Most Recent Stories
Cursed Bracelet
At the corner of Fairview Ave and Thomas St I found a cursed... bracelet. It was wooden beads in the shape of skulls. Someone had lost or discarded it in the gutter. I took it home and de-cursed it.
Submitted by: Cole
Demon Photo
Demon Photo
While on a photoshoot adventure with a friend in 2010, we experienced what we consider to be a "demon spirit". It showed up in one of our photos. The spot in Carkeek Park where we took the picture was deep in the woods, off the road, and it definitely gave us the creeps.
Submitted by: Ashley from Thats Weird
Visit from the All-Father
Visit from the All-Father
It's well known that Odin, the all-father of norse mythology frequently visits midgard. Often in the guise of a destitute or homeless old man. One day not more than 2 months ago I was wrapping up a much needed day at the beach. My life was in complete cinders, and i spent the day reflecting and asking the old gods for guidance. As I was trudging with my gear back to car I see an old man sitting on a log. He was wearing a white shirt, khakis and a brown jacket. He had long white hair, and a beard to match. He was wearing a wide brimmed hat and a black eyepatch over his right eye. He had in his hand a long walking stick. Nothing about this man's attire was extraordinary. All of it was rather plain. Even the stick. As I looked over at him i froze. Mid stride. His gaze met mine and all I could feel was an overwhelming calm. I was looking into the face of the all-father. Nothing could convince me otherwise. He looked at me, and offered a small wave and a knowing smile. I waved back, and returned to my walk. As I arrived at my car I looked to the west. Across the water, over the Olympic mountains a brilliant rainbow had formed. It was a day I will remember forever.
Submitted by: Justin
Trouble in Bremerton
Trouble in Bremerton
Three goats riding in the back seat of a Dodge Caravan. This can't end well.....
Submitted by: Justin
Pioneer Square Apparition
Pioneer Square Apparition
I worked for a start up glasses company here. We used to joke that the place was haunted just because it was so old. One day our photographer was taking some photos of sample glasses and in one of the shots there was a reflection that looked really strikingly like a little boy. She called us all over to her table and we looked at where the image was reflecting - there was no chairs or jackets that could have made the image, and the ones before and after it didn't have the image.
Submitted by: Madeline
3 Triangular Craft
3 Triangular Craft
Roughly 12 years ago, I was getting out of car in later evening when my mom called to me while pointing to the sky. There were 3 triangular craft overhead. They were low-flying, black, unlit and completely silent.
Submitted by: Shannon
Class III Apparition
Class III Apparition
Class III Apparition. Lived here for a year with two friends. By myself in front room playing video games, getting on towards evening. Lights off, tv on, but lights on in the next room. In my periphery, a dark silhouette appears in the doorway. Discernible head, torso, arms, and legs. Assume one of my roommates has come home so I turn to say hello. No one is there. Proceed through entire apartment turning on all the lights, definitely home alone.
Submitted by: B
Alley Meat
Alley Meat
Every day for at least four years and probably longer, there is a different kind of meat sitting in the grass at the end of this alley. Sausage links, sandwich meat, hot dogs, burger patties, chicken nuggets, teriyaki. Every day. Sometimes it has human bites taken out of it.
Submitted by: Raine
Bainbridge Island Werewolf Hunting Grounds
Bainbridge Island Werewolf Hunting Grounds
In 2010 a shirtless man was found in the parking lot of Probuild, scratched up and brandishing a sword and throwing knives. Approached by police, he told the officers that he had "been hunting Werewolves and C.H.U.D.s." He was taken to the hospital in Bremerton for evaluation.
The woods there were bulldozed a few years later and the site now is a bank, a Walgreens, and the new Virginia Mason medical clinic. Coyotes and deer were reportedly displaced by the construction, but there have been no further Werewolf sightings reported.
Submitted by: Russell E.
Suburban Dystopia
Suburban Dystopia
A crow a dropped a chicken McNugget directly on my head. Still unsure if he liked or hated me...
Submitted by: Kate S.
Haunted Belltown Apartment
Haunted Belltown Apartment
I was living in the basement of this nearly 100 y/o building - facing the alley so things always seemed a little more dark and spooky.
The day before I had dutifully washed my dishes and had them drying on a rack on the counter. This is important cuz they had been sitting there for 24+ hours (No heat issues, no slipping) when randomly one of my glass tumblers explodes. I think this is weird but think nothing of it until two more spontaneously shatter several minutes later.
The unit also had creepy "moving" sink holes, ala every now and then my floor would dip/sink when walking over it but not always.
Submitted by: Kate S.
Creepy Kiddo
Creepy Kiddo
Unusual encounter: I was walking my dog thru a dense part of the park on a windy, rainy day. As I turned down the trail a young boy (about 8) was sitting on a small downed log holding a huge mixed breed dog. I stopped because it was a school day and well, my spidery sense told me something was very odd. He was very animated, talking to me like he was an adult, I asked him if he lived around the area, and he said, “yeah somewhere.” I asked him for his name, he gave me his first name but said he forgot his last name. I asked him was he lost, did he need help, etc., etc.. “No,” he replied, as he continued to maintain a very animated, friendly, adult-like conversation. Since my husband is a pediatrician on this island, most kids know his name or the name of Mercer Island Pediatrics, so I asked him if he knew my husband or did he see any of the doctors. “No,” he said, “I don’t really go to the doctor.”
After chatting about books and other things, I told him I must continue on. I went up the trail and when I turned back he was gone along with the dog.
I told my husband about this unusual encounter that day. I’m convinced he and the dog were an apparition. This is a very small neighborhood where you’ll see the same people often, especially you’d remember the dog, never have seen that boy or dog anywhere on the Island.
Submitted by: Teresa H.
Brandon Lee’s Grave
Brandon Lee's Grave
Placed a stone of remembrance at Bruce Lee's grave but didn't honor Brandon. A short time later while walking in the cemetery, a crow attacked us. (Brandon was the actor who died while filming the movie The Crow).
Submitted by: Rachel
Volunteer Park Fey Trap
Volunteer Park Fey Trap
Last spring I missed the last bus and was walking home by the park late at night. It was raining lightly and the drops hitting the ground behind me steadily started sounding more and more like a small set of footsteps. I passed a mansion lit up with the doors open and nobody in it, then heard tinkling music I couldn’t place as I passed under a tunnel of blooming cherry trees. I felt strongly that fairies were trying to lure me away, and then suddenly all of it dissipated as I stepped out past the park and into the light of the street lamps.
Submitted by: Amy
Ghost slamming doors
Ghost slamming doors
When I worked for the Underground Tour, as part of my training I had to walk around the underground spaces solo and practice my spiels. In a space that was once a prohibition-era saloon, I was practicing my monologue and cheesy jokes when the hollow metal door (that was quite heavy) suddenly swung shut and then all the way back open, and I swear I heard something whisper in my ear. There was no one coming down the stairs, nor had anyone open the upper door yet. There was a tour group ahead of me in the next space so I wasted no time running to catch up with them, as it did not feel like a benevolent presence.
Submitted by: Kjerstin
Demon Jaywalker
Demon Jaywalker
I was driving some friends home on Market St, through the heart of Ballard, when a lady walks directly in front of my car. She's not the usual frat bro/woo girl out-on-a-Saturday-night pedestrian who thinks they can make it across before I hit them, though -- she deadass looks me right in the eye and stares into my soul, and maintains eye contact with me as she continues walking in front of my car, then across the street, at a disturbingly casual pace. She showed no outward signs of being drunk or high and based on her glare alone, everyone else in the car agreed she was most definitely some kind of demon.
Submitted by: Jane
Face in the Water
Face in the Water
I was swimming with my friends C. and G. I took a photo of C. in the water. G. and I freaked out when we saw the result and told C. to come see. We kinda bolted and speculated the way out wondering if a boy had drowned there. We all felt really icky like we had eerie lake resin on us we couldn’t shake. (Original post:
Submitted by: Carly D., Charlotte W., Gemma O.
Classic UFO
Classic UFO
I was a kid in bed with my mom at night staring out the huge picture window facing east in my parent’s bedroom. we had a view of lake washington, the cascades, and what was then the naval air base, now magnuson park. our house was directly east of where the soundgarden is now, below the stand point country club golf course. i was staring at a star that was super bright, so bright it didn’t really seem like a star, but it was still in the sky like a star, and i stared, fascinated by its strangely bright light, and i was unable to look away. then suddenly it shot straight upwards, and i mean straight upwards, absolutely vertical, and was gone. no aircraft could fly like that. not then, not now. it was my first sighting of a ufo.
Submitted by: Karen Ann C.
Mystery Box
Mystery Box
On the telephone pole SE Corner of Pine and 10th "Out of Bounds to Everyone Who Does Not Wish to Die a Most Painful Death" At the corner of 10th and Pine in Capitol Hill there is a large orange case that says "Out of Bounds to Everyone Who Does Not Wish to Die a Most Painful Death". When I walked by it's door slammed shut and then it blew back open. I put my hand inside the box and all of a sudden it lit up! A few seconds later I received a call labeled 'Unknown'. I answered it and all I heard was what sounded vaguely like an old phonograph record of some guy talking being played backwards.
Submitted by Eddie M.
Submitted by: Eddie M.
The Colman Park Face
The Colman Park Face
A quiet path winds its way beneath the road through the heart of Colman Park on Seattle's east side. This path passes through three small tunnels, near the uppermost tunnel a peculiar cement face, scarred with lichen, stares out from the moss-mottled mortar. A relic? A representation? A marker of memory? Or something entirely incomprehensible?
Submitted by: K. M. Alexander
Submitted by: K. M. Alexander
Crow Encounters
Crow Encounters
About 3 years ago, I was walking home from work at Swedish and found a dismembered crow wing on the sidewalk here. I stopped to look at it because you know, what the fuck??? For several weeks afterwards I was chased/attacked by crows on this block (like talon to head contact) and eventually started taking another route. I now work in Ballard and was attacked by a crow there last year. I am pretty sure the crow syndicate of Seattle has a hit on me.
Submitted by: Rachel Shapiro
A Tree
A Tree
A psychic called back my pet to my home. She asked only for a picture of my cat and no other information. As she stared at his picture, she began to look through his eyes, as him. She simply looked at google maps of a 5 block radius in every direction of my home to track him through looking at his view of the world. She pointed out specific trees, fences, patches of grass and garages that he had stopped by or had found interest in. She pointed at a specific tree which is at the corner of 16th ave south and south forest st in Seattle, WA. She says he had sat at this tree while lost and that he liked it there. She told him he should come back home, and gave him directions as to from this tree. She said hes probably next to the garage of the house next to this tree at the moment. Four hours after speaking to this psychic, I pulled in my driveway to see my cat sitting on my porch. He still stares out the window at this tree.
Submitted by: Dylan Spencer
Squirrel Eating a Donut
Squirrel Eating a Donut
I once saw a squirrel sitting on a huge pile of horse chestnuts going to town on a chocolate donut covered in rainbow sprinkles.
Submitted by: JP
Mystery Object
Mystery Object
Walking through the loading dock of the building on the south corner of S. Washington Street and the Viaduct, distinctly felt something touch my head. Walking through a second time about an hour later I thought, if you are here, touch me again. This time I felt something touch my nose and saw something white flash by. I looked up in the direction of the flash and saw what looked like a small hot air balloon constructed of old and dirty silk lodged way up on a shelf near the ceiling. I got the feeling I was supposed to notice that object.
Submitted by: Kari B
The Thing We Don’t Talk About
The Thing We Don't Talk About
Early one summer morning a few years ago, two friends and myself were watching the first hints of dawn peek over the Cascades from a penthouse apartment window while coming down from acid. A third friend was asleep on the couch near us, having only had alcohol she fell asleep. As the sky began to turn orange and then lighter toward yellow, the three of us who were awake noticed what appeared to be a meteor hanging above the horizon. It was a speck of twinkling white light, and seemed roughly triangular or like a stout rhomboid depending on its twinkle. I say it was hanging above the horizon because it didn't streak across the sky like a meteor; it didn't move vertically or horizontally in the sky, it just sat where it was and increased in brightness and size. I was initially alarmed that we were witnessing a missile or very large asteroid coming straight for us at a very shallow angle, but the light just kept twinkling reassuringly in the same spot in the sky. After about 15 minutes of this we roused our sleeping friend from the couch for some relatively sober confirmation that we were in fact seeing strange stationary lights in the sky. As dawn grew brighter two more rhomboids appeared in the same general area as the first, one a little above and one to the side and below. One of my tripping friends had a degree in physics and was at a loss to explain the atmospheric properties of what we were witnessing.
After gazing in awe at the lights for another half an hour one of my friends said, "Do you see the..."
"...that they're shooting out red and green sparks?" finished another. And they were, all three of the previously white lights were kind of pulsing and showering out tiny red and green sparks. I wasn't afraid; it was beautiful. We all checked with our sober friend to confirm our shared observations. All four of us sat for another hour in wonderment punctuated only by bursts of confounded hypothesizing and euphoric laughter.
It's important to note here that there were very few clouds in the sky, it was a relatively clear morning but for these glorious fountains of color. There were some long streaky distant clouds that were illuminated by the sparkling lights but they seemed to form after the dawn had progressed fairly far.
As sunrise grew nearer the sparkling peaked, and the twinkling meteors began to shrink. Not so much bending toward the horizon as departing into a region of sky straight back on a tangent to the curvature of the earth. They all disappeared right before the sun came over the mountains. During this experience (and after) my friends and I searched the internet for news stories of strange meteorological or astronomical activity that morning and found nothing. No forecasts, no sightings, no explanation. It was like no one else in the area had been awake and facing east for the two hours this event lasted, or if they did they didn't want to talk about it. And that's the way my friend with the physics degree prefers it. As it was happening he decided we shouldn't talk about it, mostly because of the loss of credibility that people endure from sharing their experiences with unexplained phenomena.
"I don't want to be one of those otherwise reasonable people who insist they've *seen* something," he said that beautiful morning.
"I think that's exactly what's happening to all of us right now," I laughed.
Whenever I mention the event to him now I make sure to call it "That Thing We Don't Talk About.
Submitted by: Reese S.
Ghost Canoe (w/ Lime Bike)
Ghost Canoe (w/ Lime Bike)
We have received many anonymous reports of a 'Ghost Canoe' floating on Lake Washington, apparently with a Lime Bike on deck. (unconfirmed)
Submitted by: Anonymous
House of Illusion
House of Illusion
House of Illusion
In 2009, I was working for Richard Hugo House, a writing center in an old Victorian house with a long and storied past as a former mortuary, funeral home, and theater. On the glass window of one of the front doors were the words “House of Illusion” in faint cursive that I somehow missed the first few months I worked there. But House of Illusion it certainly was.
The stories were many. When they first renovated the house in 1997, a construction worker reportedly saw the ghost of a little girl in a basement hallway. He quit that day and refused to return to the site. Infamously in the basement was a baby coffin lying prone in a dark boiler room that no one had dared move for several decades. Beyond that, and I don’t believe many people knew about this, was what haunted me most: a room with a dirt floor and several tiny school desks, lined up in rows and facing toward a blank wall as if a classroom for ghost children was always in session. If the rest wasn’t spooky enough, the basement at this time was being use for the nonprofit Ruby Room, and housed hundreds of old prom dresses. The Carrie vibes were strong.
Two of the founders of Hugo House, husband and wife Frances McCue and Gary Greaves (may he rest in peace), were living in an apartment on the second floor of the building with their young daughter as they renovated the building. Their own strange experiences, perhaps spirits stirred up by the construction, led them to invite an exorcist to the house to perform a clearing.
But some spirits seemed still to remain.
Upstairs in the zine library, ZAPP, in the room where the morticians reportedly used to prepare the bodies, were the most encounters. Things moved from place to place, a friend heard whispers over his shoulder, and as we slowly came to realize, no one could concentrate when trying to work in the room. A buzzing often seemed to resound in your head when you were in there, making focusing on anything difficult.
One September, we began talking about Halloween plans. Historically, Hugo House had hosted a party called Haunted Hugo that was open to the public to come trick or treat, drink, and go on tours to the baby coffin. This year though, they weren’t planning on hosting a party. The front desk manager Amy and I were openly bummed — Halloween was both of our favorite holidays and the house was just too perfect for a Halloween party. The directors said they’d allow us to have a party if we didn’t mind planning ourselves, and we enthusiastically accepted the challenge. Our coworker Joe said he knew a ghost hunter he could put us in touch with, who could maybe do something for the Halloween party. I programmed his # in my phone as the Ghost Hunter, alias Ross. Ross was more than excited to come to the house for a hunt with his ghost hunting team (!), AGHOST (Advanced Ghost Hunters of Seattle-Tacoma). They’d done a hunt there in the 90s that had been featured on Dateline and had apparently been dying to coming back.
They had stipulations: the hunt must be after midnight, and no more than 4 other people could join them. We drew from a hat and as the staff member who had to let them in and set up the alarm system, I was one of them.
We met at the house at 2 in the morning, sometime in the few weeks before Halloween. The night was foggy. Ross arrived with about 6 other members of AGHOST and they brought with them the most amazing arsenal of ghost tools: ion detectors, high sensitivity voice recorders, night vision cameras, EMF meters; the works. I got to hold the ion detector.
We split up into four groups, and spread out all over the house, with a plan to reconvene in about two hours. I was in a group with a clairvoyant medium and another clairvoyant women who wore dangling jack-o-lantern earrings.
The medium described the spirits she felt in terms of color, gender, and mood. She said on driving up to the building, she’d felt the wide berth of a dark blue masculine spirit emanating from a room at the top left of the house, describing its energy as “brushing up against hers like two yachts passing each other in the night.” In the upstairs kitchen area, she felt the yellow spirit of a women who seemed to pace back and forth. In the back room of the house bar that I managed, was the sad green spirit of a young boy. I had felt it.
In each room, we sat in a circle and the ghost hunters would turn on the EVP (electronic voice phenomena) recorder, otherwise known as a “spirit box.” The medium would say something like “spirits, if you are here, please make yourself known. Knock on the wall or tap on the floor, something to tell us you’re here.” Then we would wait. If any of us moved or made a sound, we would announce it so that on listening back, we would know if it was us, or a spirit attempting to make contact.
All throughout the house we did this, including in the basement full of prom dresses. I was most terrified being down there, afraid to look at the mirrors from the dressing rooms for fear I would see something staring back at me. But all throughout the house we heard nothing until we went up to the theater. In the audience area, the medium described the sound of “residual applause,” explaining that rather than a ghost, a residual phenomena was the echo of an event that had repeatedly occurred in a place and seemed to “linger.” But it wasn’t until we got to the backstage and sat there in the the dark, the darkest room of the whole house, calling on the spirits, that we seemed to receive any contact. Listening back to the recording we heard the distinct sound: Tap. Tap. Tap. We listened back several times. It was distinct. As unremarkable as it seemed, the women said it was significant — something trying to reach us.
Reconvening with the group, the other activity center of the house, the zine library, had been the most lively (or should I say...deadly). Another group, taking pictures with the digital camera, appeared to have captured the figure of a man in a tuxedo jacket, standing a the window of the former autopsy room, taken from the window opposite in the kitchen where the yellow woman paced.
The AGHOST team told us they would email a copy of the picture and any other evidence they found when they enlarged the pictures on the computer. However, we lost touch, and I have never seen the pictures to this day. I have just written to Ross to see if he might have anything remaining from that hunt. It would be incredible to finally see the picture of the ghost in the tuxedo. I will send an update if I ever receive one.
The House of Illusion, aka Richard Hugo House, has since been torn down, and a new building built in its place, with a new version of the writing center opening soon. Who knows what the construction might have done to those remaining spirits, but I’m curious if they remain and what the new staff of the house may experience should the renovation have stirred them up again. I have no idea what became of the baby coffin or the ghost classroom. Perhaps they still remain there in the darkness.
Submitted by Emily W.
Submitted by: Emily W.
Watcher At The Gate in a Haunted Basement
Watcher At The Gate in a Haunted Basement
A few years ago, I lived in a basement of a shared house in Wallingford, Seattle. When I first moved in, things were bright. I was midway through college, and generally free from the otherworldly.
The basement was a cold and damp mother in law. In my bedroom, I could sleep throughout the day without ever seeing the sun. It also had an unfinished room we called the "spook room," which just a mound of dirt. The light was always broken in it.
Eventually, after a couple years living in the basement, strange darkness crept into my dreams. It started with sleep paralysis, usually after nights out and at odd times in the early AM. I couldn’t move. I’d scream for help but only mumble in reality. I’d attempt to move my body but it wouldn’t budge. It always felt like my eyes were open though, and I started to see things…
The sleep paralysis started to happen more frequently, and other elements started creeping in. Once I saw a red light at the foot of my bed as if a camcorder was recording me sleep. The red dot skirted like a laser across my bedcovers, its light bouncing in and out of the folds in an eerie, conscious rhythm. My mind was always active, but my body could never respond.
It wasn’t all bad at first too. Once there was an entire Gamelan band playing, with exotic atonal cymbals and chimes echoing from all around me.
Eventually, i saw figures. A dark black hooded figure would often stand and watch me at the foot of my bed. I came to call him my Watcher at the Gate. Another time I experienced the old hag syndrome - for me it was a force that hovered above me.... It felt like spores of mold that infected my room, and entered my body to infect me,,,.
I would wake up into other layers of sleep and sometimes I was unsure of how many encounters there were. Some of my dreams feel like they’d been dreamt countless times before.
I felt myself begin to leave my body in the middle of paralysis. It was a struggle at first, but once I got the hang of it I was able to lift my head up and float above. I read into astral projection and realized that the numbness, strange lights, watcher at the gate, and other things I was experiencing were all precursor experiences for a lot of successful astral projectors.
According to research on Reddit, the watcher at the gate is there to test you. I decided to try and master it and face him, so that I could have more lucid dreaming and enter the astral realm.
Once, in this astral projection state, the Gate Watcher beckoned me to follow him. Intrigued, I got out of bed and walked with him. I followed him and we then talked for a bit in the other room. He was a vague, dark shadow that started to make me uncomfortable. The basement around me was identical to reality, but filtered, like the Upside Down. We looked at my body sleeping, and he said I looked so “cold and motionless” lying down on the bed. This creeped me out, and I decided to leave, and tried to wake up.
After this experience, I was convinced that unwelcome, sinister presences were trying to invade me in this haunted basement. The next day I decided to expel a strong force. I visited the local new age shop, smudged my room, and put candles and crystals around my bed to ward off the evil. Since then, all my visitors have left. I have had sleep paralysis, but no encounters of this magnitude.
Submitted by: Bill D.
A UFO at the Races
A UFO at the Races
... On the last race day of the season in 2017, between races on the second or third to last race there was a small craft on fire floating silently towards the ground at about a 30 degree angle. It was round and the flame was blue. The flame circled the round craft, kinda how the blue ring circles an Amazon Echo when it is booting up. The light blue fiery ring circled around it and there was no smoke. It floated slowly and was only about a quarter mile away on the other side of the track. It was heading north and I lost it once it passed the track. It should have crashed within seconds after losing it but I never heard a thing.
I was with my fiancee and 2 of my neighbors and they all saw it too. I'm sure half the people at the track saw it too. Later that night on the news, there was a report of a meteor that was seen close to the Earth. No way it was a meteor. It was going way too slow, it was too big (at least a 10 foot diameter disc), and it couldn't have burned up that fast because it didn't get any smaller.
Submitted by: Jared
White Center UFO Sighting
White Center UFO Sighting
I was driving home from Home Depot heading south on Delridge in West Seattle one night with my girlfriend, and saw a flying object that was coming in hot at a 45 degree angle. It looked like it had a little tail behind it and on fire, but the flame was white and didn't leave any smoke behind. I said "Look!" and my girlfriend said, "I see it". Right before it was lost in the horizon of buildings and trees, it started to straighten out so it wasn't going to crash as hard.
It was the same direction as Seatac so I thought it might have been a plane. Then I thought of the white flame and that there was no sound. We were within a half mile of the object and thought for sure that we would have heard something if it had crashed. We also didn't see any smoke. It was very weird.
Submitted by: Jared
Lake Union UFO
Lake Union UFO
I was heading south on I-5, crossing the ship canal bridge, around 9 o'clock and saw four lights in a square formation floating over lake union. They were just hovering there and didn't make a sound. At first I thought it might have been those Chinese lanterns that float up via heat from a candle but those usually flicker a little, and they weren't moving higher or in any direction, and they also were in a perfect square shape (as equidistant as I can imagine). I told my girlfriend to "look at those lights over the lake". She saw them and I asked her what she thought they were. She said she didn't know. She thought maybe some people were putting on a drone show over the lake. They were about 50 yards higher than the highway and still just hovering there, not shifting at all.
I had to look forward and pay attention to the road but kept checking the rear view. My girlfriend looked at me in disbelief and then looked forward kinda zoning out. I had to look back over my shoulder since she stopped looking at them, and they were gone. I told her to look again and she agreed that they were gone. Now I know that they weren't Chinese lanterns because there is no way that all four lanterns would burn out within the same 10 seconds.
I don't think they could be drones because if they went down, it is just water under the bridge unless they landed on a boat. I will never forget that night. It was like it just happened yesterday.
Submitted by: Jared
On the Boards Theater
On the Boards Theater
On the Boards is located in a 1912 building that was originally a social hall and event space. Many of us that worked or performed there had encounters with reasonably friendly ghosts in the strange corridors and darkened spaces. At a staff gathering in 2010, we decided to bring out the ouija board and see if we could reach any of the regulars. The chatty ghost we got in touch with told us they watched the shows and really enjoyed the contemporary performance we were presenting, so that felt better than any Yelp review one could hope for.
Submitted by: Tania
Mystery Portal
Mystery Portal
A mysterious stone portal in the ground right by my house. At the old Boys And Girls Club on Mercer Island.
Submitted by: Mark S.
Haunted Hodgepodge
Haunted Hodgepodge
Orbs, shadowy figures, a piano that would strike of it's own accord, and the ghost of an elderly woman standing at the entrance to the master bedroom
Submitted by: Gloria
Grandma’s House
Grandma's House
Submitted by: Chris
Skyway “Thinny” Corridor
Skyway "Thinny" Corridor
All up and down the top section of Cornell Avenue in Skyway, as well as South of Cornell/74th and across Renton Avenue, into the Greenbelt of Skyway Park- at night may be another dimension. (This corridor of the strange may extend to Dead Horse Canyon and Lakeridge Park to the North- others may be able to share their experiences) New unreal LED streetlights on Cornell add to, rather than detract from the impression of otherworldliness to be experienced there. First hand, I have observed strange fogs both in and out of season, unusual sounds, unexpected wildlife including Deer, Coyotes, and White Owls, as well as a great many Crows. Bring a friend.
Submitted by: Baked and Awake.
Illahee Preserve Hijinks
Illahee Preserve Hijinks
(At times i look at people and can see somthing else like tge the character in the tv show grim) one day i was walking through the park saw a short dark disheveld man pokeing through the the underbrush said he was looking for mushrooms i saw a dwarh further up trail meet a a tall blue eyed man picking berries we talked about them while we were talking he kept useing words that are not currently used in common vocabulary i was talking with a elf . Anotger time tjere is a small circular clearing with only one way in or out,there was a girl in the center with no shirt on and her back was to the opening she was singing (lovely voice) and playing guitar i went on a little way more sat and listend but where i see if anybody went in or out,when she stoped playing and singing I said 'why did quit ?' After a little bit i went and looked no one was there and would have heard it if anyone tried to break through the brush or seen a sign of it
( this is not the only occurance ive had with this phenom ive also seen rock giants,orcs,aliens and saw the voice of a harpy? no specfic place just in public)
Submitted by: Mike A.
Post Alley Spectral Image
Post Alley Spectral Image
My neighbor and friend were on roof. Friend is smoking, my neighbors reflection and some figure in the glass are mixed. He was in the navy so you can make out his shirt and arms, but that face is unreal. The original photo was from a cell phone but I have a copy. The original was analyzed and it wasn't altered. I always had creepy experiences around the market and Post Alley.
Submitted by: Lisa Z.
Roxhill Shadow Person
Roxhill Shadow Person
I was walking right after dusk with my 3 month old to try to get him to sleep. A car was coming behind me passing the intersection and a shadow person ran across the street about 2 houses in front of me and ducked behind the car in the driveway. I thought it was someone wearing all black with a hood on until I passed the house they ran to, and couldn't find them behind the car or any bushes. I replayed the instance in my head and realized how dark the figure was and that there were no facial features or any lighter shades whatsoever. I didn't see a face and they were nowhere to be found and definitely didn't go into the house. I went home and asked my wife if there was a such thing as a shadow person, because if so, I think I just saw one. She said she didn't know. When I googled it, I found out that they do exist, and from other people's experiences, I'm at least 95% certain that a shadow person is exactly what I saw. Especially when I remembered how it was ducking low as it ran across the street, as if to hide behind a hedge while running, or like someone running from someone shooting at them. It didn't seem to want anything to do with me, so I was lucky to have seen one of the good ones. I'll never forget the way it moved and that even though it was as black as black can be, I could still make out the arms and, legs, and head. I also know that it wasn't my shadow being projected by the passing car's headlights because there were no cars, trees or houses in the middle of the street...there was nothing for me to cast a shadow on except for the sidewalk in front of me. It was one of the weirdest things that's ever happened to me in my life.
Submitted by: Jared
The Witch of Fauntleroy Park
The Witch of Fauntleroy Park
My 6yo son and I took our puppy to Fauntleroy Park (of Fairy Village fame) to leave an offering of a small, yellow motorcycle for the Parking Fairy, to thank it for all of the great parking we've found lately. While we're walking down the trail, two massive black dogs seemed to manifest from nowhere and charged the puppy. He was terrified, and tried to run for cover, but ended up wrapping my son in his leash and dragging him down the trail on his front and knees. A third dog that looked half-wolf tore by, followed by their "owner," a haggard-looking old woman in all-grey. While I tried to comfort my kid, who was covered in scratches and bruises and skinned knees, I suggested maybe she should keep her dogs on a leash. Her only response was to say "yeah, maybe," in a cruel voice, and keep walking. No "sorry," no "is your son/dog okay?"
She disappeared down the trail, crossing a small creek. My son was concerned he wouldn't be able to leave his offering to the fairy, so we kept going in the opposite direction for about 15 minutes. Kiddo was feeling too freaked out and hurt, though, so we ended up leaving the motorcycle in the hollow of a strange looking tree, hoping it would find its way to the Fairy Village.
We turned back, and went about 25 feet, and suddenly one of the black dogs appeared on the trail again! My son hid behind me and I shouted "GET OUT OF HERE!" at the dog. From somewhere ahead, we could hear the old woman call the dog-- her voice sounded disembodied. It turned around and left, so we moved forward. I scouted ahead, and the woman and the dogs had completely vanished! There was no sign of them anywhere else on the trail the entire time.
It's obvious that the dogs were familiars, and the woman was some kind of malevolent witch. Not sure if she was trying to keep us from the Fairy Village, or just didn't like kids, or we were in the wrong place at the wrong time, but next time we go back I'm bringing extra "protection" for sure.
Submitted by: JVP
Misplaced Mojo Bag
Misplaced Mojo Bag
My roommate and I picked up a bunch of stuff this man was putting on the curb in front of a house down 32nd Ave, including a really big old trunk. When we got it home and were cleaning the debris out of it my friend found what looked to be a hex or gris gris bag - a little cloth tied up with twine with something inside. We didn’t open it, just grabbed some salt and dashed across the road where we buried it under the [LOCATION REMOVED TO PREVENT ACCIDENTAL CURSES] at the top of the Golden Gardens stairs. I salted the earth and said no bad juju was allowed to follow us home. Later our other roommate told us the reason that house was getting emptied out was that the old woman who owned it just died. We saged everything just to be on the safe side.
Submitted by: Robin
Beastly Trees
Beastly Trees
I sometimes see a strange, ghostly dog (a bird dog, I think? not sure. definitely big) running up and down the street barking. My neighbors never seem to notice it. The local crows always seem like they're watching it though; sometimes I think they're cawing at it. I'm kind of worried it's looking for something, or someone...
Submitted by: Anonymous
Greenlake Shapeshifter
Greenlake Shapeshifter
I saw a demon shapeshift? I was walking in Green Lake Park late at night because I couldn't sleep. I saw someone else walking around and thought nothing of it and kept walking. I glanced back over at the person and they started to change. They grew taller and they grew wings. I rubbed my eyes and blinked, thinking I was just really tired, but when I looked again the figure was still there and began flapping their wings. They took off over Green Lake and began to circle higher. As they turned towards me I saw their eyes glowing like hot coals. The figure continued to rise and then in a red flash was gone. I called the police but they told me not to worry about it and go to bed.
Submitted by: Arthur W.
A Bad Night in West Seattle
A Bad Night in West Seattle
So about two years ago I lived in a house near the [Alaska] Junction. It was a pretty old house—about seventy years old, although it had been renovated a lot. Anyways, it was late at night, and I couldn’t sleep. I got the feeling that someone was watching me, so I looked around my room, and noticed there was someone in my doorway. It was a man in a suit, and he was staring at me with a blank expression on his face. If I had been less tired I probably would have screamed, but it was very late and in my sleep deprivated state I decided to try and talk to him. So I got out of bed, but as soon as I set my foot down, a hand emerged from under my bed and grabbed my foot. I gasped and kicked it away and got back into bed, deciding it was probably better not to talk to him anyways. So he continued staring at me and I stared back, and then, out in the hallway, I heard someone start to cry. I peered around the man and saw a little girl with her head spinning above her body, sitting down and sobbing in the hallway. I hid under my blankets until it was morning and they faded away. Probably my scariest paranormal experience to this day.
Submitted by: Rose
“Aetheric Items”
"Aetheric Items"
Some friendly entity has blessed the UW campus with "high-potency AETHERIC items". (See picture for evidence.)
Submitted by: Anonymous
Spooky Noise at Old Brewery
Spooky Noise at Old Brewery
Last week I was touring a space in Seattle's "Old Rainier Brewery". The landlord and I had walked through the space once and I decided that I should go again and make a video of it for my reference. He and I were the only two in the space. You can hear a loud click-bang noise as I'm about to enter the room where the sound originated. The door you see in the room was locked and has been sealed for over 20 years and there is no one on the other side of any walls to that room. There was nothing on the floor that I stepped on and the landlord was at the other end on the phone. Thoughts?
For the record, I showed the clip to the landlord and he unlocked the door and we both pried it open to see what was back there and it was an old abandoned stairwell between buildings that had been sealed off. Very creepy space.
[video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video]
Submitted by: Michael
Kirkland UFO Sighting
Kirkland UFO Sighting
As a kid I saw a flat black three pronged craft flying by, making a propeller noise but with no moving parts, windows, or markings, in broad daylight. I rushed home and told my family about it, but after that day nobody ever remembered me talking about it.
Submitted by: L
West Seattle Horned Horror
West Seattle Horned Horror
I would classify my experience as a "Dark Force"...I was driving from my home on 34th ave. S.W. in West Seattle, south on 34th when after a couple of blocks I noticed on my left, standing in front of a garage of a house a creature, standing upright on two legs with a hairy face and two pairs of horns, one set emerging from his forehead and turning upright and another set coming out of his mouth area and turning downward. His other features were mostly obscured by hair... shaggy brownish beardlike. It took me a few seconds to register what I had just seen and I stopped the car and grabbed my phone to try a take a picture. Rather than back up, I chose to make a quick round trip and then approach him like I did before. I went as fast as I could looping around in less than a minute, but as I suspected he was gone. I spent time driving around the neighborhood just in case he was walking around, but no further sightings. I keep an eye out everytime I pass this house. It creeped me out totally and I told a very few number of people and heard myself sounding like a complete idiot but now I get to tell the story...thank you.
Submitted by: Chris B
ACT Theatre – Bullitt Cabaret
ACT Theatre - Bullitt Cabaret
Worked here for off and on several years and would occasionally have to walk the building when it was empty as I was the last one there having ended a show late. I hated going into the Bullitt then because it always felt like something was there. The mirrors facing each other off across the floor on the lower level didn't help because sometimes you'd swear there was something else by the Ghostlight. I'd usually say goodnight to anyone that was there and sometimes the creak of the door would sound like an answer back.
Submitted by: Sal
House by Greenwood Triangle
House by Greenwood Triangle
The only home to ever frighten me as a housekeeper had a semi finished basement and old creaky bones. All time spent cleaning the place I thought I heard other things in the back rooms upstairs and cleaning my way up from the basement was chilling. Each clean would last around 3 1/2 hours but every time I left the house I always felt like I needed to run out or something would pull me back in. All other homes were perfectly fine, just this single house got to me in the worst way.
Submitted by: Markella
Fridge Kitty
Fridge Kitty
Starting back in 1996 when I was in college in St. Paul Minnesota, I have been having encounters with a spiritual presence I have come to affectionately call "Fridge Kitty". Fridge Kitty first made him or herself known in my dorm room at Hamline University: a small calico cat ran from one corner of my cat-free dorm room and disappeared straight into my mini fridge. After that, Fridge Kitty appeared in nearly every house or apartment I lived in for the next eleven or twelve years. He or she would change size, shape, and color, but was always a spectral cat that would dart out from nowhere and disappear into a wall or piece of furniture, or sometimes thin air. Right around 2009, when I moved into a house with my, now, husband, Fridge Kitty stopped visiting. We moved out to the West Coast in 2012, staying on Whidbey Island for a year and then bought the house we are currently living in, just outside of White Center. About a week after moving in: Fridge Kitty strolled through the living room and on into the wall. He is a brown tabby now.
Submitted by: Julia
Magic Sighting
Magic Sighting
At Burien in Fred Meyer's, I found a stuffie that I wanted for my birthday but it wasn't my birthday and then it was magic: it just hopped into my cart! We barely touched it!
Submitted by: Nicholas (Age 6)
UFO Sighting
UFO Sighting
I saw a UFO. It was flying by and it was in the sky. It had flashing lights. The flashing lights were green and red.
Submitted by: Nicholas (Age 6)
Staring Squirrel
Staring Squirrel
At first there was a squirrel and then I saw a squirrel and the squirrel climbed up a tree and STARED at me.
Submitted by: Nicholas (Age 6)
School District Ghost
School District Ghost
My father was a janitor at the school district building, many times he had a ghost that would move things often, set off the automated paper towels and other fun or mischievous things, nothing bad. A couple times I had stopped by for a late dinner or lunch with him and had seen an apparition of a older gentleman with a brown suit and [bowler] hat, at times he would tip his hat other times he would just fade away.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Creep at the Catwalk
Creep at the Catwalk
I was attending a rock show at The Cat Walk in Pioneer Square ( not sure it still exists?) [Editor's note: It Does Not.] and was sitting in the bar ( completely sober) when I saw a woman dressed in black Victorian mourning garb run past me and through the wall.
This wasn’t my first time seeing a ghost so it didn’t scare me but I was still startled.
When we went to the room where the band was about to play
I felt her presence behind me but once the music started I could no longer feel her.
Submitted by: Stacey
Late Night Call… FROM BEYOND
Late Night Call... FROM BEYOND
I live extremely near [a mortuary]. Very occasionally, in the middle of a night, I can hear a woman's voice call out "Hello? Hello?" from somewhere in this direction. Shortly after a buzzing starts that you only recognize as dial tone just as it abruptly switches over to off hook. The off hook noise will persist for upwards of 30 minutes before just as abruptly going silent.
Submitted by: Anonymous
1st Hill Creeps
1st Hill Creeps
I lived in a building on the corner of 8th and Marion for about a year. It was definitely haunted. Windows would slam, car batteries would frequently die, and you constantly felt like you were being watched. I never slept with the lights off the entire time I lived there, but nothing felt malicious or made me think I was specifically being targeted either.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Bad Vibes
Bad Vibes
This area is haunted AF. There is a heavy ghost/demonic presence. I was connected to this neighborhood for years, and never felt safe.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Gull Graveyard
Gull Graveyard
I drive the Highway 99 Viaduct both ways nearly every day. The lower level is a normal, dirty, elevated urban hell road. But the upper level, Northbound? Have you noticed how many dead seagulls litter the sides of the road? It's like a seagull cemetery up there. And it's only seagulls, no other birds. What will they do when the Viaduct comes down? Where will they go to rest in peace?
Submitted by: Matt D.
Eastgate Portal
Eastgate Portal
The moon shifts wildly between the 2 ends of Allen Rd (or as we called it, Alien Rd), UFOs have been seen in broad daylight, strange phantom large felines seen in people's backyards, baseballs disappearing in mid air, and haunted encounters all over the area.
Eastgate is/was a hotbed for the paranormal! Perhaps it was over active imaginations, or mass hysteria, but many had their own experiences within the small neighborhood.
Submitted by: Jeff L.
Sam’s River
Sam's River
It's difficult to say, really, what happened at Sam's River. Firstly, Sam's River Trail's existence is a debated subject. We found it in an old guide book at the beach cabin we stayed at. Washington Trails Association claims it doesn't exist. Other places call it Queets River Trail. Physically, it may still be down a gravel road off Queets River Road. The beginning of the trail was an abandoned cabin with nothing but a brief sign warning about bears. There was no one else there and nor did it seem there had been for quite some time. Near the beginning of the trail, we came across a tree snapped in half with massive claw marks going up to the snapped point. Shortly after that, the trail divided, half of it going off the edge into the river. At this point, we began to hear distant scream-like howls.
We kept going. A couple miles in, the trail followed a small stream into what I can only describe as a swampy meadow. Vine maples and saplings filled with Swainson's Thrushes and robins presided over a lush field of green grass, all inundated with water. At the edge of the meadow, the trail transformed into a stream and then disappeared entirely. The guidebook said that the trail was a loop, so we (my family and I) fanned out to find the trail. We found a trail. Then another one. The meadow was webbed with many narrow trails all leading in different directions. Eventually, we picked one and walked on. A few miles more, and we had reached the supposed length of the loop trail. We had not made a loop and were far from our starting destination. The howls were getting closer to us (or we were getting closer to them), so we decided to turn around and go back. We returned to the car without incident. Attached image is of the knocked over trees. Trees of that size usually bring up the root ball when they fall.
Submitted by: E
Cascadia College Crow Massacre
Cascadia College Crow Massacre
I frequently find multiple dead crows outside the Cascadia parking garage. This is the only place on campus dead crows appear despite the swamp next door being a crow roost. The dead crows appear in various stages of decay, some partially eaten. I never find only one at a time. Strange animals.
Submitted by: E
Turned Around in Bellevue
Turned Around in Bellevue
I needed to walk from the Plaza Center to Bellevue Mall. I’ve been to the mall, and I’ve been to the Plaza Center many times and I knew that the mall was across the street and and a few blocks down. I left the Plaza Center and crossed the street immediately. Two or three blocks later, I looked across the street and saw that the Bellevue Mall was across the street. Confused, I crossed the street and entered the mall. I was in the mall for around thirty minutes. I left the mall to walk back to the Plaza Center through the same door I entered through. I walked three blocks down the street without crossing to the other side. When I reached the Plaza Center, I was on the wrong side of the street. Tl:dr I crossed the street three times and ended up on the side I started on. High Weirdness
Submitted by: E
The Maury Island Incident
The Maury Island Incident
"The Maury Island Incident," which happened on June 21, 1947, and is considered by many to be one of the first modern-day UFO encounters. Harold Dahl claims that he saw 6 flying discs over the east bay of Maury Island around 2pm on 6/21/47. One appeared to be in trouble, and another disc approached it. Soon, chaff and hot metal "slag" spewed out of the troubled disc, with some landing on Dahl's boat, killing his dog and injuring his 13-year old son's arm. The next day, the first-known UFO-related "Man In Black" appeared at Dahl's home in Tacoma and warned him that he shouldn't talk about it (he did, and his life changed forever). More info about this incident, which happened 3 days before Ken Arnold's historic 6/24/47 Mt. Rainier sighting and 2 weeks before Roswell, is here (along with a film about it)
Submitted by: Scott Schaefer
Becky’s Bridge
Becky's Bridge
Rebecca "Becky" Lindquist was the main thrust behind getting a new bridge in the Knightsen/Bethel Island area of Contra Costa County. Days before the bridge opened, she died in a mysterious gunfire incident in 2001 that remains unsolved.
Marion M. writes: "End of delta there is a bridge to the slough on the other side the woman "Becky" who had the bridge installed. It is noted that weird things occur and flowers are left for her as she stays at the bridge to make sure people are across safely. side note: when my husband I and use to fish there every time would leave our automatic door locks would click just before getting on the bridge no matter how far away from it we were"
More about the mysterious details around Becky's murder:
Submitted by: Garrett K.
Wood Shop Ghost
Wood Shop Ghost
I was working in a wood shop on vollege campus. As I was standing at the belt sander, I looked down and I saw a pair of work boots right behind my legs. As I turned around to see who it was, I saw an older man in work clothes. After a second or two he faded away.
Submitted by: Tyler C.
Dark Forces in Provo
Dark Forces in Provo
My friend had to help with an exorcism here! We went and this house was legit possessedc there was some really bad energy there and the apartment residence felt extremely uncomfortable in the house. They were all having weird dreams about dark shapes and felt like they were being followed when they were in the house. The place was super creepy.
Submitted by: Michaela
Demon Dreams
Demon Dreams
If you stay up too late at Southridge Apartments in may have strange visions of demonic forces coming in through the door. Perhaps it's time to go to sleep.
Submitted by: Camilla
Pioneer Ghost
Pioneer Ghost
There's a ghost of a pioneer lady in my house. The house was built in 1889 and maintains a lot of its original character. I first half-saw the ghost as a woman in a long dress walking through one of the back rooms. A few weeks later, a friend staying over woke up at 3am to see the form of a woman in a long dress standing by the wall with a faint glowing outline. My friend tried to "blink her away", but she didn't disappear until the friend stood up. Since then, we've had no direct sightings, but have experienced multiple strange things with doors: the bedroom door slams on its own, the bathroom door locked itself with no one inside in the middle of the night, and once in broad daylight with multiple people present, the front door of the house opened on its own. Despite the weirdness, we have had no bad vibes from the ghost, and we consider her our fourth roommate. We hope she enjoys seeing who's living in her house!
Submitted by: Camilla
Vulture Vectors
Vulture Vectors
In between two strange houses on opposite sides of Center Street—both dilapidated, one light, one dark—stand tall sycamore trees where the vultures roost. There seems to be strange energy swirling between these houses. Also, sometimes you can find vulture feathers. Submitted by Camilla
Submitted by: Camilla
The Diner
The Diner
Due to a car accident I was stuck in Decatur, Illinois for a few days while repairs were made. During the four days I was stranded I walked to and ate at a diner twice. On the day my car was finally fixed I decided to go to the diner for one last meal. I drove around for an hour and could not find the diner. After retracing my steps and asking around the city I am left with the ridiculous conclusion that the diner, and the people I had interacted with in the diner either no longer exist, never existed or exist in a variant of this reality I am currently experiencing. A full recap of this experience can be found on my podcast located here... by John E.L. Tenney
Submitted by: John E.L. Tenney
?al Saflieni Hypogeum
?al Saflieni Hypogeum
The original Hypogeum. Very possibly the place where the People of Anthuor emerged from the Fourth World into the Fifth. More here
Submitted by: Anonymous
The Fouke Monster
The Fouke Monster
Made famous in the film "The Legend of Boggy Creek," the Fouke Monster is a terrifying, bigfoot-like cryptid that has no compunction about punching through a window while someone is trying to use the bathroom.
Submitted by: Anonymous
Power Pole Mystery
Power Pole Mystery
26 power poles snapped simultaneously in South Seattle, one of which fell on a vehicle. Experts are boggled. Although they suggest a "micro-burst of wind," this seems kind of like a stretch to us....
Submitted by: Anonymous
Seattle City Light transmission officer Bernie Ziemianeck said 24 power poles crashed on a mile-long stretch of E. Marginal Way S. It's unclear what caused the poles to come crashing down near the Museum of Flight, but officials are considering a strong micro-burst of wind. Ziemianeck said, "Quite honestly, I haven’t seen devastation like this in probably the last 30 years of being in this business."
Mystery Footprint
Mystery Footprint
One winter morning I found a large human-like footprint in the snow. It would have been about 2.5 the size of my foot, and double the width. I wear a size 11 in human men's. The other strange part was that there wasn't a trail.
Submitted by: Solomon G.
Willie Lee Watkins’ Place
Willie Lee Watkins' Place