Caledon, Ontario
I completely forgot about this story until 5 or so months ago when a friend and I were talking about weird experiences we’ve had. When the subject of Wendigo’s got brought up, I had to look up a picture as I had never heard about them before. When I clicked images, my blood ran cold and I IMMEDIATELY started crying. So, a couple years ago I used to work a landscaping job about 45 minutes away from my home, towards Toronto. I would have to leave at 4:40 am when the sky was pitch black- keep in mind that there are ZERO street lights, and the highway is surrounded by thick undisturbed forests and farmers fields. At that time the roads were empty thanks to C0VID, except for the rare passerby every 5 or so minutes. This highway has two lanes on both sides, with a turning lane running down most of it to connect the endless backroads. So anyways now that I have painted the picture, about 15 minutes into my drive, everything was normal as always. I was in the right lane merging left to pass a slow car, and a transport truck was coming towards us in the far right lane on the opposite side. As I was passing the car, the rig was about 100m away. I looked to my right and saw this large deer-shaped shadow with horns bolt across the roadway. I immediately started panicking as I knew the deer wouldn’t get across the road before the transport truck passed. But as it ran right in front of the rig, it didn’t light up. I saw no brown, as a deer should be. All I saw was this f#king shadow thing turn and look in my direction as it MORPHED and STOOD UP on its hind legs into this large, disfigured creature with a large hunched over back, hooved feet, massive antlers and a very odd shaped back end. As it SHOULD have gotten hit, it disappeared. I swear to every god out there this thing was about 8-9 feet tall, as its antlers were above the top of the rigs hood. I remembered thinking “… it didn’t get hit?”, and then realized what had just happened. My blood ran COLD and I immediately got a sinking feeling in my stomach. I remember texting my friend right after it happened as I didn’t believe what just transpired right in front of my eyes. And to any people who may think I was just tired or my eyes were playing tricks on me… I can assure you neither of those things are true. I have still, to this day, NEVER had that sinking gut feeling like something was horribly wrong. I will attach the picture that describes almost EXACTLY what I saw. Again, when I saw it, my blood ran cold.
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