Ross Pond State Park
Back in 2021 I was doing a lot of DoorDashing during the summer. It was my only source of income at the time and so I would usually go with a friend for safety reasons because I would drive far. This time I went alone and stayed in an area close enough to my hometown. I was fine doing orders on my own until I got an order for BK and it took me toward the park instead of the restaurant. I didn't notice where I was until the map started glitching. I ended the order because if my phone was acting up then I couldn't work. I started to drive home while listening to my music when I came to a bend in the road. I was driving carefully through the woods, and it was pitch black. But as I rounded the corner, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It looked like a male deer standing on its hind legs but without hooves and much taller. It slammed my back passenger side window, and I slammed on the gas, pedal to the medal, blew the stop sign and went home. After a small panic attack, I looked at the window with my friend and we both confirmed there was definitely something there that night as there were hand marks/scratches on my window.
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