I've always been a night owl, and I am also a strong believer in the benefits of walking around the block a little after dinner. I liked going on walks anyway, and since I live in a safe neighborhood, it's easy for me to romp around at any hour of the night.
On one walk around midnight, I reached an intersection, which I was already familiar with. As I approached the crossroads, which was usually well-lit, I saw it grow slightly darker as a large animal walked into view. I saw it was a large black dog, and I distinctly remember it staring straight at me. I'm not usually scared of dogs, but I have never felt the blood rush from my face as quickly in my life. I shined my flashlight on it, but when I did so, it was gone.
For a long time I dismissed this as an ordinary hallucination. Then, years later, I learned about black dogs at crossroads in other locations too. Although in the past I would have ignored this incident, in retrospect I may have had a brush with the supernatural.
Unbeknown to most, Seattle's bucolic Ingraham High School, home of the Fightin' Rams, is named after a figure from Seattle's history with a mysterious connection to local High Weirdness.
Maj. Edward Sturgis (E.S.) Ingraham (pictured) was the first Superintendent of Seattle Public Schools, the mountaineer founder of the local Alpine Club, and well-regarded Seattle socialite, as well as a huge fan of our beloved local volcano Tahoma (aka Mt. Rainier). Not only did he accompany naturalist John Muir to the summit of the mega-volcano, he also used his local influence and scientific creds to help push for making it a National Park.
However, it's what happened during his expedition to the summit in 1895 that interests us.
Tahoma has long been associated with spooky goings-on. In 1947, aviator Kenneth Arnold witnessed a group of mysterious objects flying near the summit-- the case became one of the first sensational UFO stories. In 1994, a local teenager had a terrifying encounter with a creature now known locally as "Batsquatch." The mountain is so sacred to local indigenous Nations that early white settlers had difficulty finding native guides who would take them to the top.
By Grant, George A. Photo courtesy of the US National Park Service Historic Photograph Collection, Public Domain
Ingraham's account, however, may take the proverbial cake for the weirdest tale from Tahoma's slopes. In his account, which he published in The Pacific Forest Reserve and Mt. Rainier, begins with the observation of some mysterious scratches on the walls of a steam cave:
"While my companion and I were exploring the steam-caves at the time of my second visit to the crater of Mt. Rainier, I noticed peculiar marks and scratching on the floor of the cave. In some places the ground appeared as though it had been the scene of a conflict between some maddened beasts, so extensive was the disturbance. In other places there were depressions that might have been made by some flat-footed animal pawing in the earth."
He also reported a strange glow in the cave, coupled with
"...a peculiar sensation of the body, such as the pole of an electrical machine slightly charged."
Deciding to revisit the cave on his own that night, he crept from his tent and began descending into the depths below. Hearing a noise above, and wondering if perhaps his travel companions had the same idea he did, he stepped into a wall in the recess. What happened next astounded him. What follows is an unedited excerpt from The Pacific Forest Reserve and Mt. Rainier:
I had not long to wait, for almost immediately there came, now rolling, now making an attempt to crawl, a figure of strange and grotesque appearance, down the passage. It stopped within a few feet of me, writhing and floundering very much as a drowning man would do, when drawn from the water he was about to sink for the last time. Its shape was nearer that of a human being than of any other animal. The crown of its head was pointed, with bristled hair pointing in every direction. The eyeballs were pointed, too; and while they appeared dull and visionless at times, yet there was an occasional flash of light from the points, which increased in frequency and brilliancy as the owner began to revive. The nails of its fingers and toes were long and pointed and resembled polished steel more than hardened cuticle.
I discovered that the palms of its hands and the soles of its feet were hard and calloused. In fact, the whole body, while human in shape, except the pointedness of the parts I have mentioned, seemed very different in character from that of the human species. There was nothing about the mysterious being, however, that would make it possible that its ancestry of long ages ago might have been human beings like ourselves. Yet by living in different surroundings and under entirely different conditions, many of its characteristics had changed.
By degrees this strange being began to revive. Gradually an electric glow covered the entire body with light-centers at the ends of those pointed nails, the eyes and the top of the head. It seemed to accomplish its revivification by rubbing its hands vigorously together. As soon as it was able to stand, it began to rub its feet rapidly upon the floor of the cave. This increased the glow of its body and caused the light-centers to shine with increased brilliancy. It seemed to receive some vital fluid from the earth that at once gave new vigor to its whole system. Involuntarily I imitated its actions and immediately found myself undergoing a very peculiar sensation. I seemed to be glowing in accord with the strange being who then for the first time noticed my presence. He at once redoubled his former movements. He would rub his hands vigorously together and then quickly extend the points of his fingers in my direction when sparks of light would dart therefrom.
Having become deeply interested in this strange exhibition, I went through the same maneuver with a similar result although apparently in a much lesser degree. The effect was magical! I was becoming en rapport with the Old Man of the Crater! I could see a brilliant point of light gradually forming on the crown of his head. Feeling my own hair beginning to rise, I removed my knit cap and felt my hair bristling upward to a common point. The light from his crown seemed to form an arch above and between us and WE WERE IN COMMUNICATION.
There, in that icy passage connecting the unknown interior of this earth with the exterior, by means of a new medium, or rather an old medium newly applied, two intelligent beings of different races were enabled to communicate, imperfectly at first of course, with each other.
For an hour I received impressions from the Old Man of the Crater. It is a strange story I got from him. While the time was comparatively short, yet what he told me, not by voice or look, but by a subtle agency not known or understood by me, would fill a volume of many pages. Finally expressing doubt at what he communicated, he commanded me to follow him. I had anticipated such a demand and was ready to resist it. So when he turned to descend, to the hot interior of the earth as I verily believe, by a superhuman effort I broke the spell and hastened upward and back to my sleeping companions.
This is no myth. The old man told me of his abode in the interior, of another race to which he belonged and the traditions of that race; of convulsions and changes on the earth long, long ago; of the gradual contraction of a belt of matter around the earth until it touched the surface hemming in many of the inhabitants and drowning the remainder, and of the survival of a single pair. All was shut out and the atmosphere became changed. Gradually this remaining pair was enabled to conform to the new order of things and became the parents of a race which for want of a better name I will call Sub-Rainians. This Old Man of the Crater had wandered far away from the abode of his race in his desire to explore. Far away from my home we had met, each out of his usual sphere.
This is one of those cases where "more questions than answers" is certainly the only possible solution. Although this case remains relatively unknown-- possibly BECAUSE Ingraham is so well-regarded-- a few have theorized that the Old Man was perhaps a Sasquatch. Others conjecture that it may have been a metaphor for the initiate rite of Freemasonry, as Ingraham was a member of that organization. Some think maybe he was "high on fumes, man," but that doesn't seem like a plausible explanation to us.
What did the Old Man communicate to our erstwhile explorer in that liminal space between worlds? Why didn't Ingraham compose that "volume of many pages" with the information delivered by the creature? Subterranean civilizations a laBulwer-Lytton's Vril were de rigeur at the time, as were the chthonic mysteries of Theosophy and Rudolph Steiner. This Hollow Earth thread goes right through Richard Shaver and his Deros to the Kentucky Goblins featured in the pop-paranormal project Hellier, but can also be traced back in time, to the Delphic Oracle, Indigenous myths of the Americas and Australia, and the cave art of "prehistoric" Indonesia and France. It appears we have always been accompanied by denizens of the Hypogeum, but few of us have been lucky enough, like Ingraham, to have met one in person.
[caption id="attachment_1145" align="alignnone" width="700"] "Shrimpy," our Mascot[/caption]
Read the short original account here: http://www.strangemag.com/firstperson.html#giantshrimp
Virginia Staples reported seeing a Giant Shrimp [Editor: we affectionately call him “Shrimpy”] in her laundry room in Bremerton back in 1948. And that’s basically all we know. I went to the Kitsap Historical society and tried to find any information about an actual Virginia Staples in the city limits. The researchers were very helpful, but could find no record of her. However, using census records I believe I have tracked down Virginia and I am hoping to reach out to her children and grand children. Perhaps I will find a descendant who remembers grandma Virginia talking about the Giant Shrimp. The sighting happened in an area of Bremerton that eventually got incorporated into Navy property, which may make this a more difficult investigation. There is a Denny St in Bremerton (we've made the mark on the map), but it is unclear if this is the location of her encounter because she says that the apartment it happened in eventually got taken over by the Navy.
What if this “Shrimp” is actually some kind of extra-dimensional / ultraterrestrial creature that the Navy conjured up a la ‘Stranger Things’ ? Perhaps the reason for annexing the property where Shrimpy was sighted had something to do with this accidental unleashing and trying to contain such an entity?
Our research continues...
I witnessed a large, menacing 8-10 ft kelp monster strutting about on the banks of the Duwamish River, on the beach at 8th Avenue South Park. I think it was the Lufu...
It came out of the water, sludging toward me at a slow pace and mumbling something about "darn pollution". It had deep red glowing eyes full of revenge and was covered in a horrible swath of litter, mud, and fishing nets.
Thankfully, I was well-equipped with a camera, as I've heard rumors that the Lufu ("loofoo") had returned to the area and I thought I could document it. After I took the picture, the creature immediately disappeared, its slimy kelp tendrils untangling and slurping back into the muddy banks of the Duwamish.
I am using a pseudonym to concea my identity to avoid public embarrassment as I am a notable business figure in the area. I feel it is my duty to shed light on how the impact of urban development in the south Seattle area has culminated in the creation of this terrifying elemental being!!
I know what I saw!!
Have you seen the gigantic shadow creature that inhabits the location at T.T. Minor? My friend and I saw this powerful cryptoid in 2010, late one night. We were walking back to our friends house, chatting, gazing upon the moon, when suddenly.... we see this enormous shadow creature next to the school building. It's just as tall as the building (what is that, 14 feet??), and we start *freaking the fuck out.* We enter the playground area to get closer to it, attempting to understand what it is we are staring at. Is this really happening? Are you seeing what I am seeing?
In a loud voice, I address it: "What are you??" "What ARE you??" My logical, scientific brain is scrambling to explain away the paranormal, thinking this could be a person on stilts, where upon another person sits on their shoulders, both shrouded in a big black cloak. I quickly realize two important things that debate that logical reasoning... I can't see a human face, let alone any face at all. This is just a solid black mass. It's also hovering above the ground, about a foot off, no feet to be seen. It just stands in place, until eventually, it starts to move backwards-- floating, really, because it has no legs. It rounds the corner of the building and vanishes. We quickly walk next to the side of the building and the corner it just rounded, to investigate. It was simply gone, nowhere to be seen.
Other friends of mine have seen these shadow creatures in various parts of the world. We all suspect them to be the guardians, the watchers, of specific locale. They are not threatening, and pose no malevolent energy. Instead, they are where they need to be, in order to keep specific things in and/or out of their designated area.
I was walking by meadowbrook pond with my headphones on and passed a house nearby, an old man was walking out holding some flowers, and he waved me down and told me that we were going on a walk together.
"okay, sure, where are we walking to?"
"meadowbrook pond" he said, since it was on the way and super close I walked with him. He said his name was Cecil. He held my hand and i helped him to the pond entrance. He tried to get me to walk through the whole park with him, so he could go to a memorial bench.
I couldn't walk with him through the whole thing, so I told him I had to go. As I was walking away, he waved at a kid with his mom and tried to get him to stop. The kid tried to stop but the mom completely ignored him, as if he didn't exist.
I posted the story to my snapchat, and my friend messaged me saying there's a memorial plate on a bench in the park for Cecil, and sent me a picture of it. Not sure if it was a ghost but it damn sure seems like it.
(CW: incest, abuse, murder)
Poor Sylvia Gaines. In 1926, the young Seattle socialite was murdered by her wealthy father for threatening to leave their incestuous relationship. Her body was discovered on the shores of Green Lake by a local carpenter. After a sensational trial, her father was found guilty and hanged by the neck until dead. A grove of cottonwoods, planted (so they say) by locals on the spot her body was found, was replaced by more ecologically friendly poplars in 1999, but the area retains a kind of melancholy peacefulness.
Some say that if you visit Gaines Point at night, you can see Sylvia's face peeking from the bushes-- a face with no body attached.
Read more at History Link.Check out the creepy Electronic Voice Phenomena recorded at Gaines Point by GIGS Paranormal.
One night, very late in probably 2014 I was sitting in the back seat in my car as my parents were driving, starting out the back window. It was probably after 11pm and we were driving back to Redmond where we lived at the time.
Somewhere along 3rd ave I saw a man appear in the middle of the street. One minute he wasn't there and the next he was....
I can't remember what he was wearing, but he made eye contact with me and I know that he was really seeing me. This was an intelligent person interacting with me; despite it being late at night and the window of the car being tinted I had the distinct feeling that we locked eyes and were aware of one another.
I live in a hotel turned apartment built in 1907. It comes as no surprised that it is haunted. Running foot steps down the hall, a woman's cry in the courtyard and a marriage turned murder in a room on the third floor. Not to mention, the basement has a giant and completely empty (and locked) coal room that was used to heat the whole building. The most frequent activity in my personal apartment is the ghost cats. Harmless, but always darting around in a frenzy. Nothing sinister at The Chelsea (that I have encountered) but still very active from the humans (and animals) who have passed in and out of the space for 100+ years.
12 years ago, my husband and I bought our first home in Seattle. His grandmother flew in to see it. She stayed a week. On our last night, she wanted to go to the 5 Spot. We took grandma and the family in town to her chosen restaurant. My husband and I had one beer each with dinner. Grandma was flying out the next morning and Uncle Steve said he would drive her to Sea-Tac. We parted ways and headed back to our new home. It was a rainy September night. I was driving in my new city. Going down Queen Anne Ave was slow. It was raining so I had to take caution. Half way down I slammed on my breaks. I panicked. What the hell just ran in front of my car? We are at the bottom of the hill at the light. I really didn’t want to address this but a large animal ran in front of my car! I look at my husband an ask him, “ Did you see that!!”!! Without hesitation he said, “you mean the monkey wearing a diaper that ran in front of the car?”. I felt so validated. Yeah!!! The freakin monkey in a diaper that ran in front of my car! Thank God I wasn’t alone in this car! We head up a side street to drive back down QueenAnne Ave. We parked at the spot the monkey ran into in front of us. As we walk over to the area we realize it’s a green belt. The monkey in a diaper had to have ran into the green belt. For the rest of the week I watched the news to see if a monkey had escaped the Woodland Park Zoo. My husband and I still talk about this whenever we are driving in the rain or down Queen Anne Ave.
Living across from kinnear park has been... strange. It's a weird place with losts of weird happenings. Ghosts, weird animals, demonic forces, you name it.
But what really freaks me out is the weird animals. One night, my boyfriend and I were walking home, and an owl flew from kinnear park and landed right in front of us, and stared at us. It gave us a really strange vibe, so we ran inside quickly.
A couple nights later, I was walking home from the grocery store, and the same owl flew from the tree in kinnear park and almost hit me in the head.
Last month, a group of crows swarmed me and started dive bombing me as I ran inside.
Last week, I was walking through the park at about 2 am, and was scrolling through facebook on my phone. All of the sudden I noticed a bunny sitting on the lawn staring at me. It sat there for a good 10 minutes just staring at me, and it gave me a really weird vibe. I walked towards it to try and scare it off, it hopped about five feet back but continued to stare at me. I decided to ignore it, and five minutes later I looked back and there was a 2nd bunny staring at me. I decided to leave as I started feeling strange, and decided to never go back at night.
I live in a haunted apartment building. It usually doesn't bother me, theres friendly ghosts in my unit, but there's also something very sinister on the 3rd floor
As I walk home at night usually, I look up into the third floor windows, because I always feel that something is watching me. Often, something is. I see a dark figure pull back the curtains and disappear. I dont know what it wants, but it always scares the crap out of me, so I run inside as fast as I can, and take the elevator to avoid the 3rd floor."
I'm on the 70 on Eastlake heading downtown. A guy runs past on the sidewalk, obviously trying to reach the next bus stop before we do. He's able to catch up and boards, out of breath--and I notice that he's wearing the wireless iPhone ear pods and I wonder how they stayed in his ears while he ran. He walked past me down the aisle and out of my mind.
Many blocks later, we come to Denny and another stop--and this same guy--same shirt, same face, same ear pods--runs up and boards again, but from ahead of the bus this time, not from behind! It's not as if we were making lots of turns and he just circled the block to catch up with us. I don't know where he got off the first time and how he got ahead of the 70 to get back on again at a later stop and it's weird and I can't figure it out and it's driving me nuts!
My friend and I went for a walk in Discovery Park one night. Shortly after entering through a side street, we saw a barefoot, clean-shaven man with short, light blonde hair and a dated brown pea coat. He was sitting on a short wooden fence post and reading a big hardback book with no cover. As we passed by him, he looked up slowly from the book and watched us. We greeted him with a quick smile but he didn't respond. His formal posture and intense stare were unusual. His head turned smoothly as he watched us, but his neck and body seemed to remain still. We saw him again when we left the park, still sitting upright on the wooden post, holding his heavy book with both hands up near his chest. It's difficult to describe the eerie feeling we felt that made us wonder if we were in the presence of a ghost. The park was once Fort Lawton. Perhaps he was a soldier stationed there.
I was offered a job through an ex, in which I was relieved to have...Lord knew I needed the money. I was so happy and excited to start working again.
It was a hot breezy day in Seattle. I took the bus from Chinatown (Industrial District) early in the morning to Eastlake. Arriving early we got to work. My job was home improvement/landscape type business. I was in charge of spraying the fences. My boss had to leave in the middle of the day to pick up his father from the SeaTac airport. I was just working as usual when a crow was spotted above me circling the house I was working on. It became getting lower and lower to me. At first I thought it was just my imagination then another crow and another crow added to the gang. I was thinking to myself, I just got a good job, I can't let my paranoid thoughts get the best of me. Then, the crows start swooping in on me. Like trying to take peck at me. I got totally freaked the F out and ran inside the clients home and on to the roof where we had a second project going in for the rooftop balcony. From the balcony there was entry to the attic. I got inside the attic and called my boss telling him I was being attacked by crows. He tells me to calm down, he is [on] his way. I'm inside the attic for this entire time waiting on him. When he gets there he's with his father and they are telling me there is no crows trying to "attack me. My boss let me go and called my ex-partner telling him I was on medication and if I forgot to take my meds.
I'm not on meds and at the time I was so happy go lucky I wasn't on this paranormal shit. But something happened that day for me to believe the crows more than the humans.
"Recently the house on the corner was bought and sold and one of the first things the new owner did was cut down a beautiful fig tree that had been an iconic feature of the neighborhood. Many of the neighbors were quite sad to see it go. The new owner had a wood carver come in to transform it into a bear or a dog - but the carver refused to do it. He said that the tree had a different form that it wanted to take on - and so he carefully transformed the stump into this creature".
Licton Springs
Licton Springs is an important site to the native Duwamish people, who are actively involved in a campaign to decolonize the park:
IF YOU VISIT: Please be respectful of the area and its history. Consider collecting litter and disposing of it properly.
I had heard of the neighborhood but was not well versed on the history of the site – only recently discovering there is an actual spring there. The Seattle Parks department website says this is a park you “must see” but has no pictures of the AMAZING SPRING oozing this red iron mud…
Let me tell you all now: YOU MUST GO THERE. Licton Springs is a magical park camouflaged by the typical playgrounds and picnic’s and people walking right by. Meanwhile, hidden in plain sight is this amazing cold spring bubbling up from the ground. While searching for the spring, I found myself in all of these weird paths and foot bridges, stumbling across people alone in their own world with their backs turned to me, staring into the brush. I tried talking to a few people and most of the people “there” would not even acknowledge my presence…..
I cannot believe I have never been to this place before. I did a little bit of research on the park and discovered that it is an important site for the Duwamish tribe.
For generations, the Duwamish Tribe gathered at Licton Springs, together with their relatives by marriage, in the proper season for harvesting sacred Red Ochre pigment, necessary for spiritual celebration and renewal. Like the Duwamish Tribe, neighboring First Nations consider the sacred site le?qtid to be a tangible cultural property inherited from their male or female Duwamish Ancestors. As a result of inter-marriage, neighboring First Nations have a material interest in access to and preservation of the sacred site liquid.For Chief Seattle’s Duwamish Tribe of Indians, Licton Springs is one of the last spiritual places remaining in our ?ál?altid (Ancestral Homeland). Licton Springs is located on the South Fork of tuw’Xú?bid (“Thornton Creek”).
AGAIN: GO SEE Licton Springs. I lived in Seattle for 15 years and I can't believe I never really even heard of it. It's a spectacular place that I can't believe isn't more of a 'destination'.
A Spiritualist is one who believes, as the basis of his or her religion, in the communication between this and the Spirit World by means of mediumship and who endeavors to mould his or her character and conduct in accordance with the highest teachings derived from such communication. (1914, Rev. 1938)
A Medium is one whose organism is sensitive to vibrations from the spirit world and through whose instrumentality, intelligences in that world are able to convey messages and produce the phenomena of Spiritualism. (1914)
A Spiritualist Healer is one who, either through one's own inherent powers or through mediumship, is able to impart vital, curative force to pathologic conditions. (1930, 1993)
The Phenomena of Spiritualism consists of Prophecy, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Gift of Tongues, Laying on of Hands, Healing, Visions, Trance, Apports, Levitation, Raps, Automatic and Independent Writings and Paintings, Voice, Materialization, Photography, Psychometry and any other manifestation proving the continuity of life as demonstrated through the Physical and Spiritual senses and faculties of man. (1950)
Three years ago the Kitsap Sun reported revived interest in doing something new with the park, but still it sits. Currently it is the reported home of a den family of cuddly raccoons .... and maybe something else more sinister? Who knows?
Do you think I can convince the city to turn it into a Broccoli Wizard Temple? Star Gate?
Letter discovered in the 1930 Yokohama Taiko-Gata lantern, Seward Park. Dragon envelope is still sealed shut with wax.
"Don't give up! My friend is beginning to show signs of saving the treasure. The dragons have hope for young people and understand that when the earth begins healing the dragons will reunite with people. Our responsibility is not complete until all humans on the planet are working to reduce the impacts of Anthropogenic Climate Disruption. Build the fourth vital source and use it to send a message to the League of Wyverns & Dragons. If success has found you in your quest open the door. If not reutn it from whence it came.
Do Not Open! until the task is complete or Dragon Magic will make the contents disappear."
Was lurking around Twin Peaks with Agnes, Dusty, & Choose.
Trying to find the mill, Gurgle maps supplied this piece of High Weirdness... A giant floating boob above the mill
"The Duwamish, Muckleshoot and other native tribes that lived in the Puget Sound area told oral stories to explain the significance of natural events and features in the landscape. One story concerned a collection of large stones in the middle of the Duwamish River, about three miles from its mouth on Elliott Bay. At high water, the stones are completely covered; they’re visible at low water. The stones are associated with North Wind, a major character in the eternal battle between the winds that play a strong role in the region’s climate.
In one version of the story, the character Storm Wind blew several large trees into the river, which floated down the river and hung on the rocks, which resembled a fish weir, a device for capturing fish. The people belonging to the antagonist in the story, North Wind, refused to clear the logs on the weir. Storm Wind’s grandmother solved the problem but showering enough rain from her basket to swell the river and float the logs downstream. Today, a marker explains the story and other features in the surrounding landscape."
Very eerie, train with horrifying graffiti on it, flood lights flash synchronously like sheet lightning, an area with constant unidentified screaming, frightening welded metal folk art and weird butchery, town that is mostly gravestones, Pacific smells of rotting flesh and the locals are menacing, lots of scary seemingly possessed people - all the way from Seattle to Puyallup on the Interurban buke trail. I spent all might biking being chased by murderous lunatics and hearing/seeing uncouth things. I bicycled from Seattle to Puyallup - terrified and rarely stopping. Bad juju - demonic vibes. And I ain't even that superstitious.
But first, a back story as I was informed by the founders: The In Arts NW is (soon will be was) a large artist collective live-work abode w/ a fluctuating number of 20-30 inhabitants. The original structure is a turn of the century Victorian-lite style house. Sometime in the 1960's an area mental health organization bought this property, using the house as its front offices then constructing an attached two story dormitory annex w/ a full basement on the north portion of the land. The basement was used as a cafeteria complete w/ kitchen facilities. It's unclear but this mental health organization may have operated this property until the late 90's/early 00's.
November 2010 I moved into The In and began renting out a ground level room. Due to the shared living nature of this collective each resident was assigned a refrigerator, 3 of the 4 fridges being located in the basement. The exact date is unknown but during the early winter of 2011 I had what I consider to be a harrowing encounter w/ a dark spirit(?)... menacing energy(?)... a ghost(?)...
During the early morning hours I awoke in my bed in my room. I was thirsty. I had water nearby but my body craved calories. From my room I walked thru the annex to the front house to access the basement where my refrigerator was. I remember thinking the house was unususlly quiet and dark. Living in a space w/ 20-30 people usually someone is always up, usually faint music or video sounds can be heard, usually some lights are kept on... But all was still... This was an unusual night. And I thought nothing more of it.
Entering the faintly-lighted basement and walking thru our laundry room to my refrigerator I had no premonition of what was to come. I opened the fridge and retrieved my carton of grapefruit juice. I stood there with the door open and took a couple swigs. I put the carton away and as I closed the door I was overcome w/ a feeling I had only experienced twice before in my 29 yrs.
Dark energy was in arms reach and in a nanosecond I felt the hair on my scalp pull back, the hair on my arms stand up, the shaft of my penis recoil, the rate of my heart increase, and the fight-or-flight lizard brain area of my cranium activate out of primal survival fear.
I took flight. I high-tailed it out of the refrigerator room, thru the laundry room, up the basement stairs w/ the unmistakable feeling of dark energy keeping at heels. I proceeded to bee-line thru the living room then down the long corridor toward my room w/ that dark energy keeping on my back. I darted into my room, turned to close and lock the door, and stood hyperventilating while whispering something along the lines of "Leave me be."
In quick hindsight I realized that feeling of dark energy on my back dissipated shortly before I reached my room's door and a wash of calmness helped me regain my bearings as I no longer felt threatened.
One morning about a decade ago, I saw a ghost in one of my many Belltwown studio apartments. These rooms are tiny and from where I was laying in the trundle bed I saw a blurred figure of a man in doorway of the kitchen. As my sight focused I began to realize I was fully alert and staring at a man in 1920s style clothing. He was wearing vest, tie, and overcoat with finger-waved hair. He stared contemplatively out the window over the sink. My gf was asleep next to me facing the other way so I knew I would have to wake her to see this. I elbowed her and as she began to turn, the man looked straight at my face and blinked out. She wasn't able to see him. As he disappeared it looked like the turning off of an old tube television where the image shrinks into a sparkle and fades with the little bits of light glittering away. I really wished she could've seen him but if you ask her about this story she will tell you it was the seriousness in my voice that convinced her I was not lying or joking. This building on 2nd and Blanchard in Belltown is very haunted, and this isn't the only time I personally experienced ghostly activity (faucets turning on and off, dishes being thrown, blue light entities).
Yet another non-Euclidean space in the city; the ground floor is also the second floor, except for where it's the first. The stairs do not connect the floors in a consistent manner; go up one floor from the first and now you're on the third. The fourth floor extends through the whole building and yet the elevator doesn't reach it, until you try (and fail) to find your way there with the stairs. And when entering it on the fourth floor, you are likely to find someone who is going from the second floor to the basement – and this is their shortest route.
This happened a couple of weeks ago June 12 2019 at 3:30 pm central standard time. My daughter, (15yrs old), myself and a friend of mine were travelling across the Memorial Bridge on our way to Mandan ND. As wee reached the center of the bridge my friend and my daughter were looking our over the bridge (looking north) and suddenly told me to “look at that!” There was a bright white light hovering midair pretty much lined up with the bridge about half a city block out from the bridge itself. This light was roughly 5 feet in circumference and as our attention was directed at it, it started opening up in the center. my first thought was “omg that’s a wormhole! a dimensional portal!” It kept spinning and expanding til it opened up roughly 4 times its size, the center was a cloudy spiral looking thing that had squiggly lines that extended from the center to the edge of it they started out kinda lightening like looking and straightened out til they resembled bicycle spokes. It held this shape for roughly 5 seconds til it started closing back in on itself til it was the same size that it had been when we noticed it. it then held that size for a second then blinked out on itself. I quickly looked around for other cars on the bridge and was shocked to see we were the only ones who had slowed down enough (that I’m aware of)and were watching this thing. we pulled off the bridge and parked underneath it and waited for like a half hour scanning the area hoping we would see it again. when we got under the bridge we noticed no boats on the river, no body flying kites, fishing off the banks of the river– nobody that we saw who could have witnessed this strange thing. But we all did draw and document what we saw. Not comparing notes til after each of us were done as to not influence the other persons writing. And everyone’s drawing, and description was the exact same minus my daughters depiction which had an odd additional feature…she claims she saw Roman numeral type lettering on the outer edge of the object. (she drew this in her depiction) neither my friend (Bri) or myself saw this. I included all of our drawings and what not that we did as we sat under the bridge immediately after this encounter. all of our car windows were down when this occurred and nobody heard any noise associated with it or smell etc.
I woke up around 3 a.m. to my dark room which is usually lit by the moon or streetlights, when I looked around I noticed that the one area of my room that is usually better lit than the rest was darker than dark the only way to describe its is bottomless darkness. As I tried to focus my eyes I heard heavy guttural breathing which prompted me to loudly proclaim "wtf?!" After which an equally deep and guttural voice told me "we are with you always" with a chuckle....
At 8:59PM I looked up & saw something I couldn't identify traveling very quickly from the north to the south make a U-turn back towards the north in the sky over my house. I figured it was the ISS or a satellite until I saw it was in front of the clouds so I began rapidly taking pictures until it quickly left my view
On a late afternoon, I was vacuuming in the master bedroom of my apartment. I was anticipating the arrival of my then husband from work. From my bedroom door, the entrances to second bedroom to the left and bathroom straight ahead could be clearly observed. My head was tilted slightly down but I clearly saw someone walk into the little hallway from the living room to the right to the second bedroom on my left; I assumed it was my husband. I hadn’t heard him come home, but was vacuuming so didn’t think that odd – we were, however, still newlyweds and I thought it strange my husband didn’t come over and say hello. I stopped the vacuum and went to the other bedroom – there was no one there. I checked bathroom, living room, kitchen, even closets, I was alone. The door was still locked. When my ex husband got home, I told him, and he related that several weeks prior, while brushing his teeth, he that he saw me the doorway from the reflection in the bathroom mirror. He bent down to spit out his toothpaste so he could talk to me and when he looked again, I wasn’t there. He checked in the bedroom, I was fast asleep. Increasingly, over time we felt great uncomfortableness with both the little hallway and, especially, second bedroom, which intensified after our son was born and we tried using it as a nursery, he moved into our room so we could avoid being in there. Sometimes, while watching TV in the living-room, which looked into the hall and the entrance of the second bedroom, a strong sense of dread would overtake us, our hair would prickle and we would not want to look in that direction, even though there would be nothing there. My ex husband lived in that apartment for several months ahead of my moving there as I stayed behind to deal with work and wrapping up personal affairs for both of us in our previous home and noted no issues. It seemed to start about six months after I moved in and increasingly intensified over time. I attempted some research on the building or area but could find nothing to account for what we experienced.
When I was 20 (1998) I was driving home at three in the morning on the back roads, past an old church and cemetery. The area had a few mountains and hills and as i looked out to my left, I saw a haze of a green moving light behind the hill, like an object was behind it. To put it in perspective the light from whatever this object was lit up the hillside. Honestly, I did not stick as it seemed to be coming toward me. I have never gone back there and never will.
My then husband and myself pulled into our driveway. There is a ditch and a creek on each side of the house. Facing the front of the house, movement at the creekbank to the right of us caught both of our attention. A creature neither of us had ever seen before stood up from a more crouched, or squatted, position and steeped cleanly over a nearly 5 foot wide portion of the creek to the other side of the bank and walked into the woods on the further side of the creek.
It was tall and covered in what looked to be short black hair. The arms were somehow too long for the body. The sighting stunned us both to silence. We sat together in the car and watched it. It was surreal. There was light snow on the ground and with it being the middle of winter, the trees and bushes were bare enough that we had a perfectly clear sight line.
Afterwards, my husband went down to the creek and found foot prints in the snow.
My grandparents had purchased this same property in 1959. We have said of it that it holds the unholy trinity….Bigfoot, UFO interactions and ghosts in the house. The house was haunted. Several firsthand stories and episodes told to me by my grandparents. In the mid 70’s, there were at least 3 very strange UFO incidents. The one I was witness to was my grandmother “talking” to the UFO My family has had at least 5 Bigfoot sightings in that time, but this is the only one I was witness to. I have always heard stories of Bigfoot in the Fairview, Fernvale, Pinewood area. I hope others would share the old stories too!
While my girlfriend at that time (now wife) and I was lying on the grass looking at the sky, I noticed a dot of light moving fast from roughly south to north, in the cleat starry sky. I assumed it was a satellite when it suddenly started to fade and disappear, and then a few seconds later, started to brighten up again, all the while it remained in the same trajectory. It did it again after a few seconds for a second time and brighten up again. It then remained bright until it disappeared from my field of view. I have seen many satellites in my life, but never one that fades and then brightens up again, let alone doing it twice. What it was I do not know...
Located on an unmarked trail within the nettle-strewn forests of Whidbey Island, WA, this centuries-old Big Leaf Maple (Acer macrophyllum) can teach the curious researcher everything she may need to know about the provenance of "UFOs." Adorned with epiphytic strands of licorice fern and decorated with native mosses, the tree pulses with Life Force.
How does this tree relate to the UFO phenomenon? Society Cartograpers suggest meditation upon the tree as the macrocosm reflected in the microcosm-- "As Above, So Below." Just as the maple contains a multitude, so it connects with its surrounding neighbors via the mycelium running throughout it, a vast network of fungal biochemistry. This almost invisible mesh connects the botanical denizens of the forest, sending pulses of living information throughout the biotic community, with ripple effects that impact all of its members.
Is it any wonder that trees such as this one are associated with fairies and fae, beings who also may manifest as living information, in the same sense that UFOs seem intended to deliver a message? The message isn't that passed along by the peace-loving-yet-apocalyptic Star Brothers of the Contactee scene; nor is it the message delivered by the freaky experimenters reported by abductees. No, the UFOs themselves are the message. They are instantiations of Living Information-- attempts by the Cosmic to communicate with those of us "on the ground," so to speak.
Sit beneath this tree, or another like it. Learn its biology, the science behind the community of which it is a part. Consider, very seriously, how it is influenced and affected by everything around it. What other plants live with it? What grows on it? How does it reach for the sun? Where does its water come from? Where do the portals appearing between its branches lead? How does one become an initiate into its mysteries? When you have done so, you'll know far more about UFOs than any government agency or sensationalist TV series can tell you.
Flocks of white objects moving through the sky at an impossible speed. Thousands of them in the sky, all heading in the same direction. At approximately midnight.
(Submitter included a link to the following video from 2014):
Back in the 1991 when I was fourteen I spent a summer babysitting two younger kids that were the kids of a friend of my mom's for extra money. I used to live in a subdivision called Lakewood not far from this house, and take the few mile bike ride to my mom's friends house to watch her kids in the morning from about 7 am until 5:30pm at night until she got home from work. I always had a weird feeling whenever I had to ride past this house on my way and for some reason would pedal faster, not knowing anything about the old mansion except that I didn't like it, and it had a mysterious gate and hedges all around it, obscuring the bottom level of the house.
One night I ended up babysitting late, I actually think my mom and the kids mom were probably out drinking (haha) and so I had to ride my bike back late at night, around 10pm. It was dark, but again, close and Boise was small as hell.
Of course, I did my usual creepy feeling pedal faster but as I was pedaling I heard a loud SCREAM that sounded like it was on the other side of the hedges. This of course scared the crap out of me, causing me to immediately crash my bike and fall off INTO the fence. I got a cold chill, despite it being a hot Idaho summer and looked into a completely empty yard. No one was there.
I got home, bawling, cleaned myself up etc. The next day I went over to babysit my mom's friend told me what happened outside and in that house in 1987.
History on the house: https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/idaho/murder-house-id/
A friend and I were driving from Salem to Portland one evening in 1985. A few miles north of Salem, I noticed three white lights in the sky. They were in a triangle pattern. As we watched on of the lights turned red and then moved to form a straight line. As we watched the light at the end of the line would move up to again form a triangle . Over and over again they did this. I pulled over to the side of the road at one point to watch. When I got back on the road, A state cop pulled up along side me. Thinking he was going to pull me over I looked up and saw he was watching them too. The lights suddenly disappeared, like just faded out. It was about twenty minutes of watching them. I saw later in the news paper they had been seen as far away as the East coast.
The Martha Washington School for Insane Girls, Seattle WA on Lake Washington, is rumored to be one of Seattle’s most haunted places. Rumors of Violence, Poor treatment, Suicide, and even murder pervade the history of the facility. Despite the persistence of these stories, Seattle seems to have all but forgotten this dark portion of its children’s history.
Sterile though the historical timeline below this essay may be, this School has a story that is still trying to be told, with locals bearing witness to having heard strange noises, the sounds of running footsteps, and even screams on the grounds, today a city park. These spirits, if that’s what they are, as further said to inhabit the trees, some of which are clearly almost a century old, and rumored to have been planted by patients/inmates of the “School”. Bullies and would be Muggers etc seem to fall victim to the ghosts, while troubled teens, particularly teenage girls are said to derive a dark sense of comfort from them.
While I’ve so far been unable to find a record of the school’s darker side that names names or gives specifics of who dies when and how- I think that is perhaps a little less important, and no more scary to hear about, than to simply recall what routinely went on in State run institutions of this sort throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. While the normal world turned slowly around them, patients of Asylums, Conservatoriums, Hospitals, University Hospitals, and more were regularly experimented upon. Sometimes with therapeutic aims, other times, the motivations were much less clear.
Historylink.org File on the Martha Washington School
Name: Parental Home for Girls
Location: 3404 (N)E 68th Street
Building: Wood
Site: 1.23 acres
1914: Opened on April 1
1918: Renamed Girls' Parental School
1921: Closed
1922: Leased to Ruth School
1933: Leased to Medina Baby Home
1945: Site sold in September
Name: Girls' Parental School
Location: 6612 57th Avenue S
Building: 2-story brick
Architect: Floyd A. Naramore
Site: 9.87 acres
1921: Opened
1928: Residential annex added on site (n.a.)
1930: Addition (n.a.)
1931: Name changed to Martha Washington School for Girls
1957: Closed as Seattle Public School; site leased to state
1965: Closed as a residential school
1968-69: Alternative program site
1970-71: Alternative school site
1972: Sold to City of Seattle
1983: Used by the Cornerstone Montessori Academy
1989: Buildings demolished
Use of Martha Washington School site in 2000
Martha Washington Park
Submitted by: Steve from the Baked and Awake Podcast
An entity of unknown origin is responsible for the placement of three high quality (not generic) saltine crackers under a pea vine that I had planted only hours earlier. No other evidence was found in the immediate vicinity. Crackers were NOT consumed based on advice from Liminal Seattle staff.
I was looking after my elderly parents at their house in N. Portland. One night , at about 3 in the morning , I woke up needing to got to the bathroom , which was down stairs. I opened the stairwell door and could feel the air pressure had changed, Curious, I opened the door to the living room ,and the sound of the living room was, “wrong”. It sounded like I had walked on to a stage. I looked to see the far wall of the living room had disappeared and a misty sort of landscape was seen in the distance. Three odd looking creatures stood in the living room and one hissed at me. I just continued walking to the bathroom, shaking like a leaf. I stayed there for a half hour , until I could bring myself to open the door. Walking out , I could see all was back to normal. Weird.
I was chatting with some neighbors in my driveway around 9:30 one night. It was snowing fairly heavily. The energy shifted and the dogs around us became restless; we looked up and a gorgeous buck was down the street. He ran down the street in our direction, which seemed odd in retrospect because he was running toward people instead of away and the dogs stayed close instead of chasing. I told my neighbor I would walk them home. When we got to their house, we found what looked to be a big cat paw print in the snow (too big for a dog’s paw) of the driveway. We hadn’t seen a mountain lion, but felt that some strange big invisible or real cat had been in the deer’s pursuit.
In 1984, a large hole mysteriously appeared out in a field with a large cube of dirt from the same area sitting nearby, as if it were ejected or removed from the hole en masse. There were no indications that humans or animals had created the hole and geologists were stumped. A short news clip from the era exists documenting this strange occurence.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxpBc64mtYE]
The Spook Light, also known as the "Hornet Spook Light" (after the nearby community of Hornet, Missouri) has been seen by people for many, many decades, long before the advent of the automobile. On this particular road, which is on the Oklahoma side of the state line, strange, glowing orbs are seen dancing in the air, particularly at night...
Driving my on to school this AM, I turned down the dirt road near our house and a rabbit jumped out in front of our car. Every time I tried to move forward, it moved a little further in front of the car. I finally had to stop and walk towards it. I wanted to move it off the road so it wouldn't get hit. It stared at me, hopped a few feet and stopped, like it was leading me down the road, but eventually moved out of the way. I wish I could have followed it!
Although it appears, from the street, as a perfectly normal "corporate office building," you don't want to press the wrong elevator button in Expedia's Bellevue Headquarters. If you unwittingly enter the wrong passage, a hideous stench will assail your nostrils on a whiff of stale and putrid air. Deep within the walls of this office building, a slithering mass of Vampiric Serpents from a Dark Dimension writhes and crawls within their hibernaculum, feeding off of the victims trapped by using Expedia's travel services.
Once you've signed up for a travel plan on Expedia.com, you've drawn their attention. Now their psychic tendrils begin inching towards you and your fellow travelers, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Sometimes they don't get you, but when they do, they slurp down their favorite sustenance: your time, energy, and attention.
It's possible that these Expedia Serpents are the Gods of the Timehunters, eternally reborn, waiting for the chance to send their agents back far enough to establish their reign in a kind of paradoxical self-establishment that would be at home in a Stanislaw Lem story. Whatever they are, however, the lesson is clear: Do Not Use Expedia.com For Your Travel Needs. Doing so will feed these Dark, Vampiric Serpents, and put you, your loved ones, and anyone who travels in grave danger.
Once home to a museum where was housed the remains of several peoples long past, Allen Hall now sits vacant.
I worked at the museum as a student. Once, in the long, lonely hours while cataloging records, I saw from the corner of my eye a young woman walking along the hallway. When I glanced up to see who it was, she vanished. I didn't feel a chill. I believe her purpose was not to frighten, but rather that she was a sister, appearing to let me know I was not alone.
I was travelling on a train from Nottingham to Grantham, where I lived at the time. Bottesford Station (serving a village by that name) was the last stop on the journey and I have the distinct memory that the train stopped there TWICE. Normally I would just put this down to misremembering the train journey but I clearly recall the first time the train stopped at Bottesford, which then repeated itself.
Marty McCaulley reports that on April 12th cars were pulling over on State Route 530 to watch a swirling black ring floating in the air:
"In the sky down by Jimmy creek road. What the heck IS IT! people are stopping all over the highway taking pictures..."
This article on Stranger Dimensions suggests it could possible be a blown transformer or perhaps a machine specifically designed to create these things... But where's the fun in that?
We were in Las Vegas and stayed at the Bally Hotel. My husband had half an hour of unexplained coughing (ended up with bruised ribs when we returned home and he went to the doctor) and was unable to breathe suddenly when we were in our room getting ready for a show. He felt better but we then had a strange time loss event where we were very confused. Years later I discovered that there was a huge fire when the Bally was the MGM. An employee died in our hotel room of smoke/CO2 inhalation. We are going back in two weeks to check it all out again now that we know what happened there. Lots of details on blog https://weirdlifepdx.blogspot.com/2019/01/high-strangeness-at-ballys-hotel-las.html (Part One).
It was around 5:00 AM I was in the Walmart parking lot, waiting for a request on Uber. As I did often in hopes of getting a long trip to the Salt Lake City Airport. It was early, so I was taking it slowly. I sat in my car, music off and just waiting. Seemingly out of nowhere, I hear a gradual trumpet sound, almost as if it was a tornado alarm. I figured it might've been coming from my speakers, so I turned the dial on the volume down...that did do anything. I stuck my head out of the window to an eerily calm morning and confirmed it was coming from the sky, or that general direction. I could sort of make out the direction the horns were coming from, so I start to follow them. As I left the Walmart toward the direction of the horns, they became more intense. The closer I'd move, the more intense the sound, but only after a few minutes of hearing it, the sound faded away.
I was walking home after a night of dancing, when I came across a worn out drag queen looking to bum a cigarette. I obliged, gave them a light, then turned my head and they were gone. There's no way they could have smoked a cigarette that fast and you can't go inside the bar with one either!
There is a ghost named Dorothea who "lives" in the dance studio in the basement of Cossitt Hall. She descends from a spiral staircase that has long since been torn down in remodels. She is missing her face. She is friendly to well-to-do students, but hates janitors and students attending the school on need based financial aid (me). Dorothea scared me off and chased me two blocks and nearly gave me a heart attack. I did not believe in the paranormal at the time of my encounter with Dorothea. I had never heard about her existence before I encountered her. It was in my telling other people after the fact that I discovered her name and that many people have seen her. If you want to try meeting a terrible classist ghost, by all means, go to the basement of Cosset Hall in the middle of the night.
(Here is a bit from a school paper from 2006 that talks about Dorothea as well as the ghost of Mary Bemis who haunts the college's all women dorm, whom I never had the pleasure of meeting. http://www.ciphermagazine.com/archival/old-ghosts-never-die)
My childhood best friend and I were driving into Yakima to get some Taco Bell from out in the country near Selah where he lived. Not far into our drive we both saw a flash of bright light. We looked at each other and asked "what was that?" When we looked back at the road we found that we were now in Yakima not far from the Taco Bell that was our destination. The clock on the car radio indicated that no time had passed. We had seemingly been removed from time and placed back into it several miles closer to the fast food we had been craving.
South of Olympia, WA, hundreds and hundreds of mysterious earthen mounds cover the landscape. Stretching as far as the eye can see, these unusual geological formations have never been explained to the satisfaction of most who encounter them.
The granduncle of High Weirdness. No simple overview could do it justice. If you're looking for the ultimate paranormal rabbit hole, this is the place to start digging. More info: https://www.skinwalkerranch.org
On several occasions we have seen and heard the ghost of a small African American girl in a patchwork dress. She hums and sings. We first encountered her when i was young. I came back from playing and told my mom that there was a girl in the woods. I'm not quite sure of the history of my dads 36 acre property or what families owned it prior.
The Gates of Hell, Gravity Hill, and the Old Abandoned Slaughterhouse on Empire Mine Road
[caption id="attachment_1494" align="alignnone" width="593"] The Gates of Hell. In Antioch.[/caption]
Growing up in Contra Costa County in the East Bay Area of California, the one place I remember having legitimate fear of passing through is the area collectively known as Gravity Hill.
On a small back road in Antioch (near Mt. Diablo), there is a road called Empire Mine Rd - and on this stretch of asphalt teenagers were known to park their car and put it in neutral in a spot that gave the illusion of being completely flat (if not going up at an incline). I remember doing this (only during the day obviously) and being surprised that our completely stationary car would start to slowly begin to move and then pick up speed and start lunging forward - an phenomenon that was speculated to have been ghostly hands pushing our vehicles out of
harms way.
Nearby there was a place called the Gates of Hell (which of course sat close to an abandoned Slaughterhouse). Much of the lore has been lost to time for me, but I do remember if ever we had to drive by late at night, I would clench my arm rests and look out the window. The rumors had something to do with Satanic cults and strange rituals and I was always afraid I would see dark figures carrying torches back in the hills.
I haven’t been back since the 2000s, and it looks like the road is closed (but possibly still accessible via pedestrian traffic if what I read online is correct). I wonder if the kids nowadays still go visit The Gates of Hell?
[caption id="attachment_1489" align="aligncenter" width="512"] Roger469 [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)][/caption]Traveling on the California coast near the Santa Lucia Mountains? You may experience the feeling of being watched. According to local legend, "Dark Watchers" haunt the ridges and peaks of the mountains: giant figures in wide-brimmed hats with walking sticks, keeping a mysterious eye or two on travelers as they pass by. Get too close and they'll disappear!
More info:
The Mysterious Dark Watchers of California (Mysterious Universe)
The Mysterious Dark Watchers (Beyond Science)
I was walking on the sidewalk past the park, can't remember what street it is but it's a small street where there are houses on one side and on the other side is the park which is just a dark abyss at night. I was feeling creeped out for some reason already and then I started hearing a cat meowing, quietly at first and getting louder as I seemed to approach it, but I there was no human or animal visible anywhere. At some point, when I seemed to be very close, I recognized that it was a human voice. Then I ran away.
Friend or Foe? Twice now, in the exact same spot, on my midnight bicycle commute home to West Seattle, this fast and flat Shadow Cat crossed the road right under my wheels. Could it be a Ghost cat that meet its end there? A Guardian? Or a Messenger from the beyond???
In 1989, during a dance contest at the ballroom of Quadra Vilarinho, reigned by the celebrated dancer Ricardo Malta, an unknown man with a hat decided to participate. At the end of the contest, only Malta and the outsider remained dancing, and the later eventually won the championship. As he took off his hat to celebrate the victory, he uncovered two horns on his head. The ballroom was then taken over by a huge commotion and people started running away. The stranger seized the oportunity to fled and disappeared, never to be seen again, but not before some dancers spotted a pair of hooves in place of his feet. He them became known as the Capeta do Vilarinho (Vilarinho's Devil).
Looked up in the sky around 6 pm and a floating white light too high to be a drone. Organic in movement. Too low and silent to be a chopper. Hovered for a while and then drifted off into the horizon behind trees.
I was sitting on the front porch of my parents house, about 2 or 3 years ago, smoking a cigarette. They live in a very urban/suburban area, with some woods nearby in the Renton Highlands. It was probably around 1am at night, when I noticed a bunch of animals crossing through the cul-de-sac which my parents live on. There were probably around 8-10 animals, which I recognized as coyotes, roaming around as a pack. They passed through at a brisk jogging pace, not even noticing I was there watching them go by. It was very unnerving and eerie to say the least. There was no one else around, and I was pretty freaked out.Submitted by Anonymous
Circa 2012, my cousin and I were up late one night while camping on The Homer Spit. We were headed for the public restrooms near the fishing hole lagoon on foot. It was a dark yet clear night of late summer. As we walked along, I noticed something high in the sky, a glowing object very similar to what a satellite in orbit looks like. But this was no satellite I'd ever seen due to its path of travel and speed of which it crossed the skyline. I said to my cousin, “Look at that!” As I pointed. This object was tracking across the skyline faster than most satellites I've seen, but it had another peculiar characteristic about it. Without changing speed, it was making sharp cornered direction changes. The object did a wide zigzagging pattern in this manner across the entire skyline and we watched it go below the horizon to the South of our location. It was traveling in our outer atmosphere as a bright one t the entire time. To this day, I cannot explain what it was. I know of nothing humankind has which could make those sharp turns without changing speed.
I've never talked about this before for fear of sounding utterly insane. In saying that, even though I witnessed it, I still have a hard time believing or understanding what I saw. -- Around 10PM at night I witnessed what appeared to be black smoke coming from an apartment building a few blocks north. I was immediately confused because it did not move like anything I've seen in the sky. Best way to describe the movement of this "black smoke" is like when black ink drops into water. It was swirling, moving in multiple directions, and the color of was blacker than anything I've seen before. After a few seconds the "black smoke" turned into a small glowing orb . The orb hovered in the sky for a couple of seconds, then made three zig zag motions, it hovered in the sky for a few seconds, and then shot straight up into the atmosphere. This incident lasted approximately 1-2 minutes. I'm only sharing my story in hope of finding a reasonable explanation for this.Submitted by Sandy
I was camping by myself at the Joshua tree national park and taking long exposure photos in the dark. No one was in the campground with me, and It was around 11:30pm when I saw a flashing circle light in the sky. It sounded like a really quiet passing over me. The sound constantly went off and on and then completely stopped. The long exposure photo of the UFO shows kind of a flare where it flew by and 2 glowing blue circle shapes from where it hovered. There was no background lights from my tent or anywhere around me.Submitted by B.B.
A ‘perfectly round' 30-foot circle of flattened, rotated grass was found with a mutilated cow inside. A 1/4 mile to the west, a second 30-foot circular area was found in a wheat field (newly planted, only about 4 inches tall at the time) which also appeared to have been burned. This circle also had a mutilated cow inside it. A small amount of radioactivity was detected by the local Sheriff's department while investigating. The sheriff called Reese Air Force base to come out and inspect the site further. The sheriff reported overhearing one of the military officers express some concern over the radioactivity level.
Hills have legend of humanoid beings that at night transform into glowing orbs, fly & hunt for blood, specifically human. Not sure how often the feeding occurs. In the mid 70s. I personally witnessed and was chased by such a thing as a child along with a large part of my extended family during a picnic,, looked like a glowing human size orange orb, intelligently maneuvering through the trees. In late 80's Witnessed it again as a teen, the second time it was not chasing but "scouting" over the town's sky for an evening. This thing is weird because it affected time, the minds of those around, physics, & it appears to be a ghostly being,/ cryptoid, but very UFO-ish as well, hard to pin down. Submitted by "The man from dyatron"
The Walnut of Benevento was an ancient and leafy walnut tree consecrated to the Germanic god Odin, around which met a community of Lombards settled near Benevento from the sixth century, in the territories originally inhabited by the Samnites. The celebration of pagan and religious rites, which included hanging a goatskin from the walnut, has given rise to various legends that have perpetuated over the centuries, concerning ceremonies and magical rituals officiated by witches on the occasion of sabbath (the return of the devil). .
While driving through the desert with my grandmother, our a/c went out in her 2001 Honda Passport. It was incredibly hot. I am from North Carolina, and was in California for my cousin's High School Graduation. In 2008, I was a High School Junior. (I had just returned from a fishing trip in Red Lake Ontario, before heading out to California. While in Canada I spent some time with some local indigenous folk. For two weeks I drank a type of local Root Beer with them. It was the best I'd ever had in my life. I consider myself a Root beer Connoisseur.) With our a/c broken and no beverages to quench our insatiable thirst, we decided to look for a gas station. Our GPS showed ZERO gas stations around. Suddenly, a building appeared before us. It was a small building with an old timey gas pump out front. The building itself was made of stones, smoothed out by years of flash floods. Inside the building was a single beverage stall. Inside the stall was a selection of bottled waters, and THAT INDIGENOUS CANADIAN ROOT BEER! Needless to say, I was so happy. Nothing seemed off about the store clerk or anything. I just couldn't believe I found this special root beer, in the desert of all places!. We continued on and went to my cousin's graduation. Afterwards, I decided we would drive back using the same route so I could buy all of the remaining root beer. I just had to bring that magical beverage back home to NC with me. I drove up and down this rural desert road 3 times. The stone gas station wasn't there! I couldn't believe it. Maybe I had taken a wrong turn I thought. No way. There was only one road! I have since been back to the area 3 times. I literally asked every local I ran into about it. I always received the same answer. THERE IS NO STONE GAS STATION!
I full-on astral planed during a performance at at this theater. I was singing a song I had written about life and death being one and the same and about a half-minute into it I realized I was outside and above myself, watching it happen as it happened. There was nothing unsettling or upsetting about this. I simply felt in awe of the experience and went with it. As the song ended, I re-entered my body. I don't drink or do drugs when I perform. I'm not on any kind of medication. It was one of those truly weird and undeniably beautiful experiences.
Strange animal sighting occured on the Lake since 1816 (8 witness back then). Through the years, he was often described as a long neck animal like a sea serpent or a Plesiosauroidea.The Monster is named Mamphre on reference to the Lake name (Lake Memphremagog).
I recently had a bonfire in my backyard. I love fire and am always mesmerized by flames. I was taking a lot of pictures of the things that I was burning in my fire . When I went to crop my pictures, I noticed right away that I was not alone. In the first picture of my fire, there is a young girl silhouette in the smoke. In the second picture, there is a boy tall and peeking into the fire from behind it.
One night when we were sleeping in a tent on the abandoned upper cabin road, we felt a dark presence and heard 2 heavy feet walking on the gravel past our tent. It was obvious to us that the sound was not made by an animal but by a bipedal entity.
This is the site of the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill. Roswell, NM gets all the UFO action but this is where all the common tropes of abduction originated.
On September 19th, 1961, Betty and Barney Hill were returning to their home in Portsmouth, NH, from a trip to Canada when at around 10:30pm, The Hills witnessed what appeared to be a UFO. They pulled off the road at a picnic area to watch but took off in a panic when the craft seemed to approach their car. A short chase ensued and their recollections become hazy here. When they regain control of their consciousness, the couple discovered that they had driven 35 miles but had hardly any recollection of what had happened.
Through hypnosis, both reported that they had become mesmerized by the operators of the craft, were compelled to pull off the road and get out of their car where they were taken aboard the craft. Both reported that they were experimented upon, shown star maps believed to be the origins of these EBEs, and were returned to their car. Since then, locals to Lincoln, New Hampshire have built memorials to the abduction. The restrooms, of all place, of the Irving Express off exit 33 on I93 features an elaborate mural dedicated to the abduction and the state of New Hampshire placed a sign commemorating the event along the route as well.