SR 29 Immokalee
A friend and I were heading from Lee county Florida to fort Lauderdale Florida for a work-related training. We had stopped by a little gas station as we got onto State road 29 and made our way towards I-75. It was about 8:00 p.m. at night it was pitch dark and there were no other cars on the road at the time. As we are getting closer to I-75 we began to pass a long stretch of road that had high chain link fence and nothing but wilderness all around. In the distance not too far from us we saw a big bird swoop down and land in the middle of the lane we are traveling on. As we got closer we could see it was an owl that stood roughly two and a half to three feet tall. We slowed down and approached very slowly anticipating that the animal would fly away. The closer we got to the animal we could see it was definitely an owl, but it remained standing in the lane. The owls stared at us as we approached.It was definitely an hour and we felt as those if we used up towards it it would eventually get scared to fly off. Much to our surprise, we were able to get so close to the animal that we could no longer see it. We stayed parked in the road for 45 seconds to a minute as we were really surprised that the animal did not get scared and fly away. My friend and I discussed at the time if we thought that the animal was still there and if we should simply begin to drive forward again. We also thought about getting out of the car getting out of the SUV and looking to see if the animal was still there or maybe even perhaps injured. Looking back on the situation, we could have probably put the vehicle in reverse. The behavior of the animal was so unexpected I don't think either of us really quite understood what to do in that situation. It really did not make sense for an animal to see lights coming, fly towards the lights, and then land in the middle of the lane that the vehicle was approaching. As we waited those 45 seconds to a minute which seems like forever, we continue to discuss what to do next. Like I said, we were in the middle of nowhere and there were no other cars. Suddenly the animal took off flying towards the windshield. It's wingspan was almost as big as the windshield. My friend and I let out a huge scream and we were completely startled and surprised. The animal remained in the road for such a long time it's behavior seemed so bizarre. Looking back on the situation and investigating a little bit about the area, I know that area is near a reservation it makes me wonder if that wasn't really an owl that we had encountered and maybe something else.
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