The Capeta do Vilarinho (Vilarinho's Devil)

In 1989, during a dance contest at the ballroom of Quadra Vilarinho, reigned by the celebrated dancer Ricardo Malta, an unknown man with a hat decided to participate. At the end of the contest, only Malta and the outsider remained dancing, and the later eventually won the championship. As he took off his hat to celebrate the victory, he uncovered two horns on his head. The ballroom was then taken over by a huge commotion and people started running away. The stranger seized the oportunity to fled and disappeared, never to be seen again, but not before some dancers spotted a pair of hooves in place of his feet. He them became known as the Capeta do Vilarinho (Vilarinho's Devil).

Submitted by: Bruno T

Mystery Light

Looked up in the sky around 6 pm and a floating white light too high to be a drone. Organic in movement. Too low and silent to be a chopper. Hovered for a while and then drifted off into the horizon behind trees.

Submitted by: James

Pack of Coyotes

I was sitting on the front porch of my parents house, about 2 or 3 years ago, smoking a cigarette. They live in a very urban/suburban area, with some woods nearby in the Renton Highlands. It was probably around 1am at night, when I noticed a bunch of animals crossing through the cul-de-sac which my parents live on. There were probably around 8-10 animals, which I recognized as coyotes, roaming around as a pack. They passed through at a brisk jogging pace, not even noticing I was there watching them go by. It was very unnerving and eerie to say the least. There was no one else around, and I was pretty freaked out.Submitted by Anonymous

Submitted by: Anonymous

UFO at the Fishing Hole

Circa 2012, my cousin and I were up late one night while camping on The Homer Spit. We were headed for the public restrooms near the fishing hole lagoon on foot. It was a dark yet clear night of late summer. As we walked along, I noticed something high in the sky, a glowing object very similar to what a satellite in orbit looks like. But this was no satellite I'd ever seen due to its path of travel and speed of which it crossed the skyline. I said to my cousin, “Look at that!” As I pointed. This object was tracking across the skyline faster than most satellites I've seen, but it had another peculiar characteristic about it. Without changing speed, it was making sharp cornered direction changes. The object did a wide zigzagging pattern in this manner across the entire skyline and we watched it go below the horizon to the South of our location. It was traveling in our outer atmosphere as a bright one t the entire time. To this day, I cannot explain what it was. I know of nothing humankind has which could make those sharp turns without changing speed.

Submitted by: Curtis H.

Black Smoke - Orb

I've never talked about this before for fear of sounding utterly insane. In saying that, even though I witnessed it, I still have a hard time believing or understanding what I saw. -- Around 10PM at night I witnessed what appeared to be black smoke coming from an apartment building a few blocks north. I was immediately confused because it did not move like anything I've seen in the sky. Best way to describe the movement of this "black smoke" is like when black ink drops into water. It was swirling, moving in multiple directions, and the color of was blacker than anything I've seen before. After a few seconds the "black smoke" turned into a small glowing orb . The orb hovered in the sky for a couple of seconds, then made three zig zag motions, it hovered in the sky for a few seconds, and then shot straight up into the atmosphere. This incident lasted approximately 1-2 minutes. I'm only sharing my story in hope of finding a reasonable explanation for this.Submitted by Sandy

Submitted by: Sandy

Joshua Tree UFO

I was camping by myself at the Joshua tree national park and taking long exposure photos in the dark. No one was in the campground with me, and It was around 11:30pm when I saw a flashing circle light in the sky. It sounded like a really quiet passing over me. The sound constantly went off and on and then completely stopped. The long exposure photo of the UFO shows kind of a flare where it flew by and 2 glowing blue circle shapes from where it hovered. There was no background lights from my tent or anywhere around me.Submitted by B.B.

Submitted by: B.B.

Crop Circle w/Mutilated Cow

A ‘perfectly round' 30-foot circle of flattened, rotated grass was found with a mutilated cow inside. A 1/4 mile to the west, a second 30-foot circular area was found in a wheat field (newly planted, only about 4 inches tall at the time) which also appeared to have been burned. This circle also had a mutilated cow inside it. A small amount of radioactivity was detected by the local Sheriff's department while investigating. The sheriff called Reese Air Force base to come out and inspect the site further. The sheriff reported overhearing one of the military officers express some concern over the radioactivity level.

Submitted by: UFOhistoryBUFF

High Weirdness in the Hills

Hills have legend of humanoid beings that at night transform into glowing orbs, fly & hunt for blood, specifically human. Not sure how often the feeding occurs. In the mid 70s. I personally witnessed and was chased by such a thing as a child along with a large part of my extended family during a picnic,, looked like a glowing human size orange orb, intelligently maneuvering through the trees. In late 80's Witnessed it again as a teen, the second time it was not chasing but "scouting" over the town's sky for an evening. This thing is weird because it affected time, the minds of those around, physics, & it appears to be a ghostly being,/ cryptoid, but very UFO-ish as well, hard to pin down. Submitted by "The man from dyatron"

Submitted by: The man from dyatron

The Walnut of Benevento

The Walnut of Benevento was an ancient and leafy walnut tree consecrated to the Germanic god Odin, around which met a community of Lombards settled near Benevento from the sixth century, in the territories originally inhabited by the Samnites. The celebration of pagan and religious rites, which included hanging a goatskin from the walnut, has given rise to various legends that have perpetuated over the centuries, concerning ceremonies and magical rituals officiated by witches on the occasion of sabbath (the return of the devil). .

Submitted by: Andrea N.

Lucerne Valley Mirage Gas Station

While driving through the desert with my grandmother, our a/c went out in her 2001 Honda Passport. It was incredibly hot. I am from North Carolina, and was in California for my cousin's High School Graduation. In 2008, I was a High School Junior. (I had just returned from a fishing trip in Red Lake Ontario, before heading out to California. While in Canada I spent some time with some local indigenous folk. For two weeks I drank a type of local Root Beer with them. It was the best I'd ever had in my life. I consider myself a Root beer Connoisseur.) With our a/c broken and no beverages to quench our insatiable thirst, we decided to look for a gas station. Our GPS showed ZERO gas stations around. Suddenly, a building appeared before us. It was a small building with an old timey gas pump out front. The building itself was made of stones, smoothed out by years of flash floods. Inside the building was a single beverage stall. Inside the stall was a selection of bottled waters, and THAT INDIGENOUS CANADIAN ROOT BEER! Needless to say, I was so happy. Nothing seemed off about the store clerk or anything. I just couldn't believe I found this special root beer, in the desert of all places!. We continued on and went to my cousin's graduation. Afterwards, I decided we would drive back using the same route so I could buy all of the remaining root beer. I just had to bring that magical beverage back home to NC with me. I drove up and down this rural desert road 3 times. The stone gas station wasn't there! I couldn't believe it. Maybe I had taken a wrong turn I thought. No way. There was only one road! I have since been back to the area 3 times. I literally asked every local I ran into about it. I always received the same answer. THERE IS NO STONE GAS STATION!

Submitted by: Luke C.

Astral Travel During Performance

I full-on astral planed during a performance at at this theater. I was singing a song I had written about life and death being one and the same and about a half-minute into it I realized I was outside and above myself, watching it happen as it happened. There was nothing unsettling or upsetting about this. I simply felt in awe of the experience and went with it. As the song ended, I re-entered my body. I don't drink or do drugs when I perform. I'm not on any kind of medication. It was one of those truly weird and undeniably beautiful experiences.

Submitted by: Holly

Mamphre the Lake Monster

Strange animal sighting occured on the Lake since 1816 (8 witness back then). Through the years, he was often described as a long neck animal like a sea serpent or a Plesiosauroidea.The Monster is named Mamphre on reference to the Lake name (Lake Memphremagog).

Submitted by: Mike S.

Bonfire Visitors

I recently had a bonfire in my backyard. I love fire and am always mesmerized by flames. I was taking a lot of pictures of the things that I was burning in my fire . When I went to crop my pictures, I noticed right away that I was not alone. In the first picture of my fire, there is a young girl silhouette in the smoke. In the second picture, there is a boy tall and peeking into the fire from behind it.

Submitted by: Marika

Camping With an Entity

One night when we were sleeping in a tent on the abandoned upper cabin road, we felt a dark presence and heard 2 heavy feet walking on the gravel past our tent. It was obvious to us that the sound was not made by an animal but by a bipedal entity.

Submitted by: Jake

Betty and Barney Hill Abduction Site

This is the site of the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill. Roswell, NM gets all the UFO action but this is where all the common tropes of abduction originated. On September 19th, 1961, Betty and Barney Hill were returning to their home in Portsmouth, NH, from a trip to Canada when at around 10:30pm, The Hills witnessed what appeared to be a UFO. They pulled off the road at a picnic area to watch but took off in a panic when the craft seemed to approach their car. A short chase ensued and their recollections become hazy here. When they regain control of their consciousness, the couple discovered that they had driven 35 miles but had hardly any recollection of what had happened. Through hypnosis, both reported that they had become mesmerized by the operators of the craft, were compelled to pull off the road and get out of their car where they were taken aboard the craft. Both reported that they were experimented upon, shown star maps believed to be the origins of these EBEs, and were returned to their car. Since then, locals to Lincoln, New Hampshire have built memorials to the abduction. The restrooms, of all place, of the Irving Express off exit 33 on I93 features an elaborate mural dedicated to the abduction and the state of New Hampshire placed a sign commemorating the event along the route as well.

Submitted by: Frater Pera

High Weirdness in Abbott

1) mysterious lights in the creek bottom just west of us - which we investigated as possible deer poachers hunting illegally - but found no signs of trespassers - and a couple of times it seemed like the lights were directed at the side of the house 2) moving "dots" of light in the sky 3) dark orbs or figures floating above the trees4) unusual sounds which were very localized (sounded like they were being made by something at that spot) 5) on one occasion when we experienced the lights/sounds and went to investigate and were gone for at least 30-45 minutes upon returning our clocks in the house showed only a few minutes has elapsed6) on another occasion one member of the household described that as he walked through the house the light followed him from window to window and then back the opposite direction even though the blinds were all closed so there was no open windows to see him through.

Submitted by: J.K. Willis

The Paranormal is Everywhere

I live in the University District of Seattle. Since 2016, I have witnessed paranormal words, numbers and images--primarily on surfaces in my home, on my body, and most spectacularly in the clouds. My kitchen backsplash especially functions like a continually-changing portal of some kind. With the right filter on my camera phone, the images went from a subliminal hint to outright visible proof. The spirit world is real, and I am seeing it to this day.

Submitted by: Rosie Cross

Creeperific Hot Dog Room

I was walking past this place with window display of hotdog related stuff. Hotdog t-shirt, vintage hotdog carrier, some printed out article about the oldest hotdog stand in Philly, hotdog posters. I love hotdogs so of course I stopped to look. The door and the curtain was closed and there was no open/close or a store hour sign. As a matter of fact, I couldn't even tell if it was a store. I thought it could've been a gallery but there was no sign indicating the name of the place. I'm standing close to the door taking pictures and of the displays and when I looked at the door again, the curtain was now half open and I could see a middle aged man sitting on a rolling chair wearing nothing but his boxers, watching me. I couldn't see his face because the curtain was only partially open and I got the hell out of there. Came home and searched the address but still can't find out anything about the place. Submitted by hotdog69

Submitted by: hotdog69

Secrets of the VA

Elevator accidentally took me to the restricted sub-basement floor of the VA. They definitely have a demogorgon down there. I managed to get out alive.

Submitted by: G

UFO Watcher

My daughter, aged 29 at the time, and I work third shift in a neighboring city. We were headed to work on HWY 221 which had recently started becoming a four lane highway. All of the sudden what appeared to be a large square window without a frame or anything holding it in the air lit up the night sky. A dark figure was staring out of it. It was visible barely for a second and I thought I had imagined the thing and kept quite until a couple of minutes later when my daughter mentioned it. She had seen it too.

Submitted by: Joyce

Ghostly Happenings

I have a medicine box on my shelf in my bedroom, and I'm very careful to keep it tucked all the way to the back of the wall so it doesn't fall over. However last night my roommate and I were talking about ghosts and spirits and the box just...fell off the shelf? All the way from the back, and it honestly it got sooooo cold in there even though we had turned off the air con off hours ago.

Submitted by: Mckay

Terror at Last Chance Range

I live right near the Last Chance Range, near Shadow Mountain. Weird, spooky stuff happens around the range all the time, but the most memorable experience for me was the time when I woke up very thirsty in the middle of the night, around 2am. As I went into my kitchen, I could see through my windows that it was unusually bright out....

Submitted by: Anonymous

Airport Time Slip

This is just something a little weird that happened to me at the airport. So i was waiting by the gate for them to start boarding us, at around 11 am they made the call saying that they were ready for us to start boarding, the usual, first people with need of help or with small children etc, since i am in zone 3 i figure i'll go take a piss in the washroom just in front of the gate, i don't even take 4 minutes to do my business and come out expecting people to start lining up, as i approach the gate i see absolutely no one waiting in line....

Submitted by: Ezequiel

Sunnyvale Smoke Being

Back in the early 80's a month or so after my grandma passed I was woke up in the middle of the night by a smoke being that “felt” like her. It disappeared when I try to hug “her”.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Unexpectedly Short Commute

I clocked out at work (actual time stamped card) and drove home. This drive was 45 min to 60 min depending on traffic. This day I got home saw the clock on the stove and got a very sick feeling to my stomach. I asked my adult daughter “what time is it”? She said the same time as on the stove clock. I paced around for a good hour freaking out. I should not have been there, it was only about 10 min since I left my work. No way physically could you get from one point to the other in less then 45 min

Submitted by: Lola

Disappearing Book

Wanting to finish the book I was reading, I stayed up until about 12:30am, placing the book on the night-table beside me. When we awoke the next morning to pack up for our drive to Memphis, I noticed the book was missing from where it sat not six hours prior. My partner and I turned the room upside down looking for it. It had not slipped behind the bed, under the bed, or gotten lost in the bedsheets. It had simply vanished....

Submitted by: J

Tahoe Tessie Sighting?

As we were coming back west bound Hwy 50 we just emerged from the cave rock tunnel and my wife made a comment "whats that?" looking towards the lake which was maybe 100' away, out about approx 50 yards was a shiny black cylindrical thing that was maybe 40' long it came out of the water in a sort of long twist and then emerged and then out again, no head or tail visible....

Submitted by: Tony

UFO and Lost Time

About 21:00 pm, me and a friend see a strange formation of 3 flying Bright lights making a triangle, not so far of us(aprox. size of a car, 20 meters of distance ). This during for a few seconds and faster go away, disappear on sky. After we see this lights, we notice a 10 minute of time lost. We still remember this day.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Floating Boob #2

I was looking up the above address in google maps on street view and I noticed in the sky what appeared to be the same floating object as the one in the Packard Sawmill "Boob" (, with both being timestamped in Aug 2008. Seems to be weird for just a coincidence.

Submitted by: Scoots Brodo

New Jersey Pine Barrens

Jersey Devil (a.k.a. the Leeds Devil) is a legendary creature said to inhabit the Pine Barrens of Southern New Jersey. The creature is often described as a flying biped with hooves, but there are many variations. The common description is that of a kangaroo-like or wyvern-like creature with a goat- or horse-like head, leathery bat-like wings, horns, small arms with clawed hands, cloven hooves and a forked tail. It has been reported to move quickly and is often described as emitting a high-pitched "blood-curdling scream."

Submitted by: Paradelphia

Voice in the Rain

As I was on the computer, I could hear the sound of rain starting to heavily fall outside. I got up from my chair and walked out to the hallway to look outside the hallway window. As I was looking outside, I could sense something by my right shoulder and a young male voice whispered “Turn off the light.” I can tell you I froze because no one was there. I have lived in this house since 1968 and about 30 years ago, there were some strange things going on – sounds of boots walking up the stairs when no one was there,. The smell of pipe tobacco when no one was in the room and a couple of appearances of a young boy. After the house was remodeled the strange occurrences stopped……… until last night. I can tell you that I slept with the lights on in my bedroom and I still get chills today just thinking about it.

Submitted by: Linda

The Bridgewater Triangle

Per submitter, "Legends of this region go back to times before Europeans settled here." This place has it all: UFOs, black helicopters, cattle mutilation, thunderbirds, cryptids, people experiencing missing time, giant snakes, ghosts, a troublesome being called Pukwudgie that matches a lot of European fairy lore. Beginning in the late 1980's, Freetown cops were alerted when locals were finding mutilated animals in the forests of the triangle. Reports say that they were killed in a "ritualistic" manner which honestly can mean anything at that point. This was happening in the middle of the Satanic Panic. Regardless, it was a LOT of dead animals ranging from the small (cats) to the large (cows). And this kept happening into the 90's. The perpetrators were never identified and locals assumed that a violent cult was at work in the area. In 2015, the Triangle upped the ante. Mutilated human bodies were found in the same forest in 2015. The corpses of two women were found stacked, both were missing body parts. The killer is still at large. There were mass UFO sightings in the 1970's. The classic triangle-shaped craft was spotted by locals in 1972 and there are even reports of crafts spotted as far as back as the mid-1700's. There are reports of a ghost trucker, a ghost hitchhikers, both which menace drivers on the roads in the Triangle at night. People have disappeared without a trace in the forest, there's a lake monster, Bigfoot sightings, giant birds. There's Dighton Rock, which has petroglyph carvings all over that no one can identify. The center of the activity seems to center on Hockamock swamp, which means Place of Spirits to the Wampanoag people, but three towns compose the points of a triangle where all sorts of crazy, weird, and sometimes menacing. The towns are Abington, Freetown, and Rehoboth.

Submitted by: Frater Pera

Mystery Cassette Tape

I ducked into the phone booth in front of the CU Building on 14th Street during a thunderstorm, and I found a CASSETTE TAPE!!!! The tape was in a paper sleeve that said, in big black letters: DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS TAPE This had to have been left by time travelers, because: 1. Phone booth, always known to be a time traveler hot spot 2. A cassette tape? This was in like 2007, so it had to have either been from the past, or from the future when cassettes got retro-cool again. What was on the tape? I have no idea, I was not about to risk whatever sort of mummy-style curse that might come about from disobeying VERY CLEAR instructions. So I kept it with my other tapes for save keeping. I eventually had it in a storage unit. Now this is where it gets weird: all of my tapes vanished from the storage unit. Totally disappeared. I’m guessing someone came to retrieve the tape, and just took them all to make sure they got the right one.

Submitted by: Morgan

Ghosts of Paine Hall

When I was a Girl Scout in the early 2000's my parents sent me to camp at Silver Bay YMCA camp. I went with girls from my troop and when we arrived we found out the camp was run out of an old Victorian building called "Paine Hall." It was very spooky looking but we didn't really pay any mind. We had unsuccessfully fought for a spot in the big master bedroom with a private bathroom but lost out to another group of girls. We were lucky lol. After the first night the girls who slept in the room under the master room confronted the group of girls sleeping in it for making noise and rocking the chair all night, the girls upstairs claimed they had all been asleep. Later that afternoon my friends and I were in the library in the hotel on the grounds, we found a book about ghosts in the adirondacks (I googled it i believe it was Haunted Warren COunty by David Pitkin) we open the book and skim through and come across a section on Paine Hall at Silver Bay. Needless to say we FREAKED, told everyone to the point that the camp library pulled the book from the shelves for the remainder of our camp session so we couldnt freak ourselves out more. Here's the weird thing though. None of the camp counselors tried to tell us it was fake, at all. They just told us not to worry about it and that they'd explain more at the end of the session but didn't want to frighten some of the younger and more timid girls. In the remainder of the week I went to the bathroom and brought my friend (as we were now in a veritably haunted mansion lol) as I went to wash my hands we heard one of the girls from upstairs come down, there was a big staircase at the entrance of the bathroom downstairs, you could distinctly here the footsteps come down so clearly my friend Hannah literally said "whos coming down here so late" but then we heard the footsteps get to the bottom of the stairs, right in front of us. No one was there. At all. We RAN back to our room. The girls in the master room eventually asked to use another room as when they'd shower the faucet would turn on then the shower would turn off when they left to turn of the sink (and so on back and forth) on top of the noises they kept hearing and their downstairs neighbors. The counselors who took over the room admitted at the end of the session the same thing happened to them too. We convinced the counselors to let us into the spooky cellar on the last day, my friend had a camera and took a bunch of pictures, when we came outside we found a photo with a distinct face in the corner, when we went to turn the camera on and show it to another group of girls that photo was gone. Totally gone, all the other photos still there. Which I'd be more inclined to believe we had been mistaken if not for when the counselors told their stories before we left... they showed us a photo (I'd love to track down the former director of the program as she likely would still have the physical copy she showed us) apparently one night they had been trying to convince one of the other counselors who hadn't experienced anything yet the house was haunted, they showed us a photo where you can see their reflection in the window of the rotunda standing behind a guardrail where the floor is raised (if you google a photo of Paine Hall you can see photos for reference) nothing there. Then they showed us the second photo. I'll start by saying the woman claims she printed it out immediately upon seeing it and its good luck she did, as that photo ALSO went missing once she reopened it later. Since she printed it we were able to see what is clearly a large black person shaped mass IN FRONT of the window and their reflections. Also the camp director said she awoke in the middle of the night to the feeling of her dog on sitting on her feet, when she realized she was not home, she was at camp, with no dog and no one in the room but she could feel some one sitting on her bed. She slept upstairs with the teenage counselors she was so spooked. I'm sure there's tons of more stories from our session I just don't know. It was one of the greatest and scariest experiences of my life. I've read other peoples similar experiences online and I wonder if I had been in the same camp session as them.

Submitted by: Nina

Tree Door/Portal

A door in a tree, didn't try and open it or knock, the resident probably gets enough humans bothering them. It could also be a portal.

Submitted by: Corporal Tofulung

Turnpike UFOs

The Carteret Sighting: one of the most credible UFO sightings in recent memory. Ever seen a UFO or other odd flying object? Add it to the map!

Submitted by: Anonymous

White Lady's Castle

Home of the White Lady of Rochester.Ever seen the White Lady? Add it to the map!

Submitted by: Anonymous


Home of the original weird government time travel experiments. Ever experience anything weird at Montauk? Add it to the map!

Submitted by: Anonymous

"Champ," The Monster of Lake Champlain

Submitted by: Anonymous

Amityville House

Home of the Amityville HorrorHad any spooky encounters here? Add them to the map!

Submitted by: Anonymous

UFO Sighting on the Bus

Por volta das 7:32 am, saindo do trabalho para casa, peguei o ônibus que ao se deslocar por um 600mts, percebi de canto de olho um objeto que pairava a uns 70mts de altura; de formato oval e de cor branca com uma haste amarela na parte de cima, que lembrava uma antena. Fiquei observando por uns 25 segundos, até o ônibus virar na rotunda e lá já não havia mais nada. [Translation by Google Translate: At about 7:32 am, leaving work from home, I took the bus that when traveling for a 600mts, I noticed from an eye an object that hovered about 70mts in height; It was oval in shape and white in color with a yellow rod on top that resembled an antenna. I watched for about 25 seconds until the bus turned at the roundabout and there was nothing left.]

Submitted by: Santos

Classic UFO Sighting

Classic UFO sighting (metallic and round / colorful lights in the night). Objects stay put in the air for many minutes and disappear suddenly. Single or multiple objects at once.

Submitted by: Marco

Colorful Lights

Varias luzes coloridas e brilhantes no céu noturno muito fortes, tão fortes e brilhantes que acordou toda a vila assustando e ao mesmo tempo encantando ( pelo menos a mim que era criança na época) a todos que mesmo estando muito tarde a noite virou dia de tão claro que ficou, e elas mudavam de cor cintilando entre azul, vermelho, amarelo, branca… Me lembro de ter ficado por muito tempo olhando da porta de casa com meu pais e irmãos simplesmente fascinados com todas aquelas cores, brilhos e a forma como aquelas bolas dançavam no céu. Tambem me lembro de olhar para as casas dos meu vizinhos e ver todos espantados na porta apontando para o céu. Foi um acontecimento simplesmente fascinante. [Translation by Google Translate: Several bright and colorful lights in the night sky so bright, so bright and so bright that it woke up the whole village startling and at the same time enchanting (at least to me who was a child at the time) to all that even though it was very late at night of course it was, and they changed color gleaming between blue, red, yellow, white … I remember spending a long time looking out the door with my parents and siblings simply fascinated by all those colors, sparkles and the way those balls danced in the sky. I also remember looking at my neighbors’ houses and seeing everyone amazed at the door pointing to the sky. It was a simply fascinating event.]

Submitted by: Nino

Cacophony in the Sky

Por volta do meio dia (acho que de uma segunda feira ) o céu estava limpo sem nenhuma nuvem e o sol estava muito forte, eu estava na rua brincando com outra crianças minha mãe estava sentada em baixo de um dendêzeiro conversando com outras pessoas todos distraídos descansando depois do almoço. Foi quando do nada um grande estrondo no céu que estremeceu a terra e durou algo em torno de 2 a 3 segundos mas muito forte( lembro-me de ver as pessoas se abaicharem com as mãos nos ouvidos e dos gritos de pânico das mulheres que estavam ali, pessoas correram sem rumo, se jogaram no chão. Pois realmente tudo estremeceu, galhos de arvores foram quebrados sem explicação. Em seguida um grande clarão como um raio X ofuscou todo mundo assim como o estrondo anterior essa luz ficou no ar por uns 2 segundos, tão forte que eu olhei pras pessoas e ví os ossos como em um raio X foi quando eu tampei os olhos com as mãos e ouvi minha mãe me chamar com uma voz de desespero. Depois disso tudo ficou calmo mas as pessoas se perguntavam o que teria acontecido, não havia nuvens no céu o que descartou raios e trovões além da duração e potência de cada evento. [Translation from Google Translate: Around noon (I think from a monday) the sky was clear with no cloud and the sun was very strong, I was on the street playing with other children my mother was sitting under a palm tree talking to other people all distracted Resting after lunch. It was when out of nowhere a great crash in the sky that shook the earth and lasted for about 2 to 3 seconds but very loud (I remember watching people bump their hands to their ears and the panic screams of the women who were there people ran aimlessly, threw themselves to the ground, for everything really shuddered, tree branches were broken without explanation. Then a big flash like an x-ray dazzled everyone just as the previous crash that light stayed in the air for about 2 seconds, so strong that I looked at people and saw the bones as in an x-ray was when I covered my eyes with hands and I heard my mother call me with a voice of despair. After that everything was calm but people wondered what would have happened, there were no clouds in the sky which discarded lightning and thunder beyond the duration and power of each event.]

Submitted by: Nino

Black Sphere

Driving along GA Hwy 49 one afternoon in 2014, I saw a black sphere high up in the sky. I first thought that it was a balloon, but it remained stationary, and was fairly large since I could see it clearly even though it was so high up. I kept glancing at it while driving along, and when I finally managed to get my phone set up for camera and took a photo, it had completely disappeared.

Submitted by: James

Huge "V"

Between 11:00 pm -12:00pm i was leaning against door frame smoking a cigarette in my studio apt. (Former garage) when from the corner of my eye movement in the sky caught my attention as i looked up in that direction i seen a V shaped craft silently glide directly over head no more than 300 ' above blocking out stars as it past it had no lights no sound it was blacker than the night sky i could only make out the outline V shape one wing seemed to be about 2 highschool buses side by side wide and 2 buses bumper to bumper in length so a total of 4 buses for one wing so take 8 buses parked in a V shape and thats how big it appeared.

Submitted by: Rick

Ashland Wisp

For the summer solstice, a friend invited us along for her midsummer ritual of swimming in the fairy pools above Lithia park. After a carefree day my roommate and I returned home just before twilight. From our balcony, we both watched a small floating object that moved steadily from east to west across the apartment's parking lot, passing ten or twelve feet from us. It slowly tumbled and changed shape as it floated by. Pink and luminous—was it just catching the light of the setting sun? It seemed like a cobweb or a cloud, but not clearly enough to say for certain what it was.

Submitted by: Old Cedar

Classic Flying Saucer

I was gazing out of a window in my home with my sibling when something caught our eye. Directly in our line of sight was a UFO. A classic flying saucer. It had a rotating light that quickly orbited the craft twice, before it glided away (as if on an invisible surface or following a hidden path). Its manoeuvres were incredibly fast and strange but precise and seemingly effortless. It was gone in an instant. Whole thing must have lasted less than 10 seconds.

Submitted by: Preece

Possible UFO

At about 8.15am I was headed westbound on Highway 84, out of Livermore and toward Sunol. Traffic was slow, so I took some time to scan the sky and saw (roughly 40 degrees to my left and easily 50 to 60 degrees inclination) a small white ovoid object traveling roughly north to south. It kept a steady speed and steady heading. At first, I dismissed it as an aircraft at a great altitude and at an angle that obscured the wings. And, being the Bay Area, it's possible it could be a conventional aircraft.However, if it was the size of a conventional aircraft, it would have to have been exceptionally high. It honestly looked like a tic-tac. And if it was reflecting the rising sun, it was doing so in a very consistent manner. There was no glare or flash from the sun directed at me from the object. It was clear and there was no blur from motion. There was no sign of a contrail either. Other identifiable conventional jets I observed that day had short contrails.

Submitted by: Taylor

Carlisle Lake Trapezoid

Gray trapezoid about 30 ft wide with black markings hovering about 30 ft in air no lights moved west to east like it was on a rail at about 10 mph then it was just gone... Disappeared.

Submitted by: Non-believer

St. James Hotel and Abandoned County Jail

I'm not a big believer, but my sister wanted to check out the St. James after she saw it on frickin Ghost Adventures. I went along with her and a group of amateur “ghost hunters” because it was her birthday.I started feeling really uneasy as we went up the stairs to our room. Out of breath and nervous, but I chalked it up to the 4-hour car ride and too much caffeine.The feeling persisted, and one friend in our group mentioned feeling the same way. Eventually I ate dinner, had a couple drinks and relaxed into our “ghost hunt.” (The food at the St James is quite good, btw.)The night security guard gave us the keys to the abandoned county jail just up the street. (!!!) A group of us trekked up the road in the dark as it began to snow lightly. The jail was just a small stone hut with perhaps 8 cells lined up down a short hall. It looked about like you'd expect. Pitch dark, silent, spiderwebs everywhere.We went into a cell with the other ghost hunters and the leader asked us to close the door and just be silent for a few. I sat down on a metal bench in the cell to make room for everyone.As we sat there, I began to feel a creeping sadness. I kind of just ignored it ... but then I really started to feel it. It was just an awful, pure sadness. No anger, no anxiety, just a horrible “I miss my mom” kind of sadness.I started to cry. I realized how crazy I would look - and that it would send the ghost hunt people into a frenzy- so I kept silent and tried not to sob. After maybe 10 minutes in the cell with people occasionally asking questions to, uh, whatever and looking at their lil electromagnetic thingies, we went to another cell.I didn't say anything about it to anyone, not even my sister. We finally went back to the hotel. I was quite shaken up. It started snowing harder as we walked.I didn't mention it to anyone until we got home the next day. I still don't know what to make of it.

Submitted by: K

Enormous Deer and More

Wife and I was finishing our routine walk in the park and along edge of the trail approximately 25ft away from where we stood was a deer that was larger than any deer I have ever seen. I thought it was unusual because it was a white tail deer whose head was about 7 ft tail. Taller than any horse I have seen. It was very calm and did not seem to mind our presence but I felt fearful and clapped my hands to shoo it away. I researched out of curiosity and found out white tail deer are a lot shorter than 7 ft. Park rangers thought it might have been a genetic mutation. I've also seen ufos in that park and there is a legend that a ghost child also haunts that park and can sometimes be heard crying, I will never forget it either of my sighting.

Submitted by: A. Taylor

Pocono Bigfoot

Approximately back in 1998 while doing some local fishing in a man made pond we discovered a huge imprint in a muddied part of the terrain. It was a huge footprint pressed deep in the slightly hilly area. I came back twos later with some casting material and poured it into the impression. It was a lone print because the terrain very very rocky and dense. Having poured the material and after hardening I discovered I had some strange 3 toed foot print casted forever in plaster of paris. There is one very large big toe and two other pointed toes. I had watched the Patterson-Gimlin video and believed it to be some form of bigfoot being that the foot was 16 1/2" long and 6 1/2" wide. I then contacted a "Bigfoot organization who informed me that about 100 miles away there had been numerous sightings over the years and recordings of a strange creature screaming at night, It was not until 10 years later that we purchased a 3 acre property and for at least two years, when I walked outside at night I could feel like I was being watched. One night or early morning while it was still dark I heard the weirdest crying out back in the woods. It was not until two years later I realized it had been the birth of a baby bigfoot crying out. It was during this period of time I felt that who was watching me must have been a Sasquatch and proceeded to leave out food that was gone everyday when i checked the next morning. I had wired it up in a tree well beyond the reach of any know animal in my area which I knew had bears. Whatever I hug up on this tree was always gone by the next morning and feel it is definitely Bigfoot of which I have photographs of their foot prints in the snow. The foot print I casted was in Pocono Summit but the property we purchased was about 10 miles south as the crow flies.

Submitted by: Spiritwolf

Ohio UFO

Picked my mom up from the bowling alley. We were driving down this road and I had recently been watching UFO videos so I had the habit of always looking up. I noticed this bright orange orb that seemed close but was also floating up and down and moving in odd directions. Pointed it out to my mom and she said it was a helicopter. We pulled over and rolled down the windows but there was no noise. The orb kept moving like it did then it started moving about 3 times quicker away from us towards the local airport. Glad my mom was with me because now she totally believes. My mom also took a picture but shes never been good with cameras and this phone she had for over a year still had its plastic film over the camera so the picture didnt look like the real thing...thanks mom.

Submitted by: L-Dog

Crosswalk Crow

A Crow walked across the crosswalk.

Submitted by: Jennifer R.

A Ghost in Venice

In the spring of 2001 when I was traveling with family in Italy, I had an experience with what I thought was a spirit/ghost. We were staying in an old hotel in Venice and I had just lied down to go to sleep and after pulling the covers over myself I felt a cold breeze on my cheek and she whispered my name in my ear. It was like breath on my face and it was ice cold. I froze I was so scared. It was dark and I did not see anything, but I most definitely felt a breeze and heard the voice. I have not had any similar experiences since, but I'll never forget it.

Submitted by: Caren

Vortex in Braunschweiger Dom

In the Cathedral of Braunschweig you can find a really strong power place straight in front of the adyton; it is even marked as a circular pattern in the floor tiles.

Submitted by: Tyger

Graveyard Surprise

My friend and I were up in Hannibal, MO interviewing woman for our paranormal podcast. We were told that the Old Baptist Cemetery in that town was EXTREMELY active. Naturally, we decided to explore it with dowsing rods after the interview. This was at about 9:00 at night in mid December. The wind was blowing with tremendous force. As we started walking, the rods started pointing against the wind. No matter what direction we turned, they kept pointing up to a hill top in the cemetery. My friend started to get scared, but we kept going. I told her once we got to the top of the hill, we'd go back to the car and leave. As we got to the top, we saw a large spire grave stone that had fallen on its side. The rods pointed us to the stone. The wind was gusting EXTREMELY hard at this point. My friend shined her flashlight on the stone...and it had her name on it.

Submitted by: Adam S.

Paranormal Activity

We had paranormal activity at this house that started within a week of moving in. The garage door opened in the early morning hours which would wake us up. Then our dog would stand at the end of our bed and bark viciously at nothing. I had occurrences of being pinched on my leg while laying in bed, could feel an entity watching me, the door slamming closed, the window slamming closed, being held down in my bed, my husband being scratched in the middle of the night, my husband was punched on his back in the middle of the night, my son stated that his toys were being moved in his room, and many people reported seeing a shadow man throughout the house. We felt 2 entities. An old man that frequently sat in the formal living room, and a dark malevolent entity that tormented everyone (especially the master bedroom) I didn't sleep well, and when I did I had nightmares about spirit encounters. I had a premonition that I thought was about a car accident involving my husband, but was actually myself. I am friends with Kiki, and she came to the house and felt that the land was haunted. We saged a lot and placed salt and quartz stones on the property. The activity decreased, but I was ecstatic to move out.

Submitted by: Kelly R.

Amy Winehouse Ghost

Ghost looked a little like Amy Winehouse

Submitted by: felicity

UFOs Over the Gulf

I am only submitting this statement of a suspected UFO (multiple) activity off in the distance in the skys where I consider over the Gulf of Mexico. I saw this activity while sitting on my rear porch at about 9 / 10 pm. I live on a 40 acre plot with my house in the middle of a field with wood and bayou on the so. side of my property. There is a small town (Kaplan, La.) about 8 miles south toward the gulf. The gulf is about 25 miles south to the gulf. Very little light is cast on the night from Kaplan...….I saw a group of appeared to be 8 to 10 very fast moving lighted moble vehicles in a fairly tight battle with each other chasing and maneuvering away and toward each other. It was visibly hard to tell if there were munitions or other weaponry used. They were very fast in their maneuvering in circular loop type retaliation or aggressiveness toward each other. It was a cool night for a change here in so. la. so just watched the show for a while and then asked my wife to come, you have got to see this. We watched for another about 5 minutes then they dispersed quickly and disappeared......I do regret not noting the date and exact time . I don't think I ever mentioned it to any one because their reply would have been, "Yeah right" I have been bothered by seeing this and looked for anything in the media about. I never saw or heard anything. I am now only putting this out to your site because the U.S. Navy has recently declared some sightings by some pilots have beeny truly delared UFO s. The objects we saw did not look like the big oblong figures I saw put out on recent TV news. What we swa appeared to be deep in space but if we could see that with the naked eye it coud not have been very deep. I am a semi-retired oilfield equipment merchant and my wife is a (33 yr.) retired school teacher. I had no way to get night.

Submitted by: Carroll H.

Forest Figure

When I was little my friends and I went through a small phase of exploring a little area in the forest that was hidden from the path and perfect for skipping stones on the river. One day we were there, we weren't doing anything different from normal, talking, joking, skipping stones, so on, when all of a sudden all of us started growing increasingly paranoid and anxious. It got to a point where I didn't want to have my back to the forest, so I let them continue skipping stones and instead chose to sit on a nearby log and act as look out. A few minutes passed and the feeling didn't go away, in fact the temperature started to change, and we all started getting colder. One of the boys joined me as look out, and noticed a strange figure in the woods, I was able to catch a glimpse, and noticed that the figure was very blurry and was more of a silhouette then an actual person. This was when we all heard a loud SNAP from in front of us in the woods, and turned to see an equally shadowy figure in the shape of a large dog. The figures were both too close for it have to been distance making them blurry and the time of day was wrong for them to have been silhouetted. My friends and I all ran as fast as we could out of there, and heard a dog barking after us. To this day I've never returned.

Submitted by: Poe

Haunted Cabin at Camp Celtic

I used to attend Camp Celtic as a child in their summer camp program, and later attended as an LIT (Leader In Training). I'm a transgender man (assigned female at birth) and when I was little I remember hearing from some other campers from the girl's cabins that one of such cabins is haunted, at least two girls said they woke up and saw another girl not from their cabin standing facing the wall, one of them asked if she was ok, to which the girl turned around, faced her, and disappeared. None of the male staff believed them, but they were all freaked out. They ended up making a rhyme about it for their roll call, and i think one of the girls ended up sleeping in our cabin for a night because she couldn't sleep after. My family moved away a year or two later, and it wasn't until about 7 or 8 years that I would be able to return as an LIT. I had almost completely forgotten about that incident until during my week there again, the same exact thing happened. I was able to confirm to my friends and cabin mates that the cabin is in fact haunted, and found out that the entire female staff all already believed it because they had had so many sightings over the years. They even kept the rhyme! That week for the last night the entire cabin decided to camp out in the soccer field, and instead convinced one of the boy's cabins to stay in there instead, I don't remember for sure if the boys had changed their minds about the ghost after, but I'm pretty sure at least one of them saw her.

Submitted by: Poe

"A thin, long, grey arm..."

Moro em frente a um parque ecológico com cerca de 100 metros quadrados, por vezes neste ano, eu e outros dois amigos ouvimos barulhos, não o habitual pois sempre entramos mata dentro e os animais locais são só aves, todos os dias, quando saio a noite, podemos ouvir barulhos pesados dentro da mata ( cogitamos ser uma pessoa, mas a coisa se meche muito rápido onde não há trilhas, por vezes subindo em arvores e etc). após sairmos um dia eu e outros amigos as 2 da manha, fomos seguidos de dentro e a coisa acabou parando rente a frente da minha casa, e desde então os barulhos ficam mais proximos. O que foi avistado até agora foram: galhos e arvores balançando, grunhidos na madrugada, sons de algo comendo carne e quebrando ossos com um forte cheiro de podre, e um braço fino, longo e cinza segurando uma árvore. (descarta-se ser um animal pequeno pois o peso dos passos sugere algo maior, e o barulho entre uma passada e outra é demorado diferente a um cachorro ou gambá, e descarta-se uma pessoa pois se locomove muito rápido a noite em mata fechada, por vezes balançando em árvores.) (Translation via Google Translate: I live in front of an ecological park with about 100 square meters, sometimes this year, me and two other friends hear noises, not usual because we always go inside kills and the local animals are just birds every day when I go out At night we can hear heavy noises inside the woods (we are thinking of being a person, but the thing moves very fast where there are no trails, sometimes climbing trees and etc). After leaving one day with me and other friends at 2 am, we were followed from inside and the thing ended up stopping right in front of my house, and since then the noises get closer. What has been seen so far are: twigs and swaying trees, grunts at dawn, sounds of something eating meat and breaking bones with a strong rotten smell, and a thin, long gray arm holding a tree. (discards being a small animal because the weight of the footsteps suggests something bigger, and the noise between strides takes a different time than a dog or skunk, and discards a person because it moves so fast at night in closed woods sometimes swinging on trees.))

Submitted by: Jose Felipe

Mysterious Premonition

My partner’s mom called us shortly after this event because she was so spooked. (We’re pretty sure she wouldn’t mind us sharing as she’s very open about her potential psychic abilities.) Here’s what went down: according to my partner’s mom, this night, she was overcome by the urge to text her boss to ask how her boss was. In an almost fugue state, she sent a text to her boss asking, “Are you okay?” The boss responded that their father-in-law had passed away just a few minutes before mom’s text came through. They were both v shocked by mom’s premonition that her boss might be needing support at that exact moment. That’s all that happened, but we thought it was pretty preternatural!

Submitted by: Erika

The Ghost of the Shop

The "Shop Ecclectic" moved into an older historic building in Marion, NC as a means to support a local paranormal team, but they had no idea the place had such a weird history. While it is owned by a paranormal team, the first time I went to an event being held here (The event was a talk about past lives and stuff), my husband kept feeling very dizzy in one of the shop rooms. He kept turning around and looking and at one point yelled "quit touching me" and turned to see no-one there. Later, we talked to the shop owner, who said the place was an old doctor's office and the extension to a boarding home at one point. The owner said she didn't notice anything the first couple months the shop was opened, but soon her daughter and a shop employee kept talking about a shadowy woman that stood in the corner in one of the rooms. This shadowy woman is the same person my husband kept thinking he saw. She's dressed in period clothing from the late 1800's/early 1900's and is a large woman. Since we live in such a rural area, we made friends with the shop owner and asked if we could rent an office from her since her internet speeds are reliable. Staying after-hours at this place is creepy. We'll be recording our podcast or working in the back office and it sounds like someone's ripping the front door of the store open. I'll rip my headphones off and run to the front only to find nothing disturbed. We'll be working very late at night when all the other businesses don't have any employees in the building (all shops in this building close at 6pm) and we'll hear children's footsteps running down hallways. I'll come into the shop and work in my office for only a couple of hours and it feels like I've worked ALL DAY. I feel drained and fatigued. We've had people tell us that the shop makes them feel uneasy or sick. A lot like my husband felt the first night. Sometimes the shop owner opens the shop and finds all the doors in the back offices open.

Submitted by: CreepGeeks Podcast

Mystery Dirt Meteorite

Mystery Dirt Meteorite. A seven inch cube of compacted dirt appeared in my back yard today, with no explanation as to where it came from. There's no evidence of it being thrown over the rather high fence into our yard from next door. No evidence of anyone entering our gated back yard. There doesn't seem to be any sign of impact, so however it got there, it didn't drop far. Some pieces have broken off and are strewn a half foot or so to one side. Also, the dirt cube seems split, as if it were slabs, or perhaps the cube split sideways on impact? The dirt seems to be potting soil, and there looks to be thin roots all through it. It was raining most of the day today, but the dirt meteorite is partly dry in places. I realize this isn't on par with Mothman or anything, but, seriously: wtACTUALf?? See the amazing video...

Submitted by: Claxton K

Haunted Observation Post

In summer I went on a visit to the old American Airbase in Upper Heyford. It was designed to be a launch site for air-craft delivered nuclear weapons, and we even got to see where they used to store the payload. The nearest structure to the payload pen was Whiskey 13, an observation post with a haunted past. Our guide told us, after some persuading from his wife, the story of a rookie stationed at the perimeter of the base, in W-13. A young woman from the local village, riding a white horse, came up to the squat tower. From her elevated position on the horse she started to talk with him. The were friendly to each other, and when the Airman mentioned some upcoming leave she invited him to tea with her family.The day came, and he went down the lane to their farmhouse. An older woman answered the door, who bore a resemblance to the rider. when the airman asked after the girl he learnt that this was the girls mother. The girls ageing mother stated that she had died falling from her horse two years earlier. He returned to his post the next night, and with his last check-in he claimed he saw her again. She was coming to him. After he failed to respond to his next scheduled check, a unit was sent out. They found him dead. A slightly less supernatural telling of the story says that there was no woman or horse. There was, however, a young American far away from home. In truth he did die at his post, but it was by his own hand and his own rifle. In either case, the security guards who kept an eye on the site after the Americans left in 1993, have reported glitches in the old analogue telephones. Nocturnal animals and decay sometimes caused faults. The light on the incoming line from Whiskey 13 sometimes flickers, but nobody dares pick up.

Submitted by: Khoops

Possible Fairy Visitation

This is a story I share frequently, since it put me onto a path of being very interested in faeries, cryptids, and the supernatural in general. In middle school and high school I started to become increasingly interested in paganism, witchcraft, mythology, and magic. I started to read books on the subjects, and discovered faerie folklore. I lived in a rural area of the town I grew up in, just down the road from acres of forest and orchards. I honestly think there is a curious feeling to the wooded areas of Connecticut, but this area in particular has always felt a little different to me, kind of like the woods watch you back. As it was summer break, I was enjoying adventures hiking through the woods, diving into swimming holes, or getting into trouble with my friends. I was also reading a lot and particularly intrigued by stories nature spirits and faeries. Having read that it was respectful to leave them gifts of honey and cream, I decided to them them gifts around our house and yard. I left small dishes of honey, cream, and cake in our backyard as an offering to the land, perhaps hoping that if there was any truth to the tales, that faeries would reveal themselves or at the very least decide to spend a little time at our humble home. One night they let me know they were there. It was a warm July night, and I had my window open to let the cool breeze circulate my room. I recall sleeping well but then being suddenly stirred out of slumber by the most peculiar feeling: something was tickling my feet. I could feel small fingers on the soles of my feet and ankles. I simply shifted my body in response to this, kicking my feet in an attempt to make it stop. I also grumbled. When this happened I heard giggling! I couldn't believe it. It was a chorus of tiny, sweet, and innocent laughter. The sound is recorded clearly in my mind - even after all this time it doesn't leave me. This got my attention and I shot up in bed, only to find myself alone, with only the sound of the insects chirping outside my window. Even though I do share the story often, I sometimes still feel a little silly or embarrassed to do so, since it is so out of the ordinary. But I suppose it is interesting that it would occur after I decided to show my respect and interest in the Fae. I also enjoy that this encounter happened in rural Connecticut, a place that perhaps would not top the list people would associate with faeries. I think Connecticut has many secrets and places where one could suggest that the "veil is thin." Perhaps on this evening, in between wake and sleep, I just was able to wander into some Otherworldly experience.

Submitted by: Kiki D.

Uneasy Feeling

I am not sure if anyone else has experienced this in Nashville, but every now and then I will notice an uneasy and heavy feeling on certain nights, like something large looms in the sky overhead. I remember one night in February when this happened - it was about 9:30 or 10 at night and I was out in my front yard with my dog. The darkness of the night was unordinary - there were no stars in the sky and it the sky had more of a dark grey color than black. I had this uneasy feeling that something was watching me and my dog, and though I couldn't tell where I was being observed from, it felt very much like there were eyes on us. It was dead quiet, no cars passed through our neighborhood, no dogs barked from nearby yards, and no planes flew overhead. My dog even picked up on this uncomfortable and odd feeling - she was quick to turn around and go back indoors. It felt so peculiar I asked my boyfriend to come outside and observe it - and he agreed, observing that it felt like "we were in a contained space, with a ceiling above us."

Submitted by: Kiki D.

Astral Travel Experience

Between 1994 and 1996, every dream I had in my old family home was finished with a coda where I phased from the wall above the chimney breast of the bricked up fireplace in my bedroom. I was levitated six feet above the floor, on able to move my head. After a sharp right angle I would be released and dropped above my bed. The reality of the experience was often proven as I would find myself lying on top of a made bed, rather than under the duvet where I had been when I fell asleep.

Submitted by: Duncan

Smoke Monster

I was walking around at night after a day of feeling lonely and blue. I crossed the Gilman playground as I’ve done thousands of times before. When I was passing the tennis court, a sudden, very strong smell of tobacco surprised me, since I thought the park was empty. It smelled like someone was literally blowing smoke directly at my face. I looked around, very confused, and could see nobody: not in the baseball field, dug out, tennis court, etc. I was about to continue walking when I heard a noise behind me, when I turned around, I could clearly see the figure of a person, but it was made out of smoke. It was like somehow the smoke of cigarettes had gravitated to that one place in the air and stayed there, making a ghost visible. It didn’t have a face or anything, but it felt like that thing was staring at me and I couldn’t help but stare back. It felt like an eternity, but when it disappeared I check the time and it had been like two minutes. Pretty spooky.

Submitted by: Whisper

The Mithraeum

A third-century temple to the secret god Mithras lies under the headquarters of Bloomberg L.P. At the altar of every Mithraeum is a frieze of Mithras letting the blood from the neck of captured bull. He is one of three blood letters, with a snake and a dog taking another third each. In 1996 Bloomberg acquired a 30% share in Merrill Lynch, whose corporate logo is a bull....

Submitted by: Outreacher

100 year Old house in Bend Oregon

I lived in this house in 2009 and ran a small daycare. I fixed the place up and while my daughter was helping me paint she heard a little girls voice. She didn't tell me until years after when I told her the story of what happened to me in the "Riverside house." My story is that a young child's voice (a girl) would wake me in the night and ask me to play. I would respond out loud, awake, to this voice. I would say "tomorrow you can play with me ,and the kids, ok?" She would say ok. She never seemed angry, just sad. Many people have stories about the ghost in this house and the different ways they were contacted. Some people she didn't like.

Submitted by: Laura M.

Mysterious Green Cloud

I was living with two roommates in an apartment in the Galloway Building, above a store on Terminal Ave (The Old Island Highway). With its claw-foot bathtubs, wooden floors, and high ceilings, best estimates are that it's a 1920s building in the Heritage Registry. One night, I woke up suddenly. I had no idea why. I noticed a green cloud hovering above me near the ceiling. It seemed to be emitting some sort of light, because I could see its colour in the dark. As a child, I'd seen a green cloud-like presence in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan as well. The first time I remember seeing it, it looked as if it was beginning to form into the shape of a person. I ran away, terrified. Over the years, I would sometimes wake up to see it floating above my bed. I became less afraid of it over time as it would vanish as I woke up. I began to believe it was some kind of sleep hallucination. Even though I had other experiences over the years, I was leaning towards being more skeptical at this time. I don’t think I'd seen the green cloud in a while, as I remember being entranced by it, but still not taking it very seriously. I slowly realized that my girlfriend at the time—who had been sleeping beside me—had also woken up. She seemed distressed, like she had had a nightmare. I asked her what was wrong. “Don’t you see that green cloud?” she said. A shiver ran up and down my spine as I looked at the apparition. It hovered for several long moments before fading away, possibly moving through the wall. I’m sure I had never mentioned the cloud to her before. Her having identified it as green was especially surprising. I doubted we could both see the same thing if it was a sleep hallucination. I never saw the green cloud again. I recently wrote and published a collection of ghost stories called The Haunting of Vancouver Island and shared this story in the introduction. I now call myself a Skeptical believer. I know people have these experiences because I have. But just don't trust those who claim to know what they are. I sometimes wonder what the cloud’s intention was. Did it just want to be acknowledged as being real? Maybe that’s why I never saw it again. Or was it a separate entity—coincidentally green—attached to the old Galloway Building? I'll probably never know.

Submitted by: Shanon S.

The Varghina Case

Segundo relatos da mídia, O Caso Varginha, como ficou conhecida a história de uma criatura que foi avistada por três mulheres de 14 a 21 anos: as irmãs Liliane e Valquíria, e sua amiga Kátia. Elas alegadamente viram a criatura na tarde de 20 de janeiro de 1996: Um bípede de cerca de 1,6 metros de altura, com uma cabeça grande e corpo muito fino, com pés em forma de V, pele marrom e grandes olhos vermelhos. Parecia estar trêmula ou instável, e as garotas achavam que estava ferida ou doente. O fascínio da história, além desse contato imediato de terceiro grau, estava ligado a um fato defendido pela comunidade ufológica, que patrocinou uma romaria à cidade mineira. Segundo ela, o Exército brasileiro, a Polícia Militar e o Corpo de Bombeiros teriam capturado em 20 de janeiro de 1996 duas criaturas de outro planeta e as conduzido para análises em hospitais e necrópsia em Campinas (SP). Estas instituições, de acordo com os ufólogos, sonegavam, desde então, a divulgação desses fatos. [ENGLISH TRANSLATION VIA GOOGLE TRANSLATE: According to media reports, The Varginha Case, as it became known the story of a creature that was spotted by three women aged 14 to 21: the sisters Liliane and Valkyrie, and her friend Katia. They allegedly saw the creature on the afternoon of January 20, 1996: A biped about six feet tall, with a large head and very thin body, with V-shaped feet, brown skin and large red eyes. She looked shaky or unsteady, and the girls thought she was injured or sick. The fascination of history, beyond this immediate contact of the third degree, was linked to a fact defended by the UFO community, which sponsored a pilgrimage to the mining city. According to her, the Brazilian Army, the Military Police and the Fire Department reportedly captured two creatures from another planet on January 20, 1996 and conducted them for analysis in hospitals and necropsies in Campinas (SP). These institutions, according to the ufologists, have since evaded the disclosure of these facts.]

Submitted by: Dr. Joachim C.

Light Show

Light show by the mountain.

Submitted by: F3rnando

Big Hairy Animal

I was going home with my father, when a big hairy animal passed us, came out of the woods across the street over the fence and leaving it completely deformed.

Submitted by: F3rnandO

Lights in the Sky

Quando eu era mais novo, durante mito tempo via luzes estranhas no céu, poderiam falar que era satélite, ou outras coisas que normalmente vemos no céu, porem as luzes que eu via, se movimentavam em forma de zig zag e sempre bem rápidas. Depois que fiquei adulto me mudei e não tive mais notícias sobre essas luzes. [ENGLISH TRANSLATION VIA GOOGLE TRANSLATE: When I was younger, for a long time I saw strange lights in the sky, they could say it was satellite, or other things that we usually see in the sky, but the lights I saw, were moving in a zigzag and always very fast. After I became an adult I moved and had no news about these lights.]

Submitted by: Heitor B.

Helen's Bridge

Helen's Bridge is supposed to be a hotspot of paranormal activity and allegedly one of the most haunted places in Asheville, NC. We were taken here back in February, 2019. According to the legends/mythology, if you drive under the bridge slowly, or walk under, the ghost of a distraught mother who killed her child (or her child died in a fire) is supposed to appear. She's supposed to play tricks on people's cars or with people passing through under the bridge. While we were here, we didn't see a ghost, but our camera batteries drained. All of them, all at once. Being of a strong tech and logic-first mindset, we figured it was the cold, and this is why we carry spare batteries in our camera bags with a towel and a "Hot hands". We retrieved two batteries and tried to resume filming. These batteries died in under five minutes. Brand. New. Batteries. According to the friend that took us here, He's noticed that while he's never seen a ghost here, he does note that if more than one or two people show up, talking about the history and the weird activity makes weird things happen. Another weird thing we noticed was that the light in the area kept "Fading in and out" -well, that's the best way we can describe it. One moment it's bright, almost daylight and you can see the streetlights below. The next moment, everything is dim, with a pale green tone and fog creeping in. This happened the entire hour we were there, this bright and then dull pulsing of the ambient light in the area. While the temperature was cold, it was steady.

Submitted by: CreepGeeks Podcsast