Hidalgo Theater
Colima is a small city located in the western area of Mexico, 30 minutes from the pacific ocean and 30 minutes from the Volcano Of Colima, a place I will talk about in future posts due to its High Strangeness and Thin Places, and all around strangeness.
Anyway--this story is about the Teatro Hidalgo, or Hidalgo Theatre. Built in the late 1800´s and early 1900´s, it is a place that has seen its share of deaths, accidents, wars, and pestilence. It´s only natural that ghosts would abide here.
My story takes place are 1996. I was working for the Department of Arts and Culture and was planning a film event in this theatre. So, one evening I decided to stop by and do some planning with the people in charge of the theatre, who were normally there during the evening hours. The side door ( that leads onto the stage) was open, so I went in. Once on the stage ( curtains were open) I called out to the people in charge by name. Nothing. I looked up at the sound booth and thought I could see someone/something moving up there so I called out again. Nada. Suddenly, to the right, I hear voices and even some laughter coming from the dressing rooms ( the dressing rooms were on a sort of narrow second floor adjacent to the stage). So, not thinking anything weird was going on, I made my way there. As I came closer I could still hear several voice behind the door. When I opened the door, the voice stopped suddenly. The small room is full of mirrors and costumes and the likes and nothing else. I started to suddenly feel like I was being watched by something not quite nice. My heart began to race and I quickly stepped out and closed the door. As I did, I began to hear voices behind another door, on the other side of the stage. I thought--get a grip on yourself, sounds bounce, especially in a theatre. So, I went to the other door, and as I arrived I heard the voice louder, I opende the door and agian, silence. Inside it was sort of dark, and there was nothing there but a piano. Ok, I thought, this is not good. Again, I stood in the middle of the stage and called out. This time I heard laughter coming from the box seats. I ran like the wind out of there! BUT it´s not over. I had to return later that evening to talk to someone ( anyone by then) so I returned about 7pm. Again I went up to the stage area, and while there, I saw an old man dressed in a janitor´s outfit come towards me. At first he seemed reluctant, he wouldn´t really look at me ( I was ready to run out of there again!). He finally came close and slowly placed his hand on my shoulder and even gave me a little squeeze, and he said to me--oh, you´re for real. I wasn´t sure if you were really human or not, sorry. You see, about this time of the evening a young lady walks across the stage wearing a long skirt, like you are now, but she´s not real. I tried to touch her once and she disappeared. I was pretty much eager to get the heck out of there before she showed up, but at the same time I was happy to know that I wasn´t crazy and what had happened earlier was not my imagination. I lived in Colima for about 20 years and I´ve got pleanty of stories to tell. This is definitly a Thin Place!
Submitted by:
Claudia CV