"A Poltergeist Broke My Bong"

Living in the same place as my last entry, 6 months later. At Lochsa Lodge, there has always been stories of the 'Nez Perce Curse,' that the deceased monarch always mentioned but her family never really believed in it. There are plenty of stories from other employees but this happened to me on July 13 2014. I woke up at 3 am(sound familiar?) to a wave of energy going through my shitty single wide trailer. There were two door on the same side of the house. The front door opened in and the door closest to my room at the back of the place had a small shit door that opened out. The door that opened out had two large wood rounds stacked against it so my cat can get in through the small window on the door. We never used that door...there was wilderness outside and no steps except the rounds. I wasn't scared when I woke up, just knew something was happening...after getting my shit together enough to wake up and take a look I found a mirror that had been set on a desk, leaning against the wall, had been flipped completely over. i could understand if the mirror had slipped off the desk but that was not the evidence. The mirror was facing the wall upside down when I found it. This is only two feet from the bottom of my bed in a tiny, shitty place. NOTHING had been knocked off the desk...if the mirror had slipped from the bottom, everything would have been on the floor. Instead the mirror is flipped and on the ground. Upon further inspection, the door closest to my room, that opens to the outside and has the two large tree rounds propped against it, is wide open. There's a tiny narrow hallway that leads to a living room and kitchen area. I had a coffee table with a glass top where I had set my bong. The front door that opens in was open and the bong was sitting in the middle of the kitchen. Smack dab in the middle. Following the water trail it looked as if the bong fell over on the coffee table and then s l o w l y rolled into the kitchen. I believe this because of the amount of water that had left a trail. Prominent pool on the coffee table and then a trail directly to where it rest. The stem was broken and that was all. That's it! A poltergeist broke my bong. No explanation. Had have witnesses for both my experiences at Lochsa Lodge.

Submitted by: Kristin H

Strange Flyers

My friend Daniel and I lived in two separate single wide trailers available for employee housing. Both were heated by an outdoor boiler that we needed to stock with wood a few times a day. We were the only ones living on the compound since it was winter and off-season. We went out to stock the boiler and it started snowing these insane huge snowflakes out of no where. Beautiful. We sat and watched the snow, amazed. After we had put a grip of logs in the boiler we heard this sound fly over us. Close enough we could feel the vibrations in the air. It sounded like something that flapped its wings at the speed of a humming bird but was much larger. Much larger. For something to flap its wings that fast and be the size of it that it was...we could not fathom what we felt and heard pass over our heads at a close range, twice. Middle of winter, mind you, in a snowstorm. If birds were out (why would they be in the middle of the night in winter???) we couldn't think of a single species that flapped its wings like that that would be that large. We could FEEL the vibrations of the wings against the air. Unexplainable. We sat in dead silence, crackling of the fire is all we heard...nearly an OZ effect. Sitting in silence for what seemed like forever just staring questioningly into each other's eyes, a definite WTF WAS THAT moment. We talked about it for a long time. Never saw anything, just experienced sound and feel.

Submitted by: Kristin H

Arboretum UFO

Second, and so far only other UFO incident I have witnessed. Two deep orange / red lights were sitting next to each other in the sky. I watched them for a minute or so as I was driving home from my dad's house after a Holiday party. I was on my way to another party - one at a friend's house - when I saw these lights suddenly dip down behind the tree line and vanish. The lights were seen over the south side of County Road 5, over or further west than the Arboretum (A large nature preserve with tall trees which is used by the U of M). The one on the left dropped first, immediately followed by the one on the right. They seemed to come together almost in a V formation as they descended.

Submitted by: aettic

Frankie's Pizza UFO

I was delivering pizzas for Frankie's at the time. It was a slow night, about ten past 10pm, and I was sitting out back waiting for a delivery smoking a cigarette. I was tracing satellites which I like to do late at night when the sky is clear. The sky was really clear that night and even though Crystal is pretty close to the Twin Cities, you can see a lot of stars out there late at night. Not as many as in the country. One satellite I was tracing suddenly stopped on a dime in close proximity to a bright star. There was a bright flash like a camera flash around the UFO - then I swear to god, some kind of blue-ish light like a pilot light from an oven or a hot candle flame emanated from the star toward the satellite-that-wasn't-a-satellite. The tip of the flame pointing toward the UFO. This would have to be impossible, there's no way an object in our atmosphere could interact with a star like that. This whole flame situation went on for maybe 5 - 10 seconds and then there was another white flash just like the first one, and the UFO took off from where it had stopped. It curved about 90 degrees, zipped away, and disappeared. The whole experience lasted about 30 seconds, I then pulled out my phone and wrote it all down (including date and time), and ran inside the kitchen to tell the cooks what I had seen. Nobody believed me.

Submitted by: aettic

UFO at the Drive-In

This was once the location of one of the last drive-in theaters, now a Murdochs, but my sighting took place during the time of out door movies. I was in high school and was with family and a best friend, while the screen was blacked out between showings, my friend and I gazed at the stars glistening above us in the heavens. While admiring the beauty, we noticed 2 moving lights high in our atmosphere, 1 was obviously a satellite as it never altered it's speed or course. As we watched the moving objects, they were in line but the following light was gaining on the first, as it approached the first light turned 90 degrees and shot out of sight in a split second... the remaining light kept creeping across the sky as if nothing happened.

Submitted by: Michael M.

"Melting" Drum Set

My band used to have a jam room at this location. We had finished a practice one night around 10 PM and the drummer took a pic of his drum set so that he could remember the position of some of his cymbals on his kit. The top of the photo is normal, but the bottom appears to be digitally distorted and makes the bass drum look like it's melting. None of us who were there at the time detected anything unusual aside from the photo itself (no temperature drop, weird noises, etc). The photo was later shown to a medium who said, without hesitation, that the distortion was caused by the spirits of a girl and her dog as they were walking in between the drummer and his set. I saved the photo as a GIF which caused a loss of resolution, but revealed more of an outline of a human figure on the left and the head of a dog on the right? Strange...I guess they liked the music...or perhaps that we had stopped playing. lol

Submitted by: Zig

La Joux Verte

I went here some times ago, as a school travel. That house is pretty isolated from everything and I slept there. Since my first step inside, I felt observed by something like if it was lurking in corner, one evening, I successfully captured the thing on a camera. I wasn't alone feeling bad, the driver of the bus who brought us here also said he heard and saw shadows in the fortress surrounding the place. What have I saw? Ghost or demon, i can't really decide, it has a strange face with bulging eyes reminding me the Chinese demon masks., and a mouth not that visible, maybe sewn. About the events in themselves, I will call them weird coincidence: We had a caterer for the meal of the evening, and that person was silent, and not really understanding what we say, in addition of that, having the exorcism theme as ringtone. I took some picture around the building, and on some I discovered eyes, like drawn on the walls. At the upper floor, I saw the strange ghost figure again but the capture isn't that good, because of it lurking in the shadows of the bottom of the picture. I experienced some power cut and hearing footsteps that seemed to come from around but in same time nowhere. But this is a old building, and maybe it is the work of the wood planks.

Submitted by: Darki

Dark Country Road

This particular place is a spot my friends and I like to park at. We usually just pull off to the side of the road into an entry way of a field. This spot is perfect for stargazing because not only is it extremely dark, but it is extremely rural. Out of the many times my friends and I have pulled off the road and sat there, there has only been one instance where a car has driven by, so a very secluded place. There are a couple of house down there but the spot is out of sight from them. This one instance where we saw something, my partner and I decided to go there to stargaze. We were having a nice time, playing music while the car was off, the sunroof window was open. Maybe an hour into stargazing, my partner decided to stick his out of the window (idk why lol). He looked behind our car and about 6-10ft. away from my car was a thing. He described as about the size of a big black wolf with its head to the ground. He said when he first saw it, it was standing still but began to slowly move across the road. He said it was too big for a coyote or dog. My partner is not one to make stuff up nor is afraid of many things because of being a bigger sized man. We turned on the car and got out of there as soon as we could.... We do not plan to go back to that spot ever again because of how scary it was.

Submitted by: Christina

Red and Black Rocket

I was in the U.S.A for a month and flew 5 times, each time had strangeness in it, it was a strange time with riots at the airports. One flight, could have been the one between Texas and Los Angeles at the start of my trip back to Australia. I was on a flight, and believe I was the only passenger who saw it, the pilots had to of seen it. Our plane was diverted, yet again in mid air to fly a different route, as land at a different airport. I remember thinking and feeling that I wasn’t scared to die, they had said over the speaker which was also strange telling all us passengers they were running low on fuel. The reason I was so calm, is that I was looking at the most magnificent, beautiful, billowing clouds I’ve ever seen in my life. The were pillowy, massive, pink and orange and white, truly stunning. And I felt so peaceful looking out the window at them. I thought if we fall out of the sky, it’s ok, I’ll be looking at these clouds. I’m looking and looking, staring into them... and then I see this... craft. And I’m like am I really looking at... a rocket! It was a red and black rocket. Right out of kids pajamas. It was far, no window, big fat flames out the back of it. Same height, same speed, same direction as our plane. Flying beside us from a long distance, easy enough to see it though. I thought, wow, but... really how menacing? Couldn’t ppl think this is a missile? And freak out? But it’s a rocket? Red and black?! I’m gasping, pointing, making sounds I sit up look around and no one else is looking at it they were all in just plane mode zoned out waiting. I wanted to look at it for as long as I could, I thought surely the pilots can see it. I got my phone out, filmed it flying along side the plane. Technical intelligence let me film it, it also let me keep it on my phone for a full year before I found it again. I tried showing my husband but he wouldn’t watch it he said he would watch it later he was watching something else, I said I would post it to fb anyway so he could see it there later. I went and did something in the kitchen. Went to post it to fb and the video was gone, I had just watched it again! I checked, every single other video was still there, only this UFO one was gone. I was devastated and shocked that TI had wiped it from my phone because it heard me say I was going to post it. It let me have it for my viewing only.

Submitted by: Danielle Y

Gold Coast UFO

A few weeks before the Commonwealth Games came to the Gold Coast, I was out on an afternoon walk coming back down our street towards our home. I was thinking about the hunger games movies, and I see this.. “bird” from a long distance ascending quite high up in the air. It seemed strange, it had caught my eye, something told me to keep looking at it. As I did it started descending, and coming back down towards the end of the street, as I got closer I realised it wasn’t a bird, it was flipping, from one side to another over and over again. As I got closer to our house it was coming back down over our street towards me. I could see it was a diamond or square shape craft on its diagonal. When it was on it side it looked like a rectangle length ways, when it was on its side a square on its diagonal. It felt like a beacon honing in on me, I was then trying to defer my attention away from it so it would stop coming towards me. It felt like it was monitoring something. As I took my attention away from it it changed direction to over our house away from me and started ascending again. I got my phone camera on and started filming. I uploaded the video to fb. It shows me pointing to it, it had cloaked itself from my camera however I could see it with the naked eye. After I uploaded it ppl started messaging me they couldn’t see the craft I saw, but they found other UFO’s in the photos and video that I couldn’t see with the naked eye that were underneath it. I asked my Mum if she saw it when I got back as she was outside but was sitting under the umbrella having a smoke, so she wasn’t even looking up, otherwise she wouldn’t have seen it go over our house.

Submitted by: Danielle Y

Surfer's Paradise UFO

One of the greatest UFO sightings I’ve seen was a mass sighting. Right in the heart of Surfers Paradise I was walking into Peninsular Drive the intersection where across the road is Melbas. I had my head down looking at my phone listening to music about to cross the road to my friends place when I felt this rumbling vibration feeling on the ground, and this noise like low bass speakers at a festival I looked up and there was a TR3B craft. Low over the street light just sitting there, hovering still. This is when the high rise across the road only had pillars in the ground it hadn’t been built yet. I was staring at it trying to take in every detail as I wasn’t sure how long it would last. It was just sitting there, after quite a few minutes I realised I was on a busy street I pulled my attention down and looked around and most ppl had stopped phones out filming this craft. I thought about filming it but realised everyone else was so I wouldn’t need to so I spent my time taking it all in. I thought it would be online somewhere after for sure. I cannot find it anywhere. After a while it got boring, I didn’t want to go on it... so there was nothing to do but look at it. I left to my friends house to tell them about it. By the time they slowly got to the window to look I couldn’t see it from their apartment. It seemed it was gone.

Submitted by: Danielle Y

Jackson Heights Home

In the 1990 my family moved to this old house in Jackson Heights. It was really nice and had really cool architecture such as stained glass, rock wall and in the staircase leading to the front they had what looked like a roof and window with a fake birds nest on the ceiling of the stairwell. We absolutely loved that house but would always have such weird vibes and at night I was always scared to walk around by myself. I have plenty of stories but the two that stick out to me the most is when my mother was pregnant with me she had been sleeping in her bed staring at the ceiling. She could see the lights of a car passing through the alley way. She suddenly saw a dark shadow come through the wall over her and started to choke her. She said she started to pray and it finally let go of her. My father said he thinks it was just sleep paralysis but mother swears she wasn't asleep. When I was younger I would see things in the house all the time, from something peeking out from behind the door, something rattling the door knob to my door or one of the creepier things like hearing whispering and seeing what looked like people peering at you. In our living room there were 4 big arched openings to see into the dining room and then in the middle an arched doorway. I would sometimes sleep in the living room since my sister's room was right next to it. At night when everything was silent in the house I would hear what would sound like a bunch of people whispering. I would put my blanket over my head and try to ignore it. One night I made the mistake of opening my eyes to see who or what was talking and I could see what looked like people peering through the arch way with their hands holding onto the bottom as if they were trying to pull themselves up.

Submitted by: Jmerino

Piercing Green Eyes

Me and my friends have seen a lot of weird things growing up in Bridgeport but this has to be the weirdest. My good friend Zach was walking down a road we call the horseshoe with our other friend sebastian at night when at the end of the road Zach notices a black figure tall as trees with what he described as "piercing green eyes". He said as soon as he looked into its eyes he felt a insane surge of electricity run through his body and he was stuck to where he was standing. Sebastian pull Zack away from where he was standing and they run down down road to Sebs house. What makes this story even freakier is our other friend Jon who lives 2 houses down from Zack and Seb had an eerily similar dream to what happened to Zach. We were all at my house talking about weird experiences when Zach talked about that and jon decided to tell us about his dream. In he dream he's on the horseshoe but a black and white version of it. On the tip of the horseshoe theres a log cabin house. In real life the house has a little wooden fence around it and some cameras for security. But jon said in his dream the house had barbed wire fences and the windows were barred with tons of cameras everywhere. He walked up to the house held the fence and looked into the windows where the same "piercing green eyes" my friend Zach described seeing came up through the windows of the cabin house and jon said the fence started to electrocute him. They had never talked to eachother about these experiences before. But to me they live too close and the experiences were so similar its impossible to me that they were trying to pull themselves up.

Submitted by: Valeriel H

Gilmerton House Ghost

My grandfather owns a big house called ‘Gilmerton House’ i grew up in the house next to it so I was always near it if not inside. There are many ghost stories about a woman they called ‘the white lady’ but I didn’t know about these until after... I was taking a picture one evening of my grandma's dog on top of the stairs, after I took the picture I showed my grandparents and brother, my brother noticed a white figure in the window reflection. I didn’t think much of it until I zoomed in and saw a woman wearing a ball gown staring right at the camera. I was freaked out but it also felt familiar. I asked my grandparents about it and they said that over the years some people have said that they saw a very pale all-white lady in a big dress, and then they told me that when I was about 2 years old I wandered off and came back saying a strange-looking lady tried asked me to go with her and held out her hand. I was 2 and had never heard of ghosts. When I go there next time...I'm going to try and find her.

Submitted by: Astrid Guatelli

Sumner City Park

All of my friends and I were walking down the local city parks trail. One of our friends decided to run off just because. As we were walking back to the main part of the park we decided to try and find our friend, it's dusk. We thought she was in the wooded area along the trail, but didn't feel like venturing of the trail so we decided to try and make her laugh. My friend and I started to say funny things and we both eventually heard a small laugh. The thing is only the 2 of us heard it. After she didn't come out of the woods we decided to keep walking. As we came to the end of the trail we saw our friend just chilling on the playset. We asked if she was in the woods and she said no. Even if she was, she couldn't have gotten from those parts of the woods to the playset without us hearing or seeing her. My friend and I don't know what we heard in the woods, but we know it wasn't our friend.

Submitted by: Some Guy

Blue Springs UFOs

I had just gotten home from a soccer game around 6:30-7pm. It was still very bright out since it was summer but the sun was on the setting side, so I told my mom I was going to stay out for a minute to look at the sky. She went inside and only a couple minutes later I noticed what looked like a star. I was facing West and right after I looked at it, it started to move across the sky, North. As it was moving, another “star” came into view from “behind” me heading West. The ufos were adjacent to each other and as they got nearer, I thought they were going to hit eachother, but instead slowed, maneuvered around the other and went opposite ways.

Submitted by: Olivia S

Silent Night

Me and my boyfriend Often went for night walks around where he lived, one day we were going for a night walk and as we were walking I noticed i heard none of the usual might sounds. I said to him "doesn't it seem a bit too quiet to you" and started getting a really bad feeling, like if i stayed out there something bad was going to happen. He noticed it too, it was silent, none of the normal city noises, no cars, no animals, nothing. We immediately walked home, nothing further happnened, but i feel like maybe the world wasnt itself that night.

Submitted by: CD

Milepost Time Slip

I ride between Sandy and Government Camp for work. The first several times I rode the bus after beginning to work in the area, I had heard that there was a stretch of restaurants and a nail salon in Welches. For whatever reason, I couldn't get Google Maps to show me while traveling where these places were. There are times where I'll look out the window of the bus, looking for the lights that the little business center has on the green space/shrubbery in front of the building, and they weren't there. Clear nights, or even lightly rainy and it wasn't an issue. When the weather turns sour (low hanging clouds, thick fog, or heavy rain), it's almost like these places are easier to find. Highway 26 between Welches and Sandy seems to have time variations depending on the weather, and some nights it feels like my commute takes longer in certain spots than others. Traveling east bound, I haven't had the same experience, despite similar or identical weather conditions or times of the day. Only west-bound on Highway 26...

Submitted by: woolnthorn

Old St. Scholastica Priory

Description: Abandoned convent on church property right behind a newly developed neighborhood. Local kids, such as myself, call it the Nunnery. Rumor has it that it partially burned down, but pictures show that doesn't seem to be the case. It's been vandalized, and my friends and I snuck in one night. There was a pentagram with obvious signs of fire in the middle of the floor and ominous messages on the walls. The weirdest part though was what was left intact - bathrooms with stalls like schools, the school style cafeteria equipment. It's an endless maze of hallways and rooms and standing water.

Submitted by: Katie M

Laguna Weirdness

I dated a guy from Laguna Pueblo who worked at a gas station on Laguna land about 30 min west of Albuquerque. Once driving out there at night I spotted an air craft of some kind, flying low enough for me to see that it was triangle shaped - but imagine the corners cut off - and the underside had green lines of light. I drove past it, picked the guy up and kept heading west so not sure where it went. Another time we were there and a man was..wind surfing? It looked almost like a bench seat for a carnival ride with a wind surfing sail attached. He was literally flying around. There were other weird occurrences out there that I don't remember, me and that guy both experienced lots of odd stuff in that area.

Submitted by: Katie M

Kissimmee Cryptid

One night my sisters and i were driving home from universal studios Orlando. We went to drop a friend home and it was about 3AM. There were no cars on the back road we were taking. One side of the rode was a neighborhood so houses were lined all the way down and the other side of the rode was just the woods. As we are driving i see something scurrying across the street. And i slowed because i thought it was a dog or something but I couldn’t see the full body all i saw was legs. Everyone was asleep in the car but me and my friend. I quickly asked her if she can see what I’m seeing and we started getting scared because we didn’t know what it was almost the size of a human! I tried turning on my high beams and still couldn’t see the full body. But i did notice the creature was now standing on two legs instead of four And just looking at us. When i slowed down to try to see what it was all i saw was eyes glowing. I sped up and turned the corner into the neighborhood after that.

Submitted by: K

Burleigh Beach Bell-Craft

First conscious UFO sighting I was standing on the beach with a friend looking over Burleigh Beach. I saw a glint in the corner of my eye looked over into the sky near the big hill where planes fly over and saw the typical bell craft UFO. Being my first time I spent quite a while shocked thinking am I really seeing a UFO right now!!! I went to tell who I was standing next to to point it out and it went “bloop!” Disappeared! Date not exact, but it was before 2012.

Submitted by: Danielle Yeo

Prospect Park Premonitions

I've been having a lot of premonitions about the future and people uniting, no one was really alone and the spirit realm and the physical realm were one. Life was peaceful and everyone was having fun. There was zero judgment and in the dream I felt what it was like for everyone to fully accept one another. You felt like you could do or be anything and no one would judge you, most likely they would join the fun. Everything was so effortless and natural. I saw abandoned building that were previously occupied by corrupt people but they have been abandoned for some time and now people just hangout in these places. everywhere was a party and you could always find people celebrating.

Submitted by: Alexander Belden

Pellissippi Elves

I was driving home from college and every few feet on this one street I kept seeing these creatures behind bushes or signs. They looked like little people but sort of off as if they might have been mixed with some sort of cat or bear and smoothed out. They were like three feet tall and grey and wore red hoods.

Submitted by: Blue V

Mason-Dixon Mystery

I was driving with my husband to Branson, MO from Arkansas. It was foggy, and dusk. I was driving the speed limit, which was 65 at the time and I just immediately slam on the brakes startling my husband in the passenger seat. He asked what was wrong and I just sat there in shock because what I had just seen was not there. I had saw two giant red lights about the size of a stop sign each hovering on the side of the road and a giant white semi truck trailer box thing (kinda like a shipping crate) hovering in the air above the road like it was on a semi I couldn't see but it was horizontal in the road covering both of the lanes on the highway. I slammed on my brakes because I thought we were going to die. After I told my husband this, he said he saw dim red lights move into the woods on the side of the road after he looked up when I stopped, but he was looking at his phone so he didn't see anything else...

Submitted by: Bria Bubbles

Tall Freaky Creatures

Seen tall freaky creatures in the woods at night. Even in the suburbs here in Columbus there’s strange things, I believe there is at least one "skinwalker" in the area too as I’ve encountered one and am still dealing with it. Yes here even though it’s near the east coast.

Submitted by: Raven

St. Joseph River

My friend and I were walking a trail along the St. Joseph River and decided to step off into the woods to smoke a blunt. We were there for a while in silence but as the sun started setting, we began to hear what sounded like a pan flute playing the same, short rhythmic tune repeatedly. We assumed it was someone in the neighborhood nearby at first but it started to seem more supernatural as time went on. The flute didn't stop , even for a second, for the next two hours. We began to head back the way we came and for over a mile... the sound followed us. It also never got louder or quieter and there was never even a pause or irregularity in the pattern. We shined out flashlights around, made ridiculously loud noises, ran, and did anything we could but it never altered the flute sound in anyway nor did we see anything. When we left the woods, the sound still followed until we got into the car. I haven't heard the sound again but since then anyone I bring on the trail with me says they feel like they are being watched which never happened before this.

Submitted by: Tiger

Zuni Native Reservation

I was around 14 years old (2018 or so) and my father drove my family to the Native Zuni Reservation for his friend's son's graduation. (I can't recall exactly where it was) Anyways, I was excited to go because I had never been to a reservation even though I have Native family. As we were driving through plains and mountains, I was staring out the window listening to music. Then suddenly, I saw faces engraved in the mountains: faces of animals and people. I thought someone had done artwork in the mountain (like Mt. Rushmore). Surprised no one else was impressed by this artwork, I pointed it out to my family saying, "Look at the artwork! Isn't it cool...?" My family looked and saw nothing. They looked around suspiciously at one another. I started sounding weird saying, "You don't see that? IT'S RIGHT THERE." They still never saw anything in the mountains.

Submitted by: A.D.

Someone In White Sprinted Past My Door

I was sitting in my room one day with the door open. My door was at the top of a flight of stairs, the first door in a short hallway. I was home alone. I was facing the door. I was drawing. I saw someone in white sprint past my door, from the direction of the stairs into the bathroom at the end of the hall. This was especially strange because I would have definitely hear it if someone was running that fast up the stairs. I got up and there was nobody at the end of the hall in that room. Needless to say, I was really spooked. I saw a concrete person, but they could not be found.

Submitted by: Hailey

A White Cloaked Figure....

I have no idea where to even begin with this. I was a child (about 9) when my family moved to this town from Victoria. This is the first house we lived in at the town - seemed fairly new. The most strange and absurd happenings went on here - which lead to the eventual separation of my parents & following death of my father. I digress. One night, in my lounge room while I was doing homework alone - a white, cloaked/hooded figure was staring at me from behind the couch in the opposite side of the room. (This memory gives me chills to recall - my eyes water it was so terrifying) it looked like what you would picture a satanic robe, though it was all white and there were no visible human features ie: face, hands etc but the arms were held up in front (not reaching out but holding their hands up) with limp wrists & when I turned to face it, it turned away from me as if it had gotten caught - and just vanished but it was almost like it faded out when it vanished. I sprinted out to my mum who said I wasn’t breathing properly, in shock, couldn’t speak & was extremely pale & hot. The same house: - my mum broke her leg in two places, leaving her with complications ever since and subsequently nearly having the foot amputated. - our kitten got stepped on by the little girl next door and it was hemorrhaging from all orifices. - my younger sister & I shared a bedroom where I could NEVER sleep from fear; I could feel something in my room when everyone else was in bed and asleep, staring at me. Watching me. I would protect myself as best I could with my teddies but I could never move because I was so afraid. I could feel it watching me & would see it sometimes. A shadow person. - my mum heard a child laughing & crying while she was napping & when she ignored it something slapped her on the legs - my older sister got pushed out of her bed after she heard what she claims to be one of us crying but when she came to check on us we were all asleep. I’m sure there was a LOT more strange happenings in the short period we lived there. It was less than a year and we all experienced something beyond explicable.

Submitted by: PhebeD

Unhuman Figure At Molas Lake Campground

When I was in middle school, my parents took my brothers and I on a road trip from Florida to Colorado to go camping for a couple weeks. The last stop on our trip was to a campground in the middle of nowhere. We got there at dusk and I remember having a weird feeling about it because it just felt so far away from everything. The first campsite we looked at was up on a hill above all the others. It was grassy and very open. We all got an eerie vibe while checking it out so we decided to set up camp at a campsite below the same hill. One night, after we ate dinner, everyone except my dad went to bed (in a tent). He wanted to sit by the fire and have one more beer. He got a feeling that someone was watching him. He looked up at the hill above, and a large, unhuman figure was staring down at him. He says they definitely both noticed each other, and the figure then walked away in the other direction to the campsite we first looked at. The way it walked was not human. After that, my dad quickly got in the tent feeling terrified since the only weapon he had was a pocket knife. He didn’t tell my mom about his experience until morning, and I didn’t know about it until years later because he didn’t want to scare my brothers and I from going camping again. I get chills every time I talk or write about this. My dad is a very literal and practical person, so I know this is a genuine experience.

Submitted by: SavHaney

Major Tom

I used to work at this Fred Meyer on the opening shift. One morning at about 5am the song "Major Tom" came on. For those unfamiliar the lyrics start out in a sort of rhythmic low chant and the chorus picks up louder. So I heard the lyrics right before the chorus, "..the count goes on" and then nothing. At this moment I realized that the usual sound of other people working had stopped. There was no other noise besides the sound of me working in my aisle. For the next probably 45 seconds I saw no one else in the store and heard nothing. Then the chorus jumped in at full volume with "Four, three , two, one, earth below us..." And I heard someone shifting a section in the next aisle over and someone else ran past my aisle. Things resumed normally.

Submitted by: Lucy

Donut UFO

This last summer I was coming home and as I pulled in to park my car I look right above infront of me and saw an almost donut looking shape object rotating in the sky. It was shiny and flying in a way it looks like it was floating and I could see the energetic field around it. I pulled out my phone and managed to take a crappy video on snapchat but a fire started on the mountain 3 hours later. 2 days after in the middle of summer it magically snows just over that spot where 250 homes were burned on the mountain. They also reported it started from a lightening storm... there was never a storm and it never even rained so there is no way. No coincidences. Then a week later I flew to salt lake and saw the U on fire, I knew what it was.

Submitted by: Madison

Cellar Door

Okay, so, I grew up in Seattle and lived in the basement of my parents home. Our house was built in the 1940's and we had done a huge remodel of it when we first moved in, my mom said "to clear the energy". I actually lived upstairs for years but took over the basement after my brother went off to college. And only downstairs I felt uneasy. I completely avoided the garage for some reason or another, I was afraid of the bathroom after seeing shadows and things quickly go by in the window, which I saw when looking in the mirror. In the basement there was a door and stairs that led to the garden and the greenhouse. The greenhouse became my smoke spot and I was sitting there on the phone with my boyfriend, when the basement door made of wood and medal that must've weighed well over 75lbs opened on it's own, and quickly. You also have to turn the knob for it to open, and really jiggle it. Freaked out I waited shocked for a minute, my bf talked me down, and I got up to open it. Not even 2 minutes later it happened again. At that point I ran inside and started using the porch to smoke.

Submitted by: Skye

Green Lantern Inn

I was turning 10 that year (2016) and my grandfather had recently passed. We were on our way to Durban and had stopped by the green lantern inn for rest. It stands near a graveyard that has graves from even 1865. The inn itself was built on an old Hollander resting post for sailors. I was going to the bathroom in the main hall when I heard the toilet roll moving. As I was already on the toilet,I could do nothing but watch as the very toilet roll next to me unraveled itself. I felt cold and anxious. When I finished,I wiped quickly and ran to my mother, crying.

Submitted by: Teddy

Black Eyed People

Description: Black eyed people....Shortly after encounter my phone started freaking out and Pandora in my car started shuffling erratically on its own.

Submitted by: AlaskanSnow

Mysterious "Tree" Creature

My girlfriend and I went on a hike on the wadhams to Avoca trail in Saint Clair County, just outside of Avoca last year approximately May or maybe June. It was an overcast day. Approximately 3pm. We got to a part on the trail where to our immediate East there's an opening in a very wooded area approximately 100 yards wide. We had walked this trail before many times but on this day there was a tall broken " tree" right in the middle of the clearing. We both saw it and froze it seemed as if it were staring at us. The feeling of being watched was palpable. I stared at it very intently for several minutes and it seemed to both of us that it was swaying ever so slightly back and forth. The object or creature was at least 150 yards away so no clear features could be made out but it was a rusty brown color. My girlfriend ever the skeptic insisted that it was a tree I did not think so and pointed out that we had never noticed a tree there before. We continued our walk but it really freaked us out for some inexplicable reason which were it a just a tree would not have been the case. On the way back this thing was still there right out in the open. I wanted to get closer to it but something in the pit of my stomach told me that this was a bad idea and it still seemed to be very aware of us specifically. So several days later I could not shake this image and wondering what it was driving us both nuts we went back and this time nothing was there. Not a thing. I walked into the clearing and got right up to where this would have been standing and there was no stump no nothing. The tall grass was slightly matted down and the size of this thing was massive. At least 8 feet tall

Submitted by: Z


We have been living in this house for about 9 months, and this began about a month ago. The backyard had a beautiful rosemary bush when we moved in, so I decided to start using some for personal reasons. About a week after I begin using the rosemary in my home, I experienced a dream visitation of a woman standing in a pillar of light, and the name “PERSEPHONE” rang in my head. My chest tightened and I began hyperventilating because I was terrified, so thankfully I woke up quickly. I knew nothing of the Goddess Persephone before, so this was unsettling to say the least. A few days later, I discovered I was pregnant, but I really wasn’t ready for another baby. This is about 2-3 years into my spiritual journey, and I am not new to manifesting, so I decided to try something. I laid down at night, and told myself over and over that I am not pregnant, I didn’t talk about it, I didn’t google it; I just pretended that everything was normal. I did this for several days in a row, and one day after a walk in the park, I begin miscarrying. A couple of days after this began, I went to walk my dog but I decided to allow spirit to lead me to any sign for explanation. I follow my dog who begins walking in the opposite direction of our normal route, to the cemetery down the street. There, I feel the urge to sit beneath the tree near the entrance. I sit for a while and observe my surroundings, looking for anything that calls to me. Just as I start to become discouraged, I decide to walk further into the cemetery. As I get further down the gravel path, I glance down and see small a bird bath statue that looks exactly like a bird bath statue I found at the thrift store a few days prior, both of them having two little birds perched on the edges of the bowl. (The bird bath I found at the thrift store happened to fall out of my cart as I was walking to my car, and obviously broke.) I suddenly feel a rush of energy as I notice the section of the cemetery I am now in. All I see in front of me are little gravestones in front of little graves. I’m sobbing, confused, and now it’s starting to rain...this is great. I turn back down the gravel path, but I make a final stop at the tree before I leave. I sit and allow the energy to flow through me, and just as I get up, I see a little gravestone with “INFANT” engraved across the top, but the rest of the engravings unreadable. I saw this and went straight home. A few more encounters happened between then and now, but it was only yesterday that I learned that Persephone is the goddess of Rosemary, among other other things.

Submitted by: Rachel

Lucky Randonaut Excursion

During covid me and my boyfriend decided to try Randonautica and walked to the nearest 'Void' which was by this church. We set our intention before which was to find something historical. We walked into the forest and came across this huge chalk pit filled with overgrown bushes and trees. As soon as we stepped inside we felt the energy change, the wind suddenly picked up but we decided to walk further down and cambered down the steep chalk walls. The Randonautica point took us through some bushes, two tawny owls hooted and flew over our heads (this was day time BTW) it felt like another world. We got to the point and looked around we couldn't find anything obvious at first and we dug around lightly where we stood. My boyfriend went further ahead and found a porcelain pot with some charcoal inside probably some sort of spell... As I was sat down I noticed something poking out the ground! I pulled it thinking it was just a stick but I soon realised it was something bigger! A massive bone! We freaked the hell out thinking it was human! Took photos and ran home to ask his mum who's a nurse. She confirmed it wasn't human and asked her sister who happens to be an archaeologist and she confirmed it was a mammoth rib!!! We ran back to get it! :)

Submitted by: Steph

Not Ellaville?

I'm from Tallahassee and my friend and I are interested in finding spooky swampy places, so when we heard about this ghost town called Ellaville, we found the coordinates to it on a forum and made plans to visit right away. We went to St. Mark's Lighthouse earlier that day, and as we were walking on the beach, these dragonflies appear out of nowhere and hit the ground between us. There was one green one and one blue one, and they seemed to be fighting over the body of a third shriveled-up one. Normally they're pretty shy bugs, but they were completely unphased by us, and I was able to get really close and take a picture. It felt like some kind of omen, but neither of us knows much about that sort of thing. Dragonflies eating one another Later that night we drove out to the coordinates we'd found, and the road changed from highway to barely paved to just straight-up dirt. Passed a railroad crossing that felt like a gateway. Pretty sure we were on private property by that point. Right before where the GPS said to make a turn into dense forest, there was a branch hanging down from the trees overhead that definitely felt like some sort of barrier. Branches hanging in headlights at night The original plan was to get out of the car and wander around, but vibes were way off, and thinking about doing that now makes my stomach flip. I did a three-point turn, careful to not pass the branch, and headed back the way we came. On the drive home, we put Spotify on shuffle, and it kept queuing song will lyrics to do with leaving and not coming back. The next day I looked it up myself, and the ruins of the real Ellaville are in Suwannee River State Park, which is around 30 miles to the east. I still don't know what we actually went to, and I have no plans of ever returning.

Submitted by: Tony

Del Conejo Mothership

On or about 1968-69 at 9 to 10pm, on the Mexican mining town of Parral Chihuahua; while walking towards our home on the dark empty street. My brother and I observed a triangle UFO moving at a prolonged speed without sound. The object was high enough to see it was was the size of a football field with no clouds obscuring. We ran home where we saw most of the neighborhood pointing to the sky and pinpointing up to 6 objects moving in three. Some would fly at a very fast speed and stop and revert to an instant quick direction. It lasted for 30 to 40 minutes. The following day the newscast only stated that the flying objects could not be identified.

Submitted by: Alexus

Doylestown Graveyard

I lived down the street from the graveyard at the time, so I would walk around there often. One day there was a beautiful sunset and I walked to the graveyard to get a good view for pictures. I had my headphones in and was just dancing around when I saw a woman wearing an old white, long dress. She was very see-through and almost looked as if she was hovering, but she was facing my way. I only got a glimpse of her because I was dancing so I looked back around and she was gone. I went home right after that and everything was fine. (I don’t dream or remember my dreams a lot if ever) That night I had a very odd dream about her, and then I haven’t seen her since.

Submitted by: Lucy D

Green Orb

I was walking from the dining hall to my college dorm room with my roommate. We heard a sizzling in the sky and looked up. We saw what looked like a green orb suspended in the night sky. It then sank down into a bright, thick, yellow streak. It looked like a falling star, but so close, bright, and VERY slow, almost still. We watched until it disappeared, I think it took about a minute.

Submitted by: Stargazer

Meeker Mansion

The mansion is reported to have a range of activity, from apparition sightings to lights flickering.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Beautiful and Terrifying Cryptoid

My friend and I were driving to Carbondale, CO from Denver late at night. We both spotted a huge wolf-like creature in the middle of the highway. Luckily it was around 3am so we were the only car on the road and I was able to stop the car in time. We froze, with goosebumps, and made eye contact with the creature for what felt like a long time before it jumped the median along the highway and disappeared into the dark woods. The beautiful and terrifying cryptoid was taller than our car - around 4-5 feet tall on all four legs, with piercing eyes. There are no wolves in Colorado and this was certainly larger than a wolf. We had never seen anything like it and we both still think of the experience often.

Submitted by: Molly B.

Silent Triangle

I went outside to smoke around 1 am. And I happened to look up and saw three red lights in a triangle shape (as if the main vehicle was invisible and just the lights shown) completely silently hovering about 15 ft above me. I did a double-take and it seemed they were surprised because it took off. The lights just disappeared into thin air and it didn't make a sound the entire time. I was flabbergasted haha

Submitted by: Annie

Classic UFO

I was a kid in the back of the car with my mom and stepdad, all three of us saw the UFO, a very classic flying saucer shape, lights all on the underside. We were able to follow it, it went up to the top of this hill, and just hovered above the Spencer Country Inn, maybe a telephone pole higher than the car or so? It was weirdly close. We just stared at it for a minute and then it zipped away towards Worcester MA incredibly fast.

Submitted by: Julianna P

Three Minute Time Loss

So once my family and I were rushing to school and all of a sudden we look at the clock and became hella scared. Our former time was 7:35. And we look at our clock and it says 8:35. It happened when we went through a dense fog. Then when we left it. Time shifted back to its original time. Exactly at 7:35... We lost 3 minutes in the cloud.

Submitted by: Butterdog

Flat Rock Car

There is an old abandoned car shortly after you start the path. There are old coffee cans, old bottles, and car parts strewn about. Not sure how the car was placed in the woods as the paths are skinny. I’ve taken this path twice now and just saw it today for the first time. Almost as if it just appeared...

Submitted by: Explorer Mars

Gentleman Ghost

Growing up I lived kind of in the middle of nowhere, at the end of a road, I would eat my breakfast and look out the big bay window in the dining room and often I would see, very vividly, a green and translucent man who looked a lot like the Johnnie Walker Liquor bottle man and Bill “The Butcher” Cutting from Gangs Of New York put into one apparition. He would appear from behind a grassy field and into the clearing, walk in the middle of the two lane road, twirling his cane or his pocket watch and when I would try to see him better, really focus my eyes, he would just disappear. The place I lived burned down a few years ago and now there is just a plot of land and an empty road. I wonder if he still comes strolling by?

Submitted by: Bexx

Sunday School Ghost

We stayed at this old house thats owned by someone in our family, one lady awoke in the middle of the night to see a little girl standing in her room, the girl was wearing an old fashioned dress and a bow. the lady freaked out and grabbed her phone light to shine it on the little girl but when she turned back around to do so the girl was gone. The next morning the lady found out that the house we were staying in used to be a sunday school for little kids.

Submitted by: Rain P

Weird White Dogs

It was around 1am, January freezing, and my buddy was driving me home in his truck. We were about to turn off the main road and into the deeper country but at the stop sign we spotted a group of three big white dogs (salukis, far as we can figure) standing out in a levelled field. No people outside for miles, no collars on them, but pristine as virgin snow in our headlights. They stared for an uncomfortably long time before moving on with an unnatural gate, necks bobbing low like horses. My buddy and I both recall panicking; my eyes teared up (still do when I remember), and a sense of dread clutched my stomach. Neither of us spoke for a while but later confirmed feeling we needed to get away as soon as possible, like it wasn't supposed to be happening or like we weren't supposed to see it. We lived in that area for a combined 10 years and never saw any white dogs like that around before or after.

Submitted by: Anonymous


When I was around 8 years old, my family and I went on vacation to Florida and rented a house to stay in. I can’t remember the exact address, but I know it was in Kissimmee. In the garage of the house there was a sort of game room with an air hockey table, and my grandma and I were playing it while the rest of my family went to Walmart. My grandma was facing towards the garage door while my back was to it. While we were playing, out of the corner of my eye I saw what looked like my older sister walking behind me, but when I actually turned my whole body, she wasn’t there. I then remembered that no one else was in the house expect for me and my grandma, including my sister. I just turned to look at my grandma and all she said was “I saw it too” and then we resumed playing. I never realized how weird this experience was until I got older, and I recently told my sister about it, and it freaked her out. Also, awhile after the vacation my grandma told me that she looked through the guestbook and said that there were complaints in it from previous guests about windows opening by themselves, but she didn’t want to tell me then and scare me.

Submitted by: Kylie

Bloody Being

My cousin and I ventured into the woods in this area when we were children (approx. 2004). We saw a bloody being hanging from a tree along with a sheet that had a message written on it in blood (I don’t remember the exact words- something along the lines of “turn back”). I went through life thinking of this experience fleetingly, but assuming it was a dream. That is, until I contacted my cousin regarding it a few years ago and she confirmed she remembered it too.

Submitted by: H. Thomas

Floating Leaf

I was walking with my friend and we noticed this orange leaf seemingly suspended in air. I didn’t believe my eyes so I walked around the leaf, a full circle, it was still there. Then I assumed it must be tied by a spider string of sorts so I waved my hand over the top, AND IT WAS STILL THERE. I was baffled. All I need to do is find the video now

Submitted by: Ruby

PJ Lake

I was hiking with my family (myself, my two older brothers, my father, my uncle, and two cousins) as a child, and we camped for the night at PJ Lake. Later that evening, after most of us had gone to bed, my dad and my uncle were still up, and suddenly there was a terrible noise from the woods that sounded like someone screaming, but it wasn't a mountain lion or an elk, as my dad and uncle were both very familiar with the woods in those parts and knew the various sounds of the wildlife in the area. They were also, honestly and truly, scared, and it's one of the only times I'd ever seen them that way, before or since. These big angry howls were accompanied by actual stones being thrown near the perimeter of the camp, basically just outside the firelight. We hadn't seen any sign of anyone camping nearby us, for all we knew, we were alone in the woods that night except the local wildlife. We got no sleep that night, and left early the next morning. In the years since the incident, I've heard similar noises I heard that night and what has been described identically by all who were there, primarily on nature documentaries about primates and the great apes.

Submitted by: Tony L

Lakebay Community Church

I grew up in this church, the building especially the basement has very dark energy which is probably due to the graveyard nearby. The earliest graves date back to the mid 1800s. One Sunday in 2009 some other kids and I were playing hide and seek in the graveyard when we stumbled across a man fast asleep with his head on a tombstone. He seemed very disoriented when we woke him, and kept repeating “Have you seen my father? I am looking for him”. Our pastor called 911 and the cops soon arrived to escort the man to his house across the street. They explained that his name was Henry, he had early dementia and his father had died of a heart attack five years ago. The grave that he had spent the night on was his father’s grave. The incident still haunts me to this day. I still have nightmares about the building, there is something sinister about the energy there. The graveyard is up the hill from the church and hidden by trees but easy to access.

Submitted by: FiliSeverus

Dark Energy At Dows Observatory

Around 3AM, my friend and I drove to Dows Observatory because we assumed there would be a nice field to watch the Geminid meteor shower. We pulled in to the gravel parking lot, thankfully no one was there, and got out. Me, I never got both my feet out of the car. Immediately after opening the car door, I felt like something was off. My friend was walking around the parking lot looking for a spot with a good view of the night sky, but I was frozen, gripping onto my car door. In the distance, I felt like I could hear some sort of crying noise — somewhere between human and animal. I was focusing in on it, continuing to feel a very dark energy, when my friend yelled, "Get in the car! Get in the car!" I did not ask any questions. She told me she heard footsteps and when I turned the engine on the radio said in this deep and static-y voice "Go to Cornell" — the college where I live. We whipped out of that parking lot so fast, and the entire time we were speeding down Ivanhoe Rd., we both felt this almost indescribable feeling. It felt like the road was pulling us back. Like it didn't want us to leave.

Submitted by: Natalie

Woman With Huge Stick At The Coke Ovens

If you've been out here you know that the closest town around here is a couple miles away and even then, the towns are small. One day my friends and I were out here goofing around by the ovens. Out of no where there was an older woman who was wearing a long dress with weird patterns. She was holding a HUGE stick. She had long black hair. And was facing away from us. She had her arms spread and was chanting. She turned and pointed that stick directly at us and chanted more. Then she walked past my car and ran her fingers down the side of my car and then walked away. After we couldn't see her we ran to my car to leave and saw her finger prints in the dirt on my car. We drove to Columbia and didn't see her at all. Then we turned around and went to East Carbon and still never saw her again. We 100% should have been able to because it's just a desert out there. No big trees or grass or anything to be hidden by. And there's no way she could have made it to either of the towns before us as it's uphill for miles on either direction. And no one is walking out in the desert in the middle of summer. It's well over 100 degrees. It was super freaky.

Submitted by: AA

Thin Spot

It was only a few weeks ago when this strange event happened. I was with my best friend visiting a family friend who was currently in town. Very close to their house was a forest of bushy pine trees, my friend and I decided we wanted to go to the forest to explore for a bit. On the way there my friend was drinking out of a glass bottle that made a humming sound when blown into. We found a park on the way and left the bottle there. We arrived at the forest, found some fairy circles, picked up dead plants, and suddenly I walked past this rock that seemed to catch my attention. I walked past with a strange sense it was pulling me towards it. I turned around to the spot and walked in that direction. my friend and I both started to feel a strange pulling feeling in separate directions. We both being interested in spiritual meanings decided to look around in the places we felt connected to, we found nothing interesting sadly. We realized it was getting late so we headed back. On the way out of the forest was a deep gutter-like thing with mud and water inside making it unable to cross easily. We kept walking along searching for a way out when suddenly we heard the humming noise from the bottle my friend was drinking out of...the one we left at the park. it got louder and louder until we found a way to cross. as soon as we did, it stopped.

Submitted by: Charlie S

Ghost-squatch and More

This story stretches 4 years living in Edmond, OK. I have a couple of science degrees, but I am a spiritual agnostic and have had many supernatural experiences, but this one is just weird. I moved to Oklahoma in late 2012 to a house that is on a large wooded lot in a hilly, sloping neighborhood. The house my boyfriend and I moved into was built in 1982. It was a very modern single level. It had a vaulted ceiling in the living room. In May, 2014, I went to California for a couple of weeks and came home mid-day. That night, at 3 am, I got up to get a drink of water and some tums for my heartburn. I was wide awake and hyper alert. There was a window in the kitchen corner, where I was getting the tums from, that looked into our courtyard. I kept looking out the window expecting to see something. I had the creeps, but also told myself to knock it off. It was so weird, that I was singing and talking to myself in the kitchen. The only light I had was from the ice dispenser in the refrigerator door. It was enough, but added to the overall freaky feeling. I was wide awake at that point because of the little boost of adrenaline from the creepies. I didn’t want to succumb to my silly fears and buried them. I walked back to the bedroom. Before I got to the door, something made me look down the hall into the living room and the light was partially blocked by something. There should have been light from the streetlight coming from the front facing window to the left in the living room. I stood there trying to make it out. From the top of the ceiling in the hallway, which transitions into the living room, which has a 20 foot vaulted ceiling with two skylights, I saw an outline of a figure. There was light from behind it, but it was so big, it blocked most of it. It was strange because the shoulder was just below the ceiling of the hallway. I stood there trying to figure out what I was looking at. From the point where I was standing to the end of the hallway was about 25 feet. It was just so oddly dark when it shouldn’t have been. Then, I realized the shoulder was moving slightly down and a head shape appeared. Two glowing red eyes looked at me. Not like flashlights or glowing eyes of a Halloween decoration. A dull red, not very bright. I am pretty sure I audibly gasped when I saw the red eyes. “GO.” “Go to bed”. Those were my thoughts piercing through the fear and the disbelief. I was on autopilot and went into the room and shut my door. I then did the most ridiculous thing. I took the full clothes hamper and put it against the door. I think about that now as the dumbest action. I laid in bed and stared at the door. Thoughts kept going through my mind. There is no way that was real. “But I’m wide awake!” I thought to myself. I thought to go check again, but I couldn’t move. I didn’t hear any noises. Nothing. I laid there an hour thinking and listening. There was nothing. At some point, I realized my boyfriend's annoying cat never greeted me and begged for attention when I got up. I thought over and over what I saw. A large shouldered “man/gorilla” that dipped its head down with red eyes looking at me. He was slow and meticulous in movement. And quiet. It was like it stood still to hide and looked at me because it noticed I was looking at it. But he seemed ghost-like. Not see-through. He was solid enough to block the light. Like light and sound was blocked. It was surreal and my mind couldn’t grasp at it. It had broad shoulders, so broad, it could have blocked the whole hallway, but it was half leaning over into the living room. No neck. Shoulder and head melded together. It kind of dipped a foot for me to see it’s red eyes glow. When it did that, my brain denied, denied, denied. I kept going over the facts. I don’t know how, but I fell asleep. I made a conscious decision that it was a Sasquatch, but denied it’s reality immediately. At the time I would watch weekly episodes of Finding Bigfoot just for the comedy. I truly believe that there is a possible living Hominin that is a direct descendant of Gigantopithecus out there. They are so evolutionarily in line with nature and are intelligent enough to study and know humans and to stay away. In my mind, there is more than enough evidence to justify them. A physical specimen just isn’t needed and it is ethically wrong for science to want one to prove their existence and shun all other evidence. I believe they need to be respected and left mostly alone. I just didn’t expect one to be in my living room. In the morning, I awoke after 10am. This is very late for me. I remembered what happened! My boyfriend wasn’t in bed, but I heard his usual movement and the tv and thought, there isn’t a physical bigfoot in the house. I went out of my room and looked around the house. No sign of anything. Maybe a ghost? I believe in ghosts; have seen them. I had to think for a moment of the possibility of a Sasquatch ghost and thought, sure, why not? This is an odd house and we had only been living there for a few months and new to the state. I also had an experience as soon as we moved in with a Comanche man spirit I called Naked Legs. He was older, wrinkled and wearing nothing but a loin cloth. I am very open to that stuff. But, that wasn’t my Comanche friend who liked to rummage through my boyfriend's toiletries on his sink counter at night (honestly, that only happened once). I told my boyfriend what happened. He knew by that time what he was getting with me. He was strongly agnostic, but I think I entertained him a bit, so he tolerated me. Believing we now had a ghost squatch, I broke out the sage first thing before coffee and opened all of the doors and asked this spirit to leave. I did some research that day. I went to the BFRO website and looked for sightings in Oklahoma. I found this report… . When that area was more wild and just being developed in 1982, a teenage boy walking home from work saw a young Sasquatch playing in the snow in the Spring Creek ditch, which borders my neighborhood. Basically, my neighborhood was being built at that time. BINGO! I had proof that they probably wandered the area before it was built up and it could have been a Sasquatch spirit! (Please do not wander this neighborhood. We no longer live there. Go to Arcadia lake and wander around there, which has a part in this story) That afternoon, we bar-b-qued and ate out on the back concrete slab. As we sat to eat, my dog, a doofy and very quiet young basset hound came out to join us and immediately started barking at a corner next to the back door. This house has lots of weird angles and this corner had one wall that looks into the kitchen and the other wall was the back door into the dining room. Nothing was there. I couldn’t see anything. It was like my dog suddenly noticed something, was looking up, had hackles raised, and was growing and barking uncontrollably. I had recuperated and came to terms with what happened the night before, and then this happened. The boyfriend, who was just humoring me, now took me a little more seriously. The dog only barked like this one other time and that was a few years later. But I saw nothing. I got the sage and cleansed the yard. Never had a problem again. I didn’t think about it again for a couple of years. I still watched every episode of Finding Bigfoot (which really was comedy gold). But a lot of life happened and we worked. We did go for walks at Arcadia lake and it was a “squatchy” area, but only in the fall and winter. Oklahoma is an odd place to live. No one goes outside. The people you see hiking or mountain biking are always from somewhere else. The lake path was almost always empty. And we often went during off season when there were nice days in the fall and winter. One of those walks was on a crisp March weekend just after the last snow melted. It was still cold. I saw a small, child sized footprint in the sandy soil on the walking path going perpendicular to the path like someone was walking from a wooded area across the path to a wooded area. Near the footprint was a clean, freshly striped deer bone. It had no teeth marks and a waxy texture. Who is out there with little kids walking barefoot through the trees? Another walk we took one day on the northside of spring creek at the lake, I felt that familiar uneasy feeling. There is a location on the corner of the park land where there is an old abandoned home that was donated with the property to the city for the lake. The trees in the area are a lot of post oaks and eastern cedars. As we walked past that old house, we kind of looked around it, but didn’t go in. We got back on the path and a very large, dense eastern cedar tree shook violently like it was alive. We walked faster. Okay, jump forward maybe a couple of years. I think mid 2015. I pushed the memory of Ghost-squatch away. I was watching random Youtube videos and came across Ontario Sasquatch. At first I was like, portal jumping beings? Bullshit. A normal hominin species? Yes. But trans-dimensional beings? No. Then he talked about the Sasquatch being in the house and things moving around. BOOM! Connection. WTF? NOOOOOO! It couldn’t be? I did a YouTube crawl and found more videos talking about how Sasquatch popped in and out of existence and were often accompanied by strange lights (which I never saw). Even two years later, I am positive, there was a squatch in my house. Being the curious scientist, I went and got a step ladder and a measuring tape. This is two years later, mind you! So, I thought, It’s shoulders were at the top of the ceiling cutoff to the hallway. There is a large awkward step down into the living room that is a solid 12 inches. Bad design. I measure from the floor in the living room, up to the top of the hallway then up higher to where the top of the head might have hit. 10.5 feet. WTF? So, now I am shifting into the Woo-Woo. I let myself think about this possibility. Is Sasquatch a trans-dimensional species? Can they cloak themselves? And I thought about the incident. I couldn’t explain it away. I was wide awake. My eyes were adjusted to the low light. If it isn’t nothing, then it has to be something. Also,I had the realization that it “glamered” me. Like a vampire from a dime store novel. I was told to go to bed. My dog saw it and raised holy hell. My boyfriend and I were standing right there. Couldn’t see it, smell it, feel it. Nothing. But the dog knew. The cat hid all day. I allowed myself to go down that rabbit hole. It’s dark in there. I thought a lot about, “why me?” People in my neighborhood don’t go out much. People stay in their homes. Too many mosquitoes and bugs and occasionally snakes. Oh, and also big spiders. My hairy boyfriend was a naturalist and liked sunbathing in the yard, au natural. That’s a draw to another hairy naked ape. I would like to think it was my sensitivity, or the watching sasquatch tv often that drew them to me. But it was probably how odd it was to see a naked human outside. The chick who can sense things was just a bonus. I did tell two family members. They like to ride the Woo-Woo bus, but I am still unsure of what they really thought about my experience. It was really out there. In 2016, it wasn’t working out with my partner. Except for the distraction of the Sasquatch weirdness, I didn’t like Oklahoma either. So, I moved. It has been almost 5 years since I left. The ex moved on and married and sold that house. In my new state, I still walk in nature, but I just don’t feel that presence I felt in Oklahoma. I had lived in an odd pocket of energy. A very unique location that the locals don’t realize they are living in. In my new location, I haven’t seen any signs of Squatchy weirdness and have had no experiences. This gives me a little comfort. Because if it was all mental illusion and illness, I would have brought it with me. I have not gone back to Arcadia Lake. More development had happened around the area. In those few years, much of the wild areas have been built over. If I was a Sasquatch, I wouldn’t be hanging around anymore. But who knows?

Submitted by: Just J

Flying Disk and Spirit Orbs

This happened right outside my apartment complex. It was 8:00 pm and I took my dog outside and I saw this weird flashing disk that was hovering over the apartments. And while I was looking at this flying disk I felt like I was consumed with just staring at it and it felt like time slowed down like I was outside for 15 min when it was really 2 min. So next I ran inside to get my phone to video it and car alarms started going off and dogs started barking and when I took these pictures I can see a blue orb that looks like a spirit. This orb was also doing some type of pattern like a half square with a long tail.

Submitted by: Kathryn

Poolside Ghosts

I was on vacation with my family in South Padre Island for spring break and we were staying at the Isla Grand Hotel. We were staying on the 4th floor and had a balcony that had a view of the pool and bar area outside. Around 2 am I went outside to smoke, and as soon as I sat down I felt very uneasy about my surroundings. As I was sitting there, I kept seeing people walking around the pool which I found strange because it closed at 11 pm and there was security out there. As I took a closer look at the people walking around, I realized they were appearing and disappearing into thin air. After this happened about 5-6 times I got so scared I went inside.

Submitted by: Maddie

Lost Spirit from Guadalupe

I was working overnight as a security guard in my early 20s. While patrolling the parking lot at about 2 am, I stopped under a light post in the middle of the lot to check some paperwork. I was startled by a loud knock on my window, a dread of fear came over me as I'm eye to eye with this older woman asking me for help she was covered in ragged clothes, probably had about 5 coats on. I couldn't make out what she was saying so I step out of my patrol vehicle & this woman grabs a hold of my arm with full strength asking me where Guadalupe is, it was a little town a couple of blocks away so I point in the direction for her to head down while trying to yank my arm from her grip. she let me go & I get right back into the vehicle & lock the door as she's walking away I look down to find my phone Not even a minute later I look back to see where she was and she vanished, there was no way she was able to make the distance from me to the main road in that amount of time, I was in the middle of this empty lot. I believe she was a lost spirit from Guadalupe, there's plenty of stories I've heard about that little town & I've definitely experienced one first hand.

Submitted by: AJ Armenta

Static Shrieks and Shadow Beings

I was lightly (but terrifyingly) charged by deep shadow shapes, shrieked at over an SB7 radio, and collected several EVPs in the tunnel of this dam. I found this local spot doing a quick google search of haunted hiking trails in my area, and then following up on any weird history the Dam has. Following up with yelp I got enough people saying there is (or isn't) something there so I had to check it out myself. By the mouth of the tunnel, there is a big rock outcropping that resembles the profile of a Satan-like portrait. The tunnel itself is ominous and oppressive. I got about halfway into it before hitting a threshold (my body would not go further in). I wanted to try and get to the end of the tunnel, but my gut instinct was to not break whatever barrier it was that I was feeling. Ambient noise is strange, as there is a road on top of the dam that still gets traffic (so there is this faint cold wailing noise that is pretty present). There is some urban decay (kids graffiti/ trash) around the mouth of the tunnel but there is less and less stuff there the deeper the tunnel goes. Visual distortions/low light shadows are pretty heavy near the butt end of the tunnel as well. I strapped in for some time on my SB7 but couldn't pick up any radio feed (there wasn't any cell service in the tunnel either). I did pick up some heavy static shrieks though (they sound somewhat similar to the "cough" EVPs from recorded audio in there). It was enough to make me jump out of my skin a couple of times. In my notes, I wrote down that some of the shrieks were timed well against the questions I was asking, but I need to do a true Estes session in there to be sure. I pulled 3 Tarot Cards (3 of swords, Judgement, and the Fool), and recorded some audio. 2 of my audio files have EVP's that sound like distant clicks or coughs. I don't have any recollection of feeling a need to cough or sneeze during these recordings, and one of the anomalies seems like it is snickering at my voice (I was scared so my words get jumbled at one point). The audio is extra ominous as the intensity of the traffic roar fluctuates throughout the recordings. As I was putting my deck away the Knight of Cups dropped out, which also gave me jester/trickster feelings. After a certain point in my hanging out there, it was clear that it was time for me to leave. Once that feeling arose I couldn't get out of there fast enough, but also wasn't going to turn my back to the end of the tunnel, so I couldn't turn and truly run. As I was quickly pacing backward toward the mouth of the tunnel my eye was caught by small, dense shadow shapes (more distinct than low light distortions) playfully gesticulated towards me. They advanced very quickly from the other end of the tunnel but did not get into my personal space. Once I stepped out of the tunnel it felt as if reality returned. This experience left me stirred and shaken! I had to take a few days to decompress before listening to the audio recordings. Whether or not there is a capital G ghost there, it is definitely an active liminal space full of strange juju. I can also provide the notes, pics, historical research, (which is ongoing) but want to keep this as concise as possible. (Have investigation notes/photos, some light historical research, pics of tarot pull inside the dam tunnel, 2 audio files with EVPs [would love fresh ears on them])

Submitted by: Alexander J Fulop

Ghost of Toyo Watanabe

When I worked at this place a co-worker, who was friendly with our local travel agency, told me about a Japanese immigrant who had been murdered on the location where the store stood. Before the 1920s, downtown Salem on Liberty street had been a row of abandoned apartments that Chinese Immigrants moved into as that was the only place they were allowed to live (Oregon once had very strict anti-Chinese laws). A Japanese woman named Toyo Watanabe had moved there for unknown reasons, at the time the local Japanese community in the Northern part of the city had no idea why she moved. She had her throat slashed by an unknown assailant, witnesses claimed she had been quarreling with a Chinese immigrant man who, they assumed, she had been involved with. Toyo was learning English, she couldn't speak it, especially not through her wound, but she tried to write a note as she was dying. Investigators said they couldn't decipher what she had written. They didn't investigate any further. After telling me all of this, my co-worker went to use our employee bathroom, and I turned around to check the security cameras to see if any customers looked like they needed something or were up to no-good, when I saw a woman with black hair in a white gown cross the top of an open stairway and move through the shop's front windows. She didn't look at me, didn't even acknowledge me, but I didn't feel afraid either. I like to think she appreciated someone learning her story. I hope she was able to move on

Submitted by: David

Creepy Cross

this one takes place across a few time periods and has a few layers in it. this is when i had to get rid of a [entity] but in order to do that i had to heal a land curse and close portals that i accidentally opened as a young physical medium by accident. lets start when i moved back to the family land. ive always known about the man of the land even as a teen. we bought the land in 2001. growing up whenever i was having a hard time i would go outside and do witchy things and channel all of my emotions into "portals" of course i had no clue the damage i was doing and who i was upsetting doing it: the man of my land, who is the spirit of a [local] man that mixed with elemental energy. he did so to get rid of my family mainly probably bc i was tainting the land. fast foward to me moving back. he didnt want us back and with the merge of the elemental energy he was able to make a [entity] manifest. this thing would attack our dreams, throw its voice with horrible sounds, make very large claw like scrapings down the house. it would tell me everything it was in my dreams. the dreams were horrible and scary. and man this thing could take on any form of fear to get to you. ultimately just wanting to eat you. (i dream travel and do spiritual work)so in order to get rid of this thing before it got physical i had to make peace with the man of the land. i had to close all the portals i may have opened. i had to garden the land the way he would like it (we both compromise but his ideas are usually very beautiful) i had to do land cleansing on a big scale, i made tools to offer him. i listen to him, he loves the music we play and the sage we make. really we just joined him into our family as an elder we consult. over time his opinion of us changed. the [entity] left. he wont let go of the people of the mud just yet. which all i know is there are old settlers. this is something im happy to do the rest of my life just to make sure the connection i have to the land is strong and in good intentions.

Submitted by: Lola

Wichita Vortex Dog

There are tales of a Wichita Vortex located around the area north of Central Riverside park since the 1960s. I did not know about this when this incident happened. My family is a follower of the guru Sri Sathya Sai Baba. He died on April 4th, 2010 and was in a coma two weeks before he passed (India is 12 hours ahead from our time...for context). I had just left a bad marriage and moved to a place in the Riverside section of Wichita, Kansas. I was walking daily around the neighborhood, through the parks and the Little Arkansas River. It is really the best neighborhood in Wichita. I found two large Sycamore trees on the river bank just off the walking path that I loved to go to and meditate under. I was doing a lot of self reflection and healing at that time. A couple days before, I would have these flash memories of something that hadn't happened. I saw myself sitting under those trees and a dog walking up to me. I couldn't shake that visualization. So, on Sunday morning, I went out for my walk and meditation. The pathway is north of the park with a West River Boulevard separating the park from the thin strip along the river and the walking path. It's Kansas. Flat, wide open spaces dotted with trees. Not many bushes and none in this area. As you walk the path, you can see all the way down the road to the traffic circle and if you turn around the other way, you can see all the way to the four way stop and Nims bridge. It is wide open spaces. So, I sit under my trees at the river bank and start my meditation. I heard a scuffling sound behind me. I look and see nothing. I hear the scuffling again. I turn my body around and look toward the sycamore trees that were behind me. I see a dog nose peek out from behind the tree. I thought, wow! Here is that dog I have been thinking about! I talk to animals, so I said to her, "Hi there! I have been waiting for you!" I get up to get a look at her. She is white. All white. She has extremely saggy breasts like she is currently nursing a litter of puppies and like she has had several litters before. Not a young dog. She has a yellow caution tape tied around her neck like a leash. I look around to find anyone that may be her owner. There was no one around. Not a soul. What struck me was the fact that she looked like the dogs I saw the three times I traveled to India. I've been to the ashram of Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the dogs are tame yet wild. She didn't look like any mixed breed dogs around the Riverside area of Wichita, or anywhere in Wichita. She was an India dog. Those dogs are a breed by themselves from generations of breeding together. Pointed ears, muscular bodies. Short hair. Pointed muzzle. I talked to her and pet her and convinced her to follow me. I was going to take her home. We walked about 50 feet to the west. She followed behind. I did not use that yellow plastic caution tape to walk her for some reason. She was intelligent and I didn't want to spook her. I saw that in her eyes. I wanted her to come with me on her own free will. I heard her stop and I turned around. We looked each other in the eye and she basically indicated to me she had to go. She turned around and dog trotted east on the sidewalk/path, back toward the trees we came from. I thought okay, maybe she belongs to someone. I took only a few steps and realized it was quiet suddenly. I can't explain the energy shift. I thought maybe she changed her mind and stopped walking. I turned, and she was gone. She was just behind me. Just started walking in the other direction. And just disappeared. In the vastness of the grassy park, she disappeared as quickly as she appeared. I knew instantly something strange had just happened. A dog couldn't have vanished like that so quickly. Or run fast enough to a place where I wouldn't see it. I went home and not long after, my mother called and said she got word that Sri Sathya Sai Baba had died. I told her about the dog. She said it was him. I'm not sure, but it was something from India. Just a few years ago, I found out about the Wichita Vortex and the poem by Allen Ginsberg in 1966. When he came back to Wichita from San Francisco, he lived very near that spot, just on the other side of the Little Arkansas River. Odd things like this happen here.

Submitted by: Janaki