Bloody Being

My cousin and I ventured into the woods in this area when we were children (approx. 2004). We saw a bloody being hanging from a tree along with a sheet that had a message written on it in blood (I don’t remember the exact words- something along the lines of “turn back”). I went through life thinking of this experience fleetingly, but assuming it was a dream. That is, until I contacted my cousin regarding it a few years ago and she confirmed she remembered it too.

Submitted by: H. Thomas

Floating Leaf

I was walking with my friend and we noticed this orange leaf seemingly suspended in air. I didn’t believe my eyes so I walked around the leaf, a full circle, it was still there. Then I assumed it must be tied by a spider string of sorts so I waved my hand over the top, AND IT WAS STILL THERE. I was baffled. All I need to do is find the video now

Submitted by: Ruby

PJ Lake

I was hiking with my family (myself, my two older brothers, my father, my uncle, and two cousins) as a child, and we camped for the night at PJ Lake. Later that evening, after most of us had gone to bed, my dad and my uncle were still up, and suddenly there was a terrible noise from the woods that sounded like someone screaming, but it wasn't a mountain lion or an elk, as my dad and uncle were both very familiar with the woods in those parts and knew the various sounds of the wildlife in the area. They were also, honestly and truly, scared, and it's one of the only times I'd ever seen them that way, before or since. These big angry howls were accompanied by actual stones being thrown near the perimeter of the camp, basically just outside the firelight. We hadn't seen any sign of anyone camping nearby us, for all we knew, we were alone in the woods that night except the local wildlife. We got no sleep that night, and left early the next morning. In the years since the incident, I've heard similar noises I heard that night and what has been described identically by all who were there, primarily on nature documentaries about primates and the great apes.

Submitted by: Tony L

Lakebay Community Church

I grew up in this church, the building especially the basement has very dark energy which is probably due to the graveyard nearby. The earliest graves date back to the mid 1800s. One Sunday in 2009 some other kids and I were playing hide and seek in the graveyard when we stumbled across a man fast asleep with his head on a tombstone. He seemed very disoriented when we woke him, and kept repeating “Have you seen my father? I am looking for him”. Our pastor called 911 and the cops soon arrived to escort the man to his house across the street. They explained that his name was Henry, he had early dementia and his father had died of a heart attack five years ago. The grave that he had spent the night on was his father’s grave. The incident still haunts me to this day. I still have nightmares about the building, there is something sinister about the energy there. The graveyard is up the hill from the church and hidden by trees but easy to access.

Submitted by: FiliSeverus

Dark Energy At Dows Observatory

Around 3AM, my friend and I drove to Dows Observatory because we assumed there would be a nice field to watch the Geminid meteor shower. We pulled in to the gravel parking lot, thankfully no one was there, and got out. Me, I never got both my feet out of the car. Immediately after opening the car door, I felt like something was off. My friend was walking around the parking lot looking for a spot with a good view of the night sky, but I was frozen, gripping onto my car door. In the distance, I felt like I could hear some sort of crying noise — somewhere between human and animal. I was focusing in on it, continuing to feel a very dark energy, when my friend yelled, "Get in the car! Get in the car!" I did not ask any questions. She told me she heard footsteps and when I turned the engine on the radio said in this deep and static-y voice "Go to Cornell" — the college where I live. We whipped out of that parking lot so fast, and the entire time we were speeding down Ivanhoe Rd., we both felt this almost indescribable feeling. It felt like the road was pulling us back. Like it didn't want us to leave.

Submitted by: Natalie

Woman With Huge Stick At The Coke Ovens

If you've been out here you know that the closest town around here is a couple miles away and even then, the towns are small. One day my friends and I were out here goofing around by the ovens. Out of no where there was an older woman who was wearing a long dress with weird patterns. She was holding a HUGE stick. She had long black hair. And was facing away from us. She had her arms spread and was chanting. She turned and pointed that stick directly at us and chanted more. Then she walked past my car and ran her fingers down the side of my car and then walked away. After we couldn't see her we ran to my car to leave and saw her finger prints in the dirt on my car. We drove to Columbia and didn't see her at all. Then we turned around and went to East Carbon and still never saw her again. We 100% should have been able to because it's just a desert out there. No big trees or grass or anything to be hidden by. And there's no way she could have made it to either of the towns before us as it's uphill for miles on either direction. And no one is walking out in the desert in the middle of summer. It's well over 100 degrees. It was super freaky.

Submitted by: AA

Thin Spot

It was only a few weeks ago when this strange event happened. I was with my best friend visiting a family friend who was currently in town. Very close to their house was a forest of bushy pine trees, my friend and I decided we wanted to go to the forest to explore for a bit. On the way there my friend was drinking out of a glass bottle that made a humming sound when blown into. We found a park on the way and left the bottle there. We arrived at the forest, found some fairy circles, picked up dead plants, and suddenly I walked past this rock that seemed to catch my attention. I walked past with a strange sense it was pulling me towards it. I turned around to the spot and walked in that direction. my friend and I both started to feel a strange pulling feeling in separate directions. We both being interested in spiritual meanings decided to look around in the places we felt connected to, we found nothing interesting sadly. We realized it was getting late so we headed back. On the way out of the forest was a deep gutter-like thing with mud and water inside making it unable to cross easily. We kept walking along searching for a way out when suddenly we heard the humming noise from the bottle my friend was drinking out of...the one we left at the park. it got louder and louder until we found a way to cross. as soon as we did, it stopped.

Submitted by: Charlie S

Ghost-squatch and More

This story stretches 4 years living in Edmond, OK. I have a couple of science degrees, but I am a spiritual agnostic and have had many supernatural experiences, but this one is just weird. I moved to Oklahoma in late 2012 to a house that is on a large wooded lot in a hilly, sloping neighborhood. The house my boyfriend and I moved into was built in 1982. It was a very modern single level. It had a vaulted ceiling in the living room. In May, 2014, I went to California for a couple of weeks and came home mid-day. That night, at 3 am, I got up to get a drink of water and some tums for my heartburn. I was wide awake and hyper alert. There was a window in the kitchen corner, where I was getting the tums from, that looked into our courtyard. I kept looking out the window expecting to see something. I had the creeps, but also told myself to knock it off. It was so weird, that I was singing and talking to myself in the kitchen. The only light I had was from the ice dispenser in the refrigerator door. It was enough, but added to the overall freaky feeling. I was wide awake at that point because of the little boost of adrenaline from the creepies. I didn’t want to succumb to my silly fears and buried them. I walked back to the bedroom. Before I got to the door, something made me look down the hall into the living room and the light was partially blocked by something. There should have been light from the streetlight coming from the front facing window to the left in the living room. I stood there trying to make it out. From the top of the ceiling in the hallway, which transitions into the living room, which has a 20 foot vaulted ceiling with two skylights, I saw an outline of a figure. There was light from behind it, but it was so big, it blocked most of it. It was strange because the shoulder was just below the ceiling of the hallway. I stood there trying to figure out what I was looking at. From the point where I was standing to the end of the hallway was about 25 feet. It was just so oddly dark when it shouldn’t have been. Then, I realized the shoulder was moving slightly down and a head shape appeared. Two glowing red eyes looked at me. Not like flashlights or glowing eyes of a Halloween decoration. A dull red, not very bright. I am pretty sure I audibly gasped when I saw the red eyes. “GO.” “Go to bed”. Those were my thoughts piercing through the fear and the disbelief. I was on autopilot and went into the room and shut my door. I then did the most ridiculous thing. I took the full clothes hamper and put it against the door. I think about that now as the dumbest action. I laid in bed and stared at the door. Thoughts kept going through my mind. There is no way that was real. “But I’m wide awake!” I thought to myself. I thought to go check again, but I couldn’t move. I didn’t hear any noises. Nothing. I laid there an hour thinking and listening. There was nothing. At some point, I realized my boyfriend's annoying cat never greeted me and begged for attention when I got up. I thought over and over what I saw. A large shouldered “man/gorilla” that dipped its head down with red eyes looking at me. He was slow and meticulous in movement. And quiet. It was like it stood still to hide and looked at me because it noticed I was looking at it. But he seemed ghost-like. Not see-through. He was solid enough to block the light. Like light and sound was blocked. It was surreal and my mind couldn’t grasp at it. It had broad shoulders, so broad, it could have blocked the whole hallway, but it was half leaning over into the living room. No neck. Shoulder and head melded together. It kind of dipped a foot for me to see it’s red eyes glow. When it did that, my brain denied, denied, denied. I kept going over the facts. I don’t know how, but I fell asleep. I made a conscious decision that it was a Sasquatch, but denied it’s reality immediately. At the time I would watch weekly episodes of Finding Bigfoot just for the comedy. I truly believe that there is a possible living Hominin that is a direct descendant of Gigantopithecus out there. They are so evolutionarily in line with nature and are intelligent enough to study and know humans and to stay away. In my mind, there is more than enough evidence to justify them. A physical specimen just isn’t needed and it is ethically wrong for science to want one to prove their existence and shun all other evidence. I believe they need to be respected and left mostly alone. I just didn’t expect one to be in my living room. In the morning, I awoke after 10am. This is very late for me. I remembered what happened! My boyfriend wasn’t in bed, but I heard his usual movement and the tv and thought, there isn’t a physical bigfoot in the house. I went out of my room and looked around the house. No sign of anything. Maybe a ghost? I believe in ghosts; have seen them. I had to think for a moment of the possibility of a Sasquatch ghost and thought, sure, why not? This is an odd house and we had only been living there for a few months and new to the state. I also had an experience as soon as we moved in with a Comanche man spirit I called Naked Legs. He was older, wrinkled and wearing nothing but a loin cloth. I am very open to that stuff. But, that wasn’t my Comanche friend who liked to rummage through my boyfriend's toiletries on his sink counter at night (honestly, that only happened once). I told my boyfriend what happened. He knew by that time what he was getting with me. He was strongly agnostic, but I think I entertained him a bit, so he tolerated me. Believing we now had a ghost squatch, I broke out the sage first thing before coffee and opened all of the doors and asked this spirit to leave. I did some research that day. I went to the BFRO website and looked for sightings in Oklahoma. I found this report… . When that area was more wild and just being developed in 1982, a teenage boy walking home from work saw a young Sasquatch playing in the snow in the Spring Creek ditch, which borders my neighborhood. Basically, my neighborhood was being built at that time. BINGO! I had proof that they probably wandered the area before it was built up and it could have been a Sasquatch spirit! (Please do not wander this neighborhood. We no longer live there. Go to Arcadia lake and wander around there, which has a part in this story) That afternoon, we bar-b-qued and ate out on the back concrete slab. As we sat to eat, my dog, a doofy and very quiet young basset hound came out to join us and immediately started barking at a corner next to the back door. This house has lots of weird angles and this corner had one wall that looks into the kitchen and the other wall was the back door into the dining room. Nothing was there. I couldn’t see anything. It was like my dog suddenly noticed something, was looking up, had hackles raised, and was growing and barking uncontrollably. I had recuperated and came to terms with what happened the night before, and then this happened. The boyfriend, who was just humoring me, now took me a little more seriously. The dog only barked like this one other time and that was a few years later. But I saw nothing. I got the sage and cleansed the yard. Never had a problem again. I didn’t think about it again for a couple of years. I still watched every episode of Finding Bigfoot (which really was comedy gold). But a lot of life happened and we worked. We did go for walks at Arcadia lake and it was a “squatchy” area, but only in the fall and winter. Oklahoma is an odd place to live. No one goes outside. The people you see hiking or mountain biking are always from somewhere else. The lake path was almost always empty. And we often went during off season when there were nice days in the fall and winter. One of those walks was on a crisp March weekend just after the last snow melted. It was still cold. I saw a small, child sized footprint in the sandy soil on the walking path going perpendicular to the path like someone was walking from a wooded area across the path to a wooded area. Near the footprint was a clean, freshly striped deer bone. It had no teeth marks and a waxy texture. Who is out there with little kids walking barefoot through the trees? Another walk we took one day on the northside of spring creek at the lake, I felt that familiar uneasy feeling. There is a location on the corner of the park land where there is an old abandoned home that was donated with the property to the city for the lake. The trees in the area are a lot of post oaks and eastern cedars. As we walked past that old house, we kind of looked around it, but didn’t go in. We got back on the path and a very large, dense eastern cedar tree shook violently like it was alive. We walked faster. Okay, jump forward maybe a couple of years. I think mid 2015. I pushed the memory of Ghost-squatch away. I was watching random Youtube videos and came across Ontario Sasquatch. At first I was like, portal jumping beings? Bullshit. A normal hominin species? Yes. But trans-dimensional beings? No. Then he talked about the Sasquatch being in the house and things moving around. BOOM! Connection. WTF? NOOOOOO! It couldn’t be? I did a YouTube crawl and found more videos talking about how Sasquatch popped in and out of existence and were often accompanied by strange lights (which I never saw). Even two years later, I am positive, there was a squatch in my house. Being the curious scientist, I went and got a step ladder and a measuring tape. This is two years later, mind you! So, I thought, It’s shoulders were at the top of the ceiling cutoff to the hallway. There is a large awkward step down into the living room that is a solid 12 inches. Bad design. I measure from the floor in the living room, up to the top of the hallway then up higher to where the top of the head might have hit. 10.5 feet. WTF? So, now I am shifting into the Woo-Woo. I let myself think about this possibility. Is Sasquatch a trans-dimensional species? Can they cloak themselves? And I thought about the incident. I couldn’t explain it away. I was wide awake. My eyes were adjusted to the low light. If it isn’t nothing, then it has to be something. Also,I had the realization that it “glamered” me. Like a vampire from a dime store novel. I was told to go to bed. My dog saw it and raised holy hell. My boyfriend and I were standing right there. Couldn’t see it, smell it, feel it. Nothing. But the dog knew. The cat hid all day. I allowed myself to go down that rabbit hole. It’s dark in there. I thought a lot about, “why me?” People in my neighborhood don’t go out much. People stay in their homes. Too many mosquitoes and bugs and occasionally snakes. Oh, and also big spiders. My hairy boyfriend was a naturalist and liked sunbathing in the yard, au natural. That’s a draw to another hairy naked ape. I would like to think it was my sensitivity, or the watching sasquatch tv often that drew them to me. But it was probably how odd it was to see a naked human outside. The chick who can sense things was just a bonus. I did tell two family members. They like to ride the Woo-Woo bus, but I am still unsure of what they really thought about my experience. It was really out there. In 2016, it wasn’t working out with my partner. Except for the distraction of the Sasquatch weirdness, I didn’t like Oklahoma either. So, I moved. It has been almost 5 years since I left. The ex moved on and married and sold that house. In my new state, I still walk in nature, but I just don’t feel that presence I felt in Oklahoma. I had lived in an odd pocket of energy. A very unique location that the locals don’t realize they are living in. In my new location, I haven’t seen any signs of Squatchy weirdness and have had no experiences. This gives me a little comfort. Because if it was all mental illusion and illness, I would have brought it with me. I have not gone back to Arcadia Lake. More development had happened around the area. In those few years, much of the wild areas have been built over. If I was a Sasquatch, I wouldn’t be hanging around anymore. But who knows?

Submitted by: Just J

Flying Disk and Spirit Orbs

This happened right outside my apartment complex. It was 8:00 pm and I took my dog outside and I saw this weird flashing disk that was hovering over the apartments. And while I was looking at this flying disk I felt like I was consumed with just staring at it and it felt like time slowed down like I was outside for 15 min when it was really 2 min. So next I ran inside to get my phone to video it and car alarms started going off and dogs started barking and when I took these pictures I can see a blue orb that looks like a spirit. This orb was also doing some type of pattern like a half square with a long tail.

Submitted by: Kathryn

Poolside Ghosts

I was on vacation with my family in South Padre Island for spring break and we were staying at the Isla Grand Hotel. We were staying on the 4th floor and had a balcony that had a view of the pool and bar area outside. Around 2 am I went outside to smoke, and as soon as I sat down I felt very uneasy about my surroundings. As I was sitting there, I kept seeing people walking around the pool which I found strange because it closed at 11 pm and there was security out there. As I took a closer look at the people walking around, I realized they were appearing and disappearing into thin air. After this happened about 5-6 times I got so scared I went inside.

Submitted by: Maddie

Lost Spirit from Guadalupe

I was working overnight as a security guard in my early 20s. While patrolling the parking lot at about 2 am, I stopped under a light post in the middle of the lot to check some paperwork. I was startled by a loud knock on my window, a dread of fear came over me as I'm eye to eye with this older woman asking me for help she was covered in ragged clothes, probably had about 5 coats on. I couldn't make out what she was saying so I step out of my patrol vehicle & this woman grabs a hold of my arm with full strength asking me where Guadalupe is, it was a little town a couple of blocks away so I point in the direction for her to head down while trying to yank my arm from her grip. she let me go & I get right back into the vehicle & lock the door as she's walking away I look down to find my phone Not even a minute later I look back to see where she was and she vanished, there was no way she was able to make the distance from me to the main road in that amount of time, I was in the middle of this empty lot. I believe she was a lost spirit from Guadalupe, there's plenty of stories I've heard about that little town & I've definitely experienced one first hand.

Submitted by: AJ Armenta

Static Shrieks and Shadow Beings

I was lightly (but terrifyingly) charged by deep shadow shapes, shrieked at over an SB7 radio, and collected several EVPs in the tunnel of this dam. I found this local spot doing a quick google search of haunted hiking trails in my area, and then following up on any weird history the Dam has. Following up with yelp I got enough people saying there is (or isn't) something there so I had to check it out myself. By the mouth of the tunnel, there is a big rock outcropping that resembles the profile of a Satan-like portrait. The tunnel itself is ominous and oppressive. I got about halfway into it before hitting a threshold (my body would not go further in). I wanted to try and get to the end of the tunnel, but my gut instinct was to not break whatever barrier it was that I was feeling. Ambient noise is strange, as there is a road on top of the dam that still gets traffic (so there is this faint cold wailing noise that is pretty present). There is some urban decay (kids graffiti/ trash) around the mouth of the tunnel but there is less and less stuff there the deeper the tunnel goes. Visual distortions/low light shadows are pretty heavy near the butt end of the tunnel as well. I strapped in for some time on my SB7 but couldn't pick up any radio feed (there wasn't any cell service in the tunnel either). I did pick up some heavy static shrieks though (they sound somewhat similar to the "cough" EVPs from recorded audio in there). It was enough to make me jump out of my skin a couple of times. In my notes, I wrote down that some of the shrieks were timed well against the questions I was asking, but I need to do a true Estes session in there to be sure. I pulled 3 Tarot Cards (3 of swords, Judgement, and the Fool), and recorded some audio. 2 of my audio files have EVP's that sound like distant clicks or coughs. I don't have any recollection of feeling a need to cough or sneeze during these recordings, and one of the anomalies seems like it is snickering at my voice (I was scared so my words get jumbled at one point). The audio is extra ominous as the intensity of the traffic roar fluctuates throughout the recordings. As I was putting my deck away the Knight of Cups dropped out, which also gave me jester/trickster feelings. After a certain point in my hanging out there, it was clear that it was time for me to leave. Once that feeling arose I couldn't get out of there fast enough, but also wasn't going to turn my back to the end of the tunnel, so I couldn't turn and truly run. As I was quickly pacing backward toward the mouth of the tunnel my eye was caught by small, dense shadow shapes (more distinct than low light distortions) playfully gesticulated towards me. They advanced very quickly from the other end of the tunnel but did not get into my personal space. Once I stepped out of the tunnel it felt as if reality returned. This experience left me stirred and shaken! I had to take a few days to decompress before listening to the audio recordings. Whether or not there is a capital G ghost there, it is definitely an active liminal space full of strange juju. I can also provide the notes, pics, historical research, (which is ongoing) but want to keep this as concise as possible. (Have investigation notes/photos, some light historical research, pics of tarot pull inside the dam tunnel, 2 audio files with EVPs [would love fresh ears on them])

Submitted by: Alexander J Fulop

Ghost of Toyo Watanabe

When I worked at this place a co-worker, who was friendly with our local travel agency, told me about a Japanese immigrant who had been murdered on the location where the store stood. Before the 1920s, downtown Salem on Liberty street had been a row of abandoned apartments that Chinese Immigrants moved into as that was the only place they were allowed to live (Oregon once had very strict anti-Chinese laws). A Japanese woman named Toyo Watanabe had moved there for unknown reasons, at the time the local Japanese community in the Northern part of the city had no idea why she moved. She had her throat slashed by an unknown assailant, witnesses claimed she had been quarreling with a Chinese immigrant man who, they assumed, she had been involved with. Toyo was learning English, she couldn't speak it, especially not through her wound, but she tried to write a note as she was dying. Investigators said they couldn't decipher what she had written. They didn't investigate any further. After telling me all of this, my co-worker went to use our employee bathroom, and I turned around to check the security cameras to see if any customers looked like they needed something or were up to no-good, when I saw a woman with black hair in a white gown cross the top of an open stairway and move through the shop's front windows. She didn't look at me, didn't even acknowledge me, but I didn't feel afraid either. I like to think she appreciated someone learning her story. I hope she was able to move on

Submitted by: David

Creepy Cross

this one takes place across a few time periods and has a few layers in it. this is when i had to get rid of a [entity] but in order to do that i had to heal a land curse and close portals that i accidentally opened as a young physical medium by accident. lets start when i moved back to the family land. ive always known about the man of the land even as a teen. we bought the land in 2001. growing up whenever i was having a hard time i would go outside and do witchy things and channel all of my emotions into "portals" of course i had no clue the damage i was doing and who i was upsetting doing it: the man of my land, who is the spirit of a [local] man that mixed with elemental energy. he did so to get rid of my family mainly probably bc i was tainting the land. fast foward to me moving back. he didnt want us back and with the merge of the elemental energy he was able to make a [entity] manifest. this thing would attack our dreams, throw its voice with horrible sounds, make very large claw like scrapings down the house. it would tell me everything it was in my dreams. the dreams were horrible and scary. and man this thing could take on any form of fear to get to you. ultimately just wanting to eat you. (i dream travel and do spiritual work)so in order to get rid of this thing before it got physical i had to make peace with the man of the land. i had to close all the portals i may have opened. i had to garden the land the way he would like it (we both compromise but his ideas are usually very beautiful) i had to do land cleansing on a big scale, i made tools to offer him. i listen to him, he loves the music we play and the sage we make. really we just joined him into our family as an elder we consult. over time his opinion of us changed. the [entity] left. he wont let go of the people of the mud just yet. which all i know is there are old settlers. this is something im happy to do the rest of my life just to make sure the connection i have to the land is strong and in good intentions.

Submitted by: Lola

Wichita Vortex Dog

There are tales of a Wichita Vortex located around the area north of Central Riverside park since the 1960s. I did not know about this when this incident happened. My family is a follower of the guru Sri Sathya Sai Baba. He died on April 4th, 2010 and was in a coma two weeks before he passed (India is 12 hours ahead from our time...for context). I had just left a bad marriage and moved to a place in the Riverside section of Wichita, Kansas. I was walking daily around the neighborhood, through the parks and the Little Arkansas River. It is really the best neighborhood in Wichita. I found two large Sycamore trees on the river bank just off the walking path that I loved to go to and meditate under. I was doing a lot of self reflection and healing at that time. A couple days before, I would have these flash memories of something that hadn't happened. I saw myself sitting under those trees and a dog walking up to me. I couldn't shake that visualization. So, on Sunday morning, I went out for my walk and meditation. The pathway is north of the park with a West River Boulevard separating the park from the thin strip along the river and the walking path. It's Kansas. Flat, wide open spaces dotted with trees. Not many bushes and none in this area. As you walk the path, you can see all the way down the road to the traffic circle and if you turn around the other way, you can see all the way to the four way stop and Nims bridge. It is wide open spaces. So, I sit under my trees at the river bank and start my meditation. I heard a scuffling sound behind me. I look and see nothing. I hear the scuffling again. I turn my body around and look toward the sycamore trees that were behind me. I see a dog nose peek out from behind the tree. I thought, wow! Here is that dog I have been thinking about! I talk to animals, so I said to her, "Hi there! I have been waiting for you!" I get up to get a look at her. She is white. All white. She has extremely saggy breasts like she is currently nursing a litter of puppies and like she has had several litters before. Not a young dog. She has a yellow caution tape tied around her neck like a leash. I look around to find anyone that may be her owner. There was no one around. Not a soul. What struck me was the fact that she looked like the dogs I saw the three times I traveled to India. I've been to the ashram of Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the dogs are tame yet wild. She didn't look like any mixed breed dogs around the Riverside area of Wichita, or anywhere in Wichita. She was an India dog. Those dogs are a breed by themselves from generations of breeding together. Pointed ears, muscular bodies. Short hair. Pointed muzzle. I talked to her and pet her and convinced her to follow me. I was going to take her home. We walked about 50 feet to the west. She followed behind. I did not use that yellow plastic caution tape to walk her for some reason. She was intelligent and I didn't want to spook her. I saw that in her eyes. I wanted her to come with me on her own free will. I heard her stop and I turned around. We looked each other in the eye and she basically indicated to me she had to go. She turned around and dog trotted east on the sidewalk/path, back toward the trees we came from. I thought okay, maybe she belongs to someone. I took only a few steps and realized it was quiet suddenly. I can't explain the energy shift. I thought maybe she changed her mind and stopped walking. I turned, and she was gone. She was just behind me. Just started walking in the other direction. And just disappeared. In the vastness of the grassy park, she disappeared as quickly as she appeared. I knew instantly something strange had just happened. A dog couldn't have vanished like that so quickly. Or run fast enough to a place where I wouldn't see it. I went home and not long after, my mother called and said she got word that Sri Sathya Sai Baba had died. I told her about the dog. She said it was him. I'm not sure, but it was something from India. Just a few years ago, I found out about the Wichita Vortex and the poem by Allen Ginsberg in 1966. When he came back to Wichita from San Francisco, he lived very near that spot, just on the other side of the Little Arkansas River. Odd things like this happen here.

Submitted by: Janaki

The Historic Atlas Theater

The Historic Atlas Theatre in downtown Cheyenne, Wyoming is one of the most historic buildings in a town with a very rich, and very bloody, history. Cheyenne was a major railroad stop and cattle town in the 1800's, and murders were common, as well as many other terrible crimes, and the history of the state of Wyoming is bloody enough on its own. This particular building however, which was a vaudeville theatre and hotel as well as allegedly a bordello at various points, is purported to be one of the most haunted in the entire state, and I've spent enough time there as a performer to feel that this is true. Many sightings of "white lady" type apparitions have been sighted, as well as a tall, dark, red-eyed shadow person that locals have come to call The Hat Man, as he's been primarily described as a cowboy wearing a long black duster and a broad-brimmed black hat. My personal experience was as an actor during the yearly Old Fashioned Melodrama, a part of a local rodeo called Frontier Days where the town celebrates its frontier, Wild West heritage, for what its worth. I was upstairs, in what used to be the hotel and now sometimes serves as a yearly Halloween haunted attraction, but is often used for costume storage for the local community theatre. I was trying to find a pair of somewhat period appropriate shoes that would fit, with my director assisting me, when suddenly he was called back downstairs by our stage manager. Now, often, we don't leave people by themselves in the Atlas. It's just sort of an unspoken rule. But, we're both grownups, we're both theatre professionals, and the stage manager needs him, so, off he goes, leaving me to sort through crusty old costume shoes. A few minutes pass, fruitlessly, when suddenly I notice how quiet it had suddenly become. Earlier I'd heard rehearsal music from downstairs, and traffic noises through the old single-pane windows upstairs, but now it was dead silent, almost as if I'd put on noise-cancelling headphones, and at the same moment I noticed the silence, I suddenly felt as if I had a thousand pairs of eyes on me, and unfriendly ones to boot, like we were playing to a packed house of mean drunks and none of our jokes were landing. I felt panic, true, real panic and grabbed the first pair of men's shoes that looked close to my size and bolted for the door, fleeing at near full speed all the way back to the main lobby of the hotel and into the theatre, terrified and just hoping to see other people. I did, and calmed down, and everyone sort of assumed what had happened and laughed it off. I wore a pair of shoes two sizes too small, for two weeks, for 10 performances, for free, and it was a wonderful time.

Submitted by: Tony L

UFO Time Slip

A friend and I were smoking cigarette's on another friend's back porch, on an overcast evening, after sunset, when suddenly I saw what appeared to be a large glowing orange sphere of light, seemingly composed physically of shifting translucent panels containing some sort of energy, moving though the low cloud cover and casting an orange light into the clouds around it. This object made no sound, and initially was moving far too slowly to be one of the many easily identified commercial craft in the area from the nearby airfields. I pointed the object out to my friend, who confirmed that he did indeed see the object. I then described what I saw to him, and he confirmed that this indeed matched what he had seen. We stood, almost transfixed in hindsight otherwise I would have tried to get a picture or even just alerted other people in the house, for what was probably only 45 seconds or so before the object suddenly and rapidly accelerated directly upwards, leaving a turbulent pocket of air and clouds behind it as it moved through them. We thought we'd been looking at it for ten minutes, but our cigarettes hadn't burned down. We both had felt a sense of unease during the whole thing, not as if we were in any danger, but as if we'd seen something we simply could not explain no matter how hard we tried to rationalize it.

Submitted by: Tony L

Football Shaped UFO

When you're a teenager in a tourist town on the Gulf of Mexico, there's only one way to spend your summer nights: doing drugs & going to the beach. One such evening, back around high school, me & my friend Tall Paul had dropped some acid & decided to go stick our toes in the sand. A mutual friend, who was sober, drove us down. It was pretty late (2am or so) & our town was totally dead. No traffic, nothing. Tall Paul & I had started to come down from our trips by the time we reached the beach. He & our trip-sitter were sitting in the sand chatting while I waded ankle-deep into the water & stared at the stars. One star caught my eye; it was particularly bright, & as I stared it got brighter & brighter. Thinking that I was just experiencing some LSD-based weirdness, I called back to my friends. Something along the lines of, "Hey guys, is that a star? Or, like, a helicopter or something?" They joined me in the water to check it out. We were all kind of mesmerized by the star, which not only seemed more dazzling now, but also bigger & closer. It became clear that it was not a star, but the light of some kind of aircraft. It emerged out of the night sky & flew right over us. The thing was shaped kind of like a football -- an ellipse with pointed ends -- but much flatter. We could only see the bottom as it flew overhead, but it was perfectly smooth & made of a material that was akin to a mirror or very shiny silver. The light was attached to the front point of the football-shape, but didn't have the quality of any sort of light I have every seen. It's hard to put into words. Even up close, it was like looking at a star. Is it possible that the craft was just some kind of misidentified plane? A drone? A blimp? Maybe, but I don't think so. First of all, it was very, very close to the ground. It flew maybe 15 feet over our heads, moving smoothly & much, much more slowly than a plane would need to stay aloft. It was also completely silent. There was no engine noise at all, or if there was it was so quiet we couldn't hear it on a very calm night. It glided past us & off into the night. Me & my buddies freaked out. It seemed clear to all three of us that we had seem something deeply strange. We tried to record a audio description of what we had seen on our phones, but I unfortunately no longer had that phone. I was (& still am, to some extent) frustrated that my only paranormal experience will not be taken seriously because two out of three witnesses were under the influence of psychedelics. But our other friend was stone cold sober & swears to experiencing the same exact event as me & Tall Paul. If nothing else, I hope this encourages more people in Southwest Florida to share their stories. Nestled between the Gulf of Mexico & the Everglades, the region has a very eerie energy. Those of use whose families have lived in the area for generations know just how strange it is.

Submitted by: CB

Fleet of UFOs

Growing up my sister and I shared a bedroom and slept in bunkbeds. Our beds were against our window looking north over endless miles of fields. On clear nights we can see the closest town (20 miles) by the glow it gave off. That night we were laying in our beds, me on the top bunk, her on the bottom. We heard a loud bang, which wasn't completely unheard of, we had diesel tanks in the barn lot that would expand when hot (that's what our dad said anyway). So we looked out the window. When we looked up we noticed lights. A lot of lights. Not planes, because they were moving in lots of different directions, then would change directions on a dime. I would guestimate that there were roughly 30 of them. None of them very close to us, but bright enough that we could see them clearly. Then they slowly started disappearing until they were all gone. We kept looking out the window in total disbelief, then one last GIANT one flew overhead and they were gone. To be honest, I don't know how long we stayed awake looking out of our window after that but we never talked about it after that. Coming from a very closeminded area we know we'd be made fun of. Now that I've started down my own spiritual awakening path over the last few years I went to my sister and asked her, "do you remember that night, on the 9th of September, back in 1999?" and she said "When we say the ufos?! Yes! I think about it all of the time"

Submitted by: Cre8tiveOutlook

Union Cemetery

I visited Union Cemetery with my husband in October of 2020. I had heard the stories of the famous White Lady who roamed the area but wanted to see for myself. At around 11 pm we arrived and were greeted with silence. What I first noticed as strange was the sound of wind rustling the trees, however, the air was still and nothing was moving! Secondly, it was cold. Yes it’s fall in New England, but it felt weird, like the cold was localized to the cemetery. We started walking up a small hill towards the center of the cemetery when I saw some movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned just in time to see the train of a white dress appear and float through some gravestones. It was quite shocking and we ran back to the car.

Submitted by: Delaney C

Footsteps in Plano

We were in Downtown Plano walking on the sidewalk from 15th to 14th street, my husband was walking ahead of me, I stopped briefly to look at the window at the mason lodge, out of curiosity. I'm not sure what prompted me to stop and look. (maybe it was to get a look at the place in the daytime, we were there for a haunted tour once before but it was at night time, but we live nearby and see this place all the time. )There wasn't anything notable about it just the set of stairs in a foyer. I turned and continued toward 14th, my husband got a little further ahead of me, I noticed heavy steps behind me like a large man was walking behind me at a faster pace and was gaining on me. I felt uncomfortable, and anxious. It's a busy cute downtown area, it is very normal for many people to be walking around. I assumed this person was just rude and in a hurry so I quickened my pace a bit but the heavy steps continued and seemed to get closer. I got a bad feeling, not like" they wanna grab my purse " but like "this person wants to hurt me" . (IDK)I didn't want to let on that I was uncomfortable or scared , (good ole southern upbringing) so Without turning around, I called out to my husband. I hoped this man behind me would know I wasn't alone, and maybe my husband would see this guy and how close he was . my husband stopped and waited and when I Caught up to him I finally (casually) turned around and there was no one there . my husband says no one was behind me the whole time . He says actually there was no one around the area at all.

Submitted by: MD

Large White Head

As a child I was playing out in the gravel driveway when I looked up to see a large white head in the window of one of our barns. No matter how hard I try I can not remember what the face of this thing looked like. I ran inside and told my dad who then proceeded to grab his shot gun and look through all of our farm buildings only to find that no one was there. Later on I found out my little brother had also seen this strange head on a different occasion. As I grew older and began talking to my family I discovered that I wasn't the only person who had strange things happen to them. When either my brother or I was little, as in a toddler or smaller, we would point at the corner of the living room and just cry. My dad said that when he was home alone he could occasionally hear the sound of children out side, our closest neighbor was about a mile away. My brother said that one night he woke up and felt really bad so he went to our parents room, while in there he looked back at his room and saw a glowing figure on his bed. My cousin was over for a birthday party and went upstairs to get a toy out of my bed room and said he saw a book fly across the room. My dad also said that the first night him and my mom stayed at the house all of their dogs went crazy and he saw a shadow of a man move across the building where the dogs were kept. One of the creepiest things my brother told me is on Christmas eve he heard footsteps coming up stairs but so no one there, he thought it was Santa?.

Submitted by: Some Guy

Multiple Weird Happenings

This whole area is above a granite cavern system that's closed off to the public, and a creek runs through a mile away. This general spot is definitely a thin area/portal zone, but activity is generally quiet as it's in the heart of a suburb. We have been living here for 12 years, with poltergeist activity in the home off and on. Classic stuff, like vanishing objects that reappear in strange places, shadow people, objects falling off shelves impossibly, cold spots, scratches, footsteps, bed shaking, etc. I've also seen weird glowing orbs, and a sentient mist ball, as has my whole family. Even my mother, a staunch atheist, has become a believer in the supernatural. If you walk on a wooded trail in the neighborhood after sundown, the whole vibe changes. It's not so much dark as it is...not fond of humans. At all times of the day, you feel watched, and often hear distinct bipedal footsteps following you, only to turn around and have NOBODY remotely nearby. Family members and neighbors have mentioned the same thing, all independently, without being pressed first. After sundown, things get weird. I and 2 others witnessed people vanish right in front of our eyes. We were walking our dog early in the evening, when we see a man standing under a tree just off the sidewalk, in the dark, across the street, which is already sketchy. He calls out to us and says "Evenin', how's it going?", and before we can answer, a car drives past in the opposite lane (so, near to us), and when it's gone (like literally 1 second later) he is GONE. We even went to investigate the tree and area right away, and he was NOWHERE. This has happened multiple times since. Another evening, I think I may have been attacked by some unseen force. I was walking the dog, when suddenly she goes APE, I'm talking hair raised, snarling, at some unseen person in front of me. She's the sweetest dog, so this was very out of character. Suddenly, without warning, I get this weird sort of static energy kind of rain on me from the stop of my head, and then a second later, what I can only describe as an ice-cold bolt of electricity zap me from the top of my head straight through me and down my spine. I was then paralyzed for about 3 seconds, and the pain was intense. The dog was absolutely losing it. Then, as suddenly as it came, it was gone, and I was suddenly sapped of all my energy. It just drained all of it from me and I was beyond lethargic for days after. My father also swears up and down he saw a Dover Demon/Rake type of figure. He's a very serious and quiet man and he would never lie about this kind of thing. He was walking the dog, and suddenly, he sees what he described as a water ripple, except in the air. Suddenly this emaciated, gangly-limbed, pale being runs at inhuman speed across a parking lot near the neighborhood pool, only to vanish into a wooded area. He said that whenever he tried to focus on it, it would blur. The dog also saw it, snarling and barking aggressively and pulling at her leash, following it with her nose and eyes. There's other stories I'm sure I'm forgetting over the years, but those are the big ones. Definitely a thin area!

Submitted by: Tamara

Jennings Lodge

I have lived in an unincorporated area called Jennings lodge for around 11 years now and I have begun to believe that it’s the twilight zone. The amount of strange things that happen here is incredible and unsettling, I wish I could tell all my stories. But today I will tell you a more recent one. It happened at Jennings lodge elementary school a few months ago. If you walk along the side of the school it takes you around the back where there is a parking lot and access to the school’s playground. Running parallel to that path along the school there is a road, besides the chain link fence there is just bushes and such creating a barrier between them. I often spend time at that school because it makes me feel strange and melancholy and I like to take others there and see how the feel about it. I was sitting on the steps in front of the school with a friend at around 9:30pm when a black SUV pulled into the parking lot and took the path along the school to pull around to the back. It was a little strange but seemingly nothing to worry about. But then my friend and I heard what sounded like someone screaming for help from behind the school and we became worried. The school is somewhat shaped like a U with an open space in the back between the structures of the school. We thought we should walk down the road that ran parallel to the school to look and make sure nothing bad was happening and because we had a full view of the back of the school from that road, besides what is in the center of that U. So, we walked along the side of the school, still hearing what sounded like an adult man calling for help. But as we walked along, we realized we could not see the car. Immediately we assumed that they had pulled into that blind spot and that scared us. If they were doing something bad, they pulled back there with intention, knowing they were out of view. So we thought screw it, we will walk into the school yard to get a better view and know if we need to call the police. But when we did, the car was nowhere to be found. There was no way out through the back of the school, and as we had a clear view of the side the whole time, we would have seen the car leave. But it just vanished. The sound of the man yelling stopped shortly after we stepped into the field to look at the car as well. It was overall strange and left us with an awful feeling in the out of our stomachs. A lot of strange things like that happen around here. Maybe I will make more of these.

Submitted by: Alissa

Buckout Road

There are so many stories about this place from people like my friends dad who grew up near there and would go there in the 80s. (much creepier back then!) There are stories of witches, the white ghost deer... a small cemetery and much more! One of the well known stories is of the flesh eating albinos. Apparently there was a house that they lived in, it burnt down though. Anyway the road has weird vibes and is heavily forested, me and my best friend would drive up and down it screaming for fun. The first time i went on the road was with my best friend and her dad with all the creepy stories, that time we saw a weird light or lantern in the woods. He said back in the day there used to be a lot of abandoned mansions there he and all his friends would explore. They featured stairs that go to nowhere and pools with mosaics of the joker playing card. Just weird vibes, they were all knocked down though! Its a short drives but there a myths abound here! A great link to see more of peoples stories! Pretty weird!

Submitted by: Claire D

Capitol Hill Books

I go to a school in the area and as part of my french class, we walked around the neighborhood talking about it in french. My class stopped in this book store and walked around looking at the french section and stuff. The building is an old townhouse converted into a bookstore and is filled wall to wall with books, no renovations were done so there was still a sink and oven in the kitchen area but it was filled with books. I and my small class of only 5 people walked around the store's basement and the main floor before heading upstairs, once we were up we ran into two men leaving the room in the back with weird machines in their hands. I now believe it was probably a K2 meter but I'm not truly sure. We decided to head to the back because we were curious as to what they were doing and the second we stepped into the room you could feel a change, a chill, I'm not sure how to describe it. The whole room felt off and gave all of us a bad vibe, it almost felt like we were on a slope, like the room was tilting. we took a video (now lost) of the floor to see if it was truly sloped but it wasn't which scared us all so we left. The next time I went it was with one of my more spiritually aware friends who upon reaching the room ran out of the store and said they couldn't stay in there because the energy was so off. In the end, I still visit occasionally so browse their amazing selection of books but I never go into the backroom no matter how tempting it is.

Submitted by: Theo

Good Turn Park

It was the 4th of July 2013. The fireworks had long subsided as a pack of me and 5 friends were walking down to the water from a party (I'm sober, always have been, although I can't attest to the mental state of my friends that night). As we made our way down Allison we decided to head to the small park close by, Good Turn Park. As we enter the park from road walking north, we see a woman dressed in what I assumed was cosplay because she looked to be straight out of a Victorian era period piece. She her dress and headpiece or hat were both a sort of yellowed cotton color, as if it once were white. I remember the details... she was obviously wearing a corset and the fabric was extremely intricate with different types of stitching. She had these little tan leather chunky-heeled booties that were reveled under the dress when she would stand on her toes as she looked up and down the street with her hand above her eyes like she was trying to see off into the distance. Next to her was a suitcase, leather matching the boots, with a handle that indicated it had clearly been used many times. As we gleefully approached the park we slowed down a bit, all taking a moment to register what we were seeing. However, Seattle is a quirky place and us being Seattle locals were not phased. We walked into the park, (it's really very small,) and sat at the wooden table. I couldn't shake the feeling that the woman might need help. Honestly, I thought maybe she was having some kind of mental episode or was in distress in some way. I got up to go check on her, and as I turned around I saw her coming into the small clearing with the table we were seated at. Not walking on the *only* path that leads into the park (total of maybe 30 feet) but straight up coming out of the bushes at us. She was staring at us like she was pissed, but not saying anything. Some of my friends kinda laughed, trying not to be rude, and continued on. But two of my other friends and I looked at each other apprehensively... at this point she begun walking in a circle around the table. I remember straight up saying "NOPE!" and breaking the circle because if horror movies have taught me anything, there's something magical about circles. She turns to me sharply and gives me the most haunting look. At this point I ask her if she's alright and if she needs help, to which she just continue staring at me, occasionally looking at my friends too, as if she can't hear us. Needless to say, we're all completely spooked now and decide to leave the park and the woman with it. We're walking along the path to exit the park, I keep looking back to make sure she's still behind us. We exit the park to find she's right back where we saw her the first time, standing on the side of the road out front the park, looking up and down the street. Although this time, the air is FILLED with slowly floating Dogwood tree cotton puffs, the kind that that we get here in Seattle for a couple days in the spring... but... it wasn't spring... and none of them touched the ground, they all just kept floating around as if there was no gravity. We begin walking briskly away but and as soon as we pass her I turn back to take one last look... and of course, she had disappeared!

Submitted by: Rae

Lights Out Near Canberra

So one time in grade 6 the whole grade went on a trip to Canberra for like 3 days. When we got to our rooms everything was normal except there were weird scratches on the walls, we brushed it off and went on with our day. As we were getting ready for bed everyone decided we’d leave the bathroom lights on, because we were kinda scared of these cabins that we were staying in. Anyway most of the people in my cabin didn’t sleep because the beds were so uncomfortable so, we all stayed up. But as we were talking the bathroom lights just shut off and they weren’t working. We asked a couple people if the lights automatically turn off at a certain time but they said, they don’t.

Submitted by: gg

Guardian Snake at Bronze Age Settlement

Went on a walk and there's this Bronze age stone circle (Barbrook I), next to which is a large mound of stones. I climbed up onto the little mound and saw a few items, a Wizard figurine, a feather, a playing card. Didn't think much of it and continued walking around the mound. A minute after that my friend, who was on the mound with me, got bitten by a poisonous snake. He was okay luckily, but idk thought this might count as something weird.

Submitted by: Yanna

Oneida Lake Blood Moon Monster Vision

I was doing a meditation around like 11pm at night I saw the image of a ship behind my eyes and a light center coming from the ship. Suddenly I got a text from my friend who lives down the road telling me to go outside right now. When I go outside there's a tall figure with a large beaming light posted about 30 feet out in the lake I live in front of. It's as tall as a 3 story building and the moon was blood red. It's the craziest thing that has happened to me while in meditation ever.

Submitted by: Valeriel Hall

Highway Mystery

A few years ago my fiancé and I decided to catch a late night movie. We were running late but luckily there was no one on the road. As we rushed down the highway we saw a fire on the opposite side in the distance. We slowed down a bit and saw the top of a car over the barrier and it appeared that the entire vehicle was engulfed in flames. It looked like help was already there so we kept going. Everything was smoky and hard to make out but the fire was huge and impossible to miss. We talked about it all night. On the way home we drove slowly for miles trying to see the remnants of what happened, but there was nothing. That night and the week following we searched the web for reports, nothing. Finally my fiancé asked in a local Facebook group, no one had seen or heard anything. We have no idea what to think but in a town like this a car engulfed in flames is big news. Two years ago, maybe a year after the incident, my fiancé crashed and totaled one of our cars on the same road, going the same direction, in nearly the same place. Everyone was okay but I still wonder if it was a sign.

Submitted by: Becki

Creek by Scarlett Woods

I played in this creek a lot when I was a child and I still live near it. I remember playing for am hour and coming home to find out I've been gone all day (which is weird because that never happened at our other play spots). I believe I have contacted young child spirits around here, very nice nothing dangerous. When I was a kid my "imaginary" friends would always be the most "visual" or "interactive" when I was near the creek. I just believe its a special weird place. Nothing scary just weird. I've followed the creek miles down without even realizing before, its an odd space.

Submitted by: Mia/ElvenSailor

School of Rock Cornelius

Lights constantly flicker and knocking noises can be heard from upstairs where it's constantly humid. Everybody always jokes about there being ghosts there too. Guitar picks go missing all the time, there are cold spots, and the upstairs is constantly humid.

Submitted by: Styx

Tuscon UFO

I was in a vehicle in the passenger seat when I saw a bright light in the sky. I watched it as it turned my way. I saw blinking lights and thought it was an airplane. However, it got closer to where I could see beneath it and it was shaped like a circle, dark gray in color with lights.

Submitted by: Meagan A.

Multicolored UFO

So I joined the club finally ... of crappy UFO photographers ... This dude came in from the northwest at around 1.00 AM July 5 2021 ... it flew in with a very bright red light ... I thought a plane, then it sat there at the same spot for about 20 minutes ... it alternated between a bright red ... in comparison Venus size - to a very bright green or light blue - in between it blinked in intervals of circa 2 seconds, and then back to a steady bright red or green and back to the blinking ... about a hand above the horizon with arm stretched out, a little more west of northwest from my balcony in the southern part of Örebro, Sweden. It flew in, I'm sure and then stopped, it didn't move like the background stars, I had one other star to the left, it moved slightly ... no sound at all ... it dimmed at times as if it was caught behind some clouds, there were high thin ones at the spot, quite high up, I assume it was behind them ... then it came back to a very bright light. ... I went out to recheck at circa 1.40 AM local time, nothing there then ...

Submitted by: Patrik

Mount Moriah Cemetery

I was taking a self-guided tour of this famous cemetery. Several groups of tourists there had come off of tour buses, but I had walked away from the crowds down a dirt path, about 50 yards from the graves of Wild Bill Hickock and Calamity Jane. I heard a man behind me say “Excuse me!” in that tone of voice strangers use when they want to ask a question or maybe draw your attention to something. I turned around, but no one was there. The voice had sounded no more than six feet behind me. The area right there was flat and there’s no way someone could have said that and then jumped out of sight. I looked all the way back down the path to where the tour groups were. No one was looking in my direction, but even so, they were too far away to have spoken to me so clearly and loudly. Later in the day I noticed that I had lost my hotel key. I got the weird feeling that maybe a ghost had tried to politely let me know that my key had dropped while I was walking around the cemetery. Only a theory, though.

Submitted by: T.M.

Purdy Split

Anyone who's driven the Purdy Split has inevitably muttered to themselves how dangerous this stretch of sandbar-turned-bridge road is. After talking with the locals, I have a few different items of lore to share regarding this location: -
  1. There has been the spirit of a little boy witnessed by multiple people. He darts across the road, causing the driver to take drastic measures to miss him. Once they are stopped, no little boy can be seen!
  2. A long-term resident under the bridge was killed in a hit-and-run on the split. H was known by locals as "Moon Man".
  3. There's reports of an adult male committing suicide under the bridge by means of hanging, due to losing custody of his children. No records have been found to authenticate this...yet.
Submitted by Liminal Ambassador Bex

Submitted by: Bex

Nacogdoches UFO

Looking out of my dorm window at night I thought it was a star at first because of its size and brightness , but as I stared at it I saw it moving a bit. The light that came off of it was mostly white but there was the occasional flash of red as well. It moved almost clumsily and erratically, not really having a set pattern or smooth movements, maybe the captain was drunk lol. It generally stayed in the same area high in the sky each night though, it wasn't there every night. I thought it might've been a weather balloon or something but I couldn't find anything about that in the area. It would also move up, down, and side to side at random intervals which I don't think a balloon could do.

Submitted by: rye

Lodge Energies

After a meeting in our Lodge building, which is 90 years old, I was informed a light was on in the bar area one floor below. As a trustee it's my responsibility to insure the lights are all off and the building locked before leaving. At the bar, a cork board behind the bar with a string of white lights surrounding it was on. There's a switch on the back of the cork board that turns off the light. I thought our janitor just forgot to turn it off when he cleaned up after a wedding that weekend. The next morning he called me and asked what I was doing around the bar before leaving. I said the light was on behind the bar, the lights around the cork board and I turned it off. He said that's not all. There's a security camera above the bar and the video it recorded was spooky. The cork board light, according to the camera timeline, might have turned on when a " V" shaped orb of light was caught on camera entering camera view landing on the bar, splitting to a "Y" shape and jumped off the bar and appeared to go down through the floor in front of the bar. The light was back on again when he arrived for work that morning.

Submitted by: Leland F

Dark Room Hypnagogia

So I have trouble falling asleep sometimes and on several occasions while seemingly slipping off into sleep I open my eyes and see things in a totally dark room. Once it was five frogs hanging by their front legs from the curtain rod and one did a flip around the rod and let go. I immediately snapped fully awake. The next occasion I saw a waving rainbow of color streaming through the room and said aloud what and tried to touch it but awoke fully instead to a dark room. A later occasion I saw a person standing beside my bed which frightened me and I immediately wanted to defend myself and instead awoke to a dark room. The last time was seeing a baby's hand and arm dangling in front of my face which left me wondering a long time about that one. Several other visions I had I would exclaim what the hell was that. I thought about these things for awhile realizing I was somewhere between sleep and awake and my brain must be inventing these images but for sure my eyes were open and I was fully aware of what I was seeing but I was not awake until I felt startled, fear or awe of what I was seeing. It was weird to say the least and I now expect to experience this when trouble falling asleep.

Submitted by: Leland F

Stanley Road UFO

Me and my family on new years eve where driving out on the country roads there is no street lights and the moon was covered by the clouds when there was a clearance in the trees a red light in the sky was moving around the whole back seats of the car was glowing red and we could see where the light was coming from it was way to big to be a drone and it was also raining the next day we saw the same thing we did on the Auckland news paper.

Submitted by: Freya

Cranbrook House and Gardens

I came here as a student in high-school. One of the traditions for the graduating class was a dinner and tour of Cranbrook House. During the tour, my friends decided to hang back behind the group to check out what was behind a closed door at the top of one of the stairs landings unnoticed. The room was a long, hallway length closet with windows that overlooked the driveway and another door on the other end. Now I'm generally a stickler for the rules so the whole thing made me uncomfortable to begin with, but it was my friend group so in I went, just to get them to move on and rejoin the tour before we were missed. I was the last one to go in. The moment I crossed into the room, night had become day. In the room with me was a sandy haired blond boy between 6 & 8 years old wearing a schoolboys uniform from the early 1900's. The open door was now closed behind me. I could sense the boy was panicked, though he didn't seem to see me. He tried to open the far door and it became clear that he was locked inside this room, crying for help. This went on for maybe 10 minutes before I started to worry about how I was going to get back. As soon as I registered that I'd slipped into a different period, I was shunted back to where and when I came from. When I asked my friends how long I'd been in the room, they said I'd only stepped in and stepped out again, a matter of a few seconds. I felt so sad for that little boy. It was as if I could feel all of his panic as he tried to get someone's attention to rescue him. I know that one of the Booth's sons (the original owners and founders of the school and museums on site) Henry Scripps Booth wrote a book about the ghosts of the church across the street called "Cranbrook Boasts a Ghost; or the Skeptic’s Tale." Perhaps there is, just not the one he thought.

Submitted by: T.H. Gregory

Guardian Fox

My friends and I often hang out at our local creek, looking for old bottles and what not to pass time before dinner. It was after one of these afternoons that I was walking home through a bit of bush towards where I lived, when I started getting the feeling that I was being watched/followed. I noticed this man walking somewhat towards me but at a distance and it creeped me out, so I started walking in the complete opposite direction of home and towards where there was a busy road. It was there that I saw what looked like a fox. Only, it was pure white and seemed to be slightly glowing. I'm not sure how to describe the feeling it gave me, only that it felt like it was here to watch over me. I don't usually believe in spirit animals or guides, but in that moment it felt like that creature was purply waiting for me to see it/ had been waiting for me for a while. It's really weird too, because later that week there was a bit of gossip going around at my school that there was paedophile living in one of the streets I usually walk through to get home, and that sometimes he follows young females for a few blocks. Maybe the fox was there as a warning or something?

Submitted by: Noah W

Elephant Tree

Walking in my neighborhood this morning I saw vines which were cascading down several trees which was in the shape of an elephant. Vine-covered trees strongly resembling an elephant

Submitted by: Wendy M

Buckner Building

Very popular place with locals and ghost hunters, had a personal experience during summer (2019) two friends and myself went to explore through a side window over a balcony, ended up entering into the cafeteria/dining area? Split up to take pictures and explore but immediately started hearing people where there wasn't any, catching shadows in corners and hearing living sounds like dishes clinking and doors closing. Met back up where we had entered and all had the same experiences, and none of us dared to use any of the stairwells because we all felt an "overwhelming sense of dread" when we tried. Got back out asap. Didn't find anything interesting in any of the pictures taken but a video I tried to take later showed as being corrupted looking all glitchy almost like I'd dropped my phone but it was fine.

Submitted by: Sage C

Strange Light Distortion

I was at the rooftop late at night looking up the stars when i saw a strange light distortion (kinda like when you look through a glass of water) it was floating in the air near my building and i wasnt quite sure what i was seeing, thought i was hallucinating at first but after a few seconds of me looking directly into it the thing started to make a sound/vibration that reminded me of a cricket but 1000x stronger, i got scared and hid away and then it disappeared. the next day my mom told me she saw weird things floating in the sky early in the mourning, she described it as weird triangles that moved really quickly.

Submitted by: gengar

Blackout Terror

This was my home for a long period of time, it was bought by my parents and had green carpeting and a creepy vibe from the getgo, the basement always felt like things were watching you as you ran upstairs and very frequently at night we would all hear things running around upstairs and laughter, I also very frequently heard my name being called. When the blackout happened was when all hell broke lose, literally. I could feel a dark force in my room, something tried to open my parents Locked door and when they were unable to access into there where both my parents and my brother were sleeping, they came for me. Shooky bed violently, waking me up and then when I asked it to stop I saw red eyes and felt it coming for me. This house I feel is a portal of some kind honestly. We would all hear and see figures at random times, I had the flu once and was sleeping in my mom's room and saw a dark figure just walk past me and out of the room.

Submitted by: SpookyQueen22

Carlton Block Pizzeria

Yesterday I went to the Carlton Block Pizzeria in Wilkeson, formerly the Carlton Hotel established in the nineteen hundreds. I was waiting for my order reading a book when A loud crashing sound rang out in the restaurant. . Everyone in the restaurant got a little startled. I at first assumed it was a book fallen off the bookshelf. It wasn't. I was really confused. Later I thought that maybe some body might have accidentally knocked something down. No one had dropped anything in the kitchen so it was super weird for me. Finally I noticed a picture had fallen of a ledge on a wall no one else was near it though and it was previously no where near the edge.. I picked up the photograph, it depicted the fire that had burned much of the town. The picture just fell down with no one around it. Later I did some research and it turns out that the wall behind the photograph used to be where the owner Gus Carlton operated an illegal bar during prohibition. I totally think the place has some ghosts.

Submitted by: Hannah

Lonely Shoes

My then-girlfriend (now wife) and I were driving along talking about the “one shoe by the side of the road” phenomenon. Everyone is familiar with that phenomenon, right? Every once in a while you just see one shoe by the side of the road. What’s it doing there? Why just the one shoe? Why didn’t anyone go back for it? Why shoes? Why don’t you ever see a random pair of pants, or a suitcase or something? Why always one shoe? Well, I don’t know what got us on the topic to begin with, but we’re mid-conversation on this topic when we turn east off of North Memorial Parkway onto University Drive. And what do we see by the side of the road but — not a single shoe, but three pairs of shoes, a man’s, a woman’s, and a child’s, neatly side by side.

Submitted by: Frank

Glowing Green Cloud Crashes Party

I received this story from a man who grew up in Westborough, and although he wasn’t there for the event itself he’s heard the story through several people who were, independently of each other, and says the tale remains consistent. The Cedar Swamp area of Westborough provides hiking trails and ample territory for kids to explore. Naturally as kids become teenagers this area becomes a place for hanging out late at night to surreptitiously drink and party. So it was that one night, a group of approximately 15 teenagers converged on a secluded spot in the woods near the railroad tracks in order to have a good time. The good times, however, were disturbed when suddenly a luminescent green mist started to roll through their party spot. Witnesses were startled and horrified to see this mist coalesce into a glowing green cloud, from which sounds described as similar to those of coyotes at play emanated. All who were present scrambled away, and remained mystified and shaken for years over the inexplicable glowing green barking cloud that crashed their party.

Submitted by: AP Strange

Shared Thunder

So I’m bipolar and I’ve had one full blown mania in my life, it was disturbing but the time concept was distorted, many things happened and if my family didn’t approve I’d have thought it’s just hallucinations, I had like a calling to go to our house rooftop, I went to the rooftop of, closed my eyes and stood on the edge spreading my hands like Jesus statue and my head was up high, then a big thunder sound... my dad was behind me yelling “Don’t fall” and I never heard anything after but the thunder, when I regained my normal mood, my dad told me that that thunder sound wasn’t just in my head.

Submitted by: M.B.M.I.M

The Catfish Plantation

The Catfish Plantation is a restaurant famous for their ghost sightings. I went there a few times from 2009-2011 as a child. The videos and pictures I took were unfortunately deleted when my phone was wiped, but you have my word. There are many stories, but here are mine: -doors rattling & doorknobs turning by themselves. I thought the door was jammed and someone was behind it, but when I opened the door, no one was on the other side. This happened twice. -I took many pictures in the ladies restroom (which have since been deleted). In one photo, a visible face shape was visible. It appeared as a flash of light, and there was a blurry profile of a woman’s face. The hair was in a bun hairstyle, and a neck collar was visible. There were also strange flashes of light in some of the pictures I took. -My friend and I played Bloody Mary in the bathroom mirror. I video recorded on my iPhone while my friend used their phone screen as a flashlight. When my friend tilted their phone, two eyes and the side of a face in between the two of us was briefly illuminated by the screen. We didn’t see anything while we were playing, but noticed the face after we watched the video. This video has since been deleted, unfortunately.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Shapeshifting Cat

My house is in a suburban neighborhood on a Hill nothing special my windows overlook a four way stop with houses on every corner . I was Just watching Netflix and my gf was asleep next to me. I had the couple windows cracked and around 3 am I hear a bunch of cats from my neighborhood start howling , that long scary sound they make . But not just one cat I could hear a couple on the side and behind my house and another couple of cats a street down. They were all doing it together or maybe talking back and forth idk I couldn’t tell. So I look out the window and I see a shadow of a person walking down my hill street towards the four way stop. I was wondering if the guy was weirded out at the sound so I stopped and looked at him longer than usual. He was just walking Then all of a sudden The guys body looked more like a shadow and he’s kind of behind a picket fence with big openings in between , I got a nervous feeling like when u see something different or scary or someone watching u , and then very smoothly that shadow kind of faded into a form and all I see is a cat appear at the end of the street. He walks across the street and then just stops at the corner and sits there for awhile. I look up at a window of the house across and they put up red lights in their bedroom so that caught my attention then I look a little higher in the sky and I see the moon . It was a beautiful deep yellow color with a lot of detail. I went and told my gf about the cat sound but she hardly registered my story. I went back to the window and looked at the moon and it turned red.

Submitted by: Matthew

Vanishing Truck

My sister and I were driving up highway 63 on a rainy day with few other cars on the roads. We were in the left hand lane (the "fast lane") of the 2-lane side of the highway headed north, and there was this somewhat older small white pickup truck (like a Toyota Tacoma) to our right in the other lane. We were between the two exits of the highway with no side roads to turn on to--only trees and grass--and my sister was needing to merge over into the right-hand lane so we could get off at the next exit. The truck wasn't adjusting it's speed to allow us over, so my sister had to speed up to get around it so we could merge in front of it into that lane. It was raining pretty hard and, like I said, they weren't allowing us over, so we were both really paying attention to the truck and our surroundings so we wouldn't get in an accident. As she's just ahead of the truck to merge over in front of it, we both glance forward at the road ahead, and when we glanced back over to merge, the white truck was just gone. Like I said, we were between exits with nowhere else to turn off, and the spot we were at has a hill of trees going up from the shoulder of the road so if the truck had gotten in an accident we would have been able to clearly see it, but the truck wasn't there anymore. The whole energy before that was already weird to us before that happened. We've thought about it being a ghost truck or something, but we really wonder if it was more of like some kind of time slip or something, I don't know.

Submitted by: Rikki

Gurdon Lights

See the floating lights above the broken railroad track trail. The lights swing and bob in the distance with no explanation.

Submitted by: Erin

Leonid UFO

My roommate and I were out late night/early morning during the leonid meteor shower and we saw a single white light zip across the sky, stopping on a dime and switching directions with no problem

Submitted by: Patty

Fairy Ring

When riding my bike alongside my brother, we passed a small fairy ring in someone's front yard.. it was maybe two feet across. all of the surrounding grass was short and very light green, while the perfect circle was made of of dark green grass that was about twice the length of the rest. i didn't stop to examine it, as i didn't want to walk through this person's front yard.

Submitted by: marley

Tiny Ghost Carnival

Late summer evening I was trying to sleep when I heard a cacophony of bells, birdcalls and whistles in the living room. I got up to check it out - and as soon as I stepped over the threshold into the living area, the noises ceased. This went on for hours - and my husband slept through the whole thing. I heard whistling and clanging of metal, like carnival rides. Faintly I made out excited voices/whispers. These tantalized the ear as if the conversation was just out of reach. Eventually I just fell asleep.

Submitted by: Zari

Creatures With Human Faces

My aunt and uncle seen two giant hairy creatures with human faces and walking on all fours in perfect sync with each other as they crossed the road right in front of them and they were also accompanied with a pack of stray dogs following them. They said they felt the ground shake with every step they took as they stopped and stared at them and then turned away and kept marching on.

Submitted by: Johnny H

Weird Looking Spacecraft In Texas

When I was in the car with my mom I was looking outside in the sky and I saw a weird looking spacecraft and it zoomed back up in the atmosphere towards space. It was interesting but a bit creepy.

Submitted by: Karina

Small White Lights In Marietta Georgia

I was heading to my boyfriend's to hang out, a drive I was familiar with and had done millions of times before. Immediately after I crossed the bridge and was about to merge onto i75N, I noticed individual small white lights in the shape of a V directly to my right. At first, I thought it could be the lights of a low flying plane or maybe a helicopter, but after looking at them for approx. 3 seconds they shifted rapidly and disappeared. I noticed someone with a similar story here and just wanted to say that I noticed this as well!!! I had no idea this website existed until recently, but I'm glad I found it.

Submitted by: Lilly

Time Distorted Parking

My sister and I went hiking with her best friend V, her boyfriend ES, and their roommate E for a few days around State College, PA. The day before, my sister got very dehydrated so she didn't come with us on the hike this particular day and I was going to meet up with everyone else at Moshannon after I picked her up from the ER. ES has a veteran plate on his car and the car itself is very distinct, so when I pulled up to the ranger's station and saw it, I knew it was his car (the car they all drove therein) so I pulled in beside them. I thought that was the parking lot for the state forest so I was confused as to why it was so small but just brushed it off and got all my gear ready. I picked a trail and went down it, figuring if I didn't find them then they would see my car next to theirs and know I arrived. As I was walking down the trail, I was regretting not putting a note on the windshield to tell them that I was going down this specific trail and to come to find me if I wasn't back by this certain time, etc. I just kept walking and eventually, we ran into each other (they went down the trail the other way so we met in the middle of the trail) and then we walked back to the cars. As we are walking down the road towards the ranger's station, I noticed that their car wasn't next to mine any longer and asked where they parked. ES told me that he parked farther down the road in the big parking lot for the state forest (which I couldn't see from the rangers station it was too far out of my sight) and I was genuinely confused. I told him that I parked at the ranger's station because I saw their car there but he said they never parked there. I know it must seem like I saw a car that just happened to have looked like his and mistook it for his, but it was the same make, model, color, veteran plate, and the same license plate number as ES's. It stumped me because I knew that I saw their car parked at the rangers station (which is the whole reason why I parked there in the first place) and yet it was never there in the first place...

Submitted by: Jules

Bright Flash

My husband and I were driving down to southern Utah, part-way into a four-hour drive. It was already dark out, but not very late, and we were on the long stretch of highway in the middle of nowhere Utah. All of a sudden we both saw a bright flash of light in our rearview mirrors without anyone being behind us, there was some sort of blur in time and we just kept going as normal. The only way I can describe it is seeing the flash of light, and time slowed down, then skipped ahead as if we had both woken up from a nap, only we hadn't really traveled much further on the road. At first, I had thought I had just hallucinated it until my husband asked if I had seen the flash too.

Submitted by: Nat

Maniacal Honking

I was with my friend sitting in my car, we parked at this reservoir that has a trail to walk on. We were talking in the car before going out when suddenly there was this loud wave of geese honking. We hear that often as they move from the reservoir to the school field a ways down. We kept talking about our lives and catching up when the honking started to sound like a mix of LAUGHING and loud honks. I stopped speaking and we looked at each other in confusion, it sounded as if there was a large human gathering going on so we looked out to see only a few geese. “Where are the rest of them? Shouldn’t we see more geese with all this noise?” I had chills all over my body, my friend had this look in her eyes like she felt something coming just looking at her face made my eyes start to tear up, I grabbed her hands. I thought I was tweaking. It turned to sounding like MANIAC laughing I legit expected a demon to emerge from a cloud of black. My sister tried rolling down the window to hear, my friend yelled No!! As if the sound getting to us may affect us. I felt mad that I was being messed with so I opened the door to look and hear (IDIOT), my friend and sister are yelling at me now WHY WOULD YOU dO ThAAttt!!? It just kept getting louder and louder. I thought it might be geese being hurt or fighting or mating sounds?? since I had never previously heard them sounding like that, I KNOW how geese honking sounds, and this wasn’t that. I tried finding a similar sound but could never find it. After that week, laughter had been common in my life, when I was sad I would feel the urge to laugh. Almost as if to mock the scenario. Gave me the creeps for a while. It definitely felt like some bad vibes. I assume looking back now that it was a physical manifestation of how I dismissed my emotions, laughed at myself even. allowing that “demon” (negative trait) to grow stronger. After I accepted myself that eerie spirit seemed to disappear in my life and I no longer feel tormented. Sometimes spooky things happen to reveal things to ourselves... to this day we wonder if anyone else heard anything like that.

Submitted by: Ruby

Eldritch Horror Sounds

My daughter and I were out at Lake Waxahachie tonight, Friday, 10/8/2021 about 8:30pm, and heard two very unearthly sounds that either came from across the lake, or from up underneath it. They were deep, resonant, and visceral sounds that seem to have no explanation and were felt in the pit of our stomachs as much as heard. The sounds happened twice, about 5 minutes apart, and lasted about 5 seconds each. There were no boats out on that side of the lake, no jet skiers, and the sound came from east/slightly south of us. The first time we heard/felt it, we moved as far towards the sound as we could- from over by the playground to out on the end of the pier/boat launch area, and we were able to record the second sound on a cell phone. The second sound left us with a deeply uneasy feeling that dissipated after we left and as we approached downtown to go home. There are no houses in the direction we heard the sounds and car sounds as they pass on Howard Road are very different sounding from what we heard. There were other people at the park and on the beach, 3 other groups of folks, but after the second sound, everyone cleared out quickly. My daughter described the sounds as being "eldritch cosmic horror." We played the recorded sound for my husband when we got home, and he said he had no idea what it was, that the sound defied explanation. I've Googled around and can't find any mention of them online.

Submitted by: CLC

Small Bigfoot and More

Description: In 2004 my mom was driving us home from a school event. We were very nearly home when we saw what I've described as a human-sized bipedal ape. I didn't see much of its face. Our car was coming down a hill, with a cornfield on the right, and woodland on the left. It moved like a person and was down the bank of the field, across the road, and up the other bank into the trees in a matter of seconds. My mom stopped the car, looked at me, and asked "You saw that, right? Was that what I think it was?" Me: "A small Bigfoot? Yeah, I think so." And then we were home and accepted it. Since then my sister has seen two other small ones. We believe they're juveniles. Family members in that area have also reported sightings of red eyes and things going missing every once in a while. Some neighbors have reported seeing monkeys.

Submitted by: A. Ziman

Liminal Game Shop

Friends and I all went looking for this game shop that we saw online and wanted to check it out. When we went there, obviously we made wise cracks about how weird it was, but after seeing more and more of the building, we started seeing weirder things. Things appearing randomly out of nowhere, oddly empty rooms, et cetera. There was one instance toward the end of our wandering where we all saw this bench, which was empty, but once we'd turned back around to pass it again, one friend saw a flyer on it (which hadn't been there before per our knowledge). Overall, pretty spooky place. We got out of there as quickly as we could after we explored.

Submitted by: Neph

Feeling Watched

When I am home alone In my parent's home. At first seemed normal but when my parents are shopping or getting into the car, I felt something watching me or seen ghosts/entities and when I follow when They see me, and It's creepy I don't feel safe at all.

Submitted by: Basem


I was driving my car past this weird convenient store (imo all the gas stations and convenient stores in east Moline are weird) on a pizza delivery, when I saw myself walking down the sidewalk. At the time I had a shaved head but this other me had longer hair. I looked myself right in the face. But the other me didn't see me. She just kept walking. The main reason I recognized myself is because of the sweatshirt this other me had on. It was a custom made bright yellow crew neck sweatshirt that a friend of mine had made fo me. One of a kind. And there was no way somebody else other than me was wearing it. That was just the first time. The next time something strange happened at that very same intersection was when I saw my at the time boyfriend pull up to the light opposite of me. I was instantly very confused bc he was supposed to be on tour with a band and wasn't even in the state. I looked intensely at him until he saw me and started waving real hard at him. He looked at me as if he didn't know me. I had a good look at him while sitting at that red light and I am 100% sure that it was him. He was driving a green car that I had never seen before. So I messaged him and I asked him if he was back in town and he messaged me back very confused. "No I'm in Montana". I was just stunned. I was clearly seeing my boyfriend. Yet he was looking at me like he had no clue who I was and was claiming to be in an entirely different state. I've since heard stories from a few other people recounting similar stories. People seeing themselves or other people close to them. East Moline is indeed a Strange area.

Submitted by: Lillie

Horned Man

It was a full moon and I had just recently began having a serious interest in magic practition. So I decided to go explore this island nearby my home where many people have told stories of having mystical or paranormal experiences. I had never been there before, so I went about an hour before sunset to get acquainted with the layout of the island. So I wouldn't get lost when the sun went down. This was around 8pm. There were still a few people left on the island, people go there to fish or to ride their bikes or walk around the island. But as the sun went down people began to pack up and go home. When the sun had finally set I did one final lap around the island to see if anyone was still there. Just to be aware of other people for safety reasons. There didn't appear to be anyone left on the island besides me. I was walking up the center path of the island from the entrance. There's this semi circle field of waist high grass about 120 feet across surrounded by woods on the right hand side of the path I was walking. The moon was huge in the sky above the field, it was definitely the best view of it on the whole island. I just stood and stared at the moon from the edge of the clearing for a little while. Soon movement in the tree line farthest from me, clear on the other end of the field, grabbed my attention. There was a man standing just out of the moonlight at the edge of the field. Hidden partially by the darkness between the trees and by the tall grass. He was naked as far as I could see although his waist looked dark and almost fuzzy. I looked up to his face, he was staring directly at me and as I looked higher I could see that he had a full and huge rack of deer antlers sprouting from his head. At first I was in complete shock of what I was looking at, then the strongest sense of fear I have ever experienced began to lay over me like a blanket. I was frozen in fear and could not move my body at all. Suddenly against my will I began walking towards him. I couldn't stop, I had no control over my own body, as if he was compelling me to go to him. I had this overwhelming sense that if I went with him or if he was able to abduct me, that I would never return to the life I had known. I began to cry and summoned all of my willpower to turn away from him. Up until this point I had not been able to Avert his eyes. I could only turn away for a second before he had control over me again. My head snapped around and I was moving toward him again. I was about halfway across the field to him when I once again was able to turn away. This time without a second thought I began to run, I ran for about 10 minutes until I made it to my car, got in, and locked the doors. I sat there for a while giving myself a chance to calm down. I felt like I was safe from whatever had just happened, and that it wasn't going to come after me. I then received a message from a friend of mine extending an invitation to join her and her coven for their full moon ritual. That night was the first time i had ever done ritual magic. And it was the first time I had ever done group magic. I always reference that night as the beginning of my magical practice. I never stopped thinking about what happened that night. I did a ton of research and reached out to other local practitioners and my indigenous community to get some outside insight and opinions. I have come to the conclusion that it was the green man taking on the form of the celtic deity Cernunnos. The green man takes on many forms and I believe two of those forms are Pan and Cernunnos. The green man has roots with the fae and I consider him to be a fae deity. I've come to believe that this was a test, I have since had a few other interactions with the green man and all of them have been fruitful so I suppose I passed the test. I truly believe that I encountered a higher being that night, I felt true power coming from this entity and it terrified me. I now understand what prey animals feel when they are trapped under the eyes of a predator. This hasn't been my only experience with something I consider to be a deity but it was my first.

Submitted by: Lillie

Uncanny Energy Biped

I live in an over 100 year old Dutch Colonial Revival. It is on a hill, granite in the rich soil. From the front porch, there is an area with many black walnut trees, cedars, huckleberry, mulberry and black raspberry. My sister and I have referred to it as out witchy area. As I was waiting for my sister to get home from work one night in late summer. There was a weird, electric feeling in the air. I went to the front porch and looked to the witchy area. Right by a small stand of raspberries and honeysuckle was this kind of shifting energy. It didn't shine, it just shifted what I could see in a weird way. Then a small, somewhat solid yet still energized in form appeared on the ground; about the size of an adult raccoon. It grew as I watched, to about 6 or 7 feet in height, from what I could tell looking at the spot later. As it reached what seemed full height it still wasn't solid. It was almost like the black and white screen you get on a tv when it isn't getting a signal. It was moving energy in a bipedal form. It looked to where I was. On where it's face would be if it where an animal (human or otherwise), it kind of... drew a smiley face. I instantly knew it wanted me to know it meant no harm (though I was filled with the knowledge that it very much could). I don't entirely remember what happened next. I was inside. I had closed and locked the door. The energy was dissipating and I was tired but totally on edge. Then, two weeks later, a heavy fog seemed to come out of nowhere. one night. Hearing my sisters car (it's got a few, loud issues), I went to the front door to welcome her home. I thought I saw her silhouette climbing the stairs. The air was crackling again. I felt it into my heart. I lost a little time again. The next thing I saw was my sister actually coming up the stairs. She looked a little freaked. When I asked, she said she saw something very tall and bipedal walk through the fog in front of the house. Neither of us felt fear or a need to protect ourselves. It took about five minutes (it seemed) for the energy to pass. I warded the house again the next day. The spot where I had seen the being come into this world didn't look or feel different from any other spot. That was two years ago and we haven't seen anything again though there is a feeling of something being there on rare occasions.

Submitted by: Jennifer J

Abbaye Notre-Dame de Fontaine-Guérard

The ghost of a man has been seen several times on the property. Multiple evps caught. The underground cellar is always very active. Time splits have been experienced on spot. People repeating actions of the past. Vision of people doing things hours before they actually do it. Watches get messed up. A very bizarre place.

Submitted by: River-James

Thin Place at Greeley Pond

When I was 14 years old my father and I were hiking on the Greeley Pond Trail in the White Mountains of NH and I had a strange experience that has stuck with me to this day. We were walking along at around 10 in the morning and rounded a turn in the trail and I saw on the right hand side of the trail this odd part of the forest. The sunlight hit it in such a way that it was really bright, luminescent and super dark in the shadows. It looked like a game trail branched off from the hiking trail into this dark patch of forest. It was on the other side of a stream. The light was different on the other side of that stream. I knew whatever was over there was different or wrong or something. I didn't know how to describe it at the time but, it frightened me. I had the feeling that if I crossed that stream and entered the dark part of the forest, I wouldn't find my way back. I didn't mention it to my father, because he wouldn't understand. So I just kept walking on the hiking trail. We spent a few hours at Greeley Pond (a beautiful place by the way) and then had to hike back down. I was nervous about having to walk past that location again but, I didn't want to say anything to my father so I just walked along like it was no big deal. When we did pass that spot the light had changed, the forest beyond wasn't as dark. It was just a normal part of the forest. I know that something extremely odd had happened at this location at that time. I have gone back several times over the last 35 years and that place has never looked the way it did that morning hiking with my father.

Submitted by: David

Tijuana Fats Restaurant

This large building that has housed many eateries over the years was once a family residence that caught fire and a 5-6 yr old girl named Mary died in the fire. Her footprint is seen embedded in the area surrounding the fireplace. I had experiences here as did many friends who worked here. The girl was mostly seen at children's parties, a young blonde child in a blue dress, playful and running amongst other children, or seen hiding after hours by staff. Many new staff ran from the building at closing never to return. The bloody mary cocktail button on the bar register rung up as just "Mary" on the receipt tape. One morning at open, the staff and I found the entire receipt tape from the bar cash register scrolled out across the floor, reading "Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary" hundreds of times. I witnessed all the heavy antique overhead lights start swinging one by one, defying physics, while the heavy bottoms of the antique sewing tables all started to swing one by one, at the same time, impossibly heavy to be moved by air. This was experienced by many people. Her laughter was often heard when she was seen interrupting children's parties and when the party was questioned, there were no blonde girls present, and when staff would hear her laugh and run down the hall after closing, and they gave chase, they would run into the main rooms to find the restaurant locked and empty.

Submitted by: Marie

Long-Limbed Creature

Back in 2016, we lived in a heavily wooded area down a long driveway. Our nearest neighbors were at least a mile off. My sibling had told me that when she was outside at night on our front porch, our dog at the time looked up into a tree and growled. When she looked up too, she saw an extremely pale, long-limbed creature perched on top of a branch and looking into my room. It didn't seem to notice or care that they were there. She slowly got up and walked back inside. At first, I didn't believe her, but it did freak me out sufficiently because the past few weeks I had become increasingly paranoid that something was watching me, and I always made sure to close my curtains at night, which I hadn't done before. A few days after she had told me about what she saw, it was night time and I went to look out my window and I saw exactly what she had described. An extremely pale, long-limbed person(?) with very long fingers. Almost as soon as I looked at it, it looked at me, then sprinted off super fast. I'm glad we moved out of the woods.

Submitted by: Lain

Nightly Occult Activity

Elements belonging to the ideological political crime with... cults have been operating in this place for a long time. Elements of the neighborhood desecrate church bells with screams from homes and nightly occult activity. They have been active for many months. Someone thinks of the activity of supernatural entities, but in reality they are physical persons with a visceral hatred of sacredness. They are a group of people with occult purposes. Especially on Saturday nights and weekends you can hear their words spoken in the silence of the night.

Submitted by: Andres

Night Voices

We live right near here and our house shares the woods with this place. Now some of it may be hallucination caused by something else, but on several occasions there have been voices out back and in the house. It's gotten worse recently actually. They've started calling my name, and my partner hears it too. We've also heard crying around the house when things get too quiet.

Submitted by: Evan and Kralie

Big Yellow Ball UFO

A friend and I were floating in his pool on inner tubes it was around 2 am. I saw it first, it was traveling toward his house up in the sky. It looked a great big yellow ball. This was no pinpoint of light that you can barely see, this was low in the sky and huge. It was so bright, the only shape I could make out was round. It flew over his house heading east. It was not on fire or falling, it was flying with intent. I watched til I couldn't see it anymore. It made no sound. This was before drones and it didn't look anything like a drone anyway. I looked at my friend and asked, "what was that?", He responded with, "I have no idea".

Submitted by: Rhonda D.

Small UFO

While riding in the back seat of my parents' car one evening, I saw an object flying around 30 feet above the treeline, headed what I now believe to have been due north. It looked like an upside-down saucepot with a single protruding handle, rotating around its center at a little less than 1 revolution per second. Size was difficult to judge given the distance, but it was small for a UFO--probably could have fit a single adult human.

Submitted by: Scrivener Lamb

Tooth Rock!

Tooth rock in the river bed in the great THC Medina Lake [video width="886" height="1920" mp4=""][/video]

Submitted by: Anonymous