Emory - Dickey Dr
June 2024
Most days, I walk on the forested side of Dickey Drive at Emory's Atlanta campus. On this day, the strangeness started when a finch flew down near me and screeched to get my attention before flying for about a minute closely around me. Not normal, not necessarily anything to worry about.
As I went further down the street, I felt like a person was behind me. It's a narrow sidewalk, so it's not entirely unusual. When I glanced over my shoulder, I saw a person with a white T-shirt in the corner of my eye — blurry. I started to cross the street to give them room, but when I looked fully behind me, that person in the T-shirt was about fifty yards behind me, not right over my shoulder as I had seen when I glanced.
I glanced a second time, again seeing this person directly behind me, only for them to be a significant distance on a second look. Not sure what this was but it was very unsettling
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