Liminal Earth (originally Liminal Seattle) was started by Garrett Kelly, co-founder of Hollow Earth Radio, and Jeremy Puma, local Seattle author and animist. In 2017, we started tracking our weirdnesses — dreams, ‘coincidences’, strange encounters, etc. — on a personal level. One day, we kind of simultaneously had the idea to start putting our experiences on a map, and Garrett suggested we open it up to anyone.
We’ve long wanted to do something that acts sort of like ‘Google Trends’ (which tracks sudden spikes on google search queries) for the collective unconscious. This map is an extension of that, because we’re trying to see if there are strange places or experiences that are actually quite common but go unnoticed because everyone is afraid to talk about this weird stuff happening to them.
Is there a specific place where you’ve seen fairies, ghosts, bigfoot, time travelers, extraterrestrials, ultraterrestrials, crow conferences, sentient lawn computers, lanyard’d ogres, broccoli wizards, etc.? Does your town have an urban legend you’d love to get to the bottom of?
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