My backyard

I was out back smoking and looking at the stars when I noticed a dark L-shaped object that flew from south to north over my house. If I hadn’t been standing there looking at the stars for several minutes I could have easily missed it, because it caught my attention because it was a dark shape moving across the sky. Flying fairly low, I’m no expert but it was around the same altitude the helicopters are in my area. This isn’t my first ufo experience but it is my first here in Kansas City. I haven’t seen an L shaped one before and it was awesome but also bizarre. It went overhead about 9:42pm CDT.

Submitted by: Fyn

A história do cemitério
N lembro

Oii,achei esse site MT interessante e vim contar uma história que aconteceu com a minha avó! Minha vó nunca foi uma pessoa mt fácil de conviveu etc,ela era uma mulher realmente ciumenta e talvez até possessiva... Um dia ela decidiu que queria que uma mulher se afastasse totalmente do meu avô, então no mesmo dia a mesma foi a um cemitério e foi a um túmulo aleatório A pessoa enterrada ali era um homem,e ela se abaixou e específicou o nome da mulher e o que queria que o homem fizesse e prometeu a aquela alma que se ele fizesse o que ela tinha proposto ela iria fazer uma oferenda(algo assim n me lembro direito). Alguns dias depois disso o meu avô se afastou da tal mulher assim como a minha avó queria,mas acabou que ela n cumpriu o que tinha prometido a àquela alma, se passaram alguns dias e ela começou a ouvir barulhos de correntes encima do telhado,como se alguém estivesse andando e arrastando àquelas correntes. Depois de um tempo ela decidiu fazer o que avia prometido,já que n aguentava mais aquele barulho. Então depois daquilo ela nunca mais ouviu as correntes encima do telhado da casa The Chains Hi, I found this site very interesting and came to share a story that happened to my grandmother! My grandmother was never an easy person to live with, etc. She was a really jealous woman and perhaps even possessive... One day she decided she wanted a woman to stay completely away from my grandfather, so on the same day, she went to a cemetery and visited a random grave. The person buried there was a man, and she knelt down, specified the woman's name and what she wanted the man to do, and promised that soul that if he did what she had proposed, she would make an offering (something like that, I don’t remember exactly). A few days after that, my grandfather distanced himself from that woman just as my grandmother wanted, but it turned out she didn't fulfill what she had promised to that soul. A few days passed, and she began to hear the sounds of chains on the roof, as if someone were walking and dragging those chains. After a while, she decided to do what she had promised, since she couldn't stand the noise anymore. After that, she never heard the chains on the roof of the house again.  

Submitted by: Yasmin

Chácara dos poderes
28/01/2024 22:32

Eram 10 da noite quantos todas as casas do bairro sentiram um grande barulho vindo de cima e depois acertando as paredes do lado de fora das casas O som parecia que algo tinha batido no telhado das casas e depois nas paredes Câmeras de segurança registraram o som, sem qualquer luz ou qualquer barulho de avião, relatos falam de tremores nas paredes de casas Até agora nenhum relato sísmico, avião ou meteorito foi relatado por ninguém… continua o mistério Strange sound and vibration on Sunday night It was 10 PM when all the houses in the neighborhood felt a loud noise coming from above, followed by impacts on the exterior walls of the houses. The sound seemed as if something had hit the roofs and then the walls. Security cameras recorded the sound, without any light or airplane noise; there were reports of walls trembling in houses. So far, no seismic activity, airplane, or meteorite has been reported by anyone... the mystery continues.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Ash street

So this is my mom’s story and I’m posting this story because she called me freaking out about it, she was driving down ash street and was driving behind a green and white waste management garbage truck that was just driving the speed limit and as the truck went around the kind of bend in the road it just blinked out of existence. As anyone knows, these trucks are huge, loud, slow, and take quite a bit of time to stop so after the truck disappeared my mom came to a stop and so did the car next to her, the guy rolled down his window and yelled “you saw that disappear too!?!?” And when my mom said “yeah I’m so glad someone else saw it” the guy just sped away freaked out. Where I marked it on the map shows that there are turns that it could have made, however my mom and the other guy saw it happen at the same time ruling out the possibility that it turned down a street or alley. I have no explanation for this other than it being a time slip, glitch in the matrix, or even a straight up ghost truck? Definitely weird

Submitted by: Duncan

Interlaken Park


Submitted by: Anonymous

Fountain Portal

The bottom of Freeway Park's fountain has always seemed like a powerful place to me, especially at night. The veil is thin there.

Submitted by: Will K.

Hypogeum Entrance (2)

Hypogeum Entrance (Unconfirmed)

Submitted by: Anonymous


Lots of Memlen activity here.

Submitted by: Anonymous


The Memlen are strong here.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Abode of the Insect God

An idol stands/stood on this place depicting an antish deity.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Fairy House Village

While three of us were exploring a local fairy village in a wooded park, we decided to try the Randonautica app. We pulled up the app but didn't really express any 'intention,' just that we wanted to find something weird or unusual. To our surprise, the random coordinates generated by the app were directly outside of one of our houses!! Were the fairies asking us to "go home?"

Submitted by: Jeremy P.

Hypogeum Entrance (1)

One of the entrances to the Hypogeum, open only during certain times of the year (or by invitation)

Submitted by: Anonymous

Stuck In Time?

A few years back I used to be a CSR helping out at Cafe 43 on the Microsoft campus. Every day when I left, like around 3 or 4pm, this guy would get on the bus with us. I swear to god he was some sort of time traveler. He wore archaic clothes, and always had a long sweeping coat on, even when my fellow mortals and I would be sweating like crazy. He had a cane/umbrella thing he carried, and a briefcase or something, also super old styles. He was white, thin and wiry, with a beard and long flowing blonde/light brown hair. He never spoke, just got on the bus and went with us to downtown Seattle on the 545. I saw him all the time, even got a picture. and he was very mysterious. I saw him maybe a year after that job ended, and he was walking in downtown Seattle with a super modern woman, holding hands and smiling, still with the cane and old outfit. I think he got stuck here in this time or something, but ended up finding true love in our present and went with it.

Submitted by: Nattie N.

Visitor in Orange

A couple years ago I went to get my ID renewed and another copy of my social- the buildings around 2nd ave are older brick buildings and there’s always a hussle and bustle in the area. I went to the social security building first. And really admired the place for its age. It seemed like a place with a lot of history. And I admittedly felt like I was in a different era. Here’s the strange part- as I’m crossing the intersection I see a man in an orange suit that seemed to belong to a different era. I remember his outfit struck me as it didn’t quite seem to stick out as it could almost blend in but there was an off quality. Now this might seem silly.. but this gentleman literally disappeared into the crowd after giving me a slight smile. There was something about the look in his eye like a secret. I just knew he was a time traveler. I wrote a poem about the incident in my journal. I mean maybe it was just a stranger who I lost in a crowd.. but that incident always struck me for there was something in that moment that just felt like it was of a special case. I know if I was a time traveler.. I’d visit Seattle.

Submitted by: Jackie

Edward Lighthart

On July 30, 2009 Lighthart flagged down a bus driver outside Discovery Park. He was dehydrated, had no ID but was carrying $600 in his sock. He was admitted to Swedish Medical Center’s Cherry Hill campus, where he tried to organize the snippets of memories into clues. ….But the man who walked out of Discovery Park says none of the truth about the real Edward Lighthart yet rings a bell. It’s not that he doesn’t believe that’s really him. He said he just doesn’t completely remember inhabiting Lighthart’s life.” Taken from:

Submitted by: Anonymous

Former Time Travel Museum

In 2015, in the site that was once the LPFM radio station Hollow Earth Radio a pop-up Time Travel museum emerged.

Submitted by: Garrett Kelly

Doom Sign

A very official looking street sign reading "Why is this happening? Report plague info 803-768-5463" stood here for some time.

Submitted by: @TIMESCANNER

The Future Etc.

By the Wells Fargo in Ballard: A man informed me he was in direct mental contact with Bernie Sanders and then told me about an incident that would occur shortly after Trump was elected involving another individual that was part of the direct mental communication network. That event has in fact occurred and I now know involves a person that I know well enough that they’ve taken an airplane to visit me over a decade prior.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Suspected Time Traveler Appearance

Roomate said he encountered a humanoid with what appeared to be snot running down his face/beard. When questioned, entity said it was actually "time travel residue".

Submitted by: Garrett Kelly

Deja Vu Experience

"My roommate Brett keeps having deja vu. The other day I was putting a tape in the VCR and Coleen was on the computer. I said something like I can never get this thing to work and then Brett said 'I dreamt this before.' The second time it happened, (and this is when it gets really weird) we were walking into the U-District past this blond hippie kid on a bridge over I-5 and I felt some sort of glitch in reality. I was about to tell Brett what I had just felt and he stopped me and said he had dreamt walking past that kid before, who had a videotape in his hand. I didn't notice the tape, but like I said, something was strange about that passing."

Submitted by: Garrett Kelly

Time Travel Nexus

Experiences of 'deja vu', meeting oneself from alternate timelines, and other paranormal activity heavy in this location.
"I think I might have seen a ghost (or something)! I was in the kitchen drowning one of my salad's with nutritional yeast, and as I turned up to my left I had this quick flash of someone looking right at me, only a few feet off. It was so quick and scary---I screamed up to my roommate twice and then ran upstairs! I've never had an experience like that before, though the past year or so I've become more engrossed in paranormal stories--- so I am wondering how much of that talk is manifesting itself in my reality. People in my house have started talking about seeing things, or dreaming of people that live in the house and I wonder how that is influencing me. One of my old roommates Brett even had this reoccurring dream about a little girl who would come and scratch his arms violently! The weirdest thing for me was that I felt that the person looking at me, WAS me. My first instinct was fright, but I also knew instinctually that it was me that I was looking at. I didn't tell anyone else in the house that, (and I am just realizing that it may be because that doesn't exactly fit the mythology that is developing around the phenomena happening in my house). I should probably let everyone in on the fact that that's what my intuition felt. But it doesn't make any sense, how the hell could it have been ME I was seeing? "

Submitted by: Garrett Kelly

Time Travel Mailbox

Here is a picture of the suitcase from a couple of years ago. Portal of light was not visible to the naked eye when I took this photograph. Also, check out the letter from a Time Traveler that was found in the box in 2005. If you visit here, open the suitcase seat and leave/reply to messages left here by Time Travelers. BEWARE TIME HUNTERS.

Submitted by: Garrett Kelly

Sandwich From Hell

One night in 2009 I was waiting for a bus on Ballinger Way NE in Lake Forest Park by myself. When the bus arrived, I boarded and went to the back. No one else was on it. Seemingly out of nowhere, three other people who had not been waiting at the stop with me got on and sat right next to me.They seemed really agitated and kept saying, "Are you ready for this? Are we ready to do this?" while glancing around nervously. The woman dug around in her bag fervently. I started to feel like something bad was going to happen.She then pulled a Subway sandwich out of her bag and one of her friends said "There it is." I thought. "I'm a jerk for thinking I was going to get robbed when really they were just preparing to eat a sandwich together." She then put the sandwich on her lap and opened it up. Inside mixed in with the lettuce and mustard were three individually wrapped moist towelettes. As her companions eagerly looked on she took the moist towelettes out pushed the sandwich to the floor of the bus and they used the moist towelettes to clean their rain jackets. The sandwich remained on the floor. It had merely been a vessel for their moist towelettes.(Submitted by SWR)

Submitted by: SWR

Terror Mouth Lady

While checking out at the Ballard Trader Joes on an otherwise dull day, I looked across the check out counter to see a normal looking middle aged woman in a pantsuit at the opposite counter staring at me. She then proceeded to open her mouth wide and distort it into a round oval shape (think, "The Ring") and looked at me unblinking for minutes and minutes as I tried to look away. Nobody around her noticed or acted like she was acting unusual. She even picked up her coffee as I did

Submitted by: Lo

Unfriendly Fountain

I used to walk down Madison every day to get to work, and there's a terribly hostile Presence in the fountain that's between Madison and the bank parking lot. Some of the heaviest spiritual miasma I've found outside of South Lake Union just radiates from there. My partner used to be an EMT and the hospitals on First Hill meant she was around that area a lot and she agrees with me, neither of us will go near there if we can help it. I don't know what kind of thing is attached to that, but whatever it is it isn't friendly and it isn't safe. Be on guard. [caption id="attachment_334" align="alignleft" width="720"] Photo of the fountain on google streetview[/caption] [caption id="attachment_335" align="alignleft" width="612"] Note the Timehunter fading in the background[/caption]

Submitted by: Sophia

Colony of the Damned

Dead souls live here.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Bezos' Balls

Balls filled with plants. Cropdusting is encouraged, as legend says that breaking wind in the direction of the balls will help to free the city from the evil sorcerer Bezos' dark magic. [caption id="attachment_469" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Methane plumes from valiant warriors breaking wind in the direction of the Balls[/caption]

Submitted by: Anonymous

Ghost Rider

My father in law told me once that as a kid in Georgetown in the 40s he heard a ghost come down his street, maybe on horse, calling out to sell something.

Submitted by: Lori Goldston

Ghost Alley Espresso

I was working there and had a bag of coffee beans flipped off the shelf. It is known to be a highly paranormal center of activity in pike place. In late October when the veil is exceptionally thin they put ghost activity monitors because there's so much activity.

Submitted by: Val Nigro

Trapped Man

There’s a man in a house who’s trapped in the 3rd dimension. He died in the home and now he sits on the porch. He protects and cares for the folx who live there now, but we think he wants to officially cross over.

Submitted by: P

Shadow Creature

I was visited by a shadow creature hovering over me about 25 times in 5 years. We called it a "rake", a term we heard on Ground Zero radio. I also saw a ghost of an old man. All these sightings/visitations ended when we moved out of that apartment. We also learned that the person who lived in that apt. before us died in childbirth. The landlord kept a few things in the apt. for us, like garbage cans and rugs.

Submitted by: Kelly Froh

UFO Sighting

UFO looking East from Phinney ridge, seen above green lake. The person I was with and I both saw a cigar shape, but strangely to me it was vertical and to her it was horizontal.

Submitted by: Stefan

Rose Garden Magic

On a recent visit to the Woodland Park Rose Garden, I remembered reading on the Geo Group's website that this was one of the power spots that they identified when they mapped Seattle's ley lines int he 80s. I didn't know the exact spot of the power site (they used dousing to determine this), but I sat near the fountain and did a small ritual to draw the energy of the earth into my body. I experienced the same potency that I had encountered when I had done this at the power spot at the arboretum - strong physical sensations of energy flooding through my body, euphoria, serenity, ecstasy. Afterwards I was very lightheaded. In the background, I could hear the Violent Femmes playing a concert at the zoo. nnBefore doing the ritual (and before I had remembered that this was one of the spots from the ley line map) there was a strange encounter with a large rabbit that allowed my 5-year-old to get very close to it. After the ritual, I went to the zoo parking lot to smoke a cigarette, and a crow flew over my head, so close that I could feel it woosh by my scalp. The crows were acting strangely in general - some were going mad with cawing at anyone who passed by, yet others seemed strangely subdued, and were walking very close to me. These animal encounters were reminiscent of my experiences at the other power site.

Submitted by: Yex

Seattle Ley Line Map

Map of Seattle Ley Lines, commissioned/drafted by the Geo Group in 1987. Found on the Third Floor next to the Amazon lockers.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Washington Park Playfield Ley Line Power Center

One of the power centers identified by the Geo Group when they used dousing to map the ley lines of Seattle back in the 80s. I went to the spot, made offerings to the local land spirits, and did a small ritual to draw the energy from the earth into my body. The results were surprisingly quite potent, though it's hard to qualify exactly how. I will note that after I left the spot, I felt very lightheaded and everything seemed more brightly lit (though it was late in the day). I was also left with a general sense of calm and euphoria. During my ritual, there was a strange singing coming from the bushes - probably another human being, but who knows. The animals in the area were also behaving strangely. A squirrel was slinking around strangely on the playground, a rabbit got so close to my 5 year old that she could almost touch it, and two crows seemed unusually still and were walking back and forth in a weird way. The whole place also had an eerie sereneness to it.

Submitted by: Yex

Tree Sigil

Still working on a translation...

Submitted by: Anonymous

Breath of the Wild Shrine Entrance

There's a public sculpture marking an entrance to a subterranean trial of strength, agility, and intellect. We have yet to crack the sculpture's puzzle and enter the shrine.

Submitted by: TIMESCANNER

Hedgewitch Portal

In Hedgewitch Portals chalk, 100 pounds of moss, lichens and assorted other botanical specimens and string models of Einstein-Rosen bridges filled a space as a vast meditation on gravity, electromagnetism, bog ecosystems and sigil-making rituals.

Submitted by: Meghan Trainor

Watery Bigfoot

With the help of an orgone-detecting orthodox icon of St George I and a team were able to locate a giant Bigfoot rising out of Puget Sound in broad daylight.

Submitted by: Brien S.

Shadow Creatures

8 foot tall shadows lurking under trees at 32nd and Morgan in Hillman City.

Submitted by: Maria G.


"Psaiya'hus, "horned snake." This promontory was considered to be the abode of one of these monsters. They were regarded with supernatural dread. They take the form of an enormous snake, having, according to some accounts, the antlers and forelegs of a deer. At the base of this promontory is a big reddish boulder weighing half a ton or more. It was formerly believed that anyone looking at this boulder would become tied into a knot. The boulder itself was believed to change its form. Certain people had a boulder for a supernatural helper." Source:

Submitted by: Anonymous

Many Faces

Ancient reports of an entity with the ability to switch between faces.

Submitted by: Anonymous

White Giant

One report of children playing hide and go seek in the woods. Apparently, some kid stumbled across a crouched person wearing all white. When rung towards the figure, and the thing rose up high and showed itself to be a giant.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Fremont Troll

Likely just a rumor.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Fairy Sighting

[caption id="attachment_440" align="alignnone" width="512"] With photographic evidence.[/caption]

Submitted by: Anonymous

Wellspring of Burr

A sacred place, but well-guarded by powerful dark forces.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Tree Sigil

Ancient symbol used for marking a barrier between "here" and "there."

Submitted by: Anonymous

Old Homestead

The trailhead is across the street from the airport. On the hill is an old homestead where all that remains is the fruit trees and well (not marked or covered so be careful). There is a clearing with large boulder (erratic), fruit trees, and a bottle tree. THOUSANDS of snow drops in early spring. The trail crosses a wetland which has scary energy. Would NOT go the at night, but hilltop, especially near bottle tree, is safe. It’s been like this as long as I can remember.

Submitted by: TJ.

The Wedgwood Rock

Check out this rock!

Submitted by: Anonymous

Afterglow Vista

"The so-called “mausoleum” is actually an open air rotunda with a huge limestone table in the middle. Around the table are thick stone chairs not only representing the members of the McMillin family, but actually containing their ashes and acting as headstones. This was meant to represent the family dinner table that the McMillins would rather around. There seems to be an empty space at the table and it is said that this was meant to represent the McMillin son who turned away from Methodism. The table is circled by a six Roman columns and a single broken column which is said to represent the unfinished nature of man’s life. The columns were originally going to hold a brass dome over the table, but in the end the family opted to leave the site exposed to the elements. Even the steps leading up to the monument were numbered with Masonic significance to represent the stages of life. This meaningful and loaded statement on death and family is open to the public"
Taken from:

Submitted by: Anonymous

Rainier Wizard Gangs

2/28/2018 For a few months, there was a series of unusual graffitos along the 2300 block of Rainier Ave. S. either someone in my neighborhood is trying a summoning via the Clavicula Salomonis Regis or gangs of street-tough wizards were staking a claim and about to battle. Submitted by K. M. A.

Submitted by: K. M. A.

Ghost Station

Ghost train station where the souls enter the next place..kicks up lots of wind.

Submitted by: Cait W.

Space Needle of Evil....

In [a] trance, I left my body and started to go towards Wedgwood Rock (a super cool and holy power site in the city, definitely worth inclusion on the map in general), a place I have visited and worked with magically on numerous occasions, both in trance and waking life. At the last minute, though, I decided to go to the Space Needle instead. I arrived at the Needle, and a mysterious figure told me to turn back, that this was a place of evil. I ignored the warning, and found myself on top of the Needle. Up there with me were a band of sorcerers, and they bid me to sit in a pot of boiling water. For some reason I obliged, and they started circling me, chanting spells in an alien language and drumming. At some point I realized that this was sketch city, so with the help of one of my guides, I left. Before I left, I looked back over my shoulder, and as I did, one of the sorcerers fired some sort of projectile at me, which lodged in the left side of my neck, and caused great discomfort. Afterwards, my guide brought me to my original destination of Wedgwood Rock, and the spirit of the rock, along with my guides and some other spirits, performed a healing ceremony on me, in which the thing in my neck was removed. As I was leaving to return to my body, my guide basically told me that I'm an idiot and to never do that again, and in particular that it was not safe to journey to that place from my own home. I had always really dug the space needle and kind of regarded it as modern spiritual hub of the city. The experience ungrounded that assumption, and left me kind of shaken in general, but at least the bad vibes I got at the needle were sharply contrasted with the ancient healing energy of the rock.

Submitted by: Yex

Bridle Trails State Park

There's been multiple black bear sightings in the Kirkland area for the past 2 weeks in residential and business areas. The bigger black bear was hit by a car on 405 last week and hung out in Bridle Trails State Park for the whole week. Yesterday one of the bears climbed up a tree outside Rose Hill Junior High School and was captured and released near Fall City. Who knows why the bears are venturing onto human territory so much recently?

Submitted by: Mary M.

Seagull Guardian(s)

On the on-ramp to I-5 from eastbound I-90. One or more seagulls are almost always present in the morning, watching and silently judging those who pass.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Seagull Terror

Once I was standing in front of the OK Hotel near some birds that were eating off of the ground. Suddenly a gull attacked one of the pigeons by shaking it an snapping its neck, then tore into it and started eating it. The other pigeons seemed clueless as the danger they were in and just kept eating, not care in the world. We mentioned it to someone working behind the counter and the said the gull had been doing that regularly. He went out to try to chase it away but the gull charged at him aggressively.

Submitted by: Lori G.

Mystical Dead Cat

WARNING: Video contains image of a dead cat. March 25, 2009. "I took my camera to work the day before Easter and on a whim Jake and I decided to go down to Golden Gardens on the Puget Sound, and have ourselves an old fashioned mystical journey. Jake said that it was his intention to be reborn that night, and to try and start anew,with a fresh outlook on life. Just as he said those words we came across quite a startling scene. There, lying in front of us, completely unexpected, a dead cat in the rain. It was a dark brown, completely soaked and strangely unreal. It was up on the grass, and even weirder, there was a car with its headlights on, shining directly on the cat. There was no one inside the car. The scene seemed staged. Numerous drunk cars came speeding past us and doing donuts in nearby parking lots. This was actually a relief because after the frickin' dead cat I was expecting a full on Men in Black encounter. But unless the MIB have traded in their eerily square style and are into doing the whole dukes of hazzard asshole guy thing, then I am pretty sure it was all nice and mundane. We got to the secret beach to find the dying coals of a small bonfire, and I collected a few pieces to put in the flame to get it roaring again. We drank some wine and Jake took all his clothes off. Without warning he handed me his pants and sprinted for the water and I chased after him in the dark. In the rest of the footage, the only thing you can see is the black---and the only sound is the water slapping against the beach and jake yelling: "I am an unwavering band of light, and I will be.... til I die.... and maybe even after" as he dunked himself in the freezing ass Puget Sound.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Crow Attack

Dive-bombed by a pair of crows, likely guarding a nest. I offered them a couple of garden-fresh strawberries; hopefully they'll see me as a friend.

Submitted by: Anonymous

The Knowing Trees

There is a small grove of trees on the North end of Madison Beach, next to the apartment building. Generally, this spot has excellent vibes - I've taken many, many school groups here. However, for whatever reason Madison Beach has a lot of animal activity in general - Lake WA is polluted so there are always dead water animals floating around, at lease one rabid bat sighting every summer, so the animals here do not fuck around and do not hold with negative vibes. Once, I was there with a close friend and her gf, laying under the trees chilling. Her gf is looking up at the trees and goes, "is that bird peeing on me?" and immediately that bird shat directly into her mouth. Said gf turned out to be wildly toxic and slightly evil - absolutely a case of fecal divination.

Submitted by: Higgles

Dear Deer

A bunch of folks saw a deer run down 17th in front of The In then bolt across Madison a while back. Also idk how this would fit in a map but when I was living at the BL my phone rang in the middle of the night and the person who was calling was a friend who had died two weeks before. I was too freaked out to answer but it def spooked me. (Submitted by Joseph B.)

Submitted by: Joseph B.

Special Squirrel

one time a squirrel brought me a leaf at denny blaine and then sat two feet away from me for a full hour and that felt v weird and special but prob not a ghost

Submitted by: Kim S.


Not what they seem.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Mystery Fox

Also i saw a fox at the top of beacon hill next to emma goldmans and the old amazon building one night several years ago but you might as well call it a spirit.

Submitted by: Frances C.

The Cookie Conspiracy

This location with prime real estate in Ballard been vacant with windows boarded up or covered with cardboard for over 15 years. For much of that time it had a red awning that read THE COOKIE CONSPIRACY. I've asked many Ballard natives and nobody remembers a cookie shop ever actually being open for business at that location. Late at night lights and sounds could be detected behind the covered windows. Someone knows the secrets of THE COOKIE CONSPIRACY, but nobody is willing to speak these things aloud.

Submitted by: TIMESCANNER

Man w/ One Handcuff

Late night driving around Bremerton, encountered a strange man standing next to a car with just one handcuff on.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Fairy Ring

There was also a fairy ring in Discovery Park that we found

Submitted by: Brien S.

Mystery Woman

Ballard Ave outside Conor Byrne. Sunday night, around 1am, years ago when it was possible to be alone out there. Friend and I stepped out for a smoke. Just us out there. A woman dressed in 1800s garb emerged from the dark, about thirty feet south of us and started walking towards us. We looked at each other like “whoa that’s crazy!” and when we looked back she was gone

Submitted by: CJ G.

Mystery Coke Machine

The famous "mystery coke machine." It's a mystery!

Submitted by: Anonymous

Fairy Activity

Some evidence of fairy activity: Coming home on a full moon after a sweatlodge, as I put the key in the door I heard what sounded like a pack of dogs which morphed suddenly into the voices of laughing children (not on anything I swear). One summer I had a clandestine grow op going in the vacant lots nearby, three plants in three locations hidden in small clearings in the blackberries. One of the plants eventually disappeared and there was absolutely no hole in the ground nor any sign the plant had ever been there.

Submitted by: Mark S

Cat Sacrifice with Pirate

When I lived in gtown we had a woman come to our door with a mallet alerting us that their were dark witches sacrificing cats on Friday the 13th. The next day a pirate (literally) knocked on our door to tell us he witnessed the witches slaughtering a cat and he woke up the next morning with a broken mirror in his bed. It was a symbol from the witches to judge himself before he were to judge anyone else.

Submitted by: Clara Pluton

The Vashon

There’s a quiet, incessant hum that only some people hear.

Submitted by: Anna

A Ghost Story

A ghost story: about 25 years ago, we bought a restaurant at the foot of Madison park. When we were in pre-remodeling phase, I was upstairs doing office work one evening and I heard footsteps walk across the wood floor in the rooms next to me. Startled, I asked if someone was there, and the footsteps stopped. A few minutes later, I heard them again. I got the courage up and checked. No one was there. Other strange occurrences happened over the years, all upstairs. Employees, checking out would see a woman staring at them. Thinking she was a customer, they would ask if she needed help and she would vanish.noises like furniture moving were often heard before service. I came into my (locked) office one morning and saw my name written over and over again on my computer. One of my waiters said he had lived in the Park a while and would walk by seeing a woman looking at him off the top deck. creepy stuff. I never felt comfortable alone in that place.

Submitted by: Sumitra D

Spooky Dude

I was laying down in a friend's room when I looked up and there was a guy with long blond hair and a tshirt and jeans was all of the sudden standing in the room near the foot of the bed. He stood there and stared right at me. I said something and he didn't move or respond. He kept staring at me with no expression. I turned quickly and turned back, like one second, and then he was just gone, disappeared. There was no sound and he couldn't have made it to the door in that time. He was just gone. He looked like a regular person aside from the eerie non expression.

Submitted by: Tonjia

Doorbell Message

I was helping my aunt move from her town house and it was about midnight we were all getting ready for bed and the doorbell rings I was right by the door getting ready for a smoke and no one was there. 10 mins later got a call saying my great uncle died. I think it was him saying good bye.

Submitted by: Joey H

Casa del Rey

A very haunted building filled with harmless ghosts who mostly OD'd on heroin in the 80's and 90's.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Ghost Cat

This is a cross between ghost and animal...a ghost animal actually. My brother and I saw this ghost cat on multiple occasions, together and separately when we lived in that neighborhood in the late 80’s/early 90’s. It was the shape of a cat and moved as a live cat, but made of oil slick. Like, swirly rainbowey car oil in a puddle, but in the shape of a cat. It came into our basement once but usually we saw it out in the street on 8th Ave NE. We called it, Ghost Cat, as you do.

Submitted by: Dakota

Comet Lodge Cemetary

It's listed as a dog park with the City. Overturned graves stones, desecrated sacred land, houses built on top of graves, a whole mess of awful. Local custom dictates that if you're walking by there you HAVE to drop a penny behind you to keep the disembodied spirits from following you home. Just stay away.

Submitted by: Maria G

Hair Puller

There was an old abandoned house across from the DSHS that I would have to pass by to get to my house. One day, I was walking passed and I felt a tag on my hair! It also happened to be 4/20 and I was blitzed out. But! I'm also hella sensitive to spirits all the time! Well, right before the tug, I swear I heard a giggle in my left ear and a tingle up my spine. It was scary! I ran all the way up the hill to my house and lit some sage! That house is gone now, just a vacant lot next to the co lam pagoda but I still find myself on guard whenever I'm around there.

Submitted by: Maria G

The Kraken

The Kraken is haunted by one or more spirits, I have personally witnessed a straw physically come up out of its container and roll toward me. Others have seen a shadow figure, or experiences similar to mine where objects move inexplicably.

Submitted by: Carly

Ghost Attack

I was attacked by an entity who left razor blade-like scars criss-crossing on my back shoulder. Swear.

Submitted by: Patrick G