Santa cruz
When i was 6-9, I used to sit close to the street in front of my neighbor's house because I liked to see the cars passing while I waited for my mom to come from work. One night I was skipping stones on the dirt and watching the cars pass and I realized that there were no cars passing for a while. This was always a jam-packed highway no matter the time so I was a little spooked about it, so I looked far away into both sides of the streets to see if there was a car, a person, something but there was nothing. I stared at the street at what it felt to be forever, I didn't hear a soul, not even inside my neighbor's house.
I sat by the open gate and felt the hairs on my neck rising up. Suddenly the Lamps that lit up the streets were blinking as if an outage was about to happen (Quite common in that area) so I was going inside my neighbor's home when suddenly, a beam of white light lit the streets and above my house. I always had light sensitivity so I tried to look up to see what it was and I couldn't see anything, all I could tell it was just my house that was under the light. The next second i got up from my bed, I felt extremely odd, i was 100% certain I was not dreaming, and I woke up without feeling any grogginess from the morning which i never did. I patted my pillow looking for my glasses and they were on my counter (I never left them there) instead, under my pillow was the rock i was skipping in the "dream". I didn't know what weird things like UFOs, Visions, or Ghosts were at the time, I had neither a TV nor internet.
I never felt normal after that. I never forgot that. And when i asked what happened the previous day to my neighbors and how i got home. They said i shouted from outside that i was going home and didn't enter. My mom said when she got home i was already in bed, fully clothed and with my glasses on still, so she removed them and covered me.
I still wonder if i dreamt or if i was abducted somehow.
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