São Thomé das Letras, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Eu e minha família estávamos de viagem em 2012 na cidade de São Tomé das letras. Resolvemos ir para uma cachoeira onde na entrada havia uma placa de sinal (da prefeitura mesmo) com metade dela com um desenho de um e.t metade branco, metade preto e, a outra metade da placa com uma cachoeira em branco. Antes de chegar na cachoeira passamos por um barzinho simples, onde no redor só havia um milharal e tomamos duas sodinhas de vidro (refrigerante de abacaxi famoso na cidade). Ao entardecer, resolvemos voltar para o hotel, porém quando estávamos voltando pelo caminho, já escuro, eu notei na janela do carro uma luz muito brilhante no céu, e avisei meu pai que estava dirigindo que a luz estava se aproximando. Foi neste exato momento que vimos que estávamos passando pelo mesmo milharal que abrigava o pequeno bar que passamos. Meu pai então resolveu parar o carro e desligar os faróis, pois ele sempre faz isso para nos botar medo. Dei a ideia pra minha mãe, que já estava impaciente e querendo ir embora loucamente, para tirarmos uma foto. Quando fui tentar ligar, nada funcionava, nem a câmera nem o celular. A luz se aproximava cada vez mais forte do milharal, então meu pai resolveu ligar os faróis e ir embora. Um ponto importante é que meu pai é militar e vimos que não era um avião, ainda mais em São Tomé das Letras que é um lugar tão alto e no meio das montanhas, não é comum ter aviões pousando lá, ainda mais em um milharal. Translation: My family and I were traveling in 2012 in the city of São Tomé das Letras. We decided to go to a waterfall where at the entrance there was a sign (from the city hall) with half of it showing a drawing of an e.t. half white, half black and the other half of the sign with a waterfall in white. Before arriving at the waterfall, we passed by a simple bar, where there was only a cornfield around and we had two glass sodas (a famous pineapple soft drink in the city). At dusk, we decided to go back to the hotel, but when we were returning along the road, it was already dark, I noticed a very bright light in the sky in the car window, and I warned my father who was driving that the light was approaching. It was at this exact moment that we saw that we were passing by the same cornfield that housed the small bar we passed by. My father then decided to stop the car and turn off the headlights, as he always does this to scare us. I gave the idea to my mother, who was already impatient and wanting to leave like crazy, so we could take a photo. When I tried to call, nothing worked, neither the camera nor the cell phone. The light was getting closer and brighter to the cornfield, so my father decided to turn on the headlights and leave. An important point is that my father is in the military and we saw that it was not a plane, especially in São Tomé das Letras, which is such a high place and in the middle of the mountains, it is not common to have planes landing there, especially in a cornfield.

Submitted by: Luiza

São Thomé das Letras, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Outro história minha aconteceu quando eu voltei novamente para a cidade de São Tomé das Letras. Como sempre, eu, minha família e um amigo do meu irmão fomos para essa cidade para comemorar o aniversário desse amigo dele. Nessa cidade já sabiámos que havia duas escolas (provável que de magia, ou algo do tipo, não sabemos com detalhes), uma delas é um portão dourado, onde na frente tem uma pantera, um leão, um unicórnio e um pentagrama. Já a outra tem um muro quadriculado (igual de castelo) e tem as cores vermelha e preto, a qual está no caminho para a gruta que fomos visitar, chamada gruta da bruxa. Deixamos tudo no hotel de trânsito, pois iríamos entrar na gruta, então, celular, relógio, tudo foi deixado, não sabíamos que dia era, apenas que era sexta-feira. Quando voltamos ao anoitecer, passamos pela "escola" vermelha e preta, onde meu pai para botar medo, desligou o carro e os faróis, e foi possível ouvir muita música (não era músicas do cotidiano, parecia mais uma melodia), com gritos de animação, parecia ter bastante gente, um ar místico. Quando meu pai ligou o carro novamente, avistamos uma mulher muito pálida vestida com um manto vinho e com capuz segurando algo que não conseguimos ver na mão (minha mãe diz ser um escudo, mas não temos certeza). Ela estava na frente de uma estrutura velha abandonada no meio da estrada, não sabemos se era uma casa. Meu pai resolveu parar o carro ao lado da moça e o amigo do meu irmão quis tirar uma "onda", abriu o vidro e disse "e aí moça, tudo certo?". A mulher com uma expressão quase de uma estátua ou manequim, não mexeu o pescoço em nenhum momento, nem piscou os olhos. Achamos estranho por ela estar parada ali na estrada de terra, por volta das 21:00h. Fato importante, o amigo do meu pai e sua família foi nosso guia na gruta, ele estava no carro da frente e passou pela mesma estrada e ninguém que estava no carro com ele viram a suposta mulher na estrada como nós vimos. Ficamos uns 2minutos parados esperando ela falar, mas quando notamos sua expressão estranha meu pai acelerou o carro e fomos embora. Ao chegar no centrinho típico da cidade, encontramos o amigo do meu pai onde soubemos que era sexta-feira 13, por isso a comemoração escutada, e também que eles não tinham visto nada no caminho. Indagados, meu pai, meu irmão, seu amigo e os filhos do amigo do meu pai voltaram até o local para ver se a moça ainda estava lá, mas ela já não estava mais. Translated: Another story of mine happened when I returned to the city of São Tomé das Letras. As always, me, my family and a friend of my brother went to this city to celebrate his friend's birthday. In that city we already knew that there were two schools (probably of magic, or something like that, we don't know in detail), one of them is a golden gate, where in front there is a panther, a lion, a unicorn and a pentagram. The other has a checkered wall (just like a castle) and has the colors red and black, which is on the way to the cave we went to visit, called the witch's cave. We left everything at the transit hotel, as we were going to enter the cave, so, cell phone, watch, everything was left, we didn't know what day it was, just that it was Friday. When we returned at dusk, we passed the red and black "school", where my father, to scare us, turned off the car and the headlights, and it was possible to hear a lot of music (it wasn't everyday music, it seemed more like a melody), with screams of animation, there seemed to be a lot of people, a mystical air. When my father started the car again, we saw a very pale woman dressed in a burgundy cloak and hood holding something we couldn't see in her hand (my mother says it was a shield, but we're not sure). She was in front of an old abandoned structure in the middle of the road, we don't know if it was a house. My father decided to stop the car next to the girl and my brother's friend wanted to take a "wave", he opened the window and said "hey girl, everything okay?". The woman, with an expression almost like a statue or mannequin, did not move her neck at any point, nor did she blink her eyes. We thought it was strange that she was standing there on the dirt road, at around 9:00 pm. Important fact, my father's friend and his family were our guide in the cave, he was in the car in front and passed along the same road and no one who was in the car with him saw the supposed woman on the road like we did. We stood for about 2 minutes waiting for her to speak, but when we noticed her strange expression, my father accelerated the car and we left. Upon arriving at the city's typical center, we met my father's friend where we learned that it was Friday the 13th, hence the celebration heard, and also that they hadn't seen anything on the way. When asked, my father, my brother, his friend and my father's friend's children returned to the place to see if the girl was still there, but she was no longer there.

Submitted by: Luiza

Vila Santa Catarina, São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil

Quando criança tive contato visual (até onde lembro) com um extraterrestre dentro da minha casa, à noite, enquanto todos da família dormiam. Não lembro a data exata. E após tê-lo visto, tive um apagão naquele momento... Porém algum tempo depois, brincando com meu irmão sobre o tema ET (que eu e ele sempre tivemos medo), ele começa a me contar sobre ter visto um em casa... Nossas experiências batiam exatamente, sem nunca termos comentado sobre o ocorrido antes... Todas as pessoas para quem contamos essa experiência dão risada... Se foi real, ou um delírio de ambos, nunca saberei... Translated: As a child I had visual contact (as far as I remember) with an alien inside my house, at night, while everyone in the family was sleeping. I don't remember the exact date. And after seeing it, I had a blackout at that moment... But some time later, playing with my brother about the topic of ET (which he and I were always afraid of), he starts telling me about seeing one at home. .. Our experiences matched exactly, without ever having commented on what happened before... Everyone we told this experience to laughs... Whether it was real, or a delusion of both, I will never know...

Submitted by: Camila

Distrito de Engenheiro Schimitt São José do Rio Preto São Paulo

Acordei por volta das 4 horas da madrugada. A janela estava entreaberta então eu vi no céu uma estrela muito grande e brilhante. Só que ela não tinha uma forma regular de estrela, parecia que raios saiam dela. Sem falar que ela piscou duas vezes, tipo sumiu e apareceu duas vezes seguidas. Fiquei com muito medo e resolvi não sair da casa. Fiquei só observando pela brecha da janela. Então eu resolvi ir ao banheiro, e quando voltei, ela ainda estava lá. Ao voltar do banheiro, também percebi uma luz redonda branca muito forte por entre as folhas da árvore que tem na frente da minha janela. A que tava mais longe parecia q estava me atraindo pra que eu saísse da casa, já que a maior estava bem mais perto e meio escondida. Então eu desisti e deitei novamente na cama e fiquei observando até q ela foi subindo devagar e desapareceu do meu campo de visão. E a que estava por trás da árvore, simplesmente sumiu. Na madrugada seguinte, Vênus e a Lua se alinharam, então eu resolvi acordar pra poder comparar com a noite anterior. E aí constatei q na noite anterior não se tratava de estrela nem de lua. Eram coisas diferentes. ENGLISH VIA GOOGLE TRANSLATE I woke up around 4 am. The window was ajar so I saw a very big and bright star in the sky. But it didn't have a regular star shape, it looked like rays were coming out of it. Not to mention that it blinked twice, like disappeared and appeared twice in a row. I was very scared and decided not to leave the house. I just watched through the crack in the window. So I decided to go to the bathroom, and when I came back, it was still there. When I came back from the bathroom, I also noticed a very strong round white light through the leaves of the tree in front of my window. The one that was furthest away seemed to be attracting me to leave the house, since the larger one was much closer and somewhat hidden. So I gave up and lay down on the bed again and watched until it slowly rose and disappeared from my field of vision. And the one behind the tree simply disappeared. The following morning, Venus and the Moon aligned, so I decided to wake up so I could compare with the previous night. And then I realized that the night before it wasn't a star or a moon. They were different things.

Submitted by: Joemlia Arajo


Avistei no céu um disco quase transparente com as bordas iluminadas , estava estático sobre meu bairro. Ficou parado por cerca de 15 segundos até que se moveu extremamente rápido e parou novamente por uns 5 segundos, depois de moveu rapidamente para o sul e sumiu. I saw an almost transparent disk in the sky with illuminated edges, it was static over my neighborhood. It stayed there for about 15 seconds until it moved extremely fast and stopped again for about 5 seconds, then quickly moved to south and disappeared.

Submitted by: Sabrina Araujo


Eu tinha me separado do meu primeiro casamento e mudado para uma casa sozinho, certa noite depois de um dia de trabalho, tomei banho, jantei e quando estava em frente a pia lavando louça senti minha camiseta puxando na lateral como se estivesse presa, enganchada em alguma coisa, por duas vezes coloquei meu antebraço para arrumar a camiseta, pois estava com as mãos molhadas, lembro que estava ouvindo música no celular e entretido com a lavação de louça que nem dei muita atenção para aquilo, eis que na terceira vez percebi que minha camiseta estava sendo puxada, foi quando olhei para o lado e me deparei com ela se esticando totalmente ao eu tentar me deslocar para sair daquela situação, procurei um terreiro de Umbanda, foi que o pai de santo me disse que como eu acabei de me separar e deixar meu dois filhos pequenos eu estava sofrendo muito, e aquele sofrimento paterno abriu um canal para que um espírito infantil carente que estava na mesma vibração emocional que eu tentasse o contato para me confortar ou em busca de conforto. Eles existem, crêem e desenvolva sua mediunidade, é um mundo vasto e oculto. ENGLISH VIA GOOGLE TRANSLATE, lightly edited for clarity I had separated from my first marriage and moved to a house alone, one night after a day of work, I took a shower, had dinner and when I was in front of the sink washing dishes I felt my shirt pulling on the side as if it were stuck, hooked. on something, twice I put my forearm to fix my t-shirt, because my hands were wet, I remember that I was listening to music on my cell phone and busy washing dishes that I didn't even pay much attention to it, and then the third time I realized that my t-shirt was being pulled, that's when I looked to the side and came across it stretching completely as I tried to move to get out of that situation, I looked for an Umbanda terreiro, it was that the pai de santo (the Umbanda male priest) told me that as I had just separating and leaving my two young children, I was suffering a lot, and that paternal suffering opened a channel for a needy childish spirit that was on the same emotional vibration as me to try to contact me to comfort me or in search of comfort. They exist, believe and develop their mediumship, it is a vast and hidden world."

Submitted by: Clio Ricardo Evangelista Lopes

Contagem, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Once I was in my house with a friend and my sister, sudently somebody started softly calling my mother that wasnt in the house, she was on her job, weird that we couldnt recognize where the sound of a female middle age woman was calling my mom, when we decided to response the misterious voice she started telling us where she was, under an red ladder in an abandoned house in front of our house, it was like a creep basement, we got there trying to find out who was the voice calling my mom, we had nothing, no one was there, so we decided to lock ourselves inside the house and wait for my mom to get home. I Got ghosebumps when I remember this, I have no idea what was this shit, when I rare see an red ladder I freakout since when.

Submitted by: Pablo Prates

Horto Florestal de Avaré

I was with my cousin and two friends in the Avaré forest garden (Horto Florestal de Avaré), just after midnight, where we used to go after the athletic association dance to drink and talk, when we passed by a road that was next to the forest and we saw a crowd of hundreds of people dressed in a dark costume with a hood, which was very unusual for a city in the interior of Brazil in the 90s. Those people were in a giant circle in the middle of the forest looking at something with an intense glow in the middle and were all between trees and a forest trail that It was visible from the road we passed by. We were perplexed and accelerated the car, but about 200 meters later, we decided to return to find out what was happening. It hadn't even been 2 minutes, but when we came back, everyone had completely disappeared. This was impossible to happen, as there were no places they could hide and no time for those hundreds of people to leave. I've been back at that place a few times to assess what could have happened, but to this day I can't come up with a logical explanation.

Submitted by: Eduardo

De Deur

The story of the “Walkerville Ghost” or more commonly known as the “De Deur” ghost has been around in our area for a few decades. As it happens due to being told by so many different people quite a few variations are known to exist and the details have become a little blurry. The story of the De Deur ghost below is the most common version. It is said that if you drive down Boundary Road, De Deur, on a very dark night and flash your headlights (or a torch light) three times a headless motorbike rider will appear and drive past you at a great speed. According to some you must be parked on the actual site of the old farmhouse before any glimpse of the De Deur ghost can be seen. The story goes that there once stayed a local farmer who had a beautiful daughter. He was very protective of her and so discouraged all possible male suitors. There was lad in town whom she had an eye on and he frequently zoomed up and down that road with his noisy motorbike. Later on he became suspicious of her nightly activities and was worried that she might be sneaking off to her lover as soon as he had retired to bed. He was never able to catch them together and confront their relationship no matter how closely he watched her. So he decided to set a trap for the young man in order to scare him off for good. He strung a piece of wire across the road between two trees on a moonless night. The wire was set at around chest height and the aim of the trap was to knock him off his motorcycle. The signal to her lover was that she would flick her bedroom light 3 times and then he would know that the coast was clear and that he could come and collect her. That evening she slipped from her bed after her father had fallen sound asleep and signaled her lover. Unaware of the danger, the young man sped across the road on his way to his love. As he approached the house the wire caught him across the neck and he was instantly decapitated. Some other versions state that the lover did indeed collect his girlfriend and that the wire decapitated them both. For the fans of the ghoulish the now famous “De Deur Ghost House” has become a regular spot for trying to lure the headless motorbike rider into making an appearance. They flash their car headlights or flashlights three times in hopes of a ghostly appearance. Sometimes though, the real Ghost of De Deur’s lights will be replaced by flashlights carried by local neighborhood watch members or even the Police. They like to play along and scare drunk or nervous town folk witless by their light display. Those who claim that they have indeed seen the De Deur ghost, report only a bright light flashing by at great speed. The abandoned home was recently demolished by a religious youth group who decided to “set the spirit free”. Very little remains now of the De Deur ghost house after the groups demolishing act. Upon investigation, a fairly old ruin can be seen from the road but this is not the ghost house. The old home’s ruins are hardly visible anymore. We did find some remnants about 100 meters back from the road, but it is hard to tell whether or not this was the house in question, or ruins from an older farmhouse or its outbuildings.

Submitted by: Arnold Pearce


it was midnight and my boyfriend and I were in the car driving. without any expectations we suddenly saw some shallow lights in the sky, we stopped the car to have a better look at it. it was a massive UFO, a mother ship maybe. it was shaped like a triangle and was pitch black. it was hovering over us in the distance then as fast as possible it flew away and disappeared. the strange part is... the night before that night, I was meditating and I tried to talk to the yahyel alien race and specifically asked them to show me a big massive UFO that is obvious to recognize. I was stunned.

Submitted by: Sarah

Nadap, Hungary

It was a pretty foggy morning, I was out doing some yard work early for my grandma who lives in the city and cant visít the town often I had went into the woods for an hour or so to maybe find some mushrooms to add to my omelette and to just generally wander around As im not there ofter, I was far from the trail but I kbow my Way arround pretty well so it wasnt something unusual I had come across a patch of grass without any trees and put my backpack down to eat and take a short nap I was laying with my hat on my face For 20 minutes or so untill I heard footsteps Thinking it was just another wonderer I greeted them, to no reply after some further investigation It turned out to be a small grandma collecting Wood, I offered to help her but she declined so I started to make my Way back to the house After walking for 20plus minutes I came out of the woods onto the dirt Road It couldn't have been more then a minute after I saw the lady emerge from the woods She had followed me, without making a Sound at a minute distance for a little less then half a hour

Submitted by: Anonymous


I woke up around 3am and was unable to fall back asleep so was staring out the window. We lived on a large olive farm so it was mostly open field beside the bush. There's no light pollution since it's a small town, so I was looking up at the stars and watching a planes lights blink as it flew its course, nothing unusual until the plane took immense speed and took off leaving nothing behind aside from a momentary blur of light. I kept a look out for a while longer but nothing else happened and there were no other planes seen, would also like to mention it isn't an active flight path area aside from the occasional recreational flyers but doesn't exactly justify the 3am flight.

Submitted by: Indy

Imbituba, Santa Catarina

Quando eu era pequena meus avós moravam em uma chácara, então às vezes íamos passar uns dias lá para a época da produção de farinha de mandioca. Em uma certa noite um dos primos de longe do meu avô veio tomar um café da tarde com a gente. Minha avó estava preparando uma galinha ensopada para o jantar. Eles conversaram por algumas horas até começar o por do sol. O primo se levantou e começou a nos dar tchau porque já estava na hora dele ir embora. Minha avó insistiu para que ele ficasse até o jantar, mas ele recusou todas as vezes falando que realmente tinha que ir para casa. E assim ele fez, foi para casa. Mais tarde após o jantar todos já estavam indo deitar e apenas ficaram acordados eu, minha vó e meu outro primo que era uns anos mais velho que eu. Eu e ele estávamos jogando baralho porque éramos as únicas crianças acostumadas a dormir tarde. Após minha vó limpar a cozinha, ela pegou uma bacia com alguns ossos de galinha que sobraram e saiu para jogar na rua, pois tínhamos alguns cachorros que ficavam por ali, mas do sítio mesmo era apenas o Jaguar, um fila braileiro. Foi quando escutamos o grito da minha vó que passou pela porta como um raio e a trancou atrás de si. Minha avó parecia realmente em pânico. Ela nos contou que quando foi jogar os ossos um grande cachorro preto saiu do meio das árvores da chácara, ela achou que era um normal, por conta de sempre aparecer vários por ali. Mas ela se desesperou quando percebeu que ao lado dele, o fila parecia um cachorro de porte médio.Mas que ao perceber que os cachorros começaram a fugir ela também fugiu. Ela disse então que jogou a bacia no chão e correu para dentro da casa. Quando ela terminou de contar corremos para a janela que dava para a área de trás, escutamos os ossinhos se quebrarem como gravetinhos, e a sombra preta passando por baixo da janela. Ficamos em desespero e corremos para nós deitar. Na manhã seguinte estávamos incrédulos com o que tinha acontecido. Contamos para todos, mas ninguém acreditava. Mas então aquele primo que foi embora mais cedo chegou para tomar café. Minha avó começou a falar para ele que ele perdeu a janta de ontem, que por sinal estava maravilhosa. Então ele olhou para a minha avó e disse “é lógico que eu comi, estava maravilhosa, você não lembra do cachorro preto de ontem?”.

Submitted by: Luiza


Um estranho ser de pele branca, parecido com uma palhaça surgiu das sombras, mas um homem de barba apareceu e a levou embora ENGLISH VIA GOOGLE TRANSLATE A strange white-skinned, clown-like being appeared from the shadows, but a man with a beard appeared and took her away.

Submitted by: Junho

Ribeirão Preo SP

Na noite de domingo, 14 de maio de 2017 enquanto eu voltava para casa de moto, na cidade de Ribeirão Preto. pela avenida Av. Eduardo Andréia Matarazzo (Vianorte) na subida da ponte que passa por cima da avenida Av. Thomaz Alberto Whately , eram cerca de 2 da manhã e a avenida estava deserta e silenciosa Foi então que Uma "nave" espacial gigante, como se fosse um vulto ou uma sombra gigante, pairava no céu bem na minha frente sem fazer qualquer barulho. Era uma presença imponente . O que mais me intrigou foi a ausência de luzes visíveis na "nave "; ela parecia absorver a luz ao seu redor, tornando-a ainda mais enigmática. Fiquei observando aquele objeto desconhecido que desafiava todas as leis da física conhecidas enquanto passava por debaixo . A nave pairava silenciosamente, desafiando qualquer explicação convencional. Continuei meu caminho tentando processar o que acabara de testemunhar, com a sensação de que algo extraordinário havia cruzado o meu caminho naquela noite em Ribeirão Preto. ENGLISH VIA GOOGLE TRANSLATE On the night of Sunday, May 14, 2017, as I was returning home on a motorcycle, in the city of Ribeirão Preto, along the avenue Av. Eduardo Andréia Matarazzo (Vianorte) on the way up to the bridge that goes over the avenue Av. Thomaz Alberto Whately , it was around 2 am and the avenue was deserted and silent It was then that a giant space "ship", as if it were a giant figure or shadow, hovered in the sky right in front of me without making any noise. He was an imposing presence. What intrigued me most was the absence of visible lights on the ""ship""; she seemed to absorb the light around her, making her even more enigmatic. I watched this unknown object that defied all known laws of physics as it passed underneath. The ship hovered silently, defying conventional explanation. I continued on my way trying to process what I had just witnessed, with the feeling that something extraordinary had crossed my path that night in Ribeirão Preto.

Submitted by: Lucas


Por volta das 9:45, eu e meu amigo estávamos voltando para casa, depois que meu amigo guardou o celular, um silencio estrondoso nós cercou, ficamos paralisados por alguns segundos, e uns 20 metros de nós uma forte luz cobriu nossos olhos, e a gente se lembra de um cara com roupas de contenção (não lembro ao certo) ter saído daquela pequena fonte de luz, ele olhou para a gente, e novamente um forte brilho cobriu nossos olhos, depois disso eu e meu amigo ficamos traumatizados. (Chegamos por volta das 11:30 em casa, eu não faço ideia o que aconteceu naquele dia) Around 9:45 PM, my friend and I were on our way home. After my friend put away his phone, an eerie silence enveloped us. We were paralyzed for a few seconds, and about 20 meters from us, a bright light covered our eyes. We remember a man in containment clothing (I'm not sure exactly) emerging from that small source of light. He looked at us, and then again, a bright light covered our eyes. After that, my friend and I were traumatized. (We arrived home around 11:30 PM, and I have no idea what happened that day.)

Submitted by: Annimo


Neste dia, eu e meus amigos estávamos em um sítio naquela região, não coloquei o local exato por privacidade aos donos do local, que são amigos de minha família. O dono do sítio contou umas histórias de terror para nós, incluindo a de uma noiva que ele avistou numa capelinha que há dentro desse sítio, fomos nessa capelinha a tarde e vimos um cacto, em pé, depois, fomos observar o local e procurar a dita noiva, só que a noite, o cacto estava caído, e ele estava em pé a horas, porém no dia não havia ventado e não havia terra no chão nem nada, como se algo tivesse colocado o vaso no chão, só que o caseiro do sítio não estava no local nesse dia, isso foi por volta das 22:30, sentimos uma presença estranha lá também. Depois, fomos embora para casa e passamos pela dita capela, e o cacto, estava em pé, no mesmo dia vimos vultos, e eu vi um vulto de olhos vermelhos (demônio?), uma amiga minha que estava lá relatou que quando foi para o quarto em que estávamos para pegar as nossas coisas que estavam próximo a piscina, viu um ser estranho muito alto e com olhos vermelhos em sua frente. "On this day, my friends and I were at a farm in that region. I didn't specify the exact location for privacy reasons, as the owners are family friends. The owner of the farm shared some horror stories with us, including one about a bride he had seen in a small chapel on the farm. We visited the chapel in the afternoon and saw a cactus standing upright. Later, we explored the area looking for the said bride, but at night, around 10:30 PM, we found the cactus had fallen over. It had been standing upright for hours, and there had been no wind that day, nor was there any dirt on the ground or anything. It was as if something had placed the pot on the ground. However, the farm's caretaker wasn't there that day. We also felt a strange presence there. Later, when we were leaving to go home and passed by the chapel, the cactus was standing up again. That same day, we saw shadows, and I saw a shadow with red eyes (a demon?). A friend of mine who was there reported that when she went to the room where we were staying, near the swimming pool, to get our things, she saw a very tall being with red eyes in front of her."

Submitted by: algum

Ninheira MG

No meio de uma mata tinha uma casa abandonada, ali avistei uma senhora cantando e vestindo de branco, tentei me aproximar para ver se conhecia aquela senhora ... no momento que desviei o olhar, a imagem daquela senhora desapareceu e oque me restou foram apenas medo e arrepios ... In the middle of a forest, there was an abandoned house. There, I saw an elderly lady singing and dressed in white. I tried to get closer to see if I recognized her... the moment I looked away, the image of the lady disappeared, and all that was left were fear and chills...

Submitted by: Antenor xavier

Knights Ferry, California, at the end of the Covered Bridge Road near the recreation area.

March 19, 2011 I took a late night drive with three high school friends. We were bored and felt restless. We drove from Modesto, where we all lived, to Knights Ferry, about 27 miles east. Knights Ferry is a tiny little village in the foothills where the Central Valley meets the Sierra Nevada's. Really cute little gold rush era town - during the day, that is. We arrived around 11pm, and found the place eerily desolate. The purpose of the outing was just for the drive itself, so we weren’t surprised to find nothing going on at that hour, but we did get sort of creeped out by the stillness. It’s cliche, but the place was a total ghost town. There aren’t even street lights along the main road so it's just a bunch of dark, shut up buildings, but there was a super bright full moon shining overhead and illuminated everything. We parked at the end of the Main Street near an abandoned mill from the 19th century. Anyone interested in the exact spot for reference can paste (37.8203405,-120.6653513) into google. The driver friend, F and I decided to get out there and get a better view of the open sky and take in the quiet night. Our other two friends, J and K, stayed in the car. They were freaked out by the quiet, dark, isolated setting. The road is a bit elevated above the mill and the adjacent recreation area along the Stanislaus River. F and I walked to the edge of the road. When we reached the waist high wooden guard rail we saw two figures standing nearby, probably 30-40 feet away near the mill building. These figures were slender, featureless, and solid gray, it was as if they were wearing those skin tight colored body suits you can get at a costume store. They had no faces, no identifiable marks, appeared to have no clothes on, no genitalia or breasts, no hair, nothing. Just a head, torso, arms, and legs, and about the size an average adult human. And I can’t attribute their lack of features to darkness because the moon was brightly shining down on them, they were completely exposed in the clearing with no shadows obscuring them. We could see them plain as day, and they almost seemed like they were slightly glowing. I don’t know if that was just an illusion from their light color reflecting moonlight, or if my eyes were playing tricks on me. But just as we laid eyes on them they turned toward us. they had been facing each other but made a quarter pivot in their standing position towards us, and they did it in perfect unison, like they had been in conversation but then noticed our presence at the same as we noticed them. Even though they had no eyes or face, we could feel they were looking at us. We looked back at them for what was probably less than 4 seconds, before F and I looked at each other. Adrenaline kicked in and both instinctively turned and ran back to the car. We jumped in and peeled out of there, scaring J and K in the process. From their position in the car they were unable to see the figures. F and I recalled to them what we had seen as we sped out of town and had identical descriptions. We both saw the same physical characteristics, movements, and strange glow. We debated back and forth for a long time trying to rationalize what they were, but could never feel totally convinced by any of conclusions. I later fell into an internet rabbit hole about paranormal experiences and found posts from other people that had seen UFOs over Knights Ferry over the years, so now I lovingly refer to the experience as my first alien encounter. I don’t know if that’s definitively what we saw, and there’s no way to ever know. But they did feel or appear to be extraterrestrial. Perhaps they were something else, I truly don't know. Every once in a while I check in with F to make sure I didn't imagine the whole thing but to this day he is as strong in his convictions as I am about what we saw.

Submitted by: Sam Lillemoen

São João do paraiso

Em uma noite de Dezembro estava eu e mais dois amigos passeando em uma zona rural proximidades do município de São João do paraiso estado de Minas Gerais, um local com mata densa, em um certo período do passeio avistamos um corvo gigante no topo de uma arvore com os olhos vermelhos, no momento e quem vimos aquele corvo gigante meu corpo fico inteiramente arrepiado, logo em seguida algo ainda mais assustador aconteceu o corvo bateu as asas e virou cinzas nos céus... foi assustador . On a night in December, I was walking with two friends in a rural area near São João do Paraíso in the state of Minas Gerais, a place with dense forest. At a certain point during the walk, we saw a giant crow at the top of a tree with red eyes. The moment we saw that giant crow, my body was completely covered in goosebumps. Then something even more terrifying happened: the crow flapped its wings and turned into ashes in the sky... it was frightening.

Submitted by: Antenor xavier

entrequadra 308/307 north Brasília-DF

I was born in Rio de Janeiro but went to live in Brasília when I was about 12 years old. Brasília is a city with the shape of an airplane and the wings are the residencial áreas. The wings are divided in small neighbohoods called quadras that have 250 meters per 250 meters and sometimes there is an empty space called "entrequadra" with the same measurements (250 m X 250m) When I've first went to live in Brasília I went to quadra 308 north and made all my friends there, years later I've moved with my family to quadra 106 north. Since my friends were still almost all in 308, I use to walk two quadras and one entrequadra often to see them. One night, past 11 p.m. I was going home and crossed the entrequadra between 308 north and 307 north, that was completed out of light by that time, when a "shadow" with the shape of a dog passed by me. The first thing that came to my mind was "someone is walking a german shepherd out of the leash" so I look back...and saw no one, I was alone at the entrequadra... then I though "that was a stray dog" but, when I looked ahead I saw...absolutely nothing! Thinking that a stray dog simply went away I continued walking ahead then, out of nowhere, the thing passed right beside me and looked in my direction! It seemed like a complete dark (black) shadow, except that was tridimensional, with the shape and size of a big german shepherd and, as it passed by me it disappeared again!!! It did not attack me or made any sound, it was completely silent and on other times I've walked at night I felt like someone or something was watching me. There is a catholic church at that entrequadra and although there's no cemetery there, many people believe that this kind of place attracts supernatural things. Years after I've saw that whatever it may be the government installed a light post at the quadra and I've never ever felt watched or saw anything there when crossing that entrequadra at night.

Submitted by: Andr D'Freitas

Submitted by: Anonymous

Platano Monumentale

I was in the car with my dad, we were talking, i was looking ahead of me and there was a guy with a black jacket, looking at his phone, walking towards the direction we were coming from (so we were going in opposite direction). then he walked in the proximity of a street lamp (behind it from my pov), but then he just wasn’t visible anymore, he literally vanished. i looked back to see if maybe i simply had missed him, but there was no one on that sidewalk. my dad got worried because i was literally shocked. in the meantime we had done a roundabout and turned the angle and took another root. and few meters ahead, now going towards the same direction as us, was the same guy, same jacket, looking at the phone. but i swear it was physically impossible for him to have gone from where i’ve seen him before, to where he was now, so quickly. i don’t have photos of the place to explain but it’s too far for someone to go from one point to another that quickly on foot, mostly because as i said, i would’ve seen someone running back on that sidewalk.

Submitted by: Maika


This experience happened to my mom, but it’s a common legend in our country. The “Devil Bird”, an unidentified species of bird due to its elusiveness and may be native to our lands, has a strange, human-like screech that is commonly associated with the death of someone you know. There was a Devil Bird that would shriek uncannily for weeks around 2000-2004 back when my mom was in her teenage years, and strangely afterwards, her father had passed. Along with my grandfather, more of our close relatives had also started to pass, a lot of them by cancer. It is unsure if this was just a coincidence.

Submitted by: Ronnie


It was my cousin birthday when me and my cousin(not the bday boy) saw a white thing line a ghosting at outside.

Submitted by: Anonymous


We saw some strange stuff in our friends apartment. It was like ghost moving things

Submitted by: Artem


I woke up one morning and went to the kitchen. Everyone that did live with me was either sleeping or already left the house. As I was in the kitchen I heard a clear whisper of my name being said from the other room. Sometime between November 2020 - March 2021

Submitted by: Evelyn Richard

Novi Sad

One night the big shiny thing was getting closer and closer so fast

Submitted by: Non


I was driving from my home town to the town over at night and as I was driving, I spotted what seemed to be a large star. It distracted me, because I thought how I've never seen a star so bright. I then wondered if it was a shooting star, but it was just stationary, not moving. I kept looking at it, trying to figure out what it was, and all of a sudden it just popped away. No trail, not fading - just popped away. Till this day I wonder what that was about. Somewhere during 2020/2021

Submitted by: Anonymous


One day in 2019, I was heading to the university, I got off the bus that was taking me from my house in the North area of Toluca to the Faculty of Arts, located 20 minutes from my house. I started walking because the bus stop was a 10-minute walk from the faculty. Everything seemed normal, cold weather, cars and few people on the street as usual. After walking for a while I came to a more complicated road intersection, a busier and larger street, on the other side would be my school. Next to me was another person who apparently also wanted to cross the busy street. I didn't take him too seriously at that moment, he was wearing a red cap, a pair of jeans and he was a man who I estimate was around 50 years old, I always remained about 10 meters away from him When the traffic flow decreased I started to walk and cross the street, this is where the strange thing happens: The man who also wanted to cross the street did so, but not by walking, but rather the man floated on the street without moving his feet, literally the man floated. When we finally crossed the man followed his path now walking his way, I headed to the school wondering if what I had seen was real.

Submitted by: Alfredo Colin Pichardo

Ex House

I used to live in this house previously from 2008 until 2018, and I experienced a lot of ghost and dark forces damages. At start they were only nightmares and then they started to play with the furniture. For example, when we go outside the house we come back and find all the house furniture displaced. Some of the furniture is shattered and damaged. The nightmares that I used to have were so painful and disgustingly clear. Some of them was literally torture by beating and burning and when I wake up I find bruises all over my body. Once I woke up in the middle of the night because I heard some one calling my name (it sounded like my mother voice). I noticed that there is no one and when i came back to sleep my hand was grapped to the floor. I didn’t think about it a lot as I didn’t believe in ghosts back then. But after a while I asked my mom if she ever tried to wake me up that night because I thought I heard her voice but she said no. At then is when I started to get suspicious. After that the accident escalated to the furniture displacement and weirdly our house all of the sudden got filled with cats. Also, the nightmare didn’t stop there sometimes I wake up because my legs got pulled and some other nights it is because my hair. I didn’t share this story with anyone before because i was afraid of being judged.

Submitted by: Hunted House

Ponte do enforcado (Hanged Man bridge)

People say in the 90's, a man was found hanged in this bridge. Nobody ever can say If It was suicide or murder. People in the neighbourhood says they see "something" hanged by the bars and suddenly It desappears. Locals also say that they feel chills when crossing the bridge, even before they know about the 90's hanged man.

Submitted by: Fernanda


I'm an Occultist and I've had a few weird experiences, but this one's been by far one of the craziest. I'm not allowed to say much but I accidentally reached one of the highest planes of existence and I was told off by a superior entity saying that I should stop seeking answers for everything. Basically I became One with the Whole and I was being kept in a loop, seeing and experiencing everything, until I was the pure consciousness "I am".

Submitted by: Leandro

White Rock, QLD (Postcode 4306)

My partner at the time and I were in the process of building our first home. We worked long hours and were tiling our house ourselves to save on money. The tiling had to be done within a certain timeframe. We both worked full time, and would drive to the new house out at Woodhill, 4285 from our work places, tile part of the house, then drive back home to our rental, most often very late into the night. This particular night we stayed very late, around 1am we started driving back to the home near Amberley. Travelling west along the Centenary Highway, this was before the housing estate had started, so it was all bushland. We notice up ahead along the side of the highway this what seemed to look like a dog. We slowed down, so we did not hit it and being dog owners we wondered if it was alright or if it was a wild dog. As we approached the area where it was, we saw these deep red eyes, they weren't glowing it was luminescent deep red, this dog crouched down in a way dogs cannot crouch/ sit, like its legs were bent backwards. I said, "Drive, keep driving, don't stop.." but my partner at the time slowed down more and was looking right at it in the grass as we approached it. We both must got the creepiest feeling and all of a sudden he just took off, sped away saying, "I dont know what the f*ck that was and i don't want to find out." I later googled what i saw and it kept coming up with Chupacabra. Maybe it was just a dog, eating one of the many dead kangaroos, the car lights made its eyes different. I am not sure of what i saw but the feelin, and how it sat backwards, gave me the absolute creepiest feeling, like i shouldn't be seeing it.

Submitted by: Clare Sita


Meu esposo havia se acidentado,e estava internado num hospital daqui de Manaus, chamado Adriano Jorge.Um dia antes da cirurgia,um garoto que estava de frente pro leito dele,passou e mau e foi pra U.T.I,como eu estava dormindo debaixo do leito do meu esposo,ele disse pra eu ir dormir na leito do garotinho que tava livre.Eu não quis ir,mas meu esposo ficou insistindo muito, então eu fui deitar lá.Nao consegui dormir lá,fiquei o tempo todo me virando de todo jeito,até que desisti e fui deitar em baixo do leito do meu esposo,foi quando eu consegui dormir.No dia seguinte meu esposo foi pro centro cirúrgico,e eu fiquei sozinha na enfermaria, então me sentei no leito dele de frente pros outros leitos que tavam vazios,foi então que eu vi um vulto preto,uma silhueta saindo debaixo do leito do garotinho que passou mau.O vulto sai debaixo do leito e sumiu no corredor do hospital.Foi então que eu entendi porque eu não consegui dormir lá,porque tinha um espírito maligno. Não acredito em fantasmas,eu acredito que existe o mundo espiritual,os anjos de Deus e os demônios do inferno. ENGLISH VIA GOOGLE TRANSLATE My husband had had an accident, and was admitted to a hospital here in Manaus, called Adriano Jorge. The day before the surgery, a boy who was in front of his bed, got sick and went to the ICU, as I was sleeping under the bed. my husband's bed, he told me to go and sleep in the bed of the little boy who was free. I didn't want to go, but my husband insisted a lot, so I went and lay there. I couldn't sleep there, I was tossing and turning all the time. way, until I gave up and went to lie under my husband's bed, that's when I managed to sleep. The next day my husband went to the surgery center, and I was alone in the ward, so I sat on his bed facing the other beds that were empty, it was then that I saw a black figure, a silhouette coming out from under the bed of the little boy who was sick. The figure came out from under the bed and disappeared into the hospital corridor. It was then that I understood why I couldn't sleep there, because he had an evil spirit. I don't believe in ghosts, I believe that there is the spiritual world, the angels of God and the demons of hell.

Submitted by: Licya

Sao Paulo

Before I get into the story itself, people around here describe the Boogeyman as a creature that is pitch black with red eyes, but as I grew older, I learned that perhaps these are just evil spirits that roam around the world until they're purified and called back to the beyond to reincarnate. Now back to my experience, I have this really vivid memory from my childhood, I was perhaps 3 to 4 years old, where I was at my crib crying and my dad came to my room and lit the lights, and there by the corner of my room was a pitch black thing with two red dots that I can only suppose were its eyes staring straight at me, since I was the only one able to see it, with my dad asking me what was wrong. It's said that children are more sensitive to spirits and such, as we're still fresh from the immaterial plane and not bound by the material experience. My dad picked me up and the creature was still looking straight at me, but as my dad cuddled me, it disappeared and I slept with my parents that night. I don't know if my mind made this memory up, but it's so vivid I cannot discard it really happened.

Submitted by: Anonymous


I was driving down fermor at around 8pm, passing by the mcdonalds, and as i’m driving i see this object that’s pretty low in the sky maybe around 300 ft in the air? (i’m not good at estimating) but it was pretty low, like the height of a plane taking off so i could see it pretty clearly. it was a big triangle shaped ship with three white dots on each point and a big white orb in the middle. it made no sound when moving and this thing was moving super fast, it was right in front of me pretty close, and within 2 seconds it was already super far (again idk how many feet or the distance but it was pretty far away) and the speed that this moved at broke all laws of physics and flying. it was just like hovering and zipping around. because i was driving on the highway at 80kms i was struggling and scrambling to get my phone out. in the video you can’t make out a shape what so ever but u can see a light in the sky that’s moving.

Submitted by: D tweez


I volunteer as a tour guide at a historic home. Other guides have reported seeing various spooky happening such as an apparition of a woman walking along the verandah, lights on in the house at night when the place is locked up and empty. I had not experienced anything until one evening during a ghost tour. I was preparing the supper of hot pumpkin soup in the outdoor arcade at the front of the house, standing stirring and chatting to the other guides who were congregated while the guests were being shown through the cottage. I saw someone walk behind the group out of the shop and heading to the open forecourt. I did a double take because everyone was supposed to be inside and no one could access the location through the locked shop. When I looked there was no-one there. I had a severe case of goose bumps after that!

Submitted by: Margie


Sleep paralysis, poltergeist and ghost activity.

Submitted by: Cherry


I was walking one night and heard something scream my name. I knew about cryptoids at the time so I knew that if something screams your name at night, to run. So I bolted as fast as I could away from the park and then I saw a white, dog-like creature run across the path. I'm pretty sure what I experienced was a s***walker.

Submitted by: Naomi

Plaza Alejandria

I lived my first years in that place, it was a big house before. My mother told me stories that there was a portal inside that place. She had a lot of ghost encounters, duendes(goblins stealing things from them) and many more entities that disturbed my whole family.

Submitted by: Edna Arely

Submitted by: Anonymous

6 Florida Ave, Commack, NY 11725

Orb of light that interacted with 3 people and changed color. Lost time and sudden movement at super high speed.

Submitted by: R Parrish

Chester Road Cemetery

Mid-Day on the 7th of December i was walking my dog through the park, like normal. halfway through the cem i started seeing people in those big old dresses and top hats, it was freaky as f*ck! My dog started barking like crazy at these people, but they didn't notice him (or me?), I was so confused but thought it was just a weird funeral, so kept walking. when i went out the cem i noticed the destroyed churches where all repaired and there was old beamish type cars all around. I googled if an event was happening but no.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Hospital Assombrado
Outubro de 2009

Essa história que irei contar aconteceu no ano de 2009 quando eu ainda era adolescente. Eu nasci e cresci nessa cidade, onde nos anos 90 havia um hospital bastante grande e moderno para a época, mas cercado de histórias macabras. Os antigos contavam que o hospital era muito bom, mas apenas se você tivesse dinheiro. Muita gente morreu devido a falta de cuidados (e dinheiro) nesse hospital quando estava em funcionamento. O médico dono foi embora em 1995 e fechou o hospital com todos os equipamentos dentro. Com o passar dos anos o local foi ficando rodeado de lendas. Moradores relatavam barulhos de correntes, luzes estranhas e imagens de pessoas que olhavam para fora das janelas do hospital durante a noite. Certo dia, eu e um grupo de amigos decidimos entrar (durante o dia) para conhecer esse hospital e ver se achávamos algo de estranho. A prefeitura havia lacrado o local, então tivemos que pular uma das janelas que vocês podem ver nas fotos. Apenas encontramos o local destruído e vandalizado, mas o que me chamou mais atenção nesse dia foi que, depois que saímos do hospital, eu notei um ferimento no meu braço. Perto do cotovelo havia um arranhão que escorreu sangue até meu pulso. Não faço ideia onde eu me cortei, pois tenho certeza que não econstei em nada. Além de fotos nós fizemos um vídeo (o qual claramente não postarei para preservar minha identidade), e nesse vídeo é possível ver que não existe corte nenhum em meu braço. Infelizmente nunca saberei o que aconteceu, pois a prefeitura demoliu todas as instalações do hospital. Mas nunca me esquecerei desse episódio estranho em minha vida, principalmente por que estava um calor insuportável nesse dia, mas dentro do hospital estava muito escuro e frio.
This story I'm about to tell happened in 2009 when I was still a teenager. I was born and raised in this city, where in the 90s there was a quite large and modern hospital for its time, but surrounded by macabre stories. The elders said the hospital was very good, but only if you had money. Many people died due to lack of care (and money) in this hospital when it was operational. The doctor who owned it left in 1995 and closed the hospital with all the equipment inside. Over the years, the place became surrounded by legends. Residents reported noises of chains, strange lights, and images of people looking out of the hospital windows at night. One day, a group of friends and I decided to enter (during the day) to explore this hospital and see if we found anything strange. The municipality had sealed the place, so we had to jump through one of the windows you can see in the photos. We only found the place destroyed and vandalized, but what caught my attention that day was that, after we left the hospital, I noticed a wound on my arm. Near the elbow, there was a scratch that bled down to my wrist. I have no idea where I got cut, as I'm sure I didn't touch anything. Besides photos, we made a video (which I clearly won't post to preserve my identity), and in this video, it's clear that there is no cut on my arm. Unfortunately, I will never know what happened, as the municipality demolished all the hospital facilities. But I will never forget this strange episode in my life, especially because it was unbearably hot that day, but inside the hospital, it was very dark and cold.

Submitted by: Anonymous


Eu era militar na época, servia na 2° Brigada de infantaria de Selva, na noite em questão eu estava de serviço, era por volta de uma 20h da noite, estava tendo o pernoite, quando todas a luzes se apagaram, e um clarão como se fosse uma luz branca começou a subir do chão próximo de onde estávamos, todos nós vimos, éramos mais ou menos uns 20 militares, todos ficaram olhando a luz que se afastava e por um tempo ficou parada sobre nós, e depois de um tempo ela subiu em Auta velocidade.
I was in the military at the time, serving in the 2nd Jungle Infantry Brigade. On the night in question, I was on duty, it was around 8 p.m., we were staying overnight, when all the lights went out, and a glow like a white light began to rise from the ground near where we were. We all saw it, there were about 20 of us soldiers, everyone kept watching the light as it moved away and for a while it remained stationary above us, and after some time it shot up at high speed.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Ponte antes de São Jorge
Janeiro de 2010

Meu irmão uma vez me contou que certa vez estava viajando sozinho de caro a noite. Estava indo para uma festa na cidade de São Jorge do Patrocínio, uma pequena cidade no interior do estado. Era sábado a noite e ele ia encontrar com a namorada e depois iria ao local da festa. Pouco antes de chegar na cidade a estrada passa por uma ponte. A estrada é boa e sem buracos e ele estava em alta velocidade. Ele relata que, ao passar pela ponte, viu um animal humanóide que tinha a pele marrom e asas de couro, como as de um morcego. Ao ver o carro se aproximando, o animal voou pela ponte, cruzando de um lado ao outro quase por cima do carro e indo para baixo dela para se esconder. Meu irmão disse que correu como nunca correu na vida e nunca mais passou sozinho nessa ponte de novo, mesmo durante o dia. Tinha conhecidos na cidade que contei essa história e várias pessoas confirmaram avistamentos dessa criatura e relatavam sumiço de alguns animais de rebanho de vez em quando. Infelizmente nunca mais ouvi nada dessa hisória, pois me mudei daquela região, mas meu irmão sempre diz que a criatura era exatamente como a do filme Olhos Famintos (Em inglês, Jeepers Creepers)
My brother once told me that he was once traveling alone by car at night. He was going to a party in the city of São Jorge do Patrocínio, a small town in the countryside of the state. It was Saturday night, and he was going to meet his girlfriend and then head to the party location. Just before reaching the city, the road crosses a bridge. The road is good and without potholes, and he was driving at high speed. He reports that, when crossing the bridge, he saw a humanoid animal with brown skin and leather wings, like those of a bat. Seeing the car approaching, the animal flew across the bridge, crossing from one side to the other almost over the car and going underneath it to hide. My brother said he ran like he had never run in his life and never passed alone on that bridge again, even during the day. I had acquaintances in the city to whom I told this story, and several people confirmed sightings of this creature and reported the disappearance of some livestock animals from time to time. Unfortunately, I never heard anything more about this story, as I moved away from that region, but my brother always says that the creature was exactly like the one from the movie Jeepers Creepers.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Aparecida de Goiânia

Tem uma rua perto de um espaco de joga bola aqui no Cidade satélite são luiz que vc passa leva sentido precensa de gente olhando e frio anoite tanto que mandaram corta os mato que tinha nas lateral da rua em frente uma chacara mas passando na rua ainda temos as mesma sensação , mas segundo historias ali era lugar de desovar corpo entao eles vagam anoite no lugar ate animal estranha anda la.
There is a street near a soccer field here in Satellite City, São Luiz, where as you walk by, you feel the presence of people watching and a coldness at night so intense that they ordered the cutting of the bushes that were on the sides of the street in front of a farmstead. But even walking on the street, we still have the same sensation. However, according to stories, that place was used to dump bodies, so their spirits wander around at night in that place, to the extent that even animals act strangely there.

Submitted by: Caluzinx

Casa de campo
Agosto de 2021

Em agosto de 2021 minha esposa e eu fomos convidados para o casamento de um casal de amigos na cidade de Paranavaí. Na época morávamos em outro estado e como só eu dirigia na estrada saímos bem cedo de Curitiba. Ficaríamos na casa de outro amigo, na cidade de Tamboara, que morava em uma chácara próximo à cidade. Chegamos por volta das 16h muito cansados e resolvi tirar um cochilo. Quando estava deitado na cama, senti meu corpo ficando leve e flutuando, como se estivesse boiando de barriga para cima nas águas de uma piscina. Eu já havia lido sobre projeção astral antes e decidi testar para ver se eu conseguiria sair do meu corpo. Conscientemente eu decidi levantar e mexer os braços na frente do rosto e quando abri os olhos eu não vi meus membros, apenas o teto do quarto. Decidi virar para trás e vi meu corpo deitado na cama de barriga para cima. Os móveis e nossas coisas de viagem estavam todas no lugar, porém era tudo preto e branco. Comecei a sentir medo, pois foi algo que eu nunca havia experimentado antes... Decidi que queria voltar, apenas mentalizando que gostaria de acordar e lentamente eu voltei ao meu corpo material e abri os olhos para levantar da cama. Foi uma sensação estranha e eu estava totalmente consciente do que estava acontecendo comigo. Depois de alguns dias eu pesquisei mais sobre proejção astral e o que aconteceu comigo é chamado de projeção espontânea. Infelizmente tentei algumas técnicas para sair do corpo novamente, mas nunca mais consegui.
In August 2021, my wife and I were invited to the wedding of a couple of friends in the city of Paranavaí. At the time we lived in another state and as I was the only one driving on the road, we left Curitiba very early. We would stay at another friend's house, in the city of Tamboara, who lived on a farm close to the city. We arrived around 4pm very tired and I decided to take a nap. As I lay in bed, I felt my body becoming light and floating, as if I were floating face up in the waters of a swimming pool. I had read about astral projection before and decided to test it to see if I could get out of my body. Consciously I decided to lift and move my arms in front of my face and when I opened my eyes I didn't see my limbs, just the ceiling of the room. I decided to turn back and saw my body lying on the bed face up. The furniture and our travel things were all in place, but everything was black and white. I started to feel scared, because it was something I had never experienced before... I decided that I wanted to go back, just thinking that I would like to wake up and slowly I returned to my material body and opened my eyes to get out of bed. It was a strange feeling and I was fully aware of what was happening to me. After a few days I researched more about astral projection and what happened to me is called spontaneous projection. Unfortunately, I tried some techniques to get out of my body again, but I never managed to do it again.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Setembro de 2011

Estava na faculdade em 2011 e morava com uma tia na cidade de Umuarama por causa do trabalho e do estudo. Certo dia, após um dia super cansativo de trabalho e provas na faculdade, acordei no meio da noite e avistei uma mulher de branco ao lado da minha cama. O apartamento era em uma avenida, então entrava um pouco de luz pela janela do quarto, fazendo com que eu conseguisse ver claramente alguns detalhes dessa mulher. Ela era alta e magra. Usava um vestido branco e longo com as mangas curtas, tinha um cabelo preto e comprido que caía por cima dos ombros. Ela estava em pé, ao lado da minha cama e com a mão em minha testa, como se estivesse sentindo a minha temperatura para saber se eu estava com febre. Eu conseguia sentir o calor e o toque da sua mão. Não era algo assustador, mas a mão dela impediu que eu visse o rosto dela. Fiquei assim paralizado por alguns segundos e quando me dei conta de que havia alguém estranho no meu quarto eu assustei, e nesse momento a mulher assustou também. Me virei pra acender a luz que era ao lado da minha cama e ao olhar de volta a mulher havia desaparecido. Era por volta das 2 da manhã quando isso aconteceu. Levantei e encontrei minha tia trabalhando no computador. Ela era professora e as vezes ficava até tarde da noite preparando as aulas. Contei pra ela o acontecido e ela me acalmou, dizendo que provavelmente era meu anjo da guarda cuidando de mim. Curiosamente eu não fiquei com medo e voltei a dormir. Foi uma época da minha vida em que eu estava sob enorme estresse no trabalho e na faculdade, com estágio, provas, trabalhos e muito mais, então, acredito que era realmente meu anjo cuidando de mim. Infelizmente ela nunca mais apareceu novamente para mim até hoje.
I was in college in 2011 and lived with an aunt in the city of Umuarama because of work and study. One day, after a super tiring day of work and exams at college, I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a woman in white next to my bed. The apartment was on an avenue, so a little light came in through the bedroom window, allowing me to clearly see some details of this woman. She was tall and thin. She wore a long white dress with short sleeves, and had long black hair that fell over her shoulders. She was standing next to my bed and with her hand on my forehead, as if she was feeling my temperature to see if I had a fever. I could feel the warmth and touch of his hand. It wasn't scary, but her hand prevented me from seeing her face. I was paralyzed like that for a few seconds and when I realized that there was someone strange in my room I got scared, and at that moment the woman got scared too. I turned to turn on the light next to my bed and when I looked back the woman had disappeared. It was around 2 am when this happened. I got up and found my aunt working on the computer. She was a teacher and sometimes stayed up late at night preparing classes. I told her what happened and she calmed me down, saying that it was probably my guardian angel watching over me. Interestingly, I wasn't scared and went back to sleep. It was a time in my life when I was under enormous stress at work and at college, with internships, exams, assignments and more, so I believe it was truly my angel looking out for me. Unfortunately, she never appeared to me again until today.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Fábrica multinacional
Vários datas

Na cidade de Toledo, no oeste do Paraná, existe uma empresa multinacional de processamento de proteina animal onde conta-se a lenda de que o dono fez um pacto com o diabo para que a empresa obtivesse sucesso. Trabalhei alguns anos nessa empresa e todos os funcionários contam essa história, onde o pacto diz que deve morrer um funcionário por ano ali dentro da empresa. E realmente, nos 10 anos que fiquei lá, 10 pessoas morreram de formas diferentes. Em cada ano que ninguém morria, no ano seguinte duas morriam. Além disso, dentro da fábrica várias coisas estranhas aconteceram, como visões e vultos que só conseguíamos ver pelo canto de olho... Acontecia muito comigo. O episódio mais bizarro foi quando ouvi uma voz dentro de uma das paredes, que dizia "Me ajuda por favor, estou presa". Vários eventos bizarros acontecem lá dentro até hoje...
In the city of Toledo, in western Paraná, there is a multinational animal protein processing company where legend has it that the owner made a pact with the devil so that the company would be successful. I worked at this company for a few years and all the employees tell this story, where the pact says that one employee must die every year within the company. And really, in the 10 years I was there, 10 people died in different ways. Every year that no one died, the following year two died. Furthermore, inside the factory several strange things happened, like visions and figures that we could only see out of the corner of our eyes... It happened to me a lot. The most bizarre episode was when I heard a voice inside one of the walls, which said "Please help me, I'm trapped". Several bizarre events happen inside there to this day...

Submitted by: Anonymous


Eu tenho uma paralisia que me pertuba todas as noites, eu fico totalmente paralisada sem conseguir me mover, é uma sensação de medo horrível, e enquanto vc não mover um músculo sequer, vc fica ali naquele desespero sem poder fazer nada, vc sente presença de pessoas, eu sinto alguém se deitando sobre mim, é super realista, vc sente tudo! Mais é só uma paralisia, que é rara, mais é horrivel. Mas, quando vc consegue mover um dedo da mão, dos pés, ou qualquer parte, tudo volta ao normal, mais haja muito esforço para isso, vc fica totalmente paralisado!. Sleep Paralysis I have a paralysis that disturbs me every night. I become completely paralyzed, unable to move, and it's a terribly frightening sensation. And until you can move a single muscle, you're stuck there in that desperation, unable to do anything. You feel the presence of people; I feel someone lying on top of me, it's super realistic, you feel everything! But it's just a paralysis, which is rare, but horrible. However, when you manage to move a finger on your hand, feet, or any part, everything returns to normal, but it takes a lot of effort to do so, you're completely paralyzed!

Submitted by: Elen

Estrada Mogi Dutra/Sentido Mogi das Cruzes

Estava eu e meu irmão voltando para casa de carro. Era mais ou menos umas 20/21h da noite. Moramos em uma região com bastante área verde e bem tranquila. Para chegar em casa pegamos todos os dias o mesmo trajeto e nesse dia em específico estávamos voltando conversando e do nada no céu vimos uma luz branca voando em uma direção linear. Ela não estava voando muito alto para ser um avião e também descartamos a possibilidade de ser um helicóptero pois não existia nenhuma luz piscando ou de outra cor para sinalizar que era uma aeronave. Na hora foi muito esquisito, foi muito rápido, questão de segundos. Ela apareceu voando e em seguida desapareceu... Chega a ser engraçado porque até hoje perguntamos e debatemos o que podemos ter visto naquela noite. Nunca mais avistamos nada parecido na área. Strange Light in the Sky My brother and I were returning home by car. It was around 8/9 PM. We live in a region with a lot of green areas and it's very peaceful. To get home, we take the same route every day, and on this specific day, we were coming back talking and suddenly in the sky, we saw a white light flying in a straight line. It wasn't flying high enough to be a plane, and we also ruled out the possibility of it being a helicopter since there were no blinking lights or lights of another color to signal that it was an aircraft. At the moment, it was very strange, it happened very quickly, in a matter of seconds. It appeared flying and then disappeared... It's funny because to this day we ask and debate what we might have seen that night. We've never seen anything like it in the area again.

Submitted by: Anonymous

17W064 Oak Lane, Bensenville, Illinois
May, 2014

I was a sophomore in high school— this was the first year I did not share a room with my sister as she had left for college. I woke up in the middle of the night to find my nose was bleeding. I sat up and grabbed a tissue and looked out my window to see what I can only describe as three fireballs making their way across the sky above the woods. I cried and watched in awe although I cannot remember how long I watched for. I thought of taking a video on my phone but felt it would take away from such a beautiful experience and was compelled to not record, which I now regret. Once the balls of fire passed over my house, I kept looking up at the sky, and noticed multiple things that looked like stars weave in and out of the sky as if entering portals and coming back out in different spots in the sky. In addition there was a strange “aura” surrounding these moving stars— kind of like how humans visually represent neurons firing in the brain.

Submitted by: Colette Obermaier

My backyard

I was out back smoking and looking at the stars when I noticed a dark L-shaped object that flew from south to north over my house. If I hadn’t been standing there looking at the stars for several minutes I could have easily missed it, because it caught my attention because it was a dark shape moving across the sky. Flying fairly low, I’m no expert but it was around the same altitude the helicopters are in my area. This isn’t my first ufo experience but it is my first here in Kansas City. I haven’t seen an L shaped one before and it was awesome but also bizarre. It went overhead about 9:42pm CDT.

Submitted by: Fyn

A história do cemitério
N lembro

Oii,achei esse site MT interessante e vim contar uma história que aconteceu com a minha avó! Minha vó nunca foi uma pessoa mt fácil de conviveu etc,ela era uma mulher realmente ciumenta e talvez até possessiva... Um dia ela decidiu que queria que uma mulher se afastasse totalmente do meu avô, então no mesmo dia a mesma foi a um cemitério e foi a um túmulo aleatório A pessoa enterrada ali era um homem,e ela se abaixou e específicou o nome da mulher e o que queria que o homem fizesse e prometeu a aquela alma que se ele fizesse o que ela tinha proposto ela iria fazer uma oferenda(algo assim n me lembro direito). Alguns dias depois disso o meu avô se afastou da tal mulher assim como a minha avó queria,mas acabou que ela n cumpriu o que tinha prometido a àquela alma, se passaram alguns dias e ela começou a ouvir barulhos de correntes encima do telhado,como se alguém estivesse andando e arrastando àquelas correntes. Depois de um tempo ela decidiu fazer o que avia prometido,já que n aguentava mais aquele barulho. Então depois daquilo ela nunca mais ouviu as correntes encima do telhado da casa The Chains Hi, I found this site very interesting and came to share a story that happened to my grandmother! My grandmother was never an easy person to live with, etc. She was a really jealous woman and perhaps even possessive... One day she decided she wanted a woman to stay completely away from my grandfather, so on the same day, she went to a cemetery and visited a random grave. The person buried there was a man, and she knelt down, specified the woman's name and what she wanted the man to do, and promised that soul that if he did what she had proposed, she would make an offering (something like that, I don’t remember exactly). A few days after that, my grandfather distanced himself from that woman just as my grandmother wanted, but it turned out she didn't fulfill what she had promised to that soul. A few days passed, and she began to hear the sounds of chains on the roof, as if someone were walking and dragging those chains. After a while, she decided to do what she had promised, since she couldn't stand the noise anymore. After that, she never heard the chains on the roof of the house again.  

Submitted by: Yasmin

Chácara dos poderes
28/01/2024 22:32

Eram 10 da noite quantos todas as casas do bairro sentiram um grande barulho vindo de cima e depois acertando as paredes do lado de fora das casas O som parecia que algo tinha batido no telhado das casas e depois nas paredes Câmeras de segurança registraram o som, sem qualquer luz ou qualquer barulho de avião, relatos falam de tremores nas paredes de casas Até agora nenhum relato sísmico, avião ou meteorito foi relatado por ninguém… continua o mistério Strange sound and vibration on Sunday night It was 10 PM when all the houses in the neighborhood felt a loud noise coming from above, followed by impacts on the exterior walls of the houses. The sound seemed as if something had hit the roofs and then the walls. Security cameras recorded the sound, without any light or airplane noise; there were reports of walls trembling in houses. So far, no seismic activity, airplane, or meteorite has been reported by anyone... the mystery continues.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Ash street

So this is my mom’s story and I’m posting this story because she called me freaking out about it, she was driving down ash street and was driving behind a green and white waste management garbage truck that was just driving the speed limit and as the truck went around the kind of bend in the road it just blinked out of existence. As anyone knows, these trucks are huge, loud, slow, and take quite a bit of time to stop so after the truck disappeared my mom came to a stop and so did the car next to her, the guy rolled down his window and yelled “you saw that disappear too!?!?” And when my mom said “yeah I’m so glad someone else saw it” the guy just sped away freaked out. Where I marked it on the map shows that there are turns that it could have made, however my mom and the other guy saw it happen at the same time ruling out the possibility that it turned down a street or alley. I have no explanation for this other than it being a time slip, glitch in the matrix, or even a straight up ghost truck? Definitely weird

Submitted by: Duncan

Interlaken Park


Submitted by: Anonymous

Fountain Portal

The bottom of Freeway Park's fountain has always seemed like a powerful place to me, especially at night. The veil is thin there.

Submitted by: Will K.

Hypogeum Entrance (2)

Hypogeum Entrance (Unconfirmed)

Submitted by: Anonymous


Lots of Memlen activity here.

Submitted by: Anonymous


The Memlen are strong here.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Abode of the Insect God

An idol stands/stood on this place depicting an antish deity.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Fairy House Village

While three of us were exploring a local fairy village in a wooded park, we decided to try the Randonautica app. We pulled up the app but didn't really express any 'intention,' just that we wanted to find something weird or unusual. To our surprise, the random coordinates generated by the app were directly outside of one of our houses!! Were the fairies asking us to "go home?"

Submitted by: Jeremy P.

Hypogeum Entrance (1)

One of the entrances to the Hypogeum, open only during certain times of the year (or by invitation)

Submitted by: Anonymous

Stuck In Time?

A few years back I used to be a CSR helping out at Cafe 43 on the Microsoft campus. Every day when I left, like around 3 or 4pm, this guy would get on the bus with us. I swear to god he was some sort of time traveler. He wore archaic clothes, and always had a long sweeping coat on, even when my fellow mortals and I would be sweating like crazy. He had a cane/umbrella thing he carried, and a briefcase or something, also super old styles. He was white, thin and wiry, with a beard and long flowing blonde/light brown hair. He never spoke, just got on the bus and went with us to downtown Seattle on the 545. I saw him all the time, even got a picture. and he was very mysterious. I saw him maybe a year after that job ended, and he was walking in downtown Seattle with a super modern woman, holding hands and smiling, still with the cane and old outfit. I think he got stuck here in this time or something, but ended up finding true love in our present and went with it.

Submitted by: Nattie N.

Visitor in Orange

A couple years ago I went to get my ID renewed and another copy of my social- the buildings around 2nd ave are older brick buildings and there’s always a hussle and bustle in the area. I went to the social security building first. And really admired the place for its age. It seemed like a place with a lot of history. And I admittedly felt like I was in a different era. Here’s the strange part- as I’m crossing the intersection I see a man in an orange suit that seemed to belong to a different era. I remember his outfit struck me as it didn’t quite seem to stick out as it could almost blend in but there was an off quality. Now this might seem silly.. but this gentleman literally disappeared into the crowd after giving me a slight smile. There was something about the look in his eye like a secret. I just knew he was a time traveler. I wrote a poem about the incident in my journal. I mean maybe it was just a stranger who I lost in a crowd.. but that incident always struck me for there was something in that moment that just felt like it was of a special case. I know if I was a time traveler.. I’d visit Seattle.

Submitted by: Jackie

Edward Lighthart

On July 30, 2009 Lighthart flagged down a bus driver outside Discovery Park. He was dehydrated, had no ID but was carrying $600 in his sock. He was admitted to Swedish Medical Center’s Cherry Hill campus, where he tried to organize the snippets of memories into clues. ….But the man who walked out of Discovery Park says none of the truth about the real Edward Lighthart yet rings a bell. It’s not that he doesn’t believe that’s really him. He said he just doesn’t completely remember inhabiting Lighthart’s life.” Taken from: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/mystery-of-apparent-amnesia-victim-solved/

Submitted by: Anonymous

Former Time Travel Museum

In 2015, in the site that was once the LPFM radio station Hollow Earth Radio a pop-up Time Travel museum emerged.

Submitted by: Garrett Kelly

Doom Sign

A very official looking street sign reading "Why is this happening? Report plague info 803-768-5463" stood here for some time.

Submitted by: @TIMESCANNER

The Future Etc.

By the Wells Fargo in Ballard: A man informed me he was in direct mental contact with Bernie Sanders and then told me about an incident that would occur shortly after Trump was elected involving another individual that was part of the direct mental communication network. That event has in fact occurred and I now know involves a person that I know well enough that they’ve taken an airplane to visit me over a decade prior.

Submitted by: Anonymous

Suspected Time Traveler Appearance

Roomate said he encountered a humanoid with what appeared to be snot running down his face/beard. When questioned, entity said it was actually "time travel residue".

Submitted by: Garrett Kelly

Deja Vu Experience

"My roommate Brett keeps having deja vu. The other day I was putting a tape in the VCR and Coleen was on the computer. I said something like I can never get this thing to work and then Brett said 'I dreamt this before.' The second time it happened, (and this is when it gets really weird) we were walking into the U-District past this blond hippie kid on a bridge over I-5 and I felt some sort of glitch in reality. I was about to tell Brett what I had just felt and he stopped me and said he had dreamt walking past that kid before, who had a videotape in his hand. I didn't notice the tape, but like I said, something was strange about that passing."

Submitted by: Garrett Kelly

Time Travel Nexus

Experiences of 'deja vu', meeting oneself from alternate timelines, and other paranormal activity heavy in this location.
"I think I might have seen a ghost (or something)! I was in the kitchen drowning one of my salad's with nutritional yeast, and as I turned up to my left I had this quick flash of someone looking right at me, only a few feet off. It was so quick and scary---I screamed up to my roommate twice and then ran upstairs! I've never had an experience like that before, though the past year or so I've become more engrossed in paranormal stories--- so I am wondering how much of that talk is manifesting itself in my reality. People in my house have started talking about seeing things, or dreaming of people that live in the house and I wonder how that is influencing me. One of my old roommates Brett even had this reoccurring dream about a little girl who would come and scratch his arms violently! The weirdest thing for me was that I felt that the person looking at me, WAS me. My first instinct was fright, but I also knew instinctually that it was me that I was looking at. I didn't tell anyone else in the house that, (and I am just realizing that it may be because that doesn't exactly fit the mythology that is developing around the phenomena happening in my house). I should probably let everyone in on the fact that that's what my intuition felt. But it doesn't make any sense, how the hell could it have been ME I was seeing? "

Submitted by: Garrett Kelly

Time Travel Mailbox

Here is a picture of the suitcase from a couple of years ago. Portal of light was not visible to the naked eye when I took this photograph. Also, check out the letter from a Time Traveler that was found in the box in 2005. If you visit here, open the suitcase seat and leave/reply to messages left here by Time Travelers. BEWARE TIME HUNTERS.

Submitted by: Garrett Kelly

Sandwich From Hell

One night in 2009 I was waiting for a bus on Ballinger Way NE in Lake Forest Park by myself. When the bus arrived, I boarded and went to the back. No one else was on it. Seemingly out of nowhere, three other people who had not been waiting at the stop with me got on and sat right next to me.They seemed really agitated and kept saying, "Are you ready for this? Are we ready to do this?" while glancing around nervously. The woman dug around in her bag fervently. I started to feel like something bad was going to happen.She then pulled a Subway sandwich out of her bag and one of her friends said "There it is." I thought. "I'm a jerk for thinking I was going to get robbed when really they were just preparing to eat a sandwich together." She then put the sandwich on her lap and opened it up. Inside mixed in with the lettuce and mustard were three individually wrapped moist towelettes. As her companions eagerly looked on she took the moist towelettes out pushed the sandwich to the floor of the bus and they used the moist towelettes to clean their rain jackets. The sandwich remained on the floor. It had merely been a vessel for their moist towelettes.(Submitted by SWR)

Submitted by: SWR

Terror Mouth Lady

While checking out at the Ballard Trader Joes on an otherwise dull day, I looked across the check out counter to see a normal looking middle aged woman in a pantsuit at the opposite counter staring at me. She then proceeded to open her mouth wide and distort it into a round oval shape (think, "The Ring") and looked at me unblinking for minutes and minutes as I tried to look away. Nobody around her noticed or acted like she was acting unusual. She even picked up her coffee as I did

Submitted by: Lo

Unfriendly Fountain

I used to walk down Madison every day to get to work, and there's a terribly hostile Presence in the fountain that's between Madison and the bank parking lot. Some of the heaviest spiritual miasma I've found outside of South Lake Union just radiates from there. My partner used to be an EMT and the hospitals on First Hill meant she was around that area a lot and she agrees with me, neither of us will go near there if we can help it. I don't know what kind of thing is attached to that, but whatever it is it isn't friendly and it isn't safe. Be on guard. [caption id="attachment_334" align="alignleft" width="720"] Photo of the fountain on google streetview[/caption] [caption id="attachment_335" align="alignleft" width="612"] Note the Timehunter fading in the background[/caption]

Submitted by: Sophia

Colony of the Damned

Dead souls live here.

Submitted by: Anonymous