Mysterious Vacuum
My aunt went with me to the Illinois state fair in Springfield in late summer one year to see Selena Gomez in concert. After the show, we had about an hour and a half to drive before we got home, so we decided to stop at McDonald’s on the way out of town. We had to use the restroom, so we decided to go inside rather than go through the drive thru. It was pretty late at night, and we were the only ones around. It was eerily quiet, because you’d think there would be other people stopping by on their way home too. But we were the only people I saw in the vicinity the entire time we were there besides the employees of the McDonald’s. Once we got our food and went back outside to the car - which had been in our view the entire time - we were perplexed to find a small vacuum cleaner propped up against the door of the car. No explanation. Just a random vacuum, materialized out of nowhere. My aunt, to this day, adamantly denies having had a vacuum in her car that may have miraculously appeared outside of it, and there was no one around who could have placed it there. We were so tired at the time, having spent the whole day traipsing around the state fair in the hot, humid, Illinois late summer, we just propped it up against the wall of the restaurant, and shrugged it off. I almost wish we would’ve taken it. It might’ve turned out to be an even more interesting story. We didn’t really think about how strange it really was until the next morning at breakfast.
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