Slow-moving Star

My sighting took place in the summer of 2016. I was working a retail job at a casino in Connecticut and on this particular night we worked late to receive a shipment. I got off work around 1 am, grabbed some food at a nearby drive-thru and headed home. At the time I lived in a village called Stonington Borough on a peninsula jutting out into the Atlantic. As I got to my neighborhood I felt too wired to just go home, eat and go to bed. So, I decided to drive straight to the beach (Stonington Point), and eat my food under the stars. As I lay on the hood of my car, eating and staring at the sky, my attention was drawn to a particular “star”. It looked like any other star in the sky only it was bigger than all the rest—not by much, but to a noticeable degree. This star was also brighter than all the others, again, not by much but it was obvious. Just a bright, white dot in the sky. The light that was emitted was constant; it didn’t pulsate or change shape/size nor were there any defining features or colors other than white. It appeared from my vantage point to be incredibly high up and far away. This “star” then began to move about the night sky in a slow but erratic manner. It was like watching an insect crawl around on a window. It moved in circles, spirals and squiggly lines. It’s speed was slow but wavering. As it performed these nonsensical maneuvers it would speed up and slow down in kind of a jerky manner like a car that’s about to stall, only it never quite does. I sat and observed this object for about half an hour before leaving; I felt like I’d observed all that this object was going to do and there was no way I could film it on my phone. There were other people at the beach but they were socializing, not observing the sky, and It’s not as if this event was particularly attention-grabbing. It felt rather like it was just for me to see.

Submitted by: Phil L

"Glitch In The Matrix?"

This story is rather benign but just weird enough that it has remained in the back of my head and comes up from time to time in my thoughts and in conversation. In February/March of 2019 I was visiting a friend in Burlington, VT. My friend had a typical 9-5, Monday through Friday job, so during my month-long stay I spent my weekdays wandering around downtown Burlington. I frequented the local coffee shops, visited book stores and boutiques, took in the sights and caught a few movies at the local theater. One day while returning from one of my walkabouts I made my way down the sidewalk leading towards my friend’s apartment while looking down at my phone. I suddenly realized that I had walked right past the apartment; I stopped in my tracks, looked up and made a 180. The exact moment I turned around I saw a young woman about thirty feet behind me and a young man slightly further away on the sidewalk across the street. In that moment they both too looked up with confusion (apparently taking no note of me), made an about-face and went on in the same direction I was about to go. It’s as if, at that same second, we all experienced the exact same thing. Perhaps it was a coincidence, maybe it was a synchronicity or even a “glitch in the matrix”. Regardless, what are the odds?

Submitted by: Phil L

Weird Sky Fireball

I lived in Fairbanks/Fort Wainwright, Alaska from 2004 to 2006 (ages 14-16). This story would have taken place during the summer of 2005. I am unsure of the day/month or exact time of day other than that it was early afternoon. I left my home and began walking to my friend’s house which was approximately a 4 minute walk. About half way there I looked up into the cloudless sky and noticed a giant fireball—No, not the sun. This fireball was however, comparable in size to the sun. It was like a flaming ball of fire hurdling toward the earth only it wasn’t moving and the flames were not flickering or otherwise moving. I knew immediately that I should find someone else to observe this with me to either confirm I was crazy or corroborate my story. As no one else was on the street at the time I ran the rest of the way to my friend’s house to get him to come see this weird “event”. When I got to his place he simply wouldn’t listen to me and just kept droning on about nothing and puttering around his room “getting ready”, as our plan had been to go skateboarding. I begged him to come outside for just a moment with me but it was like he wasn’t hearing me at all—just talking at me. Eventually he came outside with me but in his own time and not to look at the sky but to follow through with our original plan of going skateboarding. When we left the house I looked up and this fireball was just gone and we went about our day as if nothing happened. I think I put it out of my mind because of the disappointment of being the only one to see it and the frustration of my friend not listening to me. I would remember it infrequently over the years and wish I could understand more. Now, the technical details I do have are: En route to my friend’s house I was going directly west and this “object” was at my twelve o’clock. Around this time of day, during the summer months in Alaska, the sun would’ve been south/south east at approximately my eight o’clock. The “object” wasn’t moving or emitting sound and no one else was outside within eyesight. To my knowledge, no such event was seen by anyone else.

Submitted by: Phil L

Bat-winged Cryptid

While driving down a lonely country road, I was drawn to look up and saw a very large bat winged creature silhouetted by the moon.

Submitted by: Erik

Toy Robot Apparition

Was staying the night with family, sleeping on a mattress on the floor by myself in the kids' room. The kids were staying with their dad that weekend, so they weren't in the house. As I closed my eyes to sleep, I saw what looked like a toy robot take a few steps forward then fall into the floor. Toy robot is the best I can do to describe it: I heard crude, mechanical toy-robot noises, saw two red lights like toy-robot eyes, and the way the lights moved made me think of clunky, robotic steps. The room was pitch black, too dark to see if it actually was a toy robot. The next morning there was no such toy in the room. I asked my step-mom if the kids had a toy like that, and she said they didn't.

Submitted by: Stevie

Ultramarine Wisp

I was in the backyard with a friend, smoking cigarettes and talking. Suddenly a piercing, ultramarine wisp caught our attention. It was about the size of a large marble and solid blue, self-illuminated. It floated down from about 15 feet above us to just a few feet above our heads in a smooth but meandering path. It didn't look like it was just riding the wind. It was too solid and blue to be an ember. It couldn't have been a laser pointer because its movement was much too steady and we were under trees that would have obscured it. It was not an insect. It was not a reflection. As suddenly as it appeared it was just gone. I asked my friend about the incident years later, and he doesn't remember it at all.

Submitted by: Stevie

Interdimensional Hub

Definitely one of the houses on this street is an inter dimensional hub. The division between realities is very thin and you can almost see the other people like a flickering curtain in a breeze. You close the doors to the rooms and time & space stops. It’s super weird.

Submitted by: Karla G

Tiny Music of the Huldufólk

My now wife and I had just been married in Iceland. We decided to tool around the country for a few days. Using a popular app, we had booked a beautiful cabin in between 2 volcanos. We were gone everyday from 4 am to 12 am and we stayed there for 2 days. Iceland is known for being a place to encounter Huldufólk or as we call them, elves. Each night as I would lay my head down to go to sleep I would hear soft music, kind of like the kind you would hear at a renaissance fair or very folky with harps and other string instruments. I would pop my head up to see what it was and I wouldn’t be able to hear it. I would lay my head back down and I would hear it again. I didn’t tell my wife at the time because she tends to get a little scared of something that could be paranormal. Knowing some about fae folk and faerie lore, I knew not to go looking outside for it. I just decided to go to sleep. The next night it happened again. I paid more attention this time even opening the door to the cabin just to take a peek to see if anything was out there. It seemed to play just in that liminal time between awake and drifting off. I could hear it better this night but only in that liminal space. The next morning, we packed up and we headed back on the road to our next destination. As is usual whenever something paranormal happens to us, I decided to bring it up after the fact so she wouldn’t have been scared. I got out, “Hey..” when she stopped me and asked, “Did you hear tiny music at night while we were there in the cabin?” She had heard it too. My jaw hit my steering wheel and we talked about it all the way back to Reykjavik.

Submitted by: Christopher

Potent Crows

Whilst doing some research into local mythology and local tales connected to important historical events, myself and my collaborator on the project followed part of the route of the old Offa's/Wat's Dyke which some say dates back to 6BC. Whilst driving up a small country lane and talking about some of the events that may have taken place there, we became aware of a large number of crows circling above the car and following us as we drove. The noise was incredible and as we reached the site upon which we wanted to take some pictures, this group of crows joined a much larger flock in the field we were headed to. They were everywhere - in the trees, in the field, in the sky. We knew at the time that it felt particularly 'potent' and it became even more so when researching in the library the next day. We came across a quote hidden inside a local history book about the battles between the English and the Welsh in this county, written by a the bard Cynndelw. This quote depicted 'the dead riding on a thousand crows.'

Submitted by: liminalitycymru

LeRoy, Is That You?

My x husband had died in a motorcycle wreck. I had seen him three days before and we had told each other we still loved each other but that it wouldn't work. We had remand close but had different lives. About a month after he had passed, I was working at the mill when out of the corner of my eye I saw my x husband down the shipping area. I said, LeRoy is that you? The answer came back in my head, Yes. I asked, what are you doing here? He said he was lonely and wanted me to come with him. I told him that I couldn't because it wasn't my time. He said ok and then left. I thought OK I am making this up. A couple of weeks later I went to see a friend who said she has ESP. As I was driving there, I felt like LeRoy was riding with me. I had gone 20 miles like that till I came to a town that we use to live in. The street that we would of turned off on to go to our house was where he left. He had not said any thing to me but was just riding along.. When I got to my girlfriends house and went in, she said, coffee is ready and I will meet you there in the dinning room. I am folding the last of my laundry. As I was fixing my coffee. She said, you had company on the way here, I said WHAT? She said, LeRoy rode with you. I said Yes he did. Then I knew It was not in my mind. LeRoy came back one more time to the house I lived in. I could feel him standing by me. I said Hi LeRoy, what do you want? He said, I'm leaving now and wanted to say goodby. I said Good by LeRoy and have a good trip. That was the last I have seen or felt him.

Submitted by: Susan F

11:18 Footfalls

I've lived in this building for about six months now and every night without fail I hear heavy footfalls in the hall pausing just a beat too long outside my door at precisely 11:18 p.m. and never thought much of it--after all, it's an apartment building with one hallway per floor. Yesterday (8/24/20) I went to get my mail and noticed a hatchway into the attic just outside of my apartment that I don't remember ever seeing before, particularly since instead of a latch, it had what looked like a cut-crystal doorknob. Intreagued, I texted a friend about it before getting a flashlight and a knife to take a closer look. I was able to jimmy the hatch open with the knife and poke my head into the attic. The air was thick with dust and smelled strongly of creosote, but all I could see was the rough unfinished wood walls and ceiling, and a faded tweed dinner jacket before both my cell phone and flashlight died. I didn't think much of it at the time since my phone is old and randomly restarts, and I don't remember the last time I put batteries in the flashlight. I fell asleep, as usual, to the sound of the 11:18 heavy footsteps. I only remember bits and pieces of my dream that took place in a great farmhouse perched upon a ridge bounded by water and distant mountains--the pattern of a Persian rug or shafts of sunlight through an orange tree swaying in the breeze. However, I find that I have been marked with a singular vision that I fear will presage things to come: a tall thin man with lush white hair wearing a tweed three-piece suit with a jovial grin and cold, unsmiling, eyes behind tortoiseshell glasses calmly raising an evil-looking knife to his face and sinking the blade in, first snapping the left arm at the hinge before sinking home into wrinkled flesh, the edge playing along naked bone like a violinist's bow. I woke up this morning baithed in sunlight, listening to neighbors below my window making smalltalk but unable to shake the terror of the night before. I slowly walk around my apartment--nothing disturbed, nothing to suggest anyone but me has occupied this space during the night. I put my shoes on to go take a walk and clear my head, open the door and find a pair of tortoiseshell glasses with the left arm broken at the hinge placed carefully at the lip of the threshold.

Submitted by: Megan D.

Odd Biplane

I was driving home one day with my then partner and I spotted something in the sky. I said "Oh look a biplane!" and pointed. As we continue to drive, we saw that the plane wasn't moving at all. It was like the plane was just suspended in the air. It was almost like a photograph of a plane had been pasted into the sky. It was definitely a biplane and not any type of current military aircraft. There was no sound coming from the plane. The effect wasn't because we were moving and the plane was moving, because when we came to a stop, the plane still was suspended there in the air. I made a turn in the road to see if we could continue to watch what happened with the plane, since if I kept going we would have driven right past it. Once I turned, the plane was no longer in the sky. We drove for 20 to 30 minutes looking for the plane or any sign of it but it was not there. If I had been alone, I would have questioned what I saw -- but we both saw it.

Submitted by: Leigh V.

National Museum of Australia

I was working at the Museum doing a check of the gallery before opening hours. I walked into our temporary exhibition space and saw a reflection in one of the showcases of a man walking up to where I was. I was around a corner stopped to let him past because I was about to run into him.... but he never passed so I stuck my head out from around the corner but there was no one there. I looked for him and called out to him, but there was nothing. I was about to tell him he couldn't be in this space because it wasn't open yet - and in fact there was no way he could have got in. It was all locked. I had swipe card access. He was an older gentleman wearing grey slacks and was quite rotund and unlike anyone I knew that worked at the Museum at that time. The Museum used to be the site of the old Canberra hospital and there have been several weird sightings, including a security guard who saw a floating head on top of an old dress that was on display.

Submitted by: Sasquarah

Marietta UFO

Mid-late June 2020. As I reached the top of a hill I saw about 8 lights in a vertical slight v shape. I thought it was lights from a building until they turned all at the same time, extremely fast, and disappeared from sight. I waited to see if it was somehow a moving light fixture. I drive down this route often and have never seen it again, nor is there any crane/building in that spot at that height. The lights moved all at the same time and were not moving at all when I first saw them.

Submitted by: Sarah


It was a full moon and I was out with my friends during a weekend night. No one had started drinking yet, and we were walking to pick up some supplies from the Seven-Eleven. I hung back and chilled on a park bench just taking in the early autumn night breeze and full moon light. I decided to spend five minutes meditating and figured I'd catch up with my friends later. After meditating I set out to catch up with them, or just meet them back at the apartment. So, I went to walk toward the Seven-Eleven I thought they might still be in. You have to turn a blind corner when you do so. And, as I turned this corner, I was met with a pair of eyes. These eyes were already staring directly and intensely into mine when I turned the corner - as if they had already been seeing me through the wall. They belonged to a... man who was very tall. He was perhaps 6'5'' (at least). His garb was all white and loose fitting. I remember it being extremely clean. As I met his gaze I stopped. He put his hands together and said, "You're bright. You're blessed." And I awkwardly acknowledged him and just continued around the corner. I stopped after I rounded it, beginning to process the strange feeling that this encounter gave me. This process took no more than five seconds. So, I just thought I'd peak around the corner to see if he was still there. He was not.

Submitted by: Michael C.

Triangular Field

I was standing at the top of Triangular field along the low stone wall that encloses it. It was dusk, I heard my sister call out for help as she stumbled about 25 yards down the hill from me. I immediately started to move towards her to help and was stopped in my tracks by a smokey swirly something. It materialized inches in front of my face. I couldn't make out any features. But it seemed like the ghost of a person was right in front of me stopping me from going to help. It was gone as quickly as it appeared.

Submitted by: J. Brown

Indiana Jones

A tombstone reads Indiana Jones. Not hard to find. You can see it from the sidewalk. Adorable town.

Submitted by: Alyssa M.

Goodleburg Cemetery

An old cemetery dating back to the early 1800s. The vandalized and broken gravestones give off an air of sadness in the otherwise peaceful and scenic location. Reported occurrences include hellhound sightings, the sound of a baby crying from the pond behind the cemetery, and a woman in white wandering up and down the road or in the surrounding woods.

Submitted by: Annie

Strange Child at Magnolia Park

I was leaving the park and saw a young boy, 4-5 years old, sitting alone on the grass in the shade of a big tree with no accompaniment and no toys. Concerned, I asked him if his mom or dad were nearby. He did not acknowledge me though I was about 20 feet from him. I asked again, louder. He looked at me with absolutely no interest, not really looking into my eyes, and nodded his head once. I got chills. I looked about and there was no one anywhere nearby except a couple a few hundred feet off with a baby. So I asked again, "Are you sure? You're okay? Are you sure?" He gave me a look I can only call contemptuous and, again, barely nodded yes. When I looked later at a selfie I had taken moments before with the tree he was under in the background, there is no one there.

Submitted by: Louisa P.

Mystery Hair Bag

Mysterious abandoned bag on a bus, big mass of dark hair poking out of the top. ?Not half terrifying, tbh. Is it a head?? A sleeping beastie?? ? A wig purchased at the local Cthonic Beauty parlor??

Submitted by: Gholavlad

Strange Encounter in Venice

I'm not really sure how to classify this and there’s a bit of preamble before the weirdness (but it all factors into the experience). I was driving home from work on a street I drove almost every work day: southbound on Pacific Avenue in Venice, California (a section of Los Angeles). There’s a long stretch there with no cross streets, just walk streets on the western (beach) side, all bearing names like “28th Place.” Houses and apartments crowd right to the street edge, and parking is tight. Usually the traffic moves swiftly, but sometimes when there’s good beach weather, it slows to a crawl. On this night it got seriously backed up and I came to a stop and sat there for several minutes. I was next to the one piece of property which doesn’t have structures at street’s edge. There’s a dirt lot streetside for parking cars with trees crowded on the southern side. As I turned my head west I saw that I was aligned with a walkway running behind a series of linked cottages. It was as clear as day back there, even though it was evening. A woman sat on the small stoop behind the first cottage, her legs stretched in front of her, elbows resting on knees, head down and staring at the ground between her feet. Such an aura of despondency hovered about her that I kept looking, fascinated. She was somewhat plump and middle-aged, and she had dark brown, wavy hair worn down past her shoulders and a dark, rather shapeless dress. It hit her mid-calf and I saw that her feet and legs were bare. The dress could have belonged to any era from the late 19th century onward, even further back, I guess, if it actually went to the ground and she’d hitched it up. As I stared and wondered why she was so sad, I guess she sensed me looking. Her head came up and our eyes met. I was embarrassed to be caught. Her sorrow remained, but with a spark of something like defiance or anger or something. It felt old and negative and about me rather than her, but also not strictly about me, either. I felt that I just happened to be there to receive it. It had a very surreal quality to it. Then I was really embarrassed. She had every right to be angry with me for staring and intruding upon her despondency, so I quickly shifted my eyes back to the road. Thankfully, the traffic moved not long after. I stole another look before passing the property. She still stared my way with whatever that negative surge was. I thought about her for the rest of the drive home, but—as these things go—promptly forgot about it when I got home and had chores and what all to do. Occasionally as I speeded by that property each night coming home from work, I’d think about her fleetingly, getting embarrassed all over again, or puzzled and wondering what had been up with her. I might even have stolen a glance that way, but usually couldn’t make anything out because I usually passed that place in seconds. Then one night several weeks later the traffic slowed and I took a good look towards that walkway. And I realized I couldn’t see it. Not just that it was too dark or that a car stood in the way (there were no cars in the dirt lot), I mean I couldn’t *see* it. Something blocked it. I had driven past the property by the time that registered, and that part of Pacific isn’t friendly to people stopping and backing up. Too much traffic, not enough parking to pull over, and besides, I needed to get home. I decided that I’d try to remember to give it a better look the next night, but it was actually several days before I looked again. There was definitely a gate blocking the view of the walkway, but it didn’t look like a new gate. I thought, “Well, it must have been open when I stopped here that time.” I hadn’t remembered seeing a gate, but you know, it had to have been there. So the next time I remembered, I slowed down, risking irate honks from the cars behind me, and stopped when I got to the place where I’d been stopped before in direct alignment with the walkway. I recognized quite well the angle I’d been looking from by referencing the structures on the east side of the road. The thing is, there *were no linked cottages there,* just a single house. And from that angle the trees on the south side of the lot blocked the view of the gate. To see the gate I had to be 15-20 feet north and looking at an angle. There was *no* visibility of the gate or a possible walkway when looking dead on. What I’d seen and the way I’d seen it could not possibly have existed. My initial experience happened in early summer of 2011 and in September 2011 I wrote up a blog post about it. Two days after that post my mother had a massive stroke and I became her caregiver, thus changing my life radically. Probably a coincidence, but I’ve wondered since if the initial experience and my writing about it was some kind of weird precursor/premonition/who knows what. Submitted by Anonymous

Submitted by: Anonymous

The Bomb Shelter

The Bomb Shelter is the name used to describe a missing place found in the area of Wyman Woods in Marblehead, MA by 6 kids in 1986. Eric and I, both ten years old, had spent the last week sleeping over at each other's houses and it was probably mid-July at this time. We rode our bikes down to Howard's News to look at comics and then over to the Marblehead YMCA to see who was hanging around in the monument park next to the Y. Marblehead isn't exactly a big town but at the time there were 3 elementary schools there, so not everyone knew everyone. On this day, we got down to the Y and found a kid Eric knew from Hockey hanging around the monument with some kids from Glover (originally posted as Gerry) school. Me and Eric went to Coffin school, which was on the side of town that wasn't exactly the good part. There's not really a bad part but Marblehead is the kind of town where you'll find a Ferrari parked at the bank next to my parents' broke-down Honda Civic. You have extremely rich people living on one side of town and everyone else on the side heading out toward Salem. There's not much room in between. But these were the rich kids we were dealing with and we were considered the poor kids even though our parents were firmly middle class folk. So they kind of fucked with us until Eric's hockey friend got them to cool it. But then one of them got real spooky on us. He was acting real conspiratorial with his buddies. "We should take them to the bomb shelter." He said, and they all enthusiastically agreed. So, we rode across town to a part of Marblehead that we only knew from little league practices and they guided us on our bikes down a short trail in small wooded area off West shore Drive until we reached a small grassy clearing where we found a hole in the ground squared off with wood framing. Marblehead is DENSELY populated now as it was then and wooded areas like this place weren't super common. At any given time, even in the woods, you're not more than a 100m walk to someone's back yard. But this place felt very remote. The hole in the ground was about 2' across, with a rusty ladder descending into the darkness and one of those red on black DO NOT ENTER signs hastily thrown on the ground next to it. The kids all took turns climbing down into the hole and finally Eric and I joined them. No hesitation. Even as a wispy ten year old, the ladder felt like it was going to break under my weight. Eric and I both thought these kids were ass dicks and suspected that they might be setting us up for something bad but this was cool, at the same time. Adventure! The Goonies had come out the summer before this and it had a profound effect on the American pre-teen mind. But in their haste to freak us out, none of these idiots thought to bring a light source and the light from the hole above only illuminated the surroundings so much. A pack of matches lay on a nearby shelf carved out of the wall but to our dismay, the rain had poured through the hole and rendered them a soggy mess. The darkness down here was dense and tangible. It seemed to consume the light from the hole above. Having just got off the ladder, what I could make out around me were dozens of these small, short white pillars scattered around a shelf next to the ladder. I'd later reach out and pick one up and realize that what I was looking at were the stubs of candles burned down to the last. They were arranged along a shelf carved out of the dirt. I couldn't see much down here but I could feel the walls and the dimensions of this space we were in were a lot like my house. They were reasonably large rooms linked by halls with plenty of space to move through but the walls were clearly hard-packed dirt and clay. There are other abandoned spots around town and you could tell that the local high school kids made regular use of them by the presence of crushed beer cans and garbage all over the place, but the thing which struck me about this place was how clean it was for a room carved out under the earth. The kids guided us through the darkness for a couple rooms, just pitch-black darkness the entire way, until we all decided to turn back because what's the point when you can't see? None of them explained where we were or anything. There was no exposition at all. Just six pre-teen boys silently walking through this strange space under the ground. And that's when things took a strange turn. As we got closer to where the ladder was and the darkness began to give way somewhat to the light I, walking at the back of the group, noticed way more silhouettes ahead of me than there should have been. It was just me, Eric, his friend from Hockey, and three of the kids from Glover school that I knew of. But as we came into the gloom, I was suddenly spooked when I counted 3 more shadows ahead of us than there should have been. And as I waited my turn to climb the ladder, I watched as all 3 of these extra kids climbed the ladder. Definite shapes ascended to the light. Kids, wearing kid clothes, who I only saw the back but were definitely not with us when we came down also went up. When I got back to the surface, however, it was just 6 of us again. Then we kind of parted ways and Eric and I rode back to his house and played Atari for the rest of the day. We kept talking about what these kids called the bomb shelter and planned to go back tomorrow with flash lights so we could really see what was down there. So, the next day we took a couple of those big-block battery flashlights that his dad had in the garage and we rode back to where the Glover school boys had taken us. We rode down the trail and it eventually took us to the baseball fields. We rode back and forth several times. We walked our bikes off the path and searched through the brush but we couldn't find the hole in the ground at the clearing. We never even found a clearing. We had to have searched for an hour around a patch of wilderness that couldn't have been more than 1/4 square mile. Nothing turned up. At all. We were certain we had the right spot, too. So we rode back down to the Y to see if those kids were still around and they were. Eric's hockey friend was not. Just the Glover school boys. It was absolutely them, no mistaken identities. It was those three guys. Eric walked up and asked them about the bomb shelter and when he was done they all looked at us like we had a million heads. "Who the fuck are you?" Is all one of them asked us. I was kind of a shy kid so I didn't do any talking. I just hung back but Eric was insistent and became convinced that they were messing with us and he kept pressing them. Eventually, the three of them got a little aggro and we backed off but the message was clear: These three guys, whom we had just descended into the depths of Marblehead with the day prior, had no idea who we were or what we were talking about. Me and Eric tried a couple more times on our own to find this place but we never did and a couple months later my family picked up stakes and moved to New Hampshire so I only saw Eric once more after that and we never talked about it again. But I never forgot about this.

Submitted by: Frater Pera

Hell House

I spent four years living in a house in the Crown Hill neighborhood of Seattle. In 2011 my mom and I moved out of necessity into a run down mother-in-law unit. The main house was built in the early 1900's, but we're unsure of when our unit was built. The house was a mess; we had burst pipes, mushrooms grow through the carpet, black mold, our oven and bathroom light were broken for multiple years all the way up till when we moved out. The other pressing issue was the presence of something or multiple somethings causing us emotional distress and even physical harm. I first noticed something wasn't right when I felt something watching me from the corner of my bedroom. It was every single night and day that I felt something peering at me for hours. I hid under my blankets like a child, instead of an angsty teenager almost every night. I would sit up abruptly at random trying to see what was looking at me. I never was able to catch an actual apparition but my mind always supplied me with the image of a short thin woman with black hair and boxy bangs. This was unnerving but the haunting became apparent quite quickly. My mom and I would hear banging and clanging in the kitchen from the living room and my dog would start to growl. It happened so frequently that we started to not even stop in our day to day activities to check it out. One night my mom burst in furious because she thought I had been in her room. I had no idea what she was talking about but she told me a box filled with crayons she had sitting on her bookshelf was on the floor. It wasn't spilled on the floor like it had been knocked over, it was just sitting on the ground like it had been placed. I reassured her I hadn't been in there and she seemed to realize it could be whatever was also clanging in our kitchen. My mom and I were very open about our experiences or uneasiness felt in the house. We never hid what was happening though there were times she didn't tell me until much later to avoid scaring me in the moment. There was another night where I had a friend over my mom again, burst in furious because a bottle of vodka she had on the fridge was now on the ground. Again it was not knocked over, just sat on the floor. My mom and I are very close and when I quickly explained we hadn't been drinking, she believed me. Those two incidents where unnerving because it couldn't just be explained away by gravity. Both times the items had been neatly placed onto the ground. A time my mom and I both saw the activity was one night on the couch. We were watching TV when suddenly my mom muted it and motioned for me to look. I looked over to see a tissue box sitting on the table slowly have a tissue pulled from inside to almost completely out of the box. My mom tried to return to watching TV but we quickly ended up leaving the room. We would take the dog out into the side yard. From there you could see into the main house through a window looking into their back room. One day my mom took out our dog as usual, looked up and saw a woman peering at her from the window. My mom described the woman as short, skinny, with black hair and boxy bangs. The woman disappeared quickly. My mom checked with the our landlord who lived in the main house to see if she had anyone visiting. No one was. When my mom told me about this incident I froze. The feeling of being watched I had been trying to write off as anxiety for ages. Now my mom was describing a woman that fit the image my mind would always supply me with of whoever stood in the corner of my room. My mom knew I felt watched, but she wasn't aware that I had this picture of whoever or whatever was watching me in my head. I told her and my mom was frightened and angry that this woman was what was tormenting me each night. From there the haunting got worse. My mom started getting scratched in the living room so frequently I would say it happened three times a week. She was adamant it wasn't from our dog but I was a bit skeptical. The scratches would appear on her arms and even her back. Sometimes just one or other times in threes. I still wasn't sold on it but I quickly came to believe her. I was laying on the couch watching TV with my arm holding my head. I'd been just sitting there for probably an hour at this point and I hadn't moved at all. I then felt a stinging sensation on my arm and saw that suddenly a long scratch had appeared on my arm. I hadn't gotten up, the dog hadn't been near me, and now all of a sudden a fresh angry scratch had appeared. I was 15 at the time and still ran into my moms room like a child after a nightmare. That was the only time I was scratched but my mom continued to be. We both worried we were feeding into each others belief in the haunting. We took all of it with a grain of salt and some terror. My friend thankfully first hand witnessed something as well one Halloween night. We were watching some videos in my room when suddenly a pair of sunglasses I had sitting in the very back of a shelf on my bookshelf flew off onto the floor. We screamed and ran into the living room. It wasn't a fall like something had knocked it over, it flew off like it had been flung. My friend was worried about coming over after that. The most terrifying incident happened soon after. When you walked to the kitchen from the living room you'd pass a hallway. The hallway led to my room and the bathroom. I hated that hallway. I constantly felt a terrible feeling even just looking at it. There were times I'd run through it to get to the bathroom and out of the hallway as fast as possible. One night I was watching TV in the living room and got up during a commercial break to get a snack in the kitchen, passing the horrible hallway. I quickly got my snack before my show came back on and started to walk into the living room. Then I screamed. Right at the start of the hallway where it entered into the living room I saw a shape of a person. It wasn't complete but it was vivid in color. I could see the shape of the head, its shoulders, and its torso. There weren't any hands or legs. It didn't have a face or even details I could see like what it was wearing. It was just the shape, glowing in bright oranges, yellows, and blues. I imagine it's what an aura might look like. I ran like bat out of hell into the living room racing past it. I then screamed for my mom to get to the living room. I was so shaken I started crying. I told her what happened and what I saw and then I saw the fear take over her face. She then told me she had seen it as well a few nights prior. Her description was almost exact except she saw legs. She told me she hadn't wanted to mention it because she knew I'd be terrified to even go to my room. I slept in her room that night. When we finally moved out of that house we said goodbye to the horrible conditions we had been forced to live in by our landlord and also whatever had been terrorizing us. I still after years and years felt something watching me in my room and I was excited to get better rest. While my mom was packing the truck our neighbor from across the alley came to say goodbye. She had previously rented the unit with her daughter before buying her own home. She talked poorly about our landlord and the condition of the house and also mentioned how much her daughter had hated it. My mom asked what in particular her daughter had hated about it and she told my mom about what she had also experienced in that home with the disclaimer that she would sound crazy. She had her own slew of paranormal stories but there was one that stood out. Her daughter hated staying in that house because when she would try to sleep, she would feel someone watching her every single night. She said her daughter had seen a woman staring at her from the corner of the room. My mom asked what bedroom her daughter had lived in. It was my room. My mom asked which corner. It was the corner I always felt watched from. My mom asked what the woman looked like. It was the same description: a short thin woman with black hair and boxy bangs. I can't stress enough how happy I am to be out of that house. It felt like a physical manifestation of our own personal hell.

Submitted by: Jenna B.

The Old "Manager's House"

Big old empty houses seem to attract stories and legends to them almost the moment they are abandoned. Such was the fate of the old "Manager's House" that stood in front of Lister's factory at the bottom of the climb to Highfield Road and had later become a Doctor's Surgery before its final abandonment. It was big it was spooky and there was a burgeoning young population in the locale and yet, no kids ever climbed the iron fence and played there, no gentleman travelers ever used it as a relatively warm and dry refuge. It merely sat there and glowered in its own inimitable manner for over decade, crumbling under its own timetable of decay rather than, as other abandoned building in the area, suffer the vagaries of being used as a den for various activities by kids of all ages.. In the early 1970s a group of us, 13-14 years of age, decided to finally explore the house and entrance to the property was very simple through a downstairs sash window. We settled in in the mustiness darkness of the room when we clearly heard what sounded like footsteps descending the staircase. We didn't wait, we just legged it straight back out of the house and stood opposite craning our necks to see if we could spot who the other "occupant" was. We saw nothing and no more noise came from the house, it was if it returned to its slumbers. Jump forward a couple of years and two friends from another part of town are visiting to watch a Sci Fi film at my house. The conversation turns to "local weirdness" and my friend says, in totally matter of fact voice, "That house at the bottom of the hill, I don't know why however, I still run past there". The other friend concurred with them and said pretty much the same, they felt "something" that just said "Keep out". The house us now long gone, I sometimes wonder if whatever it was that "lived" there, still does. This is the house in question...

Submitted by: SteveDoG

The Church in the Woods

As a child i would bike down to the beach a lot, usually with friends. As i got older, I'd go by myself further down the road, just to get out of the house and be alone. It was around this time that i started biking by The Church. It was old, dark, and almost completely hidden by the trees. But if I biked by at night, the windows would always be lit. One evening, i went out to bike, feeling angry and tired and frustrated, and i drove down the shore road. When i passed The Church, i could see the door was open and there was a figure standing there, completely silhouetted by the light coming from within. I felt almost compelled to enter. I remember getting off my bike, and starting to walk up. The rest is a blur. I don't know if i entered The Church, but i feel like if i had, i wouldn't be telling this story. I know i made it home before midnight, and I stopped biking down the shore road after that. Last year (2019) i asked my mom about The Church. She doesn't remember ever seeing it.

Submitted by: Nicholas

Mystery Wolf

2005 (APPROX.) I was walking my dog alone in the woods. I first saw shadows out of the corner of my eye, when I looked up I saw a huge white/grey wolf raising his head to look at me about 25 meters away. The first thing I thought was how beautiful it was, then I was terrified it would go after my dog and I knew it wasn’t alone. I backed away slowly and took a short cut out of the woods to walk the tree line back to my house. My dog hadn’t noticed a thing (not unusual for him). Suddenly I heard a drum beat. It was out of place enough that I stopped to listen and figure out what it was and where it was coming from. My neighbors house was empty and dark and there were no other houses in the area. It sounded like it was coming from the woods, and it sounded exactly like the few times I’ve been to a Powwow but without singing. I tried to brush it off and took one step forward. The drums stopped. I took one step backwards. The drums started again. I panicked and chased my frantic dog all the way home. Submitted by Wolf Spotter

Submitted by: Wolf Spotter

Not The Renter

We purchased an old house in 2018 that we began slowly renovating while renting it out to a single, middle aged woman. Being fairly remote, and our renter living alone, she was fairly skittish, and it was often a hassle coordinating when contractors could come and get work done, as she was very suspicious of everyone. She seemed to need to be out of the house if anyone were to come and work on the house, and they needed to be gone by the time she returned. We had a plumber coming and going over a few weeks, who received the brunt of this suspicion, and he ran into a few moments where we would schedule a time for him to work on the house, and had to cancel at the last minute as it wouldn't work out for our renter to be gone. One morning I woke up to a few texts from the plumber, he explained that he had shown up to start work as planned at 8am, and that when he tried to enter the house he heard our renter screaming at him. He took off, and was understandably upset. I immediately reached out to our renter and explained how we can't scare off contractors when we have their start times planned in advance, and was honestly pretty irritated. She responded confused, and explained that she had been at work by 7:30 that morning, and that there was no way she had been screaming at the plumber. When I told the plumber, and asked if he could go back over he said it would have to be another day, as he was pretty shook up. He wasn't the kind of guy you would expect to be shook up by a lady yelling at him. It wasn't long after that my wife's Aunt, who lives a few miles down the road, told us that locals had always considered the house to be haunted, but didn't have any specific stories to share. We now live in the house ourselves, and thankfully haven't experienced anything. Our next door neighbors explained that our house was a general store in the 1940's when it was first built, and that at some point there was a fatal car crash in the ditch behind our house. When we wen't to check it out, sure enough there was still a rusty old car frame, half sunk into the soil of the ditch. It looked like something out of a movie set. Very weird.

Submitted by: Shasta-Strange

Luminescent Rainbow Stick Man

So this happened when I was maybe 11 or so. I was walking to my friends house in the neighborhood. This particular friend lived a bit farther away than others, and I was kinda just zoned out. On a particular stretch of road that used to be a coquina/dirt road between two sets of paved roads, something caught my eye on the other side of road. I looked over up and saw what I can only describe as a bright, rainbow, pixelated, stick man. If you think how you would have animated a walking stick man on Atari graphics of the 80’s, you’d have nailed it. Only it was literally every color of the rainbow. Like most of us I suppose, we’ve all had our encounters with weirdness - I wasn’t necessarily afraid, but I was curious. I remember kinda reaching out to it mentally with a “hey, what’s up” and got the strong impression it saw me and was not the least bit interested in me. At that moment I heard a car approaching. As this entity was in the middle of the oncoming lane I thought “Ok, this is about to be interesting”, however when I looked away from the car and back at the rainbow stick man, it was gone. Florida is a beautiful and magical place, but I still have no idea what happened that day.

Submitted by: Chelle

Floating Orb Thing

I’ve seen a floating shining, sparkling ball appear out of nowhere and disappear into a wall the first time. The 2nd time happened while I was actually listening to the Euphomet episode with Colin F. You both said something that resonated with me. Then I looked up and saw the same glittering orb thing fly into my window curtain. The way it appeared and disappeared was just like seeing a shooting star. It just comes into existence, seemingly, then fades away. [video width="1080" height="1920" mp4=""][/video] [video width="1080" height="1920" mp4=""][/video]

Submitted by: Jess

The Shifty Bar

I lived in a house that was rumored to be haunted by its previous owner. Built in the 1930s, it had some nice historic features like a kitchen door that swung both ways connecting the kitchen to the living room. Beside this door in the living room was a heavy vintage-style bar/liquor cabinet. One night when I was alone in the house, I went into the kitchen to get some wine, pulling the swinging door closed behind me. When I went to push it open again, the bar had silently shifted about three or four inches over, blocking the door. If the bar had been in that position when I entered the kitchen, the door wouldn't have closed. I was eventually able to push my way out, but made a point to never close the swinging door again.

Submitted by: emptysheep

Strange catlike animal

Coming home one night, just after dark, my son and I were coming down the driveway when he saw a strange catlike animal walking on its hind legs. He pointed it out to me and I caught a glimpse of it as it entered the tree line. We aren’t the only ones in our area to have seen this. It didn’t scare either one of us, but did make us curious.

Submitted by: Dad

Mysterious Muslin

As I sat in my car at a mailbox along the road, an ancient, beige, muslin type square of fabric inches out from behind the trunk of an old tree about 5 feet away from me and about 8 to 10 feet up from the ground. It slowly inched out completely horizontally from the tree. Then inched back slowly. I passed the tree slowly stopping as I drove past it and looked up to see if maybe an animal was responsible, but there was nothing there. I was feeling quite emotional as I approached the tree directly before the incident occurred, thinking about a loved one who recently passed away. It felt connected somehow.

Submitted by: J. Brown

Driveway Bigfoot

At age 15, on Fewtown Road, my bus backed into my neighbor's driveway to turn around, as it did every morning. It was just after school was back in session, and just before sunrise. As she (the bus driver) backed the bus in, right as she was putting it in gear to move forward, the headlights shone on what looked like a very tall, bulky man with some sort of neutral or brown hoody on. As we watched, the figure sank directly down, like the "person" had sank to his knees, and maybe even collapsed. The weeds in the field it was in were very high, and what we saw would have been from just above the waist, were it a person, but if it WAS a person, that would have made him about 7 feet tall. The bus driver sat there for a minute with her mouth open. Then she made eye contact with me in the mirror and asked "Did you just see.." And I finished with "Bigfoot, yeah, I think so."

Submitted by: E. Fountain

Phantom Double-Decker

Cambridge Gardens is said by a number of accounts to be haunted by the phantom number 7 double-decker bus. Sightings range from the 30s to 1990 It could be a lost, retired routemaster, or it could be a spectre from a world in which it rides the the planned but unbuilt "Ringway 1." I haven't seen it myself but I did see a pair of 10 foot tall baby legs and a wallpapered dog skull over a garden fence here.

Submitted by: Khoops

Ardingly Reservoir

The Sussex Argus reported on Friday the 26th of June 2020: "BIZARRE reports of 50 people with suitcases walking to a water reservoir remain a mystery. Police officers were called to reports of a suitcase-carrying contingent at Ardingly Reservoir near Balcombe on Thursday." An abyssal hole at the southern end of the waters might be a possible destination.

Submitted by: Khoops

Creepy Former Boarding House

I shouldn't have lived in this creepy old house to begin with, it creeped me out the first time I saw it. But I was young and the price was right. The lady who rented it to me claimed that it had been in her family for a very long time and used to be a boarding house in the late 1800s. This is one of the older neighborhoods in Grand Rapids so I believed her. The outside looks normal and modern but once you enter the building it feels and looks like you stepped into a time warp. I did not sleep well the entire year I lived there due to recurring nightmares that I didn't experience when I slept elsewhere for a night or 2. In my nightmares a scary old man was trying to get to me and violate me in some way, a man who I had never seen before. My closets would open for no reason even though they magnetically latched. I felt like I was being watched everywhere in the apartment.

Submitted by: Swamp Witch

Renton Highlands

Every apartment I lived in in Renton had paranormal activity of some kind, particularly in the highlands. Things would go missing even when I always kept them in the same spot, always. Once an exercise ball abruptly rolled across the living room in front of my sister and I. The way it moved defied the laws of physics, it didn't just roll into a dip in the floor. I also frequently felt something or someone sitting down on my bed as I was falling asleep.

Submitted by: Swamp Witch in the Desert

Deer People Watching

I have had visions all my life but they exploded in regularity once I moved to Wenatchee. There is a lot of spiritual activity, all kinds of dead folk from various times and cultures, animal spirits, land spirits, etc. All normal and expected. The ones that have made me pause, though, look like humans for the most part but they have large deer antlers. I don't feel that they are a threat to me but I don't know what they are either. I most often see them on the tops of ridges and hills just watching.

Submitted by: Swamp Witch in the Desert

Hare Casket

Between 1979 and 1982 an ornate gold hare was buried here inside a ceramic, hare-shaped casket. The casket was inscribed with the legend "I am the keeper of the jewel of Masquerade, which lies waiting safe inside me for you or eternity". MORE INFORMATION:

Submitted by: Khoops

Mystery Pizzas

In Turnhout, Brussels, Mr Van Landeghem has been receiving unwanted pizzas for the last nine years. He told Het Laatste Nieuws: “It can be on a weekday or during weekends, and at any time of day. [The orders come from] delivery services in Turnhout, but also from the surrounding area. I have even had orders delivered to me at 2:00 AMI cannot sleep anymore. I start shaking every time I hear a scooter on the street. I dread that someone will come to drop off hot pizzas yet another time." One day in January 2019, Van Landeghem said, ten different delivery men showed up at his house, one of which had 14 pizzas with him.

Submitted by: Khoops

Coal Room / Basement Entity

Moved into a basement of a very old house that had had multiple additions. Graphite sigils had been drawn in corners on walls before I moved in - presumably the last occupant. Heard a female voice calling for me. Felt someone's fingers caressing my arm as I was wide awake in bed... when I looked over at my arm I continued to feel the caressing but saw nothing. Had a dream that night where I was forced to choke my reflection in the mirror. Woke up throwing up and unable to breathe for a little while.

Submitted by: Sang

Haunted Squatter House

A haunted house where squatters/drug users moved in and left some sort of weird energy. When the landlords came to fix it up the place was trashed. The walls were all spray painted with some crazy sayings, debris everywhere. The basement had several unusual handmade-looking tiny rooms. It was fixed up and painted to rent. While living next door we met the new tenants who moved in. The day after moving in, they came to us and asked if we knew about the house. They said it was really creepy and even with all the doors closed and windows shut they could feel a breeze moving through the house. Within days they all had decided to move out, and we never saw them again.

Submitted by: Emory

West Seneca UFO

This was about 8 years ago. I was driving back to buffalo from the southern tier of New York and was caught in some construction on the 400 just before the Union Rd. exit. While waiting, I looked out the passenger window and saw an object in the sky. It was round and dark gray and it just hung there as if it was on a string. No noise, no movement, just suspended. It was fairly low and I remember looking around at other cars thinking "Does anyone else see this?!?!?" but it didn't seem like anyone else noticed.

Submitted by: Juli

Devil's Footprints

Long time ago, a priest called Desiderius fought the devil here, and their footprints are still in a stone. Since, the city have been attributed to heal mental illness after the priest performed several miracles and freed the mind of many individuals.

Submitted by: Darki

The Globe Bed and Breakfast

It was 1998 and I had a job at a local bed and breakfast meeting schduled guests and walk-ins. The building is gorgeous and was built circa 1848 as an Inn. I was sitting on the couch and from there I could look through the dining room to the foyer, I looked over and saw a man standing in the foyer dressed in a brown suit with a long orange beard. He was tall and thin and looked out of time. (He looked liked a hipster but hipsters werent invented yet!) I got up to welcome him but by the time i walked from the couch to foyer - like 6 metres, he was gone. It was particulaly weird because i hadn't heard him come in and i didnt hear him leave. The front doors were very old and very heavy and made a lot of noise. I checked out the backdoor and upstairs and in every room but he had vanished!

Submitted by: Sarsquarah

Renovated Georgian Motel

My fiance and I live in the renovated Georgian motel. We have been here for a year it’s now Aug. 2020. We have always heard and had lights flicker but we recently started using a app called randonautica. Since we have started having the craziest stuff happen. We are constantly watching things be moved and thrown around. Then they like to hide our stuff. We have a spirit box and we hear a little girl and a lady who sounds like she is being tortured. My fiance is always being drained of energy and it’s like they use her to express their anger and sadness. This motel is definitely haunted and is not the most pleasant feeling at times.

Submitted by: Shelby

Mysterious Vacuum

My aunt went with me to the Illinois state fair in Springfield in late summer one year to see Selena Gomez in concert. After the show, we had about an hour and a half to drive before we got home, so we decided to stop at McDonald’s on the way out of town. We had to use the restroom, so we decided to go inside rather than go through the drive thru. It was pretty late at night, and we were the only ones around. It was eerily quiet, because you’d think there would be other people stopping by on their way home too. But we were the only people I saw in the vicinity the entire time we were there besides the employees of the McDonald’s. Once we got our food and went back outside to the car - which had been in our view the entire time - we were perplexed to find a small vacuum cleaner propped up against the door of the car. No explanation. Just a random vacuum, materialized out of nowhere. My aunt, to this day, adamantly denies having had a vacuum in her car that may have miraculously appeared outside of it, and there was no one around who could have placed it there. We were so tired at the time, having spent the whole day traipsing around the state fair in the hot, humid, Illinois late summer, we just propped it up against the wall of the restaurant, and shrugged it off. I almost wish we would’ve taken it. It might’ve turned out to be an even more interesting story. We didn’t really think about how strange it really was until the next morning at breakfast.

Submitted by: Bear

Blue Springs UFO

Residents have reported strange flashing mystery lights in the sky in Blue Springs, Missouri. There are multiple reports on national news sources: by Ammy

Submitted by: Ammy

Fairy Village Randonaut Experience

While three of us were exploring a local fairy village in a wooded park, we decided to try the Randonautica app. We pulled up the app but didn't really express any 'intention,' just that we wanted to find something weird or unusual. To our surprise, the random coordinates generated by the app were directly outside of one of our houses!! Were the fairies asking us to "go home?"

Submitted by: Jeremy P.

Daintree Rainforest

When I lived back up in far North Queensland, i'd often spend time in the Daintree hiking and camping out (in the dry season), one of Queenslands rainforests. The place itself has lots of strange, known creatures, such as Cassowaries, however it seems to have some unknown ones too. One time when I was out hiking it was early evening and I began hearing howling/hooting sounds. I initially thought it may be feral dogs, although the sound didn't match. After it seemed to get closer for a while I stopped to try see what it was. A few minutes later two small hai...ry creatures (3-4ft) crossed my path. They looked apeish, but not right. The Aboriginal peoples of Australia have stories of hairy creatures such as Yowies and I wonder if this is what I saw that evening.

Submitted by: Bonnie

Kennesaw Mountain Park

At the time I was into more wicca flavored spirituality and I went here to spread out a blanket, brought crystals with me and a pendulum. I was holding a rutile quartz crystal in a drawstring bag with my pendulum, when I left I noticed the quartz was gone from the bag and I couldn’t find it in the surrounding grass even though I knew that it was in the bag when I sat down. During the same trip I picked up a small light pebble and took it home. I had horrible luck that week. My car broke down and the car I was using in its place got into an accident on the interstate. At some point I yelled that whatever was angry with me that I am sorry and to take whatever it wanted back (I know, I wouldn’t do this now...). The bad luck stopped and I haven’t found the pebble I picked up since.

Submitted by: Sarah

Thin Shadow

Late at night in the summer, myself and 5 friends were sitting on the beach, facing the water. We each noticed, and followed with our gaze, a tall, thin, gliding shadow at the water’s edge, moving from right to left, at a pace a little faster than walking. Proportions were not human, or anything we could recognize. It didn’t have a gait, it was clearly not a silhouette of something in the distance, or a shadow of anything. We all watched in silence until we couldn’t see it anymore. One of us asked if we all saw it. Another friend said “it was an alien”, as a way to kind of blow it off and move on. I only ever talked about it again with one of them, and there was not much else to say. I have thought about it rationally and skeptically for years since. There is no explanation that I can think of.

Submitted by: Cynthia

Vanishing Boy

I woke up one morning around 3AM and looked across the room, there about 3ft away there was a small boy, modern dress curly hair and when he saw me looking at him he looked surprised and covered his mouth as he stepped back and disappeared. surprisingly i rolled over and fell back asleep.

Submitted by: Dick

Masked Creeper

I woke up early in the morning and looked toward the door of my room. there was another bed on that side of the room next to the door. under the foot of that bed was a face, it appeared to be someone in a cheap Halloween mask. assumed it was my older brother (I was about 7 at the time) so i said "I can see you and you can't scare me" the figure didn't move, so i tried the usual kid reaction i said "I'll tell mom if you don't leave" again the figure didn't move. As I stared at the figure i grew even more scared and eventually I hid under the covers. The next morning there was nothing under the bed that I would have mistaken for a figure.

Submitted by: Dick

Beacon Lite Road

My friend and his dad saw a skinwalker/wendigo like creature in their backyard. Once it was spotted, it ran off at an alarmingly fast speed.

Submitted by: Sandi

Ghost Rider?

On the night of September 30th, of this year, I was biking home from work. It was one of the several times I decided to take the Interurban Trail instead of any of the residential streets. It was maybe about close to 10:30PM, when I got within several feet of 117th Street. Which is the only non barricaded access onto the Interurban Trail. As I do normally because it's become a very strong habit of mine while riding, I looked into my rear view mirror that's on the left bar of my bike before making my left turn onto 117th Street (I was heading northbound on the trail from 105th Street). In my rear view mirror, I CLEARLY saw what was a very OBVIOUS sign of a cyclist behind me. They had a very bright bar light like I and many night time riders do, and they had a helmet light too. When I made my turn onto 117th Street to get off the trail, I would have CLEARLY SEEN the rider go past me from behind as I turned my head to my right after making my turn. I would have seen their red tail light or whatever reflective tape they had on them on my left side by that point. Instead I saw nothing other than pitch darkness. The phantom rider was about 2ft behind me and was riding in the same line I was. So when I swerved to the left side, it swerved to the left side too like as if it was gonna turn onto 117th Street as well. If I could describe how I felt after I noticed that there was literally no one behind me, It was a mixture of confused and unnerved. But not scared. I don't know if that makes any sense, I didn't dart out of there like a bullet. In fact once I made my turn, I got off my bike and went to investigate. I even took some time to make a FB post about what I just experienced. Unfortunately I don't have any video or picture evidence because I was in the middle of riding when the incident happened. Only camera I have is a body cam that I didn't even have on me on that night. And it would've been of no use anyway.

Submitted by: Olga L

Childhood Home

This is my old childhood home! My first memory was made here. Of course, there's the fabricated memories that make you think you remember being in the womb or some shit, but I know this happened, it has to have happened. I can't recall what it was, whether it was a demon of some sort, a protective spirit, or just a strange entity, but I remember one night, after a day that I can't recall, lying in bed. I was roughly 2-3, I didn't move out of that bedroom until I was 5 or so. I've never really been very easily put into a state of fear, but this was definitely a time I felt it, but this wasnmt necessarily even terrifying, or scary, just strange. On the wall that night, when all the lights in the house were off, my parents were in their separate beds, and so was I. A light flickered on. I heard nothing. I could still hear them snoring away. What was that? I'm not sure, but something crept it. Or, in fact, it slid in. A shadow. It wasn't human, didn't look it, but didn't look like a monster. You know that dumb corporate art style that companies use to seem friendly, but sometimes it's just weird or annoying? It looked like that. I was disproportionate. It seemed as if it was trying to imitate a human, but it seemed so artificial. It's hair was spiky, Bart Simpson type spiky, the kind of spiky you'd have to apply a fuck ton of hairspray to achieve. It was pure shadow against a dim light, a light that I knew didn't exist for anyone else. When recalling it, all I remember is the creture itself. I don't remember what I looked like, what had happened that day, what my room was like, it's as if the thing took away my perception of what was going on. It was just us two. It never looked at me, or, at least I couldn't tell if it did. I could see the shadow's eyes, even if it was just a projected image on a wall, that has always confused me. To describe what it looked like, well, have you ever seen one of those staffs from a fantasy game, where it'll have a floating orb on it? Nobody knows how it levitates. The eyes were like that, an empty hole with a shadow pupil, I've tried to imagine what it'd look like in flesh but something tells me it has never possessed such a form. My household had been in a narcissistic abusive state ever since I was born, but I never knew until around 7 years old. I was lied to for a very long time, but both my Mother and Father. Every memory I have of being under 10 in my household is bad. Or, maybe, the younger I am in the memory the worse it gets. It's like the vibes are off. So incredibly off. They're all so distorted. Some are in first person, some I only see one other, some I can't picture, some I know happened but can't prove. A part of me speculated whether that thing was a manifestation of what was going on between my parents, or maybe protection from something I was oblivious to. I was just a kid, I practically still am. It was something I experienced, was terrified by, but couldn't prove. That's exactly what happened to my mother. She went through so much, and was scarred. Worst of all, nobody believed her. I'm sure I didn't initially. Well, I know this will find the right people, anybody is enough for me. Thank you for reading, I've been through a lot more paranormal events than this, but didn't wish to give my current location away to do so. Have a nice day.

Submitted by: RSM

Highgate Lights

My friends and I (about 6 of us) were sitting on my balcony at about 7-8pm on a Saturday. I'm on the 2nd floor and on a hill with a nice view across the city. We're laughing and talking and I turn away from the view, and as I do the sky lights up behind me for about 2 sec. I can see the white blue light reflected on the glass door I just turned toward to go back inside. By the time I turn around, it's gone. My friends were facing the view and said something lit up the sky and disappeared in an instant. We all still talk about it to this day, and can't figure out what it could be. It was like a big lightning strike except it went across the whole sky and lasted longer. One friend has said he's experienced these bright light flashes before... maybe it's something linked to him.

Submitted by: Georgia P

Bedroom Demon

So it was nighttime and my sister needed to pee so she went to the bathroom and she could see in my room because my door was open and she saw me sitting on the end of my bed and she thought I was playing on my phone. Next morning she told me that she saw me yesterday night and what was I doing. I told her that I was sleeping and I didn't do anything. Turns out she saw somebody else. That thing looked like a she because my sister told me that she had long hair and she was under my blanket somehow and she was sitting there and looking down at my feet.

Submitted by: Smush

Super-Abundance in Superior, Arizona

My hometown is a Mecca of paranormal activity, some cryptid sightings and the like. I feel because of the history of it both past and the present. We are surrounded by mountains and a creek and anything that ghosts and what not would be attracted to. I've encountered ghosts since I was very little. The cryptids and portals more recently. So if I was to tell my encounters there would be too many to mention so I'm thinking of writing a book about it along with the History of my hometown.

Submitted by: Dora C Solis

Cumming UFO

I was passing through Cumming, leaving Buford, heading towards Canton with my girlfriend and another friend. A few minutes after passing downtown Cumming I saw 2 sets of 3 lights, my girlfriend said she saw 3 sets. Each set formed a triangle that looked roughly the size of a commercial airliner, however it was too low, not moving, and too close to the other. We wanted to pull into a nearby neighborhood/church and watch, but there was a cop, and we didn't want to deal with possible police interrogation. As we drove, the objects were obscured by the tree line, but when we were at a position where we felt we should have been able to see them again, they were gone. We've been that same way several times before and since and have not seen anything in that location.

Submitted by: Andrew

Ohio Flying Triangle Redux

Similar to the instance near Logan, OH, I was driving north from Wilmington towards Columbus with a friend. We saw MULTIPLE (at least three) black triangles hovering in the sky, with bright lights at each point. They kept pace with the car and the way they were moving didn't match typical plane movement.

Submitted by: Sarah

Red Bluff Jingling Creeper

While walking along the first left turn along the older part of the cemetery we heard keys jingling. When the three of us stopped to see who was following us we heard three distinct steps before whoever it was stopped too. We started to walk again very quietly to see if we could hear someone behind us, again the distinct sound of footsteps and the jingle of keys. We stopped again and 'jingle jingle jingle' We turned to walk towards the sound and see who was following us, wouldn't you know it the jingle was again behind us. We stop. 'step jingle step jingle step jingle' Silence. We booked it to our car and the jingle didn't follow us past the main drive. Went back the next week with two more people and the exact same thing.

Submitted by: Mykel58

Dream Prophecy in Tampa

I woke up with a blurry vision of a dream, I suddenly had a feeling I had been struck on the right side of my face, I was leaning against something and it was bright white all around. Two weeks later my friends boyfriend and her were fighting he was on many different substances and did not want her to leave, He took my belongings and went inside his house. It was my responsibility to get those things back. When he finally came out I screamed for my stuff and then decided to grab his bag and say I would take his stuff. I was pushed and feel backwards onto a shelf of plants and was punched on my right jaw twice. While being pinned down all I could focus on was the white fence behind me. I instantly remembered my dream. A few weeks later and I still woke up every day trapped by that thought. I now write all of my dreams down.

Submitted by: Joelle

Independence Day UFO

This was around 2011-2013 on the 4th of July. me, a friend and my family went to an offbrand “red white and boom” celebration on this long stretch of hill where a bunch of people had laid out their blankets, etc. Later on as it got dark, before the fireworks went off, me my friend and my dad saw these lights in the sky. they looked like those radio satellite lights but they weren't blinking. I swear they slowly swirled around and broke off into more pieces before just fading away like a spark. To this day my family still brings it up, it was so weird.

Submitted by: Juna

UFO near Refugio

As I was driving at night (in the middle of nowhere) I saw a big ball of blue-white light flash in the sky and quickly fall to the ground. This happened 3 times that night, and it was a completely clear sky. Not sure what it was - but it sure did freak me out.

Submitted by: Beebs

Predatory Oskaloosa Mimic

My wife and I live near the north end of our community bike trail. One night, we were awoken in the early morning hours by a repeated sort of screaming that could lend itself to a mountain lion, but it seemed to follow a repeated pattern that is not too dissimilar to a recording of some kind. We both got up, were able to be fully awake, and observe the sound from our house for the better part of an hour. Mountain lions are not common in Iowa and though sometimes farmers can be known to employ some directed sound to keep things out of their fields, this only happened on that one night and we have yet to experience the noise again.

Submitted by: Andy

Dog-Corroborated Disappearance

I was out walking my dog tonight, when I saw a couple walking towards us. My dog doesn't like people at night, so I moved to the other sidewalk. When I glanced back at them, they were gone. All places they could've walked in that amount of time would've been within my direct line of sight, even if they were walking into the house in front of them. Still confused. My dog definitely saw them, so did I.

Submitted by: Ellie

Piedmont Lights

I witnessed on February 5, 2021 a series of lights coming from the northern sky. They moved very fast, hovered over our cemetery for five or six seconds and disappeared. There was a swooshing sound.

Submitted by: Edward Blackwelder, Ph.D.

Fern Street Fug

Summer of 2020 there were three fires all down 9th Ave, at a church, and two apartment complexes. One of the apartment complexes was a complete loss, there was a lot of damage, and the other complex just one non-dwelling building burnt down. It still freaked out the entire neighborhood and the wreckage is still there, I don't think that kind of energy just goes away when the event is over. I get the sense that many of the elementals, land spirits, and wandering dead are angry and restless in this area. I sense dark entities and sludge beings out and about at night and sometimes during the day. I could see there being vortexes with all these major crossroads nearby.

Submitted by: Swamp Witch on the Sound

Evil Creature

My mom and I were driving home about 10:00 p.m. at night on a dark stretch of road. Suddenly moving across the street was a dark creature on fours legs ,walking like a crab walks sideways. It had a face almost like a monkey but evil. I was driving so I waited a second to process what I had just seen and we both yelled at the same time did you just see that!! We still talk about this regularly and cannot figure out what we saw that night.

Submitted by: Theresa

Triple Door Threat

Former burlesque club absolutely active with spirit activity, dark entity in the downstairs near bathrooms does not like energetic people. Numerous first-hand experiences and stories from staff, including being shoved down stairs.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Homemade Electric Chair

Behind a shipping container, behind the Sports Club, a home-made electric-chair with limb straps and electrodes. Falling apart, but there is still a gloved right arm tethered to it.

Submitted by: Khoops

Opening a Portal

It was a warm summer night, and as I laid down for bed, I decided I was going to summon a portal to another world before I fell asleep. I had portals on the brain. I had learned in a tarot class that certain cards could be interpreted as portal cards, representations of in-between spaces. I like using tarot for ritual, and this sparked this idea that I could maybe use certain cards to find gateways to other realms. I had also been listening to a lot of Gordon White’s podcast Rune Soup, thinking about journeying, liminal spaces, the imaginal, and Jung’s Red Book. I had also been re-reading Whitley Strieber’s Communion books. In Transformation he recounts an incident in which he heard knocking coming from right outside on a part of his roof that would be inaccessible without a ladder and setting off the motion lights. The whole passage gave me this idea that mysterious rapping could be initiatory. It’ll make sense by the end of my story why I mention this. I didn’t have any specific method for summoning a portal. I just laid down, closed my eyes, relaxed and thought something like “show me a portal” or “if I came across a portal what would that look like?” I let the images come to me. I softened into them. I had the following vision. Right away I was slowly floating in a great womb-like chamber toward something in the center, some indistinct ovoid suspended in the middle of the space. It felt truly vast, hyper-biological, gut-like, raw, like the inside of a cell. I wasn’t scared. The space was eerie but not terrifying. I was cozy and warm, drifting pleasantly. Then I saw a slender, gray-green hand with elongated fingers. It resembled hands attributed to gray aliens in artist’s depictions. Except it had to belong to an enormous being. I would have fit in the palm. Either I was shrunken, or the being was giant. It was like a split screen in my mind. I was floating in a womb toward something like a seed pit on one screen, and this giant alien hand in a loose fist—just the hand, not the rest of the body—in a pure black void was on the other screen. So I was floating along, being drawn to the center. Was close to it. Then I saw the disembodied hand make a knocking motion, and at that exact moment someone bangs on the screen door outside bang-bang-bang-bang-bang! It was very loud and abrupt. It was at the back door right below our bedroom window which was on the second floor. It woke up my wife, who’s a very deep sleeper, and I shot out of bed to investigate. There was no one there. I could see the backdoors of our place and the next-door duplex from the window. There was no one outside. No one was in the backyard at all. We didn’t hear our neighbor’s door open to let anyone inside. We didn’t hear our door. This was like one second after the banging, tops, because I was at that window immediately. I went downstairs to make sure no one was in our house. Nope. Just me, my wife, and our cats . . . So, who was knocking urgently on our backdoor, which you could only get to by walking down our driveway from the front or hopping a fence, after 11 o’clock at night? And how did they time it so precisely with my hypnagogic vision? And where did they go?

Submitted by: Stevie

Potato Mystery at the Library

A local news website carried a story of confounded librarians who discovered rogue, cooked potatoes on the premises of the Wayland Free Public Library. Two separate potato incidents were reported on the 11th and 12th, with rumors of other out of place baked potatoes being discovered in nearby locales. The story is reminiscent of the Mississippi Mashed Potato Mystery of 2019, where known persons (or entities) left bowls of mashed potatoes on private property such as cars and front steps. The mysterious library potatoes got the attention of comedian Stephen Colbert, who joked on his show that this may represent an uprising of tubers, or even the involvement of Sasquatch. Perhaps hikers from a nearby trail had carried the cooked spuds as a way of keeping their hands warm, or perhaps some other mundane explanation is at the source of the Potato Mystery. But maybe, just maybe, something much stranger is going on...

Submitted by: AP Strange

Bitchslapped Demons

demons have been living in my home and once i discovered what they were i went to battle and [slapped] them with the strength and power of gods spirit flowing thru me

Submitted by: demonslayer

Pixy-led at Lloyd Recreation Park

I tried to walk across this field with my eyes shut and thought I was halfway across, but I had been following the curve of a huge fairy-ring. I would have walked right into the fence too if I hadn't got a strong feeling that I should open my eyes inches before.

Submitted by: Khoops

Weird Light Switch

There is an uncovered, unguarded, unlabelled domestic light switch installed at eye level on the south wall of the bridge, with no pedestrian access. I was going too fast to stop and try it. I'm not sure if I was more concerned about it turning something off, or turning something on.

Submitted by: Khoops

Antlered Entity

The wooded areas of the small town Lake County area may have something dark lurking them... Was around 11:46 pm when I first saw the silhouette of something moving fast along the treeline, this is not bear or wolf country and the biggest thing it could've been would probably be a deer or coyote, and it distinctively stood on two legs at one point. I chalked it up to me being tired from it being somewhat late and the dark making my eyes play tricks, but then I saw it the second time at specifically 12:13 am. It was far enough away but whatever it was, it looked in my direction briefly and definitely had eye glow with the little light I wanted to give off that I did from being creeped out, and it most definitely had antlers which is part of what scared me when seeing it stand and move as fast as it did. It wasn't a deer. I have seen plenty, and this was in the snow so I could see it very clearly as having a much different shape. The woods around here have terrified me at night ever since.

Submitted by: Zero

Kuranda Doppelganger

I can't share the exact location because of business privacy, but I have had three very strange experiences at my place of work. My first experience takes place just as I had arrived to work that morning. I am in our little kitchen area fixing myself a cup of tea when my coworker walks by me. I see her. I know who she is. I greet her. No response. She opens the office door and walks out. I think she has either not heard me or she is having a bad morning. I ask one of my other coworkers what that might have been about. Turns out, the coworker I saw, called in and is working from home. The drive up the mountain range takes about 15-25 minutes depending on traffic. My second experience takes place just after my partner drops me off at the local grocery store. I am making my way back to the office when I see another coworker sitting in her car talking on her cell phone. I know who she is. I see her face. I know what her car looks like. No mistake. She looks up, smiles, and waves at me. I smile and wave back. I walk into the office, make my way into the main room, and there my coworker is sitting at her desk having a coffee. The third time this happens, I am not alone in my experience. My coworker and I are heading back inside the office when we see our other coworker's wife walking towards the door. She is wearing a white dress with pink floral patterns. I open the door and hold it for her and my coworker and I greet her. We both see her. We both know who she is. She thanks us and makes her way down the walk and up the hill. The office only has one entrance and we're on the second floor. We both make our way back into the main room...and there she is standing with her husband. Same woman. Same white dress with same pink floral patterns. We both look at each other. Her husband said she'd been there with him for the past twenty minutes. I have many other stories of strange things I have seen while living in FNQ.

Submitted by: JB