Mary Foust Residence Hall
I lived in this dorm for roughly 4 years in undergrad and every year we had a night where we passed down the information about the ghosts that lived in the dorm, of which there were many.
The most prominent one was Mary Foust herself. In the parlor there was this painting of Mary Foust and it was said that if you touched the painting Mary Foust would haunt you. About a year before I moved in they had to take the painting down to re-paint the room and allegedly for the week they did this, everything went wrong. People started failing classes, some kid fell down the stairs and broke a window, it was a bad time. Then when they put the painting back up, everything went back to normal. Mary was also known to just not like some people, she'd steal your stuff or bang on closet doors to scare you, that kind of thing. I knew at least one person who moved out of the dorm because Mary didn't like her and she couldn't deal with it anymore. Another friend reported hearing banging and scratching on their door in the middle of the night but when they checked it no one was there.
The people on the third floor reported constant footsteps. There were thought to be from three nursing students that allegedly hung themselves in the attic or the girl who fell off the room trying to sunbathe. These are unconfirmed.
I lived on the first floor which meant I was spared most of the worst haunting but I did have one experience I've never been able to explain. It was about 3am and I was in the communal bathroom brushing my teeth. I could see the whole bathroom from where I was standing and I was right next to the only entrance or exit so anyone who wanted to come into the bathroom would have had to walk right past me. I know for a fact that I was the only one in there but out of nowhere one of the showers just flips on. At first I called out to see if there had been someone behind the shower curtain that I'd just missed but when no one answered I went to check and sure enough, the stall was empty but the water was running now. I turned it off and went to bed but it was really weird and I still don't know how that could have happened.
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